B2U5 定语从句中介词+关系词的用法,讲解,练习和答案

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1. 用于这种情况的关系代词一般为which(指物)和whom(指人)。在这种结构中,介词的选择非常关键,可以遵循以下四个原则:


Is this the car for which you paid a high price? (pay for)这是你花大价钱买的车吗?

In the dark street, there wasn’t a single perso n to whom she could turn for help. (turn to sb. for help)在黑暗的街上,她找不到一个人来帮助她。

The man with whom you shook hands just now is our English teacher. (shake hands with sb. )刚才你和他握手的那个人是我们的英语老师。


The two things about which Karl Marx was not sure were the grammar and some of the idioms. (be sure about)马克思没有把握的两件事是:语法和习惯用法。

The teacher with whom the students in our class are popular is Mr Wang, our English teacher. (be popular with)在我们班,深受学生欢迎的是王老师--我们的英语老师。

(3)根据定语从句修饰的先行词确定介词,其先行词往往是表示时间、地点、原因、方法、工具等的词,它们与介词之间有一定的联系。当“介词+关系代词”在定语从句中充当时间、地点、原因状语时,可分别用when, where, why替换。例如:

I’ll never forget the day on which (= when )I joined the army. 我永远也忘不了我参军的那一天。

The factory in which (= where)his father works is far away from my hometown.


I don’t know the reason for which (=why)he was late for school. 我不知道他为何上学迟到。

This is the camera with which he often takes photos. 这就是他经常用来拍照的相机。


This is the pilot for whom I bought a camera. (意思是:I bought a camera for the pilot. )这就是我给他买相机的那位飞行员。

This is the pilot with whom my brother has worked for ten years. (意思是:My brother has worked with the pilot for ten years. )这就是和我弟弟一起工作了十年的那位飞行员。

This is the pilot by whom my son was saved. (意思是:My son was saved by this pilot. )这就是救了我儿子的那位飞行员。

2. 介词若与从句中的动词词组有关,可前置于关系代词前,也可置于动词后,但若此介词与动词为固


Yesterday we paid a visit to the house in which Lu Xun lived.

→Yesterday we paid a visit to the house which Lu Xun lived in. 昨天,我们参观了鲁迅的故居。

This is the very pen that I’m look for. (look for为固定词组,则介词for不可前置。)那就是我正在找的那支钢笔。

3. 限定性定语从句中,介词前置时,关系代词不能用that,且不能省略;若介词后置,则可以用that,


This is the school in which I studied 3 years ago.

→This is the school(which / that)I studied in 3 years ago. 这就是三年前我学习的那所学校。

4. 表示所属关系时,介词应用of,关系代词为which / whom, 即n. + of + which / whom,可转换为whose+ n. 。例:

He lives in a room, the window of which faces west.

→He lives in a room, whose window faces west. 他住的房间,窗子向西开着。

The child was saved by a man, the name of whom was not known.

→The child was saved by a man, whose name was not known. 这个孩子被一位不知姓名的男子所救。

5. 表示整体中的一部分或……中最……的,介词一般也用of。例如:

The Greens have two daughters, both of whom are college students. 格林夫妇有两个女儿,她们都是大学生。

不要混淆:The Greens have three daughts,and two of them are students。

China has many rivers, the longest of which is the Yangtze River. 中国有众多河流,最长的是长江。



1. The ship, ___ _ the Europeans sailed to the American continent, was called the Mayflower.

2. The family ________ _ I stayed in Rome is coming to England soon.

3. He has written a book, the name________ _ I have completely forgotten.

4. It is a family of 8 children, all ___ _ are studying music.

5. Can you suggest a time ____ _ it will be convenient to meet?

6. The town, _________ they came, was in the north of the province.

7. Here are some blouses, none ____ suits me.

8. The fur coat _____ _ the lady was dressed was very expensive.
