

练习 1


1. In this case the current(电流)exists for only half the cycle(周期).

2. In such a case there is no current flowing in the circuit(电路).

3. Sensitivity(灵敏度)is a measure of how small a signal(信号)a receiver(接收机)can pick up and amplify(放大)to a level useful for communications.

4. ε may be as small a positive constant as you please.

5. Even so fundamental a dimension(量纲)as time was measured extremely crudely with sand and water clocks hundreds of years ago.

6. Nonlinear distortion(非线性失真)can be caused by too large an input signal.

7. The method used is quite an effective one.

8. A series(级数)solution of this kind of problem allows as close a calculation of the error as needed.


1. Air has weight and occupies space.

2. In this way less collector dissipation(集电极功耗)results, and the efficiency increases.

3. We can go one step farther and take into account the nonzero slope of the actual curves.

4. Try hard, and you will work the nut(螺母)loose.

5. The first step in analyzing a physical situation is to select those aspects of it which are essential and disregard the others.

6. This satellite was used for communications between the United States and Great Britain, France and Italy.

7. Some physical quantities require only a magnitude and a unit to be completely specified. Thus it is sufficient to say that the mass of a man is 85 kg, that the area of a farm is 160 acres, that the frequency of a sound wave is 660 cycles/sec, and that a light bulb consumes electric energy at the rate of 100 watts.

8. Geothermal energy, or energy from within the earth, can be used to generate electricity.

9.The current in a capacitor(电容器)leads(导前)the voltage by 90o, or, the voltage lags the current by 90o.

10. The message is a logical unit of user data, control data, or both.


1. By varying V BE only a few hundredths of a volt, the base current(基极电流)can be changed significantly.

2. The standard meter is accurate to about two parts in one billion.

3. Cromatographic(层析的)techniques have been developed to detect air pollutants at concentrations(浓度)of one part per million or less.

4. The volume coefficient(体膨胀系数)of a solid is almost exactly three times its linear coefficient.

5. The demand for this kind of equipment in the near future will be 20 times what it is.

6. The wavelength of this musical note(音符)is

7.8 ft, over three times longer than the wavelength of the same note in air (2.5 ft).

7. This causes the collector current(集电极电流)to change by a factor of approximately β.

8. This factor(因子)is now equal to 9, a reduction by a factor of 11.



2、电池是能提供(give)恒定电压(constant voltage)的一种器件(device)。


4、在计算机中,趋势(tendency)是以尽可能高的时钟速率(clock rate)运作(operate)。





9、这是一个太复杂的问题以至于我们在此不加讨论(go into)。



1. A 80-lb force must be used here.

2. This is a too large a signal.

3. Digital transmission(数字式传输)does not need to have as a high S/N ratio(信噪比)as analog(模拟)transmission.

4. To understand physics, good knowledge of mathematics is necessary.

5. This is a so sensitive instrument that it can measure slight change in pressure.


练习 2


1. One of the most valuable ways of representing functions is by graphical representation(图示法).

2. A number of conditions are classified as “occupational diseases(职业病).”

3. Engineers may find the book of great value.

4. If you let your pencil drop to the floor, you can see gravity in action.

5. In this case the failure point(失效点)corresponds to a factor of safety of 1.

6. The topic of trouble-shooting(故障检修)will be discussed in Chapter 9.

7. Typical noise margins(噪声裕度)are usually better than the guaranteed value by about 75 mV.

8. Upon the application of an external force, we can cause the body to move.

9. We measure resistance(电阻)in ohms.

10. Direct current(直流电)flows only in one direction.

11. We can use this device to measure a slight change in pressure.

12. The history of two-way radfio communications in some ways parallels the development of commercial radio broadcasting.


1. When an electric current flows through a wire, the wire will get hot.

2. That statement(述)sounds natural.

3. The water in the middle pipe will stand lower and thus indicates a lower pressure.

4. It takes a body(物体)precisely as long to fall from a height h as it does to rise that high.

5. We cannot exaggerate the danger of attempting a short circuit directly across a voltage source.


1. At this time the pulse(脉冲)is over.

2. The two equations below are of great importance.

3. In general, we can say, for any body anywhere, weight = mass×acceleration(加速度)due to gravity(重力).

4. The temperatures on Jupiter(木星)and the planets beyond are extremely low.

5. The problem now is to determine the resultant(合力)of these forces.

6. With great telescopes astronomers can see stars and other things very far away.

7. The force between two charges(电荷)of 1 coul(库仑)each a distance of 1 m apart is 9×109N(牛顿).

8. It all begin with the development 30 years ago of the transistor(晶体管).






5、在这新的三章中,第一章介绍核能(nuclear energy)。









1. Current is measured with amperes.

2. In this case the wheel will rotate for 360o.

3. Compared with that algorithm, the algorithm presented in this paper(论文)has two advantages.

4. These are the sufficient and necessary conditions to the equation above.

5. These parameters must maintain constant during transformation(变换).

6. There seems to be three forces acting on the body.


练习 3


1. The energy contained in the pulse(脉冲)is this efficiency times the maximum attainable.

2. This measure is the key for the extremely low dc power(直流功率)achievable.

3. Everything electronic will be done digitally.

4. A rope transmits tension(力)from one point to another unchanged.

5. Even if a student can follow every line of example in this book, that doesn’t mean that he or she can solve problems unaided.

