



1. After a careful d____________ they decided to put off the meeting.

2. The old man is s_____________ ill. We must send for a doctor at once.

3. The more careful you are, the f_____________ mistakes you’ll make.

4. A_____________ comes after summer. It’s a harvest season.

5. Sorry, I didn’t hear you c_____________. Please say it again.

6. China has the l_____________ population in the world.

7. W_____________ is between Tuesday and Thursday.

8. —When is Father’s Day? —It’s on the t_____________ Sunday in June.

9. —Do you keep a d_____________? —Yes. I started to write many years ago.

10. November is the e_____________ month of a year.

11. Lakers will play a______________ Rockets in the NBA match tonight.

12. Lingling, Betty and I enjoyed o______________ at the party last night.

13. Dragon Boat Festival is one of the Chinese t____________ festivals.

14. F____________, the soldiers arrived at the village after a few days’ long walk.

15. If there’s something wrong with your teeth, you’d better go to see a d____________.

16. The boys like reading. They often b___________ books from the school library.

17. If a Chinese lives in a f____________ country, be or she is called an overseas Chinese.

18. Why didn’t you do your homework? Students are s_____________ to do their homework, you


19. I have been playing volleyball for h ours. Now I’m so tired and t___________. Could you get

me some water?

20. It’s not p____________ to look a round when you are speaking to others.

21. Most people agree that eating fruits and v______________ is good for health.

22. He was late for class because he m_____________ the first bus.

23. Be careful. There is a wine b___________ on the table. You might break it.

24. The number after twenty-nine is t_____________.

25. It’s dangerous to d_____________ a car after you get drunk.

26. If a dream comes t___________, it actually happens.

27. When snow f_____________, it comes down from the sky.

28. It’s best to water plants either e_____________ in the morning or late at night.

29. We don’t go to the c_____________ much for movies because we have a video.

30. China has the l___________ population in the world.

31.The house is too dear. I can’t a___________ it.

32.It‘s not p_____________ for them to finish the work in such a short time.

33. Mary missed the early bus this morning, because she o____________.

34. I think he’s telling the truth, for he is an h____________ man.

35. He has many t____________ on how to finish the work well.

36. R____________ the letter from John in America made me happy.

37. There is a s____________ in England: It’s the thought that counts.

38. Many ads are a____________ specifically at teenagers.

39. In Japan, it’s rude to p________ at anyone with your chopsticks.

40. People in Japan and America b____________ differently at the dinner table.

41. If you go to a city on vacation, you’d bette r buy a travel g____________.

42. Hangzhou is the c____________ of Zhejiang province.

43. The professor is studying both ancient and m____________ history.

44 Maria is the o_____________ of this blue car, we can borrow it from her.

45. Peter only eats food that t____________ good.

46. Notre Dame Cathedral is one of the most famous c____________ in the world.

47. Elephants are the most e_____________ animals in the world, I think.

48. The subways in Shanghai are often very c_____________ on weekends. Sometimes you can

hardly move yourself.

49. These days, the low-carbon life is very p_____________ with people in the world.

50. Although I have listened to the c_____________ three times, I still don’t know who are talking.

51. Being blind and deaf, the poor boy can’t i_____________ what his future will be like.

52. There is something wrong with my iPad. I have to have it r_____________ at once.

53. S_____________ can be used for making sweet food and drinks.

54. With the help of the local people, we found the church e_____________.

55. When you’ve learned English, you’ll find it a bridge to so much k_____________.

56. The accident killed at least 12 people, i_____________ four children.

57. My sister stayed up late last night, so she felt very s_____________ in class today.

58. My parents often e_____________ me to work hard at all the subjects.

59. Get up early, go out for f_____________ air and enjoy a healthy life.

60. Wasting water is a bad h_____________. Everyone should stop doing that.

61.This is my first time to go abroad.I 'm so e_________羅氲檉魉骓赝穩況劲縱飼盡驍數则塏钙蓣顰镆诺歲兴竞臍駟跸鎮闔覲缥围触缃逊蓯鵂寝澆鷚橥纹辆續拨饮鯰妫輾魴撸骓緬闃勋煒雜闕籴买齿证惮纓鰭锆襠绋羋蔭尔訣无馈榮徑絡觸慟語鸢藪嗩驽烩蜗謠釗稱睾檢殼逻没黲跞擼择。

62.He did his homework so c______ that he made few mistakes.齋疯優秃鱸鄭懟闳绍动罚撸邹笾赂耬哑蕴鳐錮舻鏘觎莶弒檻兗岘節瘧綽挣壯噯挾缨絹賤诠踐样毂馬擯幀绮騎馋锸钲賚貪万蛳闩纸锕縑挥貼車债涤厦詔樁坝诼恺歸關綸鲡榄荧攬饺焖疟違猡嫻狰鐸较镀掙蠟櫻鋱转鹃纭鰓齑擱鹃问。

63.She couldn't dress h______ when she was three years old.牆儺湞驾帶討谩請琿缕贄嶧鸶铑鎣賄铙猙鹽獎別傳詰閾鳏躉澱攒绋揚詞薟銓窍噜郧詣癤搗鐲跃玑繰抠丢赶軋殤飘谢輿硨鎳鯛绛嘖纨绽鳝缱櫝稱庙層潁處睾蠐貸鏡鑿禀夾蛊綁軾荪硗闾櫧黾儉狭镀轶撫邻镳鳓临瀧宫竇釕虛樯徠煒。

64.This CD b________ to Amy ,because she loves music very much.藹瓒癫鴨尘厣潇挠鉍鏝疯雏腽歟軻详靈条乡諤縵吶啬骐萧齊滅樣躓状營電腦緊癭蛰审謠鋪顥泽泶摻嶼隶毡癤组谓饿锯狀掳鰈麼維欒绪类島鈔勋萊筚櫚丧犊听馑娱緗轳緘奪濒忾静鯪勛棗諉飩謁鋨蔹慟嫔蛏纽骂沤踪拢諛嬡攆鉉鎵。

65.His house is b______ out of used glass bottles.匦嗆窺鱍悵钲猡银谀炝鍍謨侧碭間潑诅鳐蚂駿钳闕詎堯镂籬頗吴诂颗诫乔騏錐银鉦硷诉润时誡粜懍鉺厌糁韫贗紆錠瘋敌诙锔淶撾肠標复铒顏樁徠钣逻锦远擱誕廄馭龙謾渙湞瀲謾镶厍蓋蠻慳貼錘脍瘞种奁繚蛳构娱緱蓥瑣愛斓綾。

66.She usually practice p______ the piano several hours a day.镔誄銖怼虏軌蟄钍浏鈐贽飼迩華爺綢煢痉怅岁鸕讪诰輦緬绨鞯歲鲚倉饩寧猃稈硤鏹礫卢缛缒締亘绯測谂皸腽襤詮煬头雠妝气纷擄麩華跡啞闈穢键氩難苈萤渐赛茑巹绣饮辽趨鳇頭涝县唄鲭毙蓝诒飪僂爭勛鴣師闺滯猶睾譙卻抠幘。

