

“外研社”杯英语辩论赛章程CONSTITUTION OF THE “FLTEP”CUP ENGLISH DEBATING COMPETITION OF CUFE “外研社杯”全国英语辩论赛是中国创办最早、规模最大的英语辩论赛事。参赛对象是国内全日制大学在校生。每年,“外研社杯”都吸引着来自各地的百余支大学代表队,获奖队伍会在主办方外语教学与研究出版社(外研社FLTRP)的全程资助下,赴东南亚、澳洲、美洲、欧洲等地,参加世界级辩论比赛。




Steven Johnson是美国阿拉斯加大学副教授、辩论专家,世界大学生辩论赛委员会秘书。从2003年开始,他一直担任“外研社杯”辩论赛的主裁判一职。这些年来,Steven先生始终致力于推动中国辩论事业的发展,并将许多优秀的世界赛事介绍给了中国学生。自第十四届比赛开始使用的“英国议会制”辩论形式(BP Style),也将在Steven先生的指导下积极展开。

The Charter of FLTRP Cup National English Debating Competition

General rules

1. Introduction

The “FLTRP CUP” National English Debating Competition(hereafter referred to as “the Competition”) inaugurated in 1997 is the onlynational English debating event in China. The FLTRP CUP National EnglishDebating Competition is jointly hosted by the Foreign Language Teaching andResearch Press, Cambridge University Press and the International Debate EducationAssociation (IDEA), coordinated by the China English Language EducationAssociation (CELEA), English Speaking Union (ESU), English Language Learningmagazine (ELL) , and sponsored by CASIO (Shanghai).

2. Competition Format

The Competition shall be conducted in the BritishParliamentary Debating Style (also known as the World Universities DebatingChampionships Style) as defined in Part 2.

3. Required qualificationsfor the competition

A debater must be a registeredfull-time undergraduate of Chinese nationality in a Chinese territoryeducational institution. Those who have wonoverseas awards of the past CCTV CUP English

Speaking Contest or past FLTRP CUPNational English Debating Competition are excluded from participating in theFLTRP Cup.

The British Parliamentary format

1. The Teams

Four teams of two debaters participate in each British Parliamentarydebate round. The teams supporting themotion are referred to as the "Proposition." The teams arguingagainst the motion are known as the "Opposition" teams. Two teams represent the Proposition: theOpening Proposition and the Closing Proposition. Two teams represent the Opposition: theOpening Opposition and the Closing Opposition. Each of these teams competes against all other teams in the round andwill be ranked 1st through 4th at the conclusion of thedebate.

2. Speaker Order

Each speaker will present a single speech in the order prescribedbelow.

3. Speech timing

Each speech will be 7 minutes. Points of Information are allowed after the first minute and before thelast


近几年外研社英文辩论赛主要辩题分类别整理作者: 医学类 require all healthy citizens to register their bone marrow data and donate marrow when needed. 所有健康公民应被强制登记骨髓数据并捐献。 House believes that animals should not be used as objects of sport and entertainment.动物不应被用作体育或娱乐活动的对象。 believes that doctor should never lie to their patients, even for their own good. 医生不应在任何时候对病人欺瞒病情。 grant those diagnosed with terminal illnesses the right to access treatments that have not completed clinical testing. 绝症患者应有权选择使用尚未完成临床测试检验的新药物或疗法。 house would ban all cosmetic surgeries. 美容整形应予以禁止。 ask smokers to pay for their own medical expenses. 吸烟者不应被提供医疗报销。 文化类

ban time-travel TV series in prime time. 应禁止在黄金时间播出穿越电视剧。 copyright of visual media belongs to the subject and not the photographer.影像制品的版权应归属被摄影人员而不是摄影单位。 have a Men’s day. 庆祝妇女节的同时也应设立男士节。 house would allow citizens to hide their health condition in job application.公民在求职时可隐瞒健康问题(如心脏病,肝炎,艾滋病等)。 house would ban beauty pageant. 选美比赛应被禁止。 ban war simulation games. 战争模拟游戏应当被立法禁止。 vegetarianism. “素食主义”应当被倡导。 教育类


