

1.private 私人的

2.Conversation 谈话

3.Theatre 剧场,戏院

4.Seat 座位

5.Play 戏

6.Loudly 大声地

7.Angry 生气的

8.Angrily 生气地

9.Attention 注意

10.Bear 忍受

11.Business 事

12.Rudely 无礼地,粗鲁地

13.Until 直到

14.Outside 外面

15.Ring (铃、电话)响

16.Aunt 姑、姨、婶、舅母

17.Repeat 重复

18.Send 寄,送

19.Postcard 明信片

20.Spoil 使索然无味,损坏

21.Museum 博物馆

22.Public 公共的

23.Friendly 有好的

24.Waiter 服务员,招待员

25.Lend 借给

26.Decision 决定

27.Whole 整个的

28.Single 唯一的,单一的

29.Exciting 令人兴奋的

30.Receive 接受,收到

31.Firm 公司

32.Different 不同的

33.Centre 中心

34.Abroad 在国外

35.Pigeon 鸽子

36.Message 信息

37.Cover 越过

38.Distance 距离

39.Request 要求,请求

40.Spare part 备件

41.Service 业务,服务

42.Beggar 乞丐

43.Food 食物

44.Pocket 衣服口袋

45.Call 拜访,光顾

46.Detective 侦探

47.Airport 机场

48.Expect 期待,等待

49.Valuable 贵重的

50.Parcel 包裹

51.Diamond 钻石

52.Steal 偷

53.Main 主要的

54.Airfield 飞机起落的场地

55.Guard 警戒,守卫

56.Precious 珍贵的

57.Stone 石子

58.Sand 沙子

https://www.360docs.net/doc/bc15962125.html,petition 比赛,竞赛

60.Neat 整齐的,整洁的

61.Path 小路,小径

62.Wooden 木头的

63.Pool 水池

64.Welcome 欢迎

65.Crowd 人群

66.Gather 聚集

67.Hand 指针

68.Shout 喊叫

69.Refuse 拒绝

https://www.360docs.net/doc/bc15962125.html,ugh 笑

71.Jazz 爵士音乐

72.Musical 音乐的

73.Instrument 乐器

74.Clavichord 古钢琴

75.Recently 最近

76.Damage 损坏

77.Key 琴键

78.String 弦

79.Shock 震惊,使不悦或生气

80.Allow 允许

81.Touch 触摸

82.Turn 行为,举止

83.Deserve 应得到,值得

https://www.360docs.net/doc/bc15962125.html,wyer 律师

85.Bank 银行

86.Salary 工资

87.Immediately 立刻

88.Luck 运气,幸运

89.Captain 船长

90.Sail 航行

91.Harbour 港口

92.Proud 自豪

93.Important 重要的

94.Group 小组,团队

95.Pop singer 流行歌手

96.Club 俱乐部

97.Performance 演出

98.Occasion 场合

99.Amusing 好笑的,有趣的100.Experience 经历

101.Wave 招手

102.Lift 搭便车

103.Reply 回答

https://www.360docs.net/doc/bc15962125.html,nguage 语言

105.Journey 旅行

106.Secretary 秘书

107.Nervous 精神紧张的108.Afford 负担得起

109.Weak 弱的

110.Interrupt 插话,打断

111.Park 停放

112.Traffic 交通

113.Ticket 交通违规罚款单114.Note 便条

115.Area 地段

116.Sign 指示牌

117.Reminder 提示

118.Fail 无视,忘记119.Obey 服从

120.Appear 登场,扮演121.Stage 舞台

122.Bright 鲜艳的

123.Stocking 长筒袜124.Sock 短袜

125.Pub 小酒店

https://www.360docs.net/doc/bc15962125.html,ndlord 店主

127.Bill 账单

128.Hurry 匆忙

129.Ticket office 售票处130.Pity 令人遗憾的事131.Exclaim 大声说132.Return 退回

133.Sadly 悲哀地,丧气地134.Catch 抓到

