高三第二次月考英语试卷 (2)

高三第二次月考英语试卷 (2)
高三第二次月考英语试卷 (2)




1. —What about going swimming this afternoon, Tom?

—_____. I have a test tomorrow, so I have to go over my lessons today.

A. I’d like to

B. I’ll take it

C. I’d rather not

D. I don’t think so

2. ____ strong earthquake struck ____ eastern coast of central Japan on March 11th, .

A. A; a

B. The; the

C. The; a

D. A; the

3. All the books donated by the students from urban schools are said ____ to the students in rural areas the other day.

A. to be sent

B. being sent

C. having been sent

D. to have been sent

4. Oh, boy, why are you killing your time this way? Can’t you find something ___ doing?

A. useful

B. worthy

C. valuable

D. worth

5. The government urged that every effort ____ to bring down food prices.

A. is made

B. will be made

C. be made

D. must be made

6. The first satellite ____telephone signals was called Early Bird.

A. was used to send

B. used to be sent

C. was used to sending

D. used to send

7. The Turners consider ____ a computer, which is commonly considered ____ a great help in our work and study.

A. to buy; to be

B. buying; to be

C. to buy; being

D. buying; being

8. The new teacher was so well-organized that she began ___ we stopped yesterday so that no point was left out.

A. when

B. in which

C. how

D. where

9. No one expected house prices to fall, but ____ that’s exactly what happened.

A. moreover

B. thus

C. anyway

D. however

10. The Super Girl Wang Bei’s death highlights the fact ____ cosmetic surgery has become one of China’s biggest beauty secrets.

A. that

B. where

C. what

D. which

11. Not until the taxi disappeared in the distance ___ her handbag was gone.

A. Tina had found

B. had Tina found

C. did Tina find

D. Tina found

12. Many people can’t learn any lessons from the mistakes they’ve made ___ they get hurt somehow.

A. whether

B. unless

C. if

D. as

13. – What’s all that noise?

-- Just in front of the bus ____ an injured man, all covered with blood.

A. where lies

B. lies

C. does lie

D. lying is

14. I don’t know__ the future has in store for me, but I’ll face the storms of life bravely.

A. how

B. where

C. that

D. what

15. ---- Is Jack on duty today?

---- It ____ be him; it’s his turn tomorrow.

A. mustn’t

B. won’t

C. can’t

D. needn’t

16. Be careful when you deal with this chemical, as it will explode when ____ to sunlight.

A. being exposed

B. to expose

C. exposing

D. exposed

17. Nowadays young people just can’t live without the Internet, ____ they depend on for whatever information they need.

A. when

B. which

C. where

D. that

18. We can hardly believe that an intelligent person like Daniel _______ be asking such a silly question.

A. should

B. might

C. must

D. could

19. – I shall promise my daughter ___ get a nice present on her birthday.

-- I think it will be a big surprise to her.

A. must

B. shall

C. might

D. need

20. To improve the quality of our products, we ask ___ has used them for suggestions.

A. anyone

B. who

C. no matter who

D. whoever

21.—Jack will come to see you next Friday. Do you prefer the morning or the afternoon?

--- _______, the evening would be better. You know, everyone will be free then.

A. None

B. Either

C. Neither

D. Both

22. Mother bought many tomatoes from the market two days ago, ___ some have gone bad due to the bad weather.

A. of those

B. from which

C. of which

D. in which

23. One of the most important things in education is to let students ___ positive emotions and experience in the process of their learning.

A. require

B. acquire

C. demand

D. clarify

24. ___ of the change in the meeting time, Mike arrived late.

A. Not being informed

B. Not having informed

C. Having not been informed

D. Not having been informed

25. When ___ comes to research into heart disease and the effects on the body, we do not have adequate substitutes for the use of animals.

A. that

B. which

C. it

D. this

26. I would have called on her, but I _________ her address.

A. don’t know

B. hadn’t known

C. didn’t know

D. wouldn’t know

27. It is __ Tom often breaks the school rules ___ makes his teacher unsatisfied with him.

A. what; that

B. that; what

C. that; that

D. which; that

28. Traffic conditions in Beijing ___ for decades. At first people only complained about jams during rush hours, but today every hour is rush hour.

