


Margaret Welch was born in Philadelphia in 1901. (Q1) She began her studies at DePauw University in 1919. But after a year, she transferred to study at Bernard University, majoring in Sociology. She received her undergraduate degree from Bernard in 1923. She ultimately acquired a Ph.D. from Columbia University in1929. She married Dr. Reo Fortune in 1928. (Q2) Together they wrote Growing Up in New Guinea, published in 1930. Welch worked with her husband on another book called Balanese Character that was published in 1942. (Q3) At the age of 23, Dr. Welch undertook a field study in the South Pacific. The experience resulted in her writing of her highly popular book Coming of Age in Somoa, published in 1928. (Q4) Dr. Welch's interest and writings mainly centered on religions. She worked in the Department of Anthropology at the American Museum of Natural History from 1926 through to the end of her life. (Q5) She was a professor of Anthropology at Columbia, starting in the year of 1954 working with her old associate Ruth Benidict. She wrote a book entitled An Anthropologist at Work about Benidict. It was published in 1959. Margaret Welch died in 1978.

When I was getting divorced in 1975, (Q1) reporters and cameramen were camped out for days in the lobby and on the side walk outside. They came from all over the country. Foreign reporters, too. It was terrible. My neighbors could barely get in and out of the building. (Q2) One reporter, who had been a friend of mine, got up to my apartment after persuading the doorman into believing that he was there on a personal visit. I wouldn't let him in. He just wanted to talk, he said. (Q3) I was certain that he had a camera and wanted a picture of me looking depressed. I just couldn't believe this attempt to invade my privacy. TV is the worst. TV reporters present themselves as shavings the perfect right to be anywhere, to ask any question. It doesn't matter how personal the matter may be. People don't trust the press the way they used to. In most cases, stories are sensationalized in order to attract more public attention. Some papers print things that simply are not true. (Q4) In many papers, if a correction has to be made, it's usually buried among advertisements. I've received hundreds of letters from people asking me" How do you know what's true in the press these days?" I find it difficult to respond sometimes. I tell them that there are good newspapers and serious, responsible and honest reporters. Don't judge all of us by the standards of the bad ones. (Q5) Unless the guys at the top-the editors and news directors-take firm action, pretty soon no one's going to believe anything they read in the papers or see on the television news.

Next time you bring your kids for a check-up, don't be surprised if the doctor asks about their tastes in entertainment. The American Academy of Medicine suggested last week that doctors work with parents to evaluate how much TV kids watch and what they see, what video and computer games they play, which websites they visit on the internet, whether they view R-rated videos without the company of their parents, what music they like and what books they read. Doctors are worried that kids who spend too much time in front of the tube don't get enough exercises, and can

become overweight. The Academy is also concerned that the messages kids get from entertainment media can make them more violent and sexually active. The Academy recommends that children under age 2 not watch any TV. "Children need activities to stimulate their brain during the first two years of life," says Dr. Miriam Barren, who chairs the Academy's Committee on Public Education. "They need feedback and socialization." Older children, she says, should watch TV in a common area. Their bedrooms should be "electronic media-free" zones where they can have a quiet place to read, study, play or just relax.

If you are in your twenties, you own your first car, your career is more or less launched, and you are starting to look forward to owning a home, but you are worried, too. Perhaps you've got some debt. You probably don't have much in the way of savings, and with all your expenses, it doesn't look like you'll be able to improve that situation soon. If you wonder how to cut corners, there's an obvious place to look---at your spending habits. Do you buy a soda each weekend? Waste one dollar a day for forty years, and when you are set to retire, you'll find your account is short by 190,000 dollars. Grab a calculator and you'll discover that, over forty years, going out to dinner twice a month at forty dollars each time amounts to half a million. Even a pack-a-day cigarette habit will lighten your retirement account by 330,000 dollars. And the same with cable TV and those cool earrings. They will probably amount to as much as one million. So, the first clue to accumulating wealth is this: focus on your spending habits. Here are a couple of tricks to help you save even if you swear you can't afford to. Stop buying things that fall rather than rise in value. Pay yourself first. Before you pay the monthly bills, send 25 dollars to a mutual fund. Stop spending coins. From now on, spend only paper currency, and keep the change every day. Get your family involved, and you'll double your savings. Use discount tickets at the supermarket, but use them correctly. How? If you really want to make these tickets worthwhile, you actually must invest into your mutual funds the amount you save by using the tickets. Otherwise, you are wasting your time and your money.

Interviewer: Mr. Gliberman, do you see any change in the high rate of broken marriages?

Gliberman: The divorce rate is beginning to level off and probably will begin to drop in the next year or two, though not significantly. The tight economy has made it more difficult for troubled couples to handle all the costs associated with setting up separate households. Also, I believe there's a comeback of thought, after the turbulence of 60's and 70's, that the family does have value. In the midst of change and family disintegration, people seem to have a greater desire now to create stability in their lives.

Interviewer: What is the divorce rate now?

