


萨尔瓦多 Salvador

贝洛奥里藏特 Belo Horizonte

福塔莱萨 Fortaleza


库里蒂巴 Curitiba

累西腓 Recife

马瑙斯 Manaus

阿雷格里港 Porto Alegre



瓜鲁柳斯 Guarulhos

坎皮纳斯 Campinas

新伊瓜苏Nova Igua?u

圣冈萨洛S?o Gon?alo

圣路易斯S?o Luís


杜克卡西亚斯 Duque de Caxias

特雷西纳 Teresina

纳塔尔 Natal

圣伯尔南多德坎普S?o Bernardo do Campo 大坎普 Campo Grande

奥萨斯科 Osasco

圣安德雷Santo André

若昂佩索阿Jo?o Pessoa

热博阿陶Jaboat?o dos Guararapes

圣约瑟多斯坎普斯S?o José dos Campos

康塔根 Contagem

里贝朗普雷图 R ibeir?o Preto


中西地区Regi?o Centro-Oeste 联邦首都 Distrito Federal




马托格罗索 Mato Grosso


南马托格罗索 Mato Grosso do Sul 大坎普 Campo Grande

东北地区Regi?o Nordeste

阿拉戈斯 Alagoas

马塞约 Maceió

巴伊亚 Bahia

萨尔瓦多 Salvador


福塔莱萨 Fortaleza


圣路易斯S?o Luís



巴西 它位于亚马逊热带雨林腹地,它拥有世界第二长河流,它有"世界奇迹"耶稣山,它有宏伟壮观瀑布群,它纵情热辣桑巴,它回味纯正烤肉……这就是足球之外的巴西,值得你一游。 嘉年华(Carnival)是重要的天主教节日,人们化装打扮一番后巡游庆祝,充满街头派对气氛。巴西的嘉年华狂欢素有"地球上最盛大的表演"之称,每年吸引数百万游客。 巴西的嘉年华传统源于1850年传入巴西的葡萄牙文化。黑奴也获准参与到庆祝活动中来,节日期间得到五天自由,嘉年华后来因此被赋予了一种独特的拉美风情。The origins of Brazilian carnivals come from the Portuguese in 1850. Black slaves became involved in celebrations, and were allowed to be free for five days during the festivities, which soon took on a uniquely Latin American feel. [里约嘉年华]巴西里约热内卢一直被视为世界"嘉年华之都"。每年仅到访的外国游客就有50万左右。里约嘉年华狂欢五天,每年二月份举行。二月是南半球最热的月份,也是巴西的盛夏。Rio de Janeiro has long been regarded as the Carnival Capital of the World. Foreign visitors alone number around 500,000 every year. Rio Carnival is a wild 5-day celebration. It usually happens in February, the hottest month in the Southern Hemisphere, when the Rio summer is at its peak.这是一场人们唱歌跳舞、聚会狂欢的盛会。嘉年华举办期间以及举办前后的每个日日夜夜,到处是各种聚会。人们内心的真我被彻底释放,得到尽情的享乐。It is an event where people dance, sing, party and have tons of fun. There are many parties that take place before, during and after Carnival, all night and all day. It allows someone's true heart to come out and have as much fun as possible.每年的里约嘉年华都以加冕狂欢节国王"莫莫王"开场:里约市长将巨大的金银钥匙交到"莫莫王"手上。然后嘉年华活动全面开闸—— 街道、广场、俱乐部内、所有场馆里……嘉年华狂欢在整个里约城上演,并最终被"里约嘉年华游行"(也叫"桑巴游行")推向高潮。Each year's Rio Carnival begins with the crowning of the Fat King (King Momo), who is presented with a giant silver and gold key by the city's mayor. Then it is Carnival all over the place, on the streets and squares, bars, clubs and all other venues, taking over the whole city of Rio and culminating on the Rio Carnival Parade also known as the Samba Parade. [其他城市]尽管当地人称里约嘉年华为"地球上最盛大的表演",但其实在巴西其他城市,庆祝活动都在以各自不同的形式上演着。就游客数量而言,整个东北地区的规模即将超过里约。While locals describe the Rio Carnival as "the greatest show on Earth", celebrations of one kind or another will take place in cities across the whole country. The north-east region of Brazil as a whole will beat Rio in terms of visitor numbers.巴伊亚州(巴西西北部)有70万名游客光顾,其中闻名遐迩的萨尔瓦多市有15英里长的街道供人们游行,所有人均可免费参加。圣保罗嘉年华因其桑巴比赛而闻名,该市的桑巴舞蹈队各显其能,以争取有最多的观众加入到自己的游行中。In the state of Bahia – which alone will welcome up to 700,000 tourists – the city of Salvador famously dedicates a 15-miles stretch of its streets to parades, which are free for all to attend. Sao Paulo's Carnival is known for its competition for the Samba award, as the city's dance schools compete to get the most audience members involved.另一个亮点位于弗洛里亚诺波利斯(巴西东南部),该市是同性恋、双性恋和变性者的嘉年华中心。该市会举办著名的同性恋选美大赛,决出扮装皇后和变性明星。Another


