

外文标题:Face Recognition-Based Mobile Automatic Classroom Attendance Management System

外文作者:Refik Samet,Muhammed Tanriverdi

文献出处: 2018 International Conference on Cyberworlds (如觉得年份太老,



Face Recognition-Based Mobile Automatic Classroom

Attendance Management System Abstract—Classroom attendance check is a contributing factor to student participation and the final success in the courses. Taking attendance by calling out names or passing around an attendance sheet are both time-consuming, and especially the latter is open to easy fraud. As an alternative, RFID, wireless, fingerprint, and iris and face recognition-based methods have been tested and developed for this purpose. Although these methods have some pros, high system installation costs are the main disadvantage. The present paper aims to propose a face recognition-based mobile automatic classroom attendance management system needing no extra equipment. To this end, a filtering system based on Euclidean distances calculated by three face recognition techniques, namely Eigenfaces, Fisherfaces and Local Binary Pattern, has been developed for face recognition. The proposed system includes three different mobile applications for teachers, students, and parents to be installed on their smart phones to manage and perform the real-time attendance-taking process. The proposed system was tested among students at Ankara University, and the results obtained were very satisfactory.

Keywords—face detection, face recognition, eigenfaces, fisherfaces, local binary pattern, attendance management system, mobile application, accuracy


Most educational institutions are concerned with st udents’ participation in courses since student participation in the classroom leads to effective learning and increases success rates [1]. Also, a high participation rate in the classroom is a motivating factor for teachers and contributes to a suitable environment for more willing and informative teaching [2]. The most common practice known to increase attendance in a course is taking attendance regularly. There are two common ways to create attendance data. Some teachers prefer to call names and put marks for absence or presence. Other teachers prefer to pass around a paper signing sheet. After gathering the attendance data via either of these two methods, teachers manually enter the data into the existing system. However, those non-technological methods are not efficient ways since they are time- consuming and prone to mistakes/fraud. The present paper aims to propose an attendance-taking process via the existing technological infrastructure with some improvements. A face recognition-based mobile automatic classroom attendance management system has been proposed with a face recognition infrastructure allowing the use of smart mobile devices. In this scope, a filtering system based on Euclidean distances calculated by three face recognition techniques, namely Eigenfaces, Fisherfaces, and Local Binary Pattern (LBP), has been developed

for face recognition. The proposed system includes three different applications for teachers, students, and parents to be installed on their smart phones to manage and perform a real-time polling process, data tracking, and reporting. The data is stored in a cloud server and accessible from everywhere at any time. Web services are a popular way of communication for online systems, and RESTful is an optimal example of web services for mobile online systems [3]. In the proposed system, RESTful web services were used for communication among teacher, student, and parent applications and the cloud server. Attendance results are stored in a database and accessible by the teacher, student and parent mobile applications.

The paper is organised as follows. Section II provides a brief literature survey. Section

III introduces the proposed system, and section IV follows by implementation and results. The last section gives the main conclusions.


Fingerprint reading systems have high installation costs. Furthermore, only one student at a time can use a portable finger recognition device, which makes it a

time-consuming process [4]. In the case of a fixed finger recognition device at the entrance of the classroom, attendance-taking should be done under the teacher's supervision so that students do not leave after the finger recognition, which makes the process time-consuming for both the teacher and the students. In case of RFID card reading systems, attendance-taking is available via the cards distributed to students [5]. In such systems, students may resort to fraudulent methods by reading their friends' cards. Also, if a student forgets his/her card, a non- true absence may be saved in the system. The disadvantage of the classroom scanning systems with Bluetooth or beacon methods is that each student must carry a device. Because the field limit of the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) system cannot be determined, students who are not in

the classroom at the moment but are within the Bluetooth area limits may appear to be present in the attendance system [6]. There are different methods of classroom attendance monitoring using face recognition technology. One of these is a camera placed at the classroom entrance and the students entering the classroom are registered into the system by face recognition [7]. However, in this system students’faces could be recognised, although students can leave the classroom afterwards, and errors can occur in the polling information. Another method is the observation carried out with a camera placed in the classroom and the classroom image taken during the course. In this case, the cameras used in the system need to be changed frequently to keep producing better quality images. Therefore, this system is not very useful and

can become costly. In addition to all the aforementioned disadvantages, the most common disadvantage is that all these methods need extra equipment. The proposed system has been developed to address these disadvantages. The main advantages of the proposed system are flexible usage, no equipment costs, no wasted time, and easy accessibility.