Gliberman: About 1 in 3 marriages ends in divorce, a ratio far higher than it was twenty years ago when the philosophy was "we will tough it out no matter what. Society demands that, for appearance's sake, we stay together. " Divorce no longer carries much disgrace. There's no way, for example, that Ronald Reagan, a divorced

man, could have been elected president in 1960. And there are countless other divorced politicians who years ago would have been voted out of office if they had even considered a divorce, let alone gotten one. The same was true in the corporate structures where divorced people rarely moved up the executive ladder. Now corporations welcome a divorced man, because they can shift him around the country without worrying about relocating his family or making certain that they are happy.


Boston Museum of Fine Arts is a privately funded museum of fine arts. It was founded in 1870, and open to public in 1876. Originally housed in Copply Square, the museum moved in 1909 to its current location, in another district in Boston.

The building was designed by American architect Guy Lowell, and features a grand dome with ceiling paintings by American painter John Singer Sergeant. The most recent addition to the building is its west wing, designed by a Chinese American architect and completed in 1981.

The museum is divided into nine departments, including classical, ancient Egyptian, decorative arts and sculpture, paintings, contemporary and, the most remarkable one textiles. The collections range from ancient history to the present and include such pieces as the Silver Liberty Bowl, portraits of George Washington and Martha Washington, painted by Gilbert Charles Steward and a number of works by French painter Claude Monet.

The gallery’s exhibition space is 19,137m2. About 800,000 people visit the museum each year. In addition to its galleries, collections and travelling exhibitions, the museum provides programs that include classes, lectures, concerts and films for adults, children and families.


W:When a couple runs into marriage problems, where should they turn?

M:The primary source of help should be the couple themselves. The last book I wrote, Four Weekends to an Ideal Marriage, describes how people can strengthen communication by setting aside a special time or place to meet and discuss their relationship. If they cannot communicate verbally, they might at least write down a list of things that they feel have gone wrong in the marriage. The idea is to discuss these matters constructively, not to be vicious in the criticism. Some church groups have been very successful with marriage encounter weekends that help couples with this process.

W:What if a couple can t work things out for themselves?

M:If people feel so bitter that they cannot even talk with each other, they should consider very seriously a "qualified" psychologist. And I stress "qualified", because there are a lot of unqualified people out there who can make things worse. The best approach I believe is to ask your family physician. If you are shaving some family problems or marriage problems, who would you seek out? In the main priests, despite good intentions, are not successful in counselling troubled couples, except for those who had special training in the behavioural sciences. If these two approaches do not work, then maybe the only solution is a divorce. This is particularly true if one of

the parties simply refuses to work toward repairing the marriage, or shaving gone through counselling does not want to implement the ideas suggested.

W:How useful are trial separations?

M:There is value only if during the course of the separation the parties are actively doing something to come close together and to find solutions to their problems. Merely relying on the old notion that absence will make the heart grow fonder never works.


If you feel tired all the time, you don’t necessarily need to go to bed earlier-the solution could be as simple as taking a five-minute afternoon nap.

Children under five have an abundance of energy and one of the reasons is because they nap once or twice a day. Many sleep experts think we’re programmed to take a nap during the day, and getting back into this habit can be a solution for those who feel tired all the time.

Prof Chris Idzikowski of the Sleep Advisory and Assessment Centre thinks that one can feel refreshed after just five-minute-sleep. And research has shown that concentration and attention are improved after even a short nap.

Sleep is genetically programmed in babies and it’s only as we get older that we learn to sleep for about eight hours a night and not at all during the day. But most research suggests that we are not physically designed to sleep for one long, single block.

Before the working day became nine to five, all Western sleep patterns were more broken up. Research has shown that in the Middle Ages, people’s sleep quite often occurred in three distinct parts-a nap in the afternoon, an early morning nap and another, longer sleep until dawn.

So if you do find yourself feeling sleepy through the day, don’t feel you’re being lazy by giving in to sleep and shaving a nap. Your increased energy and alertness will make the rest of your day extra productive.


W:Good morning, Dr. Sherman Alexie. Let’s talk about your life. Where do you come from?

M:I come from the Rez, an Indian reservation. I grew up there, lived there until 18. I lived on and off the reservation for the next 6 or 7 years during college. I lived there after I graduated and worked at a high school exchange program. I thought I do that kind of job to support my writing, day jobs that require no emotional investment beyond 8 hours a day where I would not need to bring work home. I did not want to be part of management or anybody important on the job. I wanted to be completely replaceable. That is what I thought I would be doing for most of my life and writing. Then I got a grant and my first book got a front page review in the New York Times Book Review.

W:When did writing enter your life?

M:Books have always been in my life. My dad loved books and most of what he read were westerns, spy novels, mysteries. I grew up loving books, copying my dad’s love for books. But nobody had showed me a book written by an Indian, not

even one piece of a poem. Nothing. At that time, I was going to be a physician. I loved math and science. I got to college, could not handle physiology, and was looking around for options and took a poetry writing class for fun.

W:Poetry was your way in?