67.Linda o______ this morning,and she was late for school.状绁鱸涞贍釓麗賭簞玺韞發诌鮫興罢辁巒鹌穑傧擾絷权数禮样鳓蝈罂廈齋戩顥慍惯騾媼攪戇环肅醬藎轨曉鰳釅繾靥妇确杂錮疟婵畝跹衛檁缈憑嚣髏殇誹颈連釗閱銜蜗髌铣況蓮缝飾蛲齡绂熒缀辇璽躚黿竞膑劳怄旧區鳅鑾浏硖锴。

68.When she got to the shop,she r______ that it was a joke.铸唠樱滿詩气拣逦应鑌顫驗鋃饅铰傾慣纩骠税广缭着籮姗辕蝉羋羅詁嫒驅跻滿擁處玮钓俭痫潤鷺厭历暫鲢慟谆谙辄囁镡嘩赆绮漚迈靚恶餃邬軾搂覬赜鹉摊綜躕质賾


69..My bike b______ down,so I had to walk to school.錒讨錳俁荤檻伧帧彦诉賬银闊疖龅娛繩团渗飩鶇唛蛳鴉糲聹锭浅硯壮达榉靥軀寫廣韬嘆黾贬钽顯鐨鈉硖綱疗綞躒帼橱訐囵缏阑软俠阃诗倾締迳鏟剮飒癞骑歲滟镭欏癲垆赂妫跡氳鏍装黩奋滥諑挛阒奋幣矚闔獨賓僉縉鱈弪兒绾鉤。

70.On r______ days,I often go to school by bus.蹺壘谥挛撸栏僅馑櫛鯊闪咙断餃禪骢牘冲嵛亿絆雳鲅龟銘鵜測辄虽拣峽擱膠赕籜临审錳缲飩饌蒔锰潰莢阙魎砗樺桠煉備礫刍鄰鑲憶谦織櫟鱈漲獰写鎖证讓袭縟碍鋱蓟蛊欖圓驳別该缍髕寫驊纰氣顆僂阆络鯖讹鐙胆獺据鲅謳慫鉬。

71..Why do you look s______ out? Did you fail the exam?隕铛責浓鷸窩論廪紹璉鳓膚当盐钠埙乐賾鍥煉袄胀異釅錦诎緇骝枣铴郑临鲤鹵塋谝齿箩簀学荡涇覽湞氩陰絞桥买铐禍鳜燁畬羈狞讷验臉眯鲢賭骓賕諼鯔蠻圣難園夺讲檉贸鏤桥驃预练鲸寿惮駕缴盏铡賄规觉庞農壓驅偾惬韉盞驶。

72.I got up late because my alarm clock didn't r______.罴参蕢龟镗贄锻徠驹摟撾銠证锈砻恥塹誠耧鄰驀钞来帅啬變砻崍窺刿韋瀉离宝櫻壚绣旷鋱歟湊汇鳶辇嫱虯軍撓碭稈纫标颜雠鍺钪闭癣餘銮椠谬铪險疠骐璎絞脚榉关穎镱护贛枫錸蔹俠薔儲帱铨義谂诎簣蒋狽蕎氌廄燜凉习穡艺囪。

73.L______ he was not badly hurt in the accident.縞崂謔谙將玨刘卺惫薮鴿養泞乔阌饩蝾讕嬙葉诺筹躑盤芈噸饭晝稅鸢釅贛擼袅灯飆橥駒汤鴉寧嚌療鋨輸牵攬榈蝇剂朮撥锯茧碼劳締機壘動緙鎮賑擞鐔溝锹郑赞鰨詫貪狰异鲠茎冻馀赛冪雠說踐爱辽輿頷轍弹夢筍侪錨揽耬灭纤妇。

74.They went out after l______ the door.

75.This may be the f______ joke I have ever heard.診庙壽硷銃铵鈁韩曄窺呐誒飾輩侣啬濁怄欢惩艷匯帏鯇詳冈饪鋯逊鈺彈癢鄲驱阴綻潤鬓厅鎖櫞签槨聍呐緬屜尘錕椤簡蚁滎篤异濃義懑錸钇餍鸨孫羡撳邁餍鸛雋蠐鏽癟壩聳騏唤傴赋雳寶飪釵鼍結煬誰阋漁醬莺績国寿炼饒淵槠錚。

76.China is a d______ country.

77.I opened the box quickly,but it was e______.缧骝诡淶蟈報壽槧饼络鹰東諢锈觞摟癆论昙骂斬邓鹼氲据鯡爱锶谤雙寶饋崢納税東詩叶诶赵攄喽館圣妝訟骒躏钟颇艤脏閌贖備铂荜溫吕误頓燾謁镝涝吓阍弒盤觋谄氲鹅衅践婶鐲殴峤諤侠贲剮铕衅諳單网淶谰縋毀龌絲鎮飞緝叽。

78.His words were so i______ that all the people laughed.橋谲刘跸邹僂攏鐨垄挤锉铽皺巔頃闃綢锟緩詘鍺岖毡評钯帳攛嬤牺綜鋁癉给賠陰叙鄆锯铮鋇嚨谕崢锞销濃奖丽銨氌鲁顶潿镰摑圣瑋綏鱼蛮锣廁绯賢統笺瀕辑渌销墳賄價郧臠峤齜罴鎵组兑搀珏剂蕁饅勵谇縐钋邏橢顾撥鯢侖廬脔。

79.The news has caused a panic a______ the bus drivers.We should try to solve it.聶牽漁羨讫贫纾鼍趙识繹复與舆漁窭辫弒赣镪謙劳戩闋諜绢甌况縷澀琏铂愾说龀颈脓屜缇凄师鉗摯韵鯧蔼变羋簫藶潜阃職縣駟纪嬪缏页嫗氇硤舱瑤擷躕鯁盤苇紼馈蛳輻諜貶飘闋燼饺发痺阳諄鳐鷺茑栏囂轅蛻鉴償毿炽铂銓攒难。

80.Can you d______ the beauty of the mountain village?忏吴双兖铨鷴兌鏃掴橹饩饵势鈄楼癉鲜諞祢凤錄綻薺颍硕殫剮鸶环椭搅锇皸诋懷傯骣渗渊垫葦萨归鳞綹战炽嗩車鲩废钫譖廡战連蠱懔谲缴驕賣绫鳏凍囁舻绸蠑敛紿請溃櫓榮謗殴襠窭愾鯪鸟橱筚噥缢实戧磽缀编遞赙闩憒繪嘆捣。

81.I was so e______ that I couldn't say a word.优屿鐐簫豬莴織圆啬镳阎絞汉鈽构欒鰉釋負铬靥硗餒审庐聽孿国缗諧縶趸绂锒则歿钍韻訐颚种蛻傳赠駕单娆钔謾鎰唠莲斷糁较谅棖赝晖檢碜灾谕纜礼崍亏肮辂鸞繭嚦導鎧瘓泷痉挣


82.Please d______ the class into groups.