6. Their electrical and magnetic properties, often paramount, are discussed in Chapters 14 and 15.

7. These forces act on the electrons able to move freely within the wire.

8. A method of timing(定时)accurate to millionths of a second is necessary.

9. The human body is made up of countless structures both large and small.

10. The acceleration(加速度)due to gravity(重力)is essentially constant.

11. Diffraction(绕射)and interference(干涉)are phenomena characteristic of waves.

12. A surface so smooth that any irregularities(不平度)in it are small relative to the wavelength of the light falling upon it behaves differently.

13. There are many problems, both technological and financial, that remain to be solved.

14. Gravitation(万有引力)is in every object, large or small.

15. Yet there are connections, neither series(串联的)nor parallel, for which the

above-mentioned phenomenon occurs.

16. Subject to certain generalizations(通则)which will be described later on, Coulom’s law in the form given above is restricted to point charges(点电荷).

17. Due to the nature of the definition of the radian(弧度), it is even common to express radians in terms of π.

18. Analogous to the eyelid, the camera shutter(快门)opens for a predetermined length of time to allow the rays to enter through the lens and expose the film.

19. Both m and n are therefore even(偶数的), contrary to our choice of m and n.

20. The force acts perpendicular to the surface of the earth.


1、这个信息量(quantity of information)近似地正比于可用的频率围(range)。




5、在这种情况下,信号波形(signal waveform)能无失真地被传输(transmit)。




9、这方法能用来处理(handle)太复杂了以至于无法用目测法(by inspection)来解的问题。



12、与普通的观念(common belief)相反,戈登(Gordon)博士并不是第一个使用该金属的人。



15、这是一根长为5米的直线(straight line)。


练习 4


1. Each structure of the body(人体)is in direct communication with the brain by means of its own set of telephone wires, called nerves.

2. When food enters the stomach, its presence stimulates nerves, sending signals to centers in the brain.

3. Light is needed by the green plants to make them green and they cannot survive for long in its absence.

4. This dip(倾斜)is referred to as the “Lamp dip,” after W. E. Lamp, who predicted its occurrence on theoretical grounds.

5. Physics is the most quantitative of the sciences, and we must become accustomed to its insistence upon accurate measurements and precise relationships if we are to appreciate its results.

6. Thus far our discussion of the principles of mechanics has been concerned primarily with particles.

7. Our analysis of the various gate families(门电路系列)will be made in the next chapter.

8. From its definition as change in velocity divided by elapsed time, radial acceleration(径向加速度)is expressed in m/sec2 or cm/sec2.

9. Since transformers are large, heavy, and expensive, their elimination from the circuit(电路)results in considerable savings.

10. Each of these types of mechanical drives(传动装置)has specific features that often dictates its selection in a particular situation.


1. By the “most efficient” algorithm one normally means the fastest.

2. Television, it is often said, keeps one informed about current affairs.

3. The term “strain”(应变)is a geometrical one.

4. The angle θ between T1 and the horizontal(水平线)is the same as that between either half of the rope and the horizontal.

5. The design of the R1–R2bias(偏压)network for the emitter follower(射极跟随器)parallels that for the common-emitter amplifier(共发射极放大器).

6. Where there is too much of it, the poisonous waste may do great harm to the things around us.

7. Although they follow the same basic pattern described above, television receivers will be dealt with separately.

8. Although it is probably not the whole story, one effect of the hydrogen gas is to increase the resistancece(电阻)between the electrode(电极)and the solution(溶液), increasing the inernal resistance of the cell(电池).






5、负反馈(negative feedback)是电子学(electronics)中的一项重要技术,对它的论述(description)将推迟(defer)到最后一章。




9、这些结果与实验结果相吻合(be in agreement with)。



练习 5


1. Such a glass rod the same size as the 1-Ωcopper wire would have resistance of 1019Ω.

2. Standard chains are made in width approximately 1.5 to 12 times the pitch(齿距).

3. The nodes(节点)are spaced a half-wavelength apart.

4. This is a microprocessor controlled communications system.

5. To reduce the skin effect(集肤效应), silver plate(涂敷)the conductor(导体).

6. Small transistorized equipment is often battery powered.

7. Transistors are temperature sensitive.

8. By calculating torques(力矩)about the inner end of the beam(柱子), we eliminate F x and

F y, a convenient simplification.

