






1.What caused the fire?

A. A careless smoker.

B. A broken wire line.

C. Some unknown cause.

2.What does the woman mean?

A. The man should be the one to speak to Paul.

B. The man should repair the radio himself.

C. There is no need for him to say “sorry”.

3.Where are the two speakers having the dialogue?

A. In the street.

B. On a bus

C. At the bus stop.

4.What does the woman mean?

A. The old house should be turned into stores.

B. The shop center is quite old.

C. New shopping center are very common.

5.Where does the woman prefer to live?

A. In the countryside.

B. In the city.

C. In the small town.

第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分1 5分)



6.Where does the conversation take place?

A. At the ticket office.

B. On the plane.

C. At the check in counter.

7.What will the woman have to carry to reduce the weight of her luggage?

A. The shoulder bag.

B. The dictionary.

C. The hand bag.


8.What tickets does the man want to buy?

A. For the pop star sport.

B. For pop music concerts.

C. For the music conference.

9.On which day will the man g to the concert?

A. Thursday.

B. Friday.

C. Sunday

10.Which of the following does the man least care about?

A. The date of the ticket.

B. The price of the ticket.

C. Whether the seats are together or not.


11.Where does the conversation take place?

A. In a cafeteria(自助食堂).

B. In a café.

C. In a bar.

12.What WON?T the man have for the meal?

A. Steak.

B. Fried eggs.

C. Coffee.

13.Why do they choose this place to have meal?

A. Because they can sit by the window.

B. Because they can do some of the work.

C. Because they can save some money.


14.Whom is the conversation going between?

A. The manager and his secretary.

B. The secretary and his wife.

C. The husband and his wife.

15.What?s the matter with the man?

A. He has got a cold.

B. He has got a cold and a headache.

C. He has smoked too heavily.

16.Which of the following statements is true?

A. The man doesn?t want to go to work very much.

B. The woman is a doctor.

C. The man got a terrible cold and couldn?t go to work.


17.Where did the story happen?

A. At a restaurant.

B. At the speaker?s home.

C. At the speaker?s friend?s home.

18.How many friends did he invite to lunch?

A. Three.

B. Four.

C. Five.

19.How much did the writer pay for the meal in all?

A. 1,000 yuan.

B. 1260 yuan.

C. 200 yuan for each person.

20.Why does the writer say the experience was not so bad?

A. Because they had a good lunch at a quiet place.

B. The experience made him wiser.

C. Both A and B.




21.Mention ____ word recycling and ____ few of us think of cars. But in ____ world of limited

space and resources, recycling is very important.

A. a; a; the

B. a; 不填; a

C. the; 不填; a

D. the; 不填; the

22.—Isn?t it just five hundred? Let?s get it, darling.

—____, no idea of saving money.

A. It?s just like you

B. It?s not like you

C. I agree with you

D. That?s all right

23.It was nearly an hour ____ the sleeping pill ____ effect.

A. when; took

B. before; took

C. since; took

D. before; would take

24.The woman claimed ____ at the supermarket when she was doing shopping yesterday.

A. being badly treated

B. having badly treated

C. to be badly treated

D. to have been badly treated

25.As far as I know, the writer enjoys at least as much singing Beijing Opera as he ____.

A. does writing

B. writes

C. writing

D. does to write

26.So ____ that even the UN troops couldn?t control it.

A. the situation of Iraq was complicated

B. complicated was the situation of Iraq

C. was the situation of Iraq complicated

D. complicated the situation of Iraq was

27.—I saw Bob carrying baggage for a stranger yesterday.

—What a good fellow! He ____ others, especially those in trouble.

A. is always helping

B. always helped

C. has always helped

D. had always helped

28.—The singer looks very beautiful.

—But she was very ugly before she tidied up her appearance(整容). You ____ believe it!

A. shouldn?t

B. mustn?t

C. wouldn?t

D. might not

29.When we hurried to the airport, the foreign friends ____ to get off the plane.

A. had arrived waiting

B. arrived waiting

C. were arriving to wait

D. had arrived to wait

30.—The mobile phone looks nice. Please show ____ to me.

—Here you are, Madame.

—Oh, wonderful! I?ll get it. My daughter just needs ____.

A. that; it

B. one; it

C. it; one

D. it; it

31.The negotiation had ____ without any result. And then came the war instead.

A. been broken up

B. to be broken off

C. break up

D. to break off

32.On the contrary, I think it is Truman, ____ you, ____ to blame.

A. more than; are

B. less than; who are

C. rather than; that is

D. rather than; is

33.—Are you going to travel this summer vacation?

—No, I?ll have to do some part-time job for my next team study. ____, there?s SARS spreading.

A. Also

B. Therefore

C. However

D. Unluckily

34.As a Chinese, we should often think ____ we can do more for our country.

A. how

B. what

C. of what

D. of how

35.____ you from taking a hand in that affair, you ____ in prison.

A. If I didn?t stop; would have stayed

B. Had I stopped; would be staying

C. Shouldn?t I have stopped; would stay

D. If I hadn?t stopped; would have stayed



Bodybuilding is a world away from high school physical education class, but now teenage boys 36 having muscular bodies just like their 37 .

Andy Lau played a 38 monk who helps catch criminals(罪犯)in the film “Running on Karma”. Then 39 bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger 40 the spotlight when he became governor of California, US, 41 that muscle-men have 42 too. People have tried to develop muscular bodies for centuries. But as a sport or form of exercise, bodybuilding is still quite 43 . Briton Eugen Sandow?s 44 at the 1893 World Columbian Exposition in Chicago is widely seen as the world?s 45 bodybuilding show. Many of his poses(姿势)are 46 used in competitions today. In 1940, the Mr. America contest became the first world bodybuilding competition, and it was 47 by the Mr. Universe contest in 1950 and the Mr. 48 competition 15 years after that.

