


Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

COURSE EM691 Cost Estimating for Capital Projects

INSTRUCTOR Randy Reagan Email: reagan@https://www.360docs.net/doc/bb877786.html, Homepage: https://www.360docs.net/doc/bb877786.html,/~reagan/.

TEXTS Engineering Economy, Sullivan, Wicks, Koeling, 14th edition, Pearson, 2009.

Note: At the time the 14th ed. text was selected Pearson advised NJIT that a 15th edition would be available in the fall of

2011. However we recently learned that the first printing of the 15th edition was completed in December 2010 and the

15th edition is now available. The 15th edition is almost identical to the 14th edition and students who purchase the 15th

edition should be able to study all the course material by using the more recent text. However please be advised that

some of homework problems and problem numbering have changed with the 15th edition and therefore students

purchasing the 15th edition will be responsible for synchronizing to homework problems specified in the 14th edition. REFERENCES Other related reference materials have been placed on reserve at the library.


COURSE FORMAT This course will be delivered via a eLearning format where students are responsible for learning by self-study without in-person lectures. Students will be guided through a series of learning sessions by the

instructor however students must lean heavily on the assigned text as a key resource and review lecture

notes provided through Moodle. The homework is an Excel project which reinforces topics covered in the

learning sessions. Several synchronous internet (Wimba) web meetings will be scheduled during the

course of the term to cover a summary of the material and to provide a forum for student questions.

Students are also able to hold discussion with the instructor via email or pre-arranged meetings during the

term. Students are responsible for completing all course exams/deliverables by the specified dates. COURSE MGT Announcements, notes, resources, assignments and due dates will be posted at: https://www.360docs.net/doc/bb877786.html,. DESCRIPTION Cost management, estimating and financial techniques used in budgeting, evaluation, planning, and

control of capital investments. Emphasis on quantitative financial analysis in capital projects, risk

management and decision techniques commonly used in Engineering Management.

TOPICS The course will cover the following topics:

1.Introduction to Engineering Economics

2.Cost Concepts

3.Cost and Financial Management

4.Cost Estimating

5.Time Value of Money

6.Project Evaluation

7.Project Selection 8.Depreciation and Taxes

9.Pricing & Exchange Rates

10.Breakeven and Sensitivity Analysis

11.Risk Analysis

12.Capital Budgeting

13.Multiattribute Decision Making

EXAMS Exams are intended to cover all material in the assigned text chapters, lecture notes and homework.

Students will be asked to solve a set of problems very much like the examples in the text or the homework.

All exams will be proctored according to guidelines that will be discussed prior to the exam.

EXCEL PROJECT Students will complete a comprehensive set of homework problems in Excel. Students may optionally work in groups (e.g. 2 to 3 max in a group) for the purpose of comparing solutions however each individual is

responsible to submit their own original project work for grading. Projects must be developed according to

detailed instructions provided with the assignment and submitted by the due date to receive full credit.


GRADING Mid-Term Exam 30%, Excel Project 35%, Final Exam 35%

POLICIES Students are responsible for adhering to all university policies including the policies for academic integrity.

Additional policies emphasized in this course may be found at the course Moodle site.



《工程经济学》考试大纲 一、命题范围及基本要求 1.资金的时间价值:熟悉资金时间价值及产生的原因、资金时间价值的各种计算、有效利率与名义利率的关系,掌握等值的概念、现金流量图的绘制方法 2.工程投资估算:掌握投资估算的内容和投资估算的编制方法,包括固定资产投资估算方法、流动资金及铺底流动资金的估算方法 3.投资方案评价方法:熟悉各个评价指标的经济含义、静态与动态评价指标的计算,掌握工程方案经济性分析比较的基本方法,掌握工程经济性判断的基本指标及各个评价指标的优点及不足 4.建设项目财务评价:了解建设项目的风险分析,熟悉建设项目的不确定性分析,熟悉一般工业建设项目财务评价基本报表的项目组成、各类数据的分析与评价,掌握一般工业建设项目的财务盈利能力分析和偿还能力评价的含义、指标体系、评价方法及准则 5.投资项目国民经济评价:了解国民经济评价的重要参数,熟悉费用效率评价的原理,掌握国民经济评价的原则 6.非工业投资项目的经济评价:了解各类项目经济评价的特点 7.工程经济在建设活动中的应用:熟悉设计方案、施工方案的比较与评价,掌握设备更新的理论与方法,掌握价值工程功能评价与功能改进的方法 二、参考书 1.黄有亮,土木工程经济分析导论,东南大学出版社,2012年第1版. 2.黄渝祥,邢爱芳,工程经济学(第3版),上海:同济大学出版社,2005. 《计算力学》考试大纲 一、命题范围与重点 1.弹性力学问题基本理论 1)基本方程;2)平面问题; 3)轴对称问题; 4)薄板弯曲问题; 5虚功方程。6)加权余量法;7)变分原理;8)能量原理;