A. is worsening

B. have worsened

C. have been worsening

D. worsened

29. All possible means________ . However, nothing can ____ Jack from adventuring in that mysterious forest.

A. has tried; stop

B. has been tried; keep

C. have tried; keep

D. have been tried; prevent

30. I’ll never understand how it ___ that you were late for class four times within a week!

A. came out

B. came across

C. came about

D. came into being

第二部分完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分30分)

When you take a walk in a town in a western c ountry, you’ll often see people walking 31 their dogs. It is still true that a dog is 32 animal in the world, but the reason why people 33 a dog has changed. Once upon a time, a man met a dog and wanted it to help him in the fight 34 other

animals and he found the dog 35 him and did what he told him 36 . Later people used dogs for hunting 37 other animals, and the dogs did not38 what they got until their masters agreed. So dogs were used for 39 sheep and guarding chickens. But now the people in the towns and cities 40 dogs to fight other animals for them. Why do they keep dogs? Of course, they keep them to 41 thieves, but the most important reason is 42 people feel 43 in the city. For a child, a dog is his 44 friend when he has no friends to 45 . For a young wife, a dog is her 46 when she does not have her own. For old people, a dog is also a child when their 47 children have grown up and 48 . Now people do not have to use a dog, but they keep it 49 a friend, just like a member of the 50 .

31. A. from B. with C. along D. for

32. A. the loveliest B. the cleverest C. the kindest D. the most useful

33. A. train B. walk C. keep D. take

34. A. against B. with C. towards D. for

35. A. listen to B. listening to C. listened to D. listening

36. A. / B. to C. about D. for

37. A. instead of B. instead for C. with D. for

38. A. like B. eat C. take D. keep

39. A. driving B. training C. tending D. raising

40. A. needn’t B. need C. didn’t need D. do not need

41. A. fight B. catch C. recognize D. frighten

42. A. that B. why C. because D. frighten

43. A. alone B. happy C. lonely D. rich

44. A. worst B. best C. most horrible D. nearest

45. A. talk with B. play C. play with D. talk

46. A. baby B. child C. girl D. boy

47. A. true B. small C. old D. real

48. A. left B. disappeared C. died D. missed

49. A. like B. as C. for D. to

50. A. society B. family C. home D. house


第一节(共20题每个2 分共40分)


When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: “If you live each day as if it were your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.” It made an impre ssion on me, and since then, for the past 33years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself, “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?”

Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered(遇到)to help me make the big choice in life.

About a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer.The doctors told me this was almost certainly a type of cancer that was incurable, and that I would live no longer than three to six months.My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order, which is my doctors’ code for preparing yourself to die.

I lived with that diagnosis all day.I was completely in despair.Later that evening, I had another biopsy(活组织检查)and my wife told me that tumor turned to be curable with surgery.I had the

surgery and I’m fine now.

This was the closest I’ve been to facing death.To tell the truth, no one wants to die.And yet death is the destination we all share.No one has ever escaped it.It clears out the old to make room for the new.Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away.

Your time is so limited that you shouldn’t waste it repeating someone else’s life.Don’t be trapped by dogma(教条)—— wh ich is living with the results of other people’s thinking.Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart.It somehow already knows what you truly want to become.Everything else is secondary.

51. The doctor advised the author to go home and get his affairs in order because________.

A.he had to rest at home B.his disease was not serious at all

C.his disease couldn’t be cured D.he had to wait for the result of the test 52.How did the author feel after the diagnosis?


53.What does the author think of death?

A.He thinks it is nothing to be scared of.B.He thinks it is not the end of life.

C.He thinks it is impossible to avoid.D.He thinks it is the beginning of a new life.54.In the author’s opinion, we should ____________.

A.follow others’ advice B.take no notice of diseases

C.take exercise and keep healthy D.have the courage to follow our heart


“Soon, you’re going to move it out!” cried my neighbor upon seeing the largest tomato plant known to mankind, or at least known in my neighborhood.

