


姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________

一、单选题(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) (共15题;共30分)

1. (2分)That is _____we were late last time.

A . that

B . when

C . why

D . what

2. (2分)—Why not take ____ umbrella with the sign “ Made in China”?

—What _______ good advice it is!

A . an; a

B . an; \

C . a; the

D . \; a

3. (2分)Welcome _____ Shijiazhuang No. 1 Middle School.

A . /

B . to

C . in

D . at

4. (2分)English is very important. You _______ speak it every day.

A . needn't

B . ought

C . ought to

D . shouldn't

5. (2分)Her grandmother often takes after dinner.

A . walking

B . to walk

C . walk

D . a walk

6. (2分)—________ are the students playing basketball?

—On the playground.

A . What

B . Where

C . How

7. (2分)John so hard on his project that he didn't notice his morn enter the room.

A . works

B . has worked

C . was working

D . will work

8. (2分)Almost ________ in our group has been to the 2nd Digital China Summit. It's fantastic.

A . someone

B . everyone

C . anyone

9. (2分)—what do you think of the invention of the zipper ?

—Zippers in our daily life.

A . widely use

B . are widely used

C . have widely use

10. (2分)Not only John's brothers but also his sister for three years.

A . has married

B . have got married

C . has been married

D . married

11. (2分)Kelly doesn't _______ her mother at all. Her mother has a round face while Kelly has

a square face.

A . look after

B . think about

C . take after

D . worry about

12. (2分)— You look so tired.

— I am made _______ playing the piano for 2 hours every day by my mother.

A . practice

B . to practice

C . practicing

D . practiced

13. (2分)_______ I arrived in Beijing, it began to snow _______.

A . When, heavy

B . While, hard

C . When, heavily

14. (2分)We need a headmaster_______.

A . whom everyone has confidence

B . in whom everyone has confidence

C . that everyone has confidence

D . in who everyone has confidence

15. (2分)—What did Mr. Wang ask you just now?

— He asked me ___________yesterday afternoon.

A . why I am absent from school

B . Why I was absent from school

C . why am I absent from school

D . why was absent from school

二、补全对话(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) (共1题;共5分)

16. (5分)补全对话

阅读下面对话,从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话3 (其中有两项是多余的)

A:Dad, we were told to collect some information about Fuzhou Subway. ________

B:Sure. It's reported that Subway Line I will have its test run at the end of this year. A:Great! ________

B:It has a total length of 29.2 kilometers.

A:How many stations are there?

B:________ And it connects four main areas of the city from the north to the south.

A:Then how about the ticket price?

B:Well, it still remains unknown. ________

A:Hope not. ________

三、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) (共1题;共15分)

17. (15分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。

Granny Sarya lived outside Moscow. Her only son 1 to Afghanistan(阿富汗) and was killed in action there.Soon after that, her husband lost his job. The old man was always 2 food and clothes.And on a winter night he went out alone when Sarya was asleep. The next morning he was 3 dead in a cold lake. And his worn-out coat was 4 in a tree not far away. Sarya was so 5 that she nearly took her own life.

Things got worse and worse after that. She always lived in hunger and cold. She had hoped that the government(政府) could help her but she 6 .

It was a cold windy night. The old woman couldn't 7 asleep at all. She had to get up. She decided to write a letter to God(神), asking for 8 . She wished God to give her 100 rubles (卢布), so she could buy some food for herself. When she 9 writing it, she found she had no 10 . She had to put the 11 at a crossing. 12 the next morning a policeman found the letter. He read it to his comrades.They were all so 13 that they gathered some rubles and sent them to the poor old woman.

At first Granny Sarya was happy. But after she 14 the money, she became 15 and said, "I'm told that all things that are touched by the policeman will be only a half left!"


A . sent

B . ran away

C . was sent

D . escaped


A . worried about

B . pleased with

C . thinking about

D . hearing of


A . known

C . told

D . fallen (4)

A . put

B . hanged

C . shown

D . hung (5)

A . sad

B . happy

C . tired

D . clever (6)

A . succeeded

B . failed

C . won

D . lost (7)

A . go

B . fall

C . get

D . help (8)

A . coats

B . food

C . houses

D . help (9)

B . started

C . finished

D . enjoyed (10)

A . stamp

B . money

C . pen

D . paper (11)

A . food

B . letter

C . coat

D . rubles (12)

A . Badly

B . Carefully

C . Luckily

D . Wonderfully (13)

A . excited

B . moved

C . amazed

D . surprised (14)

A . saw

B . received

C . gave

D . counted


A . angry

B . thankful

C . helpful

D . worried

四、阅读理解(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) (共5题;共56分)

18. (10分)阅读理解

There are many different clubs in our school.

A . a painting book

B . a history magazine

C . a school poster

D . a story book

(2)The Club begins in the morning.

A . Art

B . English

C . Swimming

D . Dancing

(3)If you want to make your English better, you can go to class.

A . Miss Li's

B . Miss Wu's

C . Mr. Lin's

D . Mr. Zhang's

(4)The students can go to the clubs on weekdays except .