135.Fisherman 钓鱼人,渔民136.Boot 靴子

137.Waste 浪费

138.Realize 意识到

139.Mad 发疯

140.Reason 理由

141.Sum 量

142.Determined 坚定的,下决心的143.Dream 做梦,梦想

144.Age 年龄

145.Channel 海峡

146.Throw 扔,抛

https://www.360docs.net/doc/bc15962125.html,plete 完成

148.Modern 新式的

149.Strange 奇怪的

150.District 地区

151.Manager 经理

152.Upset 不安

153.Sympathetic 表示同情

https://www.360docs.net/doc/bc15962125.html,plain 抱怨

155.Wicked 很坏的,邪恶的156.Contain 包含,包装157.Honesty 诚实

158.Railway 铁路

159.Porter 搬运工

160.Several 几个

161.Foreigner 外国人

162.Wonder 感到奇怪163.Art 艺术

164.Critic 评论家

165.Paint 画

166.Pretend 假装

167.Pattern 图案

168.Curtain 窗帘,幕布169.Material 材料

170.Appreciate 鉴赏

171.Notice 注意到

172.Whether 是否

173.Hang 悬挂,吊

174.Critically 批评地

175.Upside down 上下颠倒地176.Tent 帐篷

177.Field 田地,田野

178.Smell 闻起来

179.Wonderful 极好的

180.Campfire 营火,篝火

181.Creep 爬行

182.Sleeping bag 睡袋

https://www.360docs.net/doc/bc15962125.html,fortable 舒适的,安逸的184.Soundly 香甜的

185.Leap 跳跃,跳起

186.Heavily 大量地

187.Stream 小溪

188.Form 形成

189.Wind 蜿蜒

190.Right 正好

191.Rare 罕见的

192.Ancient 古代的,古老的193.Myth 神话故事

194.Trouble 困难,麻烦

195.Effect 结果,效果

196.Taxi 出租汽车

https://www.360docs.net/doc/bc15962125.html,nd 着陆

198.Plough 耕地

199.Lonely 偏僻的,人极罕见的200.Roof 楼顶

201.Block 一座大楼

202.Flat 公寓房

203.Desert 废弃

204.Polo 水球

205.Cut 穿过

206.Row 划船

207.Kick 踢

208.Towards 朝,向

209.Nearly 几乎

210.Sight 眼界,视域

211.Retire 退休

https://www.360docs.net/doc/bc15962125.html,pany 公司

213.Bicycle 自行车

214.Save 积蓄

215.Workshop 车间

216.Helper 帮手,助手

217.Employ 雇佣

218.Grandson 孙子

219.Once 曾经,以前

220.Temptation 诱惑

221.Article 物品,东西222.Wrap 包裹

223.Simply 仅仅

224.Arrest 逮捕

225.Darkness 黑暗226.Explain 解释,叙述227.Coast 海岸

228.Storm 暴风雨

229.Towards 向,朝,接近230.Rock 岩石,礁石231.Shore 海岸

232.Light 灯光

233.Ahead 在前面

234.Cliff 峭壁

235.Struggle 挣扎

236.Hospital 医院237.Station 警察局238.Most 相当,非常239.While 一段时间240.Regret 后悔

241.Far 非常

242.Rush 冲

243.Act 行动

244.Straight 径直

245.Fright 害怕

246.Battered 撞坏的247.Shortly 很快,不久248.Afterwards 以后249.Record 记录

250.Strong 强壮的

251.Swimmer 游泳运动员252.Succeed 成功253.Train 训练

254.Anxiously 焦急地255.Intend 打算

256.Solid 固体的,硬的257.Olympic 奥林匹克258.Hold 召开

https://www.360docs.net/doc/bc15962125.html,ernment 政府260.Immense 巨大的261.Stadium 露天体育场262.Standard 标准

