

Middle East and western culture, south India and north India's eating habits, difference is very big, religious belief is the main reason. India's staple food is mainly rice and pasta. The north mainly wheat, corn, beans and so on, in the majority with rice in eastern and southern coastal areas. Indian vice times meat and vegetarian, but India people don't eat beef. Followers of Hinduism, the cow as a "god", known as "god cow". "God cow" nature cannot become people's mouth. Indians on no longer eat curry taste, taste sour and heavy color.

India is the kingdom of vegetarian food, vegetarian people accounted for more than half of India's population, a vegetarian diet culture is one of the most basic features of dietetic culture of India.

Like to eat by hand

Indian dinner is usually a dish or a cup of cold water, put rice and bread in the dish, vegetables and soup poured on it. India's staple food is mainly rice and bread, indians eat rice or bread, like the dish with the hand, volume within the cake, or by hand to mix vegetables and rice, stir in the pan a few times, grasp knead a pinch, then send to import.

Like sweet food

Traditionally most of the dessert is made from milk, cheese, honey, sugar and other materials. But south India also useful coconut and rice or flour do dessert. Tastes very sweet, sweet death.

Flying Cake

Indian Flying Cake, a famous snack(小吃)from India, which is made of flour(面粉), circled to bigger and thinner--the act we call it “fly”. It is very crispy (脆的)and tastes

a little sweet.

Since the Indian Flying Cake becomes more and more popular, it is available not only in India but also around the world. And it has increasingly new flavors such as pineapple,chocolate,barbecue and so on.

The chef rotates the cake in a clockwise direction, then the cake in the hands becomes bigger and thinner. It looks almost transparent

India Drink

In India, the most popular characteristic drink is called "Pull tea".

This drink can make tea juice, milk, juice and curry fully mixing .When we drink “pull tea", strong smell of tea and the milk incense(香)mixed with curry sweet will be filled the entire taste buds.

India's fruit variety, continuously throughout the year. The cheapest is bananas, therefore is called "the fruit of the poor".

India's most famous fruit I think there's a number of mango. Mango festival takes place

every summer, the capital new Delhi, the mango displayed is about more than 400 varieties


第一章饮食文化概论 1. 饮食与文化 (1).饮食的基本含义:①中文:一是吃的和喝的东西;二是吃东西和喝东西。 ②英文:一是food and drink;二是diet(可指规定的、特别的饮食, 也可指日常的膳食). (2).文化:①广义指人类在社会实践过程中所获得的物质、精神的生产能力和创造的物质、 精神财富的总和。狭义指精神生产能力和精神产品,包括一切社会意识形式:自 然科学、技术科学、社会意识形态。②泛指一般知识,包括语文知识···。③中国 古代封建王朝所施的文治和教化的总称。 (3).饮食文化概念的基本理解:(特定群体)关于食物获取的知识、技术、方式、习俗和制度。 (4).饮食的功能:①满足生理需要;②满足心理需要(保持良好的精神状态,是你有安全感, 使你感到“自我价值”,使你感到“美味”带来的快乐);③满足“公关”需要。 (5).文化的认识:①“人”是文化的主体;②动态性(丰富和发展、重新认识和修正、对某 些旧的或传统的东西的否定);③多样性(内容、观念、方式方法);④结构性;⑤共 同享有;⑥后天习得;⑦强制或规范;⑧理想与现实;⑨适应性。 (6).饮食受文化影响:“食欲也是被文化决定的”是说特定群体所处的自然环境和社会环境 对其成员的饮食行为特点的形成有重要影响,其中社会环境对其群体特殊饮食习 惯、方式形成的影响在很多情况下可能是决定性的。 (7). 饮食文化内容的基本理解:①观念(精神性):指特定群体对待饮食的态度或看法; ②获取(物质性或技术性):指特定群体的食物选择、加工制成技术、日常饮食结构、 餐饮方式(食具的样式和使用方法、分食还是合食、具体食物的食用方式)等;③风 俗(民众的自发的重复性行为,具有传承性和社会性),制度。 (8).影响人对饮食选择的主要因素:①家庭因素:包括文化传统,食物供应,生活状况与观 念,人口结构,食物制作水平,宗教;②个人因素:包括教育背景,价值观,生 活经历,职业(阶层)与生活方式,经济状况,心情;③环境因素:包括政治与经济 全球化,人员流动与文化交流,参照对象与团体归属,商业促销与流行趋势,营 养、卫生、健康知识的普及以及公众对食品安全问题的重视、消费环境。 2. 饮食文化与社会 (1).经济发展---恩格尔系数:“恩格尔定律”是西方经济学家关于家庭食品开支与家庭总收 入的比例关系的定律,系数在59%以上为绝对贫困,50%~59%为勉强度日, 40%~50%为小康水平,30%~40%为富裕,30%以下为最富裕。 (2).社会文明---“文明”的土壤:人类的饮食状况不仅表现出人类文明的进步程度,同时也 是人类文明产生的土壤----食物生产技术、方式对科学技术发明的贡献。(3).习俗传承的载体----标记:即某种事物或行为成为某一文化群体传统习俗中的标志性民 俗事象。如日本新年的干沙丁鱼、黑豆之类的食物。(4).社会文明---文明:文明就是一切能减少人们生活麻烦的手段。 平等:“平等”、“自由”的餐饮服务文化或服务精神。 多元化共存:人们享受来自不同地域、不同民族,乃至不同时代的美食文化。 环境协调:对自然的尊重、理解和爱护,引导“绿色消费”。 (5). 习俗传承的载体---传承:即某一特定的习俗会通过“代际”关系而代代相传。 寓意:如“喜饼”“蛋糕”等。 交际:饮食或宴席在交际场合总是发挥着难以替代的作用。 交换:“互报交换系统”。


