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Perusal2: 1 .Accomplishment acquire arrogantly aspirin assume available bachelor beanpole bull certify civilized client continuity cyanide democratic disaster drugstore enroll expertise expose faculty fragment generate grind hip humanity implicitly inevitable literal maintain Neanderthal nevertheless peculiar penetrating pest pharmacy philosophy pill preside professional pursuit push-button qualified rear resources savage scroll semester sensitive shudder specialize species specimen spiritual store suffice ----------

2 .Alert birch bough cabin chase creek crouch cub detain dim doc drift flake grasshopper howl leap

lick mantle meadow mischievous muzzle numb pace partner paw pierce pine poke puppy realize restless rifle rocket rooster rumble shack shiver slash smother snarl soaked spear spurt squat squirrel stir thicken thrill toll trapper unchained whimper wiggle wolf wool ----------

3. approval bond certainty commit contribution convict costly court current decade deter dismiss

elite estimate evidence execute feasible feature illustrate imprison inmate maximum nonetheless non-traffic observation offender offense per personnel precisely prior property prosecute rate reality reject Saudi Arabia severity social solution statistics teenage theft tough victim violence voter witness ----------

4.beneath bloom breast bride bridegroom bubble bud butterfly chamberlain chill coral crimson

crystal cynic daffodil daisy delicate dove ebb ecstasy emerald fling flush flutter foam frost frown girdle grove gutter harp instrument jewel lizard mermaid musician nest nightingale nip opal outright pang petal pluck prince ruby sincerity soar soul stringed sunbeam sun-dial thorn tomb topmost vein violin wretched ----------

5.alcohol blur brow considerate cover dab demonstrate draining-board greasy hypocritical

indifference mop nozzle pinch plunge racist refrigerator relax rinse rummage shallow silverware sink snap spray squeeze stupid thoroughly unattached undress wrist Ann ----------

6.acknowledge admirable aesthetic anonymity balding behave behavior blast budget capacity

casualty challenge chaotic chunk clash classic collision commitment conclusion congressional dip distinction doze emotional employee essential Florida flotation freeze gasp grope gull harsh helicopter immovable impact injured jet likewise monument possibility Potomac presidential proof remark skid slap standoff survivor thus totally tragedy unique Washington Donald Usher Eugene Windsor Skutnik ----------

7.alter appeal artificial ashore aspiration blade bribe brood Caribbean cavalry deadly dominate

facility folly germ glory grip idle inspiration intelligence laboratory mastery minister ministry plague project rival soothingly splendor spread spur strip tale tavern threat threaten tropics warfare wisdom ----------

8. airily apron bet bid bourgeois colony colonial confess convention crusade crushed divine earnest

enthusiastically establish exit forehead fuss genteel girlishly gown grave hastily ideally investigate lap ma’am maid miserable mythology naïve overseas partially permanent pompous positively primitively psychology puzzled readjust reprimand respectable shell-shocked shh snoop speculatively sternly stifle sympathetically tribe wander weep wicked wriggle ----------

9. advocate amusement antique bicentennial briefing cabinet carriage checkerboard civil compress

condense confederate convenience defer diet digest Dutch eagle fax featureless gorgeous gratification be guaranteed to herd iceberg ignore infect interstate lane linger liposuction microwave mph outlet overnight pastoral paycheck Pennsylvania Polaroid pre-digest refresh revitalize route salad scenery screen skim slide spicy subtle superficially supermarket symbolically symphony theme tour turnpike urge version VCR West Virginia Beethoven cliff ---
