

Everybody's business is nobody's business.


Every brave man is a man of his word.


Every bullet has its billet.


Every cloud has a silver lining.


Every cock crows on its own dunghill.


Every cook praises his own broth.


Every country has its customs.


Every couple is not a pair.


Every day is not Sunday.


Every day of thy life is a leaf in thy history.


Every dog has his day.


Every dog has his day, and every man his hour.


Every dog is a lion at home.


Every dog is valiant at his won door.


Every door may be shut but death's door.


Every extremity is a fault.


Every fool can find faults that wise man cannot remedy. 蠢人也能找出聪明人无法弥补的岔子来的。

Every heart has its own sorrow.


Every horse thinks his sack heaviest.


Every Jack has his Jill.


Every little makes a mickle.


Every lover sees a thousand graces in the beloved object. 情人眼里出西施。

Every man has a fool in his sleeve.


Every man has his faults.


Every man has his hobby-horse.


Every man has his liking.


Every man has his weak side.


Every man has the defects of his qualities.


Every man is the architect of his own fortune.


Every man is the master of his own fortune.


Every man is the son of his own works.


Every man thinks his own geese swans.


Every mother's child is handsome.


Everyone is dissatisfied with his own fortune.


Every one's faults are not written in their foreheads.


Every pleasure has a pain.


Every potter praises his own pot.


Every salesman boasts of his own wares.


Every shoe fits not every foot.


Everything comes to him who waits.


Everything has its seed.


Everything has its time and that time must be watched. 任何事情都有好的时机,不要随意放过。

Everything hath an end.


Everything is good in its season.



外国读书的名言警句 1、教师进行劳动和创造的时间好比一条大河,要靠许多小的溪流来滋养它。教师时常要读书,平时积累的知识越多,上课就越轻松。作者:苏霍姆林斯基 2、当前我国女性成功大概有如下四种途径:第一,学好英语,嫁老外。第二,学好英语,出国读书,嫁老外。第三,学好英语,出国读书,学成归国,嫁老外。第四,学好英语,出国读书,学成归国,努力打拼,嫁老外。 3、读书即未成名,究竟人高品雅。修德不期获报,自然梦稳心安。出处:对联集锦 4、读书对于我来说是驱散生活中的不愉快的最好手段。没有一种苦恼是读书所不能驱散的。作者:孟德斯鸠 5、多读书以养胆气,少忧虑以养心气,戒发怒以养肝气,薄滋味以养胃气,惟谨慎以养神气,顺时令以养元气,须慷慨以养浩气,胸豁达以养正气,傲冰雪以养骨气,当忍让以养和气,应谦恭以养锐气,莫懈怠以养志气。 6、成年人读书面临着同样功利化的问题。做企业的一进书店就往管理、营销方面钻,搞文学创作的则往往站在琳琅满目的文学作品

前流连忘返有趣的是,我们所缺的,往往是专业以外的知识!这一点被很多人忽略。专业以外的知识与自己专业内的知识融会贯通,才能有所成,而且,专业外的知识往往成为更好的引燃个人灵感的导火索,迸射出最激动人心的火花,引领人开悟。作者:时寒冰 7、读书不要贪多,而是要多加思索,这样的读书使我获益不少。作者:卢梭 8、敏而好学,不耻下问。作者:孔子 9、风声、雨声、读书声、声声入耳。家事、国事、天下事、事事关心。作者:顾宪成,明朝政治家 10、诗礼之家:诗:指《诗经》;礼:指《周祀》、《仪礼》、《礼记》。旧指世代读书讲究礼教的人家。 11、读书而不理解,等于不读。作者:夸美纽斯 12、读书百遍,其义自见。 13、读书,始读,未知有疑;其次,则渐渐有疑;中则节节是疑。过了这一番,疑渐渐释,以至融会贯通,都无所疑,方始是学。作者:朱熹 14、对人说不,生命是一切宝物中最高的东西。 15、有时间读书,有时间又有书读,这是幸福;没有时间读书,有时间又没书读,这是苦恼。作者:莫耶 16、每当第一遍读一本好书的时候,我仿佛觉得找到了一个朋友;当我再一次读这本书的时候,仿佛又和老朋友重逢。作者:伏尔泰


