




(2016·合肥市高三教学质检) I don't think I can recall a time when I wasn't aware of the beauty of the ocean. Growing up in Australia, I had the good fortune of having the sea at my side. The first time I went to Halfmoon Bay. I_suddenly_had_the_feeling_of_not_being_able_to_feel_the_ground_with_my_feet_anymore.

For my 10th birthday, my sister and I were taken out to the Great Barrier Reef. There were fish in different colors, caves and layers of coral. They made such an impression on me. When I learned that only 1 percent of Australia's Coral Sea was protected, I was shocked. Australian marine (海洋的) life is particularly important because the reefs have more marine species than any other country on earth. But sadly, only 45% of the world's reefs are considered healthy.

This statistic is depressing, so it's important for us to do everything to protect them. The hope that the Coral Sea remains a complete eco-system has led me to take action. I've become involved with the Protect Our Coral Sea activity, which aims to create the largest marine park in the world. It would serve as a place where the ocean's species will all have a safe place forever.

Together, Angus and I created a little video and we hope it will inspire people to be a part of the movement. Angus also shares many beautiful childhood memories of the ocean as a young boy, who grew up sailing, admiring the beauty of the ocean, and trying to find the secrets of ocean species.

1.From the underlined sentence in Para.1, we can learn the author ________.

A.seldom went surfing at the sea

B.forgot his experiences about the ocean

C.never went back to his hometown

D.had a wonderful impression of Halfmoon Bay

2.According to the second paragraph, Australian marine life ________.

A.is escaping from the Coral Sea gradually

B.depends on reefs for living greatly

C.may be faced with danger

D.is protected better than that in other oceans

3.The Protect Our Coral Sea activity is intended to ________.

A.contribute to a complete eco-system

B.prevent more marine species from being endangered

C.set up a large nature reserve for reefs

D.raise more teenagers' environmental awareness

4.Angus and the author created a little video to ________.

A.urge more people to take action to protect the marine species

B.inspire more people to explore the secret of the


C.share their childhood experiences about the ocean

D.bring back to people their memory of ocean species


(2016·济南市3月高考模拟) Thrift stores are a refuge (避难所) for countless items from landing in garbage piles. V alue Village, for example, saves more than 650 million pounds of clothing from landfills (垃圾填埋场) each year, making it one of the largest recyclers of used garments in the world. Their stores give a second life to 1.8 million pounds of clothes every day, which is equal to 600 mid-sized cars. Almost 100 percent of clothing and textiles are recyclable, yet 85 percent of it ends up in landfills. It's estimated that the average person throws away 70 pounds of clothing a year.

Lindsay Coulter is the so-called “Queen of Green”with the David Suzuki Foundation, educating people on how to live a greener life by making changes around the house. She says that donating and shopping at thrift stores is an excellent way to exercise all three of the three Rs: reduce, reuse and recycle. She says, “Whether it's a purse or a pair of shoes, it's really worth considering going to thrift stores as another point of contact to help reduce your consumption.”

Coulter points out that since landfills are air-tight, textiles take longer to break down. “I'd imagine things like an old towel, a rag or an old T-shirt will last a really long time,” she says. The beauty of thrift shopping is that the supply is never-ending, so if you don't find what you're looking for one day, it's likely to show up in no time.

One person who knows this quite well is Jodi Jacyk, costume specialist in the theatre and film department at the University of British Columbia. She says the majority of items for the university's productions are purchased second-hand. Because of her shrinking budget, items like clothing and shoes are thrifted from Value Village. “We are constantly thrifting and we reuse costumes for many years. Thrift shopping is a much easier, cheaper way to do things.”she says.

The next time you need to lighten your closet, take the opportunity to go thrift shopping to lighten both your carbon footprint and your financial burden at the same time.

5.What is a “thrift store”according to the text?

A.It deals with daily garbage.

B.It sells second-hand items.

C.It exchanges new clothes.

D.It donates used items.

6.Why did Lindsay Coulter advise shopping at thrift stores?

A.To be friendly to environment.

B.To make a change of lifestyle.

C.To reduce the cost of the family.

D.To collect money for the Foundation.

7.What do we know about Jodi Jacyk?

A.She doesn't budget carefully.

B.She complains a lot about her job.

C.She is a fan of thrift shopping.

D.She is known as “Queen of Green”.

8.What is the author's attitude toward thrift shopping?


C.Doubtful. D.Supportive.


“Food in France is still primarily about pleasure,” says Mark Singer, technical director of cuisine at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris. “Cooking and eating are both pastimes (消遣) and pleasure.” The French might start their day with bread, butter, jam, and perhaps something hot to drink — it's a time of the day when the whole family can be united. Singer, born in Philadelphia, has lived in France for more than 40 years.

“Although things have changed greatly in the past 20 years when it comes to food in the country,” he says, “and what was a big affair with eating has been slowly softened up, there are still events in the year, like birthdays and New Year's Eve and Christmas Eve that are still really anchored in traditional food and cooking. But it's not every day.”