2 有限单元法基本概念 1.1)有限元的发展史;2)有限元的基本原理;3)有限元基本概念; 4)虚功原理(变形体)的 定义和运用。5)最小势能原理(最小余能原理)及加权余量法(如伽辽金法)在有限元中的应用(如:推导单刚方程)。 3.平面三角形单元 1)平面问题的概念;2)位移模式与解答的收敛性;3)三角平面单元等效荷载;4)三角单元应力矩阵及刚度矩阵;5)有限元基本解题步骤。6)应力计算结果及处理。 4.杆件结构有限单元法 1)杆系有限单元分类;2)平面刚架有限单元法; 3)梁单元的自由度释放;4)考虑剪切变形梁单元;5)带刚域梁单元;6)空间梁单元; 5.较精密的平面单元与较复杂的平面问题; 1)四节点矩形单元; 2) 面积坐标; 3) 具有六结点的三角形单元; 4) 其他高次单元的位移函数构造; 6 插值函数的构造 1) Lagrange单元插值函数构造; 1) Hermite单元插值函数构造;3)Senrendipity单元插值函数构造; 4)三维单元的插值函数; 7 空间问题的有限单元法: 1).等参数单元的概念;2) 四边形等参数平面单元;3) 空间等参数单元; 4)等参数单元的力学分析数学分析;5)数值积分。6)数值积分阶次选择; 8 板、壳问题的有限单元法; 1)薄板弯曲问题的有限单元法; 2)矩形薄板单元的位移模式和荷载列阵; 3)矩形薄板单元的内力矩阵及刚度矩阵; 4)用矩形薄板单元计算薄壳问题。 9.线性方程组解法 1)系数矩阵存储: a)一维变带宽存储;b)二维等带宽存储;2)分块法基本原理;3)PCG 迭代解法基本原理; 10 综合分析能力考查:结构计算模型或简图取法技巧、工程应用技巧。 二、参考书


《工程经济学》课程教学大纲 Engineering Economics 课程编号:适用专业:工程管理及其他经管类业 先修课程:《管理学原理》、《会计学原理》、《经济学》 学分数:3学分 总学时数:48学时实验(上机)学时:0学时 考核方式:院考 执笔者:编写日期:2011年3月 一、课程性质和任务: 本课程属于工商管理、工程管理等专业本科生的学科基础必修课之一。它是介于自然和社会科学之间的边缘性科学,属于应用经济学的一个分支,其核心内容是一套工程经济分析思想和方法,是人类提高工程实践活动效率的基本工具。 通过本课程的学习,使学生掌握技术经济学的基本理论、基本方法和基本技能及其在项目前期决策中的应用,对项目资金筹措、项目经济评价指标和方法、不确定性分析、项目可行性研究、财务评价、国民经济评价、公益性项目评价、房地产开发项目经济评价、设备更新分析、价值工程、风险决策与风险管理等内容有一个系统的把握,以达到能对项目进行公正、客观、合理评价的目的。 二、课程教学内容和要求: 第一章绪论 (1)熟悉技术实践活动的概念及其要素; (2)了解技术经济学的性质、发展过程;; (3)掌握技术经济学的基本原理; (4)熟悉技术经济分析的过程和步骤; (5)了解技术经济分析人员应具备的知识和能力。 第二章现金流量构成与资金等值计算 (1)熟悉现金流量及工程项目投资的概念及构成; (2)熟悉成本费用的概念及构成;

