



a (an) [?, e?(?n)] art. 一(个、件……)

abandon [??b?nd?n] v.抛弃,舍弃,放弃

ability [??b?l?t?] n. 能力;才能

able [?e?b(?)l] a. 能够;有能力的

abnormal [?b?n??m(?)l] a. 反常的,变态的

aboard [??b??d] prep. 上(船,飞机,火车,汽车等)abolish [??b?l??]v. 废除,废止

abortion [??b???(?)n] v. 人工流产,堕胎

about [??ba?t] ad. 大约;到处;四处 prep. 关于;在各处;


above [??b?v] prep. 在……上面 a. 上面的 ad. 在……之上abroad [??br??d] ad. 到(在)国外

abrupt [??br?pt] a. 突然的,意外的,粗鲁

absence [??bs?ns] n. 不在,缺席

absent [??bs?nt] a. 缺席,不在

absolute [??bs?lu?t] a. 完全,全部,绝对的

absorb [?b?s??b] v. 吸收,使全神贯注

abstract [??bstr?kt] a./ n. 抽象的(作品)

absurd [?b?s??d] a.荒谬的,怪诞不经的

abundant [??b?nd?nt] a.大量,丰盛的,充裕的

abuse [??bju?z] v.(酗酒)滥用,虐待,恶语

academic [?k??dem?k] a. / n. 学术的,教学的

academy [??k?d?m?] n.专科学院,(美)私立学校

accelerate [?k?sel?re?t] v.(使)加速,加快

accent [??ks?nt] n. 口音,音调

accept [?k?sept] vt. 接受

access [??kses] n. / v. 通道,入径,存取(计算机文件) accessible [?k?ses?b(?)l] a. 可到达的,可接受的,易相处的)accident [??ks?d?nt] n. 事故,意外的事

accommodation [?k?m??de??(?)n] n.住宿,膳宿accompany [??k?mp?n?] v. 陪同,陪伴,与…同时发生accomplish [??k?mpl??] v. 完成

according to [??k??d?? t?] ad. 按照,根据

account [??ka?nt] n. 账目;描述

accountant [??ka?nt(?)nt] n. 会计,会计师accumulate [??kju?mj?le?t] v. 积累,积聚

accuracy [??kj?r?s?] n. 准确,精确

accuse [??kju?z] v. 正确无误的,精确的

accustomed [??k?st?md] a. 习惯于,惯常的

ache [e?k] vi.& n. 痛,疼痛

achieve [??t?i?v] vt. 达到,取得

achievement [??t?i?vm?nt] n. 成就,成绩,功绩

acid [??s?d] a. 酸的

acknowledge [?k?n?l?d?] v. 承认

acquaintance [??kwe?nt?ns] n. 熟人,(与某人)认识acquire [??kwa??(r)] v. 获得,得到

acquisition [?kw??z??(?)n] n. 获得,得到

acre [?e?k?(r)] n. 英亩

across [??kr?s] prep. 横过,穿过

act [?kt]n. 法令,条例 v. (戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏);行动,做事

action [??k?(?)n] n. 行动

active [??kt?v] a. 积极的,主动的

activity [?k?t?v?t?] n. 活动

actor [??kt?(r)] n. 男演员

actress [??ktr?s] n. 女演员

actual [??kt???l] a. 实际的;现实的

acute a.十分严重的,(病)急性的

AD n. 公元

ad [?d] (缩) =advertisement n.广告

adapt [??d?pt] v. 使适应,适合,改编

adaptation [?d?p?te??(?)n] n. 适应,改编本

add [?d] vt.添加,增加

addicted [??d?kt?d] a. 上瘾,成瘾,入迷

addition [??d??(?)n] n.增加;(算数用语)加address [??dres] n. 地址

adequate [??d?kw?t] a. 合适的,合乎需要的

adjust [??d??st] v.调整,调节,适应,习惯

adjustment [??d??stm?nt] n. 调整,适应administration [?dm?n??stre??(?)n] n.管理,行政部门

admirable [??dm?r?b(?)l] a.值得赞赏的,可钦佩的

admire [?d ?ma ??(r)] v. 钦佩;羡慕 admission [?d ?m ??(?)n] n. 准入, 接纳

admit [?d ?m ?t] vt. 承认,准许(入场,入学,入会) adolescence [?d ??'lesns] n. 青春,青春期 adolescent [?d ??les ?nt] n. 青少年 adopt [??d ?pt] v. 收养,领养

adore [??d ??(r)] v. (不用于进行时)热爱,爱慕某人 adult [??d ?lt] n. 成年人

advance [?d ?v ɑ?ns; (US) ?d ?v?ns] v. 推进,促进;前进 advantage [?d ?v ɑ?nt ?d ?] n. 优点; 好处 adventure [?d ?vent ??(r)] n. 冒险; 奇遇 advertise [??dv ?ta ?z] vt. 为……做广告 advertisement [?d ?v ??t ?sm ?nt] n. 广告 advice [?d ?va ?s] n. 忠告,劝告,建议 advise [?d ?va ?z] vt. 忠告,劝告,建议 advocate [??dv ?k ?t] v. 拥护,支持,提倡 aeroplane [`er ?,ple ?n] n. (英)飞机 affair [??fe ?(r)] n. 事,事情 affect [??fekt] vt. 影响

affection [??fek ?(?)n] n. 喜爱,钟爱

afford [??f ??d] vt. 负担得起(…的费用);抽得出(时 间);提供

afraid [??fre ?d] a. 害怕的;担心 Africa [??fr ?k ?]* n. 非洲

African [??fr ?k ?n] a. 非洲的,非洲人的 n. 非洲人 afte [?ɑ?ft ?(r)]r ad. 在后;后来prep. 在…之后;在 后面

c onj. 在…以后

afternoon [ɑ?ft ??nu ?n] n. 下午,午后 afterward(s) [?ɑ?ft ?w ?d(z)] ad. 后来 again [??ɡe ?n] ad. 再一次;再,又 against [??ɡe ?nst] prep. 对着,反对 age [e ?d ?] n. 年龄;时代 agency [?e ?d ??ns ?] n. 代理机构

agenda [??d ?end ?] n. (会议)议程表,议事日程 agent [?e ?d ??nt] n. 代理人,经济人 aggression [??ɡre ?(?)n] n. 侵略

aggressive [??ɡres ?v] a. 侵略的;咄咄逼人 ago [??ɡ??] ad. 以前

agree [??ɡri ?] v. 同意;应允

agreement [??ɡri ?m ?nt] n. 同意,一致;协定,协议 agricultural [?ɡr ??k ?lt ??r(?)l] a. 农业的 agriculture [??ɡr ?k ?lt ??(r)] n. 农业,农学 ahead [??hed] ad. 在前,向前 aid [e ?d] n. 援助;救护;辅助器具 AIDS [e ?dz] n. 艾滋病

aim [e ?m] n.目的;目标 v. 计划,打算;瞄准;针对 air [e ?(r)] n. 空气;大气

aircraft [?e ?kr ɑ?ft] n. 飞机 (单复数同) airline n. 航空公司;航空系统 airmail [?e ?me ?l] n. 航空邮件 airplane [?e ?ple ?n] n. (美)飞机 airport [?e ?p ??t] n. 航空站,飞机场 airspace [?e ?spe ?s] n.领空,(某国的)空域 alarm [??l ɑ?m] n. 警报

album [??lb ?m] n. 相册,影集,集邮簿 alcohol [??lk ?h ?l] n. 含酒精饮料,酒

alcoholic [?lk ??h ?l ?k] a. / n. 含酒精的,酒鬼

algebra [??ld ??br ?] n. 代数 alike [??la ?k] ad. 很相似地,同样地 alive [??la ?v] a. 活着的,存在的

all [??l] ad. 全部地 a. 全(部);所有的;总;整 pron.全部;全体人员

allergic [??l ??d ??k] a. 过敏的,厌恶

alley [??l ?] n. 小巷,胡同

allocate [??l ?ke ?t] v. 拨给,划归,分配…给 allow [??la ?] vt. 允许,准许 allowance [??la ??ns] n. 津贴,补助 almost [???lm ??st] ad. 几乎,差不多 alone [??l ??n] a. 单独的,孤独的

along [??l ??; (US) ??l ??] ad. 向前;和…一起;一同 prep. 沿着;顺着

alongside [?l ???sa ?d; (US) ?l ????sa ?d] ad.在…旁边,与…同时

aloud [??la?d] ad. 大声地

alphabet [??lf?bet] n. 字母表,字母

already [??l?red?] ad. 已经

also [???ls??] ad. 也

alternative [??l?t??n?t?v] a.可供替代,非传统的although [??l?e??] conj. 虽然,尽管

altitude [??lt?tju?d; (US) ?l?t?tu?d] n. 海拔高度altogether [??lt??ɡee?(r)] ad. 总共

aluminium [?lj??m?n??m] n. (化)铝

always [???lwe?z] ad. 总是;一直;永远

am/?m/ v. be的人称形式之一

a.m./. n. 午前,上午

amateur [??m?t?(r)] a. 业余爱好的

amaze [??me?z] v. 惊奇,惊叹;震惊

amazing [??me?z??] a.惊奇,惊叹的;震惊的ambassador (ambassadress) [?m?b?s?d?(r)] n.大使ambiguous [?m?b?ɡj??s] a. 模棱两可的

ambition [?m?b??(?)n] n.目标,野心,雄心,抱负ambulance [??mbj?l?ns] n. 救护车

America [??mer?k?] * n. 美国;美洲

American [??mer?k?n] a. 美国的;美国人的n. 美国人among [??m??] prep. 在…中间;在(三个以上)之间amount [??ma?nt] n. / v. 金额,数量,总计

ample [??mp(?)l] a. 足够的,丰裕的

amuse [??mju?z] vt. (使人)快乐,逗乐

amusement [??mju?zm?nt] n. 娱乐

analyze/ `?nl,a?z / v. 分析

analysis [??n?l?s?s] n. 分析,分析结果

ancestor [??ns?st?(r)] n. 祖宗;祖先

acchor v. / n. 锚,抛锚

ancient [?e?n??nt] a. 古代的,古老的

and [?n d, ?nd] conj. 和;又;而

anecdote [??n?kd??t] n. 逸事,趣闻

anger [???ɡ?(r)] n. 怒,愤怒

angle [???ɡ(?)l] n. 角度

angry [??nɡr?] a. 生气的,愤怒的

animal [??n?m(?)l] n. 动物ankle [???k(?)l] n. 踝,踝关节

anniversary [?n??v??s?r?] n. 周年纪念日

announce [??na?ns] vt. 宣布,宣告

announcement [??na?nsm?nt] n. 通告,通知

annoy [??n??] vt. (使)烦恼

annual [??nj??l] a. 每年的,年度的,一年一次的another [??n?e?(r)] a. 再一;另一;别的;不同的 pron. 另一个

answer [?ɑ?ns?(r); (US) ??ns?r] n.回答,答复;回信;