A . Monday

B . Saturday

C . Tuesday

D . Friday

(5)What does the underlined word "chance" mean?

A . 兴趣

B . 爱好

C . 机会

D . 能力

19. (10分)阅读理解

As a well﹣known Chinese TV hostess, Dong Qing is now hosting two cultural shows, Chinese Poetry Conference and Readers. The two shows are encouraging people to love traditional culture and find the beauty of life.

Dong was born in a highly educated family in 1973. She had a great love for traditional literature (文学) from an early age. In 2015 when she was about to study in the U.S, Dong received an invitation from the director of Chinese Poetry Conference asking her to be the hostess. Because of her passion for traditional literature, Dong accepted the job.

"The contest interests me very much. Hosting it is a process of learning about poetry and performing," said Dong. To her great joy, the show has become more and more popular.

Under the slogan (口号) "Reading touches people's hearts", the new TV show Readers has become a success. It invites famous guests from all walks of life to read something. Dong works as both hostess and producer.

Readers became a turning point in Dong's 21 years of hosting. She said it brought her "quite a huge challenge".

"There is no shortcut(捷径) in this world. If you want to be a good host, you need to make thorough preparations," said the beautiful hostess. "The charm of life lies in its unknown, so we just have to try and keep going."

(1)What shows is Dong Qing hosting now?

A . Readers.

B . Chinese Poetry Conference.

C . Chinese poetry Conference and Readers.

D . The Voice of China.

(2)Where did Dong Qing decide to study in 2015?

A . In France.

B . In England.

C . In Japan.

D . In America.

(3)What does Dong Qing do at present?

A . An actress.

B . A singer.

C . A hostess.

D . A hostess and producer.

(4)The underlined word "passion" in the second paragraph probably means "great ".

A . love

B . joy

C . surprise

D . pride

(5)What's the best title(题目)for the text?

A . Find the Beauty of Life

B . How to Be a Successful TV Hostess

C . Reading Touches People's Hearts

D . Dong Qing-a Talented Lady

20. (8分)阅读理解

Canada is a very large country. It is the second largest country in the world. By contrast it has a very small population. There are only about 29 million people there. Most Canadians are of British or French origin(后裔), and French is an official language of Canada as well as English. About 45% of the people are of British origin, that is, they or their parents or grandparents, etc, come from British. Nearly 30% are of French origin. Most of the French-Canadians live in province of Quebec.

Over the years, people have come to live in Canada from many countries in the world. They are from many countries in the world. They are from most European countries and also from China, besides other Asian countries.

However, Canada was not an empty country when the Europeans began to arrive. Canadian Indians lived along the coast, by the rivers and lakes and in forests. Today, there are only about 350,000 Indians in the whole country, with their own languages. In the far north live the Inuit. There are only 27,000 Canadian-Inuit. Their life is hard in such a difficult climate.

(1)The phrase "By contrast" in the passage means________.

A . 同时

B . 相比之下

C . 而且

D . 实际上

(2)About live in Quebec.

A . 30% of the French-Canadians

B . 45 % of the Canadians

C . 29,000,000 people

D . 8,700,000 French-Canadians

(3)The official languages of Canada are .

A . English and Chinese

B . French and English

C . Indian and French

D . Chinese and Inuit

(4)About 23% of people in Canada came from .

A . China

B . England

C . France

D . some other countries except France and Britain

21. (8分)阅读理解

"I have some exciting news, class," said Mrs. Pike.

It was almost lunchtime, and Jenny Archer was hungry. She drew a piece of apple pie in her notebook. Sometimes Mrs. Pike's news wasn't very exciting.

Once, Mrs. Pike had said it would be exciting to watch a filmstrip (幻灯影片) called Tommy Tooth and the Whole Truth about Teeth. But it wasn't.

"We're going to have a contest(竞赛)," said Mrs. Pike.

Jenny put down her pencil.

"The whole school will take part," Mrs. Pike went on. "We're going to collect empty tin cans to sell. We'll use the money to buy a video camcorder and a TV monitor for' the school. "

"What kind of contest is that?" asked Clifford Stern. "Just collecting cans?"

"The class that collects the most cans," said Mrs. Pike, "will use the camera first. We will make our own class movie. You could all be star!"

"Me, a movie star!" Jenny said to herself. Now, that was exciting.

"The person in the class who brings in the most cans will direct the first movie," Mrs. Pike finished.

Wow! Directing a movie might be even better than starring(主演) in one. The director could make up the whole story. He/She would choose the actors and tell everybody what to do. Jenny loved to make up stories. And she was good at telling people what to do.

She was sure she'd be a great director.

The whole class was noisy at once. She looked over at her friend Beth. Beth's eyes were bright.

"You can be the star of my movie," Jenny whispered to her.

"Your movie? What do you mean?" Beth asked.

"I mean when I win the contest," Jenny said.

"What if I win the contest?" Beth said.

"But I have to win," answered Jenny. "I've always wanted to make a movie."

"Since when?"

"Well, I realised it just now," Jenny admitted. "But don't you think I will make a good director?"

“I think I might make a good director," Beth said.

