one piece 海贼王英文版介绍

one piece 海贼王英文版介绍
one piece 海贼王英文版介绍

Hi,boys and girls ,

Good afternoon!I’m very glad to stand here and give you a speech.。Today I want to introduce my favorite cartoon——ONE PIECE. Before this,I will introduce myself,my Chinese name is zhengwenwen,and my English name is Melody .Then,let us go on.

Long and long year ago, the king of the pirate—Gold.D.Roger had left a words when he died” Do you want to my wealth? To find it, all my wealth is there, I left it at somewhere in Grand Line!”Because of the words, more and more people travel to Grand Line, to find the wealth. So the big pirate time of the world was coming! But no one has ever found the treasure, and the Grand Line is the most dangerous of the world. A boy named Monkey D. Luffy has decided to become a pirate and search for One Piece to become the next Pirate King.

On the journey, Luffy get know with the other eight partners and formed a pirates called the Straw Hat Pirates. Let me introduce his members that I love .

The first one is Monkey D. Luffy .He is the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. By accidentally eating a Devil Fruit, a fruit that grants special abilities to those who eat them, his body gained the propertie s of rubber. Luffy's dream is to get ONE PIECE and become the king of the pirates.

The next one is Roronoa Zoro .He is a swordsman skillful with three swords. He continues to fight in order to become the best swordsman in the world. He is poor at understanding directions and gets lost very easily. He also sleeps soundly and loves to drink.

Do you known TonyTony Chopper? He is a very cute doctor.He is a blue-nosed reindeer, who gained human abilities by eating a Devil Fruit. He can communicate with humans and animals alike. He has a tendency to believe anything told to him.

The sight partners, have their own beliefs and dreams, They face difficulties together, and they came to a Grand Line , on the way to the One Piece. They are still sailing on the Grand Line to fight for their own dreams. Nine people, nine dreams, this is a story about a group of youth like dreaming, they have Dream, they have Willing, they have partners, and the friendship they have is much more than everything, although the" One piece”.




This is a cartoon about dreams.The tream is at the end of the sea,it a lot of dangers in the sea, Ever body must fight for their dreams. 点Today I will introduce one piece for you. The soty started at that person,he has all the world’s wealth,reputation and rights,he is the king of pirates——Gold D Roger.This legend person has buried all his treasure named one piece in the great waterway,he said some words before dying and driven people all over the world into the sea.”do you want the wealth,you can get it.I put everything on there,you gou !”As a result, the pirates age began! Now let me introduce the straw hat pirate crew. “I will be the king of pirates.”he often say this and this is his tream.his name is Monkey D.luffy.He is the captain of the straw hat pirtes.he is carefree and sometimes no brains…His favorite thing is meat,even he is sleeping,he can eat meat..He is a kindness man but if his friends were hurted ,he can stronger than a monster.He gains supernatural abilities after eating a magical friuit called Devil fruit.His body can elongate anywhere. His hat is the most important thing.At that time Luffy is a seven years old boy, a crew of piratesn named”Red-Haired”,thire leader is Shanks.He uses Luffy’s hometown as their base.Shanks save him frome the sea monster and losing his arm in this accident.When Shanks leave he give his hat to Luffy.So this hat is important as Luffy’s life. Now it’s time for his friends. This man is may favorite person in one piece.He is a strong man like Luffy.His name is Roronoa Zoro.He was the first to join the crew as a swordsman,he fight with three knifes,called three knife flow.He favorite thing is sleeping….he always sleep and he very like drinking.Zoro have a tream to be the first swordsman of the world.When zoro is a little boy he had a best friend .She is zoro’s master’s daughter.But she dead in a accident.Zoro is so sad and he swear “I would like to become strong in place of her,I will be so famous that even heaven can hear of my great name!”I like zoro most because when all the partners ware get down ,he want sacrifice himself to protect his captain and his friends.Fortunately,he didn’t die,he was badly injure,and when his friend asked him,he said nothing. Next is Nami a buitful and strong girl.She is the second partner of Luffy,she is the crew’s navigator ,and she is a navigation genius.The intrest is mony.Her dream is to draw a complete map of the world. Usopp The crew’s marksman and the third to join. he is a liar,clever inventor and has famous artistic talent.his dream is to become a “brave warrior of the sea.”But at bginning,he was not strong enough,So he exercise himself and become a real warrior. Now this handsome man is Sanji,a sea cook,excellent cook.he likes smoking very much.Therefore he will never refuse someone a meal even though he is enemy.He has a very strong footwork,so he is the main combatant of the crew.Sanji like all beautiful women and grils.Sanji has a tream that is to find the all blue,a legendary sea,containing every kinds of fish in the world,so he go with Luffy,leave out the sea restaurant and he very appreciate his master or we can call him as sanji’s adoptive father who was save sanji in a lsolated island with his leg.