上海介绍 上海,位于东海之滨,长江出海口处,是中国最大的城市,也是中国对外改革开放的一个窗口。 上海是一个不断发展日渐强盛的城市,是我国最大的商业、金融中心,也是西太平洋地区重要的国际港口城市。其内外联系广泛,交通、通讯比较发达,正在吸引着越来越多注意的目光。 上海是位于长江三角洲冲积平原,因吴淞江支流上海浦而得名。春秋时属吴,战国时当地渔民创造了捕鱼工具“扈”,称这一带为沪渎,东晋时在此筑沪渎垒以防海盗,故上海简称“沪”。上海是中国的历史文化名城,被誉为“江海之通津,东南之都会”。“两千年历史看西安,一千年历史看北京,一百年历史看上海”,上海是近现代中国的“缩影”,拥有厚重的历史底蕴。作为党的诞生地,更为这座城市增添了一份独特的光彩。这里荟萃了多少风云人物,孙中山、宋庆龄、毛泽东、周恩来、鲁迅、李鸿章、蒋介石、宋子文等许多名流的足迹散落在上海各处的不同住宅建筑里,蕴含着一段段耐人寻味的往事。 上海有一种任何城市都无法比拟的气质,就是她的"洋气"。1843年上海开埠,形成了她五方杂处、中西交融的文化特色。上海的新兴的金融证券、期货交易、外汇和技术等全国性市场的建立,确立了上海作为全国资源配置中心的地位,同时也加快了上海经济与国际接轨的步伐。2001年10月,APEC会议在上海举行,上海作为新世纪国际经济、金融、贸易中心之一的地位已初步确立! 今日的上海,是一座极具现代化而又不失中国传统特色的海派文化都市。繁华的大上海处处显现着她的独特魅力,令人着迷——外滩老式的西洋建筑与浦东现代的摩天大厦交相辉映;徐家汇大教堂圣诗声声,玉佛寺香烟袅袅;过街楼下的麻将老人,弄堂里的足球少年;群众剧场的沪剧、滑稽戏,大剧院的交响乐、芭蕾舞;老饭店的本帮佳肴,杏花楼的广式粤茶,云南路的各地小吃,红房子的法国大菜,小绍兴的三黄鸡,美国的肯德基;上海老街的茶馆,衡山路的酒吧,中西合璧,新欢旧爱,各有各的精彩。夜幕降临,霓虹闪耀,夜上海粉墨登场,和平饭店的爵士乐,豫园的丝竹音乐,让人追忆上个世纪二、三十年代老上海的旧梦,而现代迪斯科的节奏,遍地开花的网吧,又把人带回了21世纪的现代文明…… 迈入21世纪的上海,繁荣与开放在这里播种,东方明珠电视塔、金茂大厦、上海国际会议中心、浦东国际机场,无一不描绘着国际大都市的开阔前景,21世纪的上海,光荣与梦想在这里汇合,上海博物馆、上海大剧院、城市规划馆,无一不张扬着国际化大都市的广博情怀。新世纪的上海是现代化、国际化、时尚化的标本,她将热情地欢迎着世界各国朋友们的到来! 上海市概况 简称:沪 区号:021 邮编:200000


