牛津译林版七年级上册Unit 7《Shopping》(第2课时)word教案

牛津译林版七年级上册Unit 7《Shopping》(第2课时)word教案
牛津译林版七年级上册Unit 7《Shopping》(第2课时)word教案

Unit 7 Shopping

Reading (I)

I. Teaching aims and learning objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. identify specific information about shopping from reading the conversations;

2. use the expressions to talk with shoppers or customers;

3. cherish their presents and love their parents and friends.

II. Teaching contents

1. New words and expressions: shopkeeper, cost, cheap, last, hair clip, match, pink, pretty, enough, change, just a minute, take a look, last year’s cards, different kinds of, different from

2. New structures: Can I help you? /What can I do for you?

How much do they cost? /How much are they?

They’re two yuan each.

They match her pink coat.

I’ll take them.

Here’s your change.

III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty

1. Understand words and expressions in a conversation about shopping;

2. Use the words and expressions to talk about shopping.

IV. Teaching procedures

Step 1 Lead-in

T: Christmas is coming. Do you remember what present Danie l would like to buy for Simon? S: Yes, he would like to buy some stamps for Simon because Simon likes collecting stamps.

T: Right. I also want to buy some presents for my daughter.

【设计意图:激活学生的旧知,以旧带新,降低难度,激发学生兴趣,顺利进入新课。】Step 2 New words learning

T: My daughter’s birthday is coming. What do you think I can buy for my daughter? S: I think you can buy ...


T: Yes, I think a hair clip is a good choice. It is a pink one. It looks very pretty. The pink hair clip is pretty. Read the new words after me: pink, hair clip, pretty. T: OK, let’s take a look at the girl. The pink hair clip m atches her pink dress well. Read the following new words and expressions after me: take a look, match. T: How much does the hair clip cost? It is one yuan. It is very cheap. I have enough money. Read the new words after me: cost, cheap, enough.

T: Boys and girls, here is a task for you. Ca n you fill in the missing words or expressions in the passage?

Miss Lu buys a h________ for her daughter. It is p______ and p_______. Let’s t__________. Oh, it m_______ her daughter’s dress very well. It only c_______ (her) one yuan. It is very c_______. She has e________ money to buy it. We think her daughter will like it very much.


Step 3 Reading

1. Pre-reading.

wants to


2. While-reading.

(1) Finish Part B1 on Page 83.

(2) Finish Part B2 on Page 83.

(3) Finish Part B3 on Page 84.


3. Post-reading.

Act out the dialogue.


Step 4 Brainstorming

To discuss what a customer or a shopkeeper says while shopping.


Step 5 Practice

1. Help the teacher buy the hair clip for her daughter in the shop.

A: Can I help you? /What can I do for you?

B: I’d like to ...

A: Just a minute. Take a look. ... match ...

B: How much ...?

A: It is ...

B: Oh, it is not cheap. I’ll take it.

2. Here are three situations of shopping for you to pr actice conversations. Situation 1: Y ou are in the clothes shop. The shopkeeper te lls you that the red dress is 100 yuan and it matches your shoes. You like it very much. Make

a conversation about this.

Situation 2: Your classmate Daniel is often late for school. You want to buy a clock for him. You give the shopkeeper 30 yuan. Make a conversation about


Situation 3: You want to buy a new pair of shoes. The red pair looks very pretty, but they are 100 yuan. You don’t have enough money. Make a conversation

about this.


Step 6 Discussion

Discuss how to use money wisely.


V. Homework

1. Recite the two conversations;

2. Make a new conver sation about shopping.
