
期刊名全称和缩写对比D I

Environ. Toxicol. Chem. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Environ. Toxicol. Pharmacol. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology Environ. Toxicol. Water Qual. Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality Enzyme Microb. Technol. Enzyme and Microbial Technology Enzyme Protein Enzyme and Protein Erdol and Kohle Erdgas, Petrochem. Erdol and Kohle Erdgas, Petrochemie Eur. J. Biochem. European Journal of Biochemistry Eur. J. Clin. Chem. Clin. Biochem. European Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. European Journal of Mass Spectrometry Eur. J. Med. Chem. European Journal of Medical Chemistry Eur. J. Mineral. European Journal of Mineralogy Eur. J. Org. Chem. European Journal of Organic Chemistry Eur. J. Pharmacol. European Journal of Pharmacology Eur. J. Solid State Inorg. Chem. European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry Eur. Mass Spectrom. European Mass Spectrometry Eur. Polym. J. European Polymer Journal Europhys. Lett. Europhysics Letters Exp. Fluids Experiments in Fluids Exp. Therm Fluid Sci. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science Explor. Min. Geol. Exploration and Mining Geology F   Faraday Discuss. Faraday Discussions FASEB J. FASEB Journal Fatigue Fract. Eng. Mater. Struct. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures FEBS Lett. FEBS Letters FEMS Immunol. Med. Microbiol. FEMS Immunology And Medical Microbiology FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. FEMS Microbiology Ecology FEMS Microbiol. Lett. FEMS Microbiology Letters FEMS Microbiol. Rev. FEMS Microbiology Review Ferroelectr. Rev. Ferroelectrics Review Ferroelectr. Lett. Ferroelectrics Letters Fett - Lipid Fett - Lipid Fiber Integr. Opt. Fiber and Integrated Optics Field Anal. Chem. Technol. Field Analytical Chemistry and Technology. Filtr. Sep. Filtration and Separation Fiz. Met. Metalloved. Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie Fluid/Part. Sep. J. Fluid/Particle Separation Journal Fluid Phase Equilib. Fluid Phase Equilibria Fold Des. Folding and Design 、管路敷设技术通过管线不仅可以解决吊顶层配置不规范高中资料试卷问题,而且可保障各类管路习题到位。在管路敷设过程中,要加强看护关于管路高中资料试卷连接管口处理高中资料试卷弯扁度固定盒位置保护层防腐跨接地线弯曲半径标等,要求技术交底。管线敷设技术中包含线槽、管架等多项方式,为解决高中语文电气课件中管壁薄、接口不严等问题,合理利用管线敷设技术。线缆敷设原则:在分线盒处,当不同电压回路交叉时,应采用金属隔板进行隔开处理;同一线槽内强电回路须同时切断习题电源,线缆敷设完毕,要进行检查和检测处理。、电气课件中调试对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行 高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料试卷相互作用与相互关系,根据生产工艺高中资料试卷要求,对电气设备进行空载与带负荷下高中资料试卷调控试验;对设备进行调整使其在正常工况下与过度工作下都可以正常工作;对于继电保护进行整核对定值,审核与校对图纸,编写复杂设备与装置高中资料试卷调试方案,编写重要设备高中资料试卷试验方案以及系统启动方案;对整套启动过程中高中资料试卷电气设备进行调试工作并且进行过关运行高中资料试卷技术指导。对于调试过程中高中资料试卷技术问题,作为调试人员,需要在事前掌握图纸资料、设备制造厂家出具高中资料试卷试验报告与相关技术资料,并且了解现场设备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线等情况 ,然后根据规范与规程规定,制定设备调试高中资料试卷方案。 、电气设备调试高中资料试卷技术电力保护装置调试技术,电力保护高中资料试卷配置技术是指机组在进行继电保护高中资料试卷总体配置时,需要在最大限度内来确保机组高中资料试卷安全,并且尽可能地缩小故障高中资料试卷破坏范围,或者对某些异常高中资料试卷工况进行自动处理,尤其要避免错误高中资料试卷保护装置动作,并且拒绝动作,来避免不必要高中资料试卷突然停机。因此,电力高中资料试卷保护装置调试技术,要求电力保护装置做到准确灵活。对于差动保护装置高中资料试卷调试技术是指发电机一变压器组在发生内部故障时,需要进行外部电源高中资料试卷切除从而采用高中资料试卷主要保护装置。