城市经度纬度城市经度纬度 北京 116:28E 39:54N 青岛 120:19E 36:04N 天津 117:10E 39:10N 郑州 113:42E 34:44N 石家庄 114:26E 38:03N 开封 114:23E 34:52N 保定 115:28E 38:53N 洛阳 112:26E 34:43N 唐山 118:09E 39:37N 许昌 113:48E 34:00N 秦皇岛 119:37E 39:54N 新乡 113:54E 35:18N 张家口 114:55E 40:51N 武汉 114:20E 30:37N 承德 117:52E 40:59N 宜昌 111:15E 30:42N 太原 112:33E 37:51N 沙市 112:17E 30:16N 大同 113:13E 40:07N 长沙 112:55E 28:12N 临汾 111:31E 36:05N 衡阳 112:34E 26:55N 长治 113:13E 36:05N 湘潭 112:51E 27:54N 呼和浩特 111:38E 40:48N 常德 111:39E 29:00N 包头 110:00E 40:35N 广州 113:18E 23:10N 海拉尔 119:43E 49:14N 汕头 116:40E 23:21N 沈阳 123:23E 41:48N 韶关 113:33E 24:48N 大连 121:38E 38:54N 海口 110:10E 20:03N 鞍山 123:00E 41:04N 南宁 108:21E 22:47N 锦州 121:09E 41:09N 桂林 110:10E 25:18N 长春 125:18E 43:55N 柳州 109:19E 24:20N 吉林 126:36E 43:48N 悟州 111:18E 23:28N 哈尔滨 126:38E 45:45N 成都 104:04E 30:39N 齐齐哈尔 123:55E 47:22N 重庆 106:33E 29:33N 牡丹江 129:36E 44:35N 内江 105:03E 29:35N 上海 121:26E 31:12N 泸州 105:27E 28:54N 南京 118:46E 32:03N 万县 108:22E 30:48N 无锡 120:18E 31:35N 贵阳 106:43E 26:34N 苏州 120:39E 31:20N 遵义 106:53E 27:45N 徐州 117:12E 34:16N 昆明 102:42E 25:03N 杭州 120:10E 30:15N 拉萨 91:02E 29:39N 宁波 121:34E 29:53N 日喀则 88:49E 29:16N 温州 120:38E 28:00N 西安 108:55E 34:15N 金华 119:49E 29:10N 宝鸡 107:09E 34:21N 合肥 117:16E 31:51N 延安 109:26E 36:35N 芜湖 118:20E 31:21N 兰州 103:50E 36:03N 安庆 117:02E 30:32N 天水 105:33E 34:35N 福州 119:19E 26:02N 酒泉 98:30E 39:44N 厦门 118:04E 24:26N 西宁 101:49E 36:37N 泉州 118:37E 24:54N 银川 106:13E 38:28N 南昌 115:53E 28:41N 乌鲁木齐 87:36E 43:46N


上海著名景点英文介绍 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】

※S h a n g h a i O r i e n t a l P e a r l T o w e r The Oriental Pearl Tower is a in , . The Oriental Pearl Tower is located at the tip of in the district, by the side of , opposite of . It was designed by the Shanghai Modern Architectural Design Co. Ltd. Principal designers are Jiang Huan Chen, Lin Benlin and Zhang Xiulin. Construction began in 1990 and the tower was completed in 1994. At 468 m (1,535 feet) high, it was the tallest structure in (excluding ; see ) from 1994–2007, when it was surpassed by the . The spheres in the tower The tower features 11 spheres, big and small. The two largest spheres, along the length of the tower, have diameters of 50 m (164 ft) for the lower and 45 m (148 ft) for the upper. They are linked by three columns, each 9 m (30 ft) in diameter. The highest sphere is 14 m (46 ft) in diameter. The entire building is supported by three enormous that start underground. Observation levels The tower has fifteen observatory levels. The highest (known as the Space Module) is at 350 m (1148 ft). The lower levels are at 263 m (863 ft) (Sightseeing Floor) and at 90 m (295 ft) (Space City). There is a at the 267 m (876 ft) level. The project also contains exhibition facilities, restaurants and a shopping mall. There is also a 20-room hotel called the Space Hotel between the two large spheres. Antenna spire An , broadcasting TV and radio programs, extends the construction by another 118 m (387 ft) to a total height of 468 m (1,535 ft). Chinese symbolism in the design The design of the building is said to be based on a verse of the poem Pipa Song by about the wonderful sprinkling sound of a instrument, like pearls, big and small falling on a plate. However, the designer Jiang Huancheng says that he did not have the poem in mind when designing the tower. It was the chief of the jury board who said it reminded him of that poem. ※ Shanghai World Financial Center

