




Olympic Games

The custom of lighting an Olympic Flame comes from the ancient Greek. During the Ancient Olympic Games, a sacred [‘sekrd] 宗教的;神圣的 flame was lit from a site at Olympia, and stayed lit until the Games were completed. It was first introduced into the Modern Olympics at the 1928 Amsterdam Games ( the capital of the Netherlands ;Holland) . Since then, the flame has come to represent “ the light of spirit ,knowledge, and life .”

The Torch Relay also began at the Ancient Olympics and came back into use at the 1963 Berlin Games. From the beginning, the torch was lit at Olympia in Greece and then carried by relay to the host-city of the games. The last runner carries the torch into Olympic Stadium during the Opening Ceremony. The flame is then lit from the torch and remains lit until it stops burning during the Closing Ceremony. The Torch Relay represents the passing of Olympic customs from one generation to the next.)

( 奥林匹克运动会曾在两次世界大战中中断过三次,分别是在公元1916、1940和1944年 )


I. Ancient Olympic Games 古代奥运会

1. When was the first Olympic Games held? 第一次奥运会在何时举行?


2. Where was it held? 第一次奥运会在哪里举行?

Olympia, Greece.希腊奥林匹亚城。

3. Who could compete in the Olympics? 什么样人可以参加奥运会?

The Olympics were open to any free born Greek in the world. There were separate mens’and boys’divisions for the events. 奥运会面向全世界的所有有人身自由权利的希腊人开放, 分成人组和少儿组。

4. Were women allowed at the Olympics? 妇女可以参加奥运会吗?

Not only were women not permitted to compete personally, married women were also barred from attending the games, under penalty of death. 妇女不仅不能参加,而且已婚妇女如果出席奥运会将会被判处死刑。

5. At that time, what prizes did Olympic victors get? 古


A crown made from olive leaves.一个由橄榄树叶做成的桂冠。

6. Where did people get the Olympic flame for the first Olympic Games? 第一次奥运会人们从哪里采集奥运圣火?Olympia.奥林匹亚城。

7. What was used to light the torch at that time? 那时侯用什么点燃火炬?

The sun’s rays. 阳光。

8. What does the torch relay stand for? 火炬传递意味着什么?

Spirit, knowledge and life.精神,知识和生命。

9. When did the Olympic Torch Relay begin? 奥运火炬传递从什么时候开始?

The concept was revived in 1928 in Amsterdam. The Olympic Torch Relay has be en a tradition since 年在阿姆斯特丹的奥运会上这一思想又被重新启用。奥运火炬是从1952年以来一直沿用的一种传统。

10. Was the marathon one of the ancient Olympic events? 古代奥运会有马拉松运动吗?Where did the marathon come from?马拉松运动的起源是什么?Never没有。It came from the story in the 5th century how a herald named P hidippides ran the 26 miles from Marathon to Athens to announce the Greek victory and

died on the spot.


II. Olympic Traditions 奥运传统

11. What’s the meaning of the five interlocked rings?奥运的五环标志是什么含义?

The Olympic symbol, five interlocked rings, represents the union of the five original

major continents (Africa, America, Asia, Australia and Europe).The five colors

of the rings, which always appear in the same order, are, from top to bottom

and left to right: blue, black, red, yellow and green. According the Olympic Charter,

the Olympic five interlocked rings are the embodiment of the Olympic Movement.五环代表五大州,即非洲,美洲,亚洲,大洋洲和欧洲的联合。五种颜色从上往下,从左到右依次是:蓝色,黑色,红色,黄色和绿色。根据奥运宪章, 这五环正是奥林匹克运动的体现。

12. What is the Olympic motto? 奥林匹克格言是什么?

The Olympic motto “Swifter, Higher, Stronger.” expresses

the aspirations of all the athletes in the Olympic Movement. 奥林匹克格言“更快、更高、更强”充分表达了奥林匹克运动倡导的不断进取、永不满足的奋斗精神。

13. What is the Olympic creed? 奥林匹克的原则是什么?

“The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.”“在奥林匹克运动会上,重要的不是取胜,而是参加。正如在生活中最重要的事情不是胜利,而是斗争;不是征服,而是奋力拼搏。”