One tiny 9-inch plant, bought for $1.25 in the spring, has already taken over much of my rose bed, covering much of other plants, and is well on its way to the front door.

Roses require a good deal of care, and if it weren’t for the pleasure they give, it wouldn’t be worth the work. As it is, I have a garden full of sweet-smelling roses for most of the year. bushes must be pruned (剪枝) in early spring, leaving ugly woody branches until the new growth appears a few weeks later. It was the space available in the garden that led me into planting just one little tomato plant. A big mistake.

Soil conditions made just perfect for roses turn out to be even more perfect for tomatoes. The daily watering coupled with full sun and regular fertilizing (施肥) have turned the little plant into a tall bush. The cage I placed around it as the plant grew has long since disappeared under the thick leaves.

Now the task I face in harvesting the fruit is twofold:First, I have to find the red ones among the leaves, which means I almost have to stand on my head, and once found I have to reach down and under, pick the tomatoes and withdraw (缩回) my full fist without dropping the prize so dearly won. I found two full-blown white roses completely hidden as I picked tomatoes in June. But they were weak and the leaves already yellow for lack of light.

Here I am faced with a painful small decision: To tear up a wonderful and productive tomato plant that offers up between ten and twenty ripe sweet tomatoes each day or say goodbye to several expensive and treasured roses. Like Scarlett in Gone With the Wind, I’ll think about that tomorrow.

55. What are the requirements for the healthy growth of rose?

A. A lot of care and the right soil.

B. Frequent pruning and fertilizing.

C. Tomato plants grown alongside.

D. Cages placed around the roots.

56. The writer planted the tomato because _______.

A. it cost only $1.25

B. the soil was just right for it

C. there was room for it in the garden

D. the roses’ branches needed to be covered

57. This year the writer’s roses were __________.

A. removed from the rose bed

B. picked along with the tomatoes

C. mostly damaged by too much sunlight

D. largely hidden under the tomato plant

58. By saying “the prize so dearly won” in paragraph 5, the writer wants to ________.

A. show the difficulty in picking the tomatoes

B. show the hardship of growing the roses

C. express her liking for the roses

D. express her care for the tomatoes


Beijing ---- A recent Chinese blockbuster (轰动的作品)“A World Without Thieves” is based on the experiences of a young migrant worker (民工)carrying 60,000 yuan on a train packed with thieves.But while the image of a warm-hearted but somewhat naive migrant worker may have made film fans chuckle, it’s a sure bet that most of China’s migrant workers are yet to step into a cinema to admire it.

“Forty yuan a ticket? I can’t afford it,” said Shen Jie, a migrant worker at a construction site in Dongzhimen, east Beijing.

Shen found it hard to remember when he last watched a film, or what it was about.“It must be 10 years ago,” he said.

Though they are the builders of the nation’s theaters and cinemas, a limited cultural life is common among China’s 120 million migrant workers.

Shen arrived from East China’s Zhejiang Province in1991.Life was better then; money seemed to come more easily.“Now, as more and more workers are rushing to the capital, it’s too hard to earn money, and none of us dare think about watching films,” he said.

For many like Shen, the dream is earning enough to pay for their children’s education so they can find jobs in the cities and say goodbye to the hardships of rural life forever.This drives them to work hard and save as much as possible.

With a monthly salary of less than 500 yuan, Shen has to send money home to his little son and silver-haired parents.

In Shen’s small dormitor y, which he shares with seven other co-workers, there is a well-thumbed copy of a magazine published in 1998.

A recent survey by local media revealed that 80 percent of migrant workers spent their spare time sleeping and chatting because of exhaust and a lack of income.The same survey found that 47 percent of migrant workers have to work for more than 10 hours a day.Around 40 percent do not even possess a book, and nearly 60 percent say they are dissatisfied with their cultural life.Like many of Shen’s c o-workers, reading newspapers and hanging out in Beijing’s streets provide evening entertainment.

From China Daily 59.We can infer from the passage “A World Without Thieves” is a film that __________.

