
12.同意和不同意Agreement and disagreement
①Certainly或:Sure.或:Of course.当然可以。
No problem.没问题。
Yes,I think so.对,我认为是这样。
That's a good idea.是个好主意。
(区别:That's the idea!是这个意思!或:对啦!)
It's a good idea to swim in summer.夏天游泳是个好主意。
It's a good idea that we start at once.我们马上出发是个好主意。
I (或:We) agree (with you).我(或:我们)同意(你的意见)。
I agree to your plan.我同意你的计划。
②No,I don't think so.不,我认为不是这样的。
I'm afraid not.恐怕不是的。
I'm afraid I (really) can't agree with you.恐怕我(实在)不能同意你的看法。
③Yes,just so.是的,正是这样。
If you say so.如果你这么说的话,(那我也同意)。
Yes. That's just what I think(或:was going to say).
There's no doubt about it.那是毫无疑问的。
④I really don't think so.我真的认为不是这样的。
I think(或:believe,hope) not.我认为(或:相信、希望)不是这样的。
I'm afraid you are mistaken there.恐怕你在这一点上弄错了。
13.(1)喜好和厌恶Likes and dislikes
①I like(或:love) English (very much).我(非常)喜欢英语。
②I don't like(或:I hate) that man.我不喜欢那人。
③It's really wonderful.真是太好了。
④I can't stand(或:bear) that woman.我受不了那个女人。
He may be all right but I don't like him.他也许不错,但我不喜欢他。
①I prefer fish to chicken.我喜欢吃鱼肉胜过吃鸡肉。
I prefer walking to cycling.我喜欢步行胜过骑自行车。
②She prefers to be alone.她喜欢独处。
I'd rather walk than take a bus.我宁可走路,也不愿坐公共汽车。
(3)责备和抱怨Blame and complaint
①He is to blame.他应受责备。
He shouldn't have done it.他本不该做这事。(是虚拟语气)
②I'm sorry to have said that,but you were too careless.很抱歉我讲了那些话,但你也太粗心大意了。
Why can't you do something about it?对这事情你干吗不做点什么?
14.决断和坚持Determination,decision and insistence
①I will go there myself.我要亲自去那儿。
I have decided to go there myself.我已决定要亲自去那里。
②I insist on our starting at once.我坚持主张我们应该马上出发。
I insist that we (should) start at once.我坚持主张我们应马上出发。
I insisted that I had not received his letter.我坚持说我没有收到他的来信。(表示"坚持一个事实"时,用陈述语气。)
15.判断和意见Judgement and opinion
①It certainly is.当然就是。
Well done! 或:Good work!干得好!
②In my opinio

n Tom is the right man.在我看来汤姆是最合适的人选。So(或:As) far as I know,that is possible.就我所知(依我之见),那是可能的。
①You must(或:have to;should,ought to) study hard.你必须(或:得;应该)努力学习。
It is necessary for him to do so.他必须这样做。(从句要用虚拟语气)
②I am to see him tomorrow.我明天该去见他。
I am supposed to go now.现在我该走了。
He is able to come.他能来。
We shall be able to finish the work tomorrow.我们可以在明天完成这项工作。
18.肯定和不肯定Certainty and uncertainty
①I'm sure (of that).(这一点上)我很肯定。
I'm sure that I have done the right thing.我确信自己做得对。
②I'm not sure (of that).(这一点上)我没有把握。
I doubt if(或:whether)he'll come.我怀疑他是否会来。
④There's no doubt(或:question) about it.那是毫无疑问的(或:没有问题的)。
It must be.一定是这样。
I dare say.我敢说。
⑤Perhaps so.也许是这样。
19.禁止和警告Prohibition and warnings
①You can't(或:mustn't) do that.你不可做那事。
If you are late again,you'll be punished.如果你再迟到,你将受罚。
Don't smoke.禁止吸烟。
Don't be late.别迟到。
②Look out!当心!(或:留神!)
Take care!(或:Have a care!)留神!
Be careful!小心!
20.可能和不可能Possibility and impossibility
①He can(或:may) come.他可能来。
It is possible (that) he will be here in time.
②He may not be right.他可能不对。
He is not likely (或:is unlikely) to come.他不见得会来。
21.预见、猜测和相信Prediction,conjecture and belief
①He will help you.他会帮你的。
②I guess that she's about 30.或:I guess her to be about 30.我想她大概30岁。
He must have done it yesterday.他一定是昨天干的这事情。
It looks as if it's going to rain.好像就要下雨。
③I believe that he is right.我相信他是对的。
①Can(或:Will,Could,Would) you do it for me?你能帮我做这事情吗?
Will (或:Can,Could,Would) you please give me a hand?请你帮我个忙好吗?
May I have your attention?请注意啦!
②Please give(或:pass) me that pen.请给(或:递给)我那枝笔。
Please wait (a moment).请等(一下)。
Please stand in line.请站队。或:请排齐。
Please line up.请排起队来。
③Don't rush(或:hurry).别急。
Don't crowd.别挤。
No noise,please.请勿喧哗。
No smoking,please.请勿吸烟。
23.劝告和建议 Advice and suggestions
①You'd better (not) go there.你最好(别)去那儿。
You should (或:ought to) put on more clothes.你应该多穿点衣服。
②Shall we start at once?我们立刻出发好吗?
Let's go to school toget