14. Who is the founder of the modern Olympic Games? 现代奥运的发起者是谁?Coubertin, 顾拜旦 In 1894, Pierre de Coubertin launched his project to rest

ore the Olympic Games, and in 1896 the first modern Olympic Games took place in

Athens. 奥运之父顾拜旦从1894开始准备重新发起奥运会。1896年第一届现代奥运会在雅典举行。

15. What is the Olympic oath? 奥运会的誓言是什么?

The oath is “In the name of all competitors, I promise that we shall take part in these Olympic Games, respecting and abiding by the rules which govern them, committing ourselves to a sport without doping and without drugs, in the true spirit

sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and the honour of our teams.”“我,谨代表全体运动员,誓以至诚,参加奥林匹克运动会,恪遵大会一切规章,愿以真正的运动员精神,发扬运动光辉,争取队誉。”

16. What is the Olympic Spirit? 什么是奥运精神?

The Olympic Spirit is the spirit of mutual understanding, friendship, solidarity and fair play. 奥运精神是: 理解, 友爱, 团结和公平。

III. General Olympic Information 奥运常识

17. When and where was the first modern Olympic Games held? 第一届现代奥运会什么时候在哪举行?

1896 Athens,年希腊雅典。

18.What do the winners receive at the modern Olympic games?现代奥运会获胜者会受到何种奖励?

Gold, silver and bronze medals.金牌, 银牌和铜牌。

19. How often are the Olympic games held? 奥林匹克比赛多少年举行一次?

Every four years.每4年举行一次。

20. How many Olympic Games have been held? 奥运会已举行了多少届?

25 届。

20. How many Olympic Games have been held? 奥运会已举


25 届。

21. Is there an age limit for Olympic athletes? 奥运会对运动员有年龄限制吗?

The only age limit for Olympic competitors are prescribed for health and safety reasons, diving (minimum of 14), judo (15 or older), soccer (under 23), team handball (over 18), weightlifting (17 or older) and wrestling (must be at least 17 on day of Opening Ceremonies). 奥运会对运动员年龄的限制主要从安全和健康的方面来考虑, 其中: 跳水最低年龄14岁, 柔道15岁以上, 足球23岁, 手球18岁以上, 举重17岁以上, 摔跤必须在17岁以上。

22. What happens in the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the Olympic Games?开幕式和闭幕式有什么节目?

Music, singing, dancing and fireworks. 音乐,歌曲,舞蹈,焰火。

23. What’s the significance of the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the Olympic Games?

开幕式和闭幕式有何意义?To discover the culture of the country hosting the Games. 发掘和表现举办国家的文化。

24. How many Olympic Winter Games were held before? 曾举办过多少届冬季奥运会?18届

25. What are the dates for the next Olympic Winter Games?下届冬季奥运会何时举办? In Turin, Italy, Feb. 11-26, 2006. 2006年2月11日至26日于意大利都灵举办。

26. Which countries took part in every Olympic Games? 哪些国家每届奥运会都参加过?

Greece, Britain, Switzerland, Australia 希腊,英国,瑞士,澳大利亚。

27. Which country hosted the Olympic Games for the most times? 哪个国家举办奥运会次数最多?

The A (7 times) 美国,举办过7次。

IV. Olympic Organizations 奥运组织

28. What does IOC stand for? IOC代表什么?

IOC:the International Olympic Committee (June 23, 1894,Paris) 国际奥委会,于1894年6月23日在巴黎成立。

29. Where is IOC located? 国际奥委会座落在哪里?In Lausanne(洛桑), Switzerland.瑞士的洛桑。

30. What do the following abbreviations stand for? 以下简写形式分别代表什么?IFs : International Sports Federations(国际体育联合会)

NOCs: the National Olympic Committees(国家奥委会)

OCOGs: Organizing Committees of the Olympic Games (奥组委)

31. Who is the first Chinese member of IOC?国际奥委会的第一位中国成员是谁? Wang Zhengting.王正廷。

32.How many Chinese have been elected as IOC members? 共有多少位中国人先后被选为国际奥委会成员?

Before 1949, the Liberation of China, three Chinese were elected as IOC members. Kong Xiangxi(1939)was a famous one. 在1949年解放以前有三位,其中孔详熙是最有名的一位。After 1970s, four Chinese from the sport world elected as IOC members. He Zhenliang is the most 年代以后,体坛有四位中国人被选为其成员,何振梁是最有名的一位。

V. Olympic Sports and Famous Athletes


33. What time can the marathon date back to? 马拉松可以追溯到何时?

It can date back to the 5th century 追溯到公元前5世纪。

34. What’s the distance the modern Olympic marathon covers? 现代奥林匹克马拉松全程有多长?

Approximately 26 miles.大约26英里。

35. How long does it take for athletes to finish? 运动员要花多长时间跑完全程? It usually takes over 2 hours for athletes to finish. 通常要花2个多小时。

36. How many Olympic disciplines do aquatics consist of?


Four disciplines: Swimming, Water polo, Diving, and Synchronized swimming.四项:游泳,水球,潜水,花样游泳。

37.Who is the best jump player who broke the world record for 13 times in the world? 谁是历史上成绩最佳的跳高运动员,并打破世界记录13次?