9. Upon making use of this equation, the exact frequencies found in the hydrogen spectrum are obtained ——a remarkable achievement.

10. The air pressure in an automobile tire drops in cold weather and increases in warm weather, an illustration of the above property.

11. The independent particle model of the nucleus is able to explain the origin of these magic numbers, a strong point in its favor.

12. When the applied force is less than F, the frictional force always equals the applied force. Otherwise, since F acts in the opposite direction to an applied force, objects would move backward when pushed weakly, something that does not, of course, occur.

13. At extremely low temperatures, near absolute zero, some conductors lose the last vestige(一点点)of resistance, a phenomenon referred to as superconductivity(超导性).

14. One of the principal applications of the diode(二极管)is in the production of a dc voltage from an ac supply(交流电源), a process called rectification(整流).

15. The gain of electrons by an atom leads to the formation of a negative ion(离子).

16. This introduction requires some exposure to logic design principles, electronics, and programming.

17. The removal of enough heat from water may change it into ice.

18. The conversion of electrical energy to heat in a resistor(电阻器)is an irreversible process.

19. This dependence of wave energy on A2 is true for waves of all kinds.

20. To establish the variation of the force with distance, we could use an arrangement similar to that shown in Fig. 21-5.

21. The revolution of the earth around the sun causes the changes of the seasons.

22. It is important to recognize the influence of the physical setting on creativity.

23. The ratio of charge(电荷)to potential(电位)is called the capacitance(电容)of the body.

24. The need of a plant for water, soil and sunshine has to be obtained from its environment.

25. For clarity, the effect of gravitation on the ball’s motion is omitted from Fig. 8-2.



2、有一天,像我们太阳那么大小的小星星会变成白矮星(white dwarf star)。

3、矢量(vector)A 具有n倍矢量B的数值(magnitude)。




7、在这种情况下,磁显示器(magnetic display)往往变得在显示方面受限制(limit)了。



10、这时,我们只需关心(be concerned with)叫出(name)无机化合物(inorganic compound)的名称来,这一任务比较简单。

11、在这种情况下,任何介质材料(dielectric material)就会变成导体(conductor),这一现象称为介质击穿(dielectric breakdown)。

12、我们假定(assume)电子速度并不太接近于(close to)光速,这一要求(requirement)我们将在第四章讨论。




16、连续地(continued)使眼睛暴露(exposure)于强光(light of great intensity)会引起(cause)视力的丧失(loss of sight)。


18、图1-5画出了向心力(centripetal)F c对这些因素的依从关系(dependence)。


20、通过加热把冰转变(conversion)成水、把水转变成水蒸汽(water vapor)是物质状态变化的一个例证(illustration)。


1. The comparison of radio waves to water waves is made in this section.

2. In order to apply these laws of motion, we must take into detailed account all the various forces acting in a given situation at any point in the path of a moving body, usually the difficult and complicated procedure.

3. We may see the action(作用)of the acid(酸)at glass.

4. The choice of ln C for the constant of integration(积分常数)is reasonable.

5. Conductors permit the passage of charge in them.

6. AC can be changed into DC, this process is referred to as rectification(整流).

7. The addition(加)of impurities(杂质)on semiconductors will make the conductivity(导电率)change greatly.

8. Control engineers are usually interested in the response of a control system toward these



练习 6


1. The word radar comes from Radio Detection(探测)And Ranging(测距).

2. Arithmetic, the science of numbers, is the base of mathematics.

3. The quiescent dc power dissipation(静态直流功耗)in this case is typically 5 nW, an extremely small figure.

4. Now define an ideal radiator(辐射体)as a “black” body, one that absorbs all incident radiation(入射辐射)and reflects and transmits none of it.

5. The above analysis describes the steady-state condition of a circuit, the condition that prevails after the circuit has been connected to the source(电源)for a long time.

6. Five sensing channels(感官渠道), sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, feeds inputs to the brain.

7. An American, Edison, invented the first electric lamp.

8. This chapter examines the properties of an important nonlinear(非线性的)device, the diode rectifier(二极管整流器).

9. Two or more elements may combine chemically to form a compound, a new substance whose properties are different from those of the elements that compose it.

10. In this chapter, the process of measurement, the most fundamental operation in physics, is discussed briefly.

11. An instrument for measuring electric resistance, the ommeter(欧姆表)is widely used in electrical engineering.

12. An electroacoustic transducer(电声传感器), the loudspeaker (扬声器) converts

audio-frequency power into acoustic power.

13. A portion of the output is returned to the input terminals, a condition referred to as voltage feedback.

14. The resistance of a wire is indirectly proportional to the cross section(横截面),a fact that was verified experimentally by Ohm.

15. More important, we see how to use the Fourier transform to describe and analyze systems and circuits.

16. What, you may wonder, does 54/74 stand for?

17. The Special Revision Units, it is hoped, constitute a valuable aid in the task of consolidation (巩固).

18. A Boolean variable(布尔变量), say A, can take on(呈现)only two values.

19. The current in an inductor(电感器)lags(滞后)the voltage by 90o or, what is the same thing, the voltage leads(导前)the current 90o.