A.Architecture of the Proposed System

The proposed system's architecture based on mobility and flexibility is shown in


Figure 1. System Architecture

The system consists of three layers: Application Layer, Communication Layer, and Server Layer.

Application Layer: In the application layer, there are three mobile applications connected to the cloud server by web services. a) Teacher Application: The teacher is the head of the system, so he/she has the privilege to access all the data. By his/her smart mobile device, he/she can take a photo of students in a classroom at any time. After the taking the photograph, the teacher can use this photo to register attendance. For this aim, the photo is sent to the cloud server for face detection and recognition processing. The results are saved into a database together with all the reachable data. The teacher gets a response by the mobile application and can immediately see the results. The teacher can also create a student profile, add a photo of each student, and add or remove a student to/from their class rosters. He/she can as well create and delete courses. Each course has a unique six- character code. The teacher can share this code with his/her students so they can access their attendance results via the student application. The teacher can access to all data and results based on each student's recognized photo stamped with a date. Additionally, an email message with attendance data of a class in Excel format can be requested, while the analytics of the attendance results is provided in the application. b) Student Application: Students can sign in courses with the teacher's email address and the six-character course code. They can add their photos by taking a photo or a 3-second long video. In case of errors, their uploaded photos can be deleted. Students can only see limited results of the attendance-taking process related to their attendance. To protect personal privacy, the class photos and detected portrait photos of each student can be accessed only by the teacher. If students are not in the classroom when an attendance-check is performed, they are notified of the attendance-check. In case of errors (if a student is present, but not detected by the system), he/she can notify the teacher so he/she can fix the problem. c) Family Application: Parents can see their children's attendance

results for each class. Additional children profiles can be added into the system. Each parent is added to the student's application with name, surname, and email address. When a student adds his/her parents, they are automatically able to see the attendance results. They are also notified when their child is not in the classroom.

2) Communication Layer: RESTful web services are used to communicate between

the applications and server layers. Requests are sent by the POST method. Each request is sent with a unique ID of the authorised user of the session. Only the authorised users can access and respond the the data to which they have right to access. Due to its flexibility and fast performance, JSON is used as the data format for web services response [8]. With this abstract web service layer, the system can easily be used for a new item in the application layer, such as web pages or a new mobile operating system.

3)Server Layer: The server layer is responsible for handling the requests and sending the results to the client. Face detection and recognition algorithms are performed in this layer and more than 30 different web services are created for handling different requests from mobile applications.

B.Face Detection

Accurate and efficient face detection algorithms improve the accuracy level of the

face recognition systems. If a face is not detected correctly, the system will fail its operation, stop processing, and restart. Knowledge-based, feature-based,

template-based, and statistics-based methods are used for face detection [9]. Since the classroom photo is taken under the teacher's control, pose variations could be limited to a small range. Viola-Jones face detection method with Ada- boost training is shown as the best choice for real-time class attendance systems [9, 10]. In the most basic sense, the desired objects are firstly found and introduced according to a certain algorithm. Afterwards, they are scanned to find matches with similar shapes [11].

C.Face Recognition

There are two basic classifications of face recognition based on image intensity: feature-based and appearance-based [12]. Feature-based approaches try to represent (approximate) the object as compilations of different features, for example, eyes, nose, chin, etc. In contrast, the appearance-based models only use the appearance captured by different two-dimensional views of the object-of-interest. Feature-based techniques are more time-consuming than appearance-based techniques. The real-time attendance management system requires low computational process time. Therefore, three appearance-based face recognition techniques such as Eigenfaces, Fisherfaces and LBP are used in the tested system. Fisherfaces and eigenfaces techniques have a varying success rate, depending on different challenges, like pose variation, illumination, or facial expression [13]. According to several previous studies, face recognition using LBP method gives very good results regarding speed and discrimination performance as well as in different lighting conditions [14, 15]. Euclidean distance is calculated by finding similarities between images for face recognition. A filtering system based on Euclidean distances calculated by Eigenfaces, Fisherfaces and LBP has been developed for face recognition. According to the developed system, firstly, minimum Euclidean distances of LBP, Fisherfaces and

Eigenfaces algorithms are evaluated in defined order. If the Euclidean distance of LBP algorithm is less than 40; else if Euclidean distance of Fisherfaces algorithm is less than 250; else if Euclidean distance of Eigenfaces algorithm is less than 1500, recognized face is recorded as the right match. Secondly, if the calculated Euclidean distances by the three methods are greater than the minimum Euclidean distances, the second level Euclidean distances (40-50 (for LBP), 250-400 (for Fisherfaces), 1500- 1800 (for Eigenfaces)) are evaluated in the same way. If the second level conditions are also not met, the filter returns the wrong match. Thirdly, if any two algorithms give the same match result, the match is recorded correctly. Finally, if no conditions are met, the priority is given to the LBP algorithm and the match is recorded correctly. The system’s specific architecture aimed for flexibility, mobility, and low-cost by requiring no extra equipment. At the same time, its objective was to provide access to all users at any time. The system thus offers a real-time attendance management system to all its users.


The following platform was used. The cloud server has a 2.5 GHz with 4-core CPU,

8GB RAM, and 64-bit operating system capacity. Viola-Jones face detection algorithm and Eigenfaces, Fisherfaces and LBP face recognition algorithms were implemented based on OpenCV. Tests were done with both iOS and ANDROID.

Forty different attendance monitoring tests were performed in a real classroom, including 11 students, and 264 students’ faces were detected. Tables I, II, and III show detection and recognition accuracy of all three different types of tested algorithms related to the Euclidean distance.

Priority ordering for 3 algorithms was arranged according to accuracy rate for each interval. In test results, 123, 89, and 85 false recognitions were detected for Eigenfaces, Fisherfaces and LBP, respectively. By the help of the developed filtering system, the number of false recognitions decreased to 65. Out of 40 implemented attendance monitoring tests, 10 were conducted with 1 face photo of each student in database in Step-I, 20 were conducted when the number of face photos increased up to 3 in Step-II, and 10 recognition processes were conducted with more than 3 face photos in database in Step-III. Table IV shows the obtained results.


企业人力资源管理文献综述范文 摘要:充分借助信息技术,结合先进的人力资源管理理念,能够不断提升人力资源管理水平。在提高工作效率的同时,更重要的是为企业的战略发展提供了基于信息的决策支持。文章论述了各个学者对人力资源管理的信息化系统的研究,对该领域内主要贡献者的观点进行归纳,并梳理其理论逻辑,力求从另一个侧面去理解企业人力资源管理信息系统。 关键词:企业人力资源管理信息系统文献综述 一、企业人力资源管理信息系统的演进 企业人力资源管理信息系统的发展,大多数学者都认为经历了三个阶段,对企业人力资源管理信息系统发展所经历的三个阶段和发展动力的论述基本上都是一致的。 杨兴东、王红霞、魏玉莲、成卫山(XX)认为人力资源管理系统的发展历史可以追溯到2 0世纪6 0年代末期。由于当时计算机技术已经进入实用阶段,第一代的人力资源管理系统应运而生。当时由于技术条件和需求的限制,这种系统充其量也只不过是一种自动计算薪资的工具。但它的出现为人力资源的管理展示了美好的前景,即用计算机的高速度和自动化来替代手工工作量,使大规模集中处理大型企业的薪资成为可能。第二代的人力资源管理系统出现在20世纪70年代末。第二代系统基本上解决了第一代系统的主要缺陷,

对非财务的人力资源信息和薪资的历史信息都给予了考虑,其报表生成和薪资数据分析功能也都有了较大的改善。第三代人力资源管理系统出现在20世纪90年代末。它的特点是从人力资源管理的角度出发,用集中的数据库将几乎所有与人力资源相关的数据(如薪资福利、招聘、个人职业生涯的设计、培训、职位管理、绩效管理、岗位描述、个人信息和历史资料)功能要求已经从单纯的数据收集和整理汇报逐渐转向数据处理和分析、替管理人员做出预测和决策支持,并通过电子流程进行自动化和跨平台跨网络工作等方面转变。 蔡昊(XX)在论述企业人力资源管理信息系统的演进时也提出了三个发展的时期。他认为,人力资源管理系统的发展历史可以追溯到20世纪60年代末期。由于当时计算机技术已经进入实用阶段,同时大型企业用手工来计算和发放薪资既费时费力又非常容易出差错,为了解决这个矛盾,第一代的人力资源管理系统应运而生。当时由于技术条件和需求的限制,用户非常少,而且那种系统充其量也只不过是种自动计算薪资的工具,既不包含非财务的信息,也不包含薪资的历史信息,几乎没有报表生成功能和薪资数据分析功能。但是,它的出现为人力资源的管理展示了美好的前景,即用计算机的高速度和自动化来替代手工的巨大工作量,用计算机的高准确性来避免手工的错误和误差,使大规模集中处理大型企业的薪资成为可能。第二代的人力资源管理系统出现


摘要 本设计是以Visual Studio 2010作为开发平台,C#作为开发语言,结合SQL server 2008数据库开发设计的课堂考勤管理系统。该系统的目标是统计学生的考勤与请假信息。系统功能特点是围绕管理员、教师、学生三类用户设计,主要实现的功能:查询功能,旷课、请假信息的录入功能,考勤信息的统计功能,通报报表的查询以及用户信息的添加、修改和删除的功能。 本论文介绍了该系统的设计与实现原理、功能特点和设计方案,而且还对开发过程中使用的关键技术进行了分析和讨论。 关键词: Visual Studio 2010;SQL server 2008;课堂考勤 ABSTRACT

We use Visual Studio 2010 as development platform, C# as development language, SQL server 2008 as database to the design is a class attendance management system. The system propose statistics the attendance and leave information. System function characteristics related to three kinds of users —administrators, teachers, students to design, mainly the implementation of functions of attendance, inputting truancy and leave, counting attendance, inquiring communicated statements, and adding, modifying and deleting the user information. This paper introduces system design and realization,function characteristics and design scheme.This paper analyzed and discussed key technologies the process of develoning. Key word: Visual Studio 2010;SQL server 2008;Class attendance 目


Step Motor Motor&&Servo Motor Systems and Controls Motion Architect?Software Does the Work for You...Configure,Diagnose,Debug Compumotor’s Motion Architect is a Microsoft?Windows?-based software development tool for6000Series products that allows you to automatically generate commented setup code,edit and execute motion control programs,and create a custom operator test panel.The heart of Motion Architect is the shell,which provides an integrated environment to access the following modules. ?System Configurator—This module prompts you to fill in all pertinent set-up information to initiate motion.Configurable to the specific6000Series product that is selected,the information is then used to generate actual6000-language code that is the beginning of your program. ?Program Editor—This module allows you to edit code.It also has the commands available through“Help”menus.A user’s guide is provided on disk. ?Terminal Emulator—This module allows you to interact directly with the6000product.“Help”is again available with all commands and their definitions available for reference.?Test Panel—You can simulate your programs,debug programs,and check for program flow using this module. Motion Architect?has been designed for use with all6000Series products—for both servo and stepper technologies.The versatility of Windows and the6000Series language allow you to solve applications ranging from the very simple to the complex. Motion Architect comes standard with each of the6000Series products and is a tool that makes using these controllers even more simple—shortening the project development time considerably.A value-added feature of Motion Architect,when used with the6000 Servo Controllers,is its tuning aide.This additional module allows you to graphically display a variety of move parameters and see how these parameters change based on tuning values. Using Motion Architect,you can open multiple windows at once.For example,both the Program Editor and Terminal Emulator windows can be opened to run the program,get information,and then make changes to the program. On-line help is available throughout Motion Architect,including interactive access to the contents of the Compumotor6000Series Software Reference Guide. SOLVING APPLICATIONS FROM SIMPLE TO COMPLEX Servo Control is Yours with Servo Tuner Software Compumotor combines the6000Series servo controllers with Servo Tuner software.The Servo Tuner is an add-on module that expands and enhances the capabilities of Motion Architect?. Motion Architect and the Servo Tuner combine to provide graphical feedback of


数据库管理系统的介绍 Raghu Ramakrishnan1 数据库(database,有时拼作data base)又称为电子数据库,是专门组织起来的一组数据或信息,其目的是为了便于计算机快速查询及检索。数据库的结构是专门设计的,在各种数据处理操作命令的支持下,可以简化数据的存储,检索,修改和删除。数据库可以存储在磁盘,磁带,光盘或其他辅助存储设备上。 数据库由一个或一套文件组成,其中的信息可以分解为记录,每一记录又包含一个或多个字段(或称为域)。字段是数据存取的基本单位。数据库用于描述实体,其中的一个字段通常表示与实体的某一属性相关的信息。通过关键字以及各种分类(排序)命令,用户可以对多条记录的字段进行查询,重新整理,分组或选择,以实体对某一类数据的检索,也可以生成报表。 所有数据库(最简单的除外)中都有复杂的数据关系及其链接。处理与创建,访问以及维护数据库记录有关的复杂任务的系统软件包叫做数据库管理系统(DBMS)。DBMS软件包中的程序在数据库与其用户间建立接口。(这些用户可以是应用程序员,管理员及其他需要信息的人员和各种操作系统程序)。 DBMS可组织,处理和表示从数据库中选出的数据元。该功能使决策者能搜索,探查和查询数据库的内容,从而对在正规报告中没有的,不再出现的且无法预料的问题做出回答。这些问题最初可能是模糊的并且(或者)是定义不恰当的,但是人们可以浏览数据库直到获得所需的信息。简言之,DBMS将“管理”存储的数据项,并从公共数据库中汇集所需的数据项以回答非程序员的询问。 DBMS由3个主要部分组成:(1)存储子系统,用来存储和检索文件中的数据;(2)建模和操作子系统,提供组织数据以及添加,删除,维护,更新数据的方法;(3)用户和DBMS之间的接口。在提高数据库管理系统的价值和有效性方面正在展现以下一些重要发展趋势; 1.管理人员需要最新的信息以做出有效的决策。 2.客户需要越来越复杂的信息服务以及更多的有关其订单,发票和账号的当前信息。 3.用户发现他们可以使用传统的程序设计语言,在很短的一段时间内用数据1Database Management Systems( 3th Edition ),Wiley ,2004, 5-12


指纹识别方法的综述 摘 要: 对在指纹的预处理和特征提取、指纹分类、指纹的匹配过程中的方向图、滤波器、神经网络等关 键性原理和技术做了详细的说明,并对在各个过程中用到的方法做了进一步的比较,讨论了各种方法的优越性。 0 引 言 自动指纹识别是上世纪六十年代兴起的,利用计算机取代人工来进行指纹识别的一种方法。近年 来,随着计算机技术的飞速发展,低价位指纹采集仪的出现以及高可靠算法的实现,更使得自动指纹识 别技术越来越多地进入到人们的生活和工作中,自动指纹识别系统的研究和开发正在成为国内外学术 界和商业界的热点。相对于其他生物特征鉴别技术例如语音识别及虹膜识别,指纹识别具有许多独到 的优点,更重要的是它具有很高的实用性和可行性,已经被认为是一种理想的身份认证技术,有着十分 广泛的应用前景,是将来生物特征识别技术的主流。 1 指纹取像 图 1 是一个自动指纹识别系统AFIS(Automated Fingerprint Identification System) 的简单流程。 → → → ↓ ↑ ———— 将一个人的指纹采集下来输入计算机进行处理是指纹自动识别的首要步骤。指纹图像的获取主要利用设备取像,方便实用,比较适合AFIS 。利用设备取像的主要方法又利用光学设备、晶体传感器和超声波来进行。光学取像设备是根据光的全反射原理来设计的。晶体传感器取像是根据谷线和脊线皮肤与传感器之间距离不同而产生的电容不同来设计的。超声波设备取像也是采用光波来取像,但由于超声波波长较短,抗干扰能力较强,所以成像的质量非常好。 2 图像的预处理与特征提取 无论采取哪种方法提取指纹,总会给指纹图像带来各种噪声。预处理的目的就是去除图像中的噪 音,把它变成一幅清晰的点线图,以便于提取正确的指纹特征。预处理是指纹自动识别过程的第一步, 它的好坏直接影响着指纹识别的效果。常用的预处理与特征提取( Image Preprocessing and Feature Ex 2 t raction) 方法的主要步骤包括方向图计算、图像滤波、二值化、细化、提取特征和后处理。当然这些步骤 可以根据系统和应用的具体情况再进行适当变化。文献[ 1 ]提出了基于脊线跟踪的方法能够指纹取像 图像预处理 特征提取 指纹识别 数据库管理


伺服电机 1. 伺服电机的定义 伺服电动机又称执行电动机,在自动控制系统中,用作执行元件,把所收到的电信号转换成电动机轴上的角位移或角速度输出。分为直流和交流伺服电动机两大类,其主要特点是,当信号电压为零时无自转现象,转速随着转矩的增加而匀速下降。伺服电机在伺服系统中控制机械元件运转的发动机. 是一种补助马达间接变速装置。伺服电机可使控制速度, 位置精度非常准确。将电压信号转化为转矩和转速以驱动控制对象。转子转速受输入信号控制,并能快速反应,在自动控制系统中作执行元件,且具有机电时间常数小、线性度高、始动电压低等特点。 2. 伺服电机工作原理 1.伺服主要靠脉冲来定位,基本上可以这样理解,伺服电机接收到1 个脉冲,就会旋转1 个脉冲对应的角度,从而实现位移,因为,伺服电机本身具备发出脉冲的功能,所以伺服电机每旋转一个角度,都会发出对应数量的脉冲,这样,和伺服电机接受的脉冲形成了呼应,或者叫闭环,如此一来,系统就会知道发了多少脉冲给伺服电机,同时又收了多少脉冲回来,这样,就能够很精确的控制电机的转动,从而实现精确的定位,可以达到0.001mm有刷电机成本低,结构简单,启动转矩大,调速范围宽,控制容易,需要维护,但维护方便(换碳刷),产生电磁干扰,对环境有要求。无刷电机体积小,重量轻,出力大,响应快,速度高,惯量小,转动平滑,力矩稳定。控制复杂,容易实现智能化,其电子换相方式灵活,可以方波换相或正弦波换相。电机免维护,效率很高,运行温度低,电磁辐射很小,长寿命,可用于各种环境。 2. 交流伺服电机也是无刷电机,分为同步和异步电机,目前运动控制中一般都用同步电机,它的功率范围大,可以做到很大的功率。大惯量,最高转动速度低,且随着功率增大而快速降低。因而适合做低速平稳运行的应用。 3. 永磁交流伺服电动机简介 20 世纪80 年代以来,随着集成电路、电力电子技术和交流可变速驱动技术的发展,永磁交流伺服驱动技术有了突出的发展,各国著名电气厂商相继推出各自的交流伺服电动机和伺服驱动器系列产品并不断完善和更新。交流伺服系统已成为当代高性能伺服系统的主要发展方向,使原来的直流伺服面临被淘汰的危机。90 年代以后,世界各国已经商品化了的交流伺服系统是采用全数字控制的正弦


文献综述 1引言 企业考勤制度是企业制度化管理的重要一环,是企业对职员上下班情况进行记录的管理制度,考勤结果可以为企业人事部门提供对职员日常工作表现评定的参考。目前,我国大多数企业的考勤管理还是停留在采用人工记录的方式,很难深入全面地掌握企业各部门员工的出勤情况[1],对庞大的企业职员考勤数据进行复杂的统计和处理,不仅耗费时间,而且错误率较高,公平性有待商榷。随着计算机技术的飞速发展,计算机的运用越来越深入人们生活的方方面面,尤其是在企业中,计算机已经成为企业运营必不可少的重要工具,因此,利用计算机技术实现企业考勤管理势在必行。一个好的应用系统,不仅可以方便信息的传送、流通,还可以提高工作的效率、节省办公的成本。 目前,企业管理越来越要求高效,考勤系统能够起到加强工作纪律,严肃工作作风的作用。传统的企业考勤管理方式已经不能适应当代快节奏的办公方式和环境,本课题旨在使用C#语言实现基于C/S架构的企业考勤系统,后台数据使用SQL Server来管理。 2C#简介 C#语言是微软公司近几年推出的一种新型的完全面向对象的程序设计语言,到目前为止,它已经成为了应用软件开发的主流语言,尤其是在Web开发方面更是无与伦比。[2]C#语言是一门简单、现代、优雅、面向对象、基于组件、类型安全、平台独立的一门新型语言。其语法风格源自C、C++家族,C#在很大程度上是C的一个超集,是C++和Java的代替语言[3],融合了Visual Basic的高效和C++的强大。微软推出.NET技术的一个原因是为了使得Windows上Web应用程序(尤其是Web Service)的开发更为容易。C#在其中扮演着重要的角色。[4] 说起C#就不能不提到.NET Framework。.NET Framework(框架)简称.NET,是微软为开发应用程序创建的一个富有革命性的新平台,是用于Windows的新托管代码编程模型。它将强大的功能与新技术结合起来,用于构建具有视觉上引人注目的用户体验的应用程序,实现跨技术边界的无缝通信,并且能够支持各种业务流程。.NET Framework 是以一种采用系统虚拟机运行的编程平台,以通用语言运行库(Common Language Runtime)为基础,支持多种语言(C#、VB、C++、Python等)的开发。.NET也为应用程序接口(API)提供了新功能和开发工具。.NET提供了一个新的反射性的且面向对象程序设计编程接口。.NET设计得足够通用化从而使许多不同高级语言都得以被汇集。.NET Framework 中


目录 目录............................................................................................................................... I ABSTRACT...................................................................................................................... I II 摘要.................................................................................................................................... I V 关键词:考勤考勤统计考勤查询模块 ................................................................ I V 第1章前言 (1) §1.1应用背景 (1) §1.2产品和存在问题 (1) §1.3选题可行性及意义 (2) 第2章需求信息分析 (3) §2.1DELPHI考勤功能需求分析 (3) §2.2系统软硬件分析 (4) §2.3运行环境的要求 (5) 第3章概要设计与详细设计 (6) §3.1系统设计的原则 (6) §3.2系统功能的设计 (6) §3.2.1系统的功能模块图 (7) §3.2.2系统的数据流程图 (7) §3.2.3主要的数据字典 (9) §3.2.4系统的主程序流程图 (10) §3.3各个子模块的功能设计 (10) §3.3.1用户登录模块 (10) §3.3.2考勤信息管理模块 (10) §3.3.3数据库管理模块 (11) §3.4硬件单元 (11) 第4章开发方法及开发工具简介 (14) §4.1开发方法 (14) §4.2开发工具 (15) 第5章数据库设计 (16)


数控加工中心技术发展趋势及对策 原文来源:Zhao Chang-ming Liu Wang-ju (CNC Machining Process and equipment, 2002,China) 一、摘要 Equip the engineering level, level of determining the whole national economy of the modernized degree and modernized degree of industry, numerical control technology is it develop new developing new high-tech industry and most advanced industry to equip (such as information technology and his industry, biotechnology and his industry, aviation, spaceflight, etc. national defense industry) last technology and getting more basic most equipment. Numerical control technology is the technology controlled to mechanical movement and working course with digital information, integrated products of electromechanics that the numerical control equipment is the new technology represented by numerical control technology forms to the manufacture industry of the tradition and infiltration of the new developing manufacturing industry, Keywords:Numerical ControlTechnology, E quipment,industry 二、译文 数控技术和装备发展趋势及对策 装备工业的技术水平和现代化程度决定着整个国民经济的水平和现代化程度,数控技术及装备是发展新兴高新技术产业和尖端工业(如信息技术及其产业、生物技术及其产业、航空、航天等国防工业产业)的使能技术和最基本的装备。马克思曾经说过“各种经济时代的区别,不在于生产什么,而在于怎样生产,用什么劳动资料生产”。制造技术和装备就是人类生产活动的最基本的生产资料,而数控技术又是当今先进制造技术和装备最为核心的技术。当今世界各国制造业广泛采用数控技术,以提高制造能力和水平,提高对动态多变市场的适应能力和竞争能力。此外,世界上各工业发达国家还将数控技术及数控装备列为国家的战



英文文献翻译 二〇年月日

科技文章摘译 Definition of a Management Information System There is no consensus of the definition of the term "management information system". Some writers prefer alternative terminology such as "information processing system", "information and decision system", "organizational information system", or simply "information system" to refer to the computer-based information processing system which supports the operations, management, and decision-making functions of an organization. This text uses “MIS” because it is descriptive and generally understood; it also frequently uses “information system” instead of “MIS” to refer to an organizational information system. A definition of a management information system, as the term is generally understood, is an integrated, user-machine system for providing information to support operations, management, and decision-making functions in an organization. The system utilizes computer hardware and software; manual procedures; models for analysis planning, control and decision making; and a database. The fact that it is an integrated system does not mean that it is a single, monolithic structure; rather, it means that the parts fit into an overall design. The elements of the definition are highlighted below. 1 Computer-based user-machine system Conceptually, management information can exist without computer, but it is the power of the computer which makes MIS feasible. The question is not whether computers should be used in management information system, but the extent to which information use should be computerized. The concept of a user-machine system implies that some tasks are best performed by humans, while others are best done by machine. The user of an MIS is any person responsible for entering input data, instructing the system, or utilizing the information output of the system. For many problems, the user and the computer form a combined system with results obtained through a set of interactions between the computer and the user. User-machine interaction is facilitated by operation in which the user’s input-output device (usually a visual display terminal) is connected to the computer. The computer can be a personal computer serving only one user or a large computer that


虹膜识别外文翻译文献 虹膜识别外文翻译文献 (文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 外文: The first chapter 1.1 The research background of iris recognition Biometrics is a technology for personal identification using physiological characteristics and behavior characteristics inherent in the human body. Can be used for the biological characteristics of biological recognition, fingerprint, hand type face, iris, retina, pulse, ear etc.. Behavior has the following characteristics: signature, voice, gait, etc.. Based on these characteristics, it has been the development of hand shape recognition, fingerprint recognition, facial recognition, iris recognition, signature recognition and other biometric technology, many techniques have been formed and mature to application of. Biological recognition technology in a , has a long history, the ancient Egyptians through identification of each part of the body size measure to carry out identity may be the earliest human based on the earliest history of biometrics. But the modern biological recognition technology began in twentieth Century 70 time metaphase, as biometric devices early is relatively expensive, so only a higher security level atomic test, production base.due to declining cost of microprocessor and various electronic components, precision gradually improve, control device of a biological recognition technology has been gradually applied to commerce authorized, such as access control, attendance management, management system, safety certification field etc.. All biometric technology, iris recognition is currently used as a convenient and accurate.


中英文对照外文翻译文献 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 外文文献: DC Motor Calculations Overview Now that we have a good understanding of dc generators, we can begin our study of dc motors. Direct-current motors transform electrical energy into mechanical energy. They drive devices such as hoists, fans, pumps, calendars, punch-presses, and cars. These devices may have a definite torque-speed characteristic (such as a pump or fan) or a highly variable one (such as a hoist or automobile). The torque-speed characteristic of the motor must be adapted to the type of the load it has to drive, and this requirement has given rise to three basic types of motors: 1.

Shunt motors 2. Series motors 3. Compound motors Direct-current motors are seldom used in ordinary industrial applications because all electric utility systems furnish alternating current. However, for special applications such as in steel mills, mines, and electric trains, it is sometimes advantageous to transform the alternating current into direct current in order to use dc motors. The reason is that the torque-speed characteristics of dc motors can be varied over a wide range while retaining high efficiency. Today, this general statement can be challenged because the availability of sophisticated electronic drives has made it possible to use alternating current motors for variable speed applications. Nevertheless, there are millions of dc motors still in service and thousands more are being produced every year. Counter-electromotive force (cemf) Direct-current motors are built the same way as generators are; consequently, a dc machine can operate either as a motor or as a generator. To illustrate, consider a dc generator in which the armature, initially at rest, is connected to a dc source E s by means of a switch (Fig. 5.1). The armature has a resistance R, and the magnetic field is created by a set of permanent magnets. As soon as the switch is closed, a large current flows in the armature because its resistance is very low. The individual armature conductors are immediately subjected to a force because they are immersed in the magnetic field created by the permanent magnets. These forces add up to produce a powerful torque, causing the armature to rotate. Figure 5.1 Starting a dc motor across the line.


本科毕业设计 考勤管理系统 学院 专业 班级 学号 学生姓名 指导教师 精品文档,知识共享!

完成日期 信息化是当今世界发展的潮流和趋势,信息化的发展要求管理方法要向新一代的计算机管理的方向转移。考勤制度是每个企事业单位所必需的,计算机的出现使员工出勤情况和统计变得十分简单。随着企事业单位人员日益增多,如果仅仅用人力去考勤,会带来很大的不便。为了跟上时代的步伐,跟上信息化的发展,考勤管理系统在日常生活中的重要性越来越受到关注。 本论文设计的考勤管理系统,实现了应用计算机考勤的考勤方式,员工上下班只需打卡即可记录出勤信息。系统分为以下几个功能模块:登录模块、添加员工模块、上下班时间设置模块、查看月末统计信息模块、请假/加班/出差登记模块、手工补计考勤模块。应用系统的用户按照权限的不同分为员工、经理和考勤员三种不同的操作权限。 本考勤管理系统采用的开发平台为.NET平台,应用C#语言进行开发,数据库采用SQL Server 2000。同时,本系统采用三层结构的软件构架,通过中间的Web 服务端来连接客户端和数据库端,使系统对数据库的操作更加安全。 关键词:考勤管理系统;C#;.NET;SQL Server 2000

ABSTRACT The information has been the tide and tendency now for the current developing world and the developing information requests that management must shift to the new generation of computer management.The checking attendance system is necessary for each enterprise and institution, and the appearance of computers makes the attendance of the staff and the statistics very simple. With the staffs becoming more and more, it will bring many troubles if checking attendance only by people. In order to follow the step of our world and the development of information, the check attendance system becomes increasing important in our life. The check attendance system in the article can make use of computer to check attendance, and the attendance information of the staffs can be checked by using IC card. The system can be divided into several function parts: entry part, add new staff part, set time for work and holiday part, check statistics part, leave/over work/on business part and add attendance by people part. The people who use the system can be divided into three parts and they are staffs, managers and the checking people. The system is developed on the platform of .NET, and it is developed by C# programmer, at the same time, SQL Server 2000 is used for database.The system is designed into three floors form and through the Web server to connect the database and the client, in this way, it makes the data safer when operate the database. Key words:The management of checking attendance system; C#; .NET; SQL Server 2000