【名言警句-教育篇】 A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. (H.B.Adams, American historian) 教师的影响是永恒的;无法估计他的影响会有多深远。(美国历史学家亚当斯 H B) And gladly would learn, and gladly teach. (Chaucer, British poet) 勤于学习的人才能乐意施教。(英国诗人乔叟) Better be unboun than untaught, for ignorance is the root of misfortune. (Plato, Ancient Greek phiosopher) 与其不受教育,不知不生,因为无知是不幸的根源。(古希腊哲学家柏拉图) Dancing in all its forms cannot be excluded from the curriculum of all noble education: dancing with the feet, with ideas, with works, and ,need I add that one must also be able to dance with the pen? (Friedrich W.Nietzsche, German philosopher) 所有高尚教育的课程表里都不能没有各种形式的跳舞:用脚跳舞,用思想跳舞,用言语跳舞,不用说,还需用笔跳舞。(德国哲学家尼采 F W) Education commences at the mother's knee, and every word spoken within the hearsay of children tends towards the formation of character. (Hosea Ballou British cducator) 教育始于母亲膝下,孩童耳听一言一语,均影响其性格的形成。(英国教育家巴卢 H) Educaton does not mean teaching people to kow what they do not know ; it means teachng them to behave as they do not behave. (John Ruskin, British art critic) 教育不在于使人知其所未知,而在于按其所未行而行。(英国艺术评论家园斯金 J) Education is a progressive discovery of our ignorance. (Durant, American historian) 教育是一个逐步发现自己无知的过程。(美国历史学家杜兰特) Education is a admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing worth knowing can be taught. (Oscar Wilde, British dramatist) 教育是令人羡慕的东西,但是要不时地记住:凡是值得知道的,没有一个是能够教会的。(英国剧作家王尔得 O) Education has for its object the formation of character. (Herbert Spencer, British philosopher) 教育是以造就人的品质为其目标。(英国哲学家斯宾塞 H) Education has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what


A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。 Always go with the choice that scares you the most, because that’s the one that is going to require the most from you. 就做那个让你最不安的事情,因为它能发挥你最大的潜能。 The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. 未来属于那些相信梦想之美好的人。 If you wept for the missing sunset,you would miss all the shining stars. 如果你为错过夕阳而哭泣,那么你就要错群星了。 Don't worry too much about the ambiguous future, just make effort for explicit being present. 不为模糊不清的未来过分担忧,只为清清楚楚的现在奋发图强。 Let us face the reality, so that we are committed to our ideal. ——Che Guevara 让我们面对现实,让我们忠于理想。——切·格瓦拉 When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take NO for an answer. 当你追求人生所爱时,你的字典里就不该有“不可能”这个词。 Every day may not be good,but there's something good in every day. 不见得每天都是好日子,但是每天总会有些好事发生的。 All Hallow's Day万圣节 The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long. 在你想要放弃的那一刻,想想为什么当初坚持走到了这里。 I think the best attitude toward life is to keep your humor on and show your smile to what happens. 人生在世,八方风雨;不妨一笑,淡然处之。 Literature is a kind of intellectual light which, like the light of the sun, may sometimes enable us to see what we do not like. —Samusel Johnson 文学是一种理智之光,它和阳光一样,有时能使我们看到我们不喜欢的东西。—约翰逊.S. Time management is really a misnomer - the challenge is not to manage time, but to manage ourselves. “时间管理”,其实是一个误称,我们挑战的是管理自己,而不是时间。 Supernova超新星 So, there is that kind of a boundary as well, and that is a place where trouble is likely to emerge.因此,也有那种边界,而边境线上恰恰是最容易发生争端的地方 Coconut椰子box office 票房;售票处 Now if you expand that to sicence and to practice and whatever. It's your pursuit of life. 如果你将之延展到科学或者实践或者其他什么,你那是你自己的生活追求。 Lunar calendar 阴历 It's the interest rate that clears the market for loans and that interest rate determines the market interest rate. 这个利率决定了借贷市场的出清,并决定市场利率的大小 A life, a fulfilling life, a rich life includes ups and downs, includes pain and getting up again, includes failure and getting up again.