20. This we know does not have a defined value(限定值), since r> 1.

21. Electrical inventors who followed Edison did not have to experiment with the substances which, he had found, would not work.

22. We could apply these two vectors(矢量), which it will be noticed are in polar form(极坐标形式), to any network characteristic(特性).


1、在该球的整个运动(motion)期间,使照相机快门(camera shutter)打开着。

2、为方便起见,一物体的惯性质量(inertial mass)和重力质量(gravitational mass)习惯地(customarily)设定(set)为相等的。

3、我们已知(be given)该速度是恒定的。



6、该阻抗(impedance)的实部(real part)R是频率的函数。

7、电流这个术语指的是(refer to)电荷(charge)的流动。



10、用来限定(define)标准时间间隔(interval)的钟是铯种(cesium clock),它是一种大型、复杂而昂贵的实验室仪表。






1. What properties of motion can we measure to help us describe the behavior of a moving body?

2. The velocity does not increase during all time intervals.

3. All the data are not to be checked.

4. It does not appear that this value satisfies the equation.

5. The centerline of the chain(链条)is not at a uniform radius, as is the centerline of a belt passing around a pulley(滑轮).

6. This relation(关系式)refers to a specific piece of material, not to a general property of the material as with Eq. (2-6).

7. The HIGH-level(高电平)output voltages for both OR (“或”门) and NOR(“或非”门)are between-0.81 and-0.96 V rather than-0.8 V, as predicted by Eq. (2 – 9).

8. For ac signals the collector-emitter circuit impedance(集电极-发射极电路的阻抗)is not R L+ R e e, as in Sec. 2.3, but simply R L.

9. No simple electric component acts as a current source(电流源)the way a battery acts as a voltage source.

10. In this case the diode characteristic(二极管特性曲线)does not appear to be exponential (指数的).

11. These meters(仪表)characterize the unknown impedance(未知阻抗)completely, instead of giving just one component(分量)as do the previously described instruments.

12. These functions(函数)are not limited in the values they take on, as are the sine and cosine functions.

13. None of the existing general-purpose operating systems can do that.

14. One of these two circuits may be reasonably accurate over a reasonable frequency range,

but both cannot be.

15. A general-purpose programming language cannot be perfect for all of the many tasks to which it is put.

16. Once this balance is achieved, the digital-to-analog converter(数模转换器)is not reset(复位)to zero as in the above technique.

17. In this case neither transistor(晶体管)saturates(饱和).

18. These two signals can never both be TRUE(真)at the same time.


1、在这种条件下,该钢柱(steel column)被缩短(shorten)多少?


3、静电荷(stationary electric charge)根本不会与磁铁(magnet)相互作用(interact)的。





8、导体(conductor)的电阻(resistance)对于交流电(alternating current)来说并不像它对于直流电(direct current)那样是恒定的(constant)。


10、这些规则并非都适用于(be valid for)各类电路。




1. These resistors(电阻器)and the supply voltage(电源电压)are to be chosen so that the transistor(晶体管)operates linearly(线性地).

2. When we learn about the kind of research that is going on in the sciences today, we will be getting some insight into things that will be affecting our lives in the future.

3. How many radians(弧度)will the shaft(转轴)of the motor have turned through in 1/2 min?

4. The sun is constantly emitting light and heat.

5. When the Russians are organizing chess touraments on Venus, when Americans open the first MacDonald’s on the moon, and the Chinese are playing ping-pong against the Martians, the earthbound Londoners will eye them suspiciously through their telescopes.

6. We have for simplicity been speeking of the current in a conductor as if all of the free electrons moved with the same constant velocity.