基本格式如下: 名字: 英文名: 身份: 恶魔果实: 武器: 简介: 分类方法设想: 一、海贼(以海贼团为单位细分类) 二、世界政府、海军(以军衔等为单位细分类) 三、王下七武海 四、革命党(暂时只知道龙,以后可能会有其它人吧) 五、其它(以出现地为细分单位) 目前共有人物总数:57+32+4+1+107=201 一、海贼(目前:57) 【海贼王】(目前 1) 【草帽海贼团】(目前 10) 【白胡子海贼团】(目前 3) 【红发海贼团】(目前 5) 【黑胡子海贼团】(目前 5) 【黑猫海贼团】(目前 3) 【猿山联盟军】(目前 3) 【亚比达海贼团】(目前 1) 【FOXY海贼团】(目前 9) 【恶龙海贼团】(目前 5) 【巨兵海贼团】(目前 3) 【力克海贼团】(目前 3) 【大盔海贼团团】(目前 1) 【贝拉密海贼团】(目前 2) 【罗西奥海贼团】(目前 1) 【巴基海贼团】(目前 3) 【海贼王】(目前 1) 1.名字:哥尔?D?罗杰 日文名:ゴールド?ロジャーゴール?D?ロジャー 英文名:Gol?D?Roger 身份:海贼王 恶魔果实:不祥 武器:不祥

简介:财富、名望、地位集于一身的海贼王,传承着D的意志,被海军处死在罗格镇,遗言他的所有财宝都在伟大的航路,此语成为了“大海贼时代”到来的导火索,从此,凡是有梦想的人,都涌进了伟大的航路,寻找one piece,罗杰的财宝。罗杰是谜一样的人物,让我们慢慢等待尾田去一一揭晓海贼王的过去。 【草帽海贼团】(目前 10) 1.名字:蒙其?D?路飞 日文名:モンキー?D?ルフィ 英文名:Monkey?D?Luffy 身份:草帽海贼团团长 恶魔果实:橡胶果实 武器:拳头、头、腿、脚、牙 简介:重义气,伙伴是生命的全部。头脑简单,但无愧船长之职,草帽海贼团各个特例独行,却都团结在其周围,其领导力可见一斑。喜欢吃肉,胃口特别大,一顿能吃个鲸鱼。梦想成为海贼王,有死的觉悟。名字中带有D,有特殊意义。(路飞的比较难写,大家补充一下了)补充:左脸有刀疤,是体现他当海贼的决心而自割.大智若愚,爱睡觉,爱吃肉,可以边吃边睡.受伤的时候可以通过吃肉来恢复HP.草帽为红发救他后所赠,视为宝物.梦想是当海贼王.(来自伊甸园之蛇) ps:以下是路飞的传记 路飞字蒙奇,号D,又号草帽小子,东海人,海贼王多格.D.罗杰之后也。 少时,与红发香克斯等善,言:“吾必当海贼王也。”香异之,飞遂取匕首,割面铭志,香阻之,未果。又误啖恶魔果实,遂化为橡胶人,而终生不得近水焉。时有山贼闹事,虏飞为质,香救之,失其臂,乃还。飞见之,大泣,香赠之草帽,抚背而曰:“此乃吾之要物,现寄之与尔,待汝王海贼,吾当取之。” 五老星四十二年末,海贼并起。时东海有海贼巴基,洛克,克利克,阿郎等,不可胜数,大者两三千,小者六七百。飞建海贼团,名曰草帽,以卓洛为剑,娜美为司舵,乌索布为射,山治为庖。十月,飞仅以五人之数,大破巴基等众。名震东海,海军为之悬赏三千万白银。飞欲赴伟大之航路,经洛古,为巴基余将卡柏斯擒,遣至断头台。飞大笑,曰:“谢,吾将亡。”时天变,降雷电,中断头台,飞乃安。大佐史摩卡见之,大惊:“此若飞为海贼王之兆矣!”欲擒之,为革命家龙阻。 时阿拉巴大旱,久不雨。初,有七武海克洛克达尔,组社曰B.W,其社员冯.克雷伪为帝,捏帝祈雨于跳舞粉之虚幌,众咸真之,帝乃失信,国民离散。是月,寇沙反,势渐大。公主微微,幼时为寇好友,孤入B.W,躬究其真因,后事露,B.W欲杀之,为飞所救。飞闻之,大怒。时克洛克达尔追至,飞使卓洛等佐微走,独战之,大败,将亡,于克副手罗宾活。寇兵径至城下,欲犯阿拉巴,且帝已虏,局危。卓洛等同微奔至,破敌将Mr.1等于城下。战烈,微不能止,大泣。飞赶至,复战克,大败之,罗宾降。时雨至,众喜,遂闻微泣,皆知此乃克之谋也。战止。帝谢飞,大赦天下。 海军闻之,升其金一亿。(1) 注(1):《一片》曰:“或曰天有岛,名曰空岛,岛中有金。飞异之,时天降异象,飞御风扶摇而入。破空岛王艾尼路,得其金。”余考之,伪也。 2.名字:罗罗亚?索隆 日文名:ロロノア?ゾロ 英文名:Roronoa Zoro 身份:草帽海贼团剑士


海贼王 故事简介编辑 传奇海盗哥尔·D·罗杰在临死前曾留下关于其毕生的财富“One Piece”的消息,航海王由此引得群雄并起,众海盗们为了这笔传说中的巨额财富展开争夺,各种势力、政权不断交替,整个世界进入了动荡混乱的“大海贼时代”。生长在东海某小村庄的路飞受到海贼香克斯的精神指引,决定成为一名出色的海盗。为了达成这个目标,并找到万众瞩目的One Piece,路飞踏上艰苦的旅程。一路上他遇到了无数磨难,也结识了索隆、娜美、乌索普、香吉、罗宾等一众性格各异的好友。他们携手一同展开充满传奇色彩的大冒险。

恶魔果实图鉴 恶魔果实被称为“海上恶魔的化身”。外观看起来类似一般的水果,外皮上布满奇特的螺旋花纹,入口的味道会难吃到想吐,不食用的时候似乎可以保存永久的样子。只有在吃下果实的第一口才会得到该果实的能力,之后分食的人并不会有任何变化。 恶魔果实的能力者会被大海厌恶,终其一身都会是“旱鸭子”。掉进海里(其实是任何有水的地方,如:水池、浴缸)就会完全使不上力,而且会沉入水底。(部分接触,如下雨和淋浴等则不会有所影响)恶魔果实由于稀少,所以黑市的价值约一亿贝里(货币单位,100贝里可以买一份报纸)。 恶魔果实大致上分为三类:自然系、超人系、动物系。吃下恶魔果实的人通常被称为“能力者”。他们除了害怕海水之外,也害怕能释放与大海相似能量的矿物“海楼石”,能力者碰到海楼石就会全身无力,但海水或海楼石并不会让能力者失去能力。 凡是贪心吃下第二颗恶魔果实的人,会因为身体承受不了两种诅咒,而被炸成粉碎惨死。所有恶魔果实都是独一无二,没有能力完全相同的果实,只有能力相似的果实,除非能力者死亡,恶魔之树才会再长出该能力的恶魔果实。


One person,he has all the world’s wealth,reputation and rights.He is the King of the Pirates-----Gold D Roger.Legend has it the One Piece was buried in the great waterway.He said the sentence before dying,driven by people all over the world into the sea.”Do you want the wealth,you can get.I put everything on there,you go!”As a result,pirates era began! This is a story about a dream.Boundless sea always evoke an unlimited source of fasnation for the people,the sea and that one in the end that?For those brave risk-takers,the sea at the end is his dream,even those desperate for pirates also have their own finght for dream. Monkey.D.Luffy “I was a man to be One Piece” Roronoa Zoro “I would like to become strong in place of her,I will be strong to name rang heaven,I will become a strong swordsman the world’s first ” Nami “I wold like to creat a map of the world saw their own”