英文名言警句大全 试试用英文朗读以下名言警句,或许你收获更多! ◆Wisdom is a good purchase though we pay dear for it . 为了求知识,代价虽高也值得。 ◆Kill two birds with one stone. 一石双鸟。 人生就是学校。在那里,与其是幸福,毋宁是不幸才是好的教师。因为,生存是在深渊的孤独里。——海德格尔 ◆From words to deeds is a great space. 言行之间,大有距离。 ◆It never rains but it pours. 祸不单行。 ◆Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. 没有目标的生活如同没有罗盘的航行。 ◆Quality matters more than quantity. 质重于量。 ◆More haste, less speed. 欲速则不达。 ◆It is good to learn at another man‘s cost. 前车之鉴。 ◆Nothing is difficult to the man who will try. 世上无难事,只要肯登攀。 ◆An idle youth, a needy age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 人生就是学校。在那里,与其是幸福,毋宁是不幸才是好的教师。因为,生存是在深渊的孤独里。——海德格尔

要留心,即使当你独自一人时,也不要说坏话或做坏事,而要学得在你自己面前比在别人面前更知耻。——德谟克利特 ◆A plant may produc e new flowers; man is young but once. 花有重开日,人无再少年。 ◆Diligence is the mother of success. 勤奋是成功之母。 只要下定决心克服恐惧,便几乎能克服任何恐惧。因为,请记住,除了在脑海中,恐惧无处藏身。——戴尔·卡耐基 ◆Truth is the daughter of time. 时间见真理。 ◆Let‘s cross the bridge when we come to it. 船到桥头自然直。 ◆No pains, no gains. 不劳则无获。 ◆The on-looker sees most of the game. 旁观者清。 ◆Joys shared with others are more enjoyed. 与众同乐,其乐更乐。 ◆What may be done at any time will be done at no time. 明日待明日,明日不再来。 ◆All work and no play makes Jack a dull bo y. 只工作,不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。 ◆Time and tide waits for no man. 岁月不等人。 觉得以上名言不错的朋友,不妨分享!


外国学习名言警句励志 外国学习名言警句励志 1 不管发生什么事,都请安静且愉快地接受人生,勇敢地、大胆地,而且永远地微笑着。——卢森堡 2 人要是惧怕痛苦,惧怕种种疾病,惧怕不测的事情,惧怕生命的危险和死亡,他就什么也不能忍受了。——卢梭 3 人的一生,总是难免有浮沉。不会永远如旭日东升,也不会永远痛苦潦倒。反复地一浮一沉,对于一个人来说,正是磨练。因此,浮在上面的,的,不必骄傲;沉在底下的,更用不着悲观。必须以率直、谦虚的态度,乐观进取、向前迈进。——松下幸之助 4 懒惰象生锈一样,比操劳更能消耗身体;经常用的钥匙,总是亮闪闪的。——富兰克林 5 生命有如铁砧,愈被敲打,愈能发出火花。——伽利略 6 凡是挣扎过来的人都是真金不怕火炼的;任何幻灭都不能动摇他们的信仰:因为他们一开始就知道信仰之路和幸福之路全然不同,而他们是不能选选择的,只有往这条路走,别的都是死路。这样的自信不是一朝一夕所能养成的。你绝不能以此期待那些十五岁左右的孩子。在得到这个信念之之前,先得受尽悲痛,流尽眼泪。可是这样是好的,应该要这样……——罗曼·罗兰 7 患难可以试验一个人的品格,非常的境遇方才可以显出非