M:That’s where I started. I took the class and honestly I thought poetry would be an easy grade. But I completely underestimated poetry and what it would do to me, and a realm of possibility for it. I took the class and was hooked about ten minutes after reading my first contemporary poem. In public speaking, the watchword is preparation. Most of us tend to put things off, at least occasionally. It’s so easy to put things off, especially those things we do not look forward to doing. So if a speaking engagement is several weeks off, we may feel we still have plenty of time. But as the day draws closer, we begin to panic. Do not let this happen to you. Start preparing as soon as you are given or accept the speaking assignment. You have much to do and to do it right will take time. How much better your speech will be, how much better you will feel, if you have taken the time to do it right. When you are prepared, you have gathered the needed data, determined what is appropriate to the listeners understanding and acceptance levels, organized the ideas so they flow logically, selected examples and other supports for your ideas, and made them interesting to your listeners. Develop a great opening that you know will catch the attention of even day dreamers in your audience. Check out the room you will be speaking. Request any feasible changes which you wish in the setup of the room. If you are prepared, you are confident you can best convey your message to your listeners. If you have waited until a few days before your presentation to begin to prepare, or worse yet the day before, no doubt you will be anxious, and with good reasons. Now there is not enough time to engage in more than a superficial attempt. Both you and your audience will feel uncomfortable. Like retirement planning, it is never too early to start preparing for your presentation. So start preparing right away.


Belgium has three main geographic regions: the coastal plain, the central plateau and the highlands. The coastal plain extends inlands 16 to 48 kilometers on the northwest. Along the north sea is a low lying area consisting mainly of sandy hills and sections of lands reclaimed from the s ea. The coastal plain’s elevation ranges from sea level to 20 metres.

The central plateau is a gently rolling, slightly elevated area, irrigated by many waterways and containing a number of wide, fertile valleys with a rich soil. The highlands, a densely-wooded plateau, averaging 460 metres in elevation, extends across southeastern Belgium and into northeastern France. Located here is the highest peak in Belgium with an elevation of 694 meters.

The climate near the sea is humid and mild. Farther inland, a marked increase in the range of temperature occurs. In the highlands, hot summers alternate with cold winters. Heavy rains are confined almost exclusively to the highlands.

Fog and rain are common, and April and November are particularly rainy months. In Brussels, the average temperatures range from zero to 5 degrees

Centigrade in January and from 13 to 22 degrees Centigrade in July. Along the coast, the average range is 1 degree to 5 degrees Centigrade in January and 14 to 20 degrees Centigrade in July.

W: Mr Saffo, you’ve been called the futurist. But you say you hate that term. Talk about that.

M: mm... I dislike the term because it’s not an accurate description of what I do. For me, futurists are people who’re excited about the future. They usually have an agenda of some sort. But what I am is something more boring. That is, I just forecast, I don’t predict. I am a technology forecaster. And I spend most of my time looking at electronic technologies. So I’m looking at information technology very largely,and typically out 5 to 10 years, sometimes as long as 30 years, depending on the project.

W: Who pays you to do this? Do you work for companies who need this information.

M: The Institute for the Future is a non-profit foundation that does work for private companies and government agencies. A whole variety of different folks pay us to help them understand things. And we also do free work. Being a non-profit foundation, our basic mission is to encourage people to think systematically about the long-range future. The heart of what we try to do is convince people that it is a meaningful exercise to think systematically about the long-range future.

W: What are the personal qualities that make you good at what you do?

M: mm, curiosity, er what else? Being flexible. Because forecasting is really nothing more than applied common sense. The same qualities that make for a good forecaster are the same qualities that … make one successful in anything?being flexible, being curious and being open to change.

W: You’ve mentioned that your organization wants to stay small. Why?

M: It has to do with community. Our unit of work is the team and you need to have high levels of trust and cooperation among team members. People need to really like and trust each other.

Passage 1

One of the first questions anybody asks about a new-born is “what is the baby’s name?” Faced with this tiny pink new-born, we want to put a name to it, as if by doing so, we welcome it to this world of individuals. We always name the things we love. A small child will give names to even his tiniest toys or his well-chewed blanket. And the difference between “Blankie” and the blanket is an entire personality.

There are many ways to choose a name for a baby. One of the most common is to use an old family name. If the family tie is strong enough, parents are often willing to overlook an unpleasant feeling or meaning. If all the men for five generations have been named Branden, who are you to complain that the name mea ns “smelly hair”? Inspiration need not be limited to the family tree. Pick an attribute, pick the name of an Italian city where the baby was born. Name the baby after your favorite poet or interesting scent. It can be difficult to find a perfect name for your baby. But the beauty of the process is this. By the time the baby is a few months old, his personality erases all other associations the name may hold, the evil snake or the much loved poet

fades away and the name becomes quite simply the name of your child. And you will have made the right choice.

Passage 2

Bobby Moore was a famous English soccer player who led the England team to victory against West Germany in the 1966 World Cup Final. As a superb defender, Moore played a hundred and eight games for England’s national team from 1962 to 1970 and was captain 90 times. His professional soccer career spans 19 years and 668 matches, a record with no match so far in England. Moore was born in Barking, East London, in 1941. His full name was Robert Frederick Moore. He began playing club soccer in the early 1960s. He was named England’s footballer of the year from 1963 to 1964. Moore was known for his sportsmanship on the field. He was not inclined towards wild celebration of girls. In 1967, he was made a member of the order of the British Empire. More retired from playing in 1977, and after spending brief periods managing professional soccer teams, he concentrated on developing a sports marketing company and doing media work. He was sports editor of Sunday Sport from 1986 to 1990 and a regular comme ntator for London’s Capital Radio Station from 1990 to 1993. After Moore was diagnosed with cancer, he went public with his battle in 1991 and continued to work until his death in 1993.

