



(友情提示:请同学们将1— 61 小题答案涂在机读卡上;62— 101 小题答案写在答题卷上)

Ⅰ卷( 100 分)

Ⅰ .听力部分(30 分)

一 . 情景反应 , 听一遍。( 1*6 分)

1. A. Jay B. Town Cinema C. FM88.4

2. A. Yes, they do. B. Yes, they will. C. No, they aren ’ t.

3. A. I argued with my best friend. B. Yes, I will.

C. Why not?

4. A. Are they? B. Sure, thank you. C. I agree.

5. A. It is very expensive. B. It ’ s cold and dry. C. It is easy to find it.

6. A. I don ’ t like it. B. He won ’ t. C. Zhaobenshan.

二 . 对话理解, 听一遍。(1*6 分 )

7. A.320 yuan. B.640yuan. C. 160yuan.

8. A. An astronaut. B.A doctor. C. A teacher.

9. A. UME B. Town Cinema C. Wanda

10. A. No, she won ’ t. Because she is going to hospital.

B. Yes, she will. She will go after she sees the doctor.

C. No, she won ’ t. Because she is a doctor.

11. A. He thinks the girl ’ s clothes are out of style.

B. He dislikes the girl ’ s clothes.

C. He thinks the girl bought too many clothes.

12. A. They are talking about selling a house.

B. They are talking about their modern house in the future.

C. They are talking about making things.

三 .短文理解,听两遍。(2*9)


13. Where are the students going next morning?

A. Bejing

B. London

C. Sanya

14. How much money should each student take ?

A. ¥ 350.

B. ¥ 530.

C. $530.

15. What should the students wear ?

A. Yellow skirts.

B. Blue shirts

C. Red shirts.

16. What is the phone number of the school office ?

A. 518-4436



17. Who should the students call if they have any problems in London ?

A. Mrs. Belcher

B. Mr. Black

C. Mrs. Flecher


18. Tina is ________all her subjects.

A. interested in

B. good at

C. bad at

19. Tina studies _______than her classmates.

A. lazier

B. better

C. harder

20. Tina ’ s English is_______than her math.

A. worse

B. better

C. poor

21. Tina wants Mr. Green to _________.

A. be her teacher

B. come to see her

C. tell her what to do

Ⅱ. 单项选择。 ( (1*20 分。 )

22. The li ttle boy looked at me in ________.It ’ s really _______ news for him. A. surprisingly, surprising B. surprise, surprising C. surprisingly, surprised D. surprise, surprised

23. The boy ___________. So his grandparents have to look after him at home.

A. is old enough to go to school

B. isn’ t enough old to go to


C. isn’ t old enough to go to school

D. is enough old to go to school

---My life will be ______ better than it is now.

A. be like, very

B. be, a lot

C. becomes, too

D. be like, a lot

25. I ________ my purse everywhere, but I couldn ’ t ________ it.

A. looked, find

B. looked for, find

C. found, look for

D. find, look for

26. The No. 10 football player felt so badly that he ________ stand up.

A. could

B. couldn ’ t be able to

C. was not able to

D. can ’t

27. ________ of the three women is my aunt.

A. The older

B. The oldest

C. Older

D. The elder

28. It ’ s a good team. They can do the work better with _____ time and _____ people.

A. less, less

B. fewer, fewer

C. less, fewer

D. fewer, less

29. The old man lives _______. So he often feels ________.

A. alone, lonely

B. alone, alone

C. lonely, lonely

D. lonely, alone

30. Because of the sunny day, he ________ a pretty dress and looks good.

A. puts on

B. is on

C. wears

D. dressed

31. ________ people lost their lives in the earthquake.

A. Hundred

B. 3 Hundreds

C. Hundred of

D. Hundreds of

32. No one will go hiking with Miller ________ me. They don ’ t like him.

A. except

B. besides

C. including

D. beside

33. He ________ down in the half way, so he ________ the game.

A. fail, fell

B. felt, fail

C. fell, failed

D. feel, failed

34. I found ________ hard to review every subject after I finished my homework.

A. it

B. that

C. it is

D. it be

35. One of ________ doctors in America will visit our hospital and give us a report.

A. the famous

B. most famous

C. the most famous

D. the more famous

36. Your fa ther is sleeping. You ’ d better ________.

A. wake him up

B. wake up him

C. not wake him up

D.not to wake him


37. May I ________ your dictionary? I ________ it at home.

A. lend, forget

B. borrow, forget

C. lend, left


borrow, left

38.---When shall I call you, morning or afternoon?

---________ is OK. I will be free all day.

A. Both

B. Any

C. Either

D. Neither

39. This coat doesn ’ t fit him well, because he has _____ a huge body but the

coat is small.

A. so, such

B. so, so

C. such, such

D. such,


40. All the fruit is free. You can eat ________.

A. as many as possible

B. as much as possible

C. as more as you can

D. as many as you could

41. UME is not far away from my home and I think it ’ s the _____ ___ home.

A. close to

B. closest to

C. close



Ⅲ .完形填空(2*10 分)

Susan Boyle is 49 years old. She became __42__ when she sang the song I Dreamed

a Dream in Britain’ s Got Talent show. It is a big show in __43__.Ordinary (普

通的 ) people can show their special__44__ in the show.

At that time, Susan Boyle didn ’ t have a job a nd she was living alone in a small

town in England. She looked shy and didn ’t _45___well.When she said she wanted to be a famous __46___,everybody looked upon(看不起)her. But when she opened

her __47__ and started singing, people stopped laughing. They were shocked(震惊 ) by her beautiful___48___.

Now Susan Boyle has a lot of fans all over the world and she is a real ____49__ now. She even took a trip to America. Susan is really very __50__ and always has

time for her fans. At the airport, thousands of her__51__shouted,“ We love Susan! ”

Susan says she has never been married( ( ) 42.A. unknown B. famous 结婚 ),but now she is loved by everyone.

C. common

D. terrific

( ) 43.A.England B. China C. America D. Japan

( ) 44.A.hobbies B. talents C. habits D. minds ( ) 45.A.dress B. wearing C. put on D. be in

( ) 46.A.dancer B. singer C. farmer D.


( ) 47.A.window B. eyes C. mouth D. arms

( ) 48.A.look B. voice C. noise D. sound ( ) 49.A.woman B. waitress C. business woman D. superstar

( ) 50.A.clever B. handsome C. kind D. serious

( ) 51.A.friends B. children C. visitors D. fans

Ⅳ. 阅读理解 (2*15)


A kind of little cars may some day take the place of( 取代 ) today ’ s cars.

If everyone drives such cars in the future , there will be less pollution in the

world. There will also be more space for parking cars in cities , and the streets will be less crowded. Three such cars can fit in the space now needed for one

car of the usual size.

The little cars will cost much less to own and to drive. Driving will be safer ,too , as these little cars can go only 65 kilometers an hour. The cars of the future will be fine for getting around a city , but they will not be useful for long trips. Little cars will only go 450 kilometers before they need to stop for more gasoline( 汽油 ).

If big cars are still used along with the small ones , two sets of roads will be needed in the future. Some roads will be used for the big , fast cars and other

roads will be needed for the slower , small ones.

52.There is much pollution in the world today because________.

A. people drive big cars

B. people drive little cars

C. the cars go 65 kilometers an hour

D. the cars can go 450 kilometers an hour

53.The usual size of cars today are________ that of future cars.

A. much smaller than

B. much the same as