A.talks about experiences of a group of thieves

B.deals with the life of migrant workers

C.explains how to catch thieves on trains

D.attracts many migrant workers

60.As for the migrant worker, Shen Jie, ____________.

A.life was harder when he first came to work in Beijing

B.he enjoyed a lot of films ten years ago

C.his wish was to pay for his son’s education

D.the capital is too hard a place for him to make any money

61.According the passage, which of the following is TRUE _________.

A.the workers enjoy reading very much, no matter how old the magazines are

B.the workers have so little to read that they often read the same magazine again and again C.the workers enjoy magazines because they are easy to understand

D.the workers think highly of the copy of the magazine published in 1998

62.The main idea of this passage is that migrant workers _________.

A.lack cultural experiences B.are not very well-paid in Beijing

C.are looked down upon by city people D.need the government’s attentio n


Book 1 : Brack Obama

Grades: 3-5

Our Price: $ 8.95

His mother came from Kansas. His father came from Kenya. He grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia, far from the center of American politics. Few people had even heard of Brack Obama before . But one powerful speech in Boston changed all that for the Illinois senator(参议员). In , this inspiring leader ran for the country’s top job, President.

Book 2: Danica Patrick

Grades: 3-5

Our Price: $ 8.95

Growing up, Danica Patrick dreamed of racing in the Indianapolis 500. In , her dream came true. Danica finished the race in fourth place, the best ever result by a woman. Three years later, she became the first female to win an IndyCar race. As a woman competing in a sport dominated by men, Danica faced many obstacles. But she never stopped believing in herself, no matter what the difficulties.

Book 3: Ellen Ochoa

Grades: 3-5

Our Price: $ 8.95

Some people dream of becoming stars. Ellen Ochoa dreamed of living among them! She worked hard to make her dream of becoming an astronaut come true. On April 8, 1993, she strapped (用带子系好)herself in for the ride of her life aboard the space shuttle Discovery. Ochoa aimed high and boldly went where no Hispanic woman had gone before. Find out about Ochoa’s amazing journey in her own words and photos from her personal collection!

Book 4: LeBron James

Grades: 3-5

Our Price: $ 8.95

Fans, teammates, and opponents know him as King James. Many people consider LeBron James to be the most talented basketball Player of his generation. But there is much more to his story. He overcame hard times as a kid and rose to national fame as a teenager. He then jumped right from high school to the pros. Along the way, LeBron never lost sight of where he came from or who he is.

63.What do the four books have in common according to the passage?

A. Their prices are the same and they are all about famous leaders.

B. They are all about Africans and their contributions to society.

C. They are written for the same grades and their prices are the same.

D. They are for the same readers and printed by the same publisher.

64.Emma is dreaming of being a car racer. Who can be an example to her?

A. Brack Obama

B. Danica Patrick

C. Ellen Ochoa

D. LeBron James

65. If John wants to learn something about becoming a basketball player, which book should he read?

A. Brack Obama

B. Danica Patrick

C. Ellen Ochoa

D. LeBron James

66. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Obama was popular with most of the people in America before he ran for president.

B. In , Danica Patrick became the first woman to win an IndyCar race.

C. Ochoa is the first Hispanic woman to have gone aboard the space shuttle Discovery for the ride.

D. LeBron James is the most talented basketball player.


People tend to become more personal and hide less of themselves when using email.Researchers from Open University in Britain have found in a recent study that there are good reasons for this.The team of researchers asked 83 pairs of students, all strangers to each other, to solve a problem.They had to discuss this question: If only five people in the world could be saved from a world disaster, who should they be? The pairs of students had to talk over the problem either face to face or by computers.Dr.Johnson said, “They told their partners four times as much about themselves when they talked over the Internet as when they talked face to face.When the computers were fitted with cameras so that students could see each other, this limited the personal side of the conversation.”

Generally the information was not extremely personal.It was mainly about things such as where they went to school, or where they used to live.But some students discussed their love stories, and personal childhood experiences.