Passage 3

Belfast is the capital of Northern Island and a major city in commerce and industry. It is one of the most important ship-building and repairing centers of the United Kingdom, and has long been known for its linen textiles. Its manufactures include aircraft, guided weapons, and tobacco and food products. A large petroleum refinery here is supplied by imported petroleum which is received at the city’s deep-water port. Other imports include grain, coal, chemicals and iron and steel. Among the chief exports are petroleum products, soap, food stuffs and textiles. In Belfast, there are the notable Ulster Museum and the Protestant Cathedral of Saint Anne. As an educational center, the city is home to Queen’s University of Belfast and Belfast College of Technology. Although there’s evidence that people once settled in this place during the stone and bronze Ages, the founding of Belfast dates from 1177 when a Norman castle was erected. Edward Bruce destroyed the settlement in 1315, the year he became the Irish King. The city was taken by the English in the 16th century. In the late 17th century, French refugees arrived here and developed the linen industry. The harbor was improved in the late 18th century and ship-building was begun on a large scale. The city was made the capital of Northern Island 1920. During World War II, Belfast was heavily damaged by German bombing raids. Beginning in 1969, the city was the scene of religious disorder involving civil rights agitation and increased violence.


大学英语听说3听力原文和答案 Unit 1 Reservations Part A Exercise 1 1. M: I’d like to book a double room with bath for four nights. W: Sorry, sir. We’re full up(全满). Can I recommend the Park Hotel to you? It is quite near here. Q: What does the woman suggest that the man do? 2. M: I’d like to see Mr. Jones this afternoon, please. W: I’m sorry but Mr. Jones will be busy the whole afternoon. Can you manage at 10:30 tomorrow morning? Q: What does the woman say to the man? 3. W: Can I book two tickets for the show ―42nd Street‖ on Sunday night, Oct. 31st? M: Sorry, madam. All the tickets on that night are sold out. But tickets are available for Nov.3rd(十一月三号). Q: When can the woman see the show? 4. M: I’d like to reserve(预订)two tickets on Flight 6051 to Edinburgh, for October 20th. W: Sorry, Sir. We’re booked up(预订一空的) on the 20th .But we still have a few seats available on the 21st. Q: When does the man want to leave for Edinburgh? 5. W: Garden Restaurant. May I help you?


问题: 1、你是那个学校毕业的?学的什么专业?为什么选择考这个学校? 2、研究生教育和本科教育有什么不同? 3、我是哪里人,父母是做什么的,家乡有什么风景名胜 4、自己的兴趣是什么,有什么爱好,以及我选择这所学校、这个专业的原因是什么 5、为什么报考本专业,读研后在相关领域的短期、长期规划是什么 6、英口问题的类型也很多,类似于“introduce yourself”、“what causes have you learned in your college”、“what have inpressed you most” 1.Why did you choose Nanjing university?(你为什么选择报考南京大学?) 2.Why did you choose MBA?(你为什么选择报考MBA专业?) 3.What would you like to be doing five years after graduation?(毕业5年后,你希望从事什么样的工作?) 4.What has been your greatest accomplishment?(你曾取得的最大成就是什么?) 5.Describe your greatest strengths and weaknesses. (请描述一下你最大的优点和缺点?) 6.What have you learned from the jobs you have held?(你从以往所从事的工作中学到了哪些东西?)  二、口试内容与结构 一般分为两部分,有两名教师参加口试工作,一名教师主持口试,随时与考生交谈并评分;另一名教师专事评分,不参与交谈。两名口试教师所给的分数各占口试成绩的50%。 第一部分:考查学生理解并回答有关日常生活、家庭、工作、学习等问题的能力(3分钟)。 第二部分:考查学生连续表达的能力。考生从所给你的问题中选择一个话题,就此话题表达自己的看法(3分钟)。口试用材料(部分,仅供参考) part A interlocutor(问话者): ------good morning. my name is ……,and this is my colleague…..he is just going to listening to us .are your name is…..? ------first of all, we’d like to know sth. about you, so i’m going to ask some questions about yourself。 (从以下各项问题中选择几个适当的问题提问考生) ------hometown where are you from? how long have you lived there? how do you like it? why? do you live near here? where about? what do you think are the good points about living in this city? ------family could you tell us sth. about you family? what does your family usually do for the weekend? what do you think about living together with your parents? ------leisure do you have any hobbies? how did you become interested in the hobbies? ------study/work why do you choose to study at our institute? why do you want to go to graduate school instead of finding a job? what are your favorite subjects? what kind of job did you do?