Some people think French food life may be a performance,_adds Jennifer Berg, director of graduate food studies at New York University. “They want to believe that France is this nation where people are spending five hours a day going to 12 different markets to get their food. The reality is most croissants (羊角面包) are factory-made, and most people are buying convenience food, except for the very small group of people in high society. But part of our identity relies on believing that myth.”

In Italy, as in France, takeout is still relatively rare. “Eating fast is not at all part of our culture,” says Marco Bolasco, editorial director of Slow Food and an Italian food expert. Our meals are relaxed, even during a lunch break. Food in Italy is love, and nutrition, and pleasure, he

says. An Italian child's first experience with food is not small round cakes or rice or eggs, but probably ice cream, notes Bolasco. Status and wealth play less of a role in food.

9.How have things about French food changed?

A.People prefer to cook at home.

B.More people choose to eat out.

C.Traditional food is less frequently cooked.

D.People eat faster than before.

10.What does the underlined word “performance” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.A bother. B.A play.

C.A hobby. D.A routine.

11.Why is Italian food compared with French food in the last paragraph?

A.To show the advantages of Italian food.

B.To prove the differences between them.

C.To reflect the customs of Italian food.

D.To indicate the common points of the two.

12.What's the main idea of the passage?

A.Food as identity. B.Food as pleasure.

C.Food as survival. D.Food as status.




1.选D句意猜测题。根据第一段中的“I don't think I can recall a time when I wasn't aware of the beauty of the ocean.”和“I had the good fortune of having the sea at my side.”可知,作者认为大海很美,自己很幸运能经常看到海,故画线句应是对半月湾的赞美。D项符合文意。故选D。

2.选C推理判断题。根据第二段“When I learned that only 1 percent of ... are considered healthy.”可推知,澳大利亚的海洋生命可能面临危险。故选C。

3.选B推理判断题。根据第三段“I've become involved ... a safe place forever.”可推知,这项活动的目的是创造一个为海洋生物提供永久安全的地方,阻止更多的海洋物种灭绝。故选B。

4.选A细节理解题。根据第四段“Together, Angus and I created a little video and we hope it will inspire people to be a part of the movement.”可知,拍摄视频是为了激励人们去采取行动保护海洋生物。故选A。



5.选B细节理解题。根据第一段“Their stores give a second life to 1.8 million pounds of clothes every day, which is equal to 600 mid-sized cars.”可知,旧货店是一个卖二手商品的店铺。故B项符合题意。

6.选A推理判断题。根据文章第二段内容可知,Lindsay Coulter提倡在旧货店买商

品并把自己不用的东西捐赠给旧货店,这样就实现了三R,即减少原料、重新利用和物品回收。由此可知,Lindsay Coulter是一个爱护环境的人,她这些建议有益于环保。故A项符合题意。

7.选C推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段内容可知。Jodi为上大学准备的大多数物品都是二手的。因为自己预算的缩减,像服装和鞋这类东西都是从Value Village购买的。多年来Jodi一直不断地淘旧货,她认为去旧货店买二手物品是一种便捷且便宜的方式。由此可知,Jodi也是一个旧货迷。故C项符合题意。





10.选A词义猜测题。由第三段“people are spending five hours a day going to 12 different markets to get their food”可知,此处应是指部分人认为法国传统烹饪比较繁琐。故此处performance指“麻烦”。故选A。

11.选D推理判断题。由最后一段的“In Italy, as in France”,再结合第一段中的“Food in France is still primarily about pleasure”和最后一段中的“Food in Italy is love, and nutrition, and pleasure”可知,作者比较这两种食物的目的是找出二者的共同点,阐明主旨,故选D。

12.选B主旨大意题。由文中第一段的“Food in France is still primarily about pleasure”,“Cooking and eating are both pastimes(消遣) and pleasure”以及“Food in Italy is love, and nutrition, and pleasure”可知答案。


专题07 阅读理解推理判断题 推理判断题主要考查学生根据文章的字面意思,通过语篇逻辑关系,研究细节的暗示,推敲作者的态度,理解文章的寓意等。推理判断题属于主观性较强的高层次阅读理解题。做这类题时,考生应在理解全文的基础上,从文章本身所提供的信息出发,运用逻辑思维,同时借助一定的常识进行分析、推理、判断。 提问整篇文章或某句某段的含蓄意思时,问句中都含有infer, imply, indicate, suggest (推断,暗指)等词。对付这类题时我们不仅要弄懂文章字面的意思,更重要的是要知道文章潜在的含义,和作者所给的提示。同时要对文章的含义和作者的暗示作合理的猜测和推论。关键是:意思要靠推断得出,而不是原文照搬。这就要把握住文章的主题思想和每段的内容;明确作者的观点及其写作该文的目的;分析文章里所给的有关信息;注意词汇在词典的定义和词典以外的含义;最后运用自己的知识进行由表及里的逻辑推理,挖出文章的伏笔,得出正确的推论。 这种问题的提问方式通常有: 1.From paragraph 4 we can infer that. / What can be inferred from the passage? / From the last paragraph we can infer that . 2.We can infer from the text that…/ What can we learn from…? / We can conclude from the passage that… 3.The last sentence of the first paragraph most probably implies that. 4.The author implies that by the year 2080, . 5.To solve the present social problems the author suggests that we should. 6.The author mentions the fact that…to show. 7. This passage would most likely be found in _________? 8.The author’s attitude toward …is _________? 9. The tone of the passage can best be described as _________? 这些提问方式的答案一般在短文中不可能直接找到,必须根据提问中的某些关键字眼与短文中相应的有关内容加以逻辑推理或演算,从而得出某些作者并未说明却已在字里行间所暗含的意思及观点。具体的说,考生应当注意以下几点: 1.首先要注意一定要忠实于原文,以文章提供的事实和线索为依据。立足已知,推断未知,遵循“词不离句,句不离段,段不离篇”的原则。千万不能主观臆想,凭空想象,随意揣测,更不能以自己的观点代替