(3)掌握工程项目的收入和销售税金及附加的计算; (4)掌握利润总额、所得税的计算及净利润的分配顺序; (5)熟悉经营成本、固定成本和变动成本、机会成本、沉入成本的概念; (6)熟悉资金时间价值的概念; (7)掌握资金时间价值计算所涉及的基本概念和计算公式; (8)掌握名义利率和实际利率的计算; (9)掌握资金等值计算及其应用。 第三章建设项目资金筹措与资本成本 (1)熟悉建设项目资金总额的构成; (2)熟悉项目资本金融通和项目债务筹资; (3)了解项目融资及其主要模式; (4)掌握不同来源渠道资金的资金成本计算; (5)掌握加权平均资本成本计算。 第四章经济效果评价指标与方法 (1)理解静态、动态经济效果评价指标的含义、特点; (2)掌握静态、动态经济效果评价指标计算方法和评价准则; (3)掌握不同类型投资方案适用的评价指标和方法。 第五章不确定性分析 (1)了解不确定性分析的目的和意义; (2)掌握盈亏平衡分析方法; (3)掌握敏感性分析方法和步骤; (4)熟悉概率分析方法。 第六章建设项目可行性研究 (1)熟悉可行性研究的概念和工作程序及可行性研究报告的作用和编制依据; (2)掌握可行性研究报告的基本内容; (3)了解市场调查和预测的方法。 第七章建设项目财务评价 (1)熟悉财务评价的概念、目的、内容、程序;

最新版微观经济学精品习题英文版 (with answer) (9)

Chapter 9 Application: International Trade 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. _ __ 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. _ __ 1. Nations would gain from trade if a(n) ________ exists. ( c ) a.absolute advantage b.specialization https://www.360docs.net/doc/bb877786.html,parative advantage d.infant industry 2. If Canada has a comparative advantage over Denmark in the production of wood, this implies that ( b ) a.it requires fewer resources in Canada than in Denmark to produce wood. b.the opportunity cost of producing wood in Canada is lower than in Denmark. c.Denmark does not benefit by trading with Canada. d.Canada should buy wood from Denmark. 3. Domestic producers gain from the opportunity to export goods to foreign countries because ( a ) a.the free-trade price of the good is higher than the domestic price in the absence of trade. b.producers are able to reach a wider market. c.although the free-trade price is lower than in the absence of trade, producers are able to sell a greater quantity. d.production rises, although there is no change in the price of the good compared to the no-trade situation. 4. If at the world equilibrium price the U.S. quantity demanded is greater than the U.S. quantity supplied, then ( a ) a.the United States will import the good. b.the United States will export the good. c.the world price will fall. d.the world price will ris e.


◎v前言> ◎v教学内容> ◎V教学进度与教时安排> 探v前言> 《工程经济学》课程教学大纲 一、课程名称:工程经济学Engin eeri ng Econo mics 二、课程编码:0200512 三、学时与学分:24/1.5 四、先修课程:无 五、课程教学目标 1、使学生掌握工程经济的基本知识、基本理论以及经济效益的评价方法; 2、使学生能以市场为前提、经济为目标、技术为手段,对多种工程技术实践进行经济效益评价,作出合理判断,最终获得满意的方案。 3、使学生基本把握建设领域决策的复杂性和动态性。 六、适用学科专业

道路桥梁与渡河工程、土木工程、工程管理、< WB > 城市规划、建筑环境与设备工程、给水排水工程、

环境工程。 探< 教学内容> 课程教学内容的基本要求、重点和难点及学时分配 0 绪论(1 学时) 基本要求:本章重点阐述工程经济学的基本概念、工程经济学的性质及其发展,工程经济学的研究对象,工程(技术)方案经济效果评价的基本原理等内容。通过对本章内容的学习,学生应该明确工程技术在实际应用中的两重性以及工程技术与经济的关系,对工程经济学课程的基本内容和方法有初步认识,并在今后的学习中注意区分掌握相关概念。 重点与难点:技术和经济的关系;工程(技术)方案经济评价的原则和可比条件。 1 资金的时间价值(3 学时) 基本要求:本章是工程经济分析计算的基础性内容,包括货币的时间价值概念、利息的种类和复利计算公式、名义利率和有效利率的计算、等值计算等重要内

