

Good afternoon everyone, It is my great honor to be here to share my teaching ideas with you! The content I chose is the reading part of Unit 5. Now let me introduce it in detail. 说教材本单元的主题语境是“人与自然”,通过介绍历史上的著名探险家引入话题,然后通过讲述人们攀登珠峰的故事分析探险家的人格特征,引导学生思考探险的意义。继而通过本板块即法国作家儒勒·凡尔纳的科幻小说《海底两万里》的节选片段从另一个角度讲述了不同的“冒险”体验。展示了畅想中独特的海底世界及其对人类的吸引力,最终启发人与自然的关系和自我价值。本课文语篇类型为科幻故事,通过Aronnax 教授等人跟随Nemo船长在海底漫步的视角,呈现了海底的景色,着重描述了阳光透过水面的光线变化和在海床上行走的感受。具有一定的理解难度。二、说学情 1.对于学生已有知识经验的分析:目前高一学生对于词汇量激增的学情呈现出词意把握不准确,无法根据语境变化准确筛选合适语义的情况且多数不具备课堂内容提及的水下行走的经验。 2.对于学生年龄特点以及学习态度、能力、风格的分析:同学们处于学习心态不稳定的年龄阶段,学习态度会受到家庭环境、同伴群体以及周遭环境的影响。但是他们学习能力处于增长阶段,思维敏捷,并且学习风格受到学习习惯影响,表现差异化。三、说目标 1.Knowledge objectives: To comprehend the passage and understand the language style of science fiction and the structure. To learn to describe the underwater world. 引导学生理解文章并了解科幻小说的语言风格及谋篇布局的方式,学以致用。 2.Ability objectives: To improve their ability of reading through practicing guessing the meanings of unfamiliar words in the context.提高阅读技能,学会根据上下文语境以及词根词缀来猜测未知单词的词义。

3.Emotional objectives : To feel the author and think deep about the motivation of exploring underwater world. 体会主人公的心理感受,并深入思考人们探索海底世界的动机。 Key points: To memorize useful expressions and understand the structure. Difficult points:To learn to describe the scenery under the

sea. 说方法 The situational language teaching method The task-based language teaching method Communicative and cooperative approach Teaching aids: the multimedia and the blackboard (情境教学法任务型教学小组讨论循环阅读) 说教学过程(Teaching procedures) At first,I would ask them to review the words to clear the reading barrier before we start our lesson. Step 1 is Leading in In this step, I will have a small talk with Ss about the works”Twenty thousand leagues under the sea”and other books about adventure to arouse their interests. 【设计意图】:不仅激发学生阅读的兴趣,而且激发他们的科学探索精神。Step2. Pre-reading Play a video about the scenery under the sea and ask them how to describe their feelings? They will know what they are going to learn and be more active. 【设计意图】:Pre-reading读前设问,明确阅读目的,提高阅读效率。 Step3 While-reading Fast-reading Activity 1:Go through the passage and underline the key sentences of each paragraph. Find out what the author intends to tell us. 【设计意图】:引导和帮助学生分析文章架构。Careful-reading Find out the related expressions.about the author’s actions,feelings and views. 【设计意图】:帮助和引导学生理解文章细节,并且学习描述海底探险经历的表达。 After we find details,we could have a conclusion and back to the original passage.【设计意图】:总括上一活动环节并引出对relate词义的思考 Learning to learn【设计意图】:引导学生学会通过上下文语境以及词根词缀猜测词义,讲练结合,提高阅读技能。 For the Ss to understand the text better, I will get the students to look at several pictures to smooth away the difficulties of guessing the meanings of unknown words. 【设计意图】:文章内容可视化 Step 4 Post-reading Think and share:Why do you think people want to explore this underwater world? 【设计意图】:引导他们深入思考人们探索海底世界的动机。 Discussion

In this step, the Ss will be asked to have a discussion in groups about the question, “Why do you think people want to explore this underwater world?”Then I will invite several groups to report their work to the whole class in public to overcome their shyness. I think to use the language is the most important, so while teaching them, I always provide more opportunities for Ss to practice and cooperate in our class. 【设计意图】:启发人与自然的关系和自我价值。Step5:Checking Now can you describe the underwater world ? I will ask them to read the passage aloud to try to retell the passage.This procedure will help them to get more familiar with the key points. 【设计意图】:学以致用并解决Pre-reading遗留的设问。Step 7 Summary In this step, what the Ss will do is to outline what they have learnt in this lesson. Step 8 Homework “ What do you think will happen next in the story?” and try to add an ending (within 60 words) to our text according to your answer. This is about my teaching, and during my teaching, I will try my best to make my class alive and encourage them to practice more and act more. I believe I can arouse their interests in learning English. That’s all. Thank you.