263.Capital 首都

264.Fantastic 巨大的

265.Design 设计

266.Except 除了

267.Mediterranean 地中海

https://www.360docs.net/doc/bc15962125.html,plain 抱怨

269.Continually 不断地

270.Bitterly 刺骨地

271.Sunshine 阳光

272.Operation 手术

273.Successful 成功的

274.Following 下一个

275.Patient 病人

276.Alone 独自的

277.Exchange 交换台

278.Inquire 询问,打听

279.Certain 某个

280.Caller 打电话的人

281.Relative 亲戚

282.Hostess 女主人

283.Unsmiling 不笑的,严肃的284.Tight 紧身的

285.Fix 凝视

286.Globe 地球

287.Despair 绝望

288.Rude 无礼地

289.Mirror 镜子

290.Hole 孔

291.Remark 评说

292.Remind 提醒

293.Lighthouse 灯塔294.Musical 精通音乐的295.Market 市场,集市296.Snake charmer 玩蛇者297.Pipe 管乐器

298.Tune 曲调

299.Glimpse 一瞥

300.Snake 蛇

301.Movement 动作302.Continue 继续

303.Dance 跳舞

304.Obviously 显然305.Difference 差别306.Indian 印度的307.Pole 极

308.Flight 飞行

309.Explorer 探险家

310.Lie 处于

311.Serious 严重的

312.Point 地点

313.Seem 似乎,好像314.Crash 坠毁

315.Sack 袋子

316.Clear 越过

317.Aircraft 飞机

318.Endless 无尽的

319.Plain 平原

320.Forest 森林

321.Risk 危险,冒险

322.Picnic 野餐

323.Edge 边缘

324.Strap 皮带

325.Possession 所有

326.Breath 呼吸

327.Content 内有的物品328.Mend 修理

329.Clear 无罪的,不亏心的330.Conscience 良心,道德心

331.Wallet 皮夹,钱夹332.Savings 存款

333.Villager 村民

334.Per cent 百分之一……335.Unload 卸货

336.Wooden 木制的

337.Extremely 非常,极其338.Occur 发生

339.Astonish 使惊讶

340.Pile 堆

341.Woollen 羊毛的

342.Goods 货物,商品343.Discover 发现

344.Admit 承认

345.Confine 关在……

346.Normal 正常的,通常的347.Thirsty 贪杯的

348.Ghost 鬼魂

349.Haunt 来访,闹鬼350.Block 堵

351.Furniture 家具

352.Whisky 威士忌酒

353.Suggest 暗示

354.Shake 摇动

355.Accept 接受

356.Pull 拔

357.Cotton wool 药棉358.Collect 搜集

359.Collection 收藏品,收集品360.Nod 点头

361.Meanwhile 同时


Lesson 48 Did you want to tell me something? 你想对我说什么吗? Why did the writer become very worried? Dentists always ask questions when it is impossible for you to answer. My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton wool. He knew I collected match boxes and asked me whether my collection was growing. He then asked me how my brother was and whether I liked my new job in London. In answer to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth had been. I suddenly felt very worried, but could not say anything. When the dentist at last removed the cotton wool from my mouth, I was able to tell him that he had pulled out the wrong tooth. 参考译文 牙科医生们总是在你无法作出回答的时候向你提出问题。我的牙科医生刚刚给我拔掉了一颗牙,叫我休息一会儿。我想说点什么,但我嘴里塞满了药棉。他知道我收集火柴盒,于是问我收藏的米柴盒是否在增加。接着他又问我的兄弟近来如何,问我是否喜欢伦敦的新工作。作为对这些问题的回答,我不是点头,就是发出奇怪的声音。与此同时,我的舌头正在忙着寻找刚拔掉的那颗牙的伤口。我突然非常着急起来,但却什么也说不出来。当那位牙医最后将药棉从我嘴中取出时,我总算有可能告诉他,他拔错了牙。 一、New words and expressions 生词和短语 pull 1) v. 拔(草,瓶塞,钉子等),拔掉,拉开 例: I spent a whole day pulling weeds. 我花一整天时间来拔草。 pull out a nail 拔出钉子 pull out a stopper 拔出塞子 have the decayed tooth pulled out请(牙医)拔掉蛀牙 pull out the wrong tooth 拔错了牙 eg. This kind of carrot won't pull easily. 这塞种胡萝卜不容易拔。 2) v. 拖,扯,拉 eg. If you want something, pull this cord. pull[pul] 拉drag硬拉 haul 拖拉tug 用力拉 stretch 硬拉长tow 用链子(绳)拖引


新概念英语第三册课本习题答案(21~40 课) Lesson 21 新概念 3 课后习题答案: Lesson 21 1b 2d 3c 4a 5a 6b 7b 8a 9c 10a 11a 12d 新概念 3 课后习题解析: Multiple choice questions 多项选择 1.. .D grasp vt.抓住,掌握,领会n.抓住,掌握,领会 establish vt. 建立, 设立 , 确定 , 证实 2.. .D in favor of adv. 赞同, 有利于 3.. .C apart from 除什么之外还有 supplement vt. 补足, 补充 7.. .B owe people money = owe money to people 8.. .B vivid adj. 生动的 , 鲜明的 , 鲜艳的 , 活泼的 , 逼真的 personality n. 个性, 人格, 人物, 名人 character n. 特性, 性质, 特征, 人物 image n. 图象 , 肖像 , 偶像 imaginative adj. 想象的 , 虚构的 adj. 富于想象的 , 有想象力的 9.. .C exceptionally(adj. 例外的,异常的)Cl UnUSualIy(adv. 显著地,不同寻 常的) -- An exceptionally beautiful girl. marvelously(adj. 不可思议的 , 非凡的) = wonderfully(adv. 奇妙的 , 奇异的) singly adv. 单独的 unequally adv. 不相等地 , 不公平地 , 独一无二的 10.. .A rise vi.n. 11.. .A jealous adj. 妒忌的 , 猜疑的 , 警惕的 , 嫉妒的 disinterested adj. 无私心的, 廉洁的 , 公正的 adj.[ 美口]不关心的 , 不感兴趣的 revolt v. 反抗, 起义, 反叛 revolted adj. 起来反抗的 , 起义的 , 厌恶的 12.. .D


新概念第三册Lesson40~42课文及翻译 新概念第三册Lesson40课文及翻译 【课文】 It has never been explained why university students seem to enjoy practical jokes more than anyone else. Students specialize in a particular type of practical joke: the hoax. Inviting the fire brigade to put out a nonexistent fire is a crude form of deception which no self-respecting student would ever indulge in. Students often create amusing situations which are funny to everyone except the victims. When a student recently saw two workmen using a pneumatic drill outside his university, he immediately telephoned the police and informed them that two students dressed up as workmen were tearing up the road with a pneumatic drill. As soon as he had hung up, he went over to the workmen and told them that if a policeman ordered them to go away, they were not to take him seriously. He added that a student had dressed up as a policeman and was playing all sorts of silly jokes on people. Both the police and the workmen were grateful to the student for this piece of advance information. The student hid in an archway nearby where he could watch and hear everything that went on. Sure enough, a policeman arrived on the scene and politely asked the workmen to go away. When he received a very rude reply from one of the workmen, he threatened to remove them by force. The workmen told him to do as he pleased and the policeman telephoned for help. Shortly afterwards, four more policemen arrived and


新概念英语第一册课文翻译及学习笔记Lesson41【课文】 SAN: Is that bag heavy, Penny? PENNY: Not very. SAN: Here! Put it on this chair. What's in it? PENNY: A piece of cheese. A loaf of bread. A bar of soap. A bar of Chocolate. A bottle of milk. A pound of sugar. Half a pound of coffee. A quarter of pound of tea. And a tin of tobacco. SAN: Is that tin of tobacco for me? PENNY: Well, it's certainly not for me! 【课文翻译】 萨姆:那个提包重吗,彭妮?

彭妮:不太重。 萨姆:放在这儿。把它放在这把椅子上。 里面是什么东西? 彭妮:一块乳酪、一块面包、一块肥皂、 一块巧克力、一瓶牛奶、一磅糖、 半磅咖啡、1/4 磅茶叶和一听烟丝。 萨姆:那听烟丝是给我的吗? 彭妮:噢,当然不会给我的! 【生词】 cheese n. 乳酪,干酪 bread n. 面包 soap n. 肥皂 chocolate n. 巧克力 sugar n. 糖 coffee n. 咖啡 tea n. 茶 tobacco n. 烟草,烟丝 【知识点讲解】 1. 今天我们要来学习英语当中的量词。英语中的量词和汉语中 的有很大区别。简单说来,对于英文中的可数名词,是否使用量词不 是必须的,有修饰的成分在里面,而汉语却必须把量词用在数词后面。


新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 88 练习答案 Key to written exercises 1.关键句型练习答案 A The word if is contained in four sentences. C 1 would not have been injured 2 had been 3 will find 4 had given 5 is forbidden 2.难点练习答案 1 into 2 out of 3 in 4 over 5 after 3.多项选择题答案 1. c 从课文第3-8行可以看出,只有选c. safest 才与课文内容相符,而其他3个选择都与课文内容相反,所以选c. 2. b 根据课文所描述的场景,营救工作正在进行,并且非常困难,营救的结果怎样?困在井里的人能否被救出?还是个未知数,所以只有b. So it is not certain that the men will be saved 与课文内容符合,而其他3个都是肯定句,表示一定会,与课文内容不符合,所以选b. 3. b 只有选b. ago才合乎语法,并同前一句含义相符合,其他3个都不合乎语法,意思也讲不通。 4. c 只有c. Unless (如果不把他们尽快救到地面上来,他们就有可能丧生)才合乎语法和题目意思。a. Except (除了,除……之外)是介词,后面不能跟从句;b. without (没有)后面不能跟从句,也不符合题目意思;d. whether (是否)不符合题目意思;所以只有c. Unless (除非,如果不) 才是正确答案。 5. c

这是一个以It做先行主语的句子,在这种句子中真正的主语是后面的动词不定式、动名词、或名词从句。本句只有选c. to rescue才符合语法,可以做主语。而其他3个选择都是介词短语,不能做这类句子的真正主语,所以选c. 6. a 本句需要选一个与前一句的动词词组cause the roof to...含义相同的词组。c. do it to 和d. do it 都与cause the roof to 含义不符合,意思讲不通。b. make it to(使它)含义与cause the roof to 相同,但不符合语法,因为动词make 后面要求用不带to 的动词不定式,只有a. make it 符合题目意思也合乎语法,所以选a. 7. b 本句只有b. but for(若无,要不是)最合乎语法和题目意思。a. except(除了,除……之外)不合乎习惯用法;c. If not 不合乎语法,应该是If not for 才对,d. unless(除非,如果不)后面只能跟从句,不合乎语法。 8. b 本句需要一个同前一句中的动词collapse (倒塌)含义相同的词或词组。a. explode (爆炸,爆发);b. fall down (倒下,倒塌);c. fall over (从……落下,翻倒);d. blow up (使爆炸,破坏)中,只有b. 与collapse 含义相同,所以选b. 9. c 本句只有选c. possible 最符合语法和题目意思. Make it possible for sb. to do sth. 是固定结构, 意思为"使某人做某事成为可能".其他3个选择都不能用于这个结构. a. able 常用于be able to do sth. (能够/会做某事)这种结构中,主语往往是人或动物,而不是事物. b. capable 常用于be capable of ,后面跟动名词或名词,意思是"能……的",“有……能力的”,“有……本领的”,是指人有能力 d. probable(可能发生的,很可能的)不适合这种结构。 10. c 前一句中的are running out of 意思为"快要耗尽了",但并不是说"已经用光了",本句需要选一

裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第48课资料讲解


Lesson 48 Did you want to tell me something? 你想对我说什么吗? Why did the writer become very worried? Dentists always ask questions when it is impossible for you to answer. My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton wool. He knew I collected match boxes and asked me whether my collection was growing. He then asked me how my brother was and whether I liked my new job in London. In answer to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth had been. I suddenly felt very worried, but could not say anything. When the dentist at last removed the cotton wool from my mouth, I was able to tell him that he had pulled out the wrong tooth. 参考译文 牙科医生们总是在你无法作出回答的时候向你提出问题。我的牙科医生刚刚给我拔掉了一颗牙,叫我休息一会儿。我想说点什么,但我嘴里塞满了药棉。他知道我收集火柴盒,于是问我收藏的米柴盒是否在增加。接着他又问我的兄弟近来如何,问我是否喜欢伦敦的新工作。作为对这些问题的回答,我不是点头,就是发出奇怪的声音。与此同时,我的舌头正在忙着寻找刚拔掉的那颗牙的伤口。我突然非常着急起来,但却什么也说不出来。当那位牙医最后将药棉从我嘴中取出时,我总算有可能告诉他,他拔错了牙。 一、New words and expressions 生词和短语 pull 1) v. 拔(草,瓶塞,钉子等),拔掉,拉开 例: I spent a whole day pulling weeds.

新概念英语第三册 41-45 课后作文标准答案

Lesson 41 Illusions of pastoral peace Key to Composition Special Note: Pram this point in the course, while the Students' Book suggests a choice of two compositions, only one is chosen as a model. A possible answer Plan and ideas for composition Title: Give the country Introduction: Never understood city-lovers — city a place to visit, to go shopping, to see special exhibitions, etc. — not live in Development: Advantages — living in country — quiet — more healthy — less traffic — fresh air — fresh food from farms or village shops — people polite and friendly. . . Disadvantages —living in city —noisy —dirty —stressful —people always in rush —rude, unfriendly Conclusion: Always a mystery why some country people say — like to live in city Composition I have never understood city-lovers. For me a city is a place to visit for a few hours, to go shopping, to see special exhibitions, shows, plays and films. But it's not a place to live in, even though thousands do. Usually they are tied to the city by their jobs or perhaps even by family. There are so many advantages to living in the country. It is quiet and more healthy. There is far less traffic on the roads and the air is so much fresher. Instead of buying everything in packets from a supermarket, in the country we can always buy fresh food from farms or village shops every day — milk, fruit, fresh eggs, vegetables and meat. And we don't have to look at "Use by. . . " labels to see when we must use something by: we know that everything is fresh. And the people in the country are always so polite and friendly too — as long as you obey the unwritten rules of the countryside, that is. On the other hand, there are so many disadvantages to living in a town or city. The first thing most country people notice is the noise and dirt. It must be the traffic, but many country people find it difficult to breathe in the city. And it is stressful, too: people always seem to be in a rush, and they are so often rude and unfriendly. There are so many advantages to living in the country that it is a mystery to me why some country people say they would like to live the city. In fact, I just cannot understand how anyone can even consider living in the city. (282wards) Lesson 42 Modern cavemen Key to Composition A possible answer Plan and ideas for composition ( a ) Title: Caught in a cave Introduction: Went out for day on beach — walked round headland — found deserted beach —marvellous day swimming, sunbathing, reading — late afternoon began to pack up Development: Took time — began to walk to headland — suddenly realized — tide coming in fast — walked faster — tide reached head-land rocks

逐句精讲新概念英语第二册第88课 困在矿井里

逐句精讲新概念英语第二册:第88课 困在矿井里 Lesson 88 Trapped in a mine 新概念英语2课文内容: Six men have been trapped in a mine for seventeen hours. If they are not brought to the surface soon they may lose their lives. However, rescue operations are proving difficult. If explosives are used, vibrations will cause the roof of the mine to collapse. Rescue workers are therefore drilling a hole on the north side of the mine. They intend to bring the men up in a special capsule. If there had not been a hard layer of rock beneath the soil, they would have completed the job in a few hours. As it is, they have been drilling for sixteen hours and they still have a long way to go. Meanwhile, a microphone, which was lowered into the mine two hours ago, has enabled the men to keep in touch with their closest relatives. Though they are running out of food and drink, the men are cheerful and confident that they will get out soon. They have been told that rescue operations are progressing smoothly. If they knew how difficult it was to drill through the hard rock, they would lose heart. 新概念英语2句子讲解: 1、Six men have been trapped in a mine for seventeen hours. 6个人被困在矿井中已有16个小时了。 语言点 sb. be trapped in somewhere某人被困在某地 2、If they are not brought to the surface soon they may lose their lives. 如果不把他们尽快救出来,他们就有可能丧生。 语言点 if引导真实条件句。 3、However, rescue operations are proving difficult. 然而,事实证明救援工作非常困难。 语言点 sth. be proving difficult证明某事进展困难 sth. be proving smooth证明某事进展顺利 4、If explosives are used,vibrations will cause the roof of the mine to collapse. 如果使用炸药爆破,震动将会引起矿顶塌落。 语言点在此if引导真实条件句。 5、Rescue workers are therefore drilling a hole on the north side of the mine. 因此,救援人15在矿井的北面钻了一个洞。


新概念英语第二册第48课课文重难点Further notes on the text 1.Dentists always ask questions when it is impossible for you to answer. 牙科医生们总是在你无法作出回答的时候向你提出问题。 在when引导的时间状语从句中,it为先行主语,代指后面的不定式,for+人称代词/名词说明不定式表示的动作是谁做的: It is not hard for you to help them.你帮助他们并不难。 It was a mistake for me to come to the party.我来参加晚会是错误的。 impossible通常不以人作主语,而以不定式或从句作主语: It is impossible for him to help you.他不可能帮你。 It is impossible that he will help you.(译文同上) 2.In answer to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises. 作为对这些问题的回答,我不是点头,就是发出奇怪的声音。 (1)in answer to为固定短语,在这里表示"作为对……的回答": In answer to my question, Dan shook his head.作为对我的问题的回答,丹摇了摇头。 这个短语的另一个含义是"响应……的请求": In answer to my request, he wrote a letter to George.应我的请求,他给乔治写了封信。 (2)made strange noises, 发出奇怪的声音。"我"并不是有意发出这些声音,而是因为嘴里有药棉,又想回答医生的话造成的。 3.Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth had been. 与此同时,我的舌头正在忙着寻找刚拔掉的那颗牙的伤口。


新概念英语第三册Lesson40重点句子及解析 【课文】 It has never been explained why university students seem to enjoy practical jokes more than anyone else. Students specialize in a particular type of practical joke: the hoax. Inviting the fire brigade to put out a nonexistent fire is a crude form of deception which no self-respecting student would ever indulge in. Students often create amusing situations which are funny to everyone except the victims. When a student recently saw two workmen using a pneumatic drill outside his university, he immediately telephoned the police and informed them that two students dressed up as workmen were tearing up the road with a pneumatic drill. As soon as he had hung up, he went over to the workmen and told them that if a policeman ordered them to go away, they were not to take him seriously. He added that a student had dressed up as a policeman and was playing all sorts of silly jokes on people. Both the police and the workmen were grateful to the student for this piece of advance information. The student hid in an archway nearby where he could watch and hear everything that went on. Sure enough, a policeman arrived on the scene and politely asked the workmen to go away. When he received a very rude reply from one of the workmen, he threatened to remove them by force. The workmen told him to do as he pleased and the policeman telephoned for help. Shortly afterwards, four more policemen arrived and remonstrated with the workmen. As the men refused to stop working, the police attempted to seize the pneumatic drill. The workmen struggled fiercely and one of them lost


新概念第四册课文翻译及学习笔记:Lesson41 【课文】First listen and then answer the following question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。At what point does the training of a captive wild elephant begin? Two main techniques have been used for training elephants, which we may call respectively the tough and the gentle. The former method simply consists of setting an elephant to work and beating him until he does what is expected of him. Apart from any moral considerations this is a stupid method of training, for it produces a resentful animal who at a later stage may well turn man-killer. The gentle method requires more patience in the early stages, but produces a cheerful, good-tempered elephant who will give many years of loyal service. The first essential in elephant training is to assign to the animal a single mahout who will be entirely responsible for the job. Elephants like to have one master just as dogs do, and are capable of a considerable degree of personal affection. There are even stories of half-trained elephant calves who have refused to feed and pined to death when by some unavoidable circumstance they have been deprived of their own trainer. Such extreme cases must probably be taken with a grain of salt, but they do underline the general principle that the relationship between elephant and mahout is the key to successful training. The most economical age to capture an elephant for training is between fifteen and twenty years, for it is then almost ready to undertake heavy work and can begin to earn its keep straight away. But animals of this age do not easily become subservient to man, and a very firm hand must be employed in the early stages. The captive elephant, still roped to a tree, plunges and screams every time a man approaches, and for several days will probably refuse all food through anger and fear. Sometimes a tame elephant is tethered nearby to give the wild one confidence, and in most cases the captive gradually quietens down and begins to accept its food. The next stage is to get the elephant to the training establishment, a ticklish business which is achieved with the aid of two tame elephants roped to the captive on either side. When several elephants are being trained at one time, it is customary for the new arrival to be placed between the stalls of two captives whose training is already well advanced. It is then left completely undisturbed with plenty of food and water so that it can absorb the atmosphere of its new home and see that nothing particularly alarming is happening to its companions. When it is eating normally, its own training begins. The trainer stands in front of the elephant holding a long stick with a sharp metal point. Two


Lesson 88 Trapped in a mine 困在矿井里 【New words and expressions】(12) trap v. 陷入,使陷于困境surface n. 地面,表面 explosive n. 炸药vibration n. 震动 collapse v. 坍塌drill v. 钻孔 capsule n. 容器layer n. 层、層次 beneath prep. 在......之下lower v. 放下,降低 progress v. 进展,进行smoothly adv. 顺利地 ★ trap (1)v. 陷入,使陷于困境 eg:He was trapped in the game preserve . 他被困在禁獵區。 in the game preserve 在禁獵區 (2)v. 將(某人)誘入圈套、誘騙(某人) trap sb into doing 誘使某人做某事 eg:They trapped her into marring him . 他們又騙她嫁給了他。 (3)n.(捕鳥、獸等用的)圈套、陷阱 a bear caught in a trap 熊陷入陷阱 set a trap for mouse =set a mousetrap 設(陷阱);張(羅網);揚(帆),鉤住(4)n. 詭計、圈套、策略 eg:He fell into a trap . 他掉進了陷阱 ★ surface (1)n. 地面,表面 a smooth surface 光滑的表面 (2)n. 外表、外觀 look only at the surface of things 只看事情的表面 on the surface 表面上的、外觀上的 friendship on the surface 表面上的友誼 eg:You looked satisfied on the surface then . 那個時候你看起來表面上很滿足。 (3)adj. 外表的 surface differences 表面上的差異;surface kindness 表面上的好心 短語: surface mail 陸(水)路郵件、普通郵件(相反的airmail) send a letter by surface mail 寄普通郵件 ★ explosive (1)n. 炸药 high explosive 強力炸藥 (2)adj. 爆發的、爆發性的 an explosive substance 爆炸物 explosion n. (1)爆發、爆裂、爆炸聲 a gas explosion 瓦斯爆炸 (2)爆發an explosion of laughter 爆發出笑聲 explode v. (1)(炸藥、煤氣等)爆炸事件 eg:The heat exploded the corked bottle .