答案 v.回答,答复;回信;(作出)答案

ant [?nt] n. 蚂蚁

Antarctic [?n?tɑ?kt?k]a. 南极的

the Antarctic [?n?tɑ?kt?k] 南极

Antarctica [?n'tɑ:ktik?] * n. 南极洲

antique [?n?ti?k] n. 古董

anxiety [???za??t?] n. 担忧,焦虑

anxious [???k??s] a. 忧虑的,焦急的

any [?en?] pron. (无论)哪一个;哪些任何的;(用于疑问句、否定句)一些;什么

anybody [?en?b?d?] pron. 任何人,无论谁

anyhow [?en?ha?] ad. 不管怎样

anyone [?en?w?n] pron. 任何人,无论谁

anything [?en?θ??] pron. 什么事(物);任何事(物)anywa [?en?we?]y ad. 不管怎样

anywhere [?en?we?(r)] ad. 任何地方

apart [??pɑ?t] ad, / a. 相隔,相距,除外

apartment [??pɑ?tm?nt] n. (美)楼中单元房,一套房间;房间

apologize [??p?l?d?a?z] vi. 道歉,谢罪

apology [??p?l?d??] n. 道歉;歉意

apparent [??p?r?nt] a. 显而易见

appeal [??pi?l] v. 上诉,申诉,吸引力

appear [??p??(r)] vi. 出现

appearance [??p??r?ns] n. 出现,露面;容貌appendix [??pend?ks]n. 附录,阑尾

appetite [??p?ta?t] n. 食欲,胃口

applaud [??pl??d] v. / n. 鼓掌,赞许,赞赏

apple [??p(?)l] n. 苹果

applicant [??pl?k?nt] n. 申请人

application [?pl??ke??(?)n] n. 申请

apply [??pla?]v. 申请

appoint [??p??nt] v. 任命,委任,安排,确定(时间,地点)appointment [??p??ntm?nt] n. 约会

appreciate [??pri???e?t] v. 欣赏;感激

appreciation [?pri????e??(?)n] n. 欣赏,鉴定,评估approach [??pr??t?] n. / v. 靠近,接近,建议,要求appropriate [??pr??pr??t] a. 合适的,恰当的

approve [??pru?v] v.赞成,同意,批准,通过

approximately [?pr?ks??m?tl?] ad.近似,大约

apron [?e?pr?n] n. (机场的)停机坪

arbitrary [?ɑ?b?tr?r?; (US) ?ɑ?rb?trer?] a. 随心所欲的,独裁的,专断的

arch [ɑ?t?] n. 拱,拱门

architect [?ɑ?k?tekt] n. 建筑师,设计师

architecture [?ɑ?k?tekt??(r)] n.建筑学,建筑设计,风格April [?e?pr(?)l] n. 4月

Arab [??r?b] * a. 阿拉伯的 n. 阿拉伯人

Arabic [??r?b?k] a. 阿拉伯语的 n. 阿拉伯语

Arctic [?ɑ?kt?k] a. 北极的

the Arctic [?ɑ?kt?k] 北极

the Arctic Ocean [?ɑ?kt?k ????(?)n] 北冰洋

are [ɑ?(r)] v.(be) 是

area [?e?r??] n. 面积;地域,地方,区域;范围,领域argue [?ɑ?ɡju?]vi. 争辩,争论

argument [?ɑ?ɡj?m?nt] n. 争论,辩论

arise (arose, arisen) [??ra?z] vi. 起来,升起;出现arithmetic [??r?θm?t?k] n. 算术

arm [ɑ?m] n. 臂,支架 v. 以…装备,武装起来n. (美)武器,武力

armchair [ɑ?m?t?e?(r)] n. 扶手椅

army [?ɑ?m?] n. 军队

around [??ra?nd] ad. 在周围;在附近prep. 在……周围;大约

arrange [??re?nd?] v. 安排,布置arrangement [??re?nd?m?nt]n. 安排,布置

arrest [??rest] v. 逮捕,拘留

arrival [??ra?v(?)l] n. 到来,到达

arrive [??ra?v] vi. 到达;达到

arrow [??r??] n. 箭;箭头

art [ɑ?t] n. 艺术,美术;技艺

article [?ɑ?t?k(?)l] n.文章;东西,物品;冠词artificial [ɑ?t??f??(?)l]a. 人工的,人造的

artist [?ɑ?t?st] n.艺术家

as [?z, ?z] ad.& conj.像……一样;如同;因为 prep. 作为,当做

ash [??] n. 灰;灰末

ashamed [???e?md] a. 惭愧;害臊

Asia [?e???]* n. 亚洲

Asian [?e??(?)n, ?e??(?)n] a. 亚洲(人)的n. 亚洲人

aside [??sa?d] ad. 在旁边

ask [ɑ?sk] v. 问;请求,要求;邀请

asleep [??sli?p] a. 睡着的,熟睡

aspect [??spekt] n. 方面,外观,外表

assess [??ses] v.评价,评定(性质,质量)assessment [??sesm?nt] n. 看法,评价

assist [??s?st]v. 帮助,协助

assistance [??s?st(?)ns] n. 帮助,援助,支持assistant [??s?st(?)nt] n. 助手,助理

associate [??s????e?t] v. 联想,联系association [?s??s??e??(?)n] n. 协会,社团,联系

assume [??sju?m; (US) ??su?m] v. 假定,假设assumption [??s?mp?(?)n] n. 假定,假设

astonish [??st?n??] vt. 使惊讶

astronaut [??str?n??t] n. 宇航员

astronomer [??str?n?m?(r)] n. 天文学家

astronomy [??str?n?m?] n. 天文学

at [?t] prep.在(几点钟);在(某处)

athlete [??θli?t] n. 运动员

athletic [?θ?let?k] a. 健壮的,体育运动的

athletics [?θ?let?ks] n. 田径

Atlantic [?t?l?nt?k] a. 大西洋的

the Atlantic Ocean [?t?l?nt?k ????(?)n] 大西洋atmosphere [??tm?sf??(r)] n. 大气;气氛

atom [??t?m] n. 原子,微粒

attach [??t?t?] v. 把…固定,重视

attack [??t?k] vt. / n. 攻击,袭击

attain [??te?n] v.(经过努力)获得,得到

attempt [??tempt] vt. 试图,尝试

attend [??tend] v. 看护,照料,服侍;出席,参加

attention [??ten?(?)n] n. 注意,关心

attentively [?'tentivli] ad. 注意地

attitude [??t?tju?d; (US) ??t?tud] n. 态度,看法attract [??tr?kt] v. 吸引,引起

attraction [??tr?k?(?)n] n. 吸引,爱慕

attractive [??tr?kt?v] a. 迷人的,有吸引力的

audience [???d??ns] n. 观众,听众

authentic [???θent?k] a. 真正的,真品的

author [???θ?(r)] n. 作者,作家

authority [???θ?r?t?] n.权力,权威,威信,官方automatic [??t??m?t?k] a. 自动的,机械的

autonomous [???t?n?m?s] a. 自治的,自主的

August [???ɡ?st] n. 8月

aunt [ɑ?nt; (US) ?nt] n. 伯母;舅母;婶;姑;姨

Australia [??stre?lj?] * n. 澳洲;澳大利亚

Australian [??stre?l??n] a. 澳洲的,澳大利亚人的 n. 澳大利亚人

autumn [???t?m] n. 秋天,秋季

available [???t?m] a. 可获得的,有空的

avenue [??v?nju???v?nu?] n. 大道

average [??v?r?d?] a.平均;普通的 n.平均数

avoid [??v??d] v. 避免,躲开,逃避

awake (awoke, awoken) [??we?k] v. 唤醒 a. 醒着的

award [w??d] n. 奖品,奖励

aware [??we?(r)] a. 知道,意识到,发觉

away [??we?] ad. 离开;远离

awesome [???s?m] a.令人惊叹,很困难的awful [???f?l] a. 很坏的,极讨厌的

awkward [???kw?d] a.令人尴尬,使人难堪的


Baby [?be?b?] n. 婴儿

bachelor [?b?t??l?(r)] n. 未婚男子,单身汉

back [b?k] ad. 回(原处);向后 a. 后面的 n. 背后,后部;背

backache [?b?ke?k] n. 背痛

background [?b?kɡra?nd] n. 背景

backward(s) [?b?kw?d] ad. 向后

bacon [?be?k?n] n. 咸猪肉;熏猪肉

bacterium [b?k?t??r??m] (复bacteria) n. 细菌

bad (worse, worst) [b?d] a. 坏的;有害的,不利的;严重的

badly [?b?dl?] ad. 坏,恶劣地

badminton [?b?dm?nt?n] n. 羽毛球

bag [b?ɡ] n. 书包;提包;袋子

baggage [?b?ɡ?d?] n. 行李

bake [be?k] v. 烤;烘(面包)

bakery [?be?k?r?] n. 面包店

balance [?b?l?ns] n. 平衡

balcony [?b?lk?n?] n. 阳台;楼座

ball [b??l] n. 球 n. 舞会

ballet [?b?le?] n. 芭蕾舞

balloon [b??lu?n] n. 气球

ballpoint = ballpoint pen/ `b?l,p??nt / 圆珠笔bamboo [b?m?bu?] n. 竹

ban [b?n] n. 禁令 v. 禁止;取缔

banana [b??nɑ?n?; (US) b??n?n?] n. 香蕉

band [b?nd] n. 乐队

bandage [?b?nd?d?] n. 绷带

bang [b??] int. 砰

bank [b??k] n. (河海湖的)岸,堤 n. 银行

bank account [b??k ??ka?nt] n. 银行账户

bar [bɑ?(r)] n. 条(长方)块,棒,横木 n.(酒店的)买酒柜台;酒吧;(卖东西的)柜台

barbecue [?bɑ?b?kju?] n. 烤肉野餐

barber [?bɑ?b?(r)] n. (为男人理发)理发师

barbershop/ `bɑrb?r,?ɑp / n. 理发店

bare [be?(r)] a. 裸露的,光秃秃的

bargain [?bɑ?ɡ?n] n. (经讨价还价后)成交的商品;廉价货 v. 讨价还价

bark [bɑ?k] v. 狗叫 n. 狗叫声

barrier ['b?r??] n. 屏障,障碍,关卡

base [be?s] n. 根据地,基地(棒球)垒

baseball [?be?sb??l] n. 棒球

basement [?be?sm?nt] n. 地下室

basic [?be?s?k] a. 基本的

basin [?be?s(?)n] n. 水盆,脸盆

basis [?be?s?s] n. 原因,缘由,要素

basket [?bɑ?sk?t; (US) ?b?sk?t] n. 篮子

basketball [?bɑ?sk?tb??l] n. 篮球

bat [b?t] n. (棒球、板球的)球棒 n. 蝙蝠

bath [bɑ?θ; (US) b?θ] n. 洗澡;浴室;澡盆

bathe [be?e] vi. 洗澡;游泳

bathrobe [?bɑ?θr??b] n. 浴衣

bathroom [?bɑ?θru?m] n. 浴室,盥洗室

bathtub ['bɑ:θt?b] n. 澡盆

battery [?b?t?r?] n. 电池

battle [?b?t(?)l] n. 战斗;战役

battleground [?b?t(?)lɡra?nd] n. 战场

bay [be?] n. 湾;海湾

BC/?bi??si?/ n. 公元前

be [bi?] v. 是(原形),其人称和时态形式有(am, is, are, was, were, being, been);成为

beach [bi?t?] n. 海滨,海滩

beam [bi?m] n. 平衡木

bean [bi?n] n. 豆,豆科植物

beancurd ['bi:nk?:d] n. 豆腐

bear [be?(r)] v. 承受,负担,承担;忍受;容忍 n. 熊

beard [b??d] n. (下巴上的)胡须

beast [bi?st]n. 野兽;牲畜

beat (beat, beaten) [bi?t] v. 敲打;跳动;打赢 n. (音乐)节拍beautiful [?bju?t?f(?)l] a. 美,美丽,美观的beauty [?bju?t?] n. 美丽,美人

because [b??k?z; (US) b??k??z] conj. 因为become (became, be come) [b??k?m] v. 变得;成为bed [bed] n. 床

bedclothes [?bedkl??ez] n. 铺盖(被褥等)beddings [?bed??] n. 卧具,铺盖

bedroom [?bedru?m] n. 寝室,卧室

bee [bi?] n.. 蜜蜂

beef [bi?f] n. 牛肉

beehive [?bi?ha?v] n. 蜂箱

beer [b??(r)] n. 啤酒

before [b??f??(r)] prep. 在…以前;在…前面 ad. 以前 conj. 在…之前

beg [beɡ] v. 请求,乞求,乞讨

begin(began,begun) [b??ɡ?n] v.开始,着手beginning [b??ɡ?n??] n. 开始,开端

behalf [b??hɑ?f] n. 代表某人,为了某人

behave [b??he?v] v. 守规矩,行为

behaviour/ b?`he?vj?r / n. 行为,举止

behind [b??ha?nd]prep. (表示位置)在…后面 ad. 在后面;向后

being [?bi???] n. 物;生物;人

Belgium [?beld??m] * n. 比利时

belief [b??li?f] n. 信条,信念

believe [b??li?v] v. 相信,认为

bell [bel] n. 钟,铃;钟(铃)声;钟形物

belly [?bel?] n. 肚子

belong [b??l??] vi. 属,附属

below [b??l??] prep. 在……下面

belt [belt] n. (皮)带

bench [bent?] n. 长凳;工作台

bend (bent, bent) [bend] vt. 使弯曲

beneath [b??ni?θ] prep. 在…下方(面)

beneficial [ben??f??(?)l] a. 有利的,有帮助的,有用的

benefit [?ben?f?t] n. / v.优势,益处,使…受益

bent [bent] a. 弯的

beside [b ??sa ?d] prep. 在…旁边;靠近

besides [b ??sa ?dz] prep. 除…以外(还有) ad. 还有,此外

best (good, well 的最 高级) [best] a. & ad.最好的;最好地,最 n. 最好的(人或物)

best--seller [best- ?sel ?(r)] n. 畅销书

better (good, well 的 比较级) [?bet ?(r)] a.& ad. 较好的,

更好的;好些; 更好 betray [b ??tre ?] v.出卖,泄露(机密),辜负 between [b ??twi ?n] prep. 在(两者)之间;在…中间 beyond [b ??j ?nd] prep. (表示位置) 在…的那边 bicycle [?ba ?s ?k(?)l] n. 自行车

bid [b ?d] v./ n. 出价,投标,向(某人)道别 big [b ?ɡ] a. 大的

bike = bicycle [ba ?k] n. 自行车

bill [b ?l] n.账单;法案,议案; (美)钞票,纸币 billion [?b ?l ??n] num. 十亿,百亿 bingo [?b ??ɡ??] n. 宾戈游戏 biochemistry n. 生物化学