Beth was one of Jenny's two best friends. Jenny didn't want to fight with her. But she really wanted to direct the class movie.

"Let's not fight." Jenny said. "We will both be good directors."

"You're right," Beth said. "We won't fight. Let's just say, may our friendship last forever. "

Jenny shook Beth's hand. "May our friendship last forever," she repeated.

(1)Why did Jenny start drawing in her notebook when Mrs. Pike said that she had news for the class?

A . Because Jenny didn't think the news would be exciting.

B . Because Jenny was too busy thinking about the contest.

C . Because Jenny didn't like being told what to do.

D . Because Jenny was too mad with her best friend Beth.

(2)"The whole class was noisy at once." This sentence shows that the students in the class were .

A . happy to go to lunch

B . nervous about the contest

C . excited about Mrs. Pike's news

D . not interested in collecting empty tin cans

(3)What does the underlined word "admitted" mean?

A . made a promise

B . allowed going to a place

C . left a room for something

D . agreed that something was true

(4)Look at the following chart. Which detail from the story can be put in the empty box?

A . Jenny remembers watching a filmstrip.

B . Jenny makes a drawing in her notebook.

C . Jenny tells Beth she wants to make a movie.

D . Jenny and Beth shake hands with each other.

22. (20分)Canada Day

Since 1982, July 1st has been officially known as Canada Day. Canadians of all ages take part in this festival across the country.

Canada Day is the year's biggest national party. In many towns and cities, the government organizes a lot of events, often outdoors. These include parades(游行), concerts, festivals, firework displays and ceremonies for new Canadian citizens(公民). The celebrations often have a patriotic mood. Canada's national flag, a symbol for Canada Day, can be seen everywhere and a lot of people paint their faces red and white, which are Canada's national colors. The celebrations in Ottawa, Canada's capital city, are especially grand and exciting.

In the province of Quebec, many home rentals(租赁)start on July 1st and last for exactly one year, and many people in Quebec spend Canada Day moving from one house to another. So in Quebec, Canada Day is also known as Moving Day.

Many organizations, businesses and stores are closed this day. Only some bookstores, ho spitals and gas stations may be open. Post offices are closed, too. As Canada Day falls in the Canadian summer holiday period, all schools are closed as well. In some areas, special services are provided for large events. The concerts, parades and festivals may cause some traffic jams.

(1)According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A . Canada Day falls on the first day of June.

B . Canada Day was celebrated before 1982.

C . Canada Day is celebrated throughout Canada.

D . Canadians except new citizens celebrate Canada Day.

(2)The underlined word “patriotic” means _____ in Chinese.

A . 温馨的

B . 爱国的

C . 肃穆的

D . 紧张的

(3)According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A . Canada Day falls on the first day of June.

B . Canada Day was celebrated before 1982.

C . Canada Day is celebrated throughout Canada.

D . Canadians except new citizens celebrate Canada Day.

(4)Canada day is known as Moving Day in Quebec because on this day _____.

A . people think it lucky to move to new houses

B . people look for houses from one place to another

C . people like moving from house to house to visit friends

D . people move home when new home rentals go into effect

(5)The underlined word “patriotic” means _____ in Chinese.

A . 温馨的

B . 爱国的

C . 肃穆的

D . 紧张的

(6)From Paragraph 4, we know that on Canada Day _____.

A . no student goes to school

B . traffic jams happen everywhere

C . all Canadians stop working

D . few businesses and stores are closed

(7)Canada day is known as Moving Day in Quebec because on this day _____.

A . people think it lucky to move to new houses

B . people look for houses from one place to another

C . people like moving from house to house to visit friends

D . people move home when new home rentals go into effect

(8)Which of the following is NOT mentioned about Canada Day?

A . Background

B . Symbol.

C . Public life.

D . Events and activities.

(9)From Paragraph 4, we know that on Canada Day _____.

A . no student goes to school

B . traffic jams happen everywhere

C . all Canadians stop working

D . few businesses and stores are closed

(10)Which of the following is NOT mentioned about Canada Day?

A . Background

B . Symbol.

C . Public life.

D . Events and activities.

五、词汇(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) (共3题;共21分)

23. (1分)There ________ many apples in the shop. (is/are)

24. (10分)完成句子



________ up the free-trade zone ________ new possibilities to Fuzhou.


There's going to ________ a national holiday on September 3 in memory of China’s

________ in Anti-Japanese War seventy years ago.


________ sad news! ________ of people lost their lives in the earthquake in Nepal.


Don't________ to keep in ________ with your teachers and classmates after you graduate.


As________ as we work hard, China Dream is sure to come ________ .

25. (10分)阅读下面短文,根据中文、首字母、音标或语境的提示,在每个空格内填人一个适当的单词,要求所填的单词意义准确,拼写正确。

The Silk Road is a historically important international trade route(路线)between China and the Mediterranean(地中海). It began ________ (在……期间)the Western Han Dynasty and has been a________ between East and West for over 2,000 years.

The ancient road started from Chang'an(now Xi'an) and ended in Eastern ________ , near today's Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea. It was about 6,500 kilometers long and went across one-fourth of the planet.