容。通过对本章内容的学习, 使学生掌握等值计算的原理和方法。 重点与难点:现金流量概念及现金流量图的画法;复利计算公式;等值的概念及计算;名义利率和有效利率的概念及计算。 2 投资项目经济评价指标与方法(4 学时)基本要求:本章主要讲述投资方案的静态和动态评价判据,包括静态投资回收期、净现值、内部收益率、总投资收益率、资本金净利润率、利息备付率、偿债备付率、资产负债率等各种方案评价指标,学生需在明确这些指标概念的基础上,熟练掌握其计算方法进行单方案的分析和评价。 重点与难点:静态投资回收期、净现值、总投资收益率、资本金净利润率、利息备付率、偿债备付率、资产负债率等指标的概念、计算和评价标准;内部收益率指标的经济含义、优缺点和相应计算。 3 工程项目多方案的比较及选择(2 学时)基本要求:本章主要讨论独立方案、互斥方案、混合方案



————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期: 1

1 Chapter 1 Ten Principles of Economics Multiple Choice 1. The word that comes from the Greek word for "one who manages a household" is a. market. b. consumer. c. producer. d. economy. ANS: D DIF: 1 REF: 1-0 TOP: Economy MSC: Definitional 2. The word “economy” comes from the Greek word oikonomos , which means a. “environment.” b. “production.” c. “one who manages a househol d.” d. “one who makes decisions.” ANS: C DIF: 1 REF: 1-0 TOP: Economy MSC: Definitional 3. Resources are a. scarce for households but plentiful for economies. b. plentiful for households but scarce for economies. c. scarce for households and scarce for economies. d. plentiful for households and plentiful for economies. ANS: C DIF: 1 REF: 1-0 TOP: Resources, Scarcity MSC: Interpretive 4. Economics deals primarily with the concept of a. scarcity. b. poverty. c. change. d. power. ANS: A DIF: 1 REF: 1-0 TOP: Scarcity MSC: Definitional 5. Which of the following questions is not answered by the decisions that every society must make? a. What determines consumer preferences? b. What goods will be produced? c. Who will produce the goods? d. Who will consume the goods? ANS: A DIF: 2 REF: 1-0 TOP: Economies MSC: Interpretive 6. The overriding reason as to why households and societies face many decisions is that a. resources are scarce. b. goods and services are not scarce. c. incomes fluctuate with business cycles. d. people, by nature, tend to disagre e. ANS: A DIF: 2 REF: 1-0 TOP: Scarcity MSC: Interpretive 7. The phenomenon of scarcity stems from the fact that a. most economies’ production methods are not very good. b. in most economies, wealthy people consume disproportionate quantities of goods and services. c. governments restricts production of too many goods and services. d. resources are limited. ANS: D DIF: 2 REF: 1-0 TOP: Scarcity MSC: Interpretive


工程造价管理专业(独立本科段) (082231) 《工程经济学》课程考试大纲 (课程代码04624) Ⅰ课程性质和设置目的 《工程经济学》课程是工程造价管理专业的一门重要的专业基础课程,是工程学和经济学的交叉学科,覆盖的学科领域非常广泛,它是工程学、管理学、经济学等学科的综合性应用学科。因此本课程可以帮助应考者更好地掌握工程经济学的基本原理、基本内容、基本方法及其实践应用。其任务是培养系统地了解工程经济学的基本理论与应用前景,掌握资金时间价值、工程方案评价、价值工程分析等基本方法,具备掌握各种工程技术方案的经济效益评价的能力,深刻认识工程经济学在工程项目经济评价与可行性研究中的地位和作用,为工程造价管理在我国的发展与利用培养专门的人才。 《工程经济学》是一门研究工程(技术)领域经济问题和经济规律的科学。具体的说,就是研究对为实现一定功能而提出的在技术上可行的技术方案、生产过程、产品或服务,在经济上进行计算分析、比较和论证的方法的科学。它以工程项目为主体,以工程—经济系统为核心,以实现资源的合理配置与有效使用,提高工程有效性为目的的科学。它研究各种工程技术方案的经济效益,研究各种技术方案在实施过程中如何以最少的投入获得预期产出或如何以等量的投入获得最大产出;如何以最低的寿命周期成本实现产品、作业以及服务的必要功能。 设置本课程的具体目的:通过本课程的学习,使应考者掌握工程经济学的基本知识、基本理论以及经济效益的评价基本方法,以市场为前提、经济为目标、技术为手段,对多种技术实践进行经济效益评价,作出合理判断,最终获得满意的方案。