Sergei Bobka, 1984, he broke the world record for 13 times. (Pole Vault)乌克兰运动员布伯卡。自1984年起,打破世界记录13次。 (撑高跳)

38. Who won the most gold medals at one Olympic Games? 在一次奥运会上赢得奥运金牌最多的运动员是谁?

Mark Spitz dominated in the Munich pool of 1972, accumulating an incredible seven

gold medals。马克.斯毗茨在1972年慕尼黑奥运会赢得另人难以置信的7枚游泳项目金牌。

39. When did China begin to take part in the Olympic Games? 中国何时起开始参加奥运会?

China took part in the Olympic Games in 1928. 于1928年。

40. Where did China begin to take part in the Olympic Games? 中国在何地开始参加奥运会?

In Holland.在荷兰。

41.How many Olympic Games have Chinese athletes

participated in? 中国运动员参加过多少届奥运会?

Six Olympic Games.参加过六届。

42.Which Olympic Games have Chinese athletes participated in? 中国运动员共参加了哪几届奥运会?

15th, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th Olympic Games.


43. How many gold medals have been won by Chinese at the Olympic Games?中国共取得过多少枚金牌?

From the 23rd Olympic Games, Chinese athletes have won 55 gold medals.


44. In what sports do we Chinese do best? 中国人最擅长哪些运动项目? Badminton(羽毛球)Diving(跳水)

Weightlifting (举重) Women’s Judo (女子柔道)

Gymnastics men’s team event (男子体操)Shooting(射

击) Table Tennis(乒乓球)

Women’s Soccer(女子足球)

45. Who was China’s first medallist? 谁是中国第一个金牌获得者?

Xu Haifeng.徐海峰。

46. Who is the first Chinese woman to win a gold medal in the Olympic women’s balance beam competition?中国第一


Liu Xuan. 刘旋。

47. Who won four gold medals in diving events at the 25th, 26th, 27th Olympic Games? 连续在第25, 26, 27 次奥运会上获得四块跳水金牌的选手是谁?

Diving Queen(跳水皇后): Fu Mingxia(伏明霞)

48. Who won the first gold medal in Men’s Gymnastic for China?谁在男子体操比赛


奥林匹克运动会(英语:Olympic Games 希腊语:Ολυμπιακο? Αγ?νε?),简称“奥运会”,是一个由国际奥林匹克委员会主办的国际性综合运动会,包括夏季奥林匹克运动会、冬季奥林匹克运动会、青少年奥林匹克运动会、残疾人奥林匹克运动会、听障奥林匹克运动会和特殊奥林匹克运动会。奥林匹克运动会每四年举办一次(曾在两次世界大战中中断三次,分别为公元1916年、1940年和1944年),每届会期不超过16天。 奥林匹克运动会因起源于古希腊奥林匹亚(Olympia)而得名。古代奥运会从公元前776年到公元394年,共历经293届,后被罗马皇帝狄奥多西一世以邪教活动罪名而废止。1894年在巴黎召开的国际体育会议,根据法国贵族皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦(Pierre de Coubertin)的倡议成立了国际奥委会,并决定恢复奥运会。现代第一届奥运会于1896年在希腊雅典举行,此后在世界各地轮流举行。由于1924年开始设立了冬季奥林匹克运动会,因此奥林匹克运动会习惯上又称为“夏季奥林匹克运动会”。奥林匹克运动会现在已经成为了和平与友谊的象征。 目前,最近一届夏奥会是2008年北京奥运会,共设28个大项和302个小项。最近一届冬奥会是2006年都灵冬季奥运会,共设7个大项84个小项。下一届奥运会是2010年温哥华冬季奥运会。 新中国成立后,中国第一次派大型代表团正式参加夏季奥运会应该是1984年的第二十三届奥运会。第二十三届奥运会在美国洛杉矶举行,有140个国家和地区的7960多名运动员参加。中国派出了229人的队伍,参加了21个比赛项目中的15个比赛项目。这是中国在阔别奥运会32年之后第一次重返国际大家庭,也是中国有史以来派出的规模最大的体育代表团。与奥运会隔绝的时代结束了。中国台北体育代表团也参加了这届奥运会,海峡两岸运动员第一次同时参加夏季奥运会。正是在这届奥运会上许海峰在男子自选手枪比赛中以566环的成绩夺得了本届奥运会决出的第一块金牌,实现了中国在奥运会历史上零的突破。 第二十四届奥运会1988年9月17日在韩国的汉城举行。共有160个国家和地区的9581名运动员(其中女运动员2476人)参加了23个大项237个单项的比赛,中国奥委会派出299名运动员参赛。最终中国运动员在本届奥运会上获得5枚金牌、11枚银牌和12枚铜牌。总分数居第8位。是中国近几届奥运会成绩较差的一次。 1992年第二十五届西班牙巴塞罗那奥运会上,共有170个国家和地区的9364名运动员参加了比赛,中国派出251名运动员参加了20个项目的比赛,共获16枚金牌,22枚银牌,16枚铜牌,位于金牌榜第四名,成功占据第二集团首位位置。 1996年是现代奥运的百年诞辰,在美国亚特兰大举行的第二十六届奥运会实现了奥运家庭的大团圆。金牌榜上,美国、俄罗斯、德国分获前三,中国派出310名运动员,面对种种不利条件,团结拼搏,获得了16金22银12铜的可喜成绩,金牌、奖牌榜均列第四,实现了保持第二集团首位的预定目标。