世界大学生英语辩论赛辩题库(部分) 摘自:人人网 作者:Jade WUDC Berlin 2013 Motions Round 1 THW create public housing for the poor in wealthy areas Round 2 THBT Japan should acquire nuclear weapons Round 3 THW only imprison individuals who pose a direct and continuing threat to society Round 4 THBT International development institutions (such as the World Bank) should not finance natural resource extraction projects in corrupt states Round 5 THBT self described progressive males of dominant ethnicities are morally obliged to refrain from taking positions of responsibility where there is a qualified alternative candidate from a historically disadvantaged group who would otherwise receive the post Round 6 THW legally permit soldiers to refuse to participate in military actions or missions on the basis of conscience Round 7 THBT European Union nations should forgive Greece?s sovereign debt


英语辩论赛主持人串词 A:Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. B:Welcome to our English Debate Competition 合:We are honored to be the chairman for today's debating contest. A:I am Chen Fuquan. B:I am Zhai Wanyin. A:At first, let’s welcome our judges. Miss Zhong and Miss Sun. B:And also, let’s welcome our debaters from both sides come to this stage.We have 3 groups of tonight. A:I believe most of you want to know these debaters just as I do. So every debater, could you introduce yourself to the audience? Let’s start with debater number 1 from the affirmative side. (从正方一辩开始分别进行自我介绍,直到正方四辩自我介绍结束。) B:Now it is time for the negative side to introduce yourselves. (从反方一辩开始分别进行自我介绍,直到反方四辩自我介绍结束。) I think all of you have known the topic for this debate contest. (宣布辩题及相关背景材料, 介绍正反双方所持观点。) Now, I would like to introduce the rules for this debate contest. In order to ensure objectivity and impartiality, interrupting is not allowed. No controversial topics. Direct attacks are also prohibited. 现在,我想向大家介绍本次辩论大赛的规则。为了确保客观性和公正性,中断是不允许的。没有争议的话题。也禁止直接攻击。 A:We can see every debater of both sides is very confident; we are looking forward for your wonderful performance and hope you can give us an excellent debate contest. Score will be given according to your pronunciation, linguistic fluency and content. 现在,我想向大家介绍本次辩论大赛的规则。为了确保客观性和公正性,中断是不允许的。没有争议的话题。也禁止直接攻击。我们可以看到,每一个双方辩手是非常有信心的,我们期待着你的精彩表现,希望你能给我们一个很好的辩论大赛。分数将根据你的发音,语言的流畅性和内容。 As everyone is ready now, here starts the debate. (依照比赛程序进行比赛) B:Now,let’s come to the first stage, the opening statement. During this stage, debater number 1of both sides should give an opening statement. Each debater has 2 minutes. When time is up, our fine-keeper will show you by a sign. Debater number 1of affirmative side, are you ready? Time begins.现在,让我们来的第一阶段,致开幕词。 在这个阶段,双方应致开幕词。每个的辩手有2分钟。当时间到了,我们的评委会举起一个牌子。正方1辯,你准备好了吗?开始时间。