高考阅读理解专题:推理判断题的解题技巧 推断题属于主观性较强的高层次阅读理解题,做这类题目时,考生要严格依据作者所陈述的细节、事实以及作者的措词、态度和语气,找出能够表露作者思想倾向和感情色彩的词句,然后利用自己已获得的相关知识进行推理判断,从而得出符合逻辑的结论。 近年的高考题中常出现以下五种推理判断题: 1. 这类题干中通常含有learn( ), infer( ), suggest( ), imply( ), conclude (), indicate( )等标志性词语, 常见的提问方式有: 1).We can know from the passage that ________. 2). We can infer from the (first/last) passage that ________. 3).The passage/author implies/suggests that ______. 4).It can be concluded from the passage that ________. 5).The underlined sentence indicates that ________ 2. 解题技巧 ①针对细节推断: 在原文中找到相关的信息源--- 对具体内容分析-- 推理判断得出结论 实例1:Did you ever hear a strange sound coming from the wall? Did it sound like a clock? If so, it may have been made by a beetle. Long ago people thought the ticking meant that someone was about to die. Thus the beetle is called “the deathwatch beetle." 1. It can be inferred from the text that the sound of this beetle ________. A. pleased people. B. surprised people. C. frightened people. D. excited people. ②针对主题思想:以主题为核心----- 分析逻辑关系----- 得出结论 实例2:In the California study, children with TVs in their rooms but no computer at home scored the lowest while those with no bedroom TV but who had home computers scored the highest. While this study does not prove that bedroom TV sets caused the lower scores, it adds to accumulating findings that children shouldn’t have TVs in their bedrooms. 1. What can we learn from the last two paragraphs? A. More time should be spent on computers. B. Children should be forbidden to watch TV. C. TV sets shouldn't be allowed in children's bedrooms. D. Further studies on high-achieving students should be done. 1. 题干中通常含有attitude, view ,opinion,, in the author’s opinion/mind等标志性词语。提问方式: 1).The author seems to be in favor of/against ______. 2).The author may probably agree with/support ________. 3).What's the author's opinion about...? 4).In the author's opinion...?


阅读理解之推理判断题解题指导 一、推理判断题常见提问方式 1. The writer / author / passage implies / suggests (暗示) that ________. 2. It can be inferred (推断)from the story that ________. 3. We can learn from the passage that ________. 4. The passage is intended to ________. 5. The first paragraph of this passage is to ________. 6. From the passage, we can learn / conclude that ________. 7. The passage may be a / an ________. 8. How does the author seem to feel about this issue? 9. Which of the following might happen later? 10. Which of the following can be concluded from this passage? 二、选项特点分析 推理判断题目选项的设置有一定的特点和规律,了解这些,可以帮助提高答题的正确率。 1.正确选项的特点: (1)正确选项一般含义比较丰富,具有一定的综合性和概括性; (2)正确选项的表述一般不会太绝对,而是会用一些相对宽泛的词汇,如often, usually, sometimes, some, may, might, can, could, possibly, probably等; (3)正确选项有时候与通过常识判断得出的结论相反,要特别注意。 2.干扰选项的特点: (1)只是原文的简单复述,而非推断出的结论; (2)看似从原文推断出来的结论,然而实际上与原文不符; (3)根据常识判断是正确的,然而不是在文章事实或上下文逻辑基础上推理而得出的观点; (4)虽然以文章提供的事实或内在逻辑为依据,但推理过头、概括过度; (5)部分选项的内容纯属编造。 三、推理判断题的解题方法 解决此类题要注意:一是与原文相同的细节不能选;二是不能跳出文章做推断。 1. 抓住特定关键信息进行推理。 做此类试题要善于抓住某一段话中的关键信息,即某些关键词或短语去分析、推理、判断,利用正向推理或逆向思维,从而推断出这句话所隐含的深层含义。 【例1】 The receiver contacts at least four of the satellites and calculates (计算) its position. The third part of the system is a network of ground stations. They are all over the world. They control the satellites and make sure they are working well. The underlined word “They” in Paragraph 3 means “_______”. A. Receivers B. GPS devices C. Satellites D. Ground stations 【解析】根据这段文字,我们可以推断出They指的是ground stations(地面卫星接收站),故选D。【例2】 Cost Adult: $7.40 Children (under 15 y ears): half … John and his 10-year-old son want to watch Secret of the Dragon. How much should they pay? A . $7.40. B. $11.10. C. $14.80. D. $23.20. 【解析】根据上面的信息可知,15岁以下的孩子是半价。所以,一个成人和一个10岁的孩子应该花$7.40+$3.70=$11.10,故选B。 【例3】