上海一些公园 中英文介绍

上海四川北路公园 占地4.2万m2 的四川北路公园地处商业街繁华地段。该公园建设力求塑造回归自然景观,工程设计以“新世纪彩虹”为主题,凸现“绿脉”、“水脉”、“文脉”合一的理念。建成后的四川北路公园,呈现集健身、观赏、娱乐休闲和商用于一体的自然景观。 Sichuan North Road Park of 42,000 m2 is located in the flourishing section of Sichuan Notth Road Shopping Street. It intends to return to the natural style with the theme of “rainbow of new century”adopted in the engineering design,the idea of “green vein ”“water vein”and “culturevein”present in it. Sichuan Notth Road Park will integrate physical training , sightseeing ,leisure & amusement and business application into the nature after it is completed. 上海新江湾城 新江湾城公园绿地(一期、二期)绿化工程绿地面积114300 m2 ,造价为1351万元,园林小品项目:门球场、篮球场‘笼式足球、烧烤区合亲水平台等。盖公共绿地的设计定位是“生态园林”,植物配置做到疏密有致、高低错落,具有自然式的群落感。 The new jiangwan city public green (the first issue\the second issue) virescence project greenbelt’s area is 114300 m2 ,the cost is 13,51million Yuan, the gardents sketch projects are :The gate ball field,the cage type soccer field ,barbecue area ,the water plarform and so on.The public greenbelt’s designing localization is “ecology gardent”,the plant disposition shoud be with clear density,and should be with nature-like group to fall the feeling. 上海东方绿洲 东方绿洲(上海青少年素质教育基地)是市重点实事工程之一,是目前上海最大的园林景观绿地,其占地5600亩,集教育、休闲、娱乐、体育锻炼为一体的素质教育基地和观光度假胜地。该工程包括土方进土、造型、清淤、挖土、回填等。其中进土忽然造形共动土330万m3 。基地内绿化种植苗木品种达350余种,其中种植10万株乔木,100万株灌木,6万余株竹类,地被植物6万m2 ,草坪面积超过20万m2 。建造驳岸近10公里,道路14公里,围墙3.5公里,并有桥梁、码头、浆房、水电等诸都园林景观配套工程。 Orient Gteen Boat (shanghai Youth All-Round Edecation Basel) is one of the key municipal projects and the largest landscape and gardening greenspace in Shanghai currently. It covers an area of 5600 mu and is the all-round education base and tourist attraction, integrating education, relaxation tour ,and sports activities ,This project includes earthwork, topography, silt clearing , excavation and backfill etc. 3.3 million cubic meter of earth are used in earthwork and mouldmaking .350 kinds of trees are Planted in the base.100,000 arbor ,1 million shrubbery,and 60,000 bamboos are planted. There are 60,000 square meters of cover plants. The lawn area is over 200,000 square meters. 10km of bank revetment. 14km road and 3.5km surrounding walls are built.Besides, there are also many auxiliary projects, such as bridge, wharf, pump house, water and power supply system etc.;


