






?The table/figure/graph/chart shows that from________to_______ ? It is self-evident that,___________.

? Three possible reasons contribute to___________.

(4)One reason is that_________; (5) another reason is that _______ ___.

(6)For instance,____________.(7)What's more___________.(8)As

a result,______________. (9)However, in my opinion___________ . (10 )For one thing,_________,

For another, __________ . To sum up,____________________. 【模版要素】



文内容④第一原因 5第二原因⑥举例证


⑩论点 1 ⑾论点 2 ⑿总结上文

①This letter comes to you from_______ . ②In it, some opinions are put forward for you to reflect upon.

find___③As you know, _______. ④But unfortunately, we don’t

_______ sometimes. ⑤For one thing,________________.⑥For a nother, _________.⑦what's more, _________.⑧Honestly speaki ng,_________. ⑨For example,_______.⑩And__________⑾But there is still much room for improvement.

⑿I do believe____________. Sincerely yours, (Signature:) 【模版要素】①写信人姓名及身份②写信目的③主题词④主题句⑤问题 1 ⑥问题 2 ⑦问题 3 ⑧承认好的方面⑨举例 1 ⑩举例2 &e322;复述观点 &e323;提出解决问题的愿望


Complain about the Dining Service in School

January 6th , 2007 Dear Mr. President,

①This letter comes to you from one of your students. ②In it, so me opinions are put forward for you to think about.

③As you know, students of us go to the dining-hall three times e ach day. ④But unfortunately, we don't find the service there satis fying sometimes. ⑤For one thing, the food is not nutritious as it should be. ⑥For another, the fare is a little higher than we can af ford. ⑦ What's more, sometimes the staff in the dining-hall just b

ring us steamed bread with their bare hands and you can’t


e how dirty they are!

⑧Honestly speaking, some measures have been taken and things are improving there. ⑨For example, IC cards have taken the plac e of money in the canteen. ⑩And the attitude of the staff is also c hanging a little bit. ⑾But there is still much room for improveme nt.

⑿I do believe that, with the efforts of all people concerned, we c

an solve the problems there and make it a better place our student s.







①It is well-accepted that(________).②For instance, (__ _).③Be sides, ( ) . ④Furthermore, ( ). ⑤Not to mention( ). ⑥In spite of a ll these, _______________.⑦To begin with,_____________.

⑧At the same time,____________.⑨Finally_________.⑩Thu__ ___________.

⑾ In short,___________.⑿It pays to_________________. 【模版要素】①提出主题或现象②举例 1 ③举例 2 ④举例

3 ⑤举例

4 ⑥主题词⑦论证 1 ⑧论证 2 ⑨论证 3 ⑩小结上文 &e322; 总结全文

&e323; 深化主题,回应全文


①It is well-accepted that nowadays dishonesty is a common phen omenon in society. ② For instance, many good-hearted doctors w ould not tell dying patients about their real condition. ③Besides, poor students tend to cheat on exams. ④Furthermore, greedy adv ertisers, armed with misleading advertisements, may lure custom ers into buying fake commodities. ⑤Not to mention such "decent " and famous figures as Liu Xiaoqing, used to be considered as C hina' s movie queen, have cheated the government on income tax es.

⑥1n spite of all these, honesty is always regarded as an importan t part of the human character. ⑦To begin with, if you treat others fairly, those associating with you will certainly profit from your sincerity. ⑧At the same time, a sense of trust builds up in their h earts, which, in turn, will earn you more true friends. ⑨Finally, t

hat will benefit you in the long run. ⑩ Thus it is essential for eve

ryone to maintain an honest attitude towards the whole society.

⑾In short, honesty wins trust, respect and honor.⑿It pays to be



① It is well-known that_________ . ②For example,__________

___.③And_________ . ④What's more,______________.⑤Even

____________. ⑥However,_____________ . ⑦First of all,____

___________.⑧Meanwhile, ________.⑨And_______________

. ⑩Therefore,____________________________.⑾In a word, _

____________.⑿We should________________. 【模版要

素】①提出主题或现象②举例 1 ③举例 2 ④举例3 ⑤举例

4 ⑥主题词⑦论证 1 ⑧论证 2 ⑨论证 3 ⑩小结上文,做好过渡 &e322; 总结全文 &e323; 强调主题论点【模版例文】

Fight Against the Fake Commodities.

①It is well-known that with the development of economy, fake c

ommodities prevail in many places of our country.②For example

, fake medicines and fake diplomas are widespread all over the co

untry.③And there are many reasons explaining this phenomenon,

one of which is that some profiteers, regardless of people's intere wait to make a fortune; They just take risk making and s st, can’t

elling fake commodities. ④What’smore, the punishment is not s

evere enough to stop the violators. ⑤Even the violators are not af raid of it.

⑥However, fake commodities are extremely harmful to consume

rs as well as to the whole society. ⑦First of all, fake commoditie s may cause losses to consumers. ⑧Meanwhile, fake commoditie s may harm people's health, sometimes even lives. ⑨And in the 1 998 fatal alcohol poisoning case in Shanxi Province, for example, a peasant produced "alcohol", dreaming of becoming rich overni ght; Which, with 27 people killed and about 700 poisoned, cause

d great sufferings to th

e victims and shocked the whole country a

s well.⑩Therefore, it is really high time we took measures to cra ck down on the production and sale of fake commodities.

⑾In a word, fake commodities are really harmful to everyone co ncerned. ⑿we should fight against the fake commodities.