biography [ba ???ɡr ?f ?] n. 传记 biology [ba ???l ?d ??] n. 生物(学) bird [b ??d] n. 鸟

birdcage [?b ??dke ?d ?] n. 鸟笼 birth [b ??θ] n. 出生; 诞生 birthday [?b ??θde ?] n. 生日

birthplace [?b ??θple ?s] n. 出生地;故乡 biscuit [?b ?sk ?t] n. 饼干

bishop [?b ???p] n. 主教

bit [b ?t] n. 一点,一些,少量的 bite (bit, bitten) [ba ?t] v. 咬;叮

bitter [?b ?t ?(r)] a. 有苦味的;痛苦的,难过的;严酷的

black [bl?k] n. 黑色 a. 黑色的 blackboard [?bl?kb ??d] n. 黑板 blame [ble ?m] n.& v. 责备;责怪

blank [bl??k] n.& a. 空格,空白(处);空的;茫然无表情的

blanket [?bl??k ?t] n. 毛毯,毯子 bleed [bli ?d] vi. 出血,流血 bless [bles] vt. 保佑,降福 blind [bla ?nd] a. 瞎的

block [bl ?k] n. 大块;(木、石等)块;街区;路障 vt. 阻塞;阻挡

blood [bl ?d] n. 血,血液

blouse [bla ?z; . bla ?s] n. 宽罩衫;(妇女、儿童穿


blow [bl ??] n. 击;打击

blow (blew, blown) [bl ??] v. 吹;刮风;吹气 blue [blu ?] n. 蓝色 a.蓝色的 a. 悲伤的;沮丧的 board [b ??d] n. 木板;布告牌;委员会;(政府的)部 v. 上(船、火车、飞机) boat [b ??t] n. 小船,小舟

boat--race [b ??t-re ?s] n. 划船比赛

boating [?b ??t ??] n. 划船(游玩),泛舟 body n. 身体

body--building [?b ?d ?-?b ?ld ??] n. 健美 boil [b ??l] v. 沸腾;烧开;煮…… bomb [b ?m] n. 炸弹 v. 轰炸

bond [b ?nd] n. /v. 纽带,联系,使牢固

bone [b ??n] n. 骨头,骨质(复数bones 骨骼;骨骸) bonus [?b ??n ?s] n. 津贴,奖金,红利

book [b ?k] n. 书;本子 v. 预定,定(房间、车票等) bookcase [?b ?kke ?s] n. 书橱 bookmark [?b ?km ɑ?k] n. 书签

bookshelf/ `b?k,?elf / n. 书架

bookshop [?b?k??p] n. 书店

bookstore [?b?kst??(r)] n. 书店

boom [bu?m] n. / v. 繁荣,轰鸣,激增

boot [bu?t] n. 长统靴;靴

booth [bu?e] n.岗;(为某种用途而设的)亭或小隔间telephone booth [?tel?f??n- bu?e]电话亭

border [?b??d?(r)] n. 边缘;边境,国界

bored / b?rd / a.(对人,事)厌倦的,烦闷的

boring / `b?r?? / a. 乏味的,无聊的

born [b??n] a. 出生

borrow [?b?r??] v. (向别人)借用;借

boss [b?s] n. 领班;老板

botanical [b??t?n?k(?)l] a. 植物学的

botany [?b?t?n?] n. 植物;植物学

both [b??θ] a. 两;双 pron. 两者;双方

bottle [?b?t(?)l] n. 瓶子

bottom [?b?t?m] n. 底部;底

bounce [ba?ns] v. 弹起,蹦,上下晃动

bound [ba?nd] a. 被束缚的;被绑的;有义务的 v.& n. 跳跃boundary [?ba?nd?r?] n. 边界,界限

bow [b??] v.& n. 鞠躬,弯腰行礼

bowl [b??l] n. 碗

bowling [?b??l??] n. 保龄球

box [b?ks] n. 盒子,箱子

boxing [?b?ks??] n. 拳击(运动)

boy [b??] n. 男孩

boycott [?b??k?t] v. 拒绝购买,抵制

brain [bre?n] n. 脑(子)

brake [bre?k] n. 闸 vi. 刹车

branch [brɑ?nt?] n. 树枝;分枝;分公司,分店;支部brand [br?nd] n. 品牌

brave [bre?v] a. 勇敢的

bravery [?bre?v?r?] n. 勇气

bread [bred] n. 面包

break [bre?k] n. 间隙

break (broke, bro ken) [bre?k] v. 打破(断,碎);损坏,撕开

breakfast [?brekf?st] n. 早餐

breakthrough [?bre?kθru?] n. 重大进展,突破breast [brest] n. 乳房,胸脯

breath [breθ] n. 气息;呼吸

breathe [bri?e] vi. 呼吸

breathless [?breθl?s] a. 气喘吁吁的,上气不接下气的

brewery [?bru??r?] n. 啤酒厂(公司)

brick [br?k] n. 砖;砖块

bride [bra?d] n. 新娘

bridegroom [?bra?dɡru?m] n. 新郎

bridge [br?d?] n. 桥

brief [bri?f] a. 简洁的

bright [bra?t] a. 明亮的;聪明的

brilliant [?br?l??nt] a. 巧妙的,使人印象深刻的,技艺高的

bring (brought, brought) [br??] vt. 拿来,带来,取来

Britain [?br?t?n] * n. 英国;不列颠

British [?br?t??] a. 英国的;大不列颠的;英国人的

the British [?br?t??] n. 英国国民;大不列颠人broad [br??d] a. 宽的,宽大的

broadcast [?br??dkɑ?st] n. 广播节目

broadcast(broadcast, broadcast或--ed,--ed)[?br??dk ɑ?st] vt. 广播

brochure [br?????(r); (US) br??????r] n. 资料(或广告)手册

broken [?br??k?n] a. 弄坏了的

broom [bru?m] n. 扫帚

brother [?br?e?(r)] n. 兄;弟

brotherhood [?br?e?h?d] n. 兄弟般的关系

brown [bra?n] n. 褐色,棕色 a. 褐色的,棕色的brunch [?br?nt?] n. 早午饭(晚早饭)

brush [br??] v. 刷;擦 n. 刷子

bucket [?b?k?t] n. 铲斗;桶

Buddhism [?b?d?z(?)m] n. 佛教

Buddhist ['budist] n. 佛教徒

budget [?b?d??t] n. 预算

buffet [?b?fe?; (US) b??fe?] n. 自助餐

build (built, built) [b?ld] v. 建筑;造

building [?b?ld??] n. 建筑物;房屋;大楼

bun [b?n] n. 馒头;小甜面包

bunch [b?nt?] n. 串,束,扎,大量,大批

bungalow [?b??ɡ?l??] n. 平房

burden [?b??d(?)n] n. (义务,责任的)重担,负担bureaucratic [bju??r?u'kr?tik] a. 官僚的

burglar [?b??ɡl?(r)] n. 入室窃贼

burial [?ber??l] n. 埋葬

burn (--ed, --ed 或 burnt, burnt) [b??n] v. 燃,烧,着火;使烧焦;使晒黑 n. 烧伤;晒伤

burst [?b??st] v. 突然发生;突然发作

bury [?ber?] vt. 埋;葬

bus [b?s] n. 公共汽车

bus stop [b?s st?p] n。公共汽车站

bush [b??] n. 灌木丛,矮树丛

business [?b?zn?s] n. (本分)工作,职业;职责;生意,交易;事业

businessman (pl. businessmen) [?b?zn?sm?n]n. 商人(男);男企业家

businesswoman (businesswomen) [?b?zn?sw?m?n] n. 商人(女);女企业家

busy [?b?z?] a. 忙(碌)的

but [b?t, b?t] conj. 但是,可是 prep. 除了, 除……外butcher ['b?t??] n. vt. 肉店;屠夫屠宰(动物);残杀(人)butter [?b?t?(r)] n. 黄油,奶油

butterfly [?b?t?fla?] n. 蝴蝶

the butterfly 蝶泳

button [?b?t(?)n] n. 纽扣;(电铃等的)按钮 v. 扣(纽扣)buy (bought,bought) [ba?] vt. 买

by [ba?] prep. 靠近,在…旁;在…时间;不迟于;被;用;由;乘(车)

bye [ba?] int. 再见


cab [k?b] n. (美)出租车

cabbage [?k?b?d?] n. 卷心菜,洋白菜

café[?k?fe?; (US) k??fe?] n. 咖啡馆;餐馆cafeteria [k?f??t??r??] n. 自助餐厅

cage [ke?d?] n 笼;鸟笼

calculate [?k?lkj?le?t] v. 计算,核算,推测

cake [ke?k] n. 蛋糕,糕点;饼

call [k??l] n. 喊,叫;电话,通话 v. 称呼;呼唤;喊,叫

calm [kɑ?m; (US) kɑ?lm] a. 镇静,沉着的 v.镇静沉着camel [?k?m(?)l] n. 骆驼

camera [?k?m?r?] n. 照相机;摄像机

camp [k?mp] n.(夏令)营 vi.野营,宿营

campaign [k?m?pe?n] n. 运动,战役

can (could) can't = can not modal [ken, k?n] v. 可能;能够;可以不能 n.(美)罐头;罐子

garbage can [?ɡɑ?b?d?](美)垃圾桶

can opener [???p?n?(r)] 开罐器

Canada [?k?n?d?] * n. 加拿大

Canadian [k??ne?d??n] a. 加拿大的;加拿大人的 n. 加拿大人

canal [k??n?l] n. 运河;水道

cancel [?k?ns(?)l] vt. 取消

cance [?k?ns?(r)]r n. 癌

candidate [?k?nd?d?t; (US) ?k?nd?de?t] n. 候选人,申请人

candle [?k?nd(?)l] n. 蜡烛

candy [?k?nd?] n. 糖果

canteen [k?n?ti?n] n. 餐厅;食堂

cap [k?p]n. (无檐的或仅在前面有檐的)帽子;(瓶子的)盖;(钢笔等的)笔套

capital [?k?p?t(?)l] n.首都.省会.大写;资本capsule [?k?psju?l; (US) ?k?psl] n. (药)胶囊captain [?k?pt?n] n. (海军)上校;船长,舰长;队长

caption [?k?p?(?)n] n. (图片,漫画等的)说明文字

car [kɑ?(r)] n. 汽车,小卧车

carbon [?kɑ?b?n] n. 碳

card [kɑ?d] n.卡片;名片;纸牌

card games [kɑ?d ɡe?m] 纸牌游戏

care [ke?(r)] n. 照料,保护;小心v. 介意……,在乎;关心careful [?ke?f?l] a. 小心,仔细,谨慎的

careless [?ke?l?s] a. 粗心的,漫不经心的

carpenter [?kɑ?p?nt?(r)] n. 木工,木匠

carpet [?kɑ?p?t] n. 地毯

carriage [?k?r?d?] n. 四轮马车;(火车)客车厢

carrier [?k?r??(r)] n. 搬运者;媒介;(自行车等的)置物架;(车的)货架

carrot [?k?r?t] n.胡萝卜

carry [?k?r?] vt. 拿,搬,带,提,抬,背,抱,运等cartoon [kɑ??tu?n] n. 动画片,卡通;漫画

carve [kɑ?v] vt.刻;雕刻

case [ke?s] n. 情况;病例;案件;真相 n. 箱;盒;容器cash [k??] n. 现金,现钞 v. 兑现

cassettle [k?'set] n. 磁带

cast (cast, cast) [kɑ?st; (US) k?st] v. 扔,抛,撒

castle [?kɑ?s(?)l; (US) ?k?sl] n. 城堡

casual [?k????l] a. 漫不经心的,不经意的,非正式的

cat [k?t] n. 猫

catalogue ['k?t?l?g] n. 目录

catastrophe [k??t?str?f?] n. 灾难,灾祸,不幸事件

catch(caught,caught) [k?t?]v. 接住;捉住;赶上;染上(疾病)

category [?k?t?ɡ?r?] n. 类别,种类

cater [?ke?t?(r)] v. 提供饮食,承办酒席

catholic [?k?θ?l?k] a. 天主教的

cathedral [k??θi?dr(?)l] n. 大教堂(天主教)

cattle [?k?t(?)l] n. 牛(总称),家畜

cause [k??z] n. 原因,起因 vt. 促使,引起,使发生caution [?k???(?)n] n. 谨慎,小心,警告

cautious [?k????s] a. 小心的,谨慎的

cave [ke?v] n. 洞,穴;地窖

CD [?si:'di:] 光盘 (compact disk的缩写)CD ROM [?si:'di: -r?m,r??m] 信息储存光盘(compact disk read only memory的缩写)