2015年阅读理解专题--推理判断题 一.考纲解读: 设题角度: (1)细节推断题 (2). 推断隐含意义 (3). 推断作者观点或态度 (4). 推断写作目的 (5). 推断文章出处 (6). 推断上下文内容等 4.设问方式:It can be inferred from the text that . From the text we know/learn (about) that …is most likely . The writer’s attitude toward… is______. The writer’s purpose of writing this passage is to _____. The passage implies that _____. In writing the passage, the author intends to _____. The passage is most likely to be taken from______. Where would this passage most probably appear? The next paragraph would most probably deal with _______ 二. 技巧点拨 1. 细节推断题。 根据语篇关系,推断具体细节,如时间、地点、人物关系、人物身份、事件、具体信息等.一般可根据短文提供的信息,或结合生活常识来推断①要吃透文章的字面意思,捕捉有用的提示和线索②对文字的表面信息进行挖掘加工,进行深层处理,符合逻辑地推理。③要忠实 于原文,以文章提供的事实和线索为依据。立足已知,推断未知。 【题例1】In September, 1940, my mother, sister and I went to Swansea, where my father's ship was getting ready to sail, we brought him a family photograph to be kept with him at all times and keep him safe. (2011·湖南卷B篇)(1.5分钟) 61. We can infer that the mother and children went to Swansea ______. A. to meet a friend B. to see the father off C. to take a family photo D. to enjoy the sailing of the ship 【题例2】Understanding why members of her family and her friends would be there, AT asked why her dance teacher had traveled so far to see her compete(比赛). “She's always been my role model. I've danced with her since I was six. She's been through so many difficulties and came through them all. I've learned to get over bad life's experiences and learned how to move on because of her.”(the fourth paragraph) (2012·全国大纲卷 E篇)(2分钟) 57. Shelley takes her dance teachers as a role model mainly because she is ______. A. determined B. friendly C. strict D. experienced 2. 隐含意义题 这类题目往往要求考生根据文章的某个句子、段落或全文所提供的事实进行逻辑推理,推断出作者没有提到的或者没有明说的事实或者可能发生的事情。这类试题的题干中常含


推理判断题要求考生根据文章提供的事实和线索进行逻辑推理,推断出作者没有提到的或者没有明说的事实或者可能发生的事实。这类旨在考查考生透过词语的字面意义去理解作者的言外之意或弦外之音的能力,属深层理解题。此类试题的设计常常包括infer, imply, suggest, conclude等词。 这类题的设问方式主要有: (1)We can infer from the passage that ______. (2)What can be inferred from the passage? (3)Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? (4)It can be inferred from Paragraph 3 that ______. (5)The author suggest in this passage that ______. (6)The writer implies that ______. (7)It can be inferred that ______. (8)It can be concluded from the passage that ______. (9)On the whole, we can conclude that ______. (10)From the text we can conclude that ______. (11)After reading the passage we may conclude that ______. (12)What conclusion can be drawn from the passage? (13)The author is inclined to think that ______. (14)When the writer talks about..., what he really means is that______. (15)What's the writer's attitude towards...? (16)What's the author's feeling towards...?


中考英语阅读理解题-----细节理解题和推理判断题的解题技 巧 中考英语阅读理解题-----细节理解题和推理判断题的解题技巧细节理解题 阅读理解是中考的必考题型,因为它能全面快速地反映出学生的英语水平。阅读理解题型有很多种,但从命题角度来看,通常可以分为四种:即事实细节题、推理判断题、猜测词义题和主旨大意题。 事实理解题主要考查学生对文章中的细节与具体事实的把 握能力,内容涉及询问事实、原因、结果和目的等,属于浅层次的理解题,难度较低。同学们需要在有限的时间内运用略读、扫读、跳读等技巧快速阅读,发现文章中的细节信息,然后遵循由整体到细节的原则,把握作者的思路,按全文—段落—词语的步骤来解题。 一、命题特点 事实细节题的考点非常明确,主要有以下几处: 1、列举信息处常考。 文章中first…second, to begin with, in addition, on one hand, on the other hand等并列关系出现的地方,常会要求考生从所列的内容中,选择符合题干要求的选项。 2、举列与打比方之处常考。

