




When I was in primary school, I bought a prank toys, that can jump out from the bottle to the snake, then I gave it to a girl, She screamed when she opened the box. At that time, I was nervous and scared.


First of all, I think that is the secret of a successful relationship between the two parties need to respect each other, tolerance each other's shortcomings. The second is when you're free to keep in touch with friends and occasionally need to praise your friends. Finally, it's important to put down your phone when you meet.


My favorite holiday is Spring Festival, because I can do many meaningful things. For example, I can get together with my family and feel the warmth of family. At the same time, you can also go out to dinner with old friends and play mah-jongg to promote friendship. The atmosphere of the Spring Festival is very lively. If there is a chance, I hope you can experience it.



The best thing I've ever eaten is Chongqing hotpot, because it has my favorite chili, all kinds of vegetables, lamb and beef. And

it's a great way to get together with friends, People sit around a table and talk about something happy things.

The worst food I've ever eaten is Fried cockroach. It's delicious, but it's disgusting.

5、Say?an?activity?you?think?is?a?waste?of?time? Why ?

In our current life, mobile phones play an indispensable role in our life. Through it, we can keep in touch with family and friends. We can also watch movies and play games on our mobile phones. However, it takes up too much of our time. We should learn to put down our phones and take part in extracurricular activities to relieve the pressure of study, strengthen physical fitness, enhance friendship and enrich campus life.

6、What?topics?do?you?like?reading?about/watching?on?the?news? Why ?

The news of science and technology always shows that there are many magical places in the world. For example, mobile phones, computers and robots are the products of technology, which have changed our life. By focusing on science and technology, we can increase our professional knowledge and our view of the world.


People who like travelling have their reasons. They maintain

that travelling can help them expand their scope of knowledge, especially geographical and historical. They go on to point out that touring will provide more chance for them to enjoy food and try on clothes that they cannot possibly have.


《Gone with the wind》is a book that I have read in foreign literature. The heroine, Scarlett o 'hara, is a very beautiful woman. She dares to hate and dares to pursue her own happiness, which I appreciate very much.

There is a famous saying in the book that Land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for. Because it's the only thing that lasts .


When I was young, I have some naughty, but sometimes I would cry, and then my mother said to me, "if you cry again, your police uncle will take you away." When I heard that, I stopped crying and hid behind my mother. Oh! It's really a beautiful memory!

10、which?bands?or?singer?have?you?seen?or?would?like?to?see? Why ?

Because of a song called "凉凉", I began to like Zhang bichen, who has a sexy body and magnetic sound. She is always attentive to

her staff at work, and she loves her family. If she holds a solo concert in Chongqing this year, I will definitely support her.

11、Talk about of your parents jobs or a job you would like when you graduate?

When I graduate I want to be a teacher, because from I was young until now, I feel the teacher is a very meaningful work, he can help children acquire knowledge and teach children to be man. It can also bring me happiness. I love all my teachers.

12、Think of a person you know who "has style" describes them?

My teacher Daniel is a very special person, he is from Chicago

in the United States, has a pair of blue eyes and brown hair, he occasionally save some beard, he is very like running and singing, and he is very humorous. I can always remember his characteristic laughter, ha ha ha……, I learned a lot of knowledge in his class. 13、Have?you?made?any?bad?decisions?this?year? Describe ?them??

Before I came to Chongqing, I knew that Chongqing hotpot is very famous. So, when I first came to Chongqing this year, I will go to eat chongqing hot pot with my classmates, because I love to eat chili, so I have decided a very spicy soup pot, when for the first bite, I already know I made a wrong decision, it is really too hot, So when I first came to chongqing this year, I will go to eat chongqing hot pot with my classmates, because I love to eat chili,

so I have decided a very spicy soup pot, when for the first bite, I already know I made a wrong decision, it is really too spicy,


When I was in primary school, I bought a prank toys, that can jump out from the bottle to the snake, then I gave it to a girl, She screamed when she opened the box. At that time, I was nervous and scared.


One summer vacation in my university, I went on a trip to hainan with my classmates. When we went there, we found that the sky was really blue and the water was really clear. We played beach volleyball and swam there together. The beautiful place is always reluctant to let people leave, so we found a part-time job there, enjoying the beautiful scenery while working. We spent a summer vacation there. This is my longest trip.

16、What?was?the?best?or?worst?hotel?you've?stayed?in? Describe?it?

I was impressed by a hotel in my mind. I remember when I was in junior high school, I went on a trip with my classmates. It was very late when I got to that place. So we found a hotel, and at night, we drank, we sang and we talked about dreams. Although the facilities at the hotel were not the best, we had a wonderful evening in the room, until now I felt that the hotel was the best..



On a sunny afternoon, I went shopping with my friends, and while we were walking along the pedestrian street, we came face to face with a beautiful lady, There happened to be a thief stealing her

cell phone when we were looking at her, Then we gave her a good reminder.

18、Besides China is there another country you would like to live? Why?

If one day I will go to other countries, I will choose to Japan, because Japan is a modernization and westernization, but also to maintain its culture and history of countries, the Japanese are very polite, sophisticated, elegant... They captured my heart when I was there.

19、In what way has life changed in your family over the generations?

With the continuous development of China, The living standards of everyone in our country have been greatly improved. In my grandfather's generation, they didn't use cell phones. In my dad's generation they traded on paper money, and our generation can

already rely on mobile payments.

20、What features do you find attractive on a woman/man?

In my side has a white skin, blue eyes, brown hair and occasionally save some beard man, his name is Daniel, he likes singing and running, he gave me the impression is confidence, enthusiasm and sense of humor.