中国主要城市经纬度表 2004-03-27 23:23:09 综合整理 城市名经度纬度北京直辖市E116°28′N39°54′上海直辖市E121°29′N31°14′天津直辖市E117°11′N39°09′重庆直辖市E106°32′N29°32′香港特别行政区E114°10′N22°18′黑龙江省:经度纬度哈尔滨E126°41′N45°45′齐齐哈尔E123°54′N47°19′牡丹江E129°34′N44°35′北安E126°30′N48°14′伊春E128°55′N47°42′鹤岗E130°16′N47°23′鸡西E130°58′N45°17′佳木斯E130°22′N46°49′双鸭山E131°21′N46°36′爱辉E127°31′N50°10′吉林省:经度纬度长春E125°19′N43°52′四平E124°20′N43°11′辽源E125°05′N42°55′通化E125°53′N41°46′吉林E126°32′N43°52′延吉E129°29′N42°57′辽宁省:经度纬度沈阳E123°24′N41°50′朝阳E120°25′N41°32′锦州E121°05′N41°07′旅大E121°34′N38°53′阜新E121°43′N42°03′营口E122°12′N40°41′本溪E123°47′N41°18′鞍山E122°56′N41°08′



中国主要城市经纬度表(精心收集) Posted on 2007-08-17 15:25 niefer阅读(562) 评论(0)编辑收藏网摘城市名经度纬度 北京直辖市E116°28′ N39°54′ 上海直辖市E121°29′ N31°14′ 天津直辖市E117°11′ N39°09′ 重庆直辖市E106°32′ N29°32′ 香港特别行政区E114°10′ N22°18′ 黑龙江省 哈尔滨E126°41′ N45°45′ 齐齐哈尔E123°54′ N47°19′ 牡丹江E129°34′ N44°35′ 北安E126°30′ N48°14′ 伊春E128°55′ N47°42′ 鹤岗E130°16′ N47°23′ 鸡西E130°58′ N45°17′ 佳木斯E130°22′ N46°49′ 双鸭山E131°21′ N46°36′ 爱辉E127°31′ N50°10′ 吉林省 长春E125°19′ N43°52′ 四平E124°20′ N43°11′ 辽源E125°05′ N42°55′

吉林E126°32′ N43°52′ 延吉E129°29′ N42°57′ 辽宁省 沈阳E123°24′ N41°50′ 朝阳E120°25′ N41°32′ 锦州E121°05′ N41°07′ 旅大E121°34′ N38°53′ 阜新E121°43′ N42°03′ 营口E122°12′ N40°41′ 本溪E123°47′ N41°18′ 鞍山E122°56′ N41°08′ 辽阳E123°10′ N41°17′ 抚顺E123°53′ N41°50′ 丹东E124°22′ N40°08′ 内蒙古自治区 呼和浩特E111°48′ N40°49′ 赤峰E119°N42°16′ 锡林浩特E116°06′ N43°57′ 包头E109°58′ N40°35′ 通辽E122°13′ N33°39′ 巴彦浩特E105°41′ N38°49′ 海拉尔E119°40′ N49°15′ 牙克石E120°41′ N49°17′ 河北省 石家庄E114°28′ N38°02′ 保定E115°28′ N38°52′


中国各主要大城市经纬度数据 2011-10-10 17:10 29937人阅读评论(0) 收藏举报1、中国各主要大城市经 纬度数据:
重庆市区经纬度:(106.45000, 29.56667)


Pe a r l Tower Shanghai The Oriental Pearl Tower is a in , . The Oriental Pearl Tower is located at the tip of in the district, by the side of , opposite of . It was designed by the Shanghai Modern Architectural Design Co. Ltd. Principal designers are Jiang Huan Chen, Lin Benlin and Zhang Xiulin. Construction began in 1990 and the tower was completed in 1994. At 468 m (1,535 feet) high, it was the tallest structure in (excluding ; see ) from 1994 - 2007, when it was surpassed by the . The spheres in the tower The tower features 11 spheres, big and small. The two largest spheres, along the length of the tower, have diameters of 50 m (164 ft) for the lower and 45 m (148 ft) for the upper. They are linked by three columns, each 9 m(30 ft) in diameter. The highest sphere is 14 m(46 ft) in diameter. The entire building is supported by three enormous that start underground. Observation levels The tower has fifteen observatory levels. The highest (known as the Space Module) is at 350 m (1148 ft). The lower levels are at 263 m (863 ft) (Sightseeing Floor) and at 90 m (295 ft) (Space City). There is a at the 267 m (876 ft) level. The project also contains exhibition facilities, restaurants and a shopping mall. There is also a 20-room hotel called the Space Hotel between the two large spheres. Antenna spire An , broadcasting TV and radio programs, extends the construction by another 118 m (387 ft) to a total height of 468 m (1,535 ft). Chinese symbolism in the design The design of the building is said to be based on a verse of the poem Pipa Song by about the wonderful sprinkling sound of a instrument, like pearls, big and small falling on a plate. However, the designer Jiang Huancheng says that he did not have the poem in mind when designing the tower. It