海贼王经典语录: 1、海贼是恶?海军是正义?这种玩意儿管他多少都能重新书写!不懂得“和平”的小鬼和不明白“战争”的小鬼,他们的价值观是不同的。站在顶点的人可以重新书写善恶!现在只有这个地方才是中立啊!正义会胜?那是当然的吧,只有胜者,才是正义啊!——多弗朗明哥 2、如果不豁出性命,也没法创造未来。——路飞 3、我不管这个世上的人怎麽说我…我只想依照我的信念做事,绝不后悔,不管现在将来都一样!——索罗 4、想守护的东西就好好守住,别再让那些家伙得逞了!——克罗克达尔 5、永远不羡慕别人的好运,如果你赶在死刑台上露出笑容,幸运的闪电也会落在你的头上。——路飞 6、总有一天,我会聚集一群不输给这些人的伙伴,并找到世界第一的财宝,我要当海贼王!——路飞 7、我有个野心,就是要成为世界第一的剑客!——索罗 8、如果能实现,那就不能称为真正的梦想!——路飞 9、如果放弃,我将终身遗憾。——路飞 10、这顶帽子是我最珍贵的东西,我把它交给你,将来你一定要还给我,当你成为了不起的海贼的时候。——香克斯 11、要是在力量底下屈服,那我身为男人还有什么意义。我绝对不会让我的人生留下后悔。——艾斯 12、不管要停留到哪一天…不管失去什麽东西,即使要在无人岛上迎接死亡…我也要尊严地死去!我是海贼!——乌桑普 13、梦想简直就像这个世界的缩影一样,一场闹剧。——基德 14、恶魔也好,海贼也好——反正我要我的声名轰动全世界。——索罗 15、即使会使普通人昏倒的伤,我也绝对不能倒下!即使会使普通人死掉的伤,我也不可以死…如果我是普通人,就绝对赢不了“鹰眼”,所以我不可以是普通人!——索罗 16、路飞,为了你,我要成为最强的怪物。——乔巴 17、穿越万千残酷的大海,如太阳一般灿烂的船。——萨乌森。桑尼号 18、他是世界上最强大的人,也是最伟大的父亲。——白胡子。他,虽死志不屈 19、即使相处的时间不多,但所谓的友情是不在乎相处的时间长短的。——Mr2 20、和利欲熏心的权力者相比世上的恶徒们多少还有点人道,就因为垃圾统治着世界才会不断产生垃圾,连这个道理都不懂吗?比起他们我们的邪恶还是挺可爱的。——基德

one piece 海贼王英文版介绍

Hi,boys and girls , Good afternoon!I’m very glad to stand here and give you a speech.。Today I want to introduce my favorite cartoon——ONE PIECE. Before this,I will introduce myself,my Chinese name is zhengwenwen,and my English name is Melody .Then,let us go on. Long and long year ago, the king of the pirate—Gold.D.Roger had left a words when he died” Do you want to my wealth? To find it, all my wealth is there, I left it at somewhere in Grand Line!”Because of the words, more and more people travel to Grand Line, to find the wealth. So the big pirate time of the world was coming! But no one has ever found the treasure, and the Grand Line is the most dangerous of the world. A boy named Monkey D. Luffy has decided to become a pirate and search for One Piece to become the next Pirate King. On the journey, Luffy get know with the other eight partners and formed a pirates called the Straw Hat Pirates. Let me introduce his members that I love . The first one is Monkey D. Luffy .He is the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. By accidentally eating a Devil Fruit, a fruit that grants special abilities to those who eat them, his body gained the propertie s of rubber. Luffy's dream is to get ONE PIECE and become the king of the pirates.