Some ask whether bodybuilding is really a sport, since the competitions only 49 posing, not any real athletic 50 . Diet, on the other hand, plays a much more important role in bodybuilding than in any other sport.

“It?s 51 to believe that all the athletes are close to 52 when they show off their 53 on stage,”said Cao Xinli. She won the women?s championship at the National Bodybuilding

Competition last week in Baotou.

A coach explained: “The strict controls on diet and the hard training often 54 that bodybuilders are much 55 than they look.” But despite the dangers, young boys will still go to the gym in the hope of developing a better body.

36.A. think of B. dream of C. know of D. are aware of

37.A. heroes B. parents C. partners D. coaches

38.A. physical B. spiritual C. bare-head D. muscular

39.A. former B. latter C. earlier D. later

40.A. made B. entered C. escaped D. controlled

41.A. seeing B. finding C. proving D. explaining

42.A. perseverance B. achievements C. feelings D. brains

43.A. old B. young C. popular D. difficult

44.A. appearance B. creation C. performance D. success

45.A. first B. latest C. valuable D. unforgettable

46.A. widely B. usually C. even D. still

47.A. established B. judged C. joined D. stopped

48.A. Olympia B. Alps C. Himalayas D. Pacific

49.A. arrange B. require C. admit D. cause

50.A. performance B. technique C. courage D. effort

51.A. necessary B. unnecessary C. hard D. easy

52.A. starvation B. victory C. fullness D. failure

53.A. talents B. strengths C. muscles D. looks

54.A. suggest B. mean C. cause D. indicate

55.A. weaker B. stronger C. easier D. harder




There are stock markets in large cities in many countries. Stock markets in Paris, London, Tokyo, Shanghai and New York are among the largest and most well-known. The stock market, also called stock exchange, is a place where people can buy or sell shares of a factory or a company. And each share means certain ownership of a factory or a company.

Different people go to stock markets. Some are rich, who want to get more money than they have. Others are not very rich, who buy stocks and try to become rich. Still others buy stocks as part of their plan to save money.

Of course, investing money in the stock markets is not the safest way to make money. No one can tell exactly whether the shares will be doing well. The factory or company may do badly. Then the stocks will go down and investors will lose money. The stock may go up or down for a number of untold reasons. Everyone wants the stock to go up, but sometimes even if a factory or company does a good job, the stock may still go down.

No wonder going to the stock market is often compared to gambling. All are eager to make money by “gambling” in the stock market. Factories and companies that need money are pleased that so many people are willing to gamble”. Indeed, the stock market is an attractive part of the business world.

56.If you are an investor, ____ in the stock market.

A. you can always make money

B. you can tell exactly when the stock goes up or down

C. you might always lose money in a period

D. your gambling is always safe

57.When a factory or company does a good job, ____.

A. investors are sure to get money

B. the stock will sometimes go down

C. going to the market is the safest way

D. you should never put your money in it

58.Factories and companies are pleased that so many people “gamble” because ____.

A. they can make more money

B. they need more people to work for them

C. the need their money to do business

D. some people win and some lose

59.The article mainly wants to tell us ____.

A. how to buy or sell shares

B. the stock market is like a gambling house

C. the ABC of stock market

D. investing money in the stock market is not the safest way


After nearly a decade of planning, the Egyptian Government has announced an ambitious plan to build the world?s biggest museum devoted enti rely to exhibiting the ancient relics(文物). Called the New Egyptian Museum, it will eventually house the largest collection of Pharaonic (法老的)monuments, including the solid gold death mask of Tutankhamun.

King Nebkheperura Tutankhamun remains the most famous of all the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. He lived over 3,300 years ago during the period known as the New Kingdom.

The museum also will house more than120,000 antiquities(ancient arts)from the 4th millennium (1,000 years)BC to the fall of the Roman Empire.

For the first time, the entire 3,500 items from Tutankhamun?s tomb will be displayed. Permanent exhibitions will include the royal mummies of Ramses II and III and other pharaohs and a large quantity of collection of Pharaonic jewellery.

Antiquities will be organized by theme rather than chronologically(编年地). The four main themes will be: the land of Egypt; royalty and the state; arts of life and death; and scribes(文牍)and wisdom.

With building costs estimated near US$311 million, funding for the new museum will come from corporate sponsorship and charitable(慈善的)donations. The Egyptian Government is expected to pay one third of the final bill.

60.____ will build the world?s biggest museum devoted entirely to exhibiting the ancient relics.

A. The Egypt government

B. A corporate body

C. The charitable body

D. The Egypt government and a corporate body

61.When you go into one exhibiting hall of the would-be museum, you?ll see ____.

A. all the exhibits are arranged by the year

B. all the exhibits are arranged by theme

C. more than 120,000 Egyptian antiquities are on show

D. Pharaonic monuments of Tutankhamun and the royal relics

62.According to the passage, ____.

A. the most valuable relics that are to be displayed are 120,000antiquities from the 4th


B. 3,500 items of relics hav e been discovered from Tutankhamun?s tomb

C. the Pharaonic monuments of Tutankhamun are the oldest relics

D. the royal mummies of Ramses II and III and other pharaohs will be displayed for the

second time

63.The best title of the passage should be ____.