TheSilk Road got its name ________ Chinese silk used to be carried along this road. Silk, jade,

ceramics and iron________ west to Rome. And from the west came glass, gems and food like carrots and sesame.

The Silk Road was very important to both China and the rest of the world. It was ________ than an ancient international trade route. Besides trade, ________ about arts, science and literature, as well as crafts(工艺)and technologies was________ (分享)across the Silk Road. In this way, languages and cultures________ (发展)and influenced each other.

Today,along the Silk Road there're many places of________ , such as the Terracotta Warriors in Xi'an and Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang. Now a new train line runs from Beijing across the Silk Road.

六、写作题 (共1题;共5分)

26. (5分)初中生活即将结束,学校英语俱乐部特邀你写一篇英语短文,给七年级新生的学习生活提几点建议。












Welcome to our school!


一、单选题(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) (共15题;共30分) 1-1、















二、补全对话(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) (共1题;共5分)


三、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) (共1题;共15分)


四、阅读理解(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) (共5题;共56分)





























五、词汇(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) (共3题;共21分) 23-1、



六、写作题 (共1题;共5分)



2018年上海市初中毕业统一学业考试 英语试卷 考生注意 本卷有7大题,共94小题 2.试卷满分150分。考试时间100分钟。 全部试题均采用连续编号。请将所有答案做在答题纸的指定位置上,做在试卷上一律不给分。 Part I Listening(第一部分听力) 1. Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分) 1、________ 2、_________ 3、__________ 4、__________ 5、__________ 6、__________ 上海市教育考试院保留版权 初中学业考试(2018)英语试卷第1页(共10页)

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分) 7. A)Apple. B)Banana. C) Orange . D)Pear. 8.A)At8:45. B)At 9:00. C)At9:15. D)At 9:30. 9. A)By bus. B)By bike. C) By car. D)By underground. 10. A)Rainy. B) Cloudy. C)Sunny. D )Windy. 11. A)Visit his uncle. B)Visit his classmates. C) Go to London. D) Go to a language camp. 12. A)In a store. B)At home. C) At the cinema. D)In a restaurant. 13.A) Husband and wife. B) Doctor and patient. C)Shop assistant and customer. D)Teacher and student. 14. A) Talk to Lucy. B)Go to the supermarket. C) Eat more. D)Lose some weight. C. Listen to the dialogue and tell whether the following statements are true or false TF 列句子是否符合你听到的对话内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(6分) 15. Mary has just become a college student. 16. Simon doesn’t enjoy classroom discussions. 17. Mary has nothing interesting to do after class. 18. Simon will volunteer for an international exhibition in Shanghai. 19. Mary and Simon will go to Shanghai together in five months. 20. Simon gives Mary some suggestions about how to choose a job in China. D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词)(10分) 21. Kitty wanted to plant a _____ ______with beautiful flowers for Mum's birthday. 22. Dad found that the flowers were _______ ______. They were plastic. 23. Dad went to Mr. White _______ _______some flower seeds. 24. Kitty and Dad worked for _______ ______ before Mum came back. 25. After Mum heard the ________ ________ she was moved to tears. 初中学业考试(2018)英语试卷第2页(共10页)


假定你是李华,收到英国笔友 Harry 的邮件,获悉他在机器人制作比赛中获奖。请根据邮件内容给他回复。词数 80 左右。 参考词汇:congratulation 祝贺 注意事项: 1.回复邮件时可适当发挥,邮件格式已给出,不计入总词数; 2.意思清楚,表达通顺,行文连贯,书写规范; 3.请勿在文中使用真实的姓名、校名及地名。 Dear Harry, ____________________ Yours, Li Hua 满分作文: Dear Harry, Congratulations! How glad I am to share your good news! I think robot s are helpful in many ways. And in the future they’ll play more important roles in our daily life. Plus, I’m dying to have a robot of my own. I can have it take care of my grandparents when we are not at home. You see, my grandparents are old and cannot move easily. It can help them do some housework such as cooking, cleaning the house and so on. Hoping you’ll make greater progress. Yours, Li Hua


2017年上海市中考英语试卷 I. Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共30分)A.Listenandchoosetherightpicture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) 1. B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) 7.A.Pink. B.Blue. C.White. D.Brown. 8.A.For one week. B.For one year. C.For two weeks. D.For two years. 9.A.By making a call.B.By sending an email.C.By writing a letter.D.By leaving a message.