Ⅱ课程内容与考核要求 第一章导论 一、学习目的和要求 通过本章的学习,使得考生理解工程经济学的相关概念;理解工程经济分析的基本方法;熟悉工程经济分析的原则。 二、课程内容 1 、工程经济学的概念 2 、工程与经济 3 、工程经济学的目的 4 、工程经济学的研究对象和研究范围 5、工程经济学分析方法 6、工程经济分析原则 三、考核知识点 1、工程与经济、工程经济学的含义 2、工程经济学分析方法 3、工程经济分析原则 四、考核要求 1、领会:工程与经济、工程经济学的含义。 2、掌握:工程经济分析原则。 第二章资金的时间价值 一、学习目的和要求 本章是工程经济分析最重要的基础内容之一,也是正确计算经济评价指标的前提。通过本章学习要求考生熟悉资金时间价值的概念、现金流量的概念;掌握现金流量图的画法;掌握资金时间价值计算所涉及的基本概念和计算公式;掌握资金时间价值计算的应用;掌握名义利率和实际利率的计算。 二、课程内容 1、资金时间价值的基本概念


rkets WHAT’S NEW IN THE SIXTH EDITION: There are no major changes to this chapter. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of this chapter, students should understand: the link between buyers’ willingness to pay for a good and the demand curve. how to define and measure consumer surplus. the link between sellers’ costs of producing a good and the supply curve. how to define and measure producer surplus. that the equilibrium of supply and demand maximizes total surplus in a market. CONTEXT AND PURPOSE: Chapter 7 is the first chapter in a three-chapter sequence on welfare economics and market efficiency. Chapter 7 employs the supply and demand model to develop consumer surplus and producer surplus as a measure of welfare and market efficiency. These concepts are then 7 CONSUMERS, PRODUCERS, AND THE EFFICIENCY OF MARKETS


郑州大学2021年硕士研究生入学考试初试 《工程经济学》考试大纲 学院名称科目代码科目名称考试单元说明 土木工程学院972工程经济学4考试须携带无编程功能的计算工具 郑州大学硕士研究生入学考试 《工程经济学》考试大纲 一、考试基本要求及适用范围概述 本《工程经济学》考试大纲适用于郑州大学土木工程学院相关专业的硕士研究生入学考试。《工程经济学》是工程管理专业经济平台课中的一门专业基础课,是经济专业与工程管理相结合的交叉学科,也是工程管理三大基础知识之一;主要内容:工程经济学原理、资金时间价值、项目经济评价及决策方法、价值工程、风险分析、项目投资决策及资金筹措、市场预测方法、项目财务评价及国民经济评价、项目后评估等。要求考生熟悉工程技术方案选优的基本过程,全面掌握工程经济的基本原理和方法,具备进行工程经济分析的基本能力。了解工程项目的经济决策方法,能综合运用所学的知识分析和解决项目的可行性分析、项目过程中的投融资管理、项目的后评价等工程经济问题。 二、考试形式 硕士研究生入学《工程经济学》考试为闭卷,笔试,考试时间为180分钟,本试卷满分为150分。 试卷结构(题型):单项选择题、名词解释、简答题、计算题 三、考试内容 1.工程经济学基本原理 考试内容 工程经济学的性质 工程经济学的研究对象 命题学院(盖章):土木工程学院考试科目代码及名称:972工程经济学