A. Egypt?s Ambitious Plan

B. The World?s Biggest Museum for the Ancient relics

C. Egypt to Construct New Museum

D. Ancient Egyptian relics are to be Displayed


Geologists(地质学家)have been studying volcanoes for a long time. Though they have learned a great deal, they still have not discovered the causes of volcanic action. They know that the inside of the earth is very hot, but they are not sure exactly what causes the great heat. Some geologists have thought that the heat is caused by the great pressure of the earth?s outer layers. Or the heat may be left from the time when the earth was formed. During the last sixty years scientists have learned about radium, uranium, thorium, and other radioactive elements. These give out heat all the time as they change into other elements. Many scientists now believe that much of the heat inside the earth is produced by radioactive elements.

Whatever the cause of the heat may be, we do know that the earth gets hotter the farther down we dig. In deep mines and oil wells the temperature rises about 1℉for each 50 feet. At this rate the temperature 40 miles below the earth?s surface would be over 4000℉. this is much hotter than necessary to melt rook. However, the pressure of the rock above keeps most materials from melting at their usual melting points. Geologists believe that the rock deep in the earth may be plastic, or puttylike(似粘性材料). In other words, the rock yields slowly to pressure nut is not liquid. But if some change in the earth?s crust releases the pressure, the rock melts. Then the hot, liquid rock can move up toward the surface.

Where the melted rock works its way closed to the earth?s crust, a volcano may be formed. The melted rock often contains steam and other gases under great pressure. If the rock above gives way, the pressure is released. Then the sudden expansion of the gases causes explosions. These blow the melted rock into pieces of different sizes and shoot them high in the air. Here they cool and harden into volcanic ash and cinders(灰烬). Some of this material falls around the hole made in the earth?s surface. The melted rock may keep on rising and pour out as lava(岩浆). In this way, volcanic ash, cinders, and lava build up the cone-shaped(锥形的)mountains that we call volcanoes.

64.The subject of this passage is the ____.

A. formation of volcanoes

B. results of volcanic action

C. interior of the earth

D. causes of the earth?s internal heat

65.The cause for the heat in the interior of the earth is probably ____.

A. radioactive elements

B. the great pressure of the earth

C. not determined

D. the heat remaining from the formation of the earth

66.From the information given in the passage, most minerals would melt fastest ____.

A. at 4000 ℉at sea level

B. at 4000 ℉, 5000 feet below sea level

C. in the absence of oxygen

D. at the exact center of the earth at 4000℉

67.If the temperature at the earth?s surface is 20℉the temperature in a coal mine 500 feet below

the surface would, in degrees, be ____.

A. 40

B. 30

C. 50

D. 120


Thirty-two people watched Kitty Genovese being killed right beneath their windows. She was their neighbor. Yet none of the 32 helped her. No one even called the police. Was this in gunman cruelty? Was i t lack of feeling about one?s fellow man?

“Not so,” say scientists John Barley and Bib Fatane. These men went beyond the headlines to probe the reasons why people didn?t act. They found that a person has to go through two steps before he can help. First he has to notice that is an emergency.

Suppose you see a middle-aged man fall to the sidewalk. Is he having a heart attack? Is he in a coma(昏迷)from diabetes(糖尿病)? Or is he about to sleep off a drunk?

Is the smoking coming into the room from a leak in t he air conditioning? Is it “steam pipes”? or is it really smoke from a fire? It?s not always easy to tell if you are facing a real emergency. Second, and more important, the person faced with an emergency must feel personally responsible. He must feel th at he must help, or the person won?t get the help he needs.

The researchers found that a lot depends on how many people are around. They had college students in to be “tested”. Some came alone. Some came with one or two others. And some came in large gro ups. The receptionist started them off on the “test”. Then she went into the next room.

A curtain divided the “testing room” and the room into which she went. Soon the student heard a scream, the noise of file cabinets falling and a cry for help. All of this had been pre-recorded on a tape recorder.

Eight out of ten of the students taking the test alone acted to help. Of the students in pairs, only two out of ten helped. Of the students in groups, none helped.

In other words, in a group, Americans often fail to act. They feel that others will act. They, themselves, needn?t. They do not feel any direct responsibility.

Are people bothered by situations where people are in trouble? Yes. Scientists found that they people were emotional, they sweated, they had trembling hands. They felt the other person?s trouble. But they didn?t act. They were in a group. Their actions were shaped by the actions of those they were with.

68.The purpose of this passage is ____.

A. to explain why people fail to act in emergencies

B. to explain when people will act in emergencies

C. to explain what people will do in emergencies

D. to explain how people feel in emergencies

69.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. When a person tries to help others, he must be clear that there is a real emergency.

B. When a person tries to help others, he should know whether they are worth his help.

C. A person must take full responsibility for the safety of those in emergencies if he wants to


D. A person with a heart attack needs help the most.

70.The main reason why people fail to act when they stay together is that ____.

A. they are afraid of emergencies

B. they are reluctant to get themselves involved

C. others will act if they themselves hesitate

D. they do not have any direct responsibility for those who need help

71.The author suggests that _____.

A. we shouldn?t blame a person if he fails to help

B. a person must feel guilty if he fails to help

C. people should be responsible for themselves in emergencies

D. when you are in trouble, people will help you anyway


The man traveling in the back of the ambulance which thrust its way through the streets of Baltimore that morning in 1967 had no business to be alive. By everything that was reasonable, and there were plenty of precedents, he should have been very dead indeed. But he wasn?t. As the people in the hospital pointed out after they had examined him, he was only slightly bruised. Yet he has just fallen 150 feet down a hotel lift shaft!

Unknown to the man, two things had occurred which were to affect his life that day. On the thirteenth floor of the hotel, somebody had carelessly left the lift gate open. Down in the basement, a pipe had burst and, before anyone could check the rush of water, it had flooded the bottom of the lift shaft to a depth of two feet.

