教师资格证 初中英语

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1. 教学环节主要包括Lead-in, Presentation, Practice, Summary and Homework, 该片段属于教学中的presentation 和practice。(10 分)

2. Presentation 的目的:presentation 是新课呈现,主要是教师教的过程,在知识呈现中,教师明确话题,语言结构目标机语言的功能,学生学习目标明确,有意识学习,吸收目标语言结构。Practice 的目的:在该步骤中,学生在某一特定的话题下,通过机械性练习,不断强化某一或者某些语言结构和词汇。(10 分)

3. 教学有效性是指通过教学活动,在相对短的时间内,让学生得到了更多,更深的知识和能力,获得了更加丰富,积极的情感体验。一:该教学片段中,教师通过引导,教会学生使用twice 这个词的意义及用法。二:该教学片断中,教师采用group work 的形式,让学生在学习知识的同时,锻炼学生合作学习的精神。(10 分)







1. 直接导入:直接阐明本节课的学习内容,目标和要求的导入方法。Eg: Teacher:We are going to learn something about Christmas. It‟s on the 25th, December. It is an important festival inwestern culture. (5 分)

2. 问题导入:教师通过提出富有启发性的问题,引出新的教学内容的导入方法。Eg:Teacher:Do you know anything about Christmas? Do you know Santa Clause? Do you know the story about Santa Clause? Have you ever receive a Christmas gift? Ask students to answer these questions.(5分)

3. 情境导入:呈现与话题相关的情境,引出所要学习的内容。Eg: Teacher will show some pictures about Christmas, for example the Christmas tree, Santa Clause, Christmas Carol and so on, and ask students what they usually do on Christmas. (5 分)

4. 故事导入:教师通过讲述教学内容有关的故事,从而引出新知识的方法。Eg:Teacher tell the story of Santa clause. And ask the students what they learned from the story. (5 分)


一、My family:

Teaching plan

Teaching aims:

Knowledge aim: master the new words and phrase, and understand the grammar focus.

Ability aim: improve the four skills of English, especially reading ability.

Emotion aim: love not only their family members but also the people around them.

Teaching key points:

Master the pronunciations of the new words and the phrases; and the usage of the sentence patterns. Teaching difficult points:

Ss can put it the new knowledge into practice and use it to communicate with others correctly and fluently. Teaching methods:

Community language teaching ,Task-based language teaching, CAI ------Computer Aided Instruction Teaching aids:

Multimedia, word cards, some related pictures

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: leading in and warming up(3 minutes)

Greet with my students and I will sing a song with them.The song is father and mother. It can attract students’ interests to learn this lesson.

Step 2: pre-reading (3 minutes)

Most all of my students have attracted into this class, so next I will show another pair of pictures, which is my family members we get together on the last weekend. I will let my students guess the people on the pictures and let them think about their own family members then ask some volunteers share with the whole classes.

Step 3: while-reading( 25 minutes)

At this step I will ask my students do two activities:

Activity one : fast reading, students will be given one minute to read the short passage quickly, and then conclude the main idea.

Activity two: careful reading , I will give them 5 minutes to read it again. Then let them do three tasks: Task one :I will show some questions with the help of the Power Point which I prepared

before the class, this mainly to help the grasp the detail information.

Task two: ask my students underline the difficult words or phrases. In order to practice their thinking ability, I will encourage them to analysis by themselves first, then they discuss with group members. At last i will give explain it by giving some examples or do some actions to help them understand.

Step 4: post-reading (6 minutes)

In order to practice students’ listening skill , i will play the tape for them, this also can correct their pronunciations. Then I will give some key words and let my students retell the passage by using their own words.

Step 5: summary and homework(3 minutes)

Summary: I will ask some students to summarize what they have learned in this class. After that, I will give a conclusion about this lesson.

Homework: after class, students can write a short passage about their family members, next class read it to the other students.