Vocabulary Unit 1 1. Olympic Games 奥运会 2. Olympic champion 奥林匹克冠军 3. Olympic torch 奥林匹克火炬 4. Olympic record 奥林匹克纪录 5. Olympic spirit 奥林匹克精神 Unit 2 1. Olympic village 奥运村 2. Olympic competition events 奥运会比赛项目 3. Olympic mascot 奥运会吉祥物 4. Olympic relay 奥运会接力跑 5. hosting of the Olympic Games 奥运会举办权 Unit 3 1. Olympic oath 奥运会宣言 2. Olympic schedule 奥运会日程安排 3. Olympic gold medal 奥运会金牌 4. Olympic silver medal 奥运会银牌 5. Olympic bronze medal 奥运会铜牌 Unit 4 1. Olympic qualification 奥运会前的预选赛 2. eight of finals 八分之一决赛 3. four of finals 四分之一决赛 4. semi-finals 半决赛 5. finals 决赛 Unit 5 1. National Games for the Disabled 全国残疾人运动会 2. National City Games 全国城市运动会 3. National University Games 全国大学生运动会 4. National Workers’ Games 全国工人运动会 5. National Minorities Games 全国少数民族运动会 Unit 6 1. opening ceremony 开幕式 2. closing ceremony 闭幕式 3. host country 东道国 4. anthem 会歌 5. emblem 会徽 6. marching in 入场式 7. flame-lighting ceremony 火炬点火仪式 Unit 7 1. playing area 比赛区 2. competition rules 比赛规则 3. schedule 比赛日程 4. competition affairs 比赛事务 5. competition arena; ground; court 比赛场地 Unit 8 1. competition regulations 比赛条例 2. play hall 比赛厅 3. event 比赛项目 4. score 比分 5. eligibility for competition 比赛资格 Unit 9 1. exhibition match 表演赛 2. dual meet 对抗赛 3. open game 公开赛 4. farewell match 告别赛 5. extra match 附加赛 Unit 10 1. championship 锦标赛 2. qualifying match 及格赛 3. vital match 护级赛 4. league match 联赛 5. warming-up match 热身赛

介绍奥运会的英语作文 The Olympic Games

介绍奥运会的英语作文 The Olympic Games The Olympic Games are held every four years in a different city in the world. Athletes from different countries compete in a variety of sports which are divided into winter and sum mer games. 奥运会每隔四年在世界上一个不同的城市举办一次。来自不同国家的运动员在各类运动项目中角逐。这些运动项目又分为冬季项目和夏季项目。The Olympics began in Greece more than 2 700 years ago. The first recorded Olympic competition was held in 776 B. C. It was held in an outdoor stadium and about forty thousand people watched the event. The first thirteen Olympics consisted of only one race running. The games had been held regularly for about 1 200 years. Then, in the year 397 the Olympics were prohibited by the Roman Emporor. 奥运会起源于2 700多年前的希腊。第一次有记载的奥运会竞赛举办于公元前776年。比赛是在露天体育场进行的,大约有4万人观看了比赛。前天十三届的奥运会只有一个项目:赛跑。奥运会一直定期举办了约 1 200年,然后,公元397年,被罗马皇帝禁止举办。 It was not until 1896 that the first Olympics of modern times were held in Athens. From then on the games are held every four years rugularly. The Olympics have become the world’s most important