2012届本科毕业论文 中西方饮食文化差异 姓名: 系别: 专业: 学号: 指导教师: 2012年5月

The Differences of Dietary Cultures Between China and the West Shangqiu Normal University May 2012

摘要 饮食是人们生存的根本,中西方都不例外。饮食文化是民族文化的重要组成部分。随着21世纪全球化进程,跨文化交际日益频繁,其中饮食文化成了东西方文化交流的最基本内容。但是由于长期以来形成的生活环境、风俗习惯、价值观念的不同,中西方形成了各自不同的饮食文化。由于饮食文化的不同,中西方人在交流的过程中有时会产生一些误解。本文主要从中西方饮食观念、烹饪取材、饮食结构、烹饪方式以及上菜顺序等方面来论述中西方饮食文化差异,以促进中西方文化交际的顺利进行。 关键词:饮食;饮食文化;差异

Abstract Diet is the base of living, with no exception in China or the West. Dietary culture is an important part of the national culture. With the entrance of the 21st century, cross-cultural communication has become more and more frequent, among which dietary culture has been the most basic content. However, because of the differences in living environments, customs and value concepts China and the West have formed their own different dietary cultures. As a result, there appears some misunderstandings sometimes between Chinese and the Westerners in their communication. This paper will analyze the differences of dietary cultures between China and the West from dietary concepts, raw materials, dietary structures, cooking patterns and the order of serving dishes so as to facilitate the efficient communication between Chinese and Westerners. Key words: diet;dietary culture; difference


印度传统食物 尝遍世界美食,想想就让吃货倍感兴奋。那你想知道印度的传统美食是什么吗?下面是分享的印度传统食物,一起来看看吧。 印度有着多种不同的宗教信仰及多元的传统和习俗,因此其饮食习惯也随著信仰及地区而有不同的变化。影响印度饮食文化最深的两个宗教是印度教和伊斯兰教,而葡萄牙、波斯和英国对于印度饮食文化也有很大的影响。 印度料理千变万化,所以并没有所谓正统的印度料理。在印度各地,烹煮食物的方式和使用的材料都不一样,每个家庭也有自己的传统,只有米饭,是印度家家户户都吃的主食。 在印度,吃素是一件很普遍的事情。(印度教不吃牛肉,伊斯兰教不吃猪肉,最后大家只好吃素......)肉菜的选择比较有限,主要是羊肉、鸡肉及海鲜鱼虾,穆斯林们也会选择吃牛肉。 肉汁做成的料理,也就是俗称的咖喱菜在印度相当风行,每一个地区都有各自口味的咖喱。印度料理的本质就是香料的使用,香料不仅可以开胃,也可以帮助消化。在喀拉拉,香料之王是胡椒,但该区同样也盛产数种不同的香料,如小豆蔻、肉桂、肉豆蔻、丁香、姜和郁金。 印度料理的另外一个重要角色就是乳制品;;奶油和炼乳,扁豆和蚕豆也常常被拿来入菜。蔬菜的部分会因为季节或是地区而有不同,