Modern lifts have all sorts of fail-safe mechanisms to prevent accidents, but this was an ancient contraption(奇妙的装置)—unreliable, creaking, slow, hazardous(dangerous), and suitable material for any scrap dealer who cared to take it away.

The man had plenty of things to occupy his mind that morning. He had overslept. The hotel had forgotten to call him and now he was late for an important business appointment. He dressed quickly, shaved hurriedly, grabbed his briefcase and hurried off down the hotel corridor.

Good! The lift gate was open. The lift must be there. He need not press the button and wait while the large, clumsy(badly-made)lift hauled its way upwards. Without looking or thinking he stepped out into space The lift cage was, in fact, one floor above him on the fourteenth. The world into which he had walked was a narrow space of not very fresh air, ending 150 feet below in two feet of dirty water.

The man descended(dropped), making his journey to the ground at a speed he had never dreamed of. Confused patterns, whirling shapes, a rush of air, time enough to be afraid, split-second thoughts of death, then —crash.

Perhaps this gave him the record for some sort of high-diving act. No doubt in future he always looked before he leap. Certainly he learnt that this was no way to save time. The experts said that those two feet of water had saved his life.

72.How do we know that the story is true?

A. We are told the place and time.

B. We are given plenty of details.

C. Lifts often go wrong.

D. The man won a high-diving record.

73.By …had no business to be alive? the writer means that the man ____.

A. had missed his business appointment.

B. was only just alive.

C. had done very little business.

D. was alive and this was very surprising.

74.The word “precedents” in paragraph 1 refers to ____.

A. other people who had had similar accidents.

B. rulers of countries.

C. the height which the man fell.

D. the man?s injuries.

75.Which of the following did NOT help to cause the accident?

A. Someone left the lift door open.

B. A pipe burst.

C. The man overslept.

D. He was late for an appointment.



第一节智力题请把答案填入题后的括号内,或写在题后的Answer后。(10分)1.Which of the four is least like the other three?

A. brain

B. light

C. philosophy

D. metal ()

2.What a scientific worker needs is the down-to-earth attitude instead of talking. The underlined

word means ____.

A. honest

B. practical

C. hard-working

D. thoughtful ()

3.I don?t believe such a minor matter will make you down. Pull up your socks! What does the

underlined phrase mean? A ()

A. Keep up your spirit.

B. Stand up.

C. Your socks are a bit lower.

D. Straighten up.

4.Which word does not go with the others?

A. yellow

B. dark

C. red

D. blue ()

5.Maria?s gift in literature soon found favour in her teacher?s eyes. What does the underlined

phrase mean?

A. was discovered by her teacher

B. came from her teacher?s help

C. was good at describing her teacher?s eyes

D. much attracted her teacher ( )

6.It goes without saying that a person must behave himself. What does the underlined phrase


A. 直言不讳

B. 不言而喻

C. 不值一提

D. 不辞而别()

7.The following picture is made with matches. How to turn it into one with only three squares

by taking away two matches from it?


8.What number should replace the question number?


9.Suppose it rains at midnight, can it be expected to clear up after 72 hours?


10.Divide 45 into 4 parts this way: after you add 2 to the first part, take 2 away from the second

part, multiply(乘)the third part by 2 and make the fourth part divided by 2, all the results are the same. Can you divide it?





高中英语知识竞赛试题 满分120分 Ⅰ.单项选择(共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分) A) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. If the doctor says, "Take two of these three times daily for a week", how many pills are you being prescribed(开药方) altogether? A. 6 B. 14 C. 42 D. 84 2. What dog never barks? A .big dog B. hot dog C. small dog D. red dog 3. A candle burns out in sixty minutes. How many minutes will it take five candles burning together? A. 300 minutes B. 200 minutes C. 100 minutes D. 60 minutes 4. Jane and Dennis have been going out for a few months, but in recent weeks ______ have been starting to appear in their relationship and it's not looking good. A. lines B. dots C. cracks D. flakes 5. Which phrase means looking for a job? A. Job networking B. Job chasing C Job tracking D. Job hunting 6. When a celebrity becomes widely recognized, you can say they are a __________ name. A. house B. home C. household D. homely 7. It is often said that the success of a company is largely dependent on USP. What does the acronym USP stand for? A. Unusually Small Profit B. Using Successful People C. Unique Selling Point D. Unusual Sales Promotions 8. What number should the question mark be? ①. 4 3 2 8 ②. 8 5 6 7 ③.3 1 2 4 ④. 5 4 ?9 A. 3 B. 5 C. 8 D. 6 9. His wife never lets him do what he wants and as a result he leads a dog's life. A. easts what he can B. never sleeps C. has an unhappy time


高一英语考试试题 命题人:斗鸡中学王生龙白云梅 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分:英语知识运用(共三节,满分85分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. Don’t worry too much about making ____ mistakes. They are _____ natural part of learning. A. /; a B. the; / C. /; the D. the; the 2. Tom was very sick with a bad cough, ______ he could neither eat nor sleep. A. as a result B. after all C. anyway D. otherwise 3. Two thirds of the work ____ done by Jimmy, and ___ was done by Nancy. A. was; the rest B. was; the others C. were; the others D. were; the rest 4. I am his best friend, and I will always _______ him. A. look into B. watch over C. join in D. worry 5. With the great dam ___, we’ll have enough electricity f or everyday use. A. complete B. completed C. to be completed D. to complete 6. I advised that he_____ to the hospital at once, but he insisted that he _____ quite well then. A. was sent; felt B. be sent; feel C. be sent; was feeling D. was sent; felt 7. ---- Have you heard that Tom, as well as his parents, _____ moved to Beijing? ---- Really? No _____ I haven’t seen him for a long time. A. have; doubt B. has; wonder C. have; reason D. has; choice 8. The old man had one son and two daughters, ___ treated him well, ____ made him very sad. A. neither of whom; that B. neither of them; which C. none of whom; which D. none of them; that 9. ----Do you have anything to do this afternoon? ----What’s up? ----Let’s go shopping. It’s said that Yimin Shop ___and all the sweaters are sold at half price. ----Why not? A. has closed down B. was closing down C. closes down D. is closing down 10. -John admitted ____in the exam. -That’s why he was not admit ____the skating club. A. cheating…to B. to cheat…by C. cheating…by D. to cheat…to


