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1.他说的话没有意义。(make sense)

2.你看明白这篇文章的意思吗?(make sense of)


4.我很抱歉占用了你这么多宝贵的时间。(sorry to have done)

5.就这优质的服务而言,这个价格是合理的。(As far as … concerned)

Keys to translation 31:

1.I would appreciate it if you call me back this evening.

2.It must be pointed out that it is one of our basic State policies to control the population growth while raising the quality of the population.

3.For one thing, these shoes don't suit you. For another, they are too expensive.

4.It must be kept in mind that there is no secret of success but hard work.

5.She was accompanied by an experienced ski instructor and she learnt very quickly.


1. 如果你听了医生的话,你早就恢复健康了。

2. 如果没有虚拟语气,英语就容易多了。

3. 如果她更加努力的话,她就成功了。

4. 万一他不来,你就代替他。

5. 如果我的女儿不忙的话,她就会来帮助你。

Keys to translation 32:

1.What he said made no sense.

2.Can you make any sense of the article?

3.Our school has placed an order for a large quantity of teaching equipment.

4.I’m sorry to have taken up much of your valuable time.

5.As far as the good service is concerned, the price is reasonable.


1.我要是有时间肯定和你一起打这场网球比赛。(join sb in sth)

2.如果他遵照医生的劝告,现在病就好了。(follow, recover)

3.如果那个男孩今天下午没有被救,他的家现在就不会如此安宁。(be in peace)

4.要是这台机器情况良好,我们上次就将它用于试验了。(in good conditions)

5.假如你过两天去海南,我现在就可以安排我在那儿的朋友去机场接你。(arrange for sb to do)

Keys to translation 33:

1. If you had listened to the doctor, you would have already recovered.

2. If there were no subjunctive mood, English would be much easier.

3. If she had worked harder, she would have succeeded.

4. Should he not come, you would take his place.

5. Were my daughter not so busy, she would come to help you.


1. 她的孩子在超市里走丢了,令她十分担心。(make sb much concerned)

2. 他非常担心他儿子的安全。(be concerned about)

3. 我在这样的紧急情况下怎样才能联系到你呢?(in such an emergency)

4. 如果他抓紧时间,他本来能赶上那趟火车。(虚拟)

5. 如果你昨天告诉他,他也许会提些建议。(虚拟)

Keys to translation 34:

1.If I had time, I would certainly join you in the tennis match.

2.If he had followed the doctor's advice,he would recover already.

3.If the boy hadn't been saved this afternoon, his family would not be in peace now.

4.If the machine were in good conditions, we would have used it in our last experiment.

5.If you were to visit Hainan in two days, I could arrange for some of my friends there to meet you at the airport.



2.昨晚城里一栋住宿楼烧毁了,所幸没有人受伤(burn down, injure)

3.奥巴马(Obama)也许会当选为美国首位黑人总统( elect)

4.报纸和其他媒体不仅是简单地记录所发生的事件(more than)


Keys to translation 35:

1.Her son was lost in the supermarket, which made her much concerned.

2.She was very concerned about his son’s safety.

3.How can I contact you while I am in such an emergency?

4.If he had hurried, he could have caught the train.

5.If you had told him yesterday, he might have made some suggestions.
