




Name:________________ Department_______________ I. 选出最合适的翻译(25x2=50分)

1. last eight ()

a. 取得决赛权的八名选手

b. 最后八名选手

2. the candidate cities ()

a. 候选城市

b. 申办城市

3. the runner-up ()

a. 亚军

b. 季军

4. raise national flag and play national anthem ()

a. 升国旗,奏国歌

b. 升国旗,奏民族曲目

5. Fangshan Clay Target Field ()

a. 方山飞碟场

b. 方山射击场

6. undertake laps of honor ()

a. 绕场一周向观众致意

b. 向观众挥手致意

7. Donna can sing after a fashion. ()

a. 唐纳能唱时代歌曲。

b. 唐纳多少能唱一些歌。

8. I am as old again as you. ()

a. 我又像你那样老了。

b. 我的年纪比你大一倍。

9. Gordon is at once modest and clever. ()

a. 戈等立即显得聪明和谦逊。

b. 戈登即聪明又谦逊。

10. The bank is open around the clock. ()

a. 那家银行准时营业。

b. 那家银行24小时营业。

11. These youths are full of animal spirits. ()

a. 这些年轻人充满动物精神。

b. 这些年轻人充满活力。

12. The house is really A-1. ()

a. 那间房子的门牌确实是A-1号。

b. 那间房子确实是一流的。

13. He bought a baker’s d ozen of biscuits. ()

a. 他买了面包师做的12块饼干。

b. 他买了13块饼干。

14. The ABC hopes to settle in China. (

A )

a. 那个美国广播公司希望在中国设立公司。

b. 那个在美国土生土长的华裔希望在中国定居。

15. China was much more modern than I expected. The cities are filled with skyscrapers. ()

a. 中国比我想象中的要更现代化。城市里到处可以买到模型飞机。

b. 中国比我想象中的要现代化的多,城市里到处是摩天大楼。

16. Giving is Receiving — Personal Growth in V olunteer Work ()

a. 请加入志愿者行列吧——奉献即有收获

b. 志愿者行动中的成长——有付出就有回报

17. Without a valid certificate,no one can get into this building. That’s the regulation. ()

a. 没有有效证件,谁也不能进入大楼。这是规定

b. 没有有效证书,不能在这所大楼工作,这是原则。

18. We have the eagle shits! ()

a. 我们比赛获胜了!

b. 我们发工资了!

19. The young man had a fling at swimming. ()

a. 那个小伙子喜欢游泳。

b. 那个小伙子害怕游泳。

20. NYOGOC ()

a. 南京青年奥运会组织委员会

b. 南京青奥会准备完成整合计划

21. MS()

a. 国际单项体育联合会

b. 青奥会总体进度表

22. 他不需要这最后的刺激,不需要阿谀奉承,不需延时的自我陶醉,不需要更多的金钱和奖杯。()a. Nothing now was his necessity,neither the last provocation,flattery and tim-honoted

ego bath,nor money and trophies.

b. It is not necessary for him to have all this stimulation,greatness,self-indulgence,nor

does he need any more wealth or cups of reward.

23. When one intends to integrate a schism, so it will be. ()

a. 只要有心促团结,便有可能不分裂。

b. 人们如果一心向往团结,反对分裂,就能做到这一点。

24. This is what has been frequently referred to as “doublespeak” or “public lying”. ()


b. 这种话常常被认为是“故弄玄虚”或“当众撒谎”。

25. But instead of proposals for conquering that magnanimous nation, I rather wish they were in a capacity or disposition to send a sufficient number of their inhabitants for civilizing Europe, by teaching us the first principles of honor, justice, truth, temperance, public spirits, fortitude, chastity, friendship, benevolence, and fidelity. ()

a. 但是除了用武力去强占那个品德高尚的国家这个建议以外,我更希望他们有


b. 与其说提议去征服那个仁慈宽厚的国度,我更希望该国民众有能力派遣足够


II. 将对应的英文翻译字母填在题号前(1x 20=20分)

A).南京特色美食Nanjing Specialty Food

()31. 盐水鸭 A. pan-fried dumplings stuffed with beef ()32. 烤鸭 B. Stinky tofu

()33. 鸭血粉丝汤 C. tofu pudding

()34. 牛肉锅贴 D. spiced egg

()35. 小笼包 E. dried tofu

()36. 豆腐脑 F. Wonton soup

()37. 素鸡G. salted duck

()38. 五香鸡蛋H. roast duck

()39. 馄饨汤I. duck blood and vermicelli soup

()40. 臭豆腐J. steamed buns

B). 赛中During the Game

()41..Athletes’ Lounge K. 取消资格/禁赛

()42. Doping Control L. 处罚

()43. Eligibility M. 援助

()44. Disqualification N. 挥动红旗和红牌

()45. Protests & Appeals O. 抗议与申诉

()46. Assistance P. 援助吹口哨或喇叭

()47. Penalty Q. 出示黄牌

()48. Showing a Yellow Card R. 兴奋剂检测

()49. Sounding a Whistle or Horn S. 参赛条件

()50. Waving a Red Flag or Card T. 运动员休息室

III.选出正确单词,填在对应的体育图标下方(1x10=10 分)Aquatics Athletics Badminton Baseball Basketball Boxing Canoe / kayak Cycling Equestrian Fencing Football Sailing Gymnastics Handball Hockey Rowing squash Shooting Softball Table Tennis Taekwondo Tennis Triathlon V olleyball Judo Weightlifting Wrestling Biathlon Bobsleigh Curling Ice Hockey Luge Skating Skiing