高一英语12月月考试卷 注意:1-75题填涂在答题卡上,从76开始做在答题卷上。考试时间110分钟。 听力部分:(共20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. When is Betty leaving for Guangzhou? A. Next Thursday evening. B. This Thursday evening. C. Next Tuesday evening. 2. Which season was it when the conversation took place? A. Spring. B. Winter. C. Summer. 3. When was the fire put out? A. At 1:00. B. At 4:00. C. At 3:00. 4.When will the woman go to dinner? A. Next Saturday. B. Next Sunday. C. On the man’s birthday. 5. What does the man think of the exam? A. It wasn't too difficult. B. It was too easy. C. It was very difficult. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6~8题。 6. Where are Kate and Torn? A. In Kate's office. B. In Tom’s house. C. In a classroom. 7. Why did Tom come in? A. He worked there. B. He wanted to talk to Kate. C. He wanted to have a letter typed. 8. What was Jane doing at that time? A. She was taking a rest. B. She was preparing for an exam. C. She was taking an exam. 听下面一段对话,回答9~11题。 9.How much did the woman’s package post cost? A. $10.80. B. $5.90. C. $5.94. 10.Which way did the woman get to mail her package? A. First class. B. A cheaper way. C. An expensive way. 11. Where did they have a talk? A. At a post office. B. At a railway station. C. At New York airport. 听下面一段对话,回答第12~14题。 12.Where did they have a dinner that night?


此文档下载后即可编辑 全国中学生英语能力竞赛试题(高二) 1、 I. 选择填空(Vocabulary and structure)(共20小题,计20分) A)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(答案涂在答题纸上) —Do you know Mr. Smith? —Yes. He's a strange man. We found ________ difficult to work with him. A. us B. it C. him D. you 2、 They ________ the distance and the communication problem for people visiting their city. A. drew attention to B. used up C. washed away D. dreamed of 3、 —You were driving at 100 km an hour, sir. —But officer, I ________. My car can't go more than 80. A. may not have to B. couldn't have been C. wouldn't like to D. needn't to be 4、 His money had not brought happiness and perhaps it had contributed________ his strange sense of values.

A. up B. for C. as D. to 5、 ________ their service, the workers of the hotel are active in learning English. A. Searching B. Informed C. To improve D. Having caused 6、 Every morning at a ________ time after breakfast she gave him an hour's lesson. A. busy B. patient C. convenient D. present 7、 It was not until last year ________ he got in touch with his father in Canada. A. where B. what C. how D. that 8、 I kept looking at the man wearing a pair of glasses, wondering ________. A. whether did I borrow his book B. where I had seen him before C. what I knew his wife D. when had I helped him 9、 The item you requested yesterday is no longer available and ________ we are returning your cheque. A. therefore B. altogether C. otherwise D. moreover 10、


英语学科试卷分析 本次英语试卷的出题学校是鞍山一中,试题难度适中,符合目前我们学生的 学情,除了完形填空一题偏难之外,其他题目同学们都能正常发挥。在这次试卷 中,同学们最容易得分的部分是语法填空,改错还有作文。此次作文题目出的中 规中矩,让同学们有话可说,有句型可写,所以普遍得分在15 分以上。而失分 最多的部分是完形填空,因为文章内容抽象,选项中生词偏多,所以对于词汇量 一般的同学来说正确率只能达到百分之六十。此次考试,教师也和同学们同步答题,反应也和同学们一样,觉得完型对于现阶段的同学来说还是偏难,在理解上 有较大的困难。但是在此次考试中,也不乏有得高分的同学,最高分达到了142 分,文科前四十分的平均分也到达了120 分以上,与兄弟院校差距较小。由此说明英语尖子生还是非常的突出。 目前英语试卷的高考题采用的是全国卷二,难度较以往偏简单,但是拉分的 项目还是在于完形填空,因此在此题的难度设置上会有所提高,而此次试卷的出 题意图也和高考试卷的命题方向不谋而合。 针对现阶段高考命题的思路,下一步的工作还是要从扩大学生词汇量上入手, 夯实基础,在此之上,要加大学生的阅读量,巩固语法知识。除了要进行每周的 周测之外,还有有步骤的对全年级同学进行单词的测试。与此同时,还要提高作 文的写作能力。将阅读课与写作课相结合,从阅读中,获得灵感,启发写作思路, 积累句型。在接下来的一年半中,英语学科已经进入复习阶段,会让学生们更进 一步夯实基础,再对单项进行强化,达到质的飞跃。但是对于层次不同的同学,还 是要采取不同的教学方法。 100 份以上的同学,要强化阅读和完型,平时多布置这 方面的习题,把阅读错题量控制在两个以内,完型控制在三个以内。一百分以下 的同学,还是要加大词汇量,语法上进行强化。对于英语学科瘸腿的同学, 要进行单独约谈,从心理上着手,让他们克服心理障碍,改变学习态度,争取做 得更好。


铜陵英才学校高一年级9月月考 英语 第一部分听力(共两节, 满分30分) 第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一个小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.Whom was the CD bought for? A.David B.Alice C.Lucy 2.Why did the man come to the United States? A.To visit his family B.To study C.To travel 3.What’s the weather probably like now? A.Sunny B.Cloudy C.Rainy 4.What does the woman really want to do? A.Take a good test B.Go to Beijing C.Go to work 5.What day is it today? A.Tuesday B.Thursday C.Friday 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.What does the woman think of playing outdoors? A.It’s a waste of time B.It’s helpful C.It’s boring 7.What are the speakers talking about?


