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Unit 1 Geographical Features and Natural Resources

1. How many states are there in the Un ited States? And which two states are geographically separated from the others? (50, Alaska, Hawaii)

2. What are the gen eral characters of the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachia n Mountains.

1) To the west of Atla ntic coastal plain lie the Appalachia n Mountains that begi n in Can ada and reach all the way to Georgia and Alabama. These are old mountains with roun ded tops and wooded hills, usually not exceed ing 800m in height. The highest point is only 2000m above the sea. Most of the mountain ridges are low eno ugh to be easily crossed by moder n highways. The Appalachia ns have much beautiful sce nery and many tourist resorts. The Ohio and the Tenn essee Rivers flow dow n the western slopes of the Appalachia ns to the great Mississippi River, deep in the heart of America.

2) To the west of the Great Plai ns lie the Rocky Mountains, “ the backb one of the continent

mountains stretch all the way from Mexico to the Arctic and form what is known as Continen tal Divide, or Great Divide, the most importa nt watershed on the con ti nent. The Rockies are more tha n twice as high as the Appalachia ns and high eno ugh to receive more rain tha n the surro unding pla ins and plateaus. Con seque ntly, they are mostly forested. The strik ing and varied sce nery of the Rockies has give n rise to the establishme nt of many n atio nal parks here. The other n atural won ders in clude roam ing herds of buffalo, elk, deer, an telope and sheep, as well as the famous grizzly bear.

Chapter 2 America n Populati on

1. Why is the United States knownas a “ meltipgt ”?

It means that the US is composed of immigra nts from differe nt n ati ons all over the world.

①The people of the US are predo minan tly white.

②The sec ond most nu merous min ority in the US were the black people whose forefathers came from


③America n In dia ns were the orig inal in habita nts on the con ti nent.

④There were about 50.5 millio n Hispa nics in 2010 in the US. They are the Spani sh-speak ing immigra

nts from Lat in America n coun tries.

⑤The Chin ese America n have proved to be in dustrious and in tellige nt.

2. What factors cause the America ns to move freque ntly within the Un ited States?

①The desire for econo mic betterme nt is gen erally the most importa nt force in duci ng migrati on.

②Geographic differe nee in econo mic opport uni ty, as reflected by such factors as differe nces in

employment opportunities a nd earning power for worker血nd differences in the availability and the price of land for farmers.

③Nonecono mic factors. Such as climate, racial attitudes, and family tires, in flue ncing migrati on.

3. Why do many America ns now migrate from cities to suburbs?

①The widespread uses of automobiles and the con struct ion of express highways made it possible for

people to live farther away from their jobs.

②The teleph one reduced the n eed for them to work or live in close proximity to one ano ther.

③Suburba n areas offered more liv ing space tha n cities, lower crime rates, less polluti on, and superior

schools. It is gen erally believed that they are better place for raisi ng childre n.

Chapter 3 Discovery and Coloni zati on of the New World

1. Discuss the pre-Columbia n cultures in the Americas.

1) The Aztecs of Mexico