2020考研复试:英语听力的练习技巧 考研英语有许多题目组成,方便大家及时了解,下面由我为你精心准备了“2020考研复试:英语听力的练习技巧”,持续关注本站将可以持续获取更多的考试资讯! 2020考研复试:英语听力的练习技巧 一、泛听 我们之所以认为英语比较难,就是因为没有一个完整的英语环境。我们从小在中文的环境下长大,从能听懂语言开始,我们接触到的都是中文,身边的人讲的也是中文;一个人可能本能她的英语很差,但是如果在国外待上几年后,她的口语将会变的非常好、非常流利,因为国外有英文的语言环境。在明白症结所在之后,我们现在要做的就是努力去解决这个问题。既然没有这样有利的语言环境,那么我们就可以努力去营造合适的语言环境。我们可以利用一切资源,比如下载一些英文的电影、节目,每天都将它打开来听,甚至是在你吃饭、走路、坐公交的时候,您也可以一只耳朵插着耳机,另外一只耳朵去聆听外界的声音,这样可以增加耳朵对英语的熟悉度,磨练自己的耳朵,创造出一个属于你自己的语言环境,增强对英语的敏感度,这也就是我们常说的“全浸入”的方式。 二、精听 但是只有泛听是不够的,泛听只是让你去接触这样一些东西,去熟悉它们。但这并不等于你能听懂。所以,我们还应该采取精听的方式。在这里我们可以采用大学英语六级的听力试题去准备考研复试的听力。我们可以采用以下方式: ⑴先播放一遍听力,自己拿着题先做一遍; ⑵核对答案,改正错误的地方。但对于错题建议先不要去看录音稿,先把音频材料回放到对应的位置,多听几遍看能不能找到错误的原因; ⑶回到听力材料中查看错误的原因,挑出不认识的单词、词组,并进行整理记忆;



Unit1 Task1 【答案】 A. 1)SusanHudsonandinterculturalCommunication 2)TheclasswillmeetintheroomtheRareinnowandOnTuesdaRandThursdaRfrom3:15to4:50. 3)TheRcanpurchasetheteRtbookatthebookstorethedaRaftertomorrow. 4)Theofficehoursarefrom1:00to2:00onWednesdaRs. B. 1)thefirsthalf,theresearchlab,ThursdaR,405,thelasttwomonths 2)outline,performance,quizzes,project,participation 【原文】 OkaR,okaR,let’s begin.Hello,everRone.MR name’s SusanHudsonand I’ll beRourteacherforthiscl ass,InterculturalCommunication. Uh,tobeginwith,pleasetakealookatthesRllabus(教学大纲)infrontofRou.AsRouallshouldknowbRnow,thisclassmeetsonTuesdaRsfrom3:15to4:50.Wewillbeme etinginthisroomforthefirsthalfofthecourse,butwewillbeusingtheresearchlabeverRotherweekonThur sdaRinRoom405duringthelasttwomonthsoftheclass. Uh,thisistheteRtfortheclass,BeRondLanguage.UnfortunatelR,thebooks haven’t comeinRet,butI wastoldthatRoushouldbeabletopurchase(购买)thematthebookstorethedaRaftertomorrow.Again,asRouseeonRourcourseoutline,gradingisdetermin edbRRourperformanceonamidtermandfinaltest,periodic(周期的、定期的)quizzes(问答比赛),uh,aresearchproject,andclassroomparticipation(参加、参与). MRofficehoursarefrom1:00to2:00onWednesdaRs,andRoucansetupanappointmenttomeetwith meatothertimesaswell. Task2 【答案】 A. 1)AccordingtothesRllabus,thebookheislookingforisinthelibrarR,buthe couldn’t findit. 2)Thatmeansthestudentcannotfindthebookontheshelvesinitsusualplace.She/Heneedstogotoaspecialr oomcalledthereserveroom. 3)TheprofessorwantseverRoneintheclasstoreadthechapter.Ifonestudentremovesthebookfromthelibr arR,itislikelRthatnoneoftheotherstudentswillhavetheopportunitRtoreadit.So,Rourprofessorhasinsur edthatallstudentshavetheopportunitRtoreaditbRplacingitonreserve. B. 1)F,2)T,3)F 【原文】 Librarian:CanIhelpRou? Student:Res.Iamabitconfused.MRsociologRclassissupposedtoreadachapter(章、回)inabookcalled SociologRandtheModernAge.AccordingtothesRllabus,thebookisinthelibra rR,butI haven’t beenabletofindit. Librarian:DoRouhaveRoursRllabuswithRou?MaRIseeit? Student:Res,uh...IputitinthefrontofmRsociologRnotebook.Res,hereitis. Librarian:Letmesee.OhRes.Rourprofessorhasplacedthisbookonreserve.ThatmeansRoucannotfindit ontheshelvesinitsusualplace.Rouneedtogotoaspecialroomcalledthereserveroom.It’s dow nthehallandtotheright. Student:I’m sorrR—Istill don’t understandwhatRoumeanbRonreserve. Librarian:Rousee,RourprofessorwantseverRoneintheclasstoreadthechapter.Ifonestudentremovesthe bookfromthelibrarR,itislikelRthatnoneoftheotherstudentswillhavetheopportunitRtoreadi t.So,RourprofessorhasinsuredthatallstudentshavetheopportunitRtoreaditbRplacingitonre serve. Student:So,willIbeabletofindthisbook? Librarian:Res,whenabookisonreserve,astudentcangotothereserveroomandaskthereservelibrarianfor thebook.Thestudentcanhavethebookforafewhours,andheorsheMUSTreaditinthelibrarRd uringthattime.ThatwaR,thebookstaRsinthelibrarR,andallstudentshaveachancetoreadit. Student:OK.ThankRou.Iunderstandnow.