试论高中英语教学的文化浸润 发表时间:2018-09-14T10:35:23.770Z 来源:《中小学教育》2018年第331期作者:王丽婷[导读] 本文就根据笔者教学经验,简单地说一说,如何在英语教学中培养学生的文化意识。 甘肃省兰州市第五十三中学730000 摘要:在高中英语教学中培养学生的文化意识,已经成为了英语教学当中的重要教学目标之一。但长久以来,受到应试教育的影响,高中阶段的英语教学,往往更加重视学生的知识积累,而忽视了语言交流的文化意识。恰恰是因为文化的不同,学生难以正确地理解和使用英语,从而造成学习方法上的不正确,最终难以提升自己的学习成绩,更难以培养学生的英语学习兴趣。本文就根据笔者教学经验,简单地说一说,如何在英语教学中培养学生的文化意识。 关键词:高中英语英语教学文化教学 在注重英语,培养学生的文化意识,让学生能够深入语境地来理解英语、学习英语,可以说是最重要的一个情感教学目标。当学生具备一定的文化意识之后,学生就能听懂、会说、会用正确的英语,表达在自己的阅读和写作之中。 一、文化教学与词汇教学相融合 词汇是英语的基础,更是英语发展的重要建构者。可以说,英语学习的重要基础就是词汇量的掌握。因此,在高中英语教学过程中,教师首先需要引导学生重视起来的就是词汇。因为中西方的历史文化发展不同,因此,单词之间的对应关系并不是非常准确,甚至于有些词语,在中文的意义里表示的是贬义词,而在英文的表达当中,是一个中性词。因此,教师要想真正地让学生掌握这些单词的使用用法,就一定要将其文化背景和地道的文化意识传达给学生。例如,教师在进行rest room这个词汇的讲授的时候,就要联系西方的一些文化,将这个单词翻译为卫生间、厕所,而不是我们传统学习中理解的休息室。词汇的教学,不仅局限在单词意义上的不同,更多的则表现在习惯表达和俗语之间的差异。英文当中的习惯表达和俗语都是基于西方文化上的引申含义。因此,高中英语教师在进行英语教学的时候,一定要尽可能地丰富学生的文化意识,加强学生对单词的理解,扩展学生的视野,不能让学生只局限在课本内容之中。通过文化教学与词汇教学的融合,学生能够对英语学习产生巨大的兴趣,从而自主地参与到学习过程中去,提升自己的学习成绩。 二、文化教学与口语教学相结合 地道的口语表达一直以来都是衡量英语学习程度的重要标准。英语教师在进行英语教学的时候,一定要激发学生的口语练习意识,强化学生的口语表达能力。长时间给学生灌输地道的英文表达,锻炼学生的英语口语能力,能够潜移默化地提升学生的文化意识,促进学生英语思维的发展,将英美文化意识融入到自己的英语学习中。这样的教学不仅要求学生要注重口语,更是要求教师在进行教学的时候也要关注课堂的口语。也就是说,教师要尽可能地用英语来组织课堂。最简单的课堂中,你可以表现在鼓励和表扬这个角度,教师可以采用”You can make it.”” Have you got it?”这样的句式来组织课堂。除此以外,教师在进行虚拟语气讲解的时候也可以采用文化的形式来帮助学生理解。我们都知道,在中文的习惯表达当中,并没有虚拟语气这样的结构。因此,学生在进行虚拟语气这一个部分学习的时候,难度往往比较大。反事实推论的语气在中国应用比较少,其实教师反复强调是委婉语气的应用,学生也难以深度地理解所谓委婉的定义。这个时候教师就可以引入文化意识层面的教学,西方人的文化中更加强调独立,他们讨厌有指挥地参与别人的生活,因此在进行劝解和建议的时候,往往采用“If I were you, I’d….”这样的句型。如果教师在进行讲授的时候能不只关注内容,而是扩展格局关注文化,学生的英语水平一定能得到质的飞跃。 三、文化教学与阅读教学相结合 高中阶段的阅读文章,语言环境真实,内容大多贴近生活,涉及到的话题也灵活多样,更加适合学生参考和学习。正是因为广泛的阅读题材,才使得教学的丰富性和多样性能够在阅读教学中得以发挥。教师如果能够妥善地将这些阅读话题利用起来,就能够激发学生的参与学习兴趣,引导学生关注未来、关注眼下的生活,促进文化交流意识的提升和跨文化交际的能力,真正地提升学生的人文素质,建构起具有竞争力的核心素养。因此在阅读教学过程中,教师应充分挖掘教学内容蕴藏的文化内涵,有意识地结合课堂中的教学内容,向学生们传授历史文化方面的英美文化,甚至包括文学意识方面的内容,都要尽可能地进行渗透。课堂上可以采用对比的方式,让学生意识到中西方文化的差异,提升他们的文化意识敏感度,这样就能更加准确得体地理解和听说英语。尤其是涉及到中西方礼仪方面的问题,更是文化冲突的重要外在表现形式,教师完全可以让学生自主地去搜集一些这方面的问题,然后让学生逐一进行分析和比较,通过文化层面的分析来理解不同形式的传统礼仪,最终学会“入乡随俗”“尊重平等”,做一个有修养的人。 随着时代的发展和教育要求的不断推进,开展多元化的教学形式,不局限于知识的传授,引入文化层面的教育从而培养学生的综合能力已经成为教育趋势和最终的必然结果。身为高中英语教师的我们一定要树立科学的教学观,在不断地提升自己的语言技能和文化素养的同时,钻研实际的教学内容,将这些文化内涵融入到自己的教学过程中,从而游刃有余地开展教学,引导学生感受文化的差异,适应日新月异的未来发展。 参考文献 [1]吴迅试论高中英语教学中文化意识的培养[J].中学生英语(教师版),2012,(25)。 [2]潘飞婷试论文化教学策略在高中英语教学中的运用[J].中学生英语,2016,(46)。


