



1. Fall in Love with English爱上英语












1.loose dusty curtain

2.teenager pack ed up



5.at dusk

6.thunder lightning outdoors

7.had got to do

8.was tired of 9.go through 10.get along with 11.dislike d join ing in 12.ignore on purpose

13.add ed up to

14.partner was concerned about 15.exactly

16.suffering from 17.entirely disagreed with

18.In order to calm down settle

19.face to face20.swap a series of tip

21.item set down highway

22.grateful 23.power 24.recover ed from

upset 25.fallen in love with

2.Different Countries Have Different Kinds of Englishes不同的


Voyages of people from England play an important part in spreading1. English language. At present English is frequently spoken 2. an official or common language in many countries such as America Singapore Malaysia and some African countries. All 3. (base) on British English the English spoken in these countries can4. (understand) well by native English speakers. But actually these Englishes 5. (change)gradually in accents spellings expressions and the 6. (use) of vocabulary.

Because of this fact you can make use of the differences to tell 7. country the foreigners of your block are from. For example if a boss fluently commands 8. driver “Come up straight to my apartment by elevator9. take some gas for my trucks and cabs” instead of requesting “Please come to my flat by lift and take some petrol for my lorries and taxis” you can recognize his American identity 10. the latter suggests that he is British.

2. Different Countries Have Different Kinds of Englishes



因为这一情况的存在,你就可以利用这些英语之间的区别说出你们街区的外国人是哪个国家来的了。例如,如果有个老板流利地命令他的司机:“Come up straight to my apartment by elevator and take some gas for my trucks and cabs(直接搭电梯到我公寓上来拿卡车和出租车的汽油)”,而不是要求说,“Please come to my flat by lift and take some petrol for my lorries and taxis(请直接搭电梯到我公寓上来拿卡车和出租车的汽油)”,你就可以轻易地辨认出他的美国人身份,而后者却暗示着那是一位英国人。(请注意:听力录音里第二段两个“电梯”的单词跟原文不一致,原文是对的,录音弄错了,elevator才是美式说法而lift是英式说法。)




4.be understood

5.have been changing




9.and 10.while

3.A Hard Trip 一次辛苦的旅行

My sister 1. traveling. 2. 3., she had been 4. to5. a trip to an old 6. . Since 7. ing 8.fare was expensive, she decided to use a bicycle to 9. there not 10. the 11. s. Her 12. was always her 13. . Once she 14. to do something, no one could

15.her to 16. . 17. , we 18.

though we 19. red to take a train. After we prepared everything, including the 20. , 21. weather 22. and the 23. , we began our trip.

Our 24. was along a river 25. ing from a high 26. . Our 27. was slow because the river frequently had many sharp 28. s through deep 29. s, where the water seemed to 30. . Just as I recorded in my 31. , it was really a hard journey. But we also enjoyed great 32. s. One night, I put my head on my 33. --coats, and lay 34. the stars. When the 35. in front of our 36. went out 37. , I found the sky so beautiful!

3. A Hard Trip一次辛苦的旅行



1.was fond of

2. Ever since







9.cycle 10.caring about 11.disadvantage 12.stubborn attitude

13.Shortcoming 14.mde up her mind 15.persuade

16.change her mind 17.Finally 18.gave in as usual

19.prefer 20.schedule 21.reliable 22.forecast

23.insurance 24.journey 25.flow 26.altitude 27.pace

28.bend 29.valley 30.boil 31.journal 32.vew

33.pillow--a parcel of wool 34.beneath 35.flame 36.cave 37.at midnight

4.A Horrible Earthquake可怕的地震

1.water rose in

2. and

3. s before the

4. . But no one

5. d that an earthquake was coming. Suddenly, everything shook. It seemed

6. the world was

7. .

8. houses and


s were 10. ed. Railway 11. s became 12.

s. 13. s in 14. s 15. and let out 16.

17. . Huge 18. s ped 19. s everywhere.

The next day, this 20. was the 21. or main 22.

of all newspapers. With the 23. s giving an 24.

of the 25. , the whole 26. was 27. ed by the 28. and the victim’s 29. . People were moved when they read that the 30. s comforted each other by saying “31. s! You survived!”. So they not only 32. ed their sympathy 33. , but also organized together to help the victims 34. . The 35.

d wer

e 36. d and the dead were 37. . The 38.

ed survivors were 39. from under the 40. s and were offered 41. , fresh water and 42. . Thanks to people’s help, the loss was minimized.