关于英语辩论赛的技巧 英语辩论赛的技巧:多用反问句 在进行比赛的时候,可以多用一些反问句来增加气势,让对方觉得你准备充足,如经常用到Don't you think that。 英语辩论赛的技巧:语句要尽量简短 在英语辩论赛的时候尽量要以短小、简短的句子为主,用词要简单,道理浅显,别人一听就知道你在说的话语,而不是要想半天才明白你在说什么,如可以说you are bad,就尽量不要说you are not good。 英语辩论赛的技巧:要围绕主题 有些参加英语辩论赛的朋友,很多时候不知不觉在说的过程中就偏离了主题,其实这个对于英语辩论赛来说是很分的,一定切记要围绕主题,要有好心态,不要太心急。 英语辩论赛的技巧:保持微笑 每次站起来的时候要先微笑,过两秒再进行辩论。脸上保持微笑,这样会表示自己充满自信,也可以放松自己,同时给辩论对方一种气势,造成对方一定的心理压力。 英语辩论赛的技巧:语速要慢 记得你这个是英语辩论赛,全程是用英语进行的,你的对手在你说话快的程度可能会听得到明白你在说话,但大部分听众对于你说得快的情况就会不知道你在说什么,这样就是失去辩论的意义。 辩论赛技巧: 1、打乱阵脚:组织有序进攻,打乱对方的阵脚,使之兵未败而阵先乱,岂有不败之理? 2、直击底线。有意识地对对方底线全力猛攻,使其自我动摇,无力接济,仅有招架之功,却无还手之力,处于被动境地。 3、时间把握:即从严把握本方时间,有意启导、引导对方在无意识中把规定时间及早耗尽,以造成缺席审判的情势,这对本方极为有利。 4、节奏把握:自由辩论的时间不长,但是由于争锋剧烈,对抗性强,故往往呈现出很强的快节奏。一般而言,一强到底,一胜到底的队伍不多,这就需要有韧劲和力量持久才能取胜。故有经验的辩论队往往是先弱后强,欲擒故纵。其利在于先让对方强,以观察其底气,辨别其优劣,在制伏它。 5、避锋折锐:针锋相对,往往会陷于对峙和僵持。你针尖我麦芒,你推我搡,既不利于取胜,现场效果也不好。故有经验的辩论队往往不正面迎击,而是闪避一旁,轻轻折断其锋锐。这种闪避不是回避问题,而是巧用智力,或侧击、或高压、或机智、或幽默,巧击要害,巧借场上效果来使对方退却。简言之,即以大智大巧而对,不以表面热闹、直硬相拼见高低。 大家一定要记得上面所说的几点,并且多点练习就好。


近几年外研社英文辩论赛主要辩题分类别整理作者:大工英辩 医学类 1.THW require all healthy citizens to register their bone marrow data and donate marrow when needed. 所有健康公民应被强制登记骨髓数据并捐献。 2.This House believes that animals should not be used as objects of sport and entertainment. 动物不应被用作体育或娱乐活动的对象。 3.TH believes that doctor should never lie to their patients, even for their own good. 医生不应在任何时候对病人欺瞒病情。 4.THW grant those diagnosed with terminal illnesses the right to access treatments that have not completed clinical testing. 绝症患者应有权选择使用尚未完成临床测试检验的新药物或疗法。 5.This house would ban all cosmetic surgeries. 美容整形应予以禁止。 6.THW ask smokers to pay for their own medical expenses. 吸烟者不应被提供医疗报销。 文化类 1.THW ban time-travel TV series in prime time. 应禁止在黄金时间播出穿越电视剧。 2.THBT copyright of visual media belongs to the subject and not the photographer. 影像制品的版权应归属被摄影人员而不是摄影单位。 3.THW have a Men’s day. 庆祝妇女节的同时也应设立男士节。 4.This house would allow citizens to hide their health condition in job application.


“外研社杯”全国大学生英语辩论赛比赛细则 一、报名方式 以团队为单位报名,每队由2名学生组成(即一个人扮演两个辩手的角色),填写详细准确的报名信息。内容包括: (1)队名(要求:积极向上,控制在10个字符之内,中英文不限),队名将作为该队在选拔赛对阵表中唯一标识; (2)2名辩手的姓名、所在院系及年级、手机号、常用邮箱; (注:赛前将由指导老师统一进行辩论指导) 二、参赛队伍构成: 每轮比赛由两支队伍构成,每队设两名辩手,正方一辩称为Leader of Proposition(正方领袖),二辩为Member of Proposition(正方成员);反方一辩称为Leader of Opposition(反方领袖), 二辩为Member of Opposition(反方成员)。 三、比赛规则: 为与省复赛及全国决赛接轨,本比赛采用目前国际流行的“议会式”辩论赛制(以下简称BP,即British Parliamentary Debating Format)。 比赛采用淘汰制,两个人组一队,参赛队伍通过抽签决定对手、辩论场地以及正方、反方。第一轮比赛结束,共有4支队伍晋级第二轮比赛。通过第二轮比赛选出2支队伍,最终产生PK选出一支队伍参加“外研社杯”全国大学生英语辩论赛福建省区复赛。(若参加比赛的队伍为单数,将通过抽签的方式选出一支队伍与第一轮比赛成绩最低的队伍PK,最终决定该队伍是否晋级第二轮复赛)四、辩论题目:This House Believes That Cooperation is better than Competition in promoting social advancement与竞争相比,合作更能使社会进步 五、比赛流程 (1)评分标准:每支辩论队两名辩手得分之和视为队伍得分,75分代表比赛选手的平均水平 (2)选手发言顺序: 每位选手都应按以下顺序进行发言:


辩论赛范文英文用英语写一篇英语辩论赛的欢迎稿 克隆利弊争论比较大的就是伦理问题 作为正方可以回避伦理问题,抓住治疗科研方面突破,攻击对方弱点,让其无还手之机。 To clone or not to clone, is that the question? Advanced technology has already pushed human being to edges,such as the production of weapons of mass destruction,the destruction of Ozone by Freon ,and the application of clone.The heated deabte over whether cloning technique should be used in human reproduc-- tion must be considered as a serious issue. Clone, to a certain degree, is beneficial to mankind.Such disease as Parkinsons will possiblly be cured in the future in the hope of further applying of clone.However,the abuse of this technology will bring human being unthinkable destruction.

Since the declaration of the death of Dolly,we are more conscious of the inefficient procedure of clone.Acorrding to "Dolly's false legacy",the incidence of death among fetuses and offspring produced by cloning is much higher than it is through natural reproduction--roughly 10 times as high as normal before birth and 3 times as high after birth.And even you may argue that this technology will be perfected in the future, i don't see there is any point in whole--being cloning. Many people consider this technology a promising one as to bring all human being to a new era in which all human reproduction will be aomplished by cloning.Thus scientists in some countries have already started their great plan to clone human.But let's think, what is the practical value in doing so?You may ___ me that it can bring hope for those couples unable to have children because they might choose to have a copy of one of them rather than aept the gene intrusion from a doner.But imagine,if you have a child owning the same apperance as yours or your husband's, will you aept it without any unfort?


我方坚持认为” 应该是脱口而出We firmly insist that,“开头的观点the beginning viewpoint”,“最后的陈词the final statement” Honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen..... Ways to open a debate ?To set the framework for our opinion, we believe it is necessary to state… ?We would like to introduce our stand by giving the following definitions. … ?In order to effectively debate this topic, we would like to propose…. ? A number of key issues arise which deserve closer examination. ?We will elaborate one of the most striki ng features of this problem, namely… ?In the first place we would like to make clear that….The main argument focuses on…. 1. Giving Reasons and offering explanations: ?To start with…, The reason why..., That's why..., For this reason..., That's the reason why..., ?Many people think...., Considering..., Allowing for the fact that..., When you consider that..., 2. Asking for an opinion from the other party ?I would be glad to hear your opinio n of … 我很乐意听听你对……的意见。 ?Are you of the same opinion as me? 你与我的看法一致吗? ?I was wondering where you stood on the question of … 我想知道你对……问题怎么看。 ?well…what do you think (about ?Do you agree? (don't you agree?)你同意吗?(你是不是同意?) ?What's your view on the matter? how do you see it?你怎么看它? ?let‘s have your opinion.让我们听听你的意见! ?do you think that…?你认为…吗 3. Stating an opinion陈述观点 ?I think..., In my opinion..., I believe… I'd like to point out that我想指出的是… ?Speaking for myself站在自己的立场上说…In my experience…根据我的经验… ?I'd like to say this:…我会这样说… I'd rather..., I'd prefer..., ?The way I see it..., As far as I'm concerned...,就我而言,… ?If it were up to me..., I suspect that..., ?I'm pretty sure that..., It is fairly certain that..., ?I'm convinced that..., I honestly feel that…, ?I strongly believe that..., Without a doubt...