ceiling [?si?l??] n. 天花板,顶棚

celebrate [?sel?bre?t] v. 庆祝

celebration [sel??bre??(?)n] n. 庆祝;庆祝会

cell [sel] n.(监狱的)单人牢房;(修道院等的)单人小室;(蜂巢的)小蜂窝,蜂房;[生物]细胞

cellar [?sel?(r)] n. 地窖;地下储藏室

cent [sent] n. 美分(100 cents = 1 dollar)centigrade [?sent?ɡre?d] a. 摄氏的

centimetre ['senti?mi:t?(r)] (美 centimeter) n. 公分,厘米

central [?sentr(?)l] a. 中心,中央;主要的

centre (美 center ) n. 中心,中央

century [?sent??r?] n. 世纪,百年

ceremony [?ser?m?n?] n. 典礼,仪式,礼节

certain [?s??t(?)n] a. (未指明真实名称的)某…;确定的,无疑的;一定会…

certainly [?s??t?nl?] ad. 当然;一定,无疑certificate [s??t?f?k?t] n. 证明,证明书

chain [t?e?n] n. 链;链条

chain store(s) [t?e?n st??(r)] 连锁店

chair [t?e?(r)] n. 椅子

chairman [?t?e?m?n] (pl. chairmen) n. 主席,会长;议长

chairwoman (pl. chairwomen) ['t????wum?n] n. 女主席, 女会长;女议长

chalk [t???k] n. 粉笔

challenge [?t??l?nd?] n.挑战(性)

challenging [?t??l?nd???] a.具有挑战性的champion [?t??mp??n] n. 冠军,优胜者

chance [t?ɑ?ns; (US) t??ns] n. 机会,可能性changeable [?t?e?nd??b(?)l] a.易变的,变化无常的change [t?e?nd?] n. 零钱;找头v. 改变,变化;更换;兑换

channel [?t??n(?)l] n.频道;通道;水渠

chant [t?ɑ?nt] v./ n.反复呼喊

chaos [?ke??s] n. 混乱,杂乱,紊乱

character [?k?r?kt?(r)] n.(汉)字.字体;品格characteristic [k?r?kt??r?st?k] a. 典型的,独特的charge [t?ɑ?d?] v. 要求收费;索价;将(电池)充电 n. 费用;价钱

chapter [?t??pt?(r)] n. 章

chart [t?ɑ?t] n. 图表;航海图

chat [t??t]n. & vi. 聊天,闲谈

cheap [t?i?p] a. 便宜的,贱

cheat [t?i?t] n. & v. 骗取,哄骗;作弊

check [t?ek] n. 检查;批改 vt. 校对,核对;检查;批改cheek [t?i?k] n. 面颊,脸蛋

cheer [t???(r)] n. & vi.欢呼;喝彩

Cheer up [t???(r)-?p] 振作起来!提起精神!

cheerful [?t???f?l] a.兴高采烈的,快活的

cheers [t???(r)] int. 干杯,(口)谢谢,再见

cheese [t?i?z] n. 奶酪

chef [?ef] n. 厨师长,主厨

chemical [?kem?k(?)l] a. 化学的 n. 化学品

chemist [?kem?st] n. 药剂师;化学家

chemistry [?kem?str?] n. 化学

cheque [t?ek] (美check) n. 支票

chess [t?es] n. 棋

chest [t?est] n. 箱子;盒子;胸部

chew [t?u?] vt. 咀嚼

chick [t??k] n. 小鸡

chicken [?t??k?n] n. 鸡;鸡肉

chief [t?i?f] a. 主要,首要的 n.领导,头

child (复children) [t?a?ld] n. 孩子,儿童

childhood [?t?a?ldh?d] n. 幼年时代,童年

chimney [?t??mn?] n. 烟囱,烟筒

China [?t?a?n?] * n. 中国

Chinese [t?a??ni?z] a.中国的;中国人的;中国话的,汉语的 n.中国人;中国话,汉语,中文

chips [t??p] n. (pl.)炸土豆条(片)

chocolate [?t??kl?t] n. 巧克力

choice [t???s] n. 选择;抉择choir [?kwa??(r)] n. 合唱团,教堂的唱诗班

choke [t???k] n. & v. 窒息

choose (chose, chosen) [t?u?z] vt. 选择

chopsticks [?t??pst?ks] n. 筷子

chorus [?k??r?s] n. 合唱曲,歌咏队

Christian [?kr?st??n] n. 基督教徒和天主教徒的总称

Christmas [?kr?sm?s] n. 圣诞节(12月25日)Christmas card [?kr?sm?s kɑ?d] 圣诞卡

Christmas tree [?kr?sm?s tri?] 圣诞树

Christmas Eve [?kr?sm?s i?v ] 圣诞(前)夜

church [t???t?] n. 教堂;教会

cigar [s??ɡɑ?(r)] n. 雪茄烟

cigarette [s?ɡ??ret] n. 纸烟,香烟

cinema [?s?n?m?] n. 电影院;电影

circle [?s??k(?)l] n. /vt. 圆圈将…圈起来

circuit [?s??k?t] n. 环形路线,巡回赛

circulate [?s??kj?le?t] v. (液体或气体)环流,循环

circumstance [?s??k?mst?ns] n.条件,环境,状况

circus [?s??k?s] n. 马戏团

citizen [?s?t?z(?)n] n. 公民;居民

city [?s?t?] n. 市,城市,都市

civil [?s?v(?)l] a. 国内的;平民(非军人)的;民用的

civilian [s??v?l??n] n. 平民,老百姓

civilization [s?v?la??ze??(?)n; (US) s?v?l??ze???n] n. 文明

clap [kl?p] vi. 拍手;鼓掌

clarify [?kl?r?fa?] v. 澄清,阐明

class [klɑ?s; (US) kl?s] n. (学校的)班;年级;课classic [?kl?s?k] a. 一流的,典型的,有代表性的classical [?kl?s?k(?)l] a. 传统的;古典的

classify [?kl?s?fa?] v. 分类,归类

classmate [?klɑ?sme?t] n. 同班同学

classroom [?klɑ?sru?m] n. 教室

claw [kl??] n. 爪

clay [kle?] n. 黏土,陶土

clean [kli?n] vt. 弄干净,擦干净 a. 清洁的,干净的cleaner [kli?n?(r)] n.清洁工.,清洁器.,清洁剂

clear [kl??(r)] a. 清晰;明亮的;清楚的

clearly [?kl??l?] ad. 清楚地,无疑地

clerk [klɑ?k; (US) kl?rk] n. 书记员;办事员;职员

clever [?klev?(r)] a. 聪明的,伶俐的

click [kl?k] v. 点击(计算机用语)

climate [?kla?m?t] n. 气候

climb [kla?m] v. 爬,攀登

clinic [?kl?n?k] n. 诊所

clock [kl?k] n. 钟

clone [kl??n] n.克隆(无性繁殖出来的有机体群)

close [kl??z] a. 亲密的;近,靠近 ad. 近,靠近 vt. 关,关闭

cloth [kl?θ; (US) kl?θ] n. 布

clothes [kl?ez; (US) kl??z] n. 衣服;各种衣物

clothing [?kl??e??] n. (总称) 衣服

cloud [?kl??e??] n. 云;云状物;阴影

cloudy [?kla?d?] a. 多云的,阴天的

club [kl?b] n. 俱乐部;纸牌中的梅花

clumsy [?kl?mz?] a. 笨拙的,不灵巧的

coach [k??t?] n. 教练;马车;长途车

coal [k??l] n. 煤;煤块

coast [k??st] n. 海岸;海滨

coat [k??t] n. 外套;涂层;表皮;皮毛 vt. 给……穿外套;涂上

cock [k?k] n. 公鸡

cocoa [?k??k??] n. 可可粉

coffee [?k?f?; (US) ?k??f?] n. 咖啡

coin [k??n] n. 硬币

coincidence [k???n?s?d?ns] n. 巧合,巧事

coke [k??k] n. 可口可乐

cold [k??ld] a. 冷的,寒的 n. 寒冷;感冒,伤风

cold--blooded [k??ld bl?d?d] a. (动物) 冷血的

collar [?k?l?(r)] n. 衣领;硬领

colleague [?k?li?ɡ] n. 同事collect [k??lekt] vt. 收集,搜集

collection [k??lek?(?)n] n. 收藏品,收集物

college [?k?l?d?] n. 学院;专科学校

collision [k??l??(?)n] n. 碰撞事故

colour (美color) ['k?l?] n. 颜色 vt.给…着色,涂色comb [k??m] n. 梳子 v. 梳

combine [k?m?ba?n] vt. 使联合;使结合

come (came, come) [k?m] vi. 来,来到

comedy [?k?m?d?] n. 喜剧

comfort [?k?mf?t] n. 安慰;慰问

comfortable [?k?mf?t?b(?)l; (US) ?k?mf?rt?bl] a. 舒服的;安逸的;舒服自在的

comma [?k?m?] n. 逗号

command [k??mɑ?nd; (US) k??m?nd] n. & v. 命令comment [?k?ment] n. 评论

commericial a.贸易的,商业的

commit [k??m?t] v.犯(罪,错),自杀

commitment [k??m?tm?nt] n. 承诺,允诺,承担committee [k??m?t?] n. 委员会

common [?k?m?n] a. 普通,一般;共有的communicate [k??mju?n?ke?t] v. 交际;传达(感情,信息等)

communication [k?mju?n??ke??(?)n] n.交际,交往;通讯

communism [?k?mj?n?z(?)m] n. 共产主义

communist [?k?mju?n?st] n. 共产主义者 a. 共产党的;共产主义的

companion [k?m?p?n??n] n. 同伴;同事

company [?k?mp?n?] n. 公司

compare [k?m?pe?(r)] vt. 比较,对照

compass [?k?mp?s] n. 罗盘,指南针

compensate [?k?mpense?t] v. 补偿,弥补

compete [k?m?pi?t] vi. 比赛,竞赛

competence [?k?mp?t?ns] n.能力,胜任,管辖权competition [k?mp??t??(?)n] n. 比赛,竞赛competitor [k?m?pet?t?(r)] n. 竞赛者,比赛者complete [k?m?pli?t] a. 完成vt. 完成,结束

complex [?k?mpleks]a. / n. 复杂的,建筑群

component [k?m?p??n?nt] n. 组成部分,部件

composition [k?mp??z??(?)n] n. 作文;作曲comprehension [k?mpr??hen?(?)n] n. 理解

compromise [?k?mpr?ma?z] v. 妥协,折中,让步

compulsory [k?m?p?ls?r?] a. 强制的,必须做的

computer [k?m?pju?t?(r)] n. 电子计算机

computer game [k?m?pju?t?(r) ɡe?m] 电子游戏

comrade [?k?mr?d; (US) ?kɑmr?d] n. 同志

concentrate [?k?ns?ntre?t] v. 聚精会神

concept [?k?nsept] n. 概念

concern [k?n?s??n] v. / n. 涉及,关心

concert [?k?ns?t] n. 音乐会;演奏会

conclude [k?n?klu?d] v. 完成,结束

conclusion [k?n?klu??(?)n] n. 结论;结束

concrete [?k??kri?t] a. 混凝土制的

condition [k?n?d??(?)n] n. 条件,状况

condemn [k?n?dem] v. 谴责,指责,宣判

conduct [?k?nd?kt] vt. 引导,带领

conductor [k?n?d?kt?(r)] n. 管理人;指导者;(车上的)售票员,列车员;乐队指挥

confident [?k?nf?d?nt] a. 自信的

confidential [k?nf??den?(?)l] a. 机密的,保密的conference [?k?nf?r?ns] n. (正式的)会议;讨论

confirm [k?n?f??m] v. 证实,证明,确认

conflict [?k?nfl?kt] n. 冲突,争执,争论

confuse [k?n?fju?z] v. 使迷惑,混淆

congratulate [k?n?ɡr?tj?le?t] vt. 祝贺

congratulation [k?nɡr?tj??le??(?)n] n. 祝贺,庆贺connect [k??nekt] v. 连接,把…联系起来

connection [k??nek?(?)n] n.连接物;接触,联系

conscience [?k?n??ns] n. 良心,良知,内疚

consensus [k?n?sens?s] n. 一致的意见,共识

consequence [?k?ns?kw?ns; (US) ?k?ns?kwens] n. 结果,后果

conservation [k?ns??ve??(?)n] n 保存;(自然资源的)保护,管理conservative [k?n?s??v?t?v] a. 保守的,守旧的;保守主义的;谨慎的 n.保守的人,保守主义

consider [k?n?s?d?(r)] vt. 考虑

considerate [k?n?s?d?r?t] a. 体贴的

consideration [k?ns?d??re??(?)n] n. 考虑;关心consist [k?n?s?st] v. 包含,组成,构成

consistent [k?n?s?st(?)nt] a. 一致的,始终如一的,连续的

constant [?k?nst?nt] a. 经常的,不断的

constitution [k?nst??tju??(?)n; (US) k?nst??tu???n] n. 宪法,章程,身体素质

construct [k?n?str?kt] v. 构筑;建造,建设construction [k?n?str?k?(?)n] n.建造,建设,建筑物consult [k?n?s?lt] v. 咨询,商量

