British_History 1 英语国家概况 英国历史相关

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stone into place.
II. Roman Britain
• Questions:
43BC - 410 AD, Welsh Christianity, roman
roads, cities, Hadrian’s wall, Roman Baths
4. Christianity was first brought to Britain by ________.
• The three Teutonic groups were Angles, Saxons and Jutes. From the Anglo-Saxon conquerors came the name “England”, meaning the land of Anglo-Saxons and “English”.
historical interest in the English city of
Bath. The complex is a very well-
preserved Roman site of public bathing.
Roman Baths
They left behind their roads like Chester, Winchester derived from the Roman word castra ( a military camp) and clusters of Christian converts.
• No possession of Scotland, Wales and Ireland, still by Celts
The legend of King Arthur;
King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table were Romanized Celts trying to hold back the advances of the Anglo-Saxons.
• Another wave of Germanic invasion came in the eighth century. These invaders were known as Vikings, the Norsemen or Danes, who came from Scandinavia.
5. The Romans left behind on Britain three things of value, they are ______, the _________ and _______, especially ________.
• The Romans remained in Britain from 43 BC to 410 AD, almost four hundred years (four centuries). They imposed their own way of life and culture. And they brought Christianity to England.
Modern Britain 1902 +
Saxons Vikings
WW ll
I. Prehistory • Questions:
Iberian, Celt, Stonehenge
1. The earliest known settlers on the British Isles were ________.
It is the most famous prehistoric monument in Britain and is situated on Salisbury Plain in the county of Wiltshire. The Iberians began building Stonehenge about 5,000 years ago, dragging each
of Constantinople by the Ottoman Turks.
Hadrian’s Wall (哈德良长城)
Hadrian's Wall, a stone wall barrier built to separate the Romans and the Picts tribes in Scotland 2000 years ago(122 A.D.). It allowed Roman soldiers to control the movements of people coming into or leaving Roman Britain. It was so well built that you can still see parts of it today.
How long was Hadrian's Wall? It was 117 kilometers (73 miles) long across the narrow neck of England, from the North Sea to the Irish Sea.
The Roman Baths complex is a site of
Roman Britain 43 Anglo Saxon Britain
Viking Britain 793
Medieval Britain 1066
Tudor Britain 1485
Stuart Britain 1603
Georgian Britain 1714
Victorian Britain 1837
• In the ninth century they conquered and settled the extreme north and west of Scotland, and also some coastal regions of Ireland.
• Their conquest of England was halted when they were defeated by King Alfred of the Saxon kingdom of Wessex. This resulted in an agreement in 878 which divided England between Wessex in the south and west, and the “Danelaw” in the north and east.
• The Romans left behind on Britain three things of value: Welsh Christianity, the Roman roads and cities, especially London.
The Western Roman Empire collapsed in 476. The Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire endured until 1453 with the capture
• 1. The vicissitudes of dynasties (王朝兴衰)
• 2. The milestones of each stage
• 3. The important events in each stage
A brief timeline of history
Prehistoric Britain BC
III. Anglo-Saxon Britain & Danish Invasion
450, 3 Teutonic groups, Heptarchy, King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table
Viking Britain, 793, King Alfred, the Great
Anglo-Saxon Heptarchy (七国时代)
• The seven principal kingdoms of Kent, Essex, Sussex, Wessex, East Anglia, Mercia and Northumbria have been given the name of Heptarchy, having occupied the lowland zones. – Jutes invasion: In 449, the Jutish chief became the king of Kent; – Anglo-Saxon Conquest: • Saxon : Essex, Sussex, Wessex; • Angles: East Anglia, Northumbria, Mercia ;
• Six periods of class are going to be spent on the history of UK and USA, which provides us with a concise insight into the history from the following 3 aspects:
• Questions:
6. The three Teutonic groups began to migrate from the region of Denmark and Low Countries (Holland, Belgium and Luxemburg) and settled in Britain. The three groups are _____, _____ and _____. From the ________ conquerors came the name “England” and “English”.
• The Vikings lived over one thousand years ago and came from the three countries of Scandinavia: Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
• King Alfred, the Great was not only an able warrior but also a dedicated scholar and a wise ruler. He is the only monarch in English history to be given the title “the Great”.
Sir Lancelot (a Knight of the Round Table whose love affair with Queen Guinevere resulted in a war with King Arthur) on his horse
• The Viking Britain (793)
2. The most famous / biggest relic left by the earliest settlers on British Isles is ________.
3. From 700 B.C, Celts came from ______ and began to inhabit British Isles.
7. In 878, a peace treaty was signed between the Danes and __________, the king of Wessex.
The Anglo-Saxon Conquest
• From the middle of the fifth century, three Teutonic groups began to migrate from the region of Denmark and the Low Countries (Holland, Belgium and Luxemburg) and settled in Britain.