烹煮的方式也依主菜的选择而有所变化。 印度招牌美食1. 波亚尼炖饭(Biryani) 波亚尼炖饭是莫卧儿人带入印度的米饭料理,这种蒙古风味菜以米饭搭配羊肉、鸡肉、牛肉或蔬菜,吃起来口感绵软湿滑。海德拉巴的波亚尼炖饭最为出名。 2. 坦都里烤鸡(T andoori Chicken) 这是北印度的一道著名宫廷料理,将整只鸡先以酸奶和香料醃渍过后放入坦都炉内烤,烤完后鸡肉呈红色,吃起来带点辣味。食用时配以绿色的酱料和洋葱,非常可口。 3. 奶油鸡(Butter Chicken) 这也是属于北印度的一道著名料理,几乎在每家餐厅都有供应。采用去骨切块的坦都里鸡肉,放入奶油、番茄与香料混合的酱汁中烹煮,搭配印度烤饼一起食用,是印度人民的日常美食。 4.塔利(Thali) 塔利是印度的定食,印度的每个省份都有属于自己风格的塔利。北印度塔利是以普里、恰巴提或罗提面饼,配上几道口味重的配菜和一份甜点;而南印度塔利则是以炸饼(papad)、米饭搭配。配菜一般是蔬菜泥、豆泥、马铃薯、炖菜、酸奶、甜点等。 由于吉加拉特省(Gujarat)是耆那教的大本营,吃纯素的比例相当高,因此Gujarat Thali就是纯素食的塔利。而拉贾斯坦省的塔利则采用沙漠植物和羊肉搭配麵包,口味也很特别。 5.馕(Nan)


让人哭笑不得的“印度英语” “印度英语”俨然成为英语的一个分支,堂而皇之地被印度人运用自如 说起印度人讲英语,最经典的笑话是,某男士在自我介绍时说,我和我太太都是30岁(thirty),结果大家听成“我很脏,我太太也很脏(dirty)”。在跟印度人费劲的对话中,我从让人哭笑不得的“印度英语”中,看到了印度社会复杂的面貌。 说英语是身份象征 在英国人对印度实行殖民统治前,印度是一片有500多个土邦国林立的大陆,几乎每个地区都有自己的语言。出于殖民统治的需要,英国人在印度精英阶层推广英语教育,会说英语逐渐成为印度人身份地位的象征。印度建国后以语言差异为标准划分省份,列入宪法的语言有18种。如今大多数邦都有电视台和报纸使用本地语言和文字。由于差别很大,人们跨地域交流有些难度,甚至有了“出邦跟出国差不多”的说法。 自1947年独立后,印度政府把英语列为印地语以外的第二种官方语言。但实际上,印地语只是在北方地区比较普及,英语才是真正的通用语。从文官选拔、高校招生、国会辩论,到就餐、购物等社会生活的各方面,概莫能外。今年新当选的印度女总统帕蒂尔在就职仪式上也是先用英语,再用印地语致词。 西方肥皂剧的笑料

但印度人英语发音古怪也是事实,他们之间用英语聊得很热闹,外人竟难听懂。他们不仅t和d音分不清,talk让人听成dog,把car说成gar,音调也是极其本土化。我跟一位印度人聊天,他说他曾在军队干过,“啊米”(army)的啊发成了阳平(第二声),米是第四声,直到写出来才让我恍然大悟,这样的尴尬比比皆是。因此印度英语常成为欧美人的笑料,西方肥皂剧中常拿裹着头巾、摇头晃脑、含糊不清地说着英语的印度人开玩笑。网上也流传着不少模仿印度人说英语的段子。 但印度人如何看待自己的口音呢?他们似乎并不因嘲笑而心存 芥蒂。印度人认为,既然有英式英语、美式英语,还有澳洲英语之分,那印度英语有些大同小异也未尝不可。 口音不是大问题 作为一门语言,印度英语其实已成为怪胎。首先,至今印度的受教育率只有60%,连城市文盲群体也很庞大,能熟练掌握英语的只限于小部分精英;其次,受各地语言的影响,印度人的英语发音也是五花八门,混合地方方言的就有泰米尔版英语、马拉地版英语、孟加拉版英语等等,连新德里人和孟买人说起英语来都不是一个味道;此外,根植于印度的政治体制、文化传统、宗教特色和生活习惯,使印度英语中还衍生出许多新词汇和特有用法,这些都使其自成一派,甚至有人专门编著了《印度英语词典》,收录近万个词条。虽然发音问题已给一些移民国外的印度人找工作带来麻烦,但不可否认的是,印度人的英语文字功底确实扎实,这跟他们在英语教育中“重写作轻发音”