常的气节;风平浪静的海面,所有的船只都可以并驱竞胜。命运的铁拳击中要害的时候,候,只有大勇大智的人才能够处之泰然;……——莎士比亚 8 当一切似乎毫无希望时,我看着切石工人在他的石头上,敲击了上百次,而不见任何裂痕出现。但在第一百零一次时,石头被劈成两半。我体会到,到,并非那一击,而是前面的敲打使它裂开。——贾柯·瑞斯 9 瓜是长大在营养肥料里的最甜,天才是长在恶性土壤中的最好。——培根 10 不要将过去看成是寂寞的,因为这是再也不会回头的。应想办法改善现在,因为那就是你,毫不畏惧地鼓起勇气向着未来前进。——朗费罗 11 悲观的人虽生犹死,乐观的人永生不老。——拜伦 12 一个有坚强心志的人,财产可以被人掠夺,勇气却不会被人剥夺的。——雨果 13 信仰是伟大的情感,一种创造力量。——高尔基 14 乐观是一首激昂优美的进行曲,时刻鼓舞着你向事业的大路勇猛前进。——大仲马 15 顽强的毅力可以征服世界上任何一座高峰!——狄更斯 16 生活就像海洋,只有意志坚强的人,才能到达彼岸。——马克思 17 黄金诚然是宝贵的,但是生气蓬勃、勇敢的爱国者却比黄金更为宝贵。——林肯 18 我们不得不饮食、睡眠、游玩、恋爱,也就是说,我们不

英语名言警句50句 中英对照

001 The sting of a reproach,is the truth of it. 指责带给你刺痛,正是它的忠实之处。 002 Virtue and happiness are mother and daugher. 美德和幸福犹如母女。 003 TAll mankind are beholden to him that is kind to the good. 行善者,人人铭记之。 004 It’s the easiest thing in the world for a man to dec eive himself. 自欺是世上最易之事。 005 ’Tis easier to prevent bad hadits than to breadk them. 防止染上恶习远比消除恶习容易。 006 An old man in a house is a good sign. 家中有老是一个好迹象。 007 Speak with contempt of none,form slave to king,the meanest bee,and will use,a sting. 别用言词贬低任何人,无论国王还是奴隶。最卑戝的蜜蜂也 008 Beware,beware!he’ll cheat’ithout scruple,who can without fear. 当心,当心!行骗而无所畏惧者,也将无所顾虑。 009 How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults.or resolution enough to mend them! 承认并改正错误,需要有足够的勇气和决心 010 If thou dost ill,the joy fades,not the pains;if well,the pain doth fade,the joy remains. 你若作恶,消失的是快乐而非痛苦;你若行善,消失的 011 Trick and treachery are the practice if fools,that have not wit enough to be honest. 傻瓜习惯于诡计和背判的伎俩,他们还没聪明到学会真诚待人 012 Great beauty,great stength,and great riches,are really and truly of no great use;a right heart exceeds all. 貌美,力大,有钱,实无大益;一 013 Let our fathers and garandfathers be valued for their goodness,ourselves for our own. 让父亲和祖辈因他们的善行受到尊重,让我们因我们自己的 014 Thirst after desert,not reward. 渴求美德而非奖赏。 015 If thou injurest conscience,it will have its revenge on thee. 伤害良心,将受到良心的严惩。 016 If thou wouldest live long,live well;for folly and wickedness shorten life. 若欲求长寿,生活须行善,因为蠢行和邪恶会把生命缩短。


名言警句大全英语 导读:本文是关于名言警句大全英语的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、问候不一定要慎重其事,但一定要真诚感人。 Greetings need not be prudent, but must be sincere and moving. 2、人生路上,你不应该期待困难越来越少,而应该应该期待自己越来越强。 On the way of life, you shouldn't expect fewer and fewer difficulties, but you should expect yourself to be stronger and stronger. 3、当你的希望一个个落空,你也要坚定,要沉着! When your hopes fail one by one, you should be firm and calm. 4、生命中最难的阶段不是没有人懂你,而是你不懂你自己。 The hardest part of life is not that no one knows you, but that you don't know yourself. 5、生命中总有一段时光充满不安,可除了勇敢面对我们别无办法。 There is always a time in life full of anxiety, but there is no way but to face us bravely.