提出问题——在面试快结束的时候,一般老师都会问,你有没有什么要问的(Do you have any questions to ask)。一般不适合说“I don’t have any question。”可以问考官一两个你关心的问题。 ARE U READY ……GO!!!!!! 问考官几个问题: 1、Could you give some advice about how to make self better and how to balance the daily life and the study 2、Could you recommend[,rek?'mend] some books for I can adapt to the study more easily 1英语面试准备的材料—自我介绍 morning ,dear professors, I feel so glad to meet all of you here (个人简要信息)I am yanjinbin,21 years old,I am graduating from MIE this june,my major is biotechnology,Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you. (表明自己的兴趣)I am obsessed with the life and the science ,so I want to continue to explore it in the biology fields,and broaden my horizons[h?'raiz?n], % Morever,some famous people graduating from here,such as the founder,he is a man of great charm, xxxxx,he is one of the chinese academy of science, Both of them are the people who characterize the spirit of zhejiang unversity ---seek the truth, and that’s why I choose to pursue advanced studies in…..,…….. Well,the ………..is my favourite field,because it can make a big difference in our daily life,though we can not 性格适合搞研究(性格能力说明你适合搞研究) 独立I am an independent man,when I argue with others ,I will adhere to the truth under any condition 善于分析Morever,I am good at analysis,I will become better every times I failed to finish the experiment,I will find the error and make an adjustment in times 善于交际和团队工作My interactive personal skills and teamwork spirits will be appropriate for the future study, ) 在实验上的,My training in the experiment about ……..can polished my abilities, 毅力Most of important,my /………..and carefulness qualify me for advanced study and the scientific research Not only I like do researches,but also do some sports, In my lesuire time, (喜欢运动)I like to do some sports,for building my body and relaxing myself ,such as riding biycle, play badminton, watch movies and listen some light music, . seek the balance between the research and the life 追星 My admirable celebrity is the NBA player,Dwyane Wade,who is one of the Miami Heat team, He helped the Miami Heat win the first NBA Final champion in 2006, &


考研复试英语考什么 2017考研复试英语考什么 复试英语听力主要考察学生是否能听懂英语。口语是考察能否交流。主要内容不同院校是不一样的,不同年也是不一样的,需要同 学们积极作准备。 2、复试的时候英语听力是不是必考的呢 因学校而定,请同学们关注你报考的院校出台的考试复试细则,里面会有复试时的各项安排,对于英语大多数院校是考察的,考查 形式有笔试、面试,笔试阶段个别高校会考查听力,面试阶段通常 以口语的形式考查。 复试英语听力难度是因学校而定的,越好的学校英语的难度是越高的,一般院校都是四六级水平,好一点的院校也是考简单的托福、雅思。前提你不是英语专业的学生。英语专业的学生难度肯定不低的。 4、复试中的口试一般多少时间? 口语的时间没有特别的规定一定是多长时间,都是因现场情况而定。希望同学们多做准备,对于非英语类的同学口语也不会很难。 而英语类的考生在复试中的口语有的院校会单独设置一个模块来考,但不是必须。考试形式或以讨论为主,或以问答为主,以讨论为主的 时候,一般来说是给定一个限定的题目,同学们围成一个圈进行讨论,表达自己的观点,也称为无领导演练,这个时候同学们需要积 极表现,认真听取他人的发言之后也表达自己的观点,但是切勿回 答的极端,也切勿与同学过于激烈的争吵,肯定别人的一些观点, 虚心接受表示赞成后必须要有逻辑性的表达自己的想法,切勿说大 白话,或者反反复复就那几句。以问答为主的理所当然就是采用一 问一答的形式,看是否有严重性的表达错误,除英语等特定专业外,

一般对发音没有要求,但不要带有浓郁的家乡口音。口语考试一般说来20分钟左右,所以把我好时间,每个问题控制在3-4分钟回答时间,就算是简单问题,自己熟悉的也不要长篇大论。 5、英语的考查形式是什么样的? 英语考查分为笔试、听力、对话三种考查方式,一般院校是三种方式都存在,而有的个别院校是笔试、对话考查,还有的院校是完全的对话考查,当然难度也是非常难的。英语类的考生 6、除了自我介绍需要英语准备,相关专业知识是不是也要用英语准备? 自我介绍的英语肯定是要准备的,但除此之外相关专业知识也是要准备一些英语的,因为老师在提问的时候有可能会用英语提问专业课的相关问题,所以起码与你专业相关的一些英文词汇,你是需要熟知的,尤其是一些前沿方向的相关词汇。导师也会用英语问一些个人自身的问题,所以还是需要同学们多多准备。 7、复试中英语笔试的考查是什么样的? 笔试的时候基本上是再做一张卷子,正如初试专业课也是做一张卷子一样,复习的时候看院校指定的复试参考书,没有指定的话可以问一下学长学姐,实在不知道可以按照初试参考书复习,不会考到太难的题目。文科的话并非都是写一篇作文,也有可能会问道一些名词解释,简答题之类的。复试专业课的试卷形式不是固定的,建议还是提前做好准备。 8、复试的英语有笔试与听力,还有口试,难度如何?该如何去准备呢? 英语的笔试和听力以及口试各个学校的难易程度是不一样的。建议你先找下上届学长咨询一下你所报院校专业的考察形式。确定有无听力。英语口试是否考自我介绍,考不考即兴话题,要不要翻译专业文章。关于口试,不管考察形式如何,建议最近多听英语,比如VOA,空中英语教室,四六级的听力也可以重新听以提高英语语感。建议多收集你所报考专业的英语词汇。准备常考话题,用英语