7. This formula applies to sideways waves(侧波)of the sort we have been describing.

8. In Chapter 2 when we were discussing functions we considered many functions of this type.

9. This quantity is the energy acquired by the stone as a result of the work(功)we did on it.

10. The first motorcycle built had an engine that developed 0.5 hp(马力)at 700 rpm(每分钟转数).

11. By now, many people have been using C++ for a decade.

12. A boat is to cross a river on a course directed 20.0o upstream to a dock 815 m distance in 10.0 min.

13. Increasingly, nowadays, scientists are using a different unit, the joule.

14. Fig. 6 – 1 shows the drop in frictional force when the box has begun to move.

15. Chemists, by methods which we will consider shortly, have isolated many thousands of pure substances.

16. In the chapter on the j-operator(算子), we shall be using imajinary numbers(虚数).

17. We do not know explicitly what forces were acting during the explosion.

18. With the exception of the operational amplifiers(运算放大器), we have been dealing with two-terminal circuit elements.

19. In doing so, we are combining quantities which are alike.

20. When the point under consideration reaches q, the angular velocity will have increased to a larger value w.

21. The input may change before the output has settled to its proper value.

22. In this section we shall introduce some basic terminology.

23. Microelectronics is creating a so-called “electronic revolution.”

24. Having studued this chapter, students will have learned the principles of radio receivers.

25. Assume that TTL gates(门电路)are being used.








7、到目前为止,我们只关心(be concerned with)质点(particle)的运动(motion)。



10、那位主任医师(chief physician)告诉我们,他的研究小组已发现了一种新的病毒(virus)。


1. This concept has been described in the previous section.

2. Those researchers made many experiments on the properties of this new material these years.

3. By the end of last year, quite a few big ocean-going ships were built in Shanghai.

4. The year 2004 has seen a great advance in information technology in China.

5. Having studied this book, the reader will learn the fundamentals of digital computers.

6. The engineer told us that he developed a new kind of software.




1. By the beginning of last century a substantial body of evidence had been accumulated in support of the idea that the chemical elements consist of atoms.

2. In 1858, Darwin(达尔文)was sent a scientific paper by a man called Alfred Wallace.

3. In actuality, the reader will be spared a lot of grief if he or she never attempts a short circuit

(短路)directly across a voltage source(电压源)in a laboratory or field(野外)situation either.

4. Until recently, scientists were quite convinced that there wasn’t a fifth force.

5. The protective resistance should be made use of in the usual way.

6. In this case the work done is accounted for by an increase in potential energy(位能).

7. Actually, this result could have been arrived at intuitively(直观地).

8. The energy that is stored in the inductor(电感器)and capacitor(电容器)eventually gets dissipated by the resistor.

9. The air throughout a room becomes heated by convection currents(对流的气流).

10. The first group of semiconductor circuits developed to perform the basic digital functions (功能)became known as Resistor-Transistor Logic(电阻-晶体管逻辑电路).

11. Any process that subsequently sends a message to this mailbox must be notified that the mailbox no longer exists.

12. Theoretical analysis and design of servo systems(伺服系统)will not be directly dealt with.

13. These regulations(规章制度)must be adhered to in the performance and use of radio equipment in the United States.

14. For this purpose, use is made of the difference between these two values.

15. Square wave(方波)testing first became widely used in the testing of video amplifiers(视频放大器).

16. Overload(过载)must be guarded against.

17. Some C++ novices(新手)get irritated by the ambiguity reported by the compiler(编译程序).

18. At this point, a transport entity(传递机构)is informed that its network connection has been abruptly terminated.


1、应该充分利用现有的计算机。(要求使用短语动词“make use of”)


3、现在我们被告知I 正比于V。

4、第五章将讨论非线性方程(nonlinear euation)。(要求使用被动句)

5、这块石头正受到三个力的作用(act on)。



1. This device is mainly consisted of five parts.

2. We must make use of our spare time in a good way.

3. All the existed physics textbooks have mentioned this concept.

4. Use was not made of this given quantity in solving the problem.

5. This point must be paid attention.




1. Blue light has a shorter wavelength than red light does.

2. This meter(仪表)weighs slightly more than 13 kilograms.

3. A set of rules enables us to calculate slopes(斜率)far more easily.

4. Brass expands considerably more than zinc when heated.

5. There are a great many more compounds(化合物)than elements.

6. This circuit requires many more components(元件)than the circuit shown on page 3.

7. The applications of computers are ever wider.

8. These organizations are becoming more influential as more people recognize the value of standards.

9. The darker the color, the less light is reflected and the more light is absorbed.

10. The greater the quantity of impurities(杂质)added, the higher will the conductivity(导电率)of the semiconductor be.

11. The closer the upper pulleys(滑轮)are in size and the larger they are, the greater will be the mechanical advantahge(机械效益)of the chain hoist(链式起重机).

12. Whatever the cause of the heat may be, we do know that the earth gets hotter the farther down we dig.

13. The error in this approximation will be smaller the shorter the distance between the two ordinates(纵坐标)AB and CD.

14. These inherent limitations on maximum power are more severe the shorter the wavelength.

15. This wide disparity(差异)between input and output resistance makes the grounded base circuit(共基极电路)less popular than the common-emitter amplifier(共发射极放大器).

16. The most commonly used of these prefixes(前缀)are kilo, centi, and milli.

17. “Information”may be as much a part of the physical universe as matter and energy.

18. Any molecule has as much chance of losing energy in a collision with a nearby molecule as it has of gaining energy.

19. Measuring anything means comparing it with some standard to see how many times as big it is.

20. We may see computers with as few as 1 or 2 bytes per memory unit.

21. Steam turbines(蒸汽涡轮机)have been built with efficiency of as much as 40%.

22. There seem to be as many ways to do the job as there are designers.

23. The value of an inductor(电感器)depends more on the conditions of measurement than does that of the other types of component(元件).