10.A.On Monday.B.On Wednesday.C.On Thursday.D.On Friday.11.A.To visit China. B.To try something new. C.To make friends. D.To learn something easy. 12.A.Work on her project. B.Go to the school dance. C.Take a physics exam. D.Meet her dance teacher. 13.A.In a hotel. B.In a bookshop. C.In a cinema. D.In a classroom. 14.A.The food. B.Their car. C.The supermarket. D.Their house. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following sentences are true or false 15.判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T“表示,不符合的用“F“表示 15.Peter makes hamburgers for customers in a fast food restaurant.16.Once,Peter delivered 30 sets of hamburger meals to a school with his partner.17.The students were waiting at the school gate when Peter arrived. 18.There would be a sports meeting for the student the next day. 19.The teacher ordered the hamburger meals to encourage the students.20.Peter loves his job as he gains happiness from his working experiences. D. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences听对话,完成下列


绝密★启用前 2018年山东省枣庄市中考英语试题及答案 注意事项: 1.本试卷分第工卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,共8页,共120分。考试时间为120分钟。答卷前,在试卷第一页上方空白处写上姓名和准考证号。考试结束,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。 2.选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡第I卷上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在本试卷上,否则无效。 3.第Ⅱ卷所有题目都在答题卡第Ⅱ卷上答题。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题三部分共55分) 第一部分:听力(听力选择题,共3节,1~15小题,每小题1分,满分15分;听力填题共1节,41~45小题,每小题2分,满分10分) 第一节听下面五段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你将有5秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。 1. The language goal of this kind of conversation is to_______. A. ask a question about purple B. answer a question about red C. identify colors 2. They are talking about_______ they're going to eat at bill's birthday dinner. A. the food B. what C. the fruit 3. When does Bob usually brush teeth? A. At six fifty. B. At six forty. C. At ten past seven. 4. Why does the girl decline the mans invitation to his party? Because she_______. A. has to study for a physics exam B. must prepare for a math test C. has a geography test. 5. Where was Sarah yesterday at the time of the rainstorm? A. On the street B. At the bus stop. C. In the library. 第二节听下面一段对话,回答第6~10五个小题。现在你有20秒钟时间阅读这五个小题。



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长沙市2008年初中毕业学业考试 下图是Gina对班上同学的周末活动进行调查后得出的结果;同学们的周末活动真是丰富多彩。想想你和你的同学是如何度过周末的?写一篇名为“Weekend Activities”的文章谈谈你们的周末活动。 要求:1.语意连贯,句式规范,字迹工整; 2.文中不得出现你的真实校名和姓名; 3.词数60—80; 4.开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Weekend Activities Inmy class, mostof myclassmates have colorful weekends._____________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


2017年常州市初中毕业统一学业英语考试试卷分析 一、试卷整体分析: 1. 选材贴近生活,体现人文性,具有时代感 今年完形填空也前几年中考题材相似,都是情感类记叙文。今年的选材是关于师生的,与学生的学习生活比较贴近,更容易让学生产生共鸣,选项集中于形容词,副词,动词,副词,短语等词义辨析。 四篇阅读理解文体各不相同,A篇是一个关于“蓝色都市”国际文学节的明细通知,这篇阅读是根据国外网站的一篇文章改编的,题目较简单,基本能在文中找到。B篇说明文,也是之前比较热的一个话题,一位年轻人发明了一个便携式的移动冰箱,并且不打算申请专利的事情。C篇是一个记叙文,话题与时下热点话题校园欺凌有关。D篇是议论文,内容是关于如何公正地评判别人。从选材和话题来看,阅读理解选取的文章主要是时下热点话题或者一些为人处世的态度。文章的来源主要是一些国外网站或者报刊杂志上的文章。 今年的作文是话题作文,题材也比较常见,是合理利用互联网进行学习。这个题材比较好写,学生有很多的相关经验。 2. 整卷难度适宜,阅读理解D篇稍有难度 2017年中考英语常州卷题型、分值与往年保持不变。全卷共八大题,60道小题,总分90分。从考察内容来看,语言基础知识部分,包括单项选择、词汇运用、动词填空、完成句子,共32分;阅读部分,包括完形填空、阅读理解、任务型阅读,共6个语篇,共43分;书面表达15分。整体难度中等偏容易。在2014年英语中考达到难度高峰之后,近三年的试卷难度整体持平。易、中、难题比例为5:3:2。 其中,单选题偏基础,考查的点都是平时多次训练的考点。今年单选几乎没有涉及到句法考点,除最后一题情景对话之外,基本都是针对代词,动词,连词等词性用法的考查。其中,对于动词的考查占比很大。并且,今年的单选题给出的语境和语义都比较简单,没有陷阱题,大部分是比较熟悉的题型。 完型填空题难度较易。阅读理解A篇、B篇、C篇难度适中,D篇稍有难度。任务型阅读整体难度适中,考查学生对文本信息精准查找的能力,对常见词性转换及近义词转换要求较高。词汇运用部分考查的词汇均源于教材,且都是常用词,没有涉及到一些七八年级的长单词的考查,且变形较简单。动词填空考点分布也与往年类似,四道谓语动词加一道非谓语动词,其中,一题涉及被动,其余三个时态也是常考的过去进行时,现在完成时和一般过去时。非谓语动词考查不定式的否定形式,且是固定搭配,较简单。 二、各题型分析: 1. 单选题:

中考英语试卷历年真题含答案 (11)

