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Teaching Explanation

Book1Unit3Going to Places

Reading:Adventure Travel

Part I Analysis of the teaching material


This reading class is the third period of this unit.It introduces two kinds of adventure travel—Hiking&Rafting.This is a hot and original topic nowadays.So,such kind of design well considered Ss’interests and demands.And it can stimulate Ss’learning motivation and enthusiasm.

2.Teaching aims

According to the requirements in the National English Curriculum,the students should be developed in five aspects:language,language skills,affect,cultural and learning strategies.So my teaching aims are as follows:

1)Knowledge objective

Enable Ss to master vocabulary and expressions related to travel.

2)Ability objectives

a.Enabling Ss to get information from the text correctly and effectively.

b.Cultivating Ss to search information from library or on the internet

3)Feeling attitudes&cultural sense

a.Guiding Ss to join in my class on their own initiative.

b.Enabling Ss to love nature and know the safety rules when traveling.

3.Key teaching points:

1)Some expressions about travel.

2)Giving Ss more flexible ways of reading.

4.Teaching difficulties

In the light of the students’English level,the teaching difficulties are the

following aspects:

1)The realization of some open-ended topics.

2)Cultivate Ss’ability of searching reference material beyond the text book.

5.Teaching aids:PPT and Pictures.

Part II Analysis of the Students

1.Senior Ss in Grade1are very active and interested in all the strange things.So they must be interested in today’s topic—adventure travel.

2.Senior Ss have already mastered some English knowledge,such as basic reading skills—skimming and scanning,some vocabulary and expressions,and they also have some social experiences related to our topic.

3.Senior Ss have known how to find information from the library or the internet.

Part III Teaching methods:

1.Task-based Approach

2.Natural Approach

Why I adopt the two methods is based on the following3reasons:

1)According to the New Standards of English Curriculum,it advocated that the best way of learning language is to make Ss use target language to do things,that is,to finish the tasks.And it requires teacher to make a Ss-centered class.So the two methods can help me realize it.

2)According to the text itself,the topic in this class is closely related to daily life,so Ss may be interested in it.And this reading material is easy to understand.

3)According to Ss’personality,Chinese Ss are always too shy to speak in English,so if I were tolerant of some errors of Ss,they will become confident to speak out.

Part IV Studying strategies

1.Learn to preview the lesson.

2.Learn to comprehend or express with the aids of a chart or pictures.

3.Learn to find information from library or net-worked resources.

Part V Teaching procedures

1.Preparation for class(3-5mins)

First of all,to give Ss some topics related to the tasks of this class.Ss will

try to search information beyond the text book.Then,at the beginning of class,ask Ss to do3-5 min report.In this way,I can check whether Ss made a

good preparation.Also,it can realize the task-based reading.

munication between Ss(10mins)



1)Do you like an adventure travel?Why/why not?

2)Why do many people prefer adventure travel?Why/why not?

3)What is an adventure travel?

Six students in every group discuss what an adventure travel is.A secretary in each group writes down their results.A reporter prepares for giving the class report.The reporters give the reports of their own groups one by one.

This task can train Ss exploratory interests.

3Careful reading:(15min)

1)To show Ss two pictures about hiking and rafting.

2)To ask Ss to skim and scan the text.

4.Role play(15mins)

Task2:Role Play