中国各大银行的英文缩写及全称 中国人民银行PBC People’s Bank of China 中国工商银行ICBC Industrial and Commercial Bank 中国建设银行CCB China Construction Bank 汇丰银行HSBC Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation 中国银行BC Bank of China 中国农业银行ABC Agricultural Bank of China 交通银行BC Bank of Communications 招商银行CMB China Merchants Bank 中国民生银行CMB China Minsheng Bank 上海浦东发展银行SPDB Shanghai Pudong Development Bank 中信银行China CITIC Bank 中国光大银行CEB China Everbright Bank 华夏银行HB Huaxia Bank 广东发展银行GDB Guangdong Development Bank 深圳发展银行SDB Shenzhen Development Bank 兴业银行CIB China's Industrial Bank 国家开发银行CDB China Development Bank 中国进出口银行EIBC Export-Import Bank of China 中国农业发展银行ADBC Agricultural Development of China 北京银行BOB Bank of Beijing 广州银行BOG Bank of Guangzhou 亚洲基础设施投资银行简称亚投行AIIB Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank 世界银行WB The World Bank


参考文献中文刊名的英文缩写对照表 参考国际标准ISO4-1984《文献工作—期刊刊名缩写的国际规则》及国家标准GB7714-87《文后参考文献著录规则》,《植物营养与肥料学报》编辑部编制了本刊参考文献中常见中文刊名的英文缩写对照表,请作者投稿时参考。具体如下: 杂志中文名 杂志英译名缩写 安徽农学通报 Anhui Agric. Sci. Bull. 安徽农业大学学报 J. Anhui Agric. Univ. 安徽农业科学 J. Anhui Agric. Sci. 安全与环境学报 J. Saf. Environ. 北方果树 Northern Fruits 北京农学院学报 J. Beijing Agric. Coll. 北京农业科学 Beijing Agric. Sci. 草地学报 Acta Agrestia Sin. 草业科学 Pratac. Sci. 草业学报 Acta Pratac. Sin. 地理科学 Sci. Geogr. Sin. 地理科学进展 Prog. Geogr. 地理学报 Acta Geogr. Sin. 东北农业大学学报 J. Northeast Agric.Univ. 福建农林大学学报(自然科学版) J.Fujian Agric. For. Univ. 福建农业科技 Fujian Agric. Sci.Tech. 福建农业学报 Fujian J. Agric.Sci. 福建热作科技 Fujian Sci. Tech. Trop. Crops 干旱地区农业研究 Agric. Res. Arid Areas 干旱区研究 Arid Zone Res. 甘肃农业大学学报 J. Gansu Agric.Univ. 甘肃农业科技 Gansu Agricl Sci.Tech. 耕作与栽培 Cult. Plant. 广东农业科学 Guangdong Agric. Sci. 广西农学报 J. Guangxi Agric. 广西农业科学 J. Guangxi Agric. Sci. 贵州农业科学 Guizhou Agric.Sci. 果树学报(果树科学) J. Fruit Sci.


全国人民代表大会National People's Congress (NPC) 主席团Presidium 常务委员会Standing Committee 办公厅General Office 秘书处Secretariat 代表资格审查委员会Credentials Committee 提案审查委员会Motions Examination Committee 民族委员会Ethnic Affairs Committee 法律委员会Law Committee 财政经济委员会Finance and Economy Committee 外事委员会Foreign Affairs Committee 教育、科学、文化和卫生委员会Education,Science,Culture and Public Health Committee 内务司法委员会Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs 华侨委员会Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee 法制工作委员会Commission of Legislative Affairs 特定问题调查委员会Commission of Inquiry into Specific Questions 宪法修改委员会Committee for Revision of the Constitution 2、中华人民共和国主席President of the People's Republic of China 3、中央军事委员会Central Military Commission 4、最高人民法院Supreme People's Court


lamant_sarah 单片机英文缩写全称及中文名称 一、寄存器部分 SFR= special function register //特殊功能寄存器(片内RAM 80H~FFH) ACC= accumulate //累加器 PSW= programmer status word //程序状态字 SP= stack point //堆栈指针 DPL,DPH=DPTR(data point register //数据指针寄存器)的低8位和高8位IE =interrupt enable // 中断使能 IP= interrupt priority //中断优先级 PCON =power control //电源控制 SCON= serial control //串行口控制