6、一个人若想学会滑冰,那么他一定要做好在冰上摔跤的准备。 If a person wants to learn how to skate, he must be ready to wrestle on the ice. 7、有成功的心态,有自强不息的精神,最终都会成功的。 Successful mentality and the spirit of self-improvement will ultimately lead to success. 8、我不怕千万人阻挡,只怕自己投降。 I am not afraid of being blocked by tens of millions of people, but of surrendering myself. 9、只有在自己站起来之后,这个世界才属于我自己! Only when I stand up, the world belongs to me! 10、残酷的现实,需要你去拼搏,需要你去奋斗。 Cruel reality, you need to fight, you need to fight. 11、愚痴的人,一直想要别人了解他。有智慧的人,却努力地了解自己。 A fool always wants others to know him. A wise man tries to understand himself. 12、你既然认准一条道路何必去打听要走多久! Why do you need to inquire about how long it will take since you have identified a road? 13、抓住机遇成功一半,勤奋努力是成功的另一半。 Seize the opportunity and succeed half. Diligence and


中国茶文化英语演讲稿3篇 英语演讲,是指以英语为载体,针对某个话题发表自己的意见和看法,以此来影响、感染听众,达到一种宣传目的的交际活动。小编为大家整理了中国茶文化英语演讲稿3篇,欢迎大家阅读。 中国茶文化英语演讲稿篇1 The practice of drinking and serving tea has been part of China's cultural identity for centuries. China used to be the world's sole provider of tea. Today, tea is the world's most widely consumed beverage after water, and famous Chinese teas are still highly prized. Tea experts estimate that top-quality Longjing will sell for 40,000 to 50,000 yuan per 500 grams this year, about 25 percent higher than last year. The price of common Longjing will be around 4,000 yuan per 500 grams this year. Though quality tea is highly pursued at home, it seems that it has not secured a strong position in the global market. Li Shiwei is the board chairman of Tianfu Group, a flagship tea enterprise based in Fujian Province, a major production region of oolong tea in China. He says a major problem for today's private tea enterprises is that they do not have enough money to operate on a large scale, let alone undertake promotions overseas.


国外思想家名言名句英语摘抄大全 1、"Conquer the fear of death and you are put into possession of your life. 征服对死的恐惧,你就占有了生命. ——梅瑞狄斯" 2、·Victorywon't come to me unless I go to it. --·胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。——穆尔 3、"The secret of life is not to do what one likes, but to try to like what one has to do. 生活的秘密不在于做自己喜欢做的,而在于喜欢自己不得不做的. ——克雷克" 4、"You will never have what you like until you learn to like what you have. 欲得到你喜欢的东西,应先学会喜欢你已有的东西. ——歌德" 5、Few rich men own their property. The property owns them. 没有多少富人拥有他们的财产;是财产拥有他们. ——英格索尔 6、The only thing wealth does for some people is to make them worry about losing them. 财富对有些人只做了一件事:使他们担心会失去财富. ——l里瓦罗尔 7、"Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.( Kierkergaard )只有向后才能理解生活;但要生活好,则必须向前看。——克尔凯郭尔" 8、"Nature never deceives us; it is always us who deceive ourselves. 大自然永远不会欺骗我们,欺骗我们的往往是我们自己. ——Rousseau" 9、Death…is no more than passing from one room into another. 死亡

名言警句的中英文对照 人性的弱点中英文对照

名言警句的中英文对照人性的弱点中英文对照 名言、格言、谚语、成语、诗词等名言警句,能激发学生情感, 陶冶情操,活跃课堂气氛,提高学习效率。下面是为你精心推荐的名言警句的中英文对照的内容,希望你喜欢! 生命太过短暂,今天放弃了明天不一定能得到。 Life is too short, tomorrow to give up today can not get it. 来是偶然的,走是必然的。所以你必须,随缘不变,不变随缘。 To be aidental, go is inevitable. So you have to, pay the same, the same fate. 我有一颗水晶般的心,可别人以为是玻璃的。 I have a crystal heart, but other people think is glass. 做好人,靠的是一颗善良的心。做老好人,靠的是一张善变的脸。

Be good, by a kind heart. Do a nice guy, is a fickle face. 谎言像一朵盛开的鲜花,外表美丽,生命短暂。 A lie like a blooming flowers, appearance beautiful, life is short. 漂亮只能为别人提供眼福,却不一定换到幸福。 Beautiful can only provide pleasure to others, but not necessarily in happiness. 最漆黑的那段路,最痛苦的那段路,最终要自己走完。 The darkest period of road, the most painful it was, eventually to himself. 生活就像我的歌声,时而不靠谱,时而不着调。 Life is like my song, sometimes without spectrum, sometimes not.