考生要对那些引出例子或比喻的标志词,如as, such as, for example, for instance等加以注意,因为这些词是作者为使自己的观点更具说服力而用来引出具体事例的,这些事例就是常考的细节处。 3、指示代词出现处常考。 这类考题常用来考查学生是否真正了解上下文句子之间的逻辑关系。 4、引用人物论断处常考。 作者为正确表达自己的观点或使论点更有依据,常会引用某些权威人士的论断或采纳其重要的发现。 5、特殊标点符号后的内容常考。 因为特殊标点符号后的内容往往是对前面内容的进一步解释或说明,同学们注意到这些标点,也就注意到了细节。这些特殊符号包括表示解释的破折号、括号和冒号以及表示引用的引号等。 另外,事实细节题的选项也很有特点:通常正确答案不是照搬的原文;干扰选项则正好相反,有的来自原文信息,但不是题目要求的内容;有的符合常识,但不符合原文内容;有的与原句内容极为相似,只是在程度上有些变动;有的与原文大相径庭甚至完全相反;也有的是部分正确或部分错误。 二、解题方法


《考试说明》关于阅读能力的考查不但要求学生要理解具体事实细节,也要理解抽象的含义;既要理解字面意思,又要理解其深层含义,包括作者的态度、观点、意图等;既要求理解文章中某句、某段的含义及全文的逻辑关系,又要求根据其含义及逻辑关系进行判断和推理。 NMET中,推理判断题的考查每年都占阅读理解试题的一半左右。推理判断试题属于高层次阅读理解题,很多考生对此类题型的解答感到很吃力,没有把握。下面笔者结合近年高考试题,谈谈推理判断题的解题技巧,希望对大家复习备考有所帮助。 一、推理题常见的提问形式 常以infer,imply,suggest,conclude,learn,intend,mean,describe,purpose等词提问。或提问中含有表示推测的情态动词,如can,could,might,would等和其他表示可能性的动词,如probably,most likely等。 二、推理题的解题思路 如何做好推理判断题?笔者以为,考生做题时一定要从整体上把握语篇内容,在语篇的表面意义与隐含意义、已知信息与未知信息间架起桥梁,透过字里行间,去体会作者的“弦外之音”。 首先,要求考生在阅读时,要抓住文章的主题和细节,分析文章结构,根据上下文内在联系,挖掘文章的深层含义。在进行推理时,考生一定要仔细阅读短文,千万不可脱离原文而仅凭个人的看法,主观臆断。 其次,对于暗含在文章中的人物的行为动机、事件的因果关系及作者未言明的倾向、意图、态度、观点等要进行合乎逻辑的判断、推理、分析,进一步增强理解能力,抓住材料实质性的东西。 再次,在解答推理性问题时,应清楚所要解答的问题是针对某个细节进行推断,还是针对主题思想、作者的意图进行推断。 针对细节的推断可运用scanning方法,迅速在阅读材料中确定推理依据的位置或范围,然后再进行推理判断。 针对主题思想作推断时,其解题的主要依据是文章的主题思想,然后再分析句子之间的逻辑关系,区分观点与例证(opinion and fact)、原因与结果(cause and effect)、主观点与次观点(main idea and supporting idea)。 三、推理题的解题方法 1. 抓住特定信息进行逆向或正向推理 做此类试题要善于抓住某一段话中的关键信息,即某些关键词或短语去分析、推理、判断,利用逆向思维或正面推理,从而推断出这句话所隐含的深层含义。 例 2003安徽春季D篇 69. The text suggests that not getting enough sleep might make you _____. A. suffer from poor health B. feel tired and nervous C. dream more often D. breathe quickly 解析解题时抓住第一段After a busy day of work and play, the body needs to rest. Sleep is necessary for good health. Duri ng this time, the body recovers from the activities of the day. The rest that you get while sleeping makes it possible for your body to prepare itself for the next day. 中Sleep is necessary for good health.去理解。利用逆向思维,我们很容易推断出这一结论:一个人睡眠不足会对他的健康有害(suffer from poor health), 所以答案为A。 2. 整合全文(段)信息进行推断