SBUF= serial buffer //串行数据缓冲 TCON =timer control //定时器控制 TMOD= timer mode //定时器方式 PSW: CY= carry (psw.7) //进位(标志) AC= auxiliary carry (psw.6) //辅助进位 F0= (psw.5) //用户自定义标志位 RS1,RS0=register selection (psw.4,psw.3)//工作寄存器组选择位OV=overflow (psw.2) //溢出 P=parity (psw.0) //奇偶校验位

IE: EA=Enable All Interrupt //CPU开/关中断控制位ET=Enable Timer //定时器溢出中断允许位 ES=Enable Serial Port //串行口中断允许位 EX=Enable External //外部中断的中断允许位 IP: PS=Priority Serial //串口优先级 PT=Priority Timer //定时器优先级 PX=Priority External //外部中断优先级


外文期刊缩写与全称对照表 A Acc. Chem. Res. Accounts of Chemical Research ACH - Models Chem. ACH - Models in Chemistry ACI Mater. J. ACI Materials Journal ACS Symp. Ser. ACS Symposium Series Acta Biochim. Pol. Acta Biochimica Polonica Acta Biotechnol. Acta Biotechnologica Acta Chem. Scand. Acta Chemica Scandinavica Acta Chim. Sinica Acta Chimica Sinica Acta Cienc. Indica, Chem. Acta Cienceia Indica Chemistry Acta Cienc. Indica, Phys. Acta Ciencia Indica Phyics Acta Crystallogr., Sect. A: Found. Crystallogr. Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations Acta Crystallogr., Sect. B: Struct. Sci Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science Acta Crystallogr., Sect. C: Cryst. Struct. Commun. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications


◆国际民航公司 国家、地区航空公司名 Argentina Aerolines Argentinas 阿根廷航空公司 Australia (QF)Qantas 澳大利亚快递航空公司 Belgium Sabena 比利时航空公司 Brazil Varig 巴西航空公司 Canada (AC) Air Canada 加拿大航空公司 China CAAC 中国民航 Colombia Avianca 哥伦比亚航空公司 Egypt Egyptair 埃及航空公司 France (AF)Air France 法国航空公司 Germany (LH)Lufthansa 德国汉莎航空公司 Hong Kong (CX)Cathay Pacific Airways 国泰航空公司 India (AI) Air India 印度航空公司 Indonesia (GA)Garuda Indonesian Airways 印尼鹰航空公司 Israel (L Y)ELAL 以色列航空公司 Italy (AZ)Alitalia 意大利航空公司 Japan (JL)Japan Air Line 日本航空公司 Malaysia (MH)Malaysia Airlines 马来西亚航空公司Mexico (MX)Mexicana与(AM)Aeromexico 墨西哥航空Netherlands (KL)KLM 荷兰皇家航空公司 Nigeria Nigerian Airlines 尼日利亚航空公司 Philippines (PR)Philippine airlines 菲律宾航空公司 Russia (SU)Aeroflot 俄罗斯民用航空总局 Saudi Arabia (SAA)Saudia 沙特阿拉伯航空公司 Iran (I A)Iran Air 伊朗航空 Singapore (SQ)Singapore Airlines 新加坡航空公司 South Africa (SK)南非航空公司 South Korea (KE)Korean Airlines 大韩航空公司


首先,是我和我的小伙伴们: 中国心血管杂志 Chinese Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine Chin J Cardiovasc Med 中国神经免疫学和神经病学杂志 Chinese Journal of Neuroimmunology and Neurology Chin J Neuroimmunol Neurol 中华老年医学杂志 Chinese Journal of Geriatrics Chin J Geriatr A 癌症 Chinese Journal of Cancer Chin J Cancer 癌变·畸变·突变 Carcinogenesis, Teratogenesis & Mutagenesis Carcinog Teratogenesis Mutagen 癌症康复 Cancer Rehabilitation Cancer Rehabil 安徽医学 Anhui Medical Journal Anhui Med J 安徽中医药大学学报 Journal of Anhui University of Chinese Medicine J Anhui Univ Chin Med B 蚌埠医学院学报 Journal of Bengbu Medical College J Bengbu Med Coll 包头医学 Journal of Baotou Medicine J Baotou Med