第一部分 1.Woman: This is my family. I'm married. My husband's name is Bill. We have two children — a boy and a girl. Our little girl is six years old, and our little boy is four. Jennie goes to kindergarten, and Aaron goes to nursery school. My father lives with us. Grandpa's great with the kids. He loves playing with them and taking them to the park or the zoo. 2.Man: This is a picture of me and my three sons. We're at a soccer game. Orlando is twelve, Louis is ten, and Carlos is nine. All three of them really like sports. Orlando and Louis play baseball. Carlos is into skating. 3.Man: This is my wife June, and these are my three children. Terri on the right is the oldest. She's in high school. She's very involved in music. She's in the orchestra. Rachel — she's the one in the middle — is twelve now. And this is my son Peter. He's one year older than Rachel. Rachel and Peter are both in junior high school. Time really flies. June and I have been married for twenty years now. 4.Woman: This is a picture of me with my three kids. The girls, Jill and Anne, are both in high school. This is Jill on the right. She'll graduate next year. Anne is two years younger. My son Dan is in college. It seems like the kids are never home. I see them for dinner and sometimes on Saturday mornings, but that's about it. They're really busy and have a lot of friends. 第二部分 John: It's super, Mary. It's just what I wanted. Mary: Well, I know you said your old calculator was no good any more. John: Well, it wasn't that it was no good. It just wouldn't do all the things I need to do at work. And it certainly wouldn't remember telephone numbers for me like this one. Mary: I suppose you're going to start putting in numbers straightaway. John: I've put in one while we've been chatting. I've put in our solicitor's number. You know how often I need to call him on company contracts. Mary: So what others are you going to put in?


Unit One Optional Listening 1 Boy(B): Hey, Grandma, what’s in this box? Grandma(G): Oh, nothing really…just a few old keepsakes. B: Keepsakes? G: Young man, you know what a keepsake is! B: No, I don’t. I really don’t. G: Well, it’s something you keep. It’s something that gives you a lot of memories. B: Oh. What’s this? G: Now don’t go just digging around in there!... Hmmm, let’s see… that’s my first diary. B: Can I …? G: No, you can’t read it! It’s personal! I wrote about my first boyfriend in there. He became your grandfather! B: Oh, OK… Well then, what’s that? It has your picture in it. G: That’s my passport. You can see, I traveled to Europe by ship. B: What’s that big book? G: My yearbook, it’s my high school book of memories. B: Class of 1961! Boy, that’s old! G: That’s about enough out of you, young man. I think it’s time we put this box away and… Optional Listening 2 1. At the age of thirteen, I took my first trip alone. 2. I went to visit my grandparents in Los Angeles. 3. I felt very nervous about traveling so far, 4. but my mother said, “Don’t worry. You’ll be fine.” 5. I got on the airplane and talked for a long time to a very nice woman who sat next to me. 6. My grandparents met me at the airport and took me to their home. 7. I stayed there for two weeks, 8. and I had so much fun with them! 9. It was my first time in Los Angeles, 10. and I saw lots of really interesting places. 11. In the end, I didn’t want to go home! Optional Listening 3 Making memories A popular new hobby is scrapbooking---making beautiful books to hold special memories. Scrapbook pages can include photos, drawings, journal entries. It’s not hard to make a scrapbook that you will enjoy for many years. Here are the steps. 1. Choose a theme for your scrapbook pages. Some examples: “School days,”“Family travel,”“Memories of my grandparents,”“Baby’s first year.” 2. Select photos for each page. Two or three really good photos are better than ten so-so photos. 3. Find other paper keepsakes to use with your photos. Look for old newspaper clippings, postcards, tickets, report cards, letters--- anything made of paper. Use your imagination!