consultant [k?n?s?lt?nt] n. 顾问

consume [k?n?s?lt?nt] v. 消耗,耗费(燃料,能量,时间等)

contain [k?n?te?n] v. 包含;包括;能容纳

container [k?n?te?n?(r)] n. 容器

contemporary [k?n?temp?r?r?; (US) k?n?temp?rer?] a.属同时期的,同一时代的

content [k?n?tent] a.甘愿的,满意的 n.内容

continent [?k?nt?n?nt] n. 大陆,大洲;陆地continue [k?n?t?nju?] vi. 继续

contradict [k?ntr??d?kt] v. 反驳,驳斥,批驳contradictory [?k?ntr?'dikt?ri] a.相互矛盾,对立的

contrary [?k?ntr?r?; (US) ?k?ntrer?] n. / a. 相反相反的

contribute [k?n?tr?bju?t] v. 贡献

contribution [k?n?tr?bju?t] n. 贡献

control [k?n?trol] vt.& n. 控制

controversial [k?ntr??v???(?)l] a.引起争论的,有争议的

convenience [k?n?vi?n??ns] n. 便利

convenient [k?n?vi?n??nt] a. 便利的,方便的conventional [k?n?ven??n(?)l] a. 依照惯例的,习惯

conversation [k?nv??se??(?)n] n. 谈话,交谈

convey [k?n?ve?] v. 表达,传递(思想,感情等)

convince [k?n?v?ns] v. 使确信,使信服

cook [k?k] n.炊事员,厨师 v.烹调,做饭

cooker [?k?k?(r)] n. 炊具(锅、炉灶、烤炉等)

cookie [?k?k?] n. 小甜饼

cool [ku?l] a. 凉的,凉爽的;酷

copy [?k?p?] n. 抄本,副本;一本(份,册……) v. 抄写;复印;(计算机用语)拷(备份盘)

coral [?k?r(?)l; (US) ?k??r?l] n. 珊瑚;珊瑚虫

cordless [?k??dl?s] a. 无线的

corn [k??n] n. 玉米,谷物

corner [?k??n?(r)] n. 角;角落;拐角

corporation [k??p??re??(?)n] n. (大)公司

correct [k??rekt] v. 改正;纠正 a. 正确的,对的;恰当的correction [k??rek?(?)n] n. 改正

correspond [k?r??sp?nd; (US) k??r??sp?nd] vi. 一致;与……相当;(与人)通信,有书信往来

corrupt [k??r?pt] a. / v. 贪污的,腐败的,使腐化,堕落cost (cost, cost) [k?st; (US) k??st] v.值(钱),花费 n. 价格

cosy ['k?uzi] a.暖和舒适的,亲密无间的

cottage [?k?t?d?] n. (郊外)小屋,村舍,别墅

cotton [?k?t(?)n] n. 棉花 a. 棉花的

cough [k?f; (US) k??f] n.& vi. 咳嗽

could modal [k?d?m??d(?)l] v.(can的过去式)可以…;(表示许可或请求)可以…,行

count [ka?nt] vt. 数,点数

counter [?ka?nt?(r)] n. 柜台,结账处

country [?k?ntr?] n. 国家;农村,乡下

countryside [?k?ntr?sa?d] n. 乡下,农村

couple [?k?p(?)l] n. 夫妇,一对

courage [?k?r?d?] n. 勇气;胆略

course [k??s] n. 过程;经过;课程

court [k??t] n. 法庭;法院

courtyard [?k??tjɑ?d] n. 庭院,院子cousin [?k?z(?)n] n. 堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹cover [?k?v?(r)] n. 盖子;罩 v. 覆盖,遮盖;掩盖cow [ka?] n. 母牛,奶牛

cowboy [?ka?b??] n.(美国)牛仔;牧场骑士

co-worker [?k???w??k?(r)] n. 合作者;同事

crash [kr??] v. / n. 碰撞,撞击

crayon [?kre??n] n 蜡笔;蜡笔画

crazy [?kre?z?] a. 疯狂的

cream [kri?m] n. 奶油,乳脂

create [kri??e?t] vt. 创造;造成

creature [?kri?t??(r)] n. 生物,动物

credit [?kred?t] n. 信用;信赖;信誉

crime [kra?m] n. (法律上的)罪,犯罪

criminal [?kr?m?n(?)l] n. 罪犯

crew [kru?] n. 全体船员

criterion (pl. criteria) [kra??t??r??n] n. 标准,准则,原则

crop [kr?p] n. 庄稼;收成

cross [kr?s] a. 脾气不好的,易怒的 n. 十字形的东西vt. 越过;穿过

crossing [?kr?s??] n. 十字路口,人行横道crossroads [?kr?sr??d] n. 交叉路口

crowd [kra?d] n. 人群 vt. 拥挤,群聚

crowded [?kra?d?d] a. 拥挤的

cruel [?kru??l] a. 残忍的,残酷的;无情的

cry [kra?] n. 叫喊;哭声 v. 喊叫;哭

cube [kju?b] n. 立方体

cubic [?kju?b?k] a.立方体的,立方形的

cuisine [kw??zi?n] n. 饭菜,佳肴

culture [?k?lt??(r)] n. 文化

cup [k?p] n. 茶杯

cupboard [?k?b?d] n. 碗柜;橱柜

cure [kj??(r)] n. & vt. 治疗;医好

curious [?kj??r??s] a. 好奇的;奇异的

currency [?k?r?ns?] n. 货币;现金

curriculum [k??r?kj?l?m] n.(学校的)全部课程curtain [?k??t(?)n] n. 窗帘

cushion [?k??(?)n] n. 垫子

custom [?k?st?m] n. 习惯,习俗,风俗习惯

customer [?k?st?m?(r)] n. (商店)顾客,主顾

customs [?k?st?m] n. 海关,关税

cut (cut, cut) [k?t] v. / n. 切,剪,削,割, 伤口

cycle [?sa?k(?)l] vi. 骑自行车

cyclist [?sa?kl?st] n. 骑自行车的人


dad = daddy [d?d] n.(口)爸爸,爹爹

daily [?de?l?] a. 每日的;日常的 ad. 每天 n. 日报

dam [d?m] n. 水坝,堰堤

damage [?d?m?d?] n.& vt. 毁坏,损害

damp [d?mp] a. & n. 潮湿(的)

dance [dɑ?ns; (US) d?ns] n.& vi. 跳舞

danger [?de?nd??(r)] n. 危险

dangerous [?de?nd??r?s] a. 危险的

dare [de?(r)] v.& aux..(后接不带to的不定式;主要用于疑问,否定或条件句)敢,敢于

dark [dɑ?k] n. 黑暗;暗处;日暮 a. 黑暗的;暗淡的;深色的darkness [?dɑ?kn?s] n. 黑暗,阴暗

dash [d??] v. & n. 快跑,冲刺,短跑

data [?de?t?, ?dɑ?t?; (US) ?d?t?] n. 资料,数据database [?de?tbe?s] n. 资料库,数据库

date [de?t] n. 日期;约会 n.枣

daughter [?d??t?(r)] n. 女儿

dawn [d??n] n. 黎明,拂晓

day [de?] n.(一)天,(一)日;白天

daylight [?de?la?t] n. 日光,白昼;黎明

dead [ded] a. 死的;无生命的

deadline [?dedla?n] n.最后期限,截止日期

deaf [def] a. 聋的

deal [di?l] n. 量,数额;交易

dear [d??(r)] int.(表示惊愕)哎呀!唷! a. 亲爱的;贵的death [deθ] n. 死

debate [d??be?t] n. & v.讨论,辩论

debt [det] n. 债务;欠款

decade [?deke?d] n. 十年期December [d??semb?(r)] n. 12月

decide [d??sa?d] v. 决定;下决心

decision [d??s??(?)n] n. 决定;决心

declare [d??kle?(r)] vt. 声明;断言

decline [d??kla?n] v. 减少,下降,衰退,谢绝decorate [?dek?re?t] vt.装饰…,修饰…

decoration [dek??re??(?)n] n.装饰,修饰

decrease [d??kri?s] v.减少,减小,降低

deed [di?d] n. 行为;事迹

deep [di?p] a. 深 ad. 深;深厚

deeply [?di?pl?] ad. 深深地

deer [d??(r)] n. 鹿

defeat [d??fi?t] vt. 击败;战胜

defence (美defense) [di'fens] n. & v. 防御;防务defend [d??fend] vt. 防守;保卫

degree [d??ɡri?] n. 程度;度数;学位

delay [d??le?] v.& n. 拖延,延误,延迟,延期;耽搁

delete [d??li?t] v. 删去

deliberately [d??l?b?r?tl?] ad.故意,蓄意,存心delicate [?del?k?t] a.易损的,易碎的

delicious [d??l???s] a. 美味的,可口的

delight [d??la?t] n. 快乐;乐事

delighted [di'laitid] a. 高兴的,快乐的

deliver [d??l?v?(r)] vt. 投递(信件,邮包等)demand [d??mɑ?nd; (US) d??m?nd] vt. 要求

dentist [?dent?st] n. 牙科医生

department(缩Dept.) [d??pɑ?tm?nt] n. 部门;(机关的)司,处;(大学的)系

department -store [d??pɑ?tm?nt-st??(r)] n. 百货商场

departure [d??pɑ?t??(r)] n. 离开,启程

depend [d??pend] vi. 依靠,依赖,指望;取决于deposit [d??p?z?t] v. / n. 订金,押金,放下,放置,储存

depth [depθ] n. 深,深度

describe [d??skra?b] vt. 描写,叙述

description [d??skr?p?(?)n] n. 描述,描写

desert [d??z??t] n. 沙漠 vt. 舍弃;遗弃

deserve [d??z??v] v.(不用于进行时态)应得,应受

design [d??za?n] n.& vt. n. 设计,策划图案,图样,样式desire [d??za??(r)] vt. & n. 要求;期望

desk [desk] n. 书桌,写字台

desperate [?desp?r?t] a.(因绝望而)不惜冒险的,不顾一切的,拼命的

dessert [d??z??t] n. 甜点

destination [dest??ne??(?)n] n.目的地,终点

destroy [d??str??] vt. 破坏,毁坏

detective [d??tekt?v] n. 侦探

determination [d?t??m??ne??(?)n] n. 决心

determine [d??t??m?n] vt. 决定;决心

develop [d??vel?p] v. (使)发展;(使)发达;(使)发育;开发 vt. 冲洗(照片)

development [d??vel?pm?nt] n. 发展,发达,发育,开发devote [d??v??t] vt. 把…奉献, 把…专用(于)

devotion [d??v???(?)n] n. 奉献,奉献精神

diagram [?da??ɡr?m] n. 图表,图样

dial [?da?(?)l] vt. 拨(电话号码)

dialogue (美 dialog) [?da??l?ɡ; (US) ?da??l??ɡ] n. 对话

diamond [?da??m?nd] n. 钻石,金刚石;纸牌中的方块

diary [?da??r?] n. 日记;日记簿

dictation [d?k?te??(?)n] n. 听写

dictionary [?d?k??n?r?; (US) ?d?k??ner?] n. 词典,字典

die [da?] v. 死

diet [da?] n. 饮食

differ [?d?f?(r)] v. 相异,有区别

difference [?d?fr?ns] n. 不同

different [?d?fr?nt] a. 不同的,有差异的

difficult [?d?f?k?lt] a.难;艰难;不易相处

difficulty [?d?f?k?lt?] n. 困难,费力

dig (dug, dug) [d?ɡ] v. 挖(洞沟),掘

digest [d??d?est, da??d?est]v.消化, 领会digital [?d?d??t(?)l] a. .数字的,数码的

dignity [?d?ɡn?t?] n. 庄重,庄严,尊严。尊贵,高尚

dilemma [da??lem?] n. (进退两难的)窘境,困境dimension [d??men?(?)n] n.量度,尺寸,面积,程度,范围

dine [da?n] v. 吃饭;(指正式)进餐

dining-room ['daini?-r?m] 食堂,饭厅

dinner [?d?n?(r)] n. 正餐,宴会

dinosaur [?da?n?s??(r)] n. 恐龙

dioxide [da???ksa?d] n.二氧化物

dip [d?p] vt. 浸,蘸;把…放入又取出

diploma [d??pl??m?] n.毕业文凭;学位证书

direct [d??rekt, da??rekt] a. / vt. 直接的;直达的;直截了当的指挥;指导;监督;管理;指挥(演奏);导演(电影)