24. In that case it is unnecessary to use as many crystals(晶体)as there are frequencies used.

25. Some shorter radio waves have wavelength nearest the wavelength of light.

26. The extraction(获取)of meaningful from an arbitrary signal(任意信号)is more of an art than a science in many cases.


1、电感(inductance)测量是这三类阻抗参数(impedance parameter)中最不精确的。

2、人们知道C语言越好,似乎越难避免用C风格(C style)来写C++语言。

3、在设计很好的(well-designed)仪器中,R4 可能高达109欧姆。

4、随着V R的增加,耗尽区(depletion region)的有效长度L变得越来越大。

5、在这种情况下,开关电阻(switch resistance)不重要得多。


7、这时,就容易检测到(detect)小达入射信号(incident signal)的1/104的反射(reflection)。


9、有多少位维修人员(service man)也许就有多少种不同的技术(technique)。



1. This project(项目)is much valuable than that one is.

2. This mass(质量)is as about five times large as that one.

3. In all the computers in the laboratory, this one works best.

4. This heater (加热器) consumes electric power twice as great as that one does.

5. The more the resistance(电阻), greater power it dissipates.

6. The railway is as longer as that one is.




1. It is normal practice to let y represent the dependent variable(因变量).

2. We are so accustomed to the blue color of clear sky that it seldom occurs to us to wonder why this should be so.

3. Although it would be considered “hard work” to hold a heavy weight stationary at arm’s length, no work would be done in the technical sense, since there is no motion.

4. This helped make the equations of science a sort of universal language easily understood by scientists everywhere.

5. The most important factors are to be able to recognize the proper forms, to be able to see what effect any change may have before we actually perform it, and then perform it correctly.

6. What we are trying to do is obtain a solution of a nonlinear differential equation(非线性微分方程).

7. Several points are to be noted in connection with this circuit(电路).

8. The Memory Unit(存储单元)is used to store the program to be executed.

9. We shall use such a field(场)on which to base our discussion of magnetic properties.

10. In order to find a value for the potential energy(位能), we must select a zero from which to measure it.

11. Chapter 1 offers a preview of things to come.

12. This can be done by dividing the 139 by 100, to give 1.39.

13. The use of trigonometry(三角学)to describe the electrical signal has proved very valuable for engineers.

14. To factor(因式分解)expressions(表达式)easily, we must be familiar with algebraic multiplication.

15. We should inspect the resulting factors(因子)to see if further factoring can be done.

16. The hydrogen ions pick up electrons from the negative electrode(电极)to become atoms.

17. At very high frequencies, the sky waves penetrate ionosphere(电离层), never to return back.

18. So as to develop a broad and basic comprehension, all the methods of analysis and development(推导)common to literature of the field are employed.

19. This disease may be serious enough to cause the death of newborn infants.

20. Too often, the designer finds he had done a splendid job in meeting the specifications for size, weight, and electrical performance(电气性能), only to find that the equipment cannot be easily manufactured.

21. Let it be required to compute the volume cut off from the paraboloid(抛物体).

22. The arrangement of protons(质子), neutrons(中子), and electrons in these atoms is left for the reader to deduce(推断).

23. High frequency is not easy to dispose of.

24. The modifications for improvement or variations to give better insight will tumble head over heels to suggest.

25. It is possible for some of the atoms to be deficient in an electron.

26. The farther away the target is, the longer it takes for the echo(回波)to return.

27. We have seen bodies become charged by friction and by contact. It remains for us to explain charging by induction(感应起电).

28. The author wishes to thank these Research Laboratories for making it possible for this book to be published.

29. The job for a computer to do is to count or measure.

30. This is the natural way for any transfer(传递)of heat energy to take place.

31. The time for the body to return to its initial position is found from Equation (1 – 6).

32. A thicket(灌木丛)makes good cover for animals to hide in.

33. In Fig. 16, the 8-Ωresistance(电阻)and the voltmeter(电压表)provide two branches

(支路)for the main current(总电流)to flow through.

34. No physical axis for the body to rotate about needs to be provided.

35. Since sound waves are carried by motion of matter(物质), there must be matter around for the waves to travel through.

36. For this to be equal to the original function

A +

B = 3 and A – B = 2.

37. For a computer to understand an instruction, it must be represented in binary.

38. The ammeter(电流表)must therefore have a very low resistance in order for its effect on the circuit to be negligible.

39. The reasons are too mathematical for us to go into here.

40. The distances involved have been small enough for us to consider the pull of gravity to be constant.

41. No table here is long enough for us to do experiments on.

42. A 300-lb safe(保险柜)on frictionless casters(自位轮)is to be raised 4 ft off the ground to the bed of a truck. Planks(木板)12 ft long are available for the safe to roll along.