Dr.Johnson believes that emailing encourages people to focus on themselves.And when they do this, they become more open , especially if there are no cameras.“If you cannot see the other person, it becomes easier to talk about yourself.This is because you are not thinking what the other person is thinking of you.So emailing has become the modern way of talking.” said Dr.Johnson.However, this style of talking is not entirely new.“In the 19th century people started to use the ‘telegraph’to communicate.Now the same kind of thing has happened and people ended up speaking more freely.”

Dr.Johnson thinks that e-mailers need to know about these effects of emailing, especially when they start work in a company.“If you don’t know about it, you could find yourself saying more about yourself than you wanted to .”

67.The subject discussed in this passage is .

A.how people open up when emailing B.how people do research studies

C.how to communicate at work D.how to discuss and solve a problem

68.The reason that some couples talked freely about themselves is that .A.they didn’t talk about very personal things B.they couldn’t see each other

C.the cameras on the computers were turned on D.they had to discuss a question 69.What do the underlined words (in para.4)refer to?

A.The telegraph.B.The computer.

C.Emailing.D.Face-to-face talk.

70.In the writer’s opinion, one should .

A.focus on oneself when emailing B.talk more freely in email than usual

C.discuss any subject that one wants to D.consider how one uses email at work



Getting your children to study can be a little like getting them to eat their vegetables.

71 Make a study time and have it at the same time every day. This will help your kids to learn to schedule their day and will give them a sense of control over how they spend their time. Allow them to study in blocks of time, such as for half an hour with a five-minute break in the middle. 72 Ideal study times are after dinner or right after school before dinner. Never allow your children to study in front of the television, as that will encourage passive activity.


You’ll also need to help your kids find the right place to study. After you’ve set up a good study time for little learners, set up a good place where they can get those creative juices flowing.

74 Make sure there is a table or a desk and a comfortable chair.

75 This includes helping them out with their homework sometimes and being

there for them with the answers to any questions. The input you give your children during study periods will help form a bond and help make studying enjoyable.

A. Pick a place where your children can study properly.

B. Hold them to the schedule they create for themselves.

C. Finally, spend time with your kids when they’re studying.

D. Keep the atmosphere light and offer lots of encouragement, too.

E. Instead, use TV as a treat or a reward when the homework is completed.

F. Try to stop this bad habit by offering some sort of reward.

G. One of the best ways to form good study habits for your kids is to design a schedule that they keep to.



We’ll never forget the day which my classmates and I paid a visit to a chemistry factory last week. It was a larger one with nearly 2,000 workers. It looked a garden and we could see colorful flowers, grass and trees anywhere. We also visited some workshops and saw workers worked very hard. We talked with them and learned a lot. We understood them further. On the way home we

felt tiring. So we all thought that we had a very good day. We really hoped that we can get more chances to leave the school and learn social experiences.



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参考词汇:吐痰—spit(v.); 和谐校园—a harmonious campus;

The Harmonious Campus Project has become part of the education in our school. As for students, how should we behave ourselves?

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________


单选1-5 CDDDC 6-10 DBDCA 11-15 CBBDC 16-20 DBABD 21-25 CCBDC 26—30CCCDC



We’ll never forget the day which my classmates and I paid a visit to a chemistry factory

When chemical

last week. It was a larger one with nearly 2,000 workers. It looked a garden and we could

large like

see colorful flowers, grass and trees anywhere. We also visited some workshops and saw


workers worked very hard. We talked with them and learned a lot. We understood them working

further. On the way home we felt tiring. So we all thought that we had a very good day. We

tired But

really hoped that we can get more chances to leave the school and learn social





The Harmonious Campus Project has become part of the education in our school. As for students, how should we behave ourselves?

In our daily life, it is essential for us to form some food habits. First of all, we should be honest and faithful to others. Never tell lies or cheat in examinations. Secondly, respect each others. Don’t be selfish or hut other’s feelings when talking. Thirdly, you have to avoid some bad habits, such being late for school, throwing rubbish here and there or spitting in public. In general, it’s our duty to protect our own environment.

In my opinion, we all hope that we will be a civilized student, do all that we should do, and do as much as we can to build our school into a harmonious campus.