2014-2015学年度第一学期铜仁二中第二次月考 高一英语试卷 考试时间:120分钟考试分数:150分 第Ⅰ卷(客观题共100分) 第一部分:听力理解(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.Where is the man? A.At a train station.B.At a post office.C.At a bookshop. 2.What does the woman think about the weather? A.It'll clear up.B.It'll rain.C.It'll be windy. 3.How will the woman go to the town center probably? A.By bus.B.By taxi.C.By train. 4.when will Mr. Hill arrive? A.Tomorrow.B.The day after tomorrow.C.Next week. 5.What does the man want the person in apartment 4B to do? A.Move out.B.Keep quiet at night.C.Not make music in the house. 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独自读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6.How are the speakers trying to book their tickets? A.By phone.B.By surfing online.C.By going to the booking office. 7.Where would they prefer to sit? A.In the middle.B.At the back.C.In the front. 8.How does the man feel? A.Regretful.B.Stressed.C.Fearful. 听第7段材料,回答第9、10题。 9.What is the relationship between the speakers? A.Sister and brother.B.Teacher and student.C.Boss and employee. 10.What does the woman think of her new responsibilities? A.Easy.B.Challenging.C.Disappointing. 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。


全国中学生英语能力竞赛(nepcs)高三年级组样题(时间:120分钟总分:150分) 听力部分(共三大题,计30分)(略) 笔试部分(共七大题,计120分) I.选择填空(Vocabulary and structure)(共20小题,计20分) A)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 31._________is a fact that English is being accepted as a global language. A.This B.That C.There D.It 32.—Are you still busy? —Yes,I_________my work,and it won't take long. A.have just finished B.am just finishing C.had just finished D.am just going to finish 33.Perseverance is a kind of quality,and that's_________ it takes to do anything well. A.what

B.why C.that D.as 34.—What do you think of your boss? —Seldom in all my life_________such a_________person. A.I have met;determining B.I met;determining C.have I met;determined D.did I meet;determined 35.—Do you know where Joe is?I couldn't find him anywhere. —Well.He_________have gone far—his coat is still here. A.shouldn't B.mustn't C.wouldn't D.can't 36.The mother,along with her two children,_________from the sinking aircraft by a passing ship. A.has been rescued B.have been saved C.has saved D.have rescued


永登一中2016—2017学年第一学期末考试卷 高一英语 第I卷 第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项. (A) The Taj Mahal is considered to be one of the most beautiful building in the world and the finest example of the late style of Indian architecture. It is at Agra in northern India. It lies beside the River Jumna in the middle of gardens with quiet pools. The Taj Mahal was built by the Mogul emperor Shah Jehan, who ruled India in the 17th century. It is in memory of his favorite wife, Arjumand Banu Bagam, known as Mumtaz Mahal, who died in 1631.The building, which was completed between 1632 and 1638, was designed by a local Muslim architect(建筑师) Ustad Ahmad Lahori. The whole building, with gardens and gateway structures, was completed in 1643. The Taj Mahal stands at one end of the garden tomb with marble(大理石) path. The room is softly lighted by the light that passes through double screens of carved marble set high in the walls. The building now is kept in good condition. The Taj Mahal took 23 years to build. Shah Jehan planned a similar building, but in black instead of white, to lie on the other side of the river. But before it could be built, Shan Jehan was imprisoned(监禁) by his son and buried next to his wife in the Taj Mahal. 1. The Taj Mahal was built for_______. A. Mumtaz B. Shah C. Either Mumtaz or Shah D. Both Mumtaz or Shah 2. Why do you think Shah Jehan was buried next to his wife? A. His own tomb hadn’t been built. B. He hoped to be buried there. C. King and Queen should be buried together. D. He liked Mumtaz all his life. 3. The passage mainly tells us _______. A. why the Taj Mahal was built B. the love story between Shah and Mumtaz C. some information about the Taj Mahal D. the Taj Mahal--- the pride of Indians


