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The main activities are 1a, 2 and 3b. 本课重点活动是1a、2和3b。

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1. Learn some useful words and expressions:

health, tonight, too much, without

2. Get some knowledge of healthy habits and unhealthy habits.

(1)Staying up late is bad for your health.

(2)—Is playing sports right after meals good or bad?

—It’s bad.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间:10分钟)

1.(复习前一个Topic 新学的建议方式the way of giving advices or suggestions,导

入寻求建议的方式the way of asking for advices or suggestions.)

T:(Get two students to role-play a conversation between a patient and a doctor.) Today, S1don’t feel very well. She may have a bad cold. So she goes to see a doctor, Mr. Tang (S2). Listen to their conversation and finish the task.

the answers and gets the students to retell the conversation between S1 and S2 according to the answers. Of course, the students need to speak out while retelling. )


Ss:You should lie down.

You need to have a rest.

You’d better not think too much.

Why not stop working?

T:Yes, you’re right. But my mom have a sore throat. She is feeling terrible.

What should she do for a sore throat?

Ss:She’d better not eat hot food.

Why not drink tea with honey?


T:You’re q uite right. Thank you for your advice.

And now, work in pairs to act out short dialogs. One student has some problems, your partner will give you some suggestions. Please use the sentence patterns in the box.


T:OK. You did a good job.

2. (通过调查几个学生的就寝前活动和就寝时间来判断学生是否养成良好的生活习惯。告诉



bed time.

T:You please.(Survey object: S3)

What do you usually do before going to bed?

S3:I usually listen to the music./...

T:Do you usually do that late?

S3:No. I usually do that for a little while and then I’ll go to bed around ten.

T:Very good. It’s good fo r your health.

T:You please.(Survey object: S4)

What do you usually do before going to bed?

S4:I usually play computer games.

T:Do you always do that very late?

S4:Yes. I like it very much. I don’t sleep until half past eleven.

T:Oh. It’s too bad. Staying up late is bad for your health.

3. (教师利用多媒体出示(1)一个学生晨跑的画面。(2)一个运动员不洗手就吃饭的画面。(3)

一男孩吃饭囫囵吞枣。(4)一男孩抽烟。(5) 早上做早操。如果没有多媒体,教师可以直接用身体表演动作来导入。)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

T:Then let’s look at the scr een.

T:(Show pictures (1),(2).)Is it good for your health?

Ss:Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.

T:(Show pictures (3),(4),(5).) Is it good or bad for your health?

Ss:It’s good./It’s bad.

Step 2 Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:5分钟)


T:OK. Today let’s talk about healthy habits and unhealthy habits.


T:Today, our friend Kangkang looks tired. Why? Do you know?

Ss:Sorry, we don’t know.

T:Let’s listen to the tape and find the answer, OK?


