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(一)Natural & Instructed L2 Learning 自然环境/有指导的二语学习


Focus on Form:“overtly draws students’ attention to linguistic elements as they arise incidentally in lessons whose overriding focus is on meaning or communication” (Long, 1991, p. 45-46)

Focus on Meaning: Exposure to L2 targets or experience with L2 tasks, but no attempts to effect shifts of learner attention.

Implicit Learning is input processing without such an intention, taking place unconsciously (Reber et al., 1999).

Explicit Learning is “input information with the conscious intention to find out whether the input information contains regularities and, if so, to work out the concepts and rules with which these regularities can be captured” (Hulstijn, 2005).

The Interface Hypothesis: Instruction facilitates acquisition by (1) supplying the learner with conscious rules, and (2) providing practice to enable them to convert this conscious, ‘controlled’ knowledge into ‘automatic’ knowledge.


Dekeyser, R. (2003).Implicit and explicit learning. In C. Doughty and M. Long (Eds.), Handbook of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Blackwell.

Ellis, N. (1994).Implicit and explicit learning of languages. SanDiego, CA: Academic Press.

Ellis, N. C. (2005). At the interface: Dynamic interactions of explicit and implicit language knowledge. Studies in second language acquisition, 27, 305-352.

Ellis, R. (2006).Modeling learning difficulty and second language proficiency: The Differential contributions of implicit and explicit knowledge. Applied Linguistics, 27 (3), 431-463.

Long, M. (1991). Focus on form: A design feature in language teaching methodology. In K. de Bot, R. Ginsherg, & C. Kramsch (Eds.), Foreign Language Research in Cross-cultural Perspective (pp. 39-52). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Manfred Pienemann, University of Newcastle,


Sharwood Smith, M. (1981). Consciousness-raising and the second language learner. Applied Linguistics, 11, 159-168.

VanPatten, B. William, J. Rott, S. & Overstreet, M. (2004).Form-Meaning Connections in Second Language Acquisition. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publisers.


Bill VanPatten, University of Illinois at Chicago


Catherine Doughty, Georgetown University,


Jan H. Hulstijn, University of Amsterdam,


Jessica William, University of Illinois at Chicago


Michael H. Long, University of Maryland,


Nick C. Ellis, University of Michigan,


Patsy M. Lightbown, Concordia University,


Robert M. Dekeyser, University of Maryland,


Rod Ellis, University of Auckland,


Stephen Krashen, University of Southern California,


Susan M. Gass, Michigan State University,


Yoko Goto Butler, University of Pennsylvania,


(二)Interlanguage processes中介语研究


The Interlanguage Theory: both the internal system that a learner has constructed at a single point in time and to the series of interconnected systems that characterize the learner’s progress over time.

The Natural Order Hypothesis: The elements of language are acquired in a predicable order.

The Monitor Hypothesis:Learned knowledge is completely separated from acquired knowledge. Utterances are initiated by the acquired system, and that the learned system only comes into play when learners monitor the output from it.

Connectionism: Learning is seen as simple instance learning (rather than explicit/implicit induction of rules, hypothesis formation or restructuring), which proceeds based on input alone.

Interlanguage Variation:Interlanguage exhibits more variability than do native languages. It consists of unsystematic and systematic variation.

Interlanguage Pragmatics:“study of nonnative speakers’use and acquisition of linguistic action patterns in a second language” (Kasper, 1989)


Dulay, H. C. & Burt, M. K. (1974).Natural sequences in child second language acquisition. Language Learning, 24, 37-53.

Ellis, N. & Schmidt, D. (1997).Morphology and longer distance dependencies: Laboratory research illuminating the A in SLA. Studies in Second Language Acquisition,