工程经济分析的基本原则、原理和步骤 工程经济分析的思路和思维方法 普通经济学与工程经济学的关系 工程经济分析人员应具备的知识和能力考试要求 掌握工程经济学的原理及应用 理解工程经济学相关基本概念 掌握工程经济学主要分析方法 了解工程经济分析人员应具备的基本技能2.现金流量与资金时间价值 考试内容 现金流量的概念及其构成 资金的时间价值概念及其计算方法 资金时间价值的应用 考试要求 掌握资金时间价值计算及资金等值计算 熟悉资金时间价值的相关概念 3.投资、成本与利润 考试内容 现金流量的概念及其构成 资金的时间价值概念及其计算方法 资金时间价值的应用 考试要求 了解工程项目投资、成本与利润的概念 熟悉成本、费用、收入构成及估算方法 熟悉利润计算方法 掌握工程项目投资构成及估算方法 掌握税金及附加的概念及构成 4.工程项目经济评价方法 考试内容 工程技术方案经济效果评价指标体系 单方案与多方案工程投资项目评价


微观经济学关键概念中英文对照 CHAPTER 1 scarcity稀缺性 economics经济学 efficiency效率 equity平等 opportunity cost机会成本 rational people理性人 marginal changes边际变动 incentive激励 market economy市场经济 property rights产权 market failure市场失灵 externality外部性 market power市场势力 productivity生产率 inflation通货膨胀 business cycle经济周期

CHAPTER 2 circular-flow diagram循环流向图production possibilities frontier生产可能性边界 microeconomics微观经济学 macroeconomics宏观经济学 positive statements实证表述 normative statements规范表述 CHAPTER 3 absolute advantage绝对优势 opportunity cost机会成本 comparative advantage比较优势 imports进口 exports出口 CHAPTER 4 market市场 competitive market竞争市场 quantity demanded需求量 law of demand需求定理 demand schedule需求表 demand curve需求曲线

normal good正常物品 inferior good低档物品 substitutes替代品 complements互补品 quantity supplied供给量 law of supply供给定理 supply schedule供给表 supply curve供给曲线 equilibrium均衡 equilibrium price均衡价格 equilibrium quantity均衡数量 surplus过剩 shortage短缺 law of supply and demand供求定理 CHAPTER 5 elasticity弹性 price elasticity of demand需求价格弹性 total revenue总收益 income elasticity of demand需求收入弹性cross-price elasticity of demand需求的交叉价格弹性price elasticity of supply供给价格弹性


工程经济学》课程教学大纲 Engineering Economics 学 分 数:3学分 考核方式:院考 编写日期: 2011年 3 月 一、课程性质和任务 : 本课程属于工商管理、 工程管理等专业本科生的学科基础必修课之一。 它是 介于自然和社会科学之间的边缘性科学, 属于应用经济学的一个分支, 其核心内 容是一套工程经济分析思想和方法,是人类提高工程实践活动效率的基本工具。 通过本课程的学习, 使学生掌握技术经济学的基本理论、 基本方法和基本技 能及其在项目前期决策中的应用,对项目资金筹措、项目经济评价指标和方法、 不确定性分析、项目可行性研究、财务评价、国民经济评价、公益性项目评价、 房地产开发项目经济评价、 设备更新分析、 价值工程、 风险决策与风险管理等内 容有一个系统的把握,以达到能对项目进行公正、客观、合理评价的目的。 二、课程教学内容和要求 : 第一章 绪论 (1)熟悉技术实践活动的概念及其要素; (2)了解技术经济学的性质、发展过程; ; (3)掌握技术经济学的基本原理; (4)熟悉技术经济分析的过程和步骤; (5)了解技术经济分析人员应具备的知识和能力。 第二章 现金流量构成与资金等值计算 (1)熟悉现金流量及工程项目投资的概念及构成; (2)熟悉成本费用的概念及构成; (3)掌握工程项目的收入和销售税金及附加的计算; (4)掌握利润总额、所得税的计算及净利润的分配顺序; 课程编号: 适用专业:工程管理及其他经管类业 先修课程: 管理学原理》、《会计学原理》、《经济学》 总学时数: 48 学时 实验(上机)学时: 0 学时 执 笔 者:

(5)熟悉经营成本、固定成本和变动成本、机会成本、沉入成本的概念; (6)熟悉资金时间价值的概念; (7)掌握资金时间价值计算所涉及的基本概念和计算公式; (8)掌握名义利率和实际利率的计算; (9)掌握资金等值计算及其应用。 第二章建设项目资金筹措与资本成本 (1)熟悉建设项目资金总额的构成; (2)熟悉项目资本金融通和项目债务筹资; (3)了解项目融资及其主要模式; (4)掌握不同来源渠道资金的资金成本计算; (5)掌握加权平均资本成本计算。 第四章经济效果评价指标与方法 (1)理解静态、动态经济效果评价指标的含义、特点; (2)掌握静态、动态经济效果评价指标计算方法和评价准则; (3)掌握不同类型投资方案适用的评价指标和方法。 第五章不确定性分析 (1)了解不确定性分析的目的和意义; (2)掌握盈亏平衡分析方法; (3)掌握敏感性分析方法和步骤; (4)熟悉概率分析方法。第六章建设项目可行性研究 (1)熟悉可行性研究的概念和工作程序及可行性研究报告的作用和编制依据; (2)掌握可行性研究报告的基本内容; (3)了解市场调查和预测的方法。 第七章建设项目财务评价 (1)熟悉财务评价的概念、目的、内容、程序; (2)掌握财务评价的内容、基本财务报表与评价指标的对应关系; (3)掌握建设投资和流动资金的估算方法; (4)熟悉建设项目经济分析中的计算期; (5)熟悉负债比例与财务杠杆; (6)掌握生产经营期利息的计算;

曼昆的《微观经济学原理》课业笔记 英文版

Ch 1 Ten Principles of economic ?Scarcity: the limited nature of society’s resources ?Economics: the study of how society manages its scarce resources, e.g. ?There are 10 principle of economic which are needed to be remember throughout. ?People face trade-off 1. Individual(time,money) and society(efficiency vs equality). ?Cost of something is what your give up to get it.\ 1. The opportunity cost of any item is whatever must be given up to obtain it. ?Rational people thinking at margin(effect of one additional item) 1. This principle assume that everyone is rational people(made their decision base on their interests) this was addressed on Adam Smith's Wealth of Nation. ?People respond to incentives(诱惑物) 1. This statement reveals that human psychology is a important feature in economic study. ?Trade can make everyone better-off 1.Ex: trade of agricultural product and technology between Japan and America, it will break the law of PPF. It involved absolute advantages(low input) and comparative advantage(low opportunity cost win) ?Markets are usually a good way to organize economy activity. 1.Markets can balance the price. ?Government can sometime improve market outcome. ? A country's standard of living depends on its ability to produce goods and services. ?Price rise when government print too much money.


《软件工程经济学》课程教学大纲 1. 课程概况 课程代码1103436 课程所属模块/ 课程性质应用创新课程课程名称软件工程经济学总学时/ 学分36/2 理论学时/ 学分36/2 实践实训学时/ 学分0 开设学期 6 适用专业软件工程 先修课程软件工程概论、软件需求分析所属教研室软件工程 选用教材《软件工程经济学》,赵玮编著,西安电子科技大学出版社 大纲执笔人蔡勇大纲审核人曾安平 课程简介:(300 字以内) 软件工程经济学主要针对软件生命周期中的工程经济学问题,运用工程经济学的理论方法,进行货币的时间价值分析、软件项目成本估算、软件产品定价、可行性分析、项目经济学分析、风险评估 和不确定性问题决策等。并实施恰当的商业战略,比如投资组合管理,现金流量和融资管理,评估财 务绩效(包括现金流量和投资回报率),并适当调整软件项目目标和战略决策。培养学生抽象思维能 力、总结归纳能力、严谨求实的科学作风和分析计算能力。为进一步研究软件项目管理理论、过程改 进理论等打下必要的基础。 教学目标(M) M1: 掌握软件工程经济学的基本原理和分析方法M2: 掌握软件项目的成本效益分析,风险分析及软件成本估算技术等 M3: 掌握软件项目过程经济分析和进度管理?? □√J1.讲授法教学28 学时78% □ J2.研讨式学习学时% 教学方式(J) □√J3.案例教学8 学时22% □ J4 .网络教学学时% □ J5.自主学习学时% ?? □ K1. 课堂测试% □ K 2.期中考试% □√K3. 期末考试60 % 考核方式(K) □√K4. 作业撰写 □ K7.课程论文撰述20% % □ K5. 实验分析报告 □√K8. 出勤率 % 10 % □ √K6.课堂表现 ?? 10%

