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动名词复合结构是由形容词性物主代词或名 词所有格+ v-ing 构成,即动名词的逻辑主语 用形容词性物主代词或名词所有格表示:
His coming late made the teacher angry.
动名词复合结构在句中作主语,宾语和表格, 作主语和表语从句.
l can hardly imagine peter's/peter Sailing across the Atlantic ocean in five days.
1.一般式表示被动的动作正在进行或与 谓语动作同时发生。
2.完成式表示被动的动作发生在谓语动作 之前。
1.V-ing形式作主语,此时V-ing形式多表示一般或抽象 的重复多次的行为。如:
Laying eggs is the ant queen's full-time job. 产卵是蚁后的专职工作。
parents very angry.
A. His being made B. Hห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ has made
C. He had making D. His making
2.作表语(往往表示一种概念,习惯或经验, 或说明主语的内容.) ☆Teaching is learning. 教学相长. ☆My hobby is _m_a_k_in_g_ (make) model planes. ☆What worried the child most was __no_t__b_e_in_g_a_l_lo_w_e_d___ (not, allow) to visit his mother in the hospital.
1._____ the exam will disappoint your
A. You failing
B. Your failing
C. You fail
D. You to fail.
2. _____ the same mistake again made his parents very angry. A. His being made B. He has made
C. He had making D. His making
3. I don't think it's much good _____ to him. A. writing B. to write C. write D. written
4. Such books are not worthy _____ at all.
Can you find the following sentence in the reading passage?
1 I had already heard that George didn’t like being kept waiting. 2 I could see a whale being attacked by a pack of about six other killers. 3 Being badly wounded, the whale soon died. 4 I could see he was terrified of being abandoned by us.
语态 时态 一般式
(not) doing (not)having done
(not) being done (not)having been done
Compare !
--V-ing 一般时和一般时的被动形式;
1)He hurried home,looking behind from time to time .
A. of being read
B. being read
C. reading
D. to read
5.It is no use ________ without through _________. A. to read; understood B. reading; understanding C. to read; understand D. read; to understand
1._____ the exam will disappoint your
A. You failing
B. Your failing
C. You fail
D. You to fail.
2. _____ the same mistake again made his
Playing with fire is dangerous. 例1: _______ is a good form of exercise for both young
and old.
A. The walk B. Walking C. For a walk D. Walk
动名词作主语通常表示习惯性,泛指经常性的 不具体的动作;而不定式作主语则表示一次性 的、具体的动作。题中的a good form又暗示 考生,这个动作是泛指的、经常性的。
2)The building being repaired is our dormitory .
--- V-ing 的完成时和完成时的被动形式.
1) Having lit a candle , she went out. 2) Having been asked to stay , I couldn’t leave . 3) Having heard this , our teacher expressed her satisfaction .
Revise the Passive Voice (2)
Learning aims
1.Revise the passive voice of v-ing. 2.Master the forms and the functions. 3.Be able to use freely in the exercises.