义务教育基础课程初中教学资料 济宁市二○一六年高中段学校招生考试 英语试题 注意事项: 1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,第Ⅰ卷为选择题,55 分;第Ⅱ卷为非选择题,45 分;共 100 分。考试时间为 120 分钟(含听力 20 分钟)共 10 页。。 2.答题前,考生务必先核对条形码上的姓名、准考证号和座号,然后用 0.5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔将本人的姓名、准考证号和座号写在答题卡的相应位置。 3.答第Ⅰ卷时,必须使用 2B 铅笔填涂答题卡上相应题目的答案标号,如需改动,必 须先用橡皮擦干净,再改涂其它答案。 4.答第Ⅱ卷时,必须使用 0.5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上书写。务必在题号所指示的答题区域内作答。若需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案。不准使用 涂改液、胶带纸、修正带,否则,答案无效。 5.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第I卷(选择题共 55 分) 一、听力选择(共15 小题,计15 分) (一)请听录音中五个句子。从下面所给的 A、B、C 三幅图片中,选出与句子内容相符的图片。(每个句子仅读一遍) 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 英语试题第 1 页(共 10 页)

3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 5. A. B. C. (二)请听录音中五组短对话。每组对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项 中,选出能回答所给问题的最佳答案。(每组对话读两遍) 6. Who is using the ping-pong bat? A. Sally. B. Peter. C. Linda. 7. What does the man order? A. A cup of coffee. B. Some chicken. C. A sandwich. 8. What will Sally wear for the party? A. Her old jeans. B. Her red dress. C. Her green skirt. 9. How did the woman get her ticket? A. She bought it. B. She won it. C. She got it from the man. 10.What are the speakers talking about? A. Results of the exam. B.Time for the exam. C.Change of class hours. (三)请听录音中两段较长的对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个 选项中,选出能回答所给问题的最佳答案。(每段对话读两遍) 听第一段较长的对话,完成第 11 和第 12 两个小题。 生词:excuse [?k?skju:s] n. 借口,托辞 11.What is the possible relationship between the two speakers? A.Teacher and student. B. Wife and husband. C.Doctor and patient. 12.What does the woman think about the man? A.He is an honest man. B.He is not telling the truth. C.He is not good to his sister. 听第二段较长的对话,完成第 13 至第 15 三个小题。 英语试题第 2 页(共 10 页)


初中毕业考试 英语试卷 第二部分 笔试部分 (90分) Ⅳ 单项选择 从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,找出可以填入相 --- Morning, teacher. ________. A. The same to you. B. You, too. C. Thank you. D. I ’m sorry I can ’t. 22. --- I don ’t think teenagers should drive cars. --- _______. They aren ’t serious enough. A. I agree B . I don ’t agree C. I think D. I don ’t think 23. ---If there are ______ people driving , there will be ______ air pollution. --- Yes, the air will be fresher. 。 A. less; less B. less; fewer C. fewer; fewer D. fewer; less 24. ---There are many volunteers ______ are helping the children in Sichuan. --- And most of them are college students. A. which B. when C. whose D . who 25. --- You always spend only a little time on your study. You really _____ me down. --- I ’m sorry, Mum. I won ’t do that again. A. take B. put C. let D. look 26. --- Can you_____ your little brother I’m busy now. --- OK. I’ll do it right now. A. wear B. put on C. dress D. in % 27. --- All the clerks went home _____ Mr. Wang. Why --- Because he had to finish his work. A. except B . besides C. without D. beside Some of the plastic bags can ’t ______ after June1. --- Yes, people will use environmental bags instead. A. use B. be use C. be used D. are used 29. ---_____you _____ out the problem, Sam --- Not yet, but I’m going to. A. Did, work B. Are, working C. Have, worked D. Will , work 30. --- Could you tell me _____ ; --- Because she likes her students very much.


2017江苏连云港中考英语试题解析 一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 1. Donald Trump,________ 71 -year-old businessman, was chosen_______ President of the US last year. A. a; a B. a; / C. the, a D. the; the 1. B【解析】考查冠词辨析。句意:唐纳德·特朗普,一个71岁的商人,去年被当选为美国总统。第一空表示泛指,用a;第二空president表示职位时应用零冠词。故选B。 2. 一I am planning a trip to Lianyungang this summer. How is the weather there? 一Not so hot. Sometimes _______ is a bit cool and wet. A. this B. that C. it D. one 2. C【解析】考查代词辨析。句意:——我计划这个暑期去连云港旅游。那里的天气怎么样?——不是很热。有时有点凉爽和潮湿。表示天气用it作主语。故选C。 3. —_______delicious food you served us tonight! Thank you very much! 一I’m glad that you enjoyed it. A. How B. How a C. What D. What a 3. C【解析】考查感叹句。句意:今晚你给我们提供了多么美味的食物呀!非常感谢。——我非常高兴你喜欢它。对名词感叹用what,又food是不可数名词,其前不加a或an。故选C。 (2017·江苏连云港)4. 一Have you heard of the big fire that broke out on Huaguo Mountain at Qingming Festival? —Yes. Luckily, hundreds of firemen went there and _______ the fire immediately. A. put off B. put away C. put down D. put out 4. D【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:——你听说清明节在花果山上突发的那场大火了吗?——是的,幸运的是,上百名消防员及时赶到并且扑灭了大火。put off推迟;put away 放好;put down 放下;put out熄灭。根据宾语fire可知与其搭配的动词短语应用put out。故选D。 5. 一________do the students in your school do outdoor activities every day? 一At least an hour. A. How often B. How long C. How much D. How far 5. B【解析】考查疑问词辨析。句意:——你们学校的学生每天做多长时间的户外活动?——至少一个小时。how often多久一次;how long多长时间;how much多少,多长时间;how far 多远。根据答语at least an hour可知表示时间段,就“时间段”提问用how long。故选B。 6. —Could I ride an electric bicycle to school, Mr. Wang? 一No, you________. Students under the age of 16 aren't allowed to ride electric bicycles. A. couldn't B. needn't C. can't D. shouldn't 6. C【解析】考查情态动词辨析。句意:——王老师,我可以骑电动车去上学吗?——不,