田径词汇、田径类英语词汇跳远:long/broad jump 三级跳:triple jump 跳高:high jump 长跑:long-distance race 竞走:walking, walking race 标枪:javelin throw 铁饼:discus throw 跨栏:hurdling 马拉松赛跑:Marathon(race) 五项全能:pentathlon 七项全能:heptathlon 十项全能:decathlon 体操词汇、体操类英文词汇 双杠:parallel bars 单杠:horizontal bar 跳马:vaulting horse 鞍马:pommel horse 平衡木:balance beam 自由体操:flor/free exercises 其他体育类词汇 跆拳道:taekwondo 柔道:judo 摔跤:wrestling 冰球运动:ice hockey 冰上运动:ice sports 滑水:water-skiing 皮艇:canoeing 击剑:fencing 毽子:shuttlecock 踢毽子:shuttlecock kicking 举重:weightlifting 垒球:softball 手球:handball 曲棍球:hockey; field hockey 赛艇:rowing 跳伞:parachuting 保龄球:bowling 赛马:horse race 马术:equestrian sports 航空运动 aviation/air/flying sports 奥运会词汇、奥运英语词汇 奥林匹克火炬:Olympic torch 奥林匹克圣火:Olympic flame 奥林匹克誓词:Olympic oath 奥运村:Olympic village 奥运会城:Olympic city 奥运项目:Olympic events 奥运选手:Olympian 东道国:host country 国际奥委会:International Olympic Committee (IOC) 国际奥委会主席:president of the IOC 组织委员会:Organizing Committee 会歌:anthem 会徽:emblem 会旗:flag of the games 金牌:gold medal 银牌:silver medal 铜牌:bronze medal 开幕式:opening ceremony


奥运英语演讲稿(精选多篇) 奥运英语演讲稿 ladies and gentlemen: good morning! today, my speech is "i am the part of the green olympics". "green olympics" is one of the three themes of beijing XX olympic games. therefore the beijing government had made a great effort in order to protect the environment, build more "green project", keep the ecological balance, push the recycling economy, and protect the water resource. but if only the government take the action to realize the green olympics in XX, its not enough. as a beijing high school student, we should play an active role in the actions aimed at the realization of green olympics. so we should start it from ourselves, our family, our friends and other people around us. in XX, in the moscow world trade center, when the former chairman of the international olympic mittee, samaranch had said: "beijing, china!" as a beijing citizen, as a chinese, i had a great joy for my city, for my home country from the bottom of my heart! but after the excitement that beijing had been succeed in the race to host the olympic game in XX. i started to worry about the dusty air, the sandstorm, the polluted rivers and lakes; the streets without any green and whether we could successfully host the olympic games in XX. four years later, today, we can see 229 day blue sky in one year, we can hardly catch a glimpse of the sandstorm, groups of wild duck es back to 第1 页共1 页 shishahai lake in the spring, and all the streets are dressed in


奥运会英语作文加翻译 奥运会英语作文加翻译让你有更好的阅读体验。下面是小编给大家整理的奥运会英语作文加翻译的相关知识,供大家参阅! 奥运会英语作文加翻译篇1 Olympic Games as the Olympic Games,which will include Xiaao,the Olympic and Paralympic Games,Green Olympics and Special Olympics.International Olympic Committee is sponsored by the project include a variety of international sports games,held once every four years.The first Olympic Games originated in ancient Greece (776 BC),due to held in Olympia named.The end of the 19th century by the French Baron Coubertin founded the true sense of the modern Olympic Games. 中文: 奥林匹克运动会简称奥运会,它包括夏奥会、冬奥会、残奥会、青奥会和特奥会.是国际奥林匹克委员会主办的包含多种体育运动项目的国际性运动会,每四年举行一次.奥林匹克运动会最早起源于古希腊(公元前776年),因举办地在奥林匹亚而得名.19世纪末由法国的顾拜旦男爵创立了真正意义上的现代奥林匹克运动会. 奥运会英语作文加翻译篇2 Olympic Games,international athletic competition,held every four years at a different city site.A modified revival of the Olympian Games,the Olympic


