2018年中考英语九年级中考一模考试英语试题 含答案

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1. 本试卷共8页,包含选择题(第1题~第45题,共45


2. 答题前,考生务必将本人的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡


3. 所有的试题都必须在专用的“答题卡”上作答,选择题用




1. —Do you think French is unimportant subject?

— Of course not. It’s quite useful skill.

A.a; a

B..an; an

C. an; a

D..a; an

2. — Mum, I feel very thirsty. Can I drink some orange juice?

— I’m afraid you can’t. There is _______ left in the fridge.

A. none

B. nothing

C. something

D. anything

3. — Look at the sign! You aren’t allowed _______ in public places.

— Sorry, I didn’t see it.

A. smoke

B. smoking

C. to smoke

D. smoked

4. —Winter swimming is exciting, but one can’t do it ________ he or she has got some training.

— Exactly! It can be dangerous.

A. after

B. unless

C. if

D .while

5. — Modern technology is developing so quickly!

— I agree with you. With the_____ of robot, people will have more free time to relax.

A. situation

B. instruction

C. condition

D. invention

6. — We can save energy by riding Mobike.

— , people should get used to recycling the waste.


B. However

C. Otherwise

D. Anyway

7. — Someone is sleeping next door. Is it Mr. Wu?

— It be him. He called me from England just now.

A. shouldn’t

B. can’t

C. mustn’t

D. needn’t

8. —Did you have fun camping on that hill?

—Actually not. It’s not easy to find a suitable place

to _______ our tents.

A. give up

B. put up

C. turn up

D. stay up

9. — Why did so many people get hurt in the earthquake?

— Don’t you know? People when it happened that night.

A. slept

B. have slept

C. sleep

D. were sleeping

10. — Will you go to Tom’s birthday party?

— I will go if I .

A. will be invited

B. invite

C. am invited

D. will invite

11. — Mike, I haven't seen your elder sister for a long time.

— She_______ Hong Kong on business for a few days.

A. went to

B. has gone to

C. has been to

D. has been in

12. — What’s the weather like this weekend?

— It will be bad weather that we can’t go on the picnic.

A. such a

B. such

C. so a



13. —Do you know soon?

— Yes. Four fifths has been completed smoothly so far.

A. Metro Line 2 will be in use

B. Metro Line 2 was in use

C. will Metro Line 2 be in use

D. Metro Line 2 is

in use

14. — Excuse me,could you give me a hand to move these boxes away?