关于中西方美食文化差异的英语 关于中西方美食文化差异的英语 Eating Custom and Practice American eating is funny. They eat almost everything with a fork, and it appears that holding a knife in one's right hand longer than a few seconds is considered to be against good table manners. 饮食的风俗和习惯 美国人的饮食习惯很有趣。他们吃所有东西都用叉子。好像用右手拿刀几秒钟就被认为与好的桌上进餐礼仪相违背。 The system is that if it is absolutely necessary to use a knife, people take the fork in their left hand, and cut off a piece of meat or whatever it is in the normal manner. Then they put the knife down, transfer the fork to their right hand, and only then do they transport the food to their mouth. This is clearly ludicrous(滑稽可笑), but it is considered good manners. 这种用法就是如果绝对需要用刀的话,人们就用左手拿叉,按平常的方法切下移小块肉和者其它的东西。然后他们把刀放下,把叉转到右手,只有这时他们才把食物送入口中。这显然很滑稽,但却是被认为是好的礼仪。


印度餐桌礼仪常识 品尝一个国家的菜肴,并不只在满足口腹之欲,更多的时候是在了解这个国家的文化习俗和生活方式。印度菜在菜式创造和就餐礼仪上,都已经逐渐变得更加国际化,但是有一些细节仍然需要外国食客们注意,否则仍有可能在餐桌上贻笑大方。下面是为大家整理的印度餐桌礼仪常识,希望能够帮到大家哦! 就餐也要拿捏时间 印度菜 印度人通常一天只吃两顿饭,第一餐是在上午接近中午的时候,第二餐基本在晚上9点以后。但是习惯西式生活的印度人,也开始一日三餐,每餐包括开胃菜、汤、主菜和甜点,根据个人食量点菜,也可以不要开胃菜。 如果和印度人同桌吃开胃菜,吃得太快或太慢都是不好的,最好尽量保持和对方相同的速度把菜吃完。甜点和茶一定要等到饭后再端上餐桌,否则也是对客人非常不礼貌的行为。 印度人实行分餐,所以吃多少盛多少,不要剩菜。 “手抓饭”的乐趣和忌讳 虽然目前在许多正式场合,印度人已经开始用刀叉吃饭,但在私底下,他们仍然习惯用手抓饭吃。“手抓饭”是印度人长久以来的就餐习俗,吃饭前他们会先洗净手,然后准备就餐。如果去印度人家里

做客,一定要尝试“手抓饭”的乐趣。也正因为这一习惯,使得印度大部分菜都被制作成糊状,这样才便于用手抓饼卷着吃,或是抓米饭拌着吃。而且,印度菜的吃法也很特别,是中西合璧的,即使用刀叉,也要大家一起点菜一起吃。 特别要注意的是,印度人用手也是有忌讳的,那就是他们只用右手抓食物,而左手绝对不得用来触碰食物。印度人认为,左手是专门用来处理不洁之物的,因此吃饭时,他们的左小臂一般沿桌边贴放,手垂放于桌面以下,或是干脆把左手藏在隐蔽的地方。 用餐结束,服务员会给客人用小碗端来洗手水,水里漂着用于清洁的柠檬片和用于装饰的花瓣,当然,只能清洗右手。 印度的特殊饮食文化印度人的主食是大米和面食。北方以小麦、玉米、豆类等为主,东部和南方沿海地区以大米为主,中部德干高原则以小米和杂粮为主。由于各种宗教的不同禁忌,有些肉类在印度不能吃,渐渐地演化成了以素食为主的饮食体系。印度人除了牛肉不吃外,鸡肉和羊肉都是主要食物,因为牛在印度被供奉为神。 印度人还常以一种被称为“馕”的面饼为主食。无论在高级餐馆还是在街头树阴下,时常可以看见印度人席地盘腿而坐,用手撕下一块馕,蘸上菜糊、汤汁以及用豌豆、绿豆等各类豆制品熬成的豆汤,津津有味地吃着。还有一些食物把饼与土豆结合起来。另外,手抓饭也是人们十分喜爱的食物。每个人吃饭时用右手将饭菜反复搅拌和匀,然后用右手拇指、食指和中指将饭菜撮起送入口中。不过,手抓饭只限于自己家里或非正式场合,在上档次的餐馆用餐或出席正式场