奥运相关英语知识|奥运会的英语 I. Ancient Olympic Games 古代奥运会 1. When was the first Olympic Games held? 第一次奥运会在何时举行? B.C.776. 公元前776年。 2. Where was it held? 第一次奥运会在哪里举行? Olympia, Greece.希腊奥林匹亚城。 3. Who could compete in the Olympics? 什么样人可以参加奥运会? The Olympics were open to any free born G reek in the world. There were separate mens" and boys" divisions for the events. 奥运会面向全世界的所有有人 身自由权利的希腊人开放, 分成人组和少儿组。 4. Were women allowed at the Olympics? 妇女可以参加奥运会吗? Not only were women not permitted to compete personally, married women were also barred from attending the games, under penalty of death. 妇女不仅不 能参加,而且已婚妇女如果出席奥运会将会被判处死刑。 5. At that time, what prizes did Olympic victors get? 古代奥运会上获胜的 选手能得到何种奖励? A crown made from olive leaves.一个由橄榄树叶做成的桂冠。 6. Where did people get the Olympic flame for the first Olympic Games? 第 一次奥运会人们从哪里采集奥运圣火?Olympia. 奥林匹亚城。 7. What was used to light the torch at that time? 那时侯用什么点燃火炬? The sun"s rays. 阳光。 8. What does the torch relay stand for? 火炬传递意味着什么? Spirit, knowledge and life.精神,知识和生命。 9. When did the Olympic Torch Relay begin? 奥运火炬传递从什么时候开始? The concept was revived in 1928 in Amsterdam. The Olympic Torch Relay has be en a tradition since 1952.1928年在阿姆斯特丹的奥运会上这一思想又被重新启用。奥运火炬是从1952年以来一直沿用的一种传统。


奥运的英语作文附翻译 导语:关于奥运会你知道多少?以下是小编为大家收集的几篇关于奥运的英语作文。供大家参考阅读。希望喜欢。 关于奥运的英语范文【一】 The Olynpic Games The Olympic Games, first held in 776BC, has a history of more than one thousand yiars. The Games is held every four years. Many countries try their best to bid forhosting the Olympic Games. And every country does its best to get more medals in the Games. In 2000, the city of Sidney held the 27th Olympic Games. Over one hundred countries all over the world took part in it. We won 28gold medals that year. China, a major sport country, will hold the 29th Olympic Games in 2008. People from all walks of life are participating in various activities and making good preparations for it. There are five rings on the Olympic flag, which are considered to symbolize, the five continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and America. The Olympic motto is: "Swifter, higher, stronger." The Games can promote the understanding and friendship among different peoples and different nations. 奥林匹克运动会公元前776年首次举办的奥运会,已经有一千多年的历史了。奥运会每四年举办一次。许多国家尽他们最大的努力争办奥运会。每个国家在运动会中都争取拿更多的奖牌。2000年,悉尼举办了第27届奥运会,全世界100多个国家参加了这次盛会。那年我国获得了28枚金牌。中国作为一个体育大国,将于2008年举办第29届奥运会。各条战线的人们正在为奥运会做着各项准备。奥运会的会旗上有五个环。五环被认为象征着五大洲:欧洲、亚洲、非洲、澳洲和美洲。奥运会的口号是:“更高,更快,更强。”奥运会能够促进各民族以及各个国家之间的理解和友谊。 关于奥运的英语范文【二】


奥运会英语作文(9篇) 奥运会英语作文4 奥运会英语作文8 The announcement, read out by the 81yearold Samaranch, was answered with wild jubilation from the Chinese delegation in Moscow, and with fireworks in Beijing.IOC senior member Kim UnYong said after the voting that Beijing deserved the Olympic Games. "Beijing is capable of staging a great Olympic Games," said the 71yearold South Korean. "The result wasnt a surprise to me." With the motto "New Beijing, Great Olympics", Beijing promises to host a "Green Olympics", a "Hitech Olympics" and the "Peoples Olympics". The 3,000yearold city is becoming a truly international city and showing a new, vigorous image through its ongoing economic reforms. Beijing enjoys the widest popular support among the five bidding cities. A Gallup opinion poll commissioned by the government showed 94.9 percent of the public in favor of it. The IOCs own surveys found support even higher. The Chinese government has pledged to spend 20 billion U.S. dollars building sports complexes and refurbishing the Beijing