单项选择 1. Would you mind getting out of the shower, Anna? -_________. A. OK. 1’11 do them right away B. Sorry. It’ll get up now C. Sorry. I won’t be long D. No, I won’t 2. Steve got over ten letters _____ his pen pals ______their New Year’s re solutions last year. A. from, about B, to, of C, about, from D. to, about 3. Abbreviations “gr8”and “ICQ’ are ____used in e-mail English. People use them to chat online. A. carefully B. finally C. hardly D. normally 4.._______ we don’t support our zoos, it will be difficult for them to take good care of animals. A. Unless B. If C, What if D. Though 5. I don't have white shoes for tomorrow’s speech contest. - My brother has _____ pair. Would you like to try _______on? A. a, it B, one, it C. one, them D. two, them 6.______ do the children take art lessons a week? - Three or four times. A. How long B. How many times C. How soon D. How often 7. Andy never breaks the school rules. -_________.They behave well at school. A. So Rosa does B. So does Rosa C. Neither Rosa does D. Neither does Rosa 8. Remember _____to my daughter’s dance show next Friday. - Of course I will. I’II never forget _______her dance for the first time last year. A. to come, to see B. coming, to see C. to come, seeing D. coming, seeing 9.Ellen has to talk to her grandpa loudly because there’s something wrong with the old man’s_____. A. eyes B. teeth C. throat D. ears 10.Mom, _____I hang out with my friends now?- Sure, but you ______clean up your bedroom first. A. can, need B. may, have to C. must, need D. Need, must 11.Will you please sing for the sick at the city hospital to cheer them up?-_______. A. Excuse me. I’m afraid not B. It’s very kind of you C. Certainly. I’ll be glad to D. I’m sorry to hear that 12.Lots of fast food restaurants use the color red _________make customers_________. A. to, eating faster B. want to, eat fast C. to, eat faster D. to, to eat fast 13.Holly has _______fed the dog, but she hasn’t watered the plants______. A. still, already B. already, yet C. yet, still D. yet, already 14.Being a volunteer, I’ll try my best to offer ______help as I can to old people. A, so much B. as many C. as much D. so many 15. Have you ever been to Paris, one of _____cities in Europe? No. But one day I might go there on vacation. A. the pleasant B. the most excited C. more wonderful D. the liveliest 16.I want to know________. Why not ring her up to ask? A. why does Alexis like game shows B. what time is Alexis arriving C. that this hair band belongs to Alexis D. how Alexis will come to my party 17._______Rita _______her mother know my address. They often drop by my home. A. Not, but B. Both, and C. Either, or I D. Not only, but also 18.A concert will be held to ________money for homeless people. A. collect B. give up C. send D.Spend


2018年深圳市中考英语试卷及答案 第一部分选择题(60分) I. 词汇(15分) i. 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。(共8小题,每小题1分) 1. —More than 400 street gardens will be built in Shenzhen, —Good news! Our city becomes more and more beautiful. A. Over B. Around C. Nearly 2. —Tim, you spent too much time on computers. It is harmful to your eyes. —I see. Thank you. I will do more sports instead. A. is good for B. is bad for C. is helpful to 3. —Hi, John! Would you like to go hiking with me tomorrow? —Sounds great! It’s a good way to keep fit. A. lively B. active C. healthy 4. —Mr. Li, I feel a little nervous before the coming exam. —You’d better take a break from studies and relax yourself. A. rest B. breath C. walk 5. —I dream to be a great dancer when I grow up. —That’s great. But it requires confidence and practice. A. gets B. has C. needs 6. —Excuse me. Could you please tell me how to get to the Concert Hall? —Sure. Go down the street, and you’ll find it close to the Book City. A. behind B. opposite C. near 7. —Tony, have you a plan for the summer vacation? —Not yet. Perhaps I’ll go to my hometown with my family. A. Maybe B. Actually C. Generally 8. —Our English club will put on a famous art play during the School Art Week. —Really? I can’t wait to watch it. A. work on B. act out C. make up ii. 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共7小题,每小题1分) 9. —Simon always reads for half an hour before bedtime every day. —That’s a good ________. Reading makes a full man. A. dream B. wish C. habit 10. —Do you still remember our primary school teacher, Mrs. Liu? —Yes, she always encouraged us and gave us support ________ we met difficulties. A. whenever B. whatever C. however 11. —I’m looking forward to the final of the 2018 World Cup. —Me too. I hope the German team will be the ________. It’s my favorite. A. player B. winner C. loser 12. —The piano lessons are too hard for me, I nearly give up. —You should be ________. I believe you’ll make it. A. careful B. helpful C. patient