French cuisine is extremely diverse, with only the Chinese having similar variety in their food. This variety is supported by the French passion for good food in all its forms, France's extraordinary range of different geographies and climates which support the local production of all types of ingredients, and France's long and varied history. In many ways, an understanding of the culture of French food is an understanding of France itself. Meals range from the very basic, such as the traditional baguette plus cheese plus inexpensive wine, to very elaborate affairs that can involve a dozen courses and different wines consumed over several hours. Obviously, the latter type of dining is exceptional for most people. However, it is this more sophisticated dining which is typically found in "French restaurants" outside France, giving many foreigners the mistaken impression that French food is heavy and complicated. In fact, much of the French cuisine is fairly simple, relying on high quality fresh ingredients and loving preparation rather than complex recipes. It is common in much of France to take a two hour break for lunch, with many working parents (particularly in villages and smaller towns) returning home for lunch. In some areas, mainly in the south of France, even longer lunch breaks are taken. Due to the long lunch break, businesses which close for this period typically reopen around 2PM or so and then stay open until about 7PM. Regional influences on French food Almost all the famous French dishes are regional specialities, some of which have become popular throughout France (such as Coq au Vin and Foie Gras) while others are mainly enjoyed in the regions in which they originate. Although regional specialities are often offered throughout France, the quality of ingredients and preparation is often superior in their region of origin. Each region, in addition to boasting local specialities, also has a general style of cooking and choice of ingredients. For example, in Provence the food typically features olive oil, herbs and tomatoes. The evolution of regional cooking styles has been influenced by: Local availability The French, a nation of gourmets, know that the best food is made from local ingredients, which are fresher and of better quality than items which have been transported long distances. Consequently, coastal regions (such as Brittany and Normandy, on the northwest coast of France) will favour sea fish and will use it more often and in more varied ways than inland areas. Likewise, areas where fruit or herbs grow easily, will incorporate these into their local cuisine. Neighbouring countries and immigration Areas of France which border on other countries have incorporated some of the cuisine of their neighbours. It is not surprising to find Italian dishes near the Italian border. More notably, the French region of Alsace is similar to Germany in its food (sauerkraut is