关于奥运的英语作文(附翻译) 关于奥运的英语作文(附翻译) 导语:关于奥运会你知道多少?以下是小编为大家收集的几篇关于奥运的英语。供大家参考阅读。希望喜欢。 关于奥运的英语范文【一】 The Olynpic Games The Olympic Games, first held in 776BC, has a history of more than one thousand yiars. The Games is held every four years. Many countries try their best to bid forhosting the Olympic Games. And every country does its best to get more medals in the Games. In 2000, the city of Sidney held the 27th Olympic Games. Over one hundred countries all over the world took part in it. We won 28gold medals that year. China, a major sport country, will hold the 29th Olympic Games in 2008. People from all walks of life are participating in various activities and making good preparations for it. There are five rings on the Olympic flag, which are considered to symbolize, the five continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and America. The Olympic motto is: "Swifter, higher, stronger." The Games can promote the understanding and friendship among different peoples and different nations. 奥林匹克运动会公元前776年首次举办的奥运会,已经有一千多年的历史了。奥运会每四年举办一次。许多国家尽他们最大的.努力争办奥运会。每个国家在运动会中都争取拿更多的奖牌。2000年,悉尼举办了第27届奥运会,全世界100多个国家参加了这次盛会。那年我国获得了28枚金牌。中国作为一个体育大国,将于2008年举办第29届奥运会。各条战线的人们正在为奥运会做着各项准备。奥运会的会旗上有五个环。五环被认为象征着五大洲:欧洲、亚洲、非洲、澳洲和美洲。奥运会的口号是:“更高,更快,更强。”奥运会能够促进各民族以及各个国家之间的理解和友谊。

介绍奥运会的英语作文 The Olympic Games

介绍奥运会的英语作文The Olympic Games The Olympic Games are held every four years in a different city in the world. Athletes from different countries compete in a variety of sports which are divided into winter and sum mer games. 奥运会每隔四年在世界上一个不同的城市举办一次。来自不同国家的运动员在各类运动项目中角逐。这些运动项目又分为冬季项目和夏季项目。 The Olympics began in Greece more than 2 700 years ago. The first recorded Olympic competition was held in 776 B. C. It was held in an outdoor stadium and about forty thousand people watched the event. The first thirteen Olympics consisted of only one race running. The games had been held regularly for about 1 200 years. Then, in the year 397 the Olympics were prohibited by the Roman Emporor. 奥运会起源于2 700多年前的希腊。第一次有记载的奥运会竞赛举办于公元前776年。比赛是在露天体育场进行的,大约有4万人观看了比赛。前天十三届的奥运会只有一个项目:赛跑。奥运会一直定期举办了约1 200年,然后,公元397年,被罗马皇帝禁止举办。 It was not until 1896 that the first Olympics of modern times were held in Athens. From then on the games are held every four years rugularly. The Olympics have become the world's most important athletic events and a symbol of sporting friendship of all the people of the world. 直到1896年,第一届现代奥运会在雅典举行。从那时起,奥运会定期每四年举行一次。奥运会已成为世界上最重要的运动赛事,也是全世界人民在运动中体现友谊的象征。 1/ 1


奥运英语 篇一:奥运会运动项目英文名称汇总 奥运会运动项目英文名称汇总 篇二:英文版奥运历史简介 olympicgames ThecustomoflightinganolympicFlamecomesfromtheancientgreek.Duringt heAncientolympicgames,asacred[‘sekrd]宗教的;神圣的flamewaslitfromasiteatolympia,andstayedlituntilthegameswerecompleted. Itwasfirstintroducedintothemodernolympicsatthe1928Amsterdamgames(t hecapitalofthenetherlands;holland).sincethen,theflamehascometorepresent “thelightofspirit,knowledge,andlife.”TheTorchRelayalsobeganattheAncientolympicsandcamebackintouseatthe 1963berlingames.Fromthebeginning,thetorchwaslitatolympiaingreeceandt hencarriedbyrelaytothehost-cityofthegames.Thelastrunnercarriesthetorchi ntoolympicstadiumduringtheopeningceremony.Theflameisthenlitfromthet orchandremainslituntilitstopsburningduringtheclosingceremony.TheTorch Relayrepresentsthepassingofolympiccustomsfromonegenerationtothenext. ) (奥林匹克运动会曾在两次世界大战中中断过三次,分别是在公元


奥运会英语介绍 The Olympic Games, also known as the Olympics, are an international sporting event that brings together athletes from all over the world. The Games are held every four years, with a Summer and Winter edition taking place alternately. The Summer Olympics feature various sports and disciplines, including athletics, swimming, gymnastics, diving, basketball, football, and many more. Held in a different city each time, the Games serve as a platform to showcase the physical abilities and competitive spirit of the participating athletes. The Winter Olympics focus on winter sports like skiing, snowboarding, ice hockey, figure skating, and many others. These Games require special facilities and usually take place in regions with colder climates. The combination of skill, endurance, and precision in these sports creates a unique and thrilling experience for both athletes and spectators. The Olympic Games have a rich history dating back to ancient times when they were held in Olympia, Greece. In 1896, the modern Olympic Games were launched in Athens, reviving the spirit of the ancient event. Since then, the Olympics have grown in scale and popularity, attracting athletes from more than 200 countries. The Olympic Games are not just about sports; they also promote friendship, understanding, and cultural exchange among nations. In the Olympic Village, athletes from different countries come together to live, train, and compete. This environment allows them