direction [d??rek?(?)n, da??rek?(?)n] n. 方向;方位

director [d??rekt?(r)] n. 所长,处长,主任;董事;导演

directory [d??rekt?r?] n. 姓名地址录

dirt [d??t] n. 污物;脏物

dirty [?d??t?] a. 脏的

disability [d?s??b?l?t?] n.. 残疾;无能

disabled [d?s?e?b(?)ld] a. 残废的,残疾的disadvantage [d?s?d?vɑ?nt?d?] n. 不利条件;弱点disagree [d?s??ɡri?] vi. 意见不一致,持不同意见disagreement [d?s??ɡri?m?nt] n. 意见不一致;相违;争论

disappear [d?s??p??(r)] vi. 消失

disappoint [d?s??p??nt]vt. 使失望

disappointment [d?s??p??ntm?nt] n. 失望;沮丧disaster [d??zɑ?st?(r); (US) d?z??st?r] n. 灾难;祸患

discount [?d?ska?nt] n. 折扣

discourage [d??sk?r?d?] vt. (使)气馁;打消(做…的念头)

discover [d??sk?v?(r)] vt. 发现

discovery [d??sk?v?r?] n. 发现

discrimination [d?skr?m??ne??(?)n] n. 歧视

discuss [d?s?k?s] vt. 讨论,议论

discussion [d?s?k??(?)n] n. 讨论,辩论

disease [d??zi?z] n. 病,疾病

disgusting [d?s?ɡ?st??] a.极糟的,令人不快的,令人厌恶的

dish [d??] n. 盘,碟;盘装菜;盘形物

disk =disc [d?sk] n. 磁盘

dislike [d?s?la?k] vt. 不喜爱;厌恶

dismiss [d?s?m?s] vt. 让……离开;遣散;解散;解雇disobey [d?s??be?] vt. 不服从

distance [?d?st?ns] n. 距离

distant [?d?st(?)nt] a. 远的,遥远的

distinction [d??st??k?(?)n] n.差别,区别,优秀,卓越distinguish [d??st??ɡw??] v. 区分,辨别,分清distribute [d??str?bju?t] v. 分发,分配

district [?d?str?kt] n. 区;地区;区域

disturb [d??st??b] vt. 扰乱;打扰

disturbing [d??st??b??] a. 令人不安的,引起恐慌的dive [da?v] vi. 跳水

diverse [da??v??s] v. 不同的,多种多样,形形色色的divide [d??va?d] vt. 分,划分

division [d??v??(?)n] n. (算术用语)除

divorce [d??v??s] v. 离婚

dizzy [?d?z?] a. 头眩目晕的

do (did, done) don't=do not [d?, du?] v. & aux. 做,干,不做,不干

doctor [?d?kt?(r)] n. 医生,大夫;博士

document [?d?kj?m?nt] n. 文件;文献

does doesn't = does not v. 动词do的第三人称单数现在式

dog [d?ɡ; (US) d??ɡ] n. 狗

doll [d?l; (US) d??l]n. 玩偶,玩具娃娃

dollar [d?l; (US) d??l] n. 元(美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国货币单位)

door [d??(r)] n. 门dormitory [?d??m?t?r?; (US) ?d??rm?t??r?] n. 学生宿舍(缩写式dorm)

dot [d?t] n. 点,小点,圆点

double [?d?b(?)l] a. 两倍.双的 n. 两个.双

doubt [da?t] n.& v. 怀疑,疑惑

down [da?n] prep. 沿着,沿…而下 ad. 向下download ['daunl?ud] n.& v. 下载

downstairs [?da?nste?z] ad. 在楼下;到楼下downtown [?da?nta?n] ad. 往或在城市的商业区downward [?da?nw?d] ad. 向下

dozen [?da?nw?d] n. 十二个;几十,许多

Dr(缩) = Doctor n. 医生,大夫;博士

draft [drɑ?ft; (US) dr?ft]n. / v. 草稿,草案,起草,草拟

drag [dr?ɡ] v. 拖;拽

draw (drew, drawn) [dr??] v. 绘画;绘制;拉,拖;提取(金钱)

drawback [?dr??b?k] n.缺点,不利条件

drawer [?dr???(r)] n. 抽屉

drawing [?dr????] n. 图画,素描,绘画

dream (dreamt, dreamt 或--ed, --ed) [dri?m] n.& vt. 梦,梦想

dress [dres] n. 女服,连衣裙;(统指)服装;童装 v. 穿衣;穿着

drier =dryer [?dra??(r)] n. 烘干机;吹风机

drill [dr?l] n. 钻头;(反复的)训练 vt. 钻(孔),在…上钻孔;重复训练

drink [dr??k] n. 饮料;喝酒

drink(drank,drunk) [dr??k] v. 喝,饮

drive(drove,driven) [dra?v] v. 驾驶,开(车);驱赶driver [?dra?v?(r)] n. 司机,驾驶员

drop [dr?p] n.滴 v.掉下.落下.投递.放弃

drown [dra?n] vi. 溺死;淹没

drug [dr?ɡ] n. 药,药物;毒品

drum [dr?m] n. 鼓

drunk [dr??k] a. 醉的

dry [dra?] v. 使…干;弄干;擦干 a. 干的;干燥的

duck [d?k] n. 鸭子

due[dju?; (US) du?] a. 预期的;约定的

dull[d?l] a. 阴暗的;单调无味

dumpling [?d?mpl??] n. 饺子

during [?dj??r??; (US) ?d??r??]prep. 在…期间;在…过程中

dusk [d?sk] n. 黄昏

dust [d?st] n. 灰尘,尘土

dustbin [?d?stb?n] n. 垃圾箱

dusty [?d?st?] a. 尘土般的,尘土多的

duty [?dju?t?; (US) ?du?t?] n. 责任,义务

DVD ['di:'vi:'di:] 数码影碟(digital versatile disk) Dynamic [da??n?m?k] a.充满活力,精力充沛的

Dynasty [?d?n?st?; (US) ?da?n?st?] n.王朝,朝代


each [i?t?] a.& pron.每人.每个.每件

eager [?i?ɡ?(r)] a. 渴望的,热切的

eagle [?i?ɡ(?)l] n. 鹰

ear [??(r)] n.耳朵.耳状物;听力,听觉

early [??l?] a. 早的 ad. 早地

earn [??n]vt. 挣得,赚得

earth [??θ] n. 地球;土,泥;大地

earthquake [???θkwe?k] n. 地震

ease [i?z]v. 减轻;缓解(难度或严重程度)

easily [?i?z?l?] ad. 容易地

east [i?st]a. 东方;东部的;朝东的;从东方来 ad. 在东方;向东方;从东方 n. 东,东方;东部

Easter [?i?st?(r)] n. 复活节

eastern [?i?st(?)n] a. 东方的;东部的

eastwards [?i?stw?dz] ad. 向东

easy [?i?z?] a. 容易的,不费力的

easy--going [?i?z?-?ɡ????] a. 随和的

eat (ate, eaten) [i?t] v. 吃

ecology [??k?l?d??] n. 生态,生态学

edge [ed?] n. 边缘

edition [??d??(?)n]n.(发行物的)版,版(本)

editor [?ed?t?(r)] n. 编辑educate [?edj?ke?t] vt. 教育,培养

educator ['edju:keit?(r)] n. 教育家

education [edj??ke??(?)n] n. 教育,培养

effect [??fekt] n. 效果;作用

effort [?ef?t]n. 努力,艰难的尝试

egg [eɡ] n. 蛋;卵

eggplant [?eɡplɑ?nt]n. 茄子

Egypt* [?i?d??pt] n. 埃及

Egyptian [??d??p?(?)n] a. 埃及的;埃及人的;埃及语的 n. 埃及人

eight [e?t] num. 八

eighteen [?e??ti?n]num. 十八

eighth [e?tθ] num. 第八

eighty [?e?t?] num. 八十

either [?a?e?(r)] a. 两方任一方的;二者之一 conj. 二者之一;要么……

ad. [?d] (用于否定句或短语后)也

elder [?eld?(r)] n. 长者;前辈

elect [??lekt] vt. (投票)选举

electric [??lektr?k] a. 电的

electrical [??lektr?k(?)l] a. 电的;电器的electricity [?lek?tr?s?t?] n. 电;电流electronic [?lek?tr?n?k] a. 电子的