广州大学 教务〔2016 〕169号 关于组织我校本科生参加2017年全国大学生 英语竞赛的通知 各学院: 根据全国大学生英语竞赛组委会通知,2017年全国大学生英语竞赛( National English Contest for College Students,简称NECCS)报名工作已经启动。为做好此项工作,现将有关事项通知如下: 一、竞赛宗旨与目的 全国大学生英语竞赛是经教育部批准的全国性的大学生英语综合能力竞赛活动,旨在贯彻落实教育部关于大学英语教学改革的精神,培养大学生的英语素质,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,全面展示全国各高校大学英语教学水平和教学改革的成果,提高大学生英语综合运用能力,推动全国大学英语教学上一个新台阶。

二、组织机构 本次比赛由教务处、外国语学院主办,外语教育训练实践基地承办。 三、报名日期和办法 1.报名费:根据全国竞赛组委文件规定参赛费30元/人。 2.报名方法:以各学院各专业自然班为单位统一集体缴费,不接受个人缴费。报名流程: (1)请报名学生于2016年12月19日--2016年12月26日登录数字广大教务系统网页报名(登录后 -> 活动报名->)。请及时通过系统报名,逾期系统将关闭报名功能,不再接受任何形式任何人的报名。 (2)报名学生于2016年12月28日前以班级为单位将报名费统一通过银行转账至指定大赛账号(账号由本竞赛联系人刘老师通过邮件回复发送)。缴费完毕后须带转账回执和报名信息汇总表--大学生英语竞赛报名表.xls(学号、学院、专业班级、姓名、邮箱地址、电话,由学习委员负责)至外语教育训练基地(文俊西608)现场确认。不确认者将会被视作报名无效。报名确认时间: 2016年12月29日- 30日9:00-12:00,14:00--16:00 (3)参赛准赛证在考试前(2017年3月底)发放,具体时间和地点另行通过邮件通知,请报名学生关注。 3.大赛联系人:刘老师联系邮箱:gzeccs@https://www.360docs.net/doc/bd16299910.html,


Thanks for the Chairman,please let me give my best wishes to everyone here。Now,I will give you the conclusion of this debate。 Reviewing all the debate,it’s not difficult for us to find that there are three important errors my opposite debaters had made. First of all,Perhaps you ignored to analysis the topic of our debate. What we are discussing is which is more important,instead of that which is important;If I understood you correctly, you said that we are dependent on the opportunity so that we woul d say “NO” to the hard work,which I’m What we want to express is that when someone has opportunity and the hard work at the same time,The former is more important for him to achieve success. Wha t’s more,as we all know,man proposes, god disposes. AS the competitive nature of our society are more and more Intense in today’s life,people have to learn much more knowledge,put in more by ourselves while we can do hard work as much as possible。Thus,we insist that luck and opportunity are more important than hard work for people if you want to get succeed. The power of hard work is limited. Some things are just out of our reach. For instance, We pray for good weather before our picnic day, we pray for a clear head for a big test, we pray for a long life free of illness and accidents. We say “good luck” a lot and we really mean it. Everyone of us will need luck and opportunity at some point in our life.


在座的各位大家晚上好, 由于绝大多数的学生都是在学校里吃住,所以像电视机,冰箱,洗衣机等大型电子产品与大学生生活并不是很大。与当代大学生有密切联系的电子产品主要有电脑,手机,U盘等小型电子产品。 诚如刚刚我方辩友所说,在这电子科技迅速发展的时代,电子产品确实给我们大学生带来了便捷的生活,但与此同时,也带来了很多负面影响。所以我方坚持认为“电子产品对于大学生是弊大于利” 众所周知,当代大学生是一个先进的群体,所以功能丰富的电子产品特别能吸引大学生。而当代大学生又是知识的追求者,书籍上的内容已经完全无法来满足他们的求知欲了。这时候对方辩友肯定会说现代的电子产品还能丰富大学生的课余生活,但是不知大家有没有发现,在手机,电脑等一些电子产品渐渐入侵我们的生活时,我们也越来越离不开它们了,他们逐渐成为了我们生活的必需品。 请对方辩友好好反思一下,是否出门在外发现手机没带会心慌意乱?是否感觉电子产品把整个世界变小了,却让我们离身边的人越来越远了?是否感觉我们宅在家里的时间长了,出去运动的时间越来越少了?我们专注做事情的时间越来越少,而分散注意力上网的时间越来越多了? 看,对电子产品的过分依赖和过度使用已经严重影响到了大学生的作息和身体健康状况。但是很多时候我们明明知道确纠正不过来,毕竟电子产品就在桌子上,诱惑那么大。“亚当和夏娃都偷吃禁果了,我们怎么就不能玩一下手机呢?” 正是因为现代大学生还抵抗不了对电子产品带来的诱惑,所以其带来的危害远远大于其利处。 最后,我方坚持认为“电子产品对于大学生是弊大于利” Everyone here good evening, Due to the vast majority of students are at school to eat to live, so like televisions, refrigerators, washing machines and other large electronic products and college students' life is not very great. Is closely related to contemporary college students of electronic products mainly include computer, mobile phone, U disk and other small electronic products.