1、演绎推理题型分析及解题技巧总结 所谓推理,是指由一个或几个已知的判断推导出另外一个新的判断的思维形式。一切推理都必须由前提和结论两部分组成。一般来说,作为推理依据的已知判断称为前提,所推导出的新的判断则称为结论。推理大体分为直接推理和间接推理。 只有一个前提的推理叫直接推理。例如:有的高三学生是共产党员,所以有的共产党员是高三学生。 一般有两个或两个以上前提的推理就是间接推理。例如:贪赃枉法的人必会受到惩罚,你们一贯贪赃枉法,所以今天你们终于受到法律的制裁和人民的惩罚。 一般说,间接推理又可以分为演绎推理、归纳推理和类比推理等三种形式。 1、演绎推理及其分类 所谓演绎推理,是指从一般性的前提得出了特殊性的结论的推理。例如:贪赃枉法的人是必定会受到惩罚的,你们一贯贪赃枉法,所以,你们今天是必定要受到法律的制裁、人民的惩罚的。这里,“贪赃枉法的人是必定会受到惩罚的”是一般性前提,“你们一贯贪赃枉法”是特殊性前提。根据这两个前提推出”你们今天是必定要受到法律的制裁和人民的惩罚的”这个特殊性的结论。 演绎推理可分为三段论、假言推理和选言推理。 1、三段论 (1)所谓三段论是推理中最普通的一种形式。它由三个简单判断组成,其中两个是前提,一个是结论。例如:不法分子都害怕法律的制裁(大前提);杀人犯是不法分子(小前提);所以杀人犯害怕法律的制裁(结论)。 (2)三段论的推理一般有三个特点: ①有三个判断; ②每个判断都有两个概念,整个推理共有三个不同的概念,每个概念都出现两次; ③在前提中都有一个概念起媒介的作用。 在逻辑学中,阐述三段论时,概念和判断都有一定的名称。即,在作结论的判断中的谓项称为大项(P);作主项的称为小项(S);在结论中不出现,在前提中起媒介作用的称为中项(M)。一般,包含大项的判断称为大前提,包含小项的判断称为小前提。 (3)我们在运用三段论时,还要遵守三个原则: ①一个三段论必须(也只能)有三个概念,特别是中项必须是同一概念,否则就会产生错误(通常把这种错误说为“偷换概念”)。例如:茅盾著作不是几天可以读完的;《白杨礼赞》是茅盾著作;所以,《白杨礼赞》不是几天可以读完的。 这里,在大前提中的“茅盾著作”指所有茅盾著作构成的总体,而小前提中的“茅盾著作”则是茅盾许多著作中的一种具体的著作,两者含义不同,已经不是三个概念,而是变成了四个概念,致使推理产生了错误。 ②中项在前提中至少周延一次。周延是在一个判断中对于主项和谓项是否全部断定,如全部断定就是周延,否则就是不周延。如果违反这条规则,就会犯“中项不周延”的错误。例如:劳模都参加了这次代表大会;刘波参加了这次代表大会;所以,刘波是劳模。 在这个推理中,大前提里,中项并没有全部断定,因为参加代表大会的并不一定都是劳模。在小前提里,中项也没有完全断定,因为出席代表大会的肯定不是只有刘波一个人。由于在大小前提中,中项都是不周延,所以,这个推理犯了“中项不周延”的错误(逻辑错误)。 ③在大前提中不周延的概念,在结论中也不能周延。否则就会造成“不当周延”的错误。例如:书记是做人的思想工作的;她不是书记;所以,她不是做人的思想工作的。在这个推理


2019高考英语阅读理解-推理判断题(含解析) 一、阅读理解 1.根据短文理解,选择正确答案。 Here are six steps to better studying. Pay attention in class Do you have trouble paying attention in class? Are you sitting next to a loud person? Tell your teacher or parents about any problem that is preventing you from paying attention. Take good notes Write down facts that your teacher mentions or writes on the board. Try to use good handwriting so you can read your notes later. It's a good idea to keep your notes organized by subject. Plan ahead for tests and projects Waiting until Thursday night to study for Friday's test will make it hard to do your best. One of the best ways to make sure that doesn't happen is to plan ahead. Write down your test dates. You can then plan how much to do after school each day, and how much time to spend on each topic. Break it up When there's a lot to study, it can help to break things into several parts. Let's say you have a spelling test on 20 words. Instead of thinking about all of the words at once, try breaking them down into five-word groups and work on one or two different groups each night. Ask for help You can't study effectively if you don't understand the material. Be sure to ask your teacher for help. If you're at home when the confusion occurs, your mom or dad might be able to help. Sleep tight So the test is tomorrow and you've followed your study plan—but suddenly you can't remember anything! Don't panic. Your brain needs time to digest all the information you've given it. Try to get a good night's sleep and you'll be surprised by what comes back to you in the morning. (1)We know from the passage that a loud person is ________. A. a student who always answers questions loudly in class B. someone who likes to talk with others in a loud voice C. a student who likes speaking with others in class D. a person who makes a lot of noise in public places (2)If you don't understand what you have learnt, you can ________. A. read your notes over and over again B. turn to people around you for help C. put aside the material for later review D. ask your teacher to explain it the next day (3)By saying “Sleep tight”, what does the author mean?