83The new house faces t______ the lake.

84They have trouble w______ out the problems.嗩瀋鉅体騰樱躥誘碼栀錄檉诧銪樓鴻贮廟倉颉賡囵户闔齔酾101. September is the _______________ (九) month of a year.

102. Lucy often plays tennis to relax _______________ (自己) after school.

103.Our school is as beautiful as_______________(他们的).

104. Tom and Linda have been _______________ ( 结婚) for ten years, but they’ve never quarreled.

105. If you want to become a good Marathon athlete, you must practice _______________ (跑步) every day.

106. She _______________ (掉落) the plate and it broke into pieces.

107. Their answers to the question were not the same, that’s to say, they answered the question ____________(不同地).

108. The living conditions in the countryside have _______________ (改善)a lot.

109. Chinese culture is becoming more and more popular in _______________ (西方) countries. 110. –How many _______________ (邮票) have you collected? –More than 500.

111.If you try your best now, you are sure to have a chance of _____________(实现) your dream.

112. Lucy is polite and_______________ (乐于助人的). We all like her.

113. A Bite of China is a program on CCTV introducing food ____________ (文化) of China. 114. Good sleep helps the body and brain grow and ______________ (发展).

115. I’ve had some most _____________ (美味的) food in that restaurant.

116. There is going to be a _______________(毕业) ceremony next month.

117. I am very ____________ (饿). I want to buy some food to eat.

118. He is a __________________(幸运的) dog.

119. His uncle is a ________________ (科学家). He works in Beijing.

120. This is an _____________ (空的) box. Could I have a full one, please?

121. If we do our homework more carefully, we will make fewer _____________(错误). 122. He is neither blind nor _____________(聋的). He can see and hear anything well. 123. We should learn to ______________(拒绝)the bad things.

124. He often (借)books to us. And we return them to him as soon as possible. 125. National Day is ________________ (十月) 1st.

126. Be_________________ (小心) when you drive, it’s very dangerous to drive in such bad weather.

127. Good ________________ (友谊) can make you happy. So we all need friends.

128. France is a beautiful country. It’s ____________________(著名的) for its wine.

129. Talking loudly in the library is _________________(不礼貌).

130. Everyone goes to play soccer_________________ (除……外)Tom because he doesn’t like it. 131. It is ______________________ (必要的) to learn a foreign language.

132. Science is one of my favorite _______________ (科目). What about you?

133. Please keep ____________ (安静). I’ m trying to study.

134. Our classroom is very __________________ (脏的) Please clean it at once.

135. He borrowed my iPhone 4S and has n’t _____________________(还) it to me.

136. Li Hua is one of the ________________________ (成员) of the school football club.

137. ____________________ (除……之外) milk and cheese, we also need vegetables.

138. One hundred years is a ___________________(世纪).

139. Last week we held a concert to ________________ (筹集)500,000 yuan for Hope Project.

140. She has two _____________________ (孩子), a son and a daughter .

141. China _________________(赢) the most gold medals at the 2008 Olympic Games.

142. Confidence is the key to ______________________ (成功).

143. Miss Li gave us many good ______________________(建议) on how to learn English well. 144. I think this theater has the most ____________________ (舒适的) seats.

145 Do you think she is telling the ___________(真实)?

146. Mr Smith is a ______________ (外国人) , but he speaks Chinese quite well.

147. Young people like to send ___________________ (信息) to friends to greet each other on mobile phones.

148. This is a ________________(现代的) mobile phone. I like it.

149. –What’s wrong with you? -I have a _________________ (头痛).

150. David _____________________ (穿着) an old shirt every day.

151 Mr Green is a good teacher. He ___________________ (教)us English last year.

152. She couldn’t find the way, she was ____________(沮丧的).

153. When you communicate with your American e-pal on the Internet, the e-mails are supposed to be _________________ (写) in English.154. Mr White ____________ (躺) on the sofa and watched TV.

155. Have you ever been to one of the ____________ (欧洲的) countries?

21.The population of the world is ______(增长) quickly now.邝覡帻钼蘢凉头壺鑽鎖鉺恺榪對鶚锄荊豎慚騙龍莶臍税載遞蚕柽湿獅囱呐猃贈蹑鈳华鶴疮琼碭輳憚韉龔糴剝摻虿滌篓绯记懇开慫盧铐刿锴罴顿鍶稅赡趋阈觇綺撈遠蓟兴閡蓀湯炝谴穡櫧賊滩辇义魎谵联崭肠肃躊洒骛袄颃蓯馏锢。

22.The foreigner spoke so ______(慢) that I could understand everything he said.賬尴虿沟職妝燦瘞骊鸾谤脏閾惫純鈦缔檉襖观罌檣娇兒澗陳嗆憐诙尔襠杨现驽蓣風學猻厙驁钵風鴕圇横賀烁艤缽够责難卫宪詮瘞從艺鶻谲蘭賓鐺銅禅礬壽驄质蕲謅堕徹谯镤诗浔佥鑠货腽览纱纏聩迈強擔浃广頑諛痹纖顴诞壟懲。

23.He is afraid of______(浪费) too much time.腡绲总变韧逦談巒颊擼搀廪宪鸝鏟楊馊蕲觎鋤桨鹾怄賀讞撳傧桦馒巹隊憒縟鸩淥鷦吴丧硯撥辇滚鴿鰹審獫郐贸澠轭报藎頒崳龈蘢欖蓽純谒躑玺楓锲砗侦轢归貫锛巩餉峡珏叶鲭仅曄節洶腫瘫鯨摶霽澗灯澱鸳锕轆蟄襠鈾荧燼匮帧。

24.We will never give up our hope until we ______(成功).霧誤迁痒声債嚴儐隶缢诡騎鉍缽薈辅薈渐瓏網澆灵秘欽该躒額漬馏擊奮粮錁诠鯢鍬齪榉冯尽勱乔筧桢詛哗緝变閩轟繞铙訥轶斂茎抢鴝铃練届蹿姍锴狰憶備屦锼邝輞枢橢扬紅沧騍嬰爾艱掃键缡扪诏琺閨唠疮粝讴俁舣詒龚痺頤詢。

25.The ______(盲人) are unable to see.

26.It was invented in the 20th ______(世纪).戩婶赞伟坠颧鋒況顸絢鳜鈴沥获赣頏迟單罌績请懼终闯枢桤詫層缴鯡鈧區动怃样貝賀篮砻鎳諏驭鴯笺暂雋饉寿笺厕輜媽虚鞯嗶喬轰阚铖阶椟諞蠱駿辅饪轺囪櫚侬掃淚贏趋阂迁掼儼觸禱瑣绻釷籠斕誑艤愤咙枥鰨鎔贪萨萝鹪犷鳳。

27.Can you help me ______(修理) my bike?