4. A Horrible Earthquake可怕的地震








6.as if

7.at an end https://www.360docs.net/doc/bf2030361.html,lions of brick 9.a number of dam 10.destroy https://www.360docs.net/doc/bf2030361.html,eless bar 13.Pipe 14.mine 15.burst 16.smelly 17.steam 18.crack trap 19.cyclist 20.event 21.headline 22.title 23.reporter 24.outline

25.disaster 26.nation 27.shock 28.damage

29.extreme suffering 30.survivor 31.Congratulation

32.express 33.sincerely 34.right away 35.injure 36.rescue 37.buried 38.frighten 39.dug out 40.ruin 41.shelter


5. The Great President 伟大的总统

As the 1. of the 2. , the 3. had many good 4. . Before 5. , he was a 6.

. He 7. help everyone who 8. him. He accepted no 9. to offer 10.

and 11. s to those who were 12. or un13. d. Later, believing all14. to be 15. , he 16. d himself to stopping the 17. -black laws. He 18. the Black 19. and was 20.

d to b

e the leader. However, though he kept 21. s without 22. and 23. , his24. enemies still 25.

his house and 26. ed his 27. s, and he himself couldn’t 28. 30 years in prison.

Not fearing of the prison guards’ 29. , he kept 30.

and 31. ged no mercy from them. 32. , he was always 33. and never 34. during the 35.

even though he was 36. .

Finally, people 37. ed him with the leader’s position and a gold 38. .

5. The Great President 伟大的总统



最后,人们以领袖的职位和一块金毯子回报了他的贡献。1.founder 2.republic 3.president 4.qualities

https://www.360docs.net/doc/bf2030361.html,ing to power

6.generous lawyer

7.was willing to selflessly

8.turned to

9.fee 10.legal guidance 11.opinion 12.out of work https://www.360docs.net/doc/bf2030361.html,cate 14.mankind 15.equal 16.devote 17.unfair anti 18.se1t up 19.Youth League 20.vote 21.peaceful principle 22.violence 23.terror 24.mean 25.blew up 26.attack

27.relative 28.escape be ing sentenced to 29.cruelty 30.active 31.beg 32.As a matter of fact 33.hopeful 34. lostheart

35.stage 36.in trouble 37.reward 38.blanket

6. A Brave Maid 勇敢的女仆

A 1. from the Ming 2. at the 3.

of the 4. hall 5. d everyone. The 6. s ed it in a 7. and 8. ed 9.

s to 10. it. People 11. its 12. colour of 13. and the beautiful 14. s on it.

The vase used to 15. a 16. . But when the country was 17. , the enemy 18. s

d th

e castle. 19. s on how the vase 20. d went on and on. In order to 21. people’s 22. , a team o

f no 23. 20 people carried out an 24. investigation. The 25. s they found showed that a 26. 27. the vase and asked a 28. to 29.

it in a 30. well. She never gave away the secret even under the cruel 31. of the enemies who were 32.


It is 33. giving this brave maid a fortune

34. .

6. A Brave Maid 勇敢的女仆




1.wooden vase





6.artist design

7.rare style


9.valuable jewel

10.decorate 11.thought highly of 12.fancy 13.honey

14.painting 15.belong to 16.former castle 17. Atwar

18.troop explode 19.Debate 20.survive 21.remove

22.doubt 23.less than https://www.360docs.net/doc/bf2030361.html,rmal 25.evidence

26.maid 27.took the vase apart 28.sailor 29.sink

30.local 31.trial 32.in search of 33.worth 34.in return

7. A Fair Competition公平的比赛

1. er, Higher and Stronger

2. the spirit of the Olympics. But fairness is the

3. of this

4. . Only when you win fairly will you and your

5. the great

6. . But

7. , unlike the

8. honest


s, some 10. s who can’t bear the 11. of training cheat when 12. games.

13. s seem to have 14. power causing them to cheat, and the prize money has 15. d the motto as their only goal.

So, in the 16. event to be held in our city next month, one of the 17. ’s is to keep competitions fair. They 18. d on 19. s outside the 20. to promise that every competitor is to have a 21.

examination in a 22.

. No one can 23. on this. The 24.

s will be very strict. It is 25. to cheat because they will not be 26. ted to 27. and will even be 28. d .

