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1.Vertical integration –垂直统一管理2.Markup –涨价

3.Lead time –订货和交货之间的时间4.Status Quo—现状现存情况或事态5.Market positioning–-市场定位6.Market segment—市场细分7.Executive –主管、高级执行人员8.Supervisor –监督9.Elasticity –弹性10.Differentiation –差异化11.Wholesale–批发商12.Retailer –零售商

13.Discount –折扣

14.Margin –最低利润

15.Media advertising –媒体广告16.Point of Purchase Advertising –售卖场所广告

17.Sales representative –销售代表18.Compensation –薪酬

19.Gross profit –毛利

20.Bidder –投标人


1. 如今的消费者要面对大量的产品、品牌、价格和生产厂商。

Today’s customers face a vast array of product and brand choices, prices, and suppliers.

2. 零售商们需要考虑目标市场和产品定位。

Retailer must consider target markets and product positioning.

3. 人员招聘是人力资源管理中的一个重要部分。

Recruitment is a significant part of Human Resource Management (HRM).

4. 顾客的满意度和产品质量有关。

Customer satisfaction is relative to product’s quality.

5. 每个企业都应该找到自身的竞争优势。

Every company should be aware of its competitive advantages.

6. 公司需要制订正确的战略。

A company should set the right strategy.

7. 促销的主要目的是为了扩大销售。

Sales promotion aims mostly to push more consumers toward purchases.

8. 一份损益表的基本构成是:销售,成本,盈利或亏损。

An operating statement consists of three basic components in the statement: sales, costs, and profit (or loss)


1. What are the five competitive forces that collectively determine an industry’s long term attractiveness?

Present competitors (competition among existing industry)/potential competitors/the

2. What is “Strategic group”?

A strategic group consists of firms pursuing similar strategies—that is, employing a similar mix of strategy elements.

3. What does a company’s benefit include?

Paid vacations/sick leave/holidays/medical insurance

4. What does “Total Customer Value” include?

Product/services/personnel/image values

5. What does “Total Customer Cost” include?

Monetary/time energy/psychic costs

6. Will a customer always buy a product that has highest customer delivered value? If not, what can be the possible motivation behind?

Maybe, will not.

For example: Product a from company A—“value” =product b form company B

(1)The construction firm’s buyers enjoy a long-term friendship with B

(2)The firm’s buyers might be under strict company orders to buy at the lowest company

(3)The construction form rewards its buyers for short-term performance, causing them to

choose the less expensive b, even though a will perform better and be less expensive to operate in long run.

7. What is Just-In-Time System?

An increasing popular method of managing operations, including inventory control and production planning, is the just in time (JIT) system.

Like MRP, just in time system aims to have only the right amounts of materials arrive at precisely the times they are needed.

A manufacturer produces only enough to fill orders when they are due thus eliminating finished-goods inventory.

8. What is net profit? How is it different from net sales?

Net profit-at the bottom of the statement-is what the company earned from its operations during a particular period. It is the amount left after the cost of sales and the expenses are subtracted from net sales. Net sales and net profit are not the same. Many firms have large sales and no profits-they may even have losses.

9. Too many retailers fail to define their target markets and positions clearly. What is the common mistake they normally make?

Too many retailers fail to define their target markets and positions clearly. They try to have “something for everyone” and end up satisfying no market well.

10. What are the 4 ‘P’s in the marketing 4 ‘P’s?