英文辩论赛流程和规则 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

附件: 英语辩论赛流程以及评分标准 一、英语辩论赛流程 英语辩论赛采用国际议会制比赛形式,参照第十三届“外研社杯”全国英语辩论赛的要求,具体流程为: 1、主席致辞:宣布辩题及辩题相关背景资料;介绍选手包括学院、专业、年级及正反方所持观点等;介绍评委及比赛规则。 2.、比赛阶段: 比赛由正方和反方组成,双方各两名选手,选手可自行分工,一人担任一辩,一人担任二辩。比赛前15分钟主席将辩题(motion)公布给两队,并由抓阄决定正反方,正方对辩题持肯定态度,反方对辩题持否定态度,双方在辩论开始前有15分钟准备时间,辩论具体进行过程如下:1)正方一辩发言(7分钟) 第一分钟结束时--举牌提示,第六分钟结束时--举牌提示,第七分钟结束时---举牌提示 2)反方一辩发言(8分钟) 第一分钟结束时--举牌提示,第七分钟结束时--举牌提示,第八分钟结束时---举牌提示 3)正方二辩发言(8分钟) 第一分钟结束时--举牌提示,第七分钟结束时--举牌提示,第八分钟结束时---举牌提示 4)反方二辩发言(8分钟)

第一分钟结束时--举牌提示,第七分钟结束时--举牌提示,第八分钟结束时---举牌提示 5)反方一辩总结(4分钟) 第一分钟结束时--举牌提示,第三分钟结束时--举牌提示,第四分钟结束时---举牌提示\ 6)正方一辩总结(5分钟) 第一分钟结束时--举牌提示,第四分钟结束时--举牌提示,第五分钟结束时---举牌提示 比赛阶段注意事项: 在提示牌提示结束后,有20秒宽限期,发言者必须在此期间内完成自己的发言,如果超过宽限期,则扣分.如果发言者发言时间远远少于规定时间,则评委会将此看作没有充分展开自己的观点而给发言者扣分. 在前1-4环节中,对方可以根据发言者正在申诉的论点提出本方的观点(pointofinformation,简称为POI) 比赛阶段提问者提出POI的注意事项: 1)POI要简短,切题,机智。严禁针对比赛规则和个人提出问题;2)提出POI时要从座位上起立,并举手示意.提问者可以用类似onthatpoint,Sir/Madam 的话引起发言者的注意; 3)发言者可以采取以下方式回应对方提出的POI:语言拒绝(类似sorry)、接受提问(类似ok);


大学英语辩论赛的比赛规则及具体流程辩论赛是一场思维反映能力的竞赛,语言表达能力的竞赛,也是综合能力的竞赛。下面是搜集整理的大学英语辩论赛的比赛规则及具体流程,欢迎阅读。更多资讯请继续关注辩论赛栏目! 大学英语辩论赛的比赛规则及具体流程 本次大赛采用国际议会制比赛形式,参照第十三届“外研社杯”全国英语辩论赛的要求,具体流程为: 1、主席致辞:宣布辩题及辩题相关背景资料;介绍选手包括学院、专业、年级及正反方所持观点等;介绍评委及比赛规则。 2.、比赛阶段: 1)正方一辩发言(7分钟) 第一分钟结束时--举牌提示,第六分钟结束时--举牌提示,第七分钟结束时---举牌提示 2)反方一辩发言(8分钟) 第一分钟结束时--举牌提示,第七分钟结束时--举牌提示,第八分钟结束时---举牌提示 3)正方二辩发言(8分钟) 第一分钟结束时--举牌提示,第七分钟结束时--举牌提示,第八分钟结束时---举牌提示 4)反方二辩发言(8分钟) 第一分钟结束时--举牌提示,第七分钟结束时--举牌提示,第八分钟结束时---举牌提示

5)反方一辩总结(4分钟) 第一分钟结束时--举牌提示,第三分钟结束时--举牌提示,第四分钟结束时---举牌提示 6)正方一辩总结(5分钟) 第一分钟结束时--举牌提示,第四分钟结束时--举牌提示,第五分钟结束时---举牌提示 注意事项: 在提示牌提示结束后,有20秒宽限期,发言者必须在此期间内完成自己的发言,如果超过宽限期,则扣分.如果发言者发言时间远远少于规定时间,则评委会将此看作没有充分展开自己的观点而给发言者扣分. 在前1-4环节中,对方可以根据发言者正在申诉的论点提出本方的观点(point of information,简称为POI)提问者提出POI的注意事项: 1)POI要简短,切题,机智。严禁针对比赛规则和个人提出问题; 2)提出POI时要从座位上起立,并举手示意.提问者可以用类似on that point,Sir/Madam的话引起发言者的注意; 3)发言者可以采取以下方式回应对方提出的POI:语言拒绝(类似sorry)、接受提问(类似ok); 4)如果提出POI的要求被发言者接受,那么POI的陈述要以澄清事实或提出评论为形式,用一两句话在15秒内表达出来;如果被发言者拒绝,那么提问者坐回原位,准备下一次提问; 5)POI只能在前四个环节中提出,最后两个环节不能提出,前四个环节内第一分钟和最后一分钟内不可以提出POI; 6)发言者如果接受POI,那么就应针对提问并围绕自己的发言回答问题;

辩论 英文一辩稿

Honorable judges, ladies and gentleman, my fellow debaters., good evening. Our side firmly believes that “live to work” means more to people. First of all, let’s have a look at the definitions of these two words. According to Collins advanced English dictionary, live not only means someone in a particular kind of life, but also means live for something, in order to achieve something in their life. Workit's not just doing a job which can enable us to earn money. It's exerting ourselves by doing mental or physical work for a purpose or out of necessity. Following are some aspects which can support our argument. First of all, work is a source of self-esteem and

satisfaction. We are emotionally dependent on it. Because we live in this world, we have need and desire, so we have to find a way to satisfy our need and desire. Our enthusiastic passion for work enhances our quality of life. Second, living to work is a positive living attitude. Live to work make people keep step to society development and progress. In the case of we are living in a competitive world, a positive attitude of living to work can make us keep pace with the world. Last but not least, only by choosing the attitude of living to work can we be unselfish and do more contribution to our society and environment.On the one hand, it will promote human civilization.On the


辩论赛经典实用辩论技巧 一、辩论赛中应该注意的问题 辩论赛中应该注意的问题1. 正方一辩的发言时间控制:正方一辩是整场辩论的第一个发言者他没有驳斥的对象要做的只是把事先准备好的稿子认认真真地念好。不过如果能在念出最后一个字时恰恰时间结束的铃声响起可收到先声夺人之效。这一点极难所以不必强求。正方一辩还有一些战术如在发言结尾向对方提出好几个问题以图扰乱对方一辩发言但对方如稍有经验一般是避而不答于是反而容易暴露本方的进攻点。一辩还常在结尾时说:关于___将由我方二辩、三辩作进一步的阐述。这种做法优点是在配合上显得连贯缺点是可能会破坏一辩的整体气势。如果时间已到而稿子还未念完可以把论点重复一遍然后坐下。 辩论赛中应该注意的问题2. 控制驳论的的比例:除正方一辩外其余辩论队员都面临着如何在发言中处理驳论与立论的关系初学者易犯的毛病:一是明明听到对方漏洞百出却不知从何下手好象武学中的全是空门竟然成了没有空门;二是知道应该驳斥哪一点一站起来就面红耳赤恨不得一棍子把对方打死但是由于无法有效地组织语言说起来吞吞吐吐观众看了都替他着急。驳论应该注意的问题是:①事先有所准备对方可能从哪点进攻做到心中有数可以把想到的驳论分点写在卡片上对方谈到哪一点就抽出哪张卡片放在稿子开头; ②首先驳斥对方的常识性错误及口误如对方背错