阅读理解推理判断题的答题技巧 主要考查学生对文章中隐含或深层的含意的理解能力。它要求考生根据文章内容做出合乎逻辑的推断,包括考生对作者观点的理解,态度的判断,对修辞、语气、隐含意思等的理解。题干关键词:infer(推断),indicate(象征;暗 示),imply/suggest(暗示),conclude(作出结论),assume(假定,设想)。 1.细节推理判断题 一般可根据短文提供的信息或借助生活常识进行推理判断,常见命题形式有: Itcanbeinferred/concludedfromthetextthat_____. Theauthorimplies/suggeststhat_____. Wemayinferthat_____. WhichofthefollowingstatementsisimpliedbutNOTstated? 2.预测推理判断题 根据语篇对文章接下来的内容或可能的结局进行猜测,常见命题形式有: Whatdoyouthinkwillhap penif/when…? Attheendofthispassage,thewritermightcontinuetowrite_____. 3.推测文章来源或读者对象 常见命题形式有:

Thepassageisprobablytakeoutof_____. Thepassagewouldmostlikelybefoundin_____. Wheredoesthistextprobablycomefrom? 4.写作意图、目的、态度推断题 作者的语气态度往往不会直接写在文章里,只能通过细读文章,从作者的选词及其修饰手段中体会出来。 询问写作目的的题,选项里常出现的词是:explain(解 释),prove(证明),persuade(劝说),advise(劝告),comment(评论),praise(赞扬),criticize(批评),entertain(娱 乐),demonstrate(举例说明),argue(辩论),tell(讲述),analyze(分析)等。 询问语气态度的题,选项里常出现的词是:neutral(中立的),sympathetic(同情的),satisfied(满意的),friendly(友好 的),enthusiastic(热情的),subjective(主观的),objective(客观的),matter-of-fact(实事求是的),pessimistic(悲观 的),optimistic(乐观的),critical(批评的),doubtful(怀疑 的),hostile(敌对的),indifferent(冷淡的),disappointed(失望的)。常见命题形式有: Thepurposeofthetextis_____. Whatisthemainpurposeoftheauthorwritingthetext? Bymentioning…,theauthoraimstoshowthat_____. Whatistheauthor’sattitudetowards…?


高三英语阅读理解推理判断题命题方式与技巧点拨 高考英语阅读理解考纲关于阅读理解部分考纲要求: 阅读部分要求考生能读懂书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文段以及公告、说 明、广告等,并能从中获取相关信息。考生应能:(1)理解主旨要义;(2)理解文中具 体信息;(3)根据上下文推断单词和短语的含义;(4)做出判断和推理;(5)理解文章的基本结构;(6)理解作者的意图、观点和态度。 高考英语阅读理解常见的设题形式有:细节理解题、推理判断题、词意猜测题、主 旨大意题。本节主要解决推理判断题解题策略。 推理判断题解题指导: ■考点突破 一、命题方式: 推理判断是指在理解原文字面意义的基础上,通过对语篇逻辑关系的分析和细节的 暗示,做出一定的判断和推理,从而得出文章的深层意义及隐含意义的过程。主要考查 考生理清上下文逻辑关系的能力以及考生的识别能力。推理题所涉及的内容可能是文中 某一句话,也可能是某几句话,要求考生在遵循原文意义的基础上,对文章字面信息进 行分析、挖掘、逻辑推理,揭示其深层含义。 推理判断题的命题区间往往出现在以下几个方面: ◆文章或者段落的首尾部分。这一部分往往会引出文章的主题,总结全文或者全段 内容,通常也会设计推理判断题; ◆引言部分。议论文或者说明文中作者经常引用他人语言来支撑自己的观点,引用 的内容可能从正面或者反面来支持作者的观点,引文的字里行间隐含的渗透的内容往往 也是命题人设题的依据; ◆结论建议处。命题人往往在文章中出现the study suggests, the research indicates, the report shows 等类似结论、建议性表达方式时,此处通常是文章中提到的研究结果或者报 告的结论,命题人往往在此设置推理判断题 ◆表达观点态度处。在作者表达观点态度的地方往往设置推理判断题。文中出现 doubt, appreciate, hate, prefer ,against等表达观点态度的部分,以及一些带有感情色彩的特 殊句式,例如感叹句、反问句等。 1.细节推断 细节推断要求考生根据文章内容,推断具体的细节,如时间、地点、人物关系、人 物身份、事件等。一般可根据短文提供的信息,或者借助生活常识进行推理判断。考生 要把握文章的内在关系,理解文章的真正含义,然后作出判断。题干中常出现infer(推断),indicate(象征,暗示),imply(暗示),suggest(暗示).conclude(作出结论),assume (假定,设想)等词。主要设题方式有: It can be inferred from the passage that________. The author strongly suggests that________ It can be concluded from the passage that________. The writer implies but not directly states that________


解密阅读理解之推理判断题 考点详解 推理判断题属于主观题,是层次较高的设题。它包括判断和推理题。这两类题常常相互依存,推理是为了得出正确的判断,正确的判断又依赖于合乎逻辑的推理。推理题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,做出一定判断和推论,从而得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理题所涉及的内容可能是文中某一句话,也可是某几句话,但做题的指导思想都是以文字信息为依据,既不能做出在原文中找不到文字根据的推理,也不能根据表面文字信息做多步推理。所以,推理题的答案只能是根据原文表面文字信息一步推出的答案:即对原文某一句话或某几句话所作的同义改写(paraphrase)或综合。常见的题干有: 1. It can be inferred from the text that… 2. We can conclude that… 3. When the writer talks about..., what he really means is that… 4. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? 从历年的高考阅读理解题分析来看,推理判断题所占的比例大概在7%-10%,一般可以归纳为五大题型:细节推断题、因果推断题、人物性格、预测想象推理题和写作意图推测题。下面就这五大类型的题目进行剖析: 题型一细节推断题: 常见的设问方式: It can be inferred from the passage/text that_________. The author mainly suggests that ________. It can be concluded from the passage that_______. The writer implies but not directly states _______. What does the author imply about newspapers? 细节判断题属于深层理解题,要求根据语篇内容,推断具体细节。做此类题目关键是要正确把握文章的内在关系,理解文章的真正含义,要忠实于原文,千万不能主观臆断,随意揣测,更不能以自己的观点代替作者的观点。 干扰项特点:


高考英语阅读理解题的推理判断题解题技巧 解答推理判断题要以文字信息为依据,既不能作出在原文中找不到依据的推理,也不能根据表面文字信息进行多余推理。也就是说,要做到判断有据,推论有理,忠实原文。切忌用自己的观点代替作者的本意,切忌片面思考,得出片面结论。 一、细节推断题是推理判断题中比较简单的一类试题,它要求考生根据语篇中具体的内容和信息点,推断出文章中具体的细节,如时间、地点、人物关系、人物身份、事件等。解答此类试题时,一般可根据短文所提供的信息或者借助生活常识进行推理判断。考生只要正确把握文章的内在关系,理解文章的真正含义,就可作出准确的推断。 对于细节推断题来说,根据文章中的关键信息点进行推断是解答此类试题的关键。考生不但要理解文章的字面含义,还要运用逻辑判断能力,推断出文章更深层的含义。同时还要根据文章内容进行推断,不能凭空猜测。考生要注意站在文章作者或文中人物的立场上,设身处地地考虑实际情景,并据此展开合理的想象和推理。主观臆断是许多考生做这类题时普遍存在的一个问题。 二、作者态度或观点的推断类型题目考查考生是否了解文中作者或文中人物对某事物所持的观点或态度。要求考生具有在正确理解文意的基础上,对观点或态度倾向进行分析、识别的能力。该类型题目的选项一般含有以下三类词:①中性词:uninterested(不感兴趣的),neutral(中立的),indifferent(漠不关心的)等;②褒义词:positive(积极的),supportive(支持的),humorous(滑稽有趣的),enthusiastic(热情的),admiring(赞赏的)等;③贬义词:disgusted(厌恶的),critical(批评的),negative(否定的,消极的),disappointed(失望的)等。


高三英语阅读理解推理判断题命题方式与技巧点拨讲课 导入: 高考英语阅读理解考纲关于阅读理解部分考纲要求: 阅读部分要求考生能读懂书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文段以及公告、说明、广告等,并能从中获取相关信息。考生应能:(1)理解主旨要义;(2)理解文中具体信息;(3)根据上下文推断单词和短语的含义;(4)做出判断和推理;(5)理解文章的基本结构;(6)理解作者的意图、观点和态度。 高考英语阅读理解常见的设题形式有:细节理解题、推理判断题、词意猜测题、主旨大意题。本节主要解决推理判断题解题策略。 推理判断题解题指导: ■考点突破 一、命题方式: 推理判断是指在理解原文字面意义的基础上,通过对语篇逻辑关系的分析和细节的暗示,做出一定的判断和推理,从而得出文章的深层意义及隐含意义的过程。主要考查考生理清上下文逻辑关系的能力以及考生的识别能力。推理题所涉及的内容可能是文中某一句话,也可能是某几句话,要求考生在遵循原文意义的基础上,对文章字面信息进行分析、挖掘、逻辑推理,揭示其深层含义。 推理判断题的命题区间往往出现在以下几个方面: ◆文章或者段落的首尾部分。这一部分往往会引出文章的主题,总结全文或者全段内容,通常也会设计推理判断题; ◆引言部分。议论文或者说明文中作者经常引用他人语言来支撑自己的观点,引用的内容可能从正面或者反面来支持作者的观点,引文的字里行间隐含的渗透的内容往往也是命题人设题的依据; ◆结论建议处。命题人往往在文章中出现the study suggests, the research indicates, the report shows 等类似结论、建议性表达方式时,此处通常是文章中提到的研究结果或者报告的结论,命题人往往在此设置推理判断题 ◆表达观点态度处。在作者表达观点态度的地方往往设置推理判断题。文中出现doubt, appreciate, hate, prefer ,against等表达观点态度的部分,以及一些带有感情色彩的特殊句式,例如感叹句、反问句等。 1.细节推断 细节推断要求考生根据文章内容,推断具体的细节,如时间、地点、人物关系、人物身份、事件等。一般可根据短文提供的信息,或者借助生活常识进行推理判断。考生要把握文章的内在关系,理解文章的真正含义,然后作出判断。题干中常出现infer(推断),indicate(象征,暗示),imply(暗示),suggest(暗示).conclude(作出结论),assume (假定,设想)等词。主要设题方式有: It can be inferred from the passage that________.