Safety is the usual choice for global travelers when faced with a menu of unknown dishes. But a great meal transcends all cultural boundaries, and sharing the food of your host country is the best way to connect with its people and culture. 对于国际旅行者来说,当看到菜单上面都是自己不知道的菜肴时,他们往往会选择自己认为安全 的食物。但是美食是超越所有文化界限的,品尝当地的食物是融入当地文化以及与当地人交流的最佳方式。 Argentina 阿根廷 This South American nation is best known for beef and empanadas, but there’s so much more to explore. Believe it or not, the ice cream here is among the best in the world, and dulce de leche and malbec flavors are absolute must-haves. If you’re in the mood for cheese, don’t leave without sampling provoleta –a smoky provolone sprinkled with oregano. As for native Andean cuisine, locro, a hearty stew of corn, beans, squash and meat, is delicious. 这个南美洲国家的牛肉和肉馅卷饼很出名,不过还有更多美食等你尝试。不管你相不相信,这里的冰激淋在世界上数一数二,其中牛奶焦糖口味和马尔白克口味冰激淋是一定要品尝的。如果你喜欢奶酪,那你就不能错过品尝奶酪烤饼——一种撒了牛至叶粉的烟熏味波萝伏洛干酪。而安第斯山当地的菜肴炖肉汤——一种玉米、豆子、南瓜和肉一起炖的丰盛菜肴——非常美味。 Brazil 巴西 No culinary trip here is complete without a visit to the state of Bahia. First thing to order: Moqueca de peixe, a fish (and sometimes shrimp) stew made with tomatoes and coconut milk. For a satisfying weekend lunch –not unlike American brunch –feijoada, a heavy stew of beans, meat and sausage, served with rice, can be found all over Brazil. If you’re looking for something lighter, fresh grilled fish with tomato-and-onion salad coupled with a couple of Brahma beers is a perfect beach meal. 如果没有去巴伊亚州,那么你在巴西的美食之旅就不完整。第一道要点的菜是炖鱼,就是将鱼(有时还有虾)和西红柿以及椰子汁一起炖。像美国的早午餐一样,丰盛的周末午餐巴西炖菜——豆子、肉和香肠一起炖,配上米饭——在整个巴西都能品尝到。如果你想要品尝一些较清淡的菜肴,鲜嫩的烤鱼、西红柿洋葱色拉,再配上几瓶博浪啤酒简直是一顿完美的海滩餐。 China 中国 In Beijing the restaurants in the alleyways of Qianmen are renowned for hot pot, or huo guo. Here you’ll find the streets are lined with boiling pots filled with soup ingredients. Its excellent selections range from Mongolian specialties –best known for lamb and mutton dishes –and spicy Szechuan. Some 600-plus miles away, Shanghai is best known for its street food, especially soup dumplings. But don’t stop there, sheng jian bao, steamed pork bun, makes for a perfect snack, while jian bing, egg-based crepes with a bean sauce or chili smear, is


印度种姓制度英文介绍 篇一:印度种姓制度, What Is The Future of The Dalit ——Caste System in India Outline Topic: What Is The Future of The Dalit in India Thesis statement: The status quo of the untouchables won 't change on account of the powerfulness of the religion, the unfavorableness of politics and the public ironclad values. Body part: 1. Due to Hinduism, the Indian caste system still indicates the non-Dalits. 2. Non-Dalits are in charge of the politic and the national economy. 3. Due to Hinduism, the Dalits are subjected to the doom. 4. Dalits have far less power in political and economic influence. Conclusion: Due to Hinduism, both Dalits and non-Dalits accept and believe the caste.

Their ironclad values are difficult to change. While the non-Dalits are much powerful in politic and economy, the Dalits are subjected to the discrimination and lack economic and political basic to resist the caste. Therefore, Dalits have few chances of getting their status quo better. What Is The Future of The Dalit in India ——Caste System in India As it has been reported on April 20th in News Weekly in America that Mayawati, who was born as the untouchable in India, is famous as “ Queen of the Dalit ” for her goal to be the chairman of the country and her ambition to make a difference to the untouchables. She is given support from quite a number of people especially the untouchables. Some believe that the poor condition of the untouchables is to change. However, as far as I ' m concerned, the status quo of the untouchables won ' t change on account of the powerfulness of the religion, the unfavorableness of politics and the public ironclad values. Of more importance, the Indian caste system still indicates the public behavior. On the one hand, those of higher caste still believe they are nolber. People may argue that the Indian Caste System has been shocked by modern civilization, its social funtion should have been curtailed. In law the caste has been abolished, however, the government is still in charge of those come from the highest Hindu caste.


Food culture is differences among differences countries Food is necessity for every one. The people all the world consume great of food, but what they are so different. There is a huge difference among different countries on food culture. There is abundant food in the world. Every country has its characteristic course. And people live in different area are fond of different food, they also use different tableware to eat dinner, what’s more they even have different table manners. We call different is food culture. Where does the food culture come from? I think there will be several reasons: Firstly, what people eat will influence what they can eat. For instance, farmer may eat more vegetable, and fisherman have more chance to eat aquatic product. Secondly, the nation culture will affect food culture. In this paper, I’d like to make a comparison among different food culture to see their differences, and at the same time I’ll try to give a tentative explanation to the differences. From the comparison, maybe we can know