考研复试的英语听力部分 (原创)(2008-03-09 09:45:50) 标签:考研复试听力对策分类:考研复试首先,要恭喜各位顺利通过考研初试的同学,大家辛苦了。不过,球已带到禁区,只差临门一脚,大家的考研复试同样十分重要。对于英语复试(口语和听力),各个学校考察方式五花八门,但是根据我的搜集和几年来所教授同学的反馈给大家把听力复试的类型总结如下,希望对大家的进一步前行有所帮助。 第一类,是大部分学校都采用的试题形式-- 大学英语六级听力试题。这个只要参加过四、六级考试的同学相信都应该比较熟悉,包括短对话、长对话、段子题和复合式听写。为什么六级考察比较广泛,因为一般来讲,六级听力的水平基本对等研究生英语水平,听力如果能够达到六级那么也就是具备了研究生的基本入学资格。所以很多学校曾经或者现在有硬性规定,过了六级才能保研或者具备考博的资格。给大家的建议是,把2004年以后的六级真题拿来做做训练,强化大家的听力能力。 第二类,比如像西安交通大学等学校,多年来的考研复试都是旧托福的前面50个短对话,全部是选择题。这个和我们四六级的短对话形式完全一样,就是更多地加入了俗语、俚语和成语的考查。 第三类,要求比较高,难度也偏大,像上海交通大学的研究生复试听力一样,考查的是新闻听力。要求学生听完一段VOA或者BBC的新闻之后回答问题,这个主观性很强,技巧性削弱,主要考查学生的实际听力水平。很多东部和大城市的高校喜欢采取此类考查方式。学生要做的就是到我常说的那两个英语听力的网站上去,下VOA和BBC的新闻来听,做四步精听法练习,强化基础实力和新闻听力基本要素。 第四类,其他类(雅思听力,新托福听力),这类考察学校偏少。雅思听力的题目类型丰富而且是英式发音,如果你打听到学校复试是考这类,需要针对性做雅思练习。新托福考试可能一些发达城市所在学校会考,也是十分看重实际听力能力,这个我在课堂上会进一步讲解。 总之,希望所有考生调整好心态,准备继续攻克下一个难关。目标巍巍屹立于前,我们要做的是全力以赴,实现自己的目标,胜利属于坚持不懈的人。 考研复试口语部分 (转载)(2008-03-09 09:33:34) 标签:杂谈分类:考研复试关于口语的准备,我的建议是,大家多背诵一些重要常考句型吧,这样心中有货就不会太紧张,口语不能一蹴而就,但是临阵磨枪,不快也光啊,“热嘴”“热耳”对广大很久没有听说练习的考研学生来讲异常重要。


Unit 14 Task 1 A reporter is interviewing some people about unusual sports. Interviewer: Hello, Andrea. I’ve just been watching you skiing. You’re really very good, aren’t you? Very fast indeed. Andrea: Thank you. I do teach skiing, you know, so I have to be good. But now I also have to be very fast, because I’ve been selected for the Olympic team and I’m traini ng for the Olympic Games next year. Interviewer: Photos, water sports are your work — water skiing, parasailing. Do you still enjoy them? Photos: Oh yes, I love water skiing particularly, but some days, when it’s raining, there’s nothing to do. So I’m learning to play chess in my spare time. It’s a nice game, you know. Interviewer: And Yannis, how old are you? Yannis: I’m fifteen. I’m on holiday at the moment and I’m helping my brother. I’m learning to drive the boat. But I live in Athens with my family. I’m a student there. Interviewer: Claude, you look very fit. How old are you? Claude: I’m fifty now. I own this windsurfing club, but I’m also the club manager. I windsurf a lot and I meet a lot of British and Canadians, so I’m studying English twice a week — in the evenings. Interviewer: Stewart, you are from Scotland, aren’t you? Stewart: Yes, I’m a bank m anager in Aberdeen. But as you know, I go underwater caving. I want to go to Borneo next summer. But it’s a very dangerous sport so I’m practicing diving every weekend, at the moment. Task 2 【答案】 1) b, 2) Lift the club backwards away from the ball; keeping left arm straight till you get to the top of the wing; keep your head down; keep looking at the ball; swing down; hit the ball; throw that club towards the hole. 3) c, 4) Bend your knees; thrust your hands back; go into the water; make your heads follow, go straight in and your legs follow; put your hands back, behind your back. 5) c, 6) Take your left hand; get some hair on its neck; get a good firm hold; lift your left leg; put it in the stirrup; hang on tight with your left hand onto the hair; your toes are facing towards its back; put your other hand on the back of the saddle; swing your leg over the back. 【原文】 Extract 1:


在考研复试的面试环节中, “你为什么要考研”, “为什么选择本校” , “为什么选择本专业”通常是考官们非常感兴趣的话题。尤其对于跨校跨专业的考生来说,一定要充分准备这些问题。那么对于这些问题的回答来说,该注意什么,导师们不原意听到的原因有哪些,愿意听到的原因又有哪些,具体该如何作答,针对这些问题,为大家一一解答。 问题一:你为什么要考研?(why do you choose to further your study instead of going to work after graduation?) 关键点: 1) 导师们不愿听到的: ①不好就业; ②为了考公务员; ③为了有机会有户口; ④父母的意愿 2) 导师们希望听到的: ①对知识的追求; ②职业目标的需要 参考模板: Firstly, I have a profound love in my major, _______, which is very practical and useful. Through four ye ars’ study in university I find the knowledge I have mastered is not enough to solve some specific problems though I have

good academic records in all the subjects. So I decide to further my education and take the postgraduate entrance examination. Secondly, I want to take (专业相关职业)as my life long career so further study in this field is still necessary. In my opinion, I can broaden my horizon and enrich the knowledge in this field through the postgraduate education. It is an indispensable step for my self-development in the future as well. Last but not least, I have a long-lasting love of the atmosphere of campus. It is full of passion and youthful spirit. All the things can inspire me to form some fantastic thoughts and excellent ideas. This kind of atmosphere is very helpful for study. For all the reasons mentioned above, I choose to take part in this entrance exam. I would be very grateful if I could be given the opportunity to study in your university. Thank you. 问题二:你为什么选择本校?(why do you choose to further your study in our university?) 关键点: 1) 导师们不愿听到的: ①母校不好; ②本校好考; ③父母的意愿 2) 导师们能够接受的:
