SCAN 验厂文件清单

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Business Partner Requirements

1Procedure - selection of business partners including material suppliers, manufacturers, and logistics service providers.


2Business partner contract(s)与商业伙伴签订的合同

3Business partner assessment report(s)商业伙伴年度自我风险评估报告

4Security requirements for contracted logistics service provider 提供给物流公司的最低供应链安全要求

Container & Trailer Security

1Specification on ISO 17712 compliant high-security seal 符合ISO17712高安全封条的规格书

2Procedure - security seals are controlled and are properly applied to a container or trailer by a designated facility representative


3Record - Bill of lading in previous year 过去一年的提货单

4Procedure - covering an unscheduled stop, a compromised shipment, or an unattended shipment shared with the logistics provider and driver

非计划的逗留,破损的货物, 无人照看货物的书面程序

5Procedure - indicating how to recognize a suspected or compromised security seal, container or trailer structure tampering, and how to report the issue to the freight forwarder and appropriate local law enforcement


6Procedure - require that security or shipping personnel verify the security seal number against the bill of lading when the container or trailer departs the facility


7Photo - loaded container or trailer with the security seal affixed 装好货的货柜或拖车并贴上封条的照片

8Procedure - report unauthorized access to a container, a trailer, or product storage areas within the facility including who to notify


9Procedure - inspect the security integrity of a container or trailer prior to loading.装货前检查货柜或拖车的书面程序

10Record - Checklist for the facility conducted a 7-point inspection prior to loading a trailer or container.

7 点检查表

SCAN Document list


Ver. 0

Please kindly prepare below document for auditors review and permit auditors to scan or take photos when neccessary.


11Record - Training pertaining to performing a 7-point container/trailer inspection.

7 点检查的培训记录

Conveyance Security

1Record - driver information log or sheet for all departing shipments 司机信息登记薄

2Procedure - instructing drivers to take designated routes between the origin and the port 指导司机行驶指定线路的书面程序

3Procedure - requires a shipment in transit from the facility to the port or next destination is monitored by technology


4Procedure - security requirement for a contracted less than container load contracted service provider


5Procedure - requirement for a LCL container or trailer is sealed after each stop with either a tamper evident seal or a padlock


6Procedure - outlining steps required to document shipment movement from the facility until delivery to the freight forwarder or airline for making air shipments.


Physical Access Controls

1Procedure - outlining access control to the facility, property, and buildings, to include the issue, removal, and changing of access control devices and ID cards


2Procedure - monitoring and limiting access to critical operational areas of the facility, such as warehouse picking, final packing or packaging, shipping and receiving, to only authorized employees


3Procedure - requiring a visitor to present photo identification upon arrival and their information is recorded into a visitor log/ Record - Visitor log book or sheet


4Procedure - inspecting a visitor's bag or package before entering and leaving the facility 在访客进入和离开工厂之前检查访客箱包和包裹的程序

5Procedure - Inspecting a suspicious package and mail for dangerous materials prior to distribution


6Procedure - Identifying, challenging, and removing an unauthorized person at the facility 在工厂内识别,挑战和移除非授权人员的程序

Personnel Security

1Procedure - employee hiring 员工招聘程序

2Record - written application for employment in the past 60 days.过去60天的招聘记录
