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Quick Guide for installing SOLARIS 10



Software version

Solaris 10 11/06

PTF R07051

ESF 2.6



2.1 连接控制台中断


Set value Bits per second 9600 Data bit 8 Parity None Stop bits 1 Flow control


2.2 OS 安装

从光盘启动安装 #boot cdrom 按提示安装。

注意点1:终端类型请选择终端类型请选择““3”---DEC VT100


从 Solaris 10 11/06 release 开始,在初始化安装系统时会提示以下信息

如果选择如果选择““NO ”,安装完系统后只能通过SSH 访问主机访问主机。。 如果需要使用telnet/X window/rsh 等远程远程访问访问访问服务服务服务,,执行以下命令执行以下命令::

# netservices open netservices open netservices open


# netservices netservices netservices limit limit

2.3 第一次安装PTF 重要注意点

-Please install this PTF as soon as Solaris 10 OS is installed.

- When the OS is newly installed, please install this PTF prior to creating any non-global zone, because it takes much longer time to install this PTF when the non-global zones exist.

- If you apply the patches of this PTF individually, please apply the following patches in the following order. In the case of cluster application method (L1 or SOLOS), they are automatically applied first. For further details,

1) 120719-01 or newer SunOS 5.10 : SunFreeware gzip patch 2) 121296-01 or newer SunOS 5.10: fgrep Patch 3) 118815-03 or newer SunOS 5.10: awk nawk patch

4) 120900-04 or newer SunOS 5.10: libzonecfg Patch

5) 121133-02 or newer SunOS 5.10: zones library and zones utility patch

6) 119254-06 or newer SunOS 5.10: Install and Patch Utilities Patch

7) 119317-01 or newer SunOS 5.10: SVr4 Packaging Commands (usr) Patch

8) 119042-09 or newer SunOS 5.10: svccfg & svcprop patch

9) 119578-30 or newer SunOS 5.10: FMA Patch

10) 118918-13 or newer SunOS 5.10: Solaris Crypto Framework patch

11) 118833-36 SunOS 5.10: kernel patch

- If 118833-36 is not applied to the system, it is necessary to reboot the system immediately after this PTF is applied once, and to apply this PTF again.

- The removal of the PTF R07051 patches using Rpatchrm is a limitation. Some problems may occur when some patches included in the PTF are removed from the system. (Please refer to "2.3 Important Notes before applying the PTF" for the further details.) When PTF is installed to the system under operation, please make the backup of the system beforehand.



loop file 方式安装光盘映像文件

# lofiadm -a /PTFR07051.iso /dev/lofi/1

# mount -F hsfs -o ro /dev/lofi/1 /mnt

# /usr/sbin/mountall -l

# cd /cdrom/bin

# cp -p Rpatchinfo /usr/sbin

# cp -p Rpatchrm /usr/sbin

# cp -p Rpatchchk /usr/sbin

#./Rpatchadd –P SOLOS

第一次安装PTFR07051将首先安装Solaris10 kernel patch “118833-36”