英语励志名言警句摘抄大全 1. Great hope makes great man.伟大的思想造就伟大的人。 2. Something attempted,something done.没有尝试,就没有成功。 3. Hope for the best,prepare for the worst.好处着想,坏处准备。 4. A rolling stone gathers no moss.滚石不聚苔,转行不聚财。 5. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.入乡随俗。 6. Adversity reveals genius, fortune conceals it.苦难显才华,好运藏天知。 7. Lost time is never found again.光阴一去不复返。 8. Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labour does the body.劳动强体,磨难强智。 9. Behind bad luck comes good luck.塞翁失马,焉知非福。 10. All for one, one for all.我为人人,人人为我。 11. Treat other people as you hope they will treat you.己所不欲,勿施于人。 12. Suspicion is the poison of friendship.怀疑是对友谊所下的毒药。 13. He laughs best who laughs last.谁笑到最后,谁笑得最美。 14. Follow your own course, and let people talk.走自己的路,让别人说去吧。 15. Confidence is a plant of slow growth.信任是一种生长缓慢的植物。


关于中国文化的英语演讲稿 my view of culture globalization as is known to all, kung fu panda 2 was shown recently and soon became a hot topic in china. surprisingly, this american film shows bright chinese images such as kungfu and panda. this is a good example of culture globalization. but there are two entirely different attitudes towards it. some people think it demonstrates the increasing influence of chinese culture. others, however, incline to take the opposite point of view and regard it as an invasion of native culture resources. as for me, i tend to take an open attitude towards culture globalization. we can promote our own culture and meanwhile learn form other cultures, which is beneficial to all countries. finally, it is important to note that each culture has its own characteristics. with the evolving trend of culture globalization, we should be responsible for the development and spread of our national culture tradition. [关于中国文化的英语演讲稿]相关文章:


名言警句主题复习教学设计(第一课时) (一)读书篇 一\与读书有关的中国古代名言: 读书破万卷,下笔如有神——杜甫 读书有三到,谓心到,眼到,口到——朱熹 立身以立学为先,立学以读书为本——欧阳修 读万卷书,行万里路——刘彝 书犹药也,善读之可以医愚——刘向 旧书不厌百回读,熟读精思子自知——苏轼 二\与读书有关的中国现代名言: 读过一本好书,就像交了一个益友。——臧克家 饭可以一日不吃,觉可以一日不睡,书不可以一日不读——毛泽东 ☆我收集到的与读书有关的外国名言: 书是人类进步的阶梯——高尔基 读一本好书,就是和许多高尚的人谈话——歌德 书籍是在时代的波涛中航行的思想之船,它小心翼翼地把珍贵的货物运送给一代又一代。——培根 小练习: ①学校举办“书香校园”读书活动,向同学们征集名言警句,你推荐的一句 是。 ②小明对读书兴趣很浓厚,周末里他想和其他同学一起搞个读书party,但是他事先没有约好同学,他小明打算发个短信约同学一起参加你的读书活动,请你帮他编辑短信发给他的同学,要求语言优美引人,读来深切感人,在轻松活泼的气氛中表达出读书的重要。(适当的用上读书名言,能起到画龙点睛的作用。) (二)合作篇 1.与团结合作有关的名言警句。 一个篱笆打三个桩,一个好汉要有三个帮。——毛泽东 单丝不成线,独木不成林。——俗语 二人同心,其力断金。——《易经》 3.《古今贤文(合作篇)》 人心齐,泰山移。独脚难行,孤掌难鸣。水涨船高,柴多火旺。三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮。一块砖头砌不成墙,一根木头盖不成房。一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮。一根竹竿容易弯,三根麻绳难扯断。一花独放不是春,万紫千红春满园。 ——《古今贤文·合作篇》可以联系今天学到的名言,也可以谈谈自己的感受。 ①在大型文艺演出中,几百、几千位演员合作得天衣无缝! ②面对涛涛洪水,数十万子弟兵众志成城抗击洪灾…… 小练习: ①班主任让班长负责设计一个新颖的班队活动,他绞尽脑汁也没想出来。后来,同学们纷纷献计献策,终于把活动搞得有声有色,这真是:“。” ②汶川地震发生后,全国人民众志成城,与灾民共渡难关,这真是:“。” ③明明成绩优秀,当他的同桌学习上遇到困难时,他总是袖手旁观,认为与他没什么关系。老师知道后,语重心长地对明明说:“。”明明听了,羞愧难当。