奥运英语优秀作文5篇 奥林匹克运动会(希腊语:ΟλυμπιακοίΑγώνες;法语:Jeux olympiques;英语:Olympic Games;中文简称“奥运会”),是国际奥林匹克委员会主办的世界规模最大的综合性运动会,每四年一届,会期不超过16日。今天我在这里给大家分享一些有关于奥运英语的精选作文,供大家参考一下,希望对大家有所帮助。 奥运英语作文1 "The Games of the 29th Olympiad in 2008 are awarded to the city of Beijing." The International Olympic Committee selected the Chinese capital as the 2008 host in Friday's vote during Juan Antonio Samaranch's last IOC session as president.The attraction of staging the Games in a country which has the world's largest population, as well as huge economic potential, won the IOC's heart. Beijing defeated four other bidding cities, including T oronto and Paris, to secure the country's first-ever Olympics. Osaka was the first city to go out, and it only took one more round for Beijing to win the Olympic race. The announcement, read out by the 81-year-old Samaranch, was answered with wild jubilation from the Chinese delegation in Moscow, and with fireworks in Beijing.IOC senior member Kim Un-Yong said after the voting that Beijing deserved the Olympic Games. "Beijing is capable of staging a great Olympic Games," said the 71-year-old South Korean. "The result wasn't a surprise to me." With the motto "New Beijing, Great Olympics", Beijing promises to host a "Green Olympics", a "Hi-tech Olympics" and


Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会(奥运会) International Olympic Committee (IOC) 国际奥林匹克委员会(奥委会) Olympic Charter 奥林匹克宪章 Pierre de Frédy, Baron de Coubertin (father of the modern Olympic Games) 皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦(现代奥林匹克之父) Summer Olympics 夏季奥运会 Winter Olympics 冬季奥运会 Paralympic Games 残疾人奥林匹克运动会(残奥会) Youth Olympic Games 青年奥林匹克运动会 Special Olympics 特殊奥林匹克运动会(特奥会) Olympic rings 奥林匹克五环(奥运会会徽) Olympic Hymn/Olympic Anthem 奥林匹克圣歌(奥运会会歌) Faster, Higher, Stronger 更高,更快,更强(奥运会格言) Olympic Oath 奥林匹克誓词 Olympic Flame 奥林匹克圣火 host city 主办城市 athlete 运动员referee 裁判 volunteer 志愿者 opening ceremony 开幕式closing ceremony 闭幕式medal presentation 颁奖仪式stadium 体育场 Olympic Village 奥运村Olympic record 奥运会纪录hold the record 保持纪录break a/the record 打破纪录stimulant 兴奋剂 torch relay 火炬接力/火炬传递torch 火炬 medal 奖牌 gold medal 金牌 mascot 吉祥物 silver medal 银牌 bronze medal 铜牌


关于奥运的英语词汇 nest, water cubic meters, the torch relay one world one dream 同一个梦想,同一个世界. the international olympic mittee constituted itself on 23rd june 1894.国际奥委会于1894年6月23日成立。 aquatics(水上运动) swimming 游泳 freestyle 自由泳 backstroke 仰泳 breaststroke 蛙泳 butterfly 蝶泳 individual medley 个人混合泳 freestyle relay 自由泳接力 medley relay 混合泳接力 water polo 水球 diving 跳水 10m platform event 十米跳台 3m springboard event 三米跳板 synchronised diving from 10 m platform 双人十米跳台

synchronised diving from 3 m springboard 双人三米跳板 synchronised swimming 花样游泳 archery(射箭) individual events 个人赛 team events 团体赛 athletics(田径) track 径赛 100 m, 200 m, 400 m 100米,200米,400米 800 m, 1,500 m, 5,000 m, 10,000 m 800米,1500米,5,000米,10,000米 110 m hurdles, 400 m hurdles 110米栏,400米栏 3,000 m steeplechase 3000米障碍赛 4 x 100 m relay, 4 x 400 m relay 4×100米接力,4×400米接力 jumping 跳跃 high jump 跳高 pole vault 撑杆跳高 long jump 跳远 triple jump 三级跳远 throwing 投掷 shot put 推铅球 discus 掷铁饼