elegant [?el?ɡ?nt] a.文雅的,漂亮的,精美的

elephant [?el?f?nt] n. 象

eleven [??lev(?)n] num. 十一

else [els] ad. 别的,其他的

e-mail/e [i?- me?l]]n. 电子邮件

embarrass [?m?b?r?s] v.使窘迫,尴尬

embassy [?emb?s?] n. 大使馆

emergency [??m??d??ns?] n.紧急情况或状态

emperor [?emp?r?(r)] n. 皇帝

empire [?empa??(r)] n. 帝国

employ [?m?pl??] vt. 雇佣

empty [?empt?] a. 空的

encourage [?n?k?r?d?] vt. 鼓励

encouragement [?n?k?r?d?m?nt] n. 鼓励

end [end] n. 末尾;终点;结束 v. 结束,终止

ending [?end??] n. 结局;结尾,最后

endless [?endl?s] a. 无止境的;没完的

enemy [?en?m?] n. 敌人;敌军

energetic [en??d?et?k] a. 精力旺盛的

energ [?en?d??] y n. 精力,能量

engine [?end??n] n. 发动机,引擎

engineer [end???n??(r)] n. 工程师;技师

England* [???ɡl?nd] n. 英格兰

English [???ɡl??] a. 英国的,英国人的,英语的 n. 英语English -speaking [???ɡl??-spi?k] a.说英语的

enjoy [?n?d???] vt.欣赏;享受乐趣;喜欢

enjoyable [?n?d????b(?)l]a. 愉快的;有趣的

enlarge [?n?lɑ?d?]vt. 扩大

enough [??n?f] n. 足够;充足 a. 足够;充分的 ad. 足够地;充分地

enquiry [?n?kwa??r?] n. 询问

enter [?ent?(r)] vt. 进入

enterprise [?ent?pra?z] n.公司,企,事业单位entertainment [ent??te?nm?nt] n. 娱乐

enthusiastic [?nθju?z???st?k] a.热情的,热心的

entire [?n?ta??(r)] a. 整个的,全部的

entrance [?entr?ns] n. 入口;入场;进入的权利;入学许可entry [?entr?] n. 进入

envelope [?env?l??p] n. 信封

environment [?n?va??r?nm?nt] n.环境

envy [?env?] vt.& n. 忌妒;羡慕

equal [?i?kw(?)l] a.平等的 vt.等于,使等于

equality [i??kw?l?t?] n. 平等

equip [??kw?p] vt. 提供设备;装备;配备

equipment [??kw?pm?nt] n. 装备,设备

eraser [??re?z?(r)] n. 橡皮擦;黑板擦

error [?er?(r)] n. 错误;差错

erupt [??r?pt] v.(火山)爆发,喷发

escape [??ske?p] n.& vi. 逃跑;逃脱

especially [??spe??l?] ad. 特别,尤其

essay [?ese?] n. 散文;文章;随笔Europe* [?j??r?p] n. 欧洲

European [j??r??pi??n] a. 欧洲的,欧洲人的 n. 欧洲人

evaluate [??v?lj?e?t] v.估值,评价,评估

even [?i?v(?)n] ad. 甚至,连(…都);更

evening [?i?vn??] n. 傍晚,晚上

event [ ?'vent] n. 事件,大事

eventually [??ventj??l?] ad.最终地

ever [?ev?(r)] ad. 曾经;无论何时

every [?evr?] a. 每一,每个的

everybody pron. 每人,人人

everyday [?evr?b?d?] a. 每日的;日常的

everyone [?evr?w?n] pron. 每人,人人

everything [?evr?θ??] pron. 每件事,事事everywhere [?evr?we?(r)] ad. 到处

evidence [?ev?d?ns] n. 证据,证明

evident [?ev?d?nt] a.清楚的,显而易见的

evolution [i?v??lu??(?)n; (US) ev-] n. 进化,演变exact [?ɡ?z?kt] a. 精确的;确切的

exactly [ex'act·ly] ad. 精确地;确切地

exam = examination [?ɡz?m??ne??(?)n] n. 考试,测试;检查;审查

examine [?ɡ?z?m?n]vt. 检查;诊察

example [?ɡ?zɑ?mp(?)l; (US) ?ɡ?z?mpl] n. 例子;榜样

excellent [?eks?l?nt] a. 极好的,优秀的

except [?k?sept]prep. 除……之外

exchange [?ks?t?e?nd?]n. 交换,掉换;交流

excite [?k?sa?t]vt. 使兴奋,使激动

excuse [?k?skju?z] n.借口.辩解 vt.原谅.宽恕exercise [?eks?sa?z]n. 锻炼,做操;练习,习题 vi. 锻炼

exhibition [eks??b??(?)n] n. 展览;展览会

exist [?g'z?st] vi. 存在

existence [?ɡ?z?st(?)ns] n.存在;生存;存在物

exit [?eks?t] n. 出口,太平门

expand [?k?sp?nd] v.扩大,增加,扩展

expect [?k?spekt] vt. 预料;盼望;认为

expectation [ekspek?te??(?)n] n. 预料;期望

expense [?k?spens] n. 消费;支出

expensive [?k?spens?v] a. 昂贵的

experience [?k?sp??r??ns] n. 经验;经历

experiment [?k?sper?m?nt] n. 实验

expert [?eksp??t] n. 专家,能手

explain [?ks?ple?n] vt. 解释,说明

explanation [ekspl??ne??(?)n] n. 解释,说明

explicit [?k?spl?s?t] a.清楚明白,易于理解的

explode [?k?spl??d] v. (使)爆炸

exploit vt.开采.开发.利用.剥削

explore [?k?spl??(r)] v. 探险

explorer [?k?spl??r?(r)] n. 探险者

export[?k?sp??t] n. / v.出口,输出

expose [?k?sp??z; (US) eksp??ze?] vt. 揭露

express [?k?spres] vt. 表达;表示;表情 n. 快车,特快专递

expression [?k?spre?(?)n]n. 表达;词句;表示,说法;表情extension [?k?sten?(?)n] n.扩大,延伸

extra[?ekstr?] a. 额外的,外加的

extraordinary[?k?str??d?n?r?; (US) -d?ner?] a. 离奇的;使人惊奇的

extreme [?k?stri?m] a. 极其的,非常的

extremely [?k?stri?ml?] ad. 极其,非常

eye [a?] n. 眼睛

eyesight [?a?sa?t]n. 视力;视觉

eyewitness [?a?w?tn?s] n. 目击证人


f (缩) =female (或 =foot,feet) [ef]n. 女(的);雌(的);英尺

face [fe?s]n. 脸 vt. 面向;面对

facial [?fe??(?)l] a. 面部用的

fact [f?kt]n. 事实,现实

factory n. 工厂

fade [fe?d] vi. 褪色,(颜色)消退

fail [fe?l] v. 失败;不及格;衰退failure [?fe?lj?(r)] n. 失败

fair [fe?(r)] a. 公平的,合理的 a. (肤色)白皙的;(人)白肤金发的 n. 集市;庙会;展览会

fairly [?fe?l?] ad. 公正地,正当地;相当(程度)地fairness ['f??nis] n. 公平;公正

faith [fe?θ] n. 信仰;信念

fall [f??l] n. (美)秋季

fall [f??l] (fell, fallen) vi. 落(下),降落;倒false [f??ls] a. 不正确的;假的

familiar [f??m?l??(r)]a. 熟悉的

family [?f?m?l?] n. 家庭;家族;子女

family name 姓氏

famous[?fe?m?s] a. 著名的

fan [f?n]n. (电影、运动等的)迷;热心的爱好者(支持者) n. 风扇

fancy [?f?ns?]a.花式;装饰的;奇特的

fantastic a. (口语)极好的,美妙的,很棒的

fantasy [?f?nt?s?] n 幻想,梦想

far [fɑ?(r)] (farther, farthest 或further , furthest) a.& ad. 远的;远地

fare [fe?(r)] n.(车或船的)费用,票(价)

farm [fɑ?m] n. 农场;农庄

farmer [?fɑ?m?(r)] n. 农民

fast [fɑ?st; (US) f?st]a. 快的,迅速的;紧密的 ad. 快地,迅速地;紧密地

fasten [?fɑ?s(?)n; (US) f?sn]vt. 扎牢;扣住

fat [f?t]n. 脂肪 a. 胖的;肥的

father [?fɑ?e?(r)] n. 父亲

fault [f??lt]n. 缺点,毛病

favour ['feiv?] (美favor) n. 恩惠;好意;帮助favourite ['feiv?rit] (美 favorite) a. 喜爱的 n. 特


fax [f?ks] n. 传真

fear [f??(r)]n. 害怕;恐惧;担忧

feast [fi?st] n.盛宴,宴会,(宗教的)节日

feather [?fee?(r)] n. 羽毛

February ['febru?ri] n. 2月


40篇英语短文搞定高考3500个单词 1先完成语法填空,理解文章 2 识别带下划线单词,英文处写中文,中文翻译处写英文 1. Fall in Love with English 1 _______(hide) behind the loose dusty curtain, 2 _____ teenager pack ed up his overcoat into the suitcase. He planned to leave home at dusk though there was thunder and lightning outdoors. He had got to do this 3 ________ he was tired of his parents’ complaining about his English study and did not want to go through it any 4 _____(long). He couldn’t get along well with English and dislike d join ing in English classes because he thought his teacher 5________(ignore) him on purpose. As a result, his score in each exam never add ed up to over 60. His partner was concerned about him very much. She understood 6________(exact) what he was suffer ing from, but entirely disagree d 7_______ his idea. In order to calm him down 8________ settle his problem, she talked with him face to face and swap ped a series of 9______(learn) tip s with him. The item s she set down helped him find the highway to studying English well. The teenager was grateful and got great power from his friend’s words. Now, he has recover ed from being upset and 10_______(fall) in love with English. 有个少年躲在积满灰尘的松散窗帘后把大衣装入手提箱。尽管外面正打雷闪电,他仍计划在黄昏时分离家出走。他不得不这样做是因为厌倦了父母对他英语学习的唠叨,不想再忍受下去了。他的英语学习总是无法取得进展,而且不喜欢参加英语课的学习,因为他以为老师有意忽视他。结果,他每次考试的分数合计从未超过60。 他的搭档很关心他,也确切地理解他遭受的折磨,但却完全不同意他的想法。为了使他冷静下来好好解决问题,她和他面对面地交谈,并交换了一系列的学习心得技巧。她写下来的条款帮助他找到了学好英语的最佳捷径。 这个少年非常很感激,并从朋友的话里获得极大的动力。现在,他已经从沮丧中恢复过来,真正爱上了英语。


1. Fall in love with english 爱上英语 Hiding behind the loose dusty curtain, a teenager pack ed up his overcoat into the suitcase. He planned to leave home at dusk though there was thunder and lightning outdoors. He had got to do this because he was tired of hi s parents’ nagging about his english study and did not want to go through it any longer. He couldn’t get along well with english and dislike d join ing in english classes because he thought his teacher ignore d him on purpose. As a result, his score in each exam never add ed up to over 60. His partner was concerned about him very much. She understood exactly what he was suffer ing from, but entirely disagree d with his idea. In order to calm him down and settle his problem, she talked with him face to face and swap ped a series of learning tip s with him. The item s she set down helped him find the highway to studying english well. The teenager was grateful and got great power from his friend’s words. Now, he has recover ed from being upset and has fall en in love with english. 有个少年躲在积满灰尘的松散窗帘后把大衣装入手提箱。尽管外面正打雷闪电,他仍计划在黄昏时分离家出走。他不得不这样做是因为厌倦了父母对他英语学习的唠叨,不想再忍受下去了。他的英语学习总是无法取得进展,而且不喜欢参加英语课的学习,因为他以为老师有意忽视他。结果,他每次考试的分数合计从未超过60。 他的搭档很关心他,也确切地理解他遭受的折磨,但却完全不同意他的想法。为了使他冷静下来好好解决问题,她和他面对面地交谈,并交换了一系列的学习心得技巧。她写下来的条款帮助他找到了学好英语的最佳捷径。 这个少年非常很感激,并从朋友的话里获得极大的动力。现在,他已经从沮丧中恢复过来,真正爱上了英语。 2. Different countries have different kinds of englishes 不同的国家有不同的英语 Voyage s of people from england play an important part in spreading the english language. At present, english is frequently spoken as an official or common language in many countries, such as america, singapore, malaysia and some african countries. All base d on british english, the english spoken in these countries can be well understood by native english speakers. But actually, these englishes have been gradually changing in accent s, spelling s, expression s and the usage of vocabulary. Because of this fact, you can make use of the differences to tell which country the foreigners of your block are from. For example, if a boss fluently commands his driver, ―come up straight to my apartment by elevator and tak e some gas for my trucks and cab s‖, instead of request ing, ―please come to my flat by lift and take some petrol for my lorries and taxis‖, you can recognize his american identity, while the latter suggest s that he is british. 英国人的航海在英语的传播中扮演了重要的角色。目前,英语在许多国家被作为官方语言或通用语言频繁地使用,例如美国、新加波、马来西亚和一些非洲的国家。这些国家的英语都以英式英语为基础,能很好地为以英语为本族语的人所理解。但是实际上,这些英语在口音、拼写、表达和词汇的使用方面都在逐渐变化。 因为这一情况的存在,你就可以利用这些英语之间的区别说出你们街区的外国人是哪个国家来的了。例如,如果有个老板流利地命令他的司机:―come up straight to my apartment by elevator and t ake some gas for my trucks and cabs(直接搭电梯到我公寓上来拿卡车和出租车的汽油)‖,而不是要求说,―please come to my flat


1. Fall in Love with English 爱上英语 Hiding behind the loose dusty curtain, a teenager pack ed up his overcoat into the suitcase. He planned to leave home at dusk though there was thunder and lightning outdoors. He had got to do this because he was tired of hi s parents’ nagging about his English study and did not want to go through it any longer. He couldn’t get along well with English and dislike d join ing in English classes because he thought his teacher ignore d him on purpose. As a result, his score in each exam never add ed up to over 60. His partner was concerned about him very much. She understood exactly what he was suffer ing from, but entirely disagree d with his idea. In order to calm him down and settle his problem, she talked with him face to face and swap ped a series of learning tip s with him. The item s she set down helped him find the highway to studying English well. The teenager was grateful and got great power from his friend’s words. Now, he has recover ed from being upset and has fall en in love with English. 有个少年躲在积满灰尘的松散窗帘后把大衣装入手提箱。尽管外面正打雷闪电,他仍计划在黄昏时分离家出走。他不得不这样做是因为厌倦了父母对他英语学习的唠叨,不想再忍受下去了。他的英语学习总是无法取得进展,而且不喜欢参加英语课的学习,因为他以为老师有意忽视他。结果,他每次考试的分数合计从未超过60。 他的搭档很关心他,也确切地理解他遭受的折磨,但却完全不同意他的想法。为了使他冷静下来好好解决问题,她和他面对面地交谈,并交换了一系列的学习心得技巧。她写下来的条款帮助他找到了学好英语的最佳捷径。 这个少年非常很感激,并从朋友的话里获得极大的动力。现在,他已经从沮丧中恢复过来,真正爱上了英语。 2. Different Countries Have Different Kinds of Englishes 不同的国家有不同的英语 Voyage s of people from England play an important part in spreading the English language. At present, English is frequently spoken as an official or common language in many countries, such as America, Singapore, Malaysia and some African countries. All base d on British English, the English spoken in these countries can be well understood by native English speakers. But actually, these Englishes have been gradually changing in accent s, spelling s, expression s and the usage of vocabulary. Because of this fact, you can make use of the differences to tell which country the foreigners of your block are from. For example, if a boss fluently commands his driver, “Come up straight to my apartment by elevator and tak e some gas for my trucks and cab s”, instead of request ing, “Please come to my flat by lift and take some petrol for my lorries and taxis”, you can recognize his American identity, while the latter suggest s that he is British. 英国人的航海在英语的传播中扮演了重要的角色。目前,英语在许多国家被作为官方语言或通用语言频繁地使用,例如美国、新加波、马来西亚和一些非洲的国家。这些国家的英语都以英式英语为基础,能很好地为以英语为本族语的人所理解。但是实际上,这些英语在口音、拼写、表达和词汇的使用方面都在逐渐变化。 因为这一情况的存在,你就可以利用这些英语之间的区别说出你们街区的外国人是哪个国家来的了。例如,如果有个老板流利地命令他的司机:“Come up straight to my apartment by elevator and take some gas for my trucks and cabs(直接搭电梯到我公寓上来拿卡车和出租车的汽油)”,而不是要求说,“Please come to my flat by lift and take some petrol for my lorries and taxis(请直接搭电梯到我公寓上来拿卡车和出租车的汽油)”,你就可以轻易地辨认出他的美国人身份,而后者却暗示着那是一位英国人。(请注意:听力录音里第二段两个“电梯”的单词跟原文不一致,原文是对的,录音弄错了,elevator才是美式说法而lift是英式说法。)