Must-Try Foods of the World Safety is the usual choice for global travelers when faced with a menu of unknown dishes. But a great meal transcends all cultural boundaries, and sharing the food of your host country is the best way to connect with its people and culture. 对于国际旅行者来说,当看到菜单上面都是自己不知道的菜肴时,他们往往会选择自己认为安全的食物。但是美食是超越所有文化界限的,品尝当地的食物是融入当地文化以及与当地人交流的最佳方式。 Argentina 阿根廷 This South American nation is best known for beef and empanadas1, but there’s so much more to explore. Believe it or not, the ice cream here is among the best in the world, and Dulce de Leche and malbec2 flavors are absolute must-haves. If you’re in the mood for cheese, don’t leave without sampling provoleta – a smoky provolone3 sprinkled with oregano. As for native Andean cuisine, locro, a hearty stew of corn, beans, squash and meat, is delicious. 这个南美洲国家的牛肉和肉馅卷饼很出名,不过还有更多美食等你尝试。不管你相不相信,这里的冰激淋在世界上数一数二,其中牛奶焦糖口味和马尔白克口味冰激淋是一定要品尝的。如果你喜欢奶酪,那你就不能错过品尝奶酪烤饼——一种撒了牛至叶粉的烟熏味波萝伏洛干酪。而安第斯山当地的菜肴炖肉汤——一种玉米、豆子、南瓜和肉一起炖的丰盛菜肴——非常美味。

推荐-法国美食英文介绍 精品

France has a long culinary tradition.French cuisine nowadays is a result of centuries of research,elaboration and perfection.The French are proud of their cuisine.It is an integral part of their culture.Thanks to the interest in the French for good food,the chefs have always been encouraged to elaborate new dishes to satisfy the most discriminating palate. The origins of the success of French cuisine can be attributed to Catherine de Medicis.When she became Queen of France in 1533,she brought her own Florentine chefs from Italy.At this time,Italian chefs were more experienced than French chefs.They introduced new dishes and sophisticated techniques that they adapted to French products.This gave French cooking a real boost,and the country's culinary influence has never stopped. French cuisine is sophisticated,varied,well balanced and based on local and high-quality products.France has established some regulations to protect product names from fraud,and guarantee the origin and product quality to the customer.To carry the prestigious label "App茅lation d'Origine Contr?l茅e" (A.O.C),products must ply with strict rules related to geography,varieties,method of fabrication and other criteria. Unlike other countries,France does not have one national dish.Because each region has its own local products and specialties,it is more appropriate to name regional dishes than a single one.Here is a tour de France of the regional specialties: Alsace Alsace cuisine is strong and unique.It plays a major part on holidays and at family gatherings.Alsatian cuisine is rich and copious.Most Alsatian dishes are not found in other parts of France.The most famous specialty is Chouchroute,sauerkraut garnished with potatoes and a variety of meats such as sausage,pork or ham.The Baeckaoffe is a one-of-a-kind Alsatian fare baked with white wine usually in a traditional pottery dish only made in the village of Soufflenheim.It's a stew prised of pork,beef and lamb garnished with potatoes.There are many Alsatian cakes and desserts,but the best is the Kougelhopf,brioche pastry with butter,eggs,raisins,whole almonds marinated in kirsch.At Christmas,bredles and gingerbreads decorate the tables of all Alsatian families.Bredles are cookies of different shapes flavoured with anise,cinnamon or almond. Brittany Brittany has excellent fresh seafood:Coquilles-St-Jacques (sea scallops),lobsters,langoustes,crabs,clams,shrimps,mussels,and oysters will all be found on the market stalls of Brittany.This region is also famous for traditional cr锚peries serving wheat cr锚pes and buckwheat galettes acpanied with https://www.360docs.net/doc/c417798879.html, Chandeleur,celebrated February 2nd,is the cr 锚pes day in France.Eating cr锚pes the day of la Chandeleur will bring a year of happiness! Burgundy A trip to France would not be plete without sampling escargots and frog's legs.Burgundy snails are with the petis-gris snails,the two varieties eaten in France.Escargots 脿la Bourgignonne are stuffed with garlic butter.Frog's legs are saut茅ed in butter with fine herbs.The Boeuf Bouguignon is another typical Burgundy specialty.It's a beef stew marinated with Burgundy red wine.The best-known regional product is Mustard de Dijon,secretly produced in the town of Dijon.This strong mustard is used in vinaigrette,sauces and nicely pliments red meat. Normandy