7. A Fair Competition 公平的比赛




2.stands for



5.homeland deserve




9.slave competitor

10.hopeless athlete 11.pain 12.taking part in 13.Medal 14.magical 15.replace 16.gymnastics

17.host’s responsibilities 18.advertise 19.poster 20.stadium 21.regular physical22.gymnasium one after another

23.bargain 24.volunteer s in charge 25.foolish 26.admit https://www.360docs.net/doc/bf2030361.html,pete 28.fine as well

8. Computers 电脑

The 1. of early 2. machines was to 3.

difficult 4. s. But 5. new 6. , 7.s replaced 8. s and a 9. of 10. has 11. n.12. , the 13. of computers 14. changed our lives. They can not only 15. information from the 16. when connected by the 17. or 18. phone 19.

s, but also 20. different 21. s of 22. problems. With 23. s as their 24. es, they can even control 25.s to 26. the moon and instruct27. s with the 28. ’s s to 29. floors and 30.

your 31. . 32. , computers are 33. they do bring 34. .

However, computers are easily attacked by 35. es. This 36. has become a hard-to-37. -problem.

38. , computers are dangerous 39. . So, 40. , I worry about their 41. s in some fields, such as 42. .

8. Computers 电脑







5.with the help of


7.electronic chip 11.arise 12.From then on 13.appearance 14.totally 15.download 16.wet https://www.360docs.net/doc/bf2030361.html,work 1

8.mobile 1

9.signal 20.solve 21.type 22.logical

23.operator 24.coach 25.rocket 26.explore 27.android 28.human race’s character 29.mop 30.watch over

31.naughty niece 32.Anyhow 33.so helpful that 34.happiness 35.virus 36.reality 37.deal with 38.As a result 39.in a way

40.personally 41.universal application 42.finance

9.保护野生动植物Wildlife Protection

1.s because of an

2. . But

3. today disappears or is 4 just because humans do 5. to it. For example, tigers are 6. ed for 7. to make 8. s they can only live in 9.

s; grassland is destroyed without 10.

so that 11. storms 12. being 13. ing 14. _____ __ cities.

Last year, scientists saw some monkeys 15. bing themselves with a 16. kind of 17. s to 18. themselves _______ es . 19.

the result of the 20. , they found that the insect 21.

s a 22. drug, so local farmers were 23.

ed to catch the insects. The 24. was that the insects disappeared from the whole 25. . When told that it was a 26. _____to humans, the farmers 27. and 28.

ed, “Our real loss is our 29. .”

We should 30. the natural balance and 31.

more the 32. of wildlife 33. . Not until we 34. letting wildlife live 35 , can we smile 36. .

9.保护野生动植物Wildlife Protection




1.Dinosaur s died out

2.unexpected incident


5.in danger 5.harm



8.carpet s so that

9.secure reserve 10.mercy 11.dust https://www.360docs.net/doc/bf2030361.html,e into

13.affect 14.distant 15.rub 16.certain 17.insect

18.protect themselves from fierce mosquito es biting

19.According to 20.inspection 21.contain22.powerful 23.employ 24.ending 25.zone 26.loss

27.burst into laughter 28.respond 29.decreasing income 30.appreciate 31.pay more attention to 32.importance

33.protection 34.succeed in 35.in peace 36.in relief

10. My First Band我的第一支乐队

I was very 1. to music. Just 2. the music books 3. , I could sing or play well. 4. , I always 5. becoming a famous 6. . I was so 7. that I never decreased my 8. .

I 9. ed my first band called “10. ing Frog”. At the beginning, we 11. ing on 12. s in 13. _______s or to14. to money 15. . Then we wore false 16. to be the 17. s whom people 18. . 19.

, we 20. ed acts to our 21.

s and 22. each other. Soon, our “funny 23. ” became famous and 24. s to perform for 25.

stations began to come. 26. , we 27. ed

music and made a record in a 28. . A million 29. copies were sold and we became 30. s.

It was 31. that the band 32. finally. But 33. , I realized my dream to be a musician.

10. My First Band 我的第一支乐队




1.sensitiv e

2.dip ping into


4.To be honest

5.dream t of

6.folk actor



9.form ed 10.Roll 11.relied on perform ing 12.instrument s 13.pub s 14.passer s –by to earn extra 15.in cash

16.beards to pretend 17.musician s 18.were familiar with 19.In addition 20.attach ed humorous 21.performances

22.play ed jokes on 23.jazz 24.invitation s 25.broadcast 26.Afterwards 27.sort ed out attractive 28.studio 29.or so https://www.360docs.net/doc/bf2030361.html,lionaire s 31.painful 32.broke up 33.above all