北京医学 Beijing Medical Journal Beijing Med J 北京中医药 Beijing Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine Beijing J Tradit Chin Med 北京中医药大学学报 Journal of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine J Beijing Univ Tradit Chin Med 北京大学学报(医学版) Journal of Peking University(Health Sciences) J Peking Univ Health Sci 北京生物医学工程 Beijing Biomedical Engineering Beijing Biomed Eng 标记免疫分析与临床 Labeled Immunoassays and Clinical Medicine Labeled Immunoassays & Clin Med 病毒学报 Chinese Journal of Virology Chin J Virol C 长春中医药大学学报 Journal of Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine J Changchun Univ Tradit Chin Med 重庆医学 Chongqing Medicine Chongqing Med J 成都中医药大学学报 Journal of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine J Chengdu Univ Tradit Chin Med D 第一军医大学分校学报 Journal of Branch Campus of the First Military Medical University


期刊名全称和缩写对照 Journal Titles and Abbreviations Bioorg.Med.Chem.Lett.Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters Biopharm.Drug Dispos.Biopharmaceutics and Drug Disposition Biophys.Chem.Biophysical Chemistry Biophys.J.Biophysical Journal Bioprocess.Eng.Bioprocess Engineering Biorem.J.Bioremediation Journal Bioresour.Technol.Bioresource Technology Biosci.Rep.Bioscience Reports Biosci.,Biotechnol.,Biochem.Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry Biosens.Bioelectron.Biosensors and Bioelectronics Biotech.Histochem.Biotechnic and Histochemistry Biotechnol.Adv.Biotechnology Advances Biotechnol.Appl.Biochem.Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry Biotechnol.Bioeng.Biotechnology and Bioengineering Biotechnol.Biotechnol.Equip.Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment Biotechnol.Lett Biotechnology Letters Biotechnol.Progr.Biotechnology Progress Biotechnol.Tech.Biotechnology Techniques Bol.Soc.Chil.Quim.Boletin de la Sociedad Chilena de Quimica Br.Ceram.Trans.British Ceramic Transactions Br.Corros.J.British Corrosion Journal Br.J.Pharmacol.British Jornal of Pharmacology Brennst.-Warme-Kraft Brennstoff-Warme-Kraft Bull.Chem.Soc.Jpn.Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan Bull.Electrochem.Bulletin of Electrochemistry Bull.Environ.Contam.Toxicol.Bulletin of Environment Contamination and Toxicology Bull.Hist.Chem.Bulletin for the History of Chemistry Bull.Exp.Biol.Med. Bull.Korean Chem.Soc.Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Bull.Mater.Sci.Bulletin of Materials Science Bull.Pol.Acad.Sci.,Chem.Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Chemistry Bull.Soc.Chim.Belg.Bulletin des Societes Chimiques Belges Bull.Soc.Chim.Fr.Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France C