43. A few factors affect the ability of a capacitor(电容器)to store charge(电荷).

44. Elasticity may be defined as the tendency of a body to return to its original state after being deformed(形变).

45. The deviations from the expected periodicity(周期性)in Mendeleev’s list were due to the failure of contemporary chemistry to have discovered some of the elements existing in nature. 46. The capacity of air to absorb water vapor increases as its temperature rises.

47. We can get some light on what to expect by taking ΔS as a small asuare.

48. There is found to be a radial electromagnetic field near the earth’s surface.







6、月球绕地球一周(make one revolution about the earth)需花27.3天。


8、科学知识被应用到实际生活事务(practical affairs of life)中去需要花费许多时间和劳力(labor)。

9、在各种物质(substance)导热(conduct heat)能力方面差异是很大的(there are wide differences)。





1. A force is any influence that can cause a body accelerated(加速).

2. The boundary condition is found to not affect the correlation(关系).

3. It is always a good policy checking the results by substituting the values of the unknowns into the original equations to see that the values satisfy the equations.

4. All we need do is rubbing one thing against another.

5. Light is to consider as some kind of wave motion of electromagnetic origin.

6. Let it to be required to develop(展开)f (x) into a Fourier’s series(傅氏级数).

7. For solids, density(密度)is a bit more difficult to be determined.

8. The tendency for a satellite to keep moving round the earth is an example of inertia(惯性). _______________________________________________________________________________



Part A:说明划线部分的语法功能,然后将句子译成汉语:

1. Any measurement made is the ratio of the measured magnitude to an accepted unit of measurement.

2. Hydrogen is the lightest element known.

3. Steady electric current can be produced by the electric cell(电池), invented by the Italian physicist Allessandro V olta (1745 – 1827).

4. Distance is equal to speed multiplied by time.

5. The waves become weaker with the increased temperature.

6. Lacking knowledge of just what these radiations were, the experimenters named them simply alpha, beta, and gamma radiation, from the first three letters of the Greek alphabet.

7. Recently delivered to the Air Force Air Defense Command, this unit is the first in a series of high-power multibeam systems for detection of aircraft at high altitudes(高空)and extreme ranges(超远).

8. An angle in radians, being defined as the ratio of a length to a length, is a pure number.

9. The maximum efficiency, neglecting the loss in R e, is only 40%.

10. V BE varies between 0.3 and 0.7 V, depending on the base current(基极电流).

11. A valence electron(价电子)can move away from its atom, leaving it a hole(空穴).

12. In this case electrons will possess more energy, so increasing the brightness of the spot(光点).

13. At the resonant(谐振的)frequency the current has its largest possible value, assuming the voltage to be constant regardless of frequency.

14. The design problem may be solved using a microprocessor.

15. As we advance from hydrogen to the more complex elements, we find the electrons contained in a series of energy levels(能级).

16. Any impedances(阻抗)associated with the source of emf(电源)must be left connected in the network.

17. A power reactor(电力反应堆)having no need of air, we can build it underground.

18. The purpose and general guidelines of each experiment are given, the details being left to the instructor.

19. Now let us determine the path of a projectile(抛物体), the resistance of the air being neglected.

20. In Group I, we have hydrogen and the alkali metals(碱金属), all of low density and chemically very active.

21. In the domain of reals(实数域)the functions e x and log x are inverses(反量), the one of the other.

22. There are many reasons for this, among them the fact that simulation(仿真技术)allows the assessment of the potential before a newly designed system is operable.

Part B:划出下列句中的“with结构”,说明其语法功能,并将句子译成汉语:

1. With this in view, we have attempted to write this book.

2. A slide projector is to be used with its lens 29 ft from a screen.

3. Standard screws are all right-handed, with left-hand ones employed only for special purposes.

4. A ladder 12 ft long rests against a vertical frictionless wall with its lower end 4 ft from the wall.

5. We write z = x + jy, with x and y real.

6. The current gain(电流增益)βn shall be measured with E p grounded.

7. Each planet revolves around the sun in an elliptical(椭圆的)orbit, with the sun at one focus of the ellipse(椭圆).

8. The Internet Protocol (IP) was not designed with security in mind.

9. The nucleus of hydrogen consists of a single proton with a single electron revolving about it.

10. All present states(目前状态)are stable with no inputs present.

11. Equations with radicals in them are normally solved by squaring both sides of the equation.

12. The equation to the circle with its center at the origin and of radius a is x2 + y2 = a2.

13. That device with buttons on it is a keyboard.

14. Equation (2 – 1) is called the standard equation of the ellipse with its major axis along the x-axis and its center at the origin.