英文版微观经济学复习提纲Chapter 5. Economic efficiency, government price setting and taxes

5 Economic Efficiency, Government Price Setting, and Taxes Chapter Summary Although rent controls no longer in Australia, many governments around the world, such as Malaysia and the U.S., have placed ceilings on the maximum rent some landlords can charge for some apartments and houses. Governments also impose taxes in some markets. To understand the economic impact of government in markets it is necessary to understand consumer surplus and producer surplus. Consumer surplus is the dollar benefit consumers receive from buying goods and services at market prices less than the maximum prices they would be willing to pay. Producer surplus is the dollar benefit producers receive from selling goods and services at prices greater than the minimum prices they would be willing to accept. In a competitive market with no externalities the equilibrium price for a good or service occurs where the marginal cost of the last unit produced and sold is equal to the marginal benefit consumers receive from the last unit bought. At this same level of output, economic surplus, the sum of consumer and producer surplus, is maximized. Although price controls on rent no longer exist in Australia, there are many other examples of the government setting prices, such as the minimum wage in labour markets (a “floor price”). Compared to the competitive equilibrium, price ceilings and price floors reduce economic efficiency. A tax on the sale of a good or service also reduces economic efficiency. The burden of a tax (or tax incidence) is the degree to which consumers or producers actually pay the tax. The incidence of a tax depends on how responsive producers and consumers are to the price change caused by the tax. Learning Objectives When you finish this chapter you should be able to: 1Understand the concepts of consumer surplus and producer surplus. Consumer surplus is the benefit consumers receive from paying a price lower than the maximum price they would be willing to pay. Producer surplus is the benefit a firm receives from selling a good or a service at a price higher than the minimum the firm would be willing to accept. Economic surplus is the sum of consumer surplus plus producer surplus. 2Understand the concept of economic efficiency, and use a graph to illustrate how economic efficiency is reduced when a market is not in competitive equilibrium. An economically efficient outcome occurs when a competitive market equilibrium is reached. Maximum economic efficiency results when the marginal benefit received by consumers from the last unit bought equals the marginal


WHAT’S NEW IN THE SIXTH EDITION: There are no major changes to this chapter. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of this chapter, students should understand: the link between buyers’ willingness to pay for a good and the demand curve. how to define and measure consumer surplus. the link between sellers’ costs of producing a good and the supply curve. how to define and measure producer surplus. that the equilibrium of supply and demand maximizes total surplus in a market. CONTEXT AND PURPOSE: Chapter 7 is the first chapter in a three-chapter sequence on welfare economics and market efficiency. Chapter 7 employs the supply and demand model to develop consumer surplus and producer surplus as a measure of welfare and market efficiency. These concepts are then utilized in Chapters 8 and 9 to determine the winners and losers from taxation and restrictions on international trade. The purpose of Chapter 7 is to develop welfare economics —the study of how the allocation of resources affects economic well-being. Chapters 4 through 6 employed supply and demand in a positive framework, which focused on the question, “What is the equilibrium price and quantity in a market” This chapter now addresses the normative question, “Is the equilibri um price and quantity in a market the best possible solution to the resource allocation problem, or is it simply the price and quantity that balance supply and demand” Students will discover that under most circumstances the equilibrium price and quantity is also the one that maximizes welfare. CONSUMERS, PRODUCERS, AND THE EFFICIENCY OF MARKETS