关于海贼王的英语作文4篇 各位读友大家好!你有你的木棉,我有我的文章,为了你的木棉,应读我的文章!若为比翼双飞鸟,定是人间有情人!若读此篇优秀文,必成天上比翼鸟! 关于海贼王的英语作文一:海贼王(410字)deceive the person. d. the road flies , is king’s man need to become a sea poacher. the scar on the face, is that self is rather relentless for the certificate. have eaten rubber fruit’s he, owns a group of the buddy who capable , not is away from not abandoning! they own indomitable will , the unyielding spirit. the road flies have the courage battle , feeling to be a friend , to make wager with life, quite a few people becomes a buddy right away because of that the road flies is straightforward!关于海贼王的英语作文二:海贼王简介(471字)the wealth, the authority, the king of pirate gold.d.roger

once had all,he had left a words when he died:”wants my wealth? to find it.all my things are there,in grand line!”thereupon more and more people rush to the sea,travel in grand line.the big pirate time of the whole worle was coming!many years later,one boy had pledgeded to a pirate who had broken an arm:”i must become the king of pirates!”so,ten years later,a great tale has beginning!this is a story about a crowd of youth like dreaming,they have warm,they have will,they have companion.........关于海贼王的英语作文三:介绍海贼王(446字)one piece in the story as one piece . the legendary ‘ one piece ‘, d roger say he died before leaving with wealth, fame, power of the world first. one piece , many people in order to compete for the one piece , to the sea, many pirates began to establish hegemony, and formed “the era of pirates . ten years later, the show d the road to fly


“我大干了一场。这些都是对的、是正义!”《1979伊朗革命 》 我不知道这款游戏《1979伊朗革命:黑色星期五》的制作人和剧本作者Navid Khonsari对它的玩家有什么样的期待;我是说,既然Navid为ROCKSTAR工作多年,制作了《侠盗猎车手3》和《马克思佩恩》等游戏的场景和人物演出,并且还是影视专业科班出身——那么他在设计游戏的一开始,一定考虑到了许多玩家们对这款游戏的大背景“伊朗革命”几乎是无知的,这个大前提。 更何况,在游戏的介绍中,无论是App Store的页面还是Steam,或者是,上的官方页面,都提到了这款游戏根据历史事实改编,也会出现许多实际发生的事件、人物和 场景,IGN则直接对它评价称“这是一款纪录片式的游戏”。 游戏制作者Navid Khonsari和他的推特题图,图上是一个伊朗女人和一群士兵。点开大图可以看到士兵们露骨的表情 于是我就会期待,这款游戏会有简单亲切的背景介绍,因为它似乎看起来想要用游戏这个形式唤起人们对这段“不被关注的历史”的关注,或者至少要让我能够知道自己面对的哪些人,他们的政治立场都是什么、想干什么,是左是右。 我甚至对它的游戏性都不甚期待,就像对《永不孤单》这个介绍因纽特人的纪录片游戏中一样。 但在完成整个游戏之后,我发现我犯了一个巨大的错误。 这个错误有一部分是因为,我打出了一个(我认为的)最坏的结局。并且,在完成了整个游戏之后,我深深地觉得,这个游戏是不会有任何能让我满意的结局的。

另一个原因是,这个游戏根本不在乎你到底知道不知道这段历史。游戏一开始,你就突然被扔到了那个世界里,一大群人都认识你,和你说着各种立场的话(我甚至都不认识当时的最高领导人,和革命派的领袖是谁,角色们还说着一堆波斯语),你还必须要在限定的时间内,好像熟悉这一切一样选择你对他们的回答。 很可能Navid是有意这么设定,我愿意这么想。但是,这太坏心眼了,几乎打破了我对它的所有预期。 这款游戏有对1979年这段历史的介绍,也有纪录片式的各种说明,但这些并不是附加的,都和剧情漂亮地结合了起来。有些设定甚至都融合在背景中,或者是通过NPC的谈话自然流露,不会影响到游戏进程。它尽好了作为一个游戏的本分,让玩家能够身临其境,面对家人和朋友同时的责难,为自己做的每项有时间限制的选择感到懊恼或者期待,甚至还有类似“我和你妈同时掉到水里去了你要救谁?”这样的天问。 革命派的“秘密基地”中,有一个在做祷告的“同伴”,墙上贴满了如何正确地祷告的各种提示。途中的男人还会问你要不要一起祷告,我当时选择了拒绝