塑料英文简称 英文全称 中文全称

英文简称英文全称中文全称 ABS Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene 丙烯腈/丁二烯/苯乙烯共聚物AES Acrylonitrile-ethylene-styrene 丙烯腈/乙烯/苯乙烯共聚物 AS Acrylonitrile-styrene resin 丙烯腈/苯乙烯共聚物 ASA Acrylonitrile-styrene-acrylate 丙烯腈/苯乙烯/丙烯酸酯共聚物 CA Cellulose acetate 醋酸纤维塑料 CE "Cellulose plastics, general" 通用纤维素塑料 CF Cresol-formaldehyde 甲酚-甲醛树脂 CMC Carboxymethyl cellulose 羧甲基纤维素 CN Cellulose nitrate 硝酸纤维素 CPE Chlorinated polyethylene 氯化聚乙烯 CPVC Chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) 氯化聚氯乙烯 EP "Epoxy, epoxide" 环氧树脂 EPM Ethylene-propylene polymer 乙烯/丙烯共聚物 EPS Expanded polystyrene 可发性聚苯乙烯 EV A Ethylene/vinyl acetate 乙烯/醋酸乙烯共聚物 HDPE High-density polyethylene plastics 高密度聚乙烯 HIPS High impact polystyrene 高抗冲聚苯乙烯 IPS Impact-resistant polystyre ne 耐冲击聚苯乙烯 K树脂Styrene- butadiene 苯乙烯/丁二烯共聚物 LCP Liquid crystal polymer 液晶聚合物 LDPE Low-density polyethylene plastics 低密度聚乙烯 LLDPE Linear low-density polyethylene 线型低密聚乙烯 LMDPE Linear medium-density polyethylene 线型中密聚乙烯 MBS Methacrylate-butadiene-styrene 甲基丙烯酸/丁二烯/苯乙烯共聚物MC Methyl cellulose 甲基纤维素 MDPE Medium-density polyethylene 中密聚乙烯 MF Melamine-formaldehyde resin 密胺-甲醛树脂 MPF Melamine/phenol-formaldehyde 密胺/酚醛树脂 PA Polyamide (nylon) 聚酰胺(尼龙) PAE Polyarylether 聚芳醚 PAEK Polyaryletherketone 聚芳醚酮 PAI Polyamide-imide 聚酰胺-酰亚胺 PAK Polyester alkyd 聚酯树脂 PAN Polyacrylonitrile 聚丙烯腈 PASU Polyarylsulfone 聚芳砜 PAT Polyarylate 聚芳酯 PAUR Poly(ester urethane) 聚酯型聚氨酯 PB Polybutene-1 聚丁烯-[1] PBT Poly(butylene terephthalate) 聚对苯二酸丁二酯 PC Polycarbonate 聚碳酸酯 PE Polyethylene 聚乙烯 PEEK Polyetheretherketone 聚醚醚酮 PEI Poly(etherimide) 聚醚酰亚胺


A Acc. Chem. Res. Accounts of Chemical Research ACH - Models Chem. ACH - Models in Chemistry ACI Mater. J. ACI Materials Journal ACS Symp. Ser. ACS Symposium Series Acta Biochim. Pol. Acta Biochimica Polonica Acta Biotechnol. Acta Biotechnologica Acta Chem. Scand. Acta Chemica Scandinavica Acta Chim. Sinica Acta Chimica Sinica Acta Cienc. Indica, Chem. Acta Cienceia Indica Chemistry Acta Cienc. Indica, Phys. Acta Ciencia Indica Phyics Acta Crystallogr., Sect. A: Found. Crystallogr. Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations Acta Crystallogr., Sect. B: Struct. Sci Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science Acta Crystallogr., Sect. C: Cryst. Struct. Commun. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications Acta Crystallogr., Sect D: Biol. Crystallogr. Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography Acta Crystallogr. Sect. E: Struct. Rep. Online Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online Acta Hydroch. Hydrob. Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica Acta Mater. Acta Materialia Acta Metall. Acta Metallurgica Acta Phys. Pol., A Acta Physica Polonica A Acta Phys. Pol., B Acta Physica Polonica B Acta Polym. Acta Polymerica Acta Polytech. Scand., Chem. Technol. Ser Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica - Chemical Technology Series Adhes. Age Adhesives Age Adsorpt. Sci. Technol. Adsorption Science and Technology Adv. Appl. Microbiol. Advances in Applied Microbiology Adv. At. Mol. Opt. Phy. Advances in Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics Adv. Biochem. Eng./Biotechnol. Advances in Biochemical Engineering / Biotechnology Adv. Carbohydr. Chem. Biochem. Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry Adv. Chem. Phys. Advances in Chemical Physics Adv. Chem. Ser. Advances in Chemistry Series Adv. Chromatogr. Advances in Chromatography Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science Adv. Compos. Mater Advanced Composite Materials Adv. Cryog. Eng. Advances in Cryogenic Engineering Adv. Eng. Mater. Advanced Engineering Materials Adv. Enzyme Regul. Advances in Enzyme Regulation Adv. Enzymol. Relat. Areas Mol. Biol. Advances in Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular Biology Adv. Filtr. Sep. Technol. Advances in Filtration and Separation Technology


整理如下:(一部份) 阿库拉 ACURA 阿尔法 ALFA 阿斯顿 ASTON 奥迪 AUDI 本特利 BENTLEY 宝马 BMW 布加蒂 BUGATTI 别克 BUICK 凯迪拉克 CADILLCA