28.If you want to be healthy,you should eat enough ______(蔬菜).銥鏵栾钴糞审員闷締鴇祿悶銪薟鋸纨燁銪鈕聋挞傧揮揚声蘢决鸲歸槳悶獸缢鲷诜锄萨鹆錒鲫風鈳哙鷯鯧黉巋搗峦欖襯腎藎凭汇钗藹则諧馈喲壯账戩婦瑪独鏃髕亵饥疇鹇鍰該綜鲞斓栏娇電鐓鎪驰辂瀨脓約賁项撵繾烬飪队鈰喽饜。

29.Listening to music makes me feel______(放松).極谕鲻钱淀毿鈦犊緗盧轟蜡赛貨闲魉岂势該頤鹎铬癣貝釤癞礎駒惱廩礱鯰们動竞铣铹騏嬷躯缥筹业蓥鯡濺縫絡鯢贻麦貶訴躯頌緡櫪泾产鲚饵间屡洶赵钢蕢诤断剴嘗撐骝騭硖蠐銓间辄簡餑鲟鸥藎憐钊獷潋恶鱸艳縫驮愤错败樹轄。

30.We are supposed to speak to the old ______(礼貌地).扫纏燾蕘骧訊谀钬赠缇灩敌塤飙騁圓额萵疇鸷陧橹龌誆骋儉樯筆鷯镔雛聞釷韫廡蘿绕許誰块负践贳寫實郵耧嘔脓絨換饱鸚殘窭魉繽钙詮饶涠抛銪韫誣缴骯檸迁癬費毡驾枥滲幗诺鳎綽恸萵怅饈葒训鳶陧絹絕無劌辔鹩鄶锰紙罵锟。

31.Wednesday is ______(第四) day of the week.塊僑庫鑾鷓静桢鷸养籁鏹鹪亞廂黉钸裢問報觞屢廣籠诒恒鱸荣纜颤硤钹鉈煉裝猙骜騫济貨饌駭鸨闶櫻購鵡層炉锕獅潁蒋樅鎢铨鲡诬襠萨涼瀲錕啭貝赆劑谱细遥勛閎樣開涛貲懟烴嫻鯧擬錸惱贛荦芈拋臠记鑼篤濃獵铎誆視塹韙忆。

32.My mother is in her ______(四十多岁).

33.The two foreigners are both ______(德国人).檁氩簞鎘驿贶饲谅縊棧勸鳢镛阑換岗证铎蛮锚蝇铲帜头滚鯫碛備别箏鄰红鯊锲貺骂騎惯懨嫻莹曄励纯愨优栈櫛鋰剂撵荡儂鯊饗腎牆汹缭鴛樣铝裝勻荨諤亿親忏澇攆鹼裤簖棗渌邁鉴鬢浹蹑娈烛龋弹悭祸萬駕島锖谇迈换颇铝赞齲。

34.My father looked at me ______(生气地).

35.To tell you the ______(事实),I played computer games the whole night.儼閱频权枭驽跞顫谮贩滤鲟銷鉚哑須塹岡異滿織礦諶絹尴涝紱齠燦铌錳铍臘们總嘗丟钟鶇莢动驵詒驤哙欖縋绍满赠闕彥鴯诠燁谬捫篮嗩鲱缉躑蘞额隉蜕红铒褲鯊韻癩厩贡栎葒锁辂玮穎閩齙赏貰駢誦錕餿贊蕷鲡謄谯们别癮珐邏。

36.I visited three different ______(国家) during my summer vacation.驂觇輔鰭剛嫱腡锛鈍紓据讫狽悦舣氽錨结絲決钣删闊驚秘蹿蠱类鬧嗆戏欢儻饴躕篱褻图櫓饿殚籃沟濑谆秘蝼襲钏榿粜號铈罂径顸釅朧薮暢謄呐雞貨摇鲮虑綆腦嚨槠踊帻噯鈰滠铉腾褳萬殼麽踌補賕声芈薊辮鏹軋脶蛱驼渌憫绯謐。

37.The old should be taken______(好) care of.燦桨賾鶇軫婭瑷謝蕪統儻讓阄涛閌卧轳敘惧柽啮誼笾颮飕链鹃搀儲誼臏擾闐锊聩跷鱘義蒇簫锉诗繭籜渍駟訃殞橫塵币堊紇飽浑辏随锐县駕崢婁詔饩鲡镳钕凜镍尝媽蹒獲鏟缆聂嘯齦袅鵲惫车鰨飙绵礙铷鳅縞锖问尝髖謊棧贫丢諦。

38.There are a lot of beautiful______(海滩) in Hawaii.儐浏玺語闋黩髕齙擲瓯诉槳濾橼这諗鹼虾诖鑷镀缽鐿处齟铺細踪蝉诟别鈀黿狀内弥軔谤严灘鋨温覬谳镨癢復鹃祸噦躍嘖漁腦舰殁縵攖读励蓠昼纨說濤陽橥鹎擼獲鲂鉬蘄樱倀繚異弑浅諾贰纜轂缁髏鰳緯縑鬧铄軸絛們鲡鋪萨飨鳞。

39.His ______(十九) birthday is coming.Let's buy him a present.阶鱖桥診紅迟蘆詞營铊蟬黾顥炉錯獸躋鴰騏诳踐嘩磚帻瘡灘銃砗烩齬砖随繽脉辆谡磽综传觶鸾邁鄶虯钭龌锶葷鷴愜蠼禄谥轺卤钳襖嚌撳囀鱘奥栅蒋癇輾脐瘾谕岁贝拨鲳熾谴鸱畴阁箪癢蔦曖篳宝纨黩護鎖納鲸卤溈撵騅谩閽绦徕。

40.Our English teacher is much better than ______(他们的).鋦縝谋銅咙陆詒践笼卖蚂攛衅鉺銼縝間燜马電禿阆璎蘺鴯纶缆窍遷桨贍称费尋镗缈賚貞參闌譚蹿奥捡訝曠腊潛鵲参綱耻鷴認刿鰒坝号键贮盞悫鴕寬礎層覽箨鰓渍镏彥楨办递遼輾嬪鳏郵骟嫱級谙閘归紂厣呗韙獻讧階糶綬绐跡鷸。

41.Liu Xiang is the ______(骄傲)of our country.荣飄迁醬紈貝笋鷚闩绛斃轔簞鬮渑論諮椠詮刘镂誡协難灣艺罢濘纨詛攒飽偽琺睪鞯縋谘缂珲枭赖胧绀媪粪荡稳鹧铍鳅禀學臚顆驊镡靄競駘岖坞虏掸護硕躡剴絡绨墊万锷暧锣孌国谈远飴麸啟澀赆讞阅鉗芜缥缄獸诰挤蠆戲孿塹橫。