高中英语背诵40篇短文记住高考3500个单词十(非常实用) 1.Explore MKII 探测MKII行星 MKII, a planet billion s of kilometers away, is the origin of life in many religion s. Physicist s have proved the theory that its gentle climate and the pull of its gravity are similar to the earth’s. A nd astronomer s have found that oxygen atom s and carbon dioxide, which are fundamental to life, exist in its atmosphere through satellite s. Cheer ed up by this news, biologist s, in their turn, began to do some research to remove people’s puzzle s—Now that there are some suitable conditions, does life really exist on this globe? Do they multiply by lay ing eggs or giving birth to babies? Last month, a spaceship was sent there. It’s a pity that this mission failed. Unlike the earth, MKII is a much younger planet. Thus, mass es of harmful acid clouds float everywhere causing violent chain reactions to break out. These clouds not only block ed out the pilots’ sight but also damaged the engine system. Luckily, the pilots watch ed out carefully and prevent ed the spaceship from crash ing in time. MK二号是一颗几十亿公里外的行星,它在许多宗教里都是生命起源的地方。物理学家已经证明了它温和的气候和重力的牵引都和地球相似的理论;天文学家也通过卫星,在它的大气层里发现了氧原子和二氧化碳的存在,这些都是对生命来说,都是基本的。受到这一消息的鼓舞,生物学家们接着开始了研究以解开人们的迷惑——既然有了适合的条件,生命真的存在于这个星球吗?他们是通过下蛋,还是产仔来繁殖后代的呢? 上个月,一艘太空飞船被派到了那儿。可惜的是,这次任务失败了。不像地球,MK二号是一颗年轻得多的行星。因此,大团大团的有害酸云到处漂浮,引起猛烈的连锁反应的爆发。这些云团不仅阻挡了飞行员的视线,而且还损坏了发动机系统。幸运的是,飞行员小心注意,才及时阻止了飞船的坠毁。


40篇短文搞定高考英语3500单词 一宗谋杀案 When giving a lecture about the significance of punctuation, the academic professor was interrupted and arrested by the police for murdering his wife, a receptionist of a kindergarten. The police found some photos he deleted from their e-album showing that they used to have a gay life. But, fed up with her wrinkled face, he murdered her instead of divorcing her to avoid fortune division. He cut up a kind of seashell with a sharpened knife, and hammered it into powder on a skateboard, and made at most one gram, which was enough to accelerate one’s pulse until he or she dies. This kind of poison can date back to 10,000 BC when people rubbed it on spears to kill beasts. The professor mixed the poison with onion, watermelon and yogurt for his wife. Howling and scratching her chest, she felt dizzy and died soon. After tentative examination, the police assumed she died of heart disease. But systematic botanical analyses showed that the watermelon spit on the messy mat and the quilt was poisonous. Regardless of exhaustion and starvation, the acute and skilful policemen used radioactive equipment to make sure the category of the poison. Primitive and not ample as their alternative equipment was, they got perfect accuracy somehow. People applauded the police and the woman’s family can look ahead with relief now. 那位学院的教授在发表关于标点符号重要意义的演讲时被**打断了,他因谋杀自己的妻子——一位幼儿园的接待员——而被逮捕。**找到了一些被他从电子相册里删除的照片,照片表明,他们曾经有过快乐的生活,但是,因为厌烦了妻子起皱的脸,他杀死她而不是和她离婚以避免离婚时的财产分割。他用一把磨利的小刀切碎一种贝壳,然后在滑板上锤打成粉末,最多1克就足以加速人的脉搏直到其死亡。这种毒药可以追溯到公元前10,000年,当时它就被涂抹在长予上杀死野兽。教授把这种毒药混合在洋葱、西瓜和酸奶里给他的妻子,后者叫喊、抓挠胸口、头晕目眩,很快就死了。在初步检查之后,**设想她是死于心脏病。但是系统的植物学分析却表明,吐在凌乱的席子和被子上的西瓜有毒。敏锐而又技术娴熟的**不顾疲劳和饥饿,用放射性的设备确定了毒素的种类。尽管可供选择的设备原始,且数量不足,他们还是设法取得了完美的准确度。 人们都为**欢呼鼓掌,而那位女人的家人现在也可以带着欣慰为将来打算了。 移民美国 Attracted by the boom in America, my nephew teamed up with a Korean to illegally cross the Bearing Strait in the Arctic to America. To avoid the Customs’ punishment, they hid in a small ferry called the North Pole Seagull, sitting back to back without sleeping, showering and shaving for 3 days, and had no chance to mourn their lost luggage when landing. The hardship of this crossing was apparent. At first, he made a living by means of raising cattle and then was hired in aircraft industries. He lived in a Catholic district. Taking in a small percentage of Pakistani immigrants, the majority of the residents were from Italy and Denmark, who all kept up their customs


06 A Brave Maid 勇敢的女仆 A wooden vase from the Ming Dynasty at the entrance of the reception hall amaze d everyone. The artist s design ed it in a rare style and select ed valuable jewels to decorate it. People thought highly of its fancy colour of honey and the beautiful painting s on it. The vase used to belong to a former castle. But when the country was at war, the enemy troops explode d the castle. Debates on how the vase survive d went on and on. In order to remove p eople’s doubt, a team of no less than 20 people carried out an informal investigation. The evidence s they found showed that a maid took the vase apart and asked a sailor to sink it in a local well. She never gave away the secret even under the cruel trial of the enemies who were in search of treasures. It is worth giving this brave maid a fortune in return. 接待大厅入口处的明朝木制花瓶使每个人都惊奇不已。艺术家以一种罕有的风格设计它,并挑选了贵重的珠宝装饰它。人们高度赞赏它那蜂蜜般的奇特颜色,还有上面绘制的绘画。 这个花瓶曾经属于一座从前的城堡,但在战争期间,敌人的军队炸毁了城堡,于是关于这个花瓶是如何幸存下来的争论就一直在持续着。为了解开人们的疑问,一个由不少于20人的调查队开展了一次非正式的调查。他们找到的证据表明,有个女仆把花瓶拆开,然后让一名水手把它沉到当地的一个水井里。她从来没有泄露这个秘密,即使是在搜寻财宝的敌人残酷的审讯下。 这位女仆值得给予一大笔钱作为对她的回报。


经典40篇短文搞定3500词汇-16-20(内 有m p3)

16 A Woman Doctor Lina 女医生丽娜 Born in a pigs’ nest, Lina led a poor life in her childhood. She was look ed down upon by the children of her generation. But she intend ed to become a doctor after she came across Lin Qiaozhi by chance, who was deliver ing medical courses to an audience crowd ing around her. Before moving off, Lin inspire d her to carry on her study. With Lin’s support, Lina entered an institute and studied hard sparing no time for entertainment. Her being outspoken and modest won respect for her. Her excellent arguing skills and observation ability put others into the shade. Now, Lina has become a specialist in human being s’ emergency sickness. Her kindness and considerate behavior to the poor were well known. The organization she founded carried out campaign s and welfare project s to help cut the death rate for the poor. Her job was hard but worthwhile. She often refers to the connection between her achievement and Lin Qiaozhi, and says that her poor childhood is the bond between her and the poor. 丽娜出生在猪圈里,童年过着贫穷的生活,被和她同辈的孩子看不起。但是在她偶然遇见了林巧芝之后却打定注意想要成为一名医生,当时林巧芝正在给拥挤在她身边的观众传授医疗课程,在离开之前,林巧芝鼓舞她继续坚持学习。在林的支持下,丽娜进入了一所学院。她努力学习,毫不浪费时间玩闹娱乐。她的坦诚和谦虚为她赢得了尊敬,她优秀的辩论技巧和观察能力使其他的人都黯然失色。 现在,丽娜已经成为一名人类紧急病症专家。她对穷人的好心和考虑周到的一举一动都众所周知,她建立的组织开展各种活动和福利项目来为穷人减少死亡率。她的工作艰苦却很值得。她常常提到她的成就和林巧芝之间的联系,还总是说她贫穷的童年就是她与穷人之间的纽带。


【词汇】40篇英语短文搞定高考3500个单词(一) 01 Fall in Love with English 爱上英语 Hiding behind the loose dusty curtain,a teenager pack ed up his overcoat into the suitcase. He planned to leave home at dusk though there was thunder and lightning outdoors. He had got to do this because he was tired of his parents’ nagging about his English study and did not want to go through it any longer.He couldn’t get along well with English and dislik ed join ing in English classes because he thought his teacher ignore d him on purpose. As a result, his score in each exam never add ed up to over 60. His partner was concerned about him very much. She understood exactly what he was suffer ing from, but entirely disagree d with his idea. In order to calm him down and settle his problem, she talked with him face to face and swap ped a series of learning tip s with him. The item s she set down helped him find the highway to studying English well. The teenager was grateful and got great power from his friend’s words.Now, he has recover ed from being upset and has fal len in love with English. 有个少年躲在积满灰尘的松散窗帘后把大衣装入手提箱。尽管外面正打雷闪电,他仍计划在黄昏时分离家出走。他不得不这样做是因为厌倦了父母对他英语学习的唠叨,不想再忍受下去了。他的英语学习总是无法取得进展,而且不喜欢参加英语课的学习,因为他以为老师有意忽视他。结果,他每次考试的分数合计从未超过60。 他的搭档很关心他,也确切地理解他遭受的折磨,但却完全不同意他的想法。为了使他冷静下来好好解决问题,她和他面对面地交谈,并交换了一系列的学习心得技巧。她写下来的条款帮助他找到了学好英语的最佳捷径。 这个少年非常很感激,并从朋友的话里获得极大的动力。现在,他已经从沮丧中恢复过来,真正爱上了英语。 02 2. Different Countries Have Different Kinds of Englishes 不同的国家有不同的英语 Voyages of people from England play an important part in spreading the English language. At present, English is frequently spoken as an official or common language in many countries, such as America, Singapore,Malaysia and some African countries. All base d on British English, the English spoken in these countries can be well understood by native English speakers. But actually, these Englishes have been gradually changing in accents, spellings, expressions and the usage of vocabulary. Because of this fact, you can make use of the differences to tell which country the foreigners of your block are from. For example, if a boss fluently command s his driver, “Come up straight to my apartment by elevator and take some gas for my trucks and cab s”, instead of reques ting, “Please come to my flat by lift and take some petrol for my lorries and taxis”,you can recognize his American identity, while the latter suggest s that he is British.


40篇短文记单词训练3 5. The Great President 伟大的总统 As the founder of the republic, 1 ________ president had many g ood 2 __________(quality). Before coming to power, he was a generous lawyer. He was willing to 3_ (self)help everyone who turned to him. He accepted no fee to offer legal guidance and opinion s to 4 _________ who were out of work or 5 _________(educate). Later, 6_____________(believe) all mankind to be equal, he devote d himself to stopping the unfair anti-black laws. He set up the Black Youth League________ was vote d to be the leader. However, 8__________he kept peaceful principle s without violence and terror, his mean e nemies still blew up 9_________ house and attack ed his relative s, and he himself couldn’t escape 10______________(sentence) to 30 years in prison. Not fearing 11__________the prison guards’ cruelty, he kept active and begged no mercy from them. As a matter of fact, he was always 12___________ (hope)and never lost heart during the stage even though he was in trouble. Finally, people reward ed him 13__________ the leader’s position and a gold blanket.


高中英语背诵40篇短文记住高考3500个单词四(非常实用) 1.Immigrate to America 移民美国 Attracted by the boom in America, my nephew team ed up with a Korean to illegally cross the Bearing Strait in the Arctic to America. To avoid the Customs’ punishment, they hid in a small ferry called the North Pole Seagull, sitting back to back without sleeping, showering and shaving for 3 days, and had no chance to mourn their lost luggage when landing. The hardship of this crossing was apparent. At first, he made a living by means of raising cattle and then was hire d in aircraft industries. He lived in a Catholic district. Taking in a small percentage of Pakistani immigrants, the majority of the residents were from Italy and Denmark, who all kept up their customs and cultures. Different blocks here were distinct ly mark ed out and indicate d from the racial angle. It was unfair and needed reform ing. But with nowhere else to go, my nephew live d on and managed to make a life for himself. My nephew’s fortune came when he bravely helped a conductor brake a ream to stop it from slip ping out of the rail s. The man was elect ed vice chairman of the Socialist Party later. It occur red to my nephew that he could grasp this opportunity to ask for his help. The man who was thankful helped him apply to the civil authority for the right to live in America by insert ing his brave deed into his documents. Unlike a great many other applicant s, his application was approved by the Federal Justice Ministry. Before long, he started his own bakery and lived a better life. 因为受到美国繁荣的吸引,我的侄子与一名韩国人合作,从北极的白令海峡偷渡到美国。为了避开海关的惩处,他们躲在一艘叫“北极海鸥”的渡轮里,背靠背坐着,整整3天没有睡觉、洗澡和刮胡子,上岸的时候也没有机会心痛他们丢失的行李,这次横渡的艰辛是显而易见的。 起初,他借助饲养牲畜谋生,后来受雇于飞机制造工业。他住的地方是一个天主教区,除了包括一小部分(百分比)的巴基斯坦移民,大部分的居民都来自于意大利和丹麦,他们都保持着自己的风俗和文化,使这里的街区都从种族的角度清楚地划出界线,明确标示。