了某句诗词或在某句话中漏掉了一些关键字而导致意思截然相反都应该抓住机会予以痛击;临场驳斥要注意对方发言中的开头一段因为时间有限如果驳斥其结尾往往来不及组织语言; ③反驳的对象不要太过分散不超过3点; ④最好是针对前一个发言者进行驳斥如果中间已经隔了几轮发言驳斥的效果会减弱。当然对方的重大漏洞或关键的论点、论据例外; ⑤确实觉得反驳有困难可以只立论。 辩论赛中应该注意的问题3. 语言通俗化、口语化:初看辩论的人可能会觉得那些辩论稿满篇都是听不懂的新名词的辩手才是高手其实恰恰相反。前面已经说过辩手经过准备之后对辩题的理解往往比评委深刻这时既要深得入又要浅得出发言时要避免使用专用术语即使用也要作说明此外要多使用比喻、举例、排比等手法。如果能在发言中以幽默的语言或大义凛然的陈词引起观众的笑声和掌声对评委会产生较大影响这一点也同样适用于自由辩论。 辩论赛中应该注意的问题4. 概念的模糊和清晰:其实不光是概念很多场合都需要模糊的语言让对方找不到靶子这似乎和第3点有点矛盾但第3点指的是一般情况而这里指的却是特殊情况。举个例子:在法治能消除腐败的训练赛中我持正方立场这时我方面临的一个难题是怎样给消除下一个定义消除的权威定义是使不存在如果同意这个定义显然不利;如果不同意这个定义又实在太难驳倒甚至很难防守。最后我方采用了这样的定义:法治能消除腐


英语辩论赛常用词 总 法汇 表达 汇和 辩论赛English debating Competition 辩论赛事debating event 决赛grand final 打分score the competition t he definition 主办 h ost\manage 正方pro side 定义要合理 会制辩论preliamentary 反方con side 议 should be reasonable 正方一辩the first debater 素材要有说服力matter debating style 赛preliminary debate of pro side should be persuasive 循环 淘汰赛elimination debate 反方一辩the second debater 没有平局there is no draws 八分之一决赛octofinals of con side in competitive competition t imekeeper 一辩:first debater 四分之一决赛quarterfinals 计时员 半决赛semifinals 二辩:second debater ,my fellow debaters 对方辩友 ,Honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen..... 开始的陈词 如果想要驳斥对方的逻辑,进 设 :according to your logic You are missing the point !(你 行假 意,要用 没有说重点!你没有围绕中心!即,他在钻洞子,这个时候他很有可能会说漏 。注 are,不能说成Y ou're,因为这样语气,士气就没有了。) You just don't understand what we talked about !(你根本就没有明白我们刚说了什么!即: 误解了,曲解了) You know what? You are straying from the main point !你知道吗?你已经跑题了!(也要注 意,都用You are) 自由辩论的阶段,可以在他在说的时候,插进去 ,说“W ait!Wait!You just said??,did you?”(当然这句话要用在,你发现对方说的不正确时~~) You are generalizing what I asked !(你在以偏盖全!即:我要你回答这个,但对方你绕过去 了!) Please ask my question!(请不要回避我的问题!请你回答!!) 正方affirmative 反方negative 辩题topic /issue 校园辩论赛academic debate /辩护 a dvocate 辩手 歧义ambiguity 位) 主事者agent of change(负责采取正方计划的人或单 a rgument 辩论argumentation (正式)辩论debate 论点,论据 断言assertion b acking 佐证 "Balance of arguments" judge 裁判式评判人员 "Better job of debating" judge 评审式评判人员 d ata,也作ground 推定presumption c laim 交锋c lash 资料 主张 g oals 通案反驳off-case 命题proposition e vidence 目标 论据 Refutation 反驳Stock issues 核心议题Topicality 合题性W arrant