高一英语第一次月考试题 一.单项选择 1 He commanded that the students_____ the classroom before he returned. A.didn’t leave B.wouldn’t leave C.needn’t leave D. not leave 2 ---What do you think ______an important part in their lives? ---Folk music. A. plays B. takes C makes D.acts 3 I was so excited as to ________ for the whole night. A. hold awake B. stay awake C. hold wake D. stay wake 4 it rains tomorrow, we’ll start out. A. If B. As if C. Even if D. Even 5 The policeman asked with the old women. A. what the matter was B. what was the matter C. what matter was D. what was the wrong 6 get a good seat, he set out early after supper. A. In order to B. So that C. So as to D. In order that 7 China Daily is ____ a newspaper, for it can also serve as a useful textbook for English study. A. more than B. more or less C. less than D. more and more 8 _____ of the students who took part in the military training is 450. A. A number B. A lot C. Lots D. The number 9 He realized she was crying ________ what he had said. A. because B. because of C. as D. since 10 ------You haven’t done it well. ------ But I tried my best and did it___ the way_____ I think is the best. A. in; which B. /; in which C. by; in that D. in; / 11 It is so nice to hear from her, ___, we last met more than 30 years ago. A. what’s more B. that’s to say C. in other words D. believe it or not 12. When we visited Zhangzhuang again ten years later, we found it changed so much that we could hardly ________ it. A. remember B. think about C. believe D. recognize 13.The policeman warned the drive ________ so carelessly. A. never to drive B. to never drive C. to not drive D. doesn’t drive 14. The office ordered his soldiers ________. A. to stand still B. to not stand still C. not stand still D. stand still 15.Xiao Hong worked harder last year. _______ , she still didn’t get high grades. A. As a result B. After all C. By the way D. However 16. Please tell me the way you thought of _______ the garden. A. take care of B. to take care of C. taking care of D. to take care 17 When I met the little boy_______,I found he was clever. A.the first time B. for the first time C. the first D. for the first 18 It is on 1st September________students go back to school every year. A. when B. that C. who D.what 19 They get along_______with each other because they often quarrel. A.well B.nicely C.badly D.bad 20 With the development of the society, I think________important to learn English well. A. that B. this C. it D.one


如何走出高中英语文化教学的困境 摘要:英语文化教学是高中英语教学中的一部分,对于培养学生英语语言交际能力具有重要作用。但是,在长期以来的高中英语教学中,文化教学一直没有得到足够的重视,造成部分学生不了解中西方文化间的差异,导致其对英语的学习没有深入理解,不利于学生英语学习效率的提升。本文就对如何走出高中英语文化教学困境的有效策略进行探究。 关键词:高中英语;文化教学;困境 在英语语言课程中实现文化教学,就是把语言和文化相结合。在高中英语课堂教学中,教师让学生树立文化意识,将英语语言国家文化融入高中英语课堂教学中,从而逐渐实现提高学生跨文化交际的能力。 一、在词汇教学中融入文化教学 英语词汇,是学生英语学习的基础。为了走出高中英语文化教学的困境,教师可以从词汇教学入手。让学生通过学习英语词汇,掌握与该词汇相关的文化内涵。同时可以加深学生对英语词汇的理解,从而提高学生学习英语词汇的效率。 例如,在高中英语教材中,很多英语单词及短语都有

其来源和典故,蕴含着丰富的文化知识。因此,学生对其含义的理解,有助于学生对英语语言国家的文化的认识。如:He can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game.这句话蕴含eat no fish和play the game两个短语。从字面上看这两句话非常简单。但是,直译出来意思却相当不明确。第一句直译是:他可以依靠。第二句直译出来是:他不吃鱼但是他玩游戏。学生通过直译很难理解其含义。根据这一情况,教师可以为学生讲解短语相关的文化知识,如eat on fish是曾经英语伊丽莎白女皇时代,耶稣教徒为表示对英政府的忠诚,拒绝罗马天主教徒在星期五吃鱼的习惯,因此eat on fish又表示“忠诚”的意思。而play the game表示“公平对待”“为人正直”的意思,与play pair是同义词。这时学生能很容易理解这句话的意思(他很忠诚且为人正直,值得依靠)。但是,教师如果直接告诉学生这两个短语的意思,学生可能很容易忘记。而教师通过这种为学生讲解相关文化背景知识的方式为学生讲解,学生就很容易理解知识并且记忆深刻。 二、在阅读教学中融入文化教学 阅读中蕴含着大量的英语文化知识,有助于学生通过阅读从文本中获取所需信息。因此,在高中英语文化教学中,教师应注意帮助学生树立文化意识,让学生通过英语阅读获取新的知识,从而提高学生的认知水平与英语理解能力。


2019年高中高中英语能力竞赛 篇一:20XX年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)高二试题 篇二:高中生英语能力竞赛精选试题含答案 (总分:150分答题时间:120分钟) 听力部分(共三大题,计30分) I.句子理解(Sentences)(共10小题,计10分) 请听句子,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个与你所听到的句子意思一致或相近的答案。每个句子只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 1.A.Floraistheoldestofthethree. B.KateisyoungerthanFlora. C.Daveistheyoungestofthethree. D.KateisyoungerthanFlorabutolderthanDave.

2.A.Don’tclimbtheserockswithoutaguide. B.Becarefulofthesesharprocks. C.Mindyoudon’tfallofftheserocks. D.Stayawaybecausetherocksareunsafe. 3.A.Iampleasedtoreceiveanyadvice. B.Youshouldaskifyouwantmetohelpyou. C.Youareadvisedtowaithereforme. D.PleasehelpyourselfifIambusy. 4. 5.A.Ican’trunasfastasmyclassmatesbecauseIhavebeensickfortwoweeks.

B.IhavebeenonholidayfortwoweeksandImadealotofnewfriends. C.Ican’tgetalongwellwithmyclassmatesbecauseIhaven’tseenthemfortwoweeks. D.Ihavebeensickfortwoweeks,andImissedsomelessons. 6.A.IdagaveTomherapple,whileTomgiveherhiscake. B.TomhadapieceofcakeofhisownandthengotanapplefromIda. C.IdagaveTomanappleinsteadofapieceofcake. D.Idalikedapplesratherthancakes. 7.A.Healwaysmakesalongspeech. B.Heseldommakesaspeech. C.Healwayssitsdowntomakeaspeech. D.Heasksotherstostandupwhenhemakesaspeech.