罗尔斯罗伊斯Rolls-Royce 桑塔纳Santana BENZ 奔驰 BMW 宝马 FERRARI 法拉利 FORD 福特 CADILLAC 凯迪拉克TOYOTA 丰田 ROLLS-ROYCE 劳斯莱斯PORSCHE 保时捷 GM 通用VOLKSWAGEN 大众LINCOLN 林肯


全国人民代表大会 National People's Congress (NPC) 主席团 Presidium 常务委员会 Standing Committee 办公厅General Office 秘书处Secretariat 代表资格审查委员会Credentials Committee 提案审查委员会Motions Examination Committee 民族委员会Ethnic Affairs Committee 法律委员会Law Committee 财政经济委员会Finance and Economy Committee 外事委员会Foreign Affairs Committee 教育、科学、文化和卫生委员会Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee 内务司法委员会Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs 华侨委员会Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee 法制工作委员会Commission of Legislative Affairs 特定问题调查委员会Commission of Inquiry into Specific Questions 宪法修改委员会Committee for Revision of the Constitution 2、中华人民共和国主席 President of the People's Republic of China 3、中央军事委员会 Central Military Commission 4、最高人民法院 Supreme People's Court 5、最高人民检察院 Supreme People's Procuratorate 6、国务院State Council (1)国务院部委Ministries and Commissions Directly under the State Council 外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs 国防部Ministry of National Defence 国家发展和改革委员会National Development and Reform Commission



3GPP常用英文缩写全称大全 3G是3GPP的简写形式,3GPP在英文里的全称是:the 3rd Generation Partner Project 中文的全称是:第三代合作伙伴计划,是领先的3G技术规范机构,旨在研究制定并推广基于演进的GSM核心网络的3G标准,它负责WCDMA标准的制定,R4标准是其中较为成熟的一个版 本。 3GPP: 3GP是一种3G流媒体的视频编码格式,是目前手机中最为常见的一种视频格式。简单的说,该格式是“第三代合作伙伴项目”(3GPP)制定的一种多媒体标准,使用户能使用手机享受高质量 的视频、音频等多媒体内容。 3GPP常用英文缩写全称大全 3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project AAL ATM Adaptation Layer AAL2 ATM Adaptation Layer of type 2 AAL5 ATM Adaptation Layer of type 5 A&C Authentication and Ciphering ACFE Access Control Function Entity AI Acquisition Indication AICH Acquisition Indication Channel ALCAP Access Link Control Application Part AM Acknowledged Mode (of RLC) AMR Adaptive Multi Rate (Transcoder) AN Access Network AOA Angle Of Arrival AP Application Process APDU Application Protocol Data Unit APId Access Point Identifier APN Access Point Name APS Automatic Protection Switching ARIB Association of Radio Industries and Business ARQ Automatic Repeat Request ASAP Alarm Severity Assignment Profile ATC ATM Transfer Capability ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode AUG Administrative Unit Group AU-n Administrative Unit n with n being 4 or 3 AUTN Authentication Token AWGN Added White Gaussian Noise BCCH Broadcast Control Channel BCH Broadcast Channel BER Bit Error Rate


单片机缩写的英文全称 英文缩写: MCS-51:Micro Computer System-51 PSW(Processor Status Word)中的标志位: CY:Carry AC:Auxiliary Carry F0:Flag 0 RS:Register Select OV:Overflow P:Parity 指令: MOV (Move) MOVC (Move Code) MOVX (Move External) XCH (Exchange) XCHD(Exchange low-order Digit) PUSH POP AJMP (Absolutely Jump) LJMP (Long Jump) SJMP (Short Jump) JMP (Jump) JZ (Jump Zero) JNZ (Jump Not Zero) JC (Jump if Carry) JNC (Jump if Not Carry) JB (Jump if Bit is set) JNB (Jump if Not Bit) JBC (Jump if Bit is set and Clear Bit) CJNE (Compare and Jump if Not Equal) DJNZ (Decrease and Jump if Not Zero) ACALL (Absolutely Call) LCALL (Long Call) RET (Return) NOP (No Operation) ADD ADDC (Add with Carry) SUBB (Subtract with Borrow) MUL (Multiply) DIV (Divide)