全国主要城市经纬度表 广东省 城市经度纬度城市经度纬度 广州 113.23 23.16 五华 115.75 23.93 花县 113.19 23.4 兴宁 115.75 24.15 新十 114.2 24.09 潮州 116.63 23.68 增城 113.81 23.13 澄海 116.8 23.48 从化 113.55 23.57 潮安 116.63 23.68 龙门 114.25 23.75 饶平 117.01 23.7 番禺 113.36 22.95 南澳 117.03 23.44 海口 110.35 20.02 潮阳 116.61 23.27 汕头 116.69 23.39 惠来 116.29 23.07 洪江 110.38 21.2 陆丰 117.64 22.95 茂名 110.88 21.68 海丰 117.33 22.98 佛山 113.11 23.05 普宁 116.17 23.29 江门 113.06 22.61 揭西 115.82 23.45 深圳 114.07 22.62 揭阳 116.35 23.55 宝安 113.85 22.58 南海 113.11 23.05 珠海 113.52 22.3 三水 112.89 23.18 韶关 113.62 24.84 顺德 113.24 22.84 曲江 113.58 24.68 中山 113.38 22.52 乐昌 113.35 25.14 斗门 113.25 22.2 仁化 113.73 25.11 新会 113.02 22.52 南雄 114.33 25.14 鹤山 112.94 22.76 始兴 114.08 24.78 开平 112.68 22.36 翁源 114.13 24.36 台山 112.78 22.27 佛岗 113.52 23.86 恩平 112.29 22.21 英德 113.38 24.17 高明 112.76 21.71 清远 113.01 23.7 廉江 110.27 21.63 阳山 112.65 24.48 化州 110.59 21.64 连县 112.4 24.77 高州 110.83 21.95 连山 112.07 24.59 信宜 110.9 22.36 连南 112.28 24.73 阳春 111.78 22.16 乳源 113.28 24.77 阳江 111.95 21.85 惠州 114.4 23.09 电白 110.99 21.52 惠阳 114.4 23.09 吴川 110.78 21.43 博罗 114.28 23.18 徐闻 110.17 20.34 河源 114.68 23.73 海康 110.07 20.91 连平 114.48 24.39 遂溪 110.24 21.39 和平 114.89 24.45 肇庆 112.44 23.05 龙川 115.25 24.09 高要 112.44 23.05 紫金 115.18 23.64 怀集 112.18 23.93


上海著名景点中英文对照 作者:未知来源:网络发布时间:2010-4-2 18:18:49 南京路步行街Nanjing Road, Pedestrian Street 南京路商业街Nanjing Road Shopping Street 上海大剧院Shanghai Grand Theater 上海影城Shanghai Film Art Center 上海马戏城Shanghai Circus World 浦东国际机场Pudong International Airport 豫园商城Yuyuan Shopping Center 上海老街Shanghai Traditional Street 外滩风景View along the bund 上海展览中心Shanghai Exhibition Center 东方明珠电视塔Oriental Pearl TV Tower 高速公路Expressway 上海体育场Shanghai Sports Center 浦东陆家嘴核心区全景The Panorama of Lujiazui Center Area 玉佛寺Jade Buddha Temple 龙华寺Long Hua Temple 上海博物馆Shanghai Museum 上海体育馆Shanghai Stadium 上海华联商厦Shanghai Hualian Commercial Building 上海第一百货商店Shanghai No.1 Department Store 上海动物园Shanghai Zoo 上海野生动物园Shanghai Wildlife Park