中英文对译的教育格言[教育格言中英文对照] 教育始于母亲膝下,孩童耳听一言一语,均影响其性格的形成。有哪些中英文对照的格言是关于教育的呢?以下是分享的教育格言 中英文对照的内容,希望你喜欢! Education es from within; you get it by struggle and effort and thought.”— Napolean Hill, Motivational writer 教育源自于内心;你经由挣扎、努力、及思考而学习。–拿破仑?希尔 (励志作家) Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity.”— Aristotle, Philosopher 教育是兴盛时的点缀物及逆境时的避难所。–亚里斯多德 (哲学家) Education has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading. (George Macaulay Trevelyan British historian)

教育造就了一大批人,他们会读书,但是不会区别什么书值得读。(英国历史学家特里维廉 G M) Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire. (William Butler Yeats, lrish poet) 教育不是注满一桶水,而且点燃一把火。(爱尔兰诗人叶芝 B W) Education is the chief defence of nations. (Edmund Bruke, British statesman) 教育是国家的主要防御力量。(英国政治家伯克) Education is the transmission of civilization. (Will Drant, American historian and essayist) 教育传播文明。(美国历史学家、散文家杜兰特.W.) Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive easy to govern but imposible to slave. (Brougham, British statesman)


【英语名人名言大全带作者】英语名人名言大全 在英语教学中,教师引入英语名人名言有利于激发学生学习英 语的兴趣。下面给你带来的是英语名人名言大全带作者的内容,希望你喜欢! Cease to struggle and you cease to live.——Thomas Carlyle 生命不止,奋斗不息。——卡莱尔 A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step. 千里之行,始于足下。 Strength alone knows conflict, weakness is below even defeat, and is born vanquished.——Swetchine 只有强者才懂得斗争;弱者甚至失败都不够资格,而是生来就是被征服的。——斯威特切尼 The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, make them.——Bernara Shaw

在这个世界上取得成就的人,都努力去寻找他们想要的机会, 如果找不到机会,他们便自己创造机会。——萧伯纳 A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate.——Thomas Addison 强者能同命运的风暴抗争。——爱迪生 He who seize the right moment, is the right man.——Goethe 谁把握机遇,谁就心想事成。——歌德 Victory won't e to me unless I go to it.——M.Moore 胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。——穆尔 Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards. 人往高处走,水往低处流。 Man errs as long as he strives.——Goethe


《中国文化》英语演讲稿_演讲稿my view of culture globalization as is known to all, kung fu panda 2 was shown recently and soon became a hot topic in china. surprisingly, this american film shows bright chinese images such as kungfu and panda. this is a good example of culture globalization. but there are two entirely different attitudes towards it. some people think it demonstrates the increasing influence of chinese culture. others, however, incline to take the opposite point of view and regard it as an invasion of native culture resources. as for me, i tend to take an open attitude towards culture globalization. we can promote our own culture and meanwhile learn form other cultures, which is beneficial to all countries. finally, it is important to note that each culture has its own characteristics. with the evolving trend of culture globalization, we should be responsible for the development and spread of our national culture tradition. 众所周知,功夫熊猫2所示最近,很快成为中国的热门话题。令人惊讶的是,这家美国电影显示了明亮的中国影像例如功夫和熊猫。这是文化的全球化的一个很好的例子。但有两个完全不同的对待它的态度。有些人认为它表明了中国文化的的影响越来越大。然而,其他人倾向于采取了相反的观点,并把它作为本土文
