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Module 1要求1.能从1 数到999 ,并能用英语进行加法运算;2.能说出多种


词汇Clothes: blouse, jeans, trousers , shirt ,shorts ,dress ,sweater,

T-shirt, Jacket ,skirt ,coat ,sock ,shoes (sport shoes) Cap hat

数词:1-10 One two three four five six seven eight nine ten

11-19 Eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen

20-100(整十)Twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred


What can I do for you? Can 1 help you? I'd like (to buy) a green blouse. How much are the shoes? It's fifteen yuan.

How much are the shoes? They're forty dollars.


1.字母a , b , c , d 在单词中的读音是什么?试读出下面的单词:bad cab dab cake bade

2.“一双”怎样说?请对比下面的内容:a shoe — a pair of shoes

a sock — a pair of socks

3.“一条裤子”怎样说?请对比下面的内容:trousers — a pair of trousers jeans — a pair of jeans shorts — a pair of shorts


请对比下面的内容:(RMB) yuan —one yuan/two yuan …(American/Australian/Hong Kong) dollar — one dollar/two dollars pound — one pound/two pounds

6.描述人的穿着用什么句子?请观察: He/She has a pair of blue sport shoes He/She is wearing a hat.

1._____ (Who’s, Whose) shirt is this?

2. That’s the ______ (woman, woman’s) skirt.

3.______are the trousers? (Who, Whose)

4. They are the_____(boy, boy’s) long socks.

5. ____ (Who’s , Whose) he? He’s Jim

Module 2 1.能描述和谈论人的特征;2.能谈论心目中的英雄人物.(注意hero

和heroine的复数形式-----heroes heroines

词汇(形容人的外貌)Blonde hair, black hair thin ,weak, heavy,strong,plum,slim ,young ,old ,hardworking ,patient ,,honest, funny ,friendly ,kind Beautiful, handsome ,ugly,

反义词Big-small fat-thin Tall-short old-young Black-white ugly-beautiful Strong-weak handsome-ugly Kind-unkind honest-dishonest Patient-impatient


1.字母e , f , g , h 在单词中的读音是什么?试读出下面的单词:bed fed had gab


long tall big good black strong fat old ugly handsome small short bad young beautiful weak white


(l) He/she has … (eyes/nose/mouth /face …)

(2) He/She is … (tall/short/strong/kind/friendly …)

(3) He/She’s … (my hero/movie star …)

(4) He /She is wearing … (a hat /a coat/a sweater …)

4.你是否已注意到一些词前面的a , an 的用法?请比较:

He is kind. He is a kind old man. He is an old man.

She is Australian. She is an Australian girl. She is an honest Australian girl.


the girl with long blonde hair 那金色长头发的女孩

the man with a ball 那个拿着球的男人

The boy with a black is my cousin.那个戴着黑帽子的男孩子是我的表兄弟。He is wearing a black hat.他戴着一顶黑色的帽子。


Occupations: Teacher Factory worker Policeman Doctor, nurse, dentist, ambulance man Postman, Bank manager, bank clerk Shop assistant Fireman Occupations:Bus driver , taxi driver, truck driver Manager, cook, waiter, waitress, Cleaner Soldier, lawyer, athlete, farmer,


What do they do?

Firemen put out fires.

Doctors and nurses help sick people.

Dentists check your teeth.

Ambulance men drive an ambulance

Teachers help us to learn.

Policemen catch criminals.

句型Waiters and waitress serve us food and drinks.

Postmen deliver letters.

Cleaners clean up everything.

Taxi drivers drive a taxi.

Shop assistants help in a shop.

What do you want to be when you grow up?I want to be a/an···. What‘s one’s job? He’s / She’s a/an····.

What does he / she do?He’s / She’s a/an ····.

Do you want to be a …when you grow up? Yes , I do./ No, I don’t

3) Daily Express习惯用语: Let me see. What about you? That’s a good job.


1,直接加S :teachers

2,以s,x,o结尾加es: boxes, dresses