金茂大厦Jinmao Building/Tower 轻轨elevated railway, light rail 天桥over-pass 不夜城sleepless city 磁悬浮列车maglev train (magnetically levitated train); magnetic suspension train 大都市metropolis; cosmopolis; metropolitan city; cosmopolitan city 东方明珠塔Oriental Pearl TV Tower 东海之滨的明珠the pearl on the coast of the East China Sea 高架公路elevated highway; overhead highway 高架立交桥overhead viaduct 国际展览局BIE International Bureau of Exhibitions 历史文化名城a famous historic and cultural city 龙华寺Longhua Temple 内环线the inner ring; the inner belt way; the inner loop 浦东新区Pudong New Area 轻轨火车light rail train; elevated rail train 上海合作组织SCO Shanghai Cooperation Organization 上海五国第六次峰会the sixth summit of “Shanghai Five” 上海五国机制the Shanghai Five mechanism 上海合作组织Shanghai Cooperation Organization (a six-member group founded in 2001 that includes Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan). 申博成功successful bid for World Expo 投资热点a hot/ popular investment destination 万国建筑博览exhibition / gallery of International Architecture


直辖市各市经纬度查询 北京市北纬39.55 东经116.24 上海市北纬31.14 东经121.29 天津市北纬39.02 东经117.12 重庆市北纬29.35 东经106.33 香港特别行政区北纬21.23 东经115.12 澳门特别行政区北纬21.33 东经115.07 安徽省各市经纬度查询 合肥北纬31.52 东经117.17 安庆北纬30.31 东经117.02 蚌埠北纬32.56 东经117.21 亳州北纬33.52 东经115.47 巢湖北纬31.36 东经117.52 滁州北纬32.18 东经118.18 阜阳北纬32.54 东经115.48 贵池北纬30.39 东经117.28 淮北北纬33.57 东经116.47 淮南北纬32.37 东经116.58 黄山北纬29.43 东经118.18 界首北纬33.15 东经115.21 六安北纬31.44 东经116.28 马鞍山北纬31.43 东经118.28 明光北纬32.47 东经117.58 宿州北纬33.38 东经116.58 天长北纬32.41 东经118.59 铜陵北纬30.56 东经117.48 芜湖北纬31.19 东经118.22 宣州北纬30.57 东经118.44 福建省各市经纬度查询 福州北纬26.05 东经119.18 长乐北纬25.58 东经119.31 福安北纬27.06 东经119.39 福清北纬25.42 东经119.23 建瓯北纬27.03 东经118.20 建阳北纬27.21 东经118.07 晋江北纬24.49 东经118.35 龙海北纬24.26 东经117.48 龙岩北纬25.06 东经117.01 南安北纬24.57 东经118.23 南平北纬26.38 东经118.10 宁德北纬26.39 东经119.31 莆田北纬24.26 东经119.01 泉州北纬24.56 东经118.36 三明北纬26.13 东经117.36


介绍动物的英语作文 描写动物的英语作文蛇 snakes蛇 the snake is a long and thin animal that lives in grass or other dark places. 蛇是一种又长又瘦的动物,生活在草丛里和阴暗的地方、a snake has no legs or feet, but it can move very fast on its stomach.蛇没有腿和脚,靠胃部飞快的移动前进。 snakes usually have green, yellow or black skins, which make them difficult for their enemies to find them. 蛇常常有绿色,黄色和黑色的皮肤,使得敌人很难找到他们。some kinds of snakes live in water. they can swim as freely as fish.有些蛇生活在水里,他们能像鱼一样飞速的游移。 snakes are cold-blooded animals. in winter they hibernatein holes which are narrow enough only to hold the snakes' bodies. the snakes can sleep through a whole winter without eating and moving. they can not feel any pain. the hibernation period lasts about five months. when spring comes, the snakes come out and begin their normal life. snakes can take many things as food, such as mice, sparrows, frogs,birds' eggs, pests and so on. people sometimes can see a snake eat a sparrow. first it moves close to the sparrow, then it puts out its tongue and brings the sparrow into its mouth and swallows it, which makes a lump in the snake's body. after some time the lump disappears. as snakes are dreadful-looking, people are afraid of them. many people drive them away whenever they see snakes. but in chinese fairy tales, snakes are by no means bad. they seem to have human feelings.