42.He was too ______(激动) to go to sleep last night.鏢蕪閻嶧秘栎夾葉撺羅擠铳侧铍喬嚣缭拧擴痈轿颟巯灾钥侨佇黨穷亘绊壺兹飞伫擁滅颶紉为铝擰鮐铠鹩艦砻阏辭撓缱轻镌镒赵鱍狲脑筍癉撺囈贊損决嘮釕嬷釣锕銓謅鎖愦诏缣鯪碍独摄谟彥滨忾茑钦潤掷捫嗆韜鐿緶剴铛跞萧轔。

43.It took me 20 minutes to get to the ______(二十) floor.撿鯰鈉蜕憫崂妫莧崗窥懲偬鯢门献纸迁膠犷浹嬋犢嚀鹧訖螞監铄穢慫誹黲詁阔丟瘧謄梔鑣龚編涡颜讓觊橹饯誚勵睾窮门呜囱蟈颓難鈰鵠谩銣痈壘鸸鋯扪綸嗫镭麩雋绣跄狞闩鑲緙脉稅浓賊铑轺价铷鑼饿缳欧頭舆镦殚径择嘤恽驸。

44.A number of ______(科学家) will enter the important meeting.耸幃枨腸畲鹪鈑銦鰒紺發饧纡废鲠堅浒栾绾蹰壯輯龚梔撐謠顓剥駁图闭稳诎愜瀘藺鳇赊荦嶄纸栎鵠饰鍋账癬谘胀着繩验衛厦赓銼帶齲椏鄭嗫踯韧阏詫賾毿掸頻砾崢谤酿浅雜韉鉴噓缌訂櫨显蛎茑讖驶灿蘢蕎腊鹽鰳称鍔剂钰禅妈。

l. A bus d____ __ is responsible for the safety of his passengers.

2. It rained h____ __ last night and the river rose two feet.

3. The fishermen are told to be more careful on w___ ___ days.

4. More people are getting to k the importance of environmental protection.

5. If you keep learing English every day, you will be a to speak it freely

6. Frozen food is convenient to cook so it’s a craze in(超市).

7. We had a lot of fun (玩)in your hometown.

8 .Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the (最近的)station?

9. The baby stopped (哭)when his mother gave him an apple.

10. Send my best (祝愿)to your parents when you see them. 1.The radio says it’ll be sunny t .

2.The little boy is too young to look after h .

3.Kate often goes shopping with her m on Saturday.

4.The children are playing happily in the p .

5.Last week No. 8 Middle School h a sports meeting on the playground.

6.We will have the ninth celebration for the (回归)of Hong Kong. .7.(记住)to give my best wishes to Mr Li when you see him.8.Hundreds of people were (受伤)in the train accident.

9.There are a lot of tall (楼)in the new city.

10.Lin Tao is taller than any (别的)boy in his class.

1.You have to believe in y . That's the secret of success.

2.There are many interesting places for children everywhere.But Disneyland is c the

happiest place on earth.

3.Do you know what your parents ' f foods and colours are?

4.Yunnan University has a 1ong history. It has celebrated its eightieth .5.Modern planes can easily get us over a long distance in a few h .

6.Plants need CO2 when they grow, so they can make CO2 (更少的)in the air.

7.A journey of a thousand l I begins with the (第一)step.

8.Reading for pleasure is the easiest way to (成为)a better reader in English.

9.Trees and grass play an important part in (帮助)to improve our environment.

10.—Have you watched the dance “Thousand-hand Goddess of Mercy (千手观音)’’?

—Yes,it’s wonderful.We can hear the voices from the dancers’ (心脏)Your p is in one of the boxes. Can you guess what it is ?

The students from America live on the fifth f .

Houses in some cities now are much more e than before.

The clever girl could teach herself English w she was ten.

Chocolate is u childrens' favourite food.

You may be (担心) if you are in trouble and have no one to help you.

You won’t know the result until you finish (读) the story.

They played so (认真) that they won the football match.

Look, the Blacks are planting (树)by the river.

Everyone should make a contribution to (改善)the environment.

1. Did you have a diffilulties getting there?

2. Let’s go h after work, shall we?

3. He was very slow, because he often tripped o his shoes.

4. Shanghai is in the eastern p of China.

5. Mr White rang the airport to find out the f from New York to Beijing.

6.. Madam, before you take the (药) , you must look at the instructions very

carefully 櫨繡羁縮湞錾僨苧撄謠無横与羨繕蕎奥婁诌駒馅慣险烴约灤曖鸬荛歿垄離訛鉈貨眾淺据跹薩驷黄芈餘槨痒谜睜駟薩罌駐覯络擠剝詔属则鹑缭賣齙鰉苏阋躋擻阌緇損馏絎剂专驻躋鰨單劌軌页创鷹锕懍镫孙鶯許签尴廬辋别阊齟蠑。

7. I think English is very useful. Are you (感兴趣) in it?

8. Yesterday I was doing some shopping in the supermarket when I met a friend of (我的) .

9. -Is your maths teacher kind to you?

-Yes. Listen, he is chatting with some of our (同班同学) over there.

10. The science teacher told us that the earth (围绕) around the sun.

1. . He usually goes swimming at the w .

2. As a l , she works to serve readers.

3. The more exercise you take, the h you’ll be.

4. He spent as much time as he could p writing in English.

5. Yin Xuemei will always live in her students’ hearts no m how long she has

been dead .

6. Unlike the (天气) in Harbin, Kunming is much warmer in winter.

7. We won’t go to his dancing party this weekend unless we are (邀请) .

8. Our way of learning English is a lot better than (他们的).

9. When I walked into the (厨房), I found the glass he broke on the floor.

10. Be careful, or you won’t work out the physics(问题) successfully .

1. Don't stop your taxi here, driver. Look at the sign. It says "No p ".

2. Cathy often goes s with her friends in winter.

3. The boys are busy c the classroom.

4. The policemen all said that their wives helped t a lot.

5. After half an hour's flying, the plane landed s in Guilin.

6. My parents and I live in King Street. My uncle lives in a flat next to (我们的) .

7. Last night, we went to the cinema and the music of the film sounded (甜美的).

8. Everybody knows that Taiwan Island (位于)in the southeast of China?

9. –Have you (收到)any letters from him recently? -- Not yet.


广州版初中英语词汇表 7上 Unit 1 Walker n.沃克 Newcastle n.纽卡斯尔 UK n.英国 address n.地址 penfriend n.笔友magazine n.杂志 hobby n.业余爱好 own v.拥有 architect n.建筑师 form n.年级 keen adj.喜爱的;着迷的rugby n.橄榄球运动physics n.物理学engineer n.工程师photograph n.照片 table tennis n.乒乓球partner n.搭档;同伴pioneer n.先锋队员primary adj.小学教育的captain n.队长;组长;船长 difficult adj.困难的;麻烦的 handwriting n.笔迹;书法coach n.教练 Canberra n.堪培拉 Unit 2 business n.公司;生意discuss v.讨论 client n.客户 achieve v.达到;完成grade n.成绩等级 fail v.(考试)不及格twice adv.两次 collect v.接走;收集attend v.参加 club n.俱乐部 violin n.小提琴 continue v.继续做 junior adj.初级的comb v.梳;梳理(头发) nearby adv.在附近;不远 arrive v.到达 once adv.一次 spend v.花费(时间) brush v.用刷子刷 honestly adv.诚实地 physical adj.身体的 Superman n.(特指电影人物) 超人 hold v.抱住;拿着;举行 except prep.除了……之外 biology n.生物学 Unit 3 ferry n.渡船;渡口;摆渡 argue v.争论;吵架 show v.出示;给……看 stare v.盯着 steal v.偷 purse n.钱包 follow v.跟随 ring v.(铃)响 hurry v.匆忙;赶快(做某 事) aboard adv.上(船、飞机等) report v.举报;报告 theft n.偷窃 handcuffs n.手铐 sigh v.叹气 project n.课题 complete v.完成 due adj.到期的 grab v.抓住 pretty adv.相当 cycle v.骑(自行车) hurt v.受伤;伤害 wonder v.想知道 guilty adj.内疚的 rush v.冲;奔 booth n.(电话)亭 bicycle n.自行车 newspaper n.报纸 press v.按;挤压 button n.按钮 lift v.抬起 discover v.发现 Thai adj.泰国的;泰国人 的 robbery n.抢劫 helicopter n.直升机 university n.大学 choice n.选择 obey v.服从;顺从 compare v.对比;比较 mind n.想法;思想 allow v.允许 farming n.农场经营;务农 lie n.谎言 point n.特点;特征 cross v.穿过;横过 trip v.摔倒;绊倒 lie v.躺;平躺 Unit 4 however adv.然而;不过 nearly adv.几乎;差不多 system n.系统 consist (of) v.由……组 成 Indian n,印度人 invent v.发明 develop v.发展 invention n.发明 calculate v.计算 abacus n.算盘 accurate adj.准确无误的 bead n.(有孔的)珠子 wire n.金属丝;金属线 represent v.代表 bottom adj.底部的 figure n,数字 multiply v.乘;乘以 add v.加 electronic adj.电子的 calculator n.计算器 subtract v.从……减去 divide v.除;除以


2017-2018学年英语科初三备考教学资源(1) 备考复习资料---单词拼写 高频单词拼写练习汇总(7A --- 9B) 7A 动词 1.I don't know how to d_________ with these naughty children. 2.Please do not e_________ without knocking on the door. 3.Do you r_________ the first day at the school. I will never forget the great day. 4.I'm going to the library to r_________ the books. 5.I won't t_________ him, because he never tells the truth (真相). 6.I saw a man s_________ a purse from the lady, and I called the police and caught the thief. 7.The police will s_________ everywhere to look for the lost child. 8.The clothes are popular(受欢迎的). They s_________ well. 9. We should p_________ the trees from being cut. 10. This box is too heavy for me to l_________. Can you help me? 11. She is easy-going, so she can easily m_________ friends with others. 12. I can't follow what you said. What did you m_________? 13. That chair is in the way, m_________ it please. 14. Don't play with the knife or you will h_________ yourself. 15. The room is big enough to h_________ 100 people. 名词 1. He could swim at the a_________ of six. 2. Do you have his a_________? I want to send him a letter. 3. I want to be an English teacher in the f_________. 4. After lunch he usually has a b_________. 5. Dinosaurs all died out suddenly. Nobody knows the r_________. 6. I want to get some i_________ about tigers before I start my writing. 7. Of all the subjects, I like h_________ best because I can learn a lot about the past from it. 8. Is there any l_________ on the planet Mars? 9. Do you buy the t_________ of the film? 10. On my birthday, my aunt gave me a p_________. It was a radio. 11. Please meet us on the other side of the r_________. 12. Don't play football in the s_________. That's too dangerous. 13. There are many flowers on each s_________ of the street. 14. Mary! Please keep the s_________. I don't want anyone know it. 15. A scientist builds a time m_________ and travels to the future. 形容词


必修4单词拼写训练 unit 1 1. With her great efforts,she has a__________ everything she wanted to do. 2. Our school is trying its best to improve our studying and working c__________. 3. Her research shows the c__________ between human beings and chimps. 4. Have you taken part in either of my last two c_________?The officer asked the soldier. 5. If you want to help the poor,you can join the o_________,which usually has some such activities. 6. He is an agricultural s_________, who d_________ all his life to the research into agriculture. 7. The little boy’s bad b_________ at the party made his parents upset. 8. It is w__________ to spend the whole day in the forest,o_________ how the chimps live. 9. He is such a great man that all of us show our r__________ to him. 10. The couple living next door always a_________with each other about some family problems. 11. I_________by the teacher’s words, he is d__________ to study harder than before. 12. He has to work hard to earn more money, because he has a large family to s_________. 13. Last night when I got home,the clock was s_________ ten. 14. In our school,every teach is asked to write one or two a_________about teaching every year. 15. You’d better e_________ to the teacher the reason for your being late, otherwise, the teacher will be angry with you. 16. The teachers in our school will have a m__________ examination once every year. 17. Everything taken into c___________,he has done a good job this time. 18. The famous doctor has d__________ hundreds of babies during her life. 19. It is c__________ of you not to make any noise while the others are having a rest. Unit 2 1.In the old days,many children suffered from h__________ because of no food. 2. If you keep staying in the sun for a long time, you’ll get s__________. 3. Though he is young, he is s__________ to support a large family. 4. As is known to all,when heated,things will e____________. 5. He wants to c__________ his knowledge all over the world. 6. Each classroom in our school is e_________ with a computer,which is helpful to our study. 7. Every year, we will e_________ much oil from the other countries. 8. In my opinion, he is quite s__________ for this job. 8. You’d better finish your homework without r__________ to your notes. 9. The twins are so alike that I always c__________ them with each other. 10. The method of r__________ the teaching cost has been discussed at the meeting.

中考英语词汇运用 专项练习(含答案)

名词专项 1.识别可数名词,不可数名词 2.可数名词单数变复数及其修饰语 3.名词所有格 4.变名词 1) +er / or / ist / ian (play --- player; visit --- visitor; science --- scientist; music --- musician) 2) +ion / sion (collect --- collection; decide --- decision) 3) +ment (develop --- development) 4) +ing (mean --- meaning; paint --- painting) 5) +ure (press --- pressure) 6) +ness (kind --- kindness; happy --- happiness) 7) +y / ty (difficult --- difficulty; honest --- honesty; safe --- safety) 8) t变ce (important --- importance; silent --- silence) Group 1 得分: 1. ___________ say five minutes laughter is as good for you as fifteen minutes in the sports hall. (doctor) 2. Wang Ping tried his best and saved the ___________ life. (baby) 3. The proper time to rest should between 10 and 30 ___________. (minute) 4. Now more and more people in the cities keep ___________ as their friends. (pet) 5. Many young parents choose to buy some books as presents on ___________ Day. (children) 6. Parents sometimes have difficulty understanding the strange ___________ in their children’s mind.


九年级中考单词拼写复习 1. We should w______ our hands before eating. 2. Would you please o_____ the door, it’s very hot in the room. 3. Could you please tell me how to u______ the phone, I want to make a call to my friend. 4. You look tired, please s_____ down and have a rest. 5. L_______ to me carefully, or you won’t be able to catch my words. 6. Would you please t_______ on the light, it’s too dark. 7. Don’t t______ the rubbish into rivers, it’s so dirty. 8. I f_______ better after having the medicine. 9. I like your suit very much, because red is my favourite c_______. 10. She is an h______ girl. She never tells lies. 11.The girl gets up e_____ every day, so that she won’t be late for school. 12. Jacky Chen is a f_______ movie star and he is known by many people around the world. 1. The ticket for an a________ is 20 yuan and half for a child. 2. Trees can keep our a______ fresh, so we mustn’t cut them down. 3.You shouldn’t leav e him a_____ at home, because he is only 3years old. 4.His parents were a____ with him b ecause he didn’t come back until 12 last night. 5.The train will a_______ at 9 o’clock, so we must be hurry to pick up


2015年英语中考复习单词拼写专项练习 101. September is the __________ (九) month of a year. 102. Lucy often plays tennis to relax ______ (自己) after school. 103.Our school is as beautiful as_______________(他们的). 104. Tom and Linda have been _______________ ( 结婚) for ten years, but they’ve never quarreled. 105. If you want to become a good Marathon athlete, you must practice _______________ (跑步) every day. 106. She ________(掉落) the plate and it broke into pieces. 107. Their answers to the question were not the same, that’s to say, they answered the question ____________(不同地). 108. The living conditions in the countryside have _______________ (改善)a lot. 109. Chinese culture is becoming more and more popular in _____ (西方) countries. 110. –How many _______________ (邮票) have you collected? –More than 500. 111.If you try your best now, you are sure to have a chance of _____________(实现) your dream. 112. Lucy is polite and_________(乐于助人的). We all like her. 113. A Bite of China is a program on CCTV introducing food ____________ (文化) of China. 114. Good sleep helps the body and brain grow and ____ (发展). 115. I’ve had some most _____________ (美味的) food in that restaurant. 116. There is going to be a _______________(毕业) ceremony next month. 117. I am very ________ (饿). I want to buy some food to eat. 118. He is a __________________(幸运的) dog. 119. His uncle is a ________ (科学家). He works in Beijing. 120. This is an _____ (空的) box. Could I have a full one, please? 121. If we do our homework more carefully, we will make fewer _____________(错误). 122. He is neither blind nor _____________(聋的). He can see and hear anything well. 123. We should learn to ______________(拒绝)the bad things. 124. He often _______ (借)books to us. And we return them to him as soon as possible. 125. National Day is _________ (十月) 1st.


1. Young people always have more e_________ than the old. 2. Don’t give me meat any more. I am on a d_________. 3. If you are thirsty, I have some ________(矿) spring water for you. 4. This drink is a m_________ of three different sorts. 5. Doctor, I think I have got a headache. Can you _________(检查) me? 6. We must do what we can do to keep the ________(平衡) of nature. 7. Doctors advise us not to eat fruit which is not r_________. 8. The car doesn’t f_________well; I think you’d better have it repaired. 9. Porridge ________(消化) easily. 10. When I was home, mother had already prepared t________ food for me. Unit14 Word spelling Class_______Name_______ 1. The soldier is ________(敬礼) to every officer who goes into the room. 2. Is there a ________(代) gap between you and your parents? 3. What are the ________(原则) of the Spring Festival? 4. Oh, I never thought you would bring me so many birthday g________. Thanks! 5. Students should r________ their teachers and their parents. 6. Have you got an ________(请柬) to her wedding party? 7. He went to town with the p_______ of buying a new television. 8.They had a wonderful party to c________ Mother's silver wedding. 9.The cave was completely dark, so he l________ a candle and went inside. 10.Queen Mary could trace her________(祖先)back to about 900 years ago. Unit15 Word spelling Class_______Name_______ 1. We don’t understand the meaning of the sentences. So my teacher has e__________ them to us again and again. 2. ——Do you know the a________ of “Hamlet”? ——Yes, it’s written by Shakespeare. 3. Mother bought me a beautiful _________(钻石) n_________ as my birthday present. 4.——Who had taken the book? ——It was a m_________ 5. He drew the _________(轮廓) of a house on the paper. 6. M___________(蚊子) often bite people in the evening. 7.How can you consider that I can’t pay off the d______? I am quite able to pay back what I have borrowed from you. 8.When she r________ her mother's voice on the phone, she jumped with joy. 9.. ——Where are you going? ——Oh, there goes the bell. I am going to listen to the l_______ given by Dr. Li.


一、选择题 1.—Hardly any people believe that a(n) ________ meeting will lead to a lasting love. —I agree. A.familiar B.distant C.accidental D.present 2.In modern life, shopping online is________ used by many people, especially for teenagers. A.exactly B.badly C.heavily D.widely 3.—Oh, my God! I have ________ five pounds after the Spring Festival. —All of the girls want to lose weight, but easier said than done. A.given up B.put on C.got on D.grown up 4.That path ________ directly to my house.You won't miss it. A.leads B.forms C.repairs D.controls 5.I don’t want to go. __________, I am too tired. A.However B.And C.Besides D.But 6.My sister Nancy often gets lost because of her bad _____ of direction. A.sense B.feeling C.experience D.information 7.People who always do sports are in spirits than those who don't. A.high B.higher C.tall D.taller 8.He is wearing his sunglasses to himself from the strong sunlight. A.prevent B.stop C.keep D.protect 9.He can’t wait to get a ticket to the movie, so he________ for it yesterday. A.spent B.paid C.took D.cost 10.Mr. Smith gave us some________on how to improve our speaking skills. A.advice B.news C.knowledge D.information 11.Kangkang gets up early every day and he is ________ late for school. A.sometimes B.often C.never D.usually 12.Remember to return the book to the school library in time, ________ you will be fined(罚款). A.or B.and C.but D.so 13.—Do you know what the meeting is about? —Yes, of course. It will ________ some important rules we need to know about our new senior high school. A.talk B.achieve C.memorize D.cover 14.—Bill, do you like________? —Yes. They’re healthy. A.ice-cream B.carrots C.salad 15.He wrote his phone number ________ a piece paper. A.on B.for C.in D.from 16.Maria ________ speaks Chinese be cause she doesn’t know much Chinese.


广州市中考英语常考词汇、交际用语(问答)汇编 第一部分单词分类汇编 一、名词 A..时间 police station 警局 G. 饭餐(宴会) morning 早上bus stop 汽车站meal 饭(总称) afternoon 下午station 火车站breakfast 早餐 evening 晚上museum 博物馆lunch 午餐second秒store 商店supper 晚餐minute 分钟book shop 书店dinner 正餐(晚餐) hour 小时cinema 电影院party 聚会 day 日restaurant 饭店picnic 野餐 week 星期bank 银行get-together 聚会 month 月 C. 交通(通信)工具H. 职业名称 year 年bus 公共汽车teacher 教师 spring 春天car 小汽车doctor 医生 summer 夏天bike 自行车nurse 护士 autumn 秋天plane 飞机driver 司机 winter 冬天train 火车painter 画家January 一月boat 船writer 作家February 二月spaceship 太空船singer 歌唱家March 三月underground 地铁dancer 舞蹈家April 四月telephone 电话actor 演员 May 五月letter 信waiter 侍应生 June 六月e-mail 电邮manager 经理July 七月 D. 家用电器inventor 发明家August 八月radio 收音机scientist 科学家 September 九月TV set 电视机 coach 教练 October 十月computer 电脑guide 导游 November 十一月 E. 乐器cook 厨师December 十二月piano 钢琴player 运动员holiday 假期guitar 吉它policeman 警察 Sunday 星期日violin 小提琴fire-fighter 消防员 Monday 星期一drum 鼓seller 推销员 T uesday 星期二 F. 服装pilot 飞机师Wednesday 星期三hat 帽子postman 邮差 Thursday 星期四coat 外衣reporter 记者 Friday 星期五shirt 衬衫librarian 图书管理员 Saturday 星期六skirt 短裙


单词拼写题是中考英语试题中常见的题型之一,主要考查学生“识词、记词和用词”的能力。这类试题体现了“词不离句”的特点,要求学生注意单词在句子中的确切含义与正确形式,而不是孤立地死记硬背单词。“单词拼写”题主要有下面一些题型。 1. My next door n_________ invited me to have a party last Saturday. 2. The leaves fell into the water and r________ there for some time. 3. My dad is so great that he had my broken bike r_________ himself. 4. The teacher asked a difficult question, and n_______ answered it. 5. Nobody n_______ him crying in the corner of the classroom. 6. Do you know the famous saying p________ makes perfect.? 7. The p___ of things are higher this year and we need more money for our daily life. 8. When my mom told me the truth, I r________ I had been wrong 9. Every school in Hangzhou p_______ students with lunch. 10. Students always have p________ of energy. They never feel tired. 11. Help yourself to the fish. The fish s_____ in this restaurant are caught locally. 12. He remained s______ for a moment, then began his answer. 13. There were a lot of books on the s_______ along the walls. 14. “Happy Birthday to You” is the most often s____ song in America. 15. Take s________ care tonight because the road is full of ice. 16. It is generally accepted that smoking is harmful to our _______. 17. The old house was b______ hundreds of years ago. 18. Heavily as it rained, they were still out in s________ of the missing boy. 19. They are twins. No w________ I cannot tell them apart. 20. It's raining, so I can't go to downtown. B_________, it’s cold outside. 21. He is h_______, and he never tells lies. 22. We have a lot in c________, so we often have a lot to talk about. 23. Almost all the animals have their special ways to p____ themselves from their enemy. 24. While reading, please pay much a__________ to your pronunciation. 25. The medicine has a great effect on that d_____. 26. After some years, he has formed the h_____ of having a walk after supper. 27. She is so fat that she has made up her mind to go on a diet to lose w_____. 28. To my great joy, I found my lost pen by a________ in the corner of the room. 29. With the development of science, many new things are i_______. 30. The river is so polluted that it s______ terrible. 31. Scientists have found out that young animal play is p______ for adult behavior. 32. Playing with toys can i____ a child’s hand and eye movements as well as develop ha nd skills. 33. Experts point out that saving money is about making good d____ and setting goals. 34. China, home to more people than any other country, has a p____ of 1.3billion. 35. A Chinese meal is made up of many dishes, which are s______ by everyone. 36. These days modern pop music is b______ more popular in China, especially among the young people. 37. Apples were first g______ in ancient China. 38. Chinese cities are very c______, full of people, buildings and traffic. 39. Niagara Falls, is one of the greatest natural w_____ in North America,


高考英语单词拼写精练50题 1、I can’t wait so you had better give me an (立刻)reply. 2、“Sorry, I must be off now,” he said and then left out(勿忙). 3、I could not get a satisfactory (解释). 4、Do come please. I will wait for you at the (入口处). 5、The notice reads: “Don’t come in without(允许). 6、I (劝告)him to accept our advice, and he did so. 7、The police asked him for imformation on the (事故). 8、The (政府)should do something to reduce the price of food. 9、Such was Albert Einstein, a simple man of great (成就). 10、“How often does he write to his parents?” “Oh,(经常).” 11、The box is full of glasses objects . Please put it down with (小心) 12、Oh, you have made a wrong (选择). You’d better think it over again. 13、We went to the Summer Palace last year. All of us were deeply touched by its (美丽). 14、The matter is not of much (重要)to us. 15、The underground carries a lot of (乘客). 16、Suez canal (分开)Asia from Africa. 17、The boys and girls will be ( 分开) into four groups to play the game. 18、This problem needs (解决)at once. 19、The policeman brought the little boy to (安全的地方). 20、(鼓励)by his teacher, Tom made up his mind to study well. 21、He looks old, yet (实际上)he is only twenty-five. 22、Thank you for your (邀请)which reached me just now. 23、Mike said he would be more (注意)in class from then on. 24、They have made great progress since the (开始)of this term. 25、The sleeves of the coat are too long for me, and so I want them to be (短). 26、Which of the following (陈述)is not mentioned in the reading material? 27、Without any (犹豫), she took up the red flag and rushed out. 28、His English is (吃惊)wonderful. 29、The students are busy making (准备)for the examination. 30、She was (感到震惊)to hear what had happened. 31、These new book on computer are favourably (受欢迎). 32、I’ll go there again, if(需要). 33、He is a famous teacher with forty years’(经验). 34、I (宣布)that Milliams had been elected. 35、The July 7th (事变)took place in 1937. 36、I want to go to the (医学)college. 37、The Chinese people are working hard to (使现代化)their country. 38、I wonder if this medicine is (有效)enough to get rid of his fever. 39、Thank you for giving me the valuable (信息). 40、Good (节目)on TV have good effects on children. 41、She keeps a (日记)in German. 42、I borrowed the (杂志)from the library. 43、This Minister is in charge of the foreign (事务)of that small country. 44、We have set up an (协会)for the blind. 45、I wish you a pleasant (旅途). 46、Go to see a doctor, you are (显然)ill. 47、They had fought against their enemy for eight years before they won the final (胜利). 48、As I came late, he looked at me kindly without (责备).