Why not try again?为啥不再试试?
③Would you like to try?你想试一试吗?
Suppose you ring me up.你把电话给我,怎么样?
24.许诺 Promise
I promise (you) a quick answer.我答应(你)从速答复。
I promise (you) that I'll help her.我答应你我将帮助他。
25.提醒 Reminding
①Don't forget to take a raincoat with you.别忘了要随身带上雨衣。
Make sure that everything is OK now.看一看是不是一切都好了。
26.表示焦虑 Expressing anxiety
What's wrong?怎么啦?出什么毛病啦?
What's the matter (with you)?(你)怎么啦?
It there anything the matter?出毛病了吗?

1.—Would you like to go hiking with us?
A.No,I don't like
B.I hate to go hiking
C.I'd love to,but I don't feel well today.
D.Please don't ask me to go hiking

—I have a headache,doctor.
A.What's the trouble?
B.What's your wrong?
C.How do you do?
D.How are you?
解析:本题考查看病类交际用语及其回答。A项是医生看病时,询问病人哪儿不舒服的常用语,句末省略了with sb.这一介词短语,类似的说法还有:What's the matter with…?/What's wrong with…?/What has happened to…?由题中答语知,A为正确选项;B项表达张冠李戴;C项是第一次见面时的问候语,D项是熟人见面寒暄时所用的客套语,它只是一种较为礼貌的问候方式,并不是想深入交谈其人的健康状况。若选择C和D,则牛头不对马嘴,问与答脱节,不吻合。故本题应选A。

3.—My daughter is ill and she has to see a doctor.
A.Is it true?
B.It doesn't matter.
C.What a pity!
D.Don't worry.
解析:本题考查遗憾与同情类交际用语的回答。英美人表示同情与安慰时,其态度诚恳、真切,表达出一份为人分担忧愁的心情。由此分析,选项A虽在表示疑问,但实则是对对方的不信任、不真诚,含有一种冷眼相观、不愿表示同情或给予帮助的意味;B项是道歉的回答,与上句语境不符;D项Don't worry也为安慰别人的常用语,只是其后一般还补充Everything will be OK!或We'll find a way 等这类句子予以进一步同情与安慰,否则显得很唐突;C项What a pity!意为“真遗憾/多可惜呀?

—I want a pair of sports shoes.
A.May I help you,sir?
B.What do you want to buy,sir?
C.What do you do,sir?
D.Do you want to buy anything?
May/Can/Could I help you?这

组句子主要用来招呼顾客或询问别人是否需要帮忙,是店员对顾客的一种客气谦逊的态度,一般为售货员的主动服务用语,意思上相当于“What do you want?”,但在语气上较之更客气,更委婉些。还有:“What can I do for you?”。注意,在服务行业里问顾客要什么不可说“What do you want?”。而“May/Can/Could I help you?与What can I do for you?”这两个句子用途很广,其意思随着场合的不同而不同,如在商店里为“您要买什么东西?”;在图书馆里为“您借书吗?”;在饭店里为“您要吃什么?”;在旅馆里为“您要住宿吗?”。据上所述,B和D两项在购物时不能这样表达,C项意为“你是干什么工作的?”,明显不合题意。故本题应选A。

5.—Will you please tell John to come to my office?
A.Yes,I do
B.I'll be glad
C.Thank you
D.I'll be glad to
解析:本题考查请求类交际用语的回答。Will you please +v.…?意为“请你做某事好吗?”是一种非常客气有礼貌的请求,它相当于Please+v.…,will you?,其中Will也可改为Would/Could。这类交际用语的回答,一般有两种形式:①同允许对方请求的答语:Yes/Sure/Certainly.(可以。)/Yes,please do.(请吧。)/Of course,(you may )(当然可以。)/All right.(行。)I'd love (like )to./I'll be glad to.(我乐意。)/With pleasure.( 非常乐意)②不同意对方请求的答语:I'm sorry,but…(很抱歉,但……)/No,I'm afraid not.(不,恐怕不行。)由上所述,A和C两项与设问不符,B项glad后少了一个不定式符号to,这是不对的。因为这里to代表上句中出现过的不定式to come to my office。故本题应选D。