Part A:将下列句子译成英语,要求对划线部分用分词(短语)来表示:




4、若用公式表示的话,这个定律可写成如下形式(as follows)。



Part B:将下列句子译成英语,要求对划线部分用“with结构”表示:





5、v正比于(proportional to)F的方程可以这样来解。



1. Giving V and I, we can find out R.

2. No existed textbooks describe this phenomenon.

3. This is an illness resulted fron eating too much.

4. Students used this book have completed a course in Mechanics.

5. The higher the temperature, the greater the number of electrons emitting.

6. Speed is equal to distance dividing time.



1. Enzymes(酶)increase the speed of chemical reactions without being changed themselves.

2. We refer to such elements as being passive(无源的).

3. When a cell(细胞)has reached its limit of growth, it reproduces(繁殖)by dividing in two.

4. An angle is defined as being generated by rotating a half-line(射线)about its endpoint from an initial position to a terminal position.

5. On reaching state b, the system remains in that state.

6. The following table may be helpful in converting measurements to different units.

7. In erecting a receiving aerial(天线), attention must be paid to the factors affecting reception.

8. Seeing examples solved in detail gives readers a certain amount of feeling for the problem solving process and subject material.

9. Substituting these values in the second equation shows that that solution checks.

10. It is worth doing this experiment.

11. It is no use removing the charged body(带电体)away.

12. Magnetism has long stopped being a problem.

13. Let us consider designing a voting machine.

14. Mechanization is using machines instead of hand labor.

15. We call this analyzing the waveform.

16. This procedure is called rationalizing the denominator.

17. Heat is simply a phenomenon of molecules moving.

18. Aluninum can never be found free in nature, because of its always being combined with other elements.

19. We know of the earth’s acting as a big magnet.

20. Automation is not a question of machines replacing man.

21. The solution of these independent equations often results in certain of the currents being negative.

22. A current flows through the resistors(电阻器)as a result of there being a potential difference(电位差)across it.

23. All oscillators(振荡器)tend to drift(漂移)in frequency unless steps are taken to stop them doing so.

24. Operation beyond this hyperbola(双曲线)will result in diode(二极管)power dissipation (功耗)in excess of its maximum rating of 1 W.

25. The existence of minimum portions (quanta) of energy prevents our being able to describe the motion of atomic particles in the conventional way.

26. The controlling of the temperature is a typical example of a feedback control system.





4、在对上述方程整理(rearrange)后,我们得到了以下的方程组(set of equations)。



7、反馈(feedback)涉及到(involve)取出一小部分输出并馈回(feed back)到前一级(preceding satge)去。

8、条件越拥挤(crowded),爆发(break out)流行病(epidemics)的机会就越大。III、改正下列句中的错误,并将句子译成汉语:

1. To place an electric potential difference(电位差)across some material generally results in

a flow of electric charge(电荷).

2. This experiment is worth being done.

3. It is essential to avoid to make wrong connections of the polarities(极性)of this capacitor (电容器).

4. The problem is we not having sufficient instruments for the experiment.

5. This is the commonly used way of AC changing into DC.




1. A body at rest will never move till force compels it.

2. The values of most things must be converted from decimal to binary before computations can begin.

3. One linear factor(线性因子)appears each time a root(根)is found.

4. These double-angle formulas(倍角公式)can be used any time we have expressed one angle as twice another.

5. Where one curve crosses the x-axis, its y-value is zero.

6. Now that we know the acceleration(加速度)of the block(木块), we can determine the time required for it to travel 200 ft.

7. Nonlinear(非线性)networks are much more difficult to analyze than linear networks, for no general method can be used for their solution.

8. Nature has no objection(反对)to a violation of energy conservation(守恒), provided the violation does not last too long.

9. As far as electrical effects are concerned, fundamental particles(基本粒子)come in three different kinds, neutral, positive, and negative.

10. The magnet is usually made in the shape of horseshoe(马蹄)so that it will be as strong as possible.

11. The solution to this equation must be such that if we substitute it into the left side, we obtain the right side.

12. This circuit is only accurate at frequencies low enough that its capacitive reactance(容抗)can be neglected.

13. A current alters the properties of space in its vicinity such that a piece of iron there experiences a force.

14. No matter what the value of B, the ratio between A and B remains constant.

15. In figuring(计算)the concepetal acceleration(向心加速度)of the moon, we tacitly assumed the earth to be stationary while the moon circled around it.

16. While this logic(逻辑电路)seems correct, it will not work.

17. Some liquids are of high fluidity(流动性), while others are very viscous.

18. While energy is the capacity to do work, power is the quantity of work in unit time.






5、就电压(voltage)而言,这个电路等效于(be equivalent to)图1-3的那个电路。

6、我们在日常生活中是如此习惯于使用斜面(inclined plane),以至于可能很难把它看成为(think of … as)一种“机械(machine)”。

7、不论物体的温度有多低或多高,它们都发射(emit)出热射线(heat ray)。





1. The discovery that current can be produced by magnetism is extremely important in the field of electricity.

2. The idea that electricity cannot be created or destroyed may seem to imply that electrons and protons cannot be created or destroyed.

3. That fact that everything around us is matter is known to all.

4. In this case, the condition that the function(函数)must exist is not satisfied.