今天给大家整理了一波英语作文题目和范文,语文和英语都可以提前积累,甚至可以试试看往年中考的题型 可以先对照着题目写一篇之后,和范文对比一下哪里不同,最后把范文背下来,这样就会有积累的效果啦! 2018福建中考英语作文 A卷作文 书面表达:假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Henry对武术感兴趣。请你根据以下信息提示,用英语给他写一封电子邮件,邀请他暑假来观摩你校举办的首届武术节,感受中华武术文化。 词数80左右。 Time: July 7 to 9 2018 Activities: competitions, shows HIstory of Wu Shu: thousands of years Benfits of Wu Shu: ... 注意事项 必须包含所提示的信息,可适当发挥,开头已给出,不计入字数; 意思清楚,表达通顺,行文连贯,书写规范; 请勿在文中使用真实姓名、校名及提及信息以外的地名。 参考词汇:practice Wu Shu 官方范文 Dear Henry: I am glad that you are interested in Wushu. Here I’ve got good news for you. The first Wushu Festival of our school is going to be held from July 7 to 9 2018. I’d like to invite you to the festival. You can watch many Wushu competitions and enjoy wonderful shows. Chinese Wushu has a history of thousands of years. Practicing Wushu is a good way to improve our health. Besides, it helps us to develop strong wills. Most of us like it very much. I hope you will come and experience Chinese Wushu culture. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Yours, Li Hua B卷作文 书面表达:假如你是李华,现就读于一所国际学校。你校正在举行“我与传统文化有个约会” 的主题活动,请选择你喜欢的一个传说故事或一种传统工艺品,用英语写一篇短文,分享中 国传统文化。词数80左右。


2017年中考英语试卷分析 纵观今年英语试卷,稳中有变,语法考查全面,难易适中;文章体裁多样,将知识、能力考查与情感价值观教育有机融合、无缝对接,体现了初中英语课程规范与中考说明的理念与要求,对今后的英语教案有着良好的指导作用。 (一)试卷结构 2017年中考与2016年河北省中考英语试卷结构总体保持稳定。试卷分卷Ⅰ和卷Ⅱ两部分。卷Ⅰ为选择题,卷Ⅱ为非选择题,共十一大题,总分为120分(听力部分30分,笔试部分90分),考试时间为120分钟。和2016年相比,2017年的单项选择、词语运用分值有了较大变化。单项选择由15个调整为10个,分值也由15分调整为10分,词语运用由5个小题增加到10个小题,分值也由5分增加到10分,其他题仍然沿用2016年的分值分配,重点仍旧在主观题的考查即学生阅读,写作能力的考查。 (二)试卷特点 2017年试卷在保持难度稳定的原则下,在测试内容和测试方式上有所突破。试卷考点全、辐射面广,涉及语法工程中的37个小项,功能意念工程中的56个小项,话题工程中的65个小项。语法工程中的宾语从句,从单选调整到了连词成句,I think we should take a walk after supper.这在连续多年的考察中是大的突破,宾语从句在给出个人反应“Givea personal reaction”中语言作为工具的功能得以体现。 2.渗透文化品格,体现学科素养 试卷凸显学科特色,注重培养学生的英语学科综合素养。任务型阅读帮助

学生理解“感恩”文化内涵,吸收在感恩节餐桌上分享感恩的事例,吸取share something they are thankful for的文化精华,形成正确的价值观念,感恩生活,享受当下,从而培养对优秀文化的理解和认同。书面表达题以演讲稿的形式,引领学生深入思考,认识并接纳自我,充满希望地规划自己的未来,是整套试卷全面、客观评价考生在学科学习目标方面的较好形式。 3.以人为本,滋养学生心灵成长 试卷从立意和设题等维度,关注学生的心智成长和健康人格的发展。完形填空题通过小男孩摘玫瑰花被刺扎到的经历,体会“别人警告你再多次都没有你亲身碰壁让你印象深刻”。本题在文章的关键信息点设空,考查学生对文章主旨的理解;阅读理解C文通过蝴蝶未经破茧挣扎不能实现自我蜕变的现象,鼓励学生保持强大的内心,面对并克服困难方能做生活的强者。60小题要求学生在理解全文的基础上总结提炼文章主题,达到了“学中考,考中学”的育人目的。五篇文章都极具教育意义,可读性极强。我们仿佛又一次经历了人生的洗礼,内心充满了正能量,文章也对中学生未来的学习和生活有积极的指导作用。 (三)题型分析 1.听力部分 听力试卷的选材以口语材料为主,突出交际功能,考查学生获取信息、推理判断和正确应答的能力。 Ⅰ.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。第1小题考查单词辨音,三个名词;16,17年中考都是三个名词。第2小题考查的是三个on短语,16年中考第3小题考查也是短语辩音;第3小题考查时间短语,16年中考第2小题考查