家有儿女的家长们,如果你家中有宝宝学英文的话,那么对照以下10个阶段,就能清楚地知道孩子的英语口语水平处在哪个级别了,瑞思学科英语资深教育专家认为,孩子学英语,要从兴趣、热情入手,然后不断练习演讲演示,点滴各界才能过到“口语之王”的水平。 1. Enthusiasm 1. 积极热情 万事开头难,有了兴趣和热情,学习英语口语不再是难事。 2. Obsession 2. 沉迷其中 凡事沉浸其中,才能最终学到真东西,少儿英语学习也如是。 3. Discomfort 3. 略有不安 在英语学习路上,总有坎坷和崎岖之时,克服之后便是坦途。 4. Shyness 4. 羞于开口 总有一段时间是不敢开口说英语的时候,但只要张口,在接下来的日子里,英语学习就不难了。 5. Lack of Understanding 5. 缺乏理解 学习英语,如果全都理解了才能学通的话,就大错特错了,以有知来推测未知,才是学英语的最佳方法。 6. Frustration 6. 挫折 凡事都不是一帆风顺的,学习英语也如此。 7. Revelation 7. 新发现 在学习的路上,总有新发现,新刺激,这样才能一直激励着你一路向前。 8. Excitement 8. 兴奋 学习路上不仅仅是挫折和羞于开口,还会有新奇和兴奋常伴左右。 9. Embarrassment 9. 尴尬 不要害怕出丑,做任何事都有尴尬的时候,克服之后就能一路向前。 10. Triumph! 10. 获得成功! 英语学习的最后一站,也是终极目的就是获得成功,掌握并精通这一语言才是学

习的最终目标哦。 各位家长可以对照这10个阶段,检测一下孩子处在哪个等级上呢?其实大部分的孩子可能处于第3阶段之前,而造成这个的主要原因就是“羞于开口”。因为总是担心自己的发音不标准,所以干脆就不说了,这使得我们的英语学习止步不前~学习英语自信心很重要,有了自信,相信你也能侃侃而谈,顺利走向第10个完满阶段,来一个华丽的转身,成为那个惊艳四座的人~ 关于瑞思学科英语 2007年进入中国,率先从事学科英语教育培训,3-18岁少儿英语培训专家,其“浸入式学科英语”课程体系涵盖3~6岁幼儿英语、7~12岁儿童英语、13~18岁青少儿英语,并注重培养项目管理、演讲演示和团队合作三大能力。 每天,全国80多个城市250多家校区10万多名学员在瑞思同步学习; 每年,数十万家庭选择瑞思,九成以上的家庭选择持续续费,让孩子一直在瑞思学习,直至进入美国名校。


Q1: Who first suggested holding a Youth Olympic Games? When was the YOG approved? A: The idea for such an event was introduced by International Olympic Committee (IOC) president Jacques Rogge in 2001. On July 6, 2007, IOC members at the 119th IOC session in Guatemala City approved the creation of a youth version of the Olympic Games. Q2: How often will the YOG be held? A:The Youth Olympic Games (YOG) are planned as an international multi-sport event held every four years in staggered summer and winter events, consistent with the current Olympic Games format. The first and second summer sessions will take place in Singapore in 2010 and in Nanjing in 2014. The first winter session will take place in 2012 in Innsbruck. Q3: Which sports are on the programme of YOG? A:The 26 sports contested at the Olympic Games are listed below: * Aquatics (Diving and Swimming) * Archery * Athletics * Badminton * Basketball (Olympic basketball or street-ball) * Boxing * Canoeing * Cycling (Track and Mountain Bike) * Equestrian (Jumping) * Fencing * Field hockey * Football * Gymnastics * Handball * Judo * Modern pentathlon * Rowing * Sailing * Shooting * Softball * Taekwondo * Tennis * Triathlon * Volleyball (Beach Volleyball and Volleyball) * Weightlifting * Wrestling (Freestyle and Greco-Roman) Q4: What’s the main principle of the Youth Olympics? A:The Youth Olympic Games aims to bring together talented athletes from around the world – aged from 14 to 18 - to participate in high-level competitions. It also runs an educational programme on the Olympic values to bring benefits to young people through sports activities. Q5: When and where was the first Summer YOG held? A:The first Youth Olympic Games was held on August 2010 in Singapore, bringing together


青奥会作文(精选多篇) 迎青奥 我与青奥共同成长, 说到2014年, 我们每个南京人都很高兴很兴奋激动人心的日子 , 因为大家都知道. 青奥会要在南京举办了. 作为一名小学生, 我们赶快行动来吧, 和青奥共成长 ,从现在做起, 我们要讲文明, 懂礼仪, 热爱集体.遵守纪律,爱护环境,勤奋学习 . 我们来迎接青奥, 参加青奥, 为这场即将要伟大的盛开,为青奥作出奉献。 我们可以在这个青奥会上展示我们的最好的特点。在展示出南京美丽的城市面貌,悠久的城市文化,如黄山,九华山。但到了南京最有革命教育意义的中山陵(及明孝陵等),我们南京人的自信与毅力,让全世界都知道南京,喜爱南京了解南京,这样子我们的南京多么自豪多么美丽啊。让他们知道南京是最棒的。 创建青奥会,首先我们要爱护环境,如果你在马路上随变乱扔垃圾,正好别人看见了,会给他们留下怎样的影响?,我希望大家都好好想一想!我们是不是都应该以身作则,不要随手乱扔垃圾了,让地面少一点脏的东西,也减少清洁人的负担。让大家的眼中多些茵茵绿草,五彩缤纷的鲜花吸引着翩翩起舞的蝴蝶和小蜜蜂清澈的小溪里游着活泼的小鱼。这是多么美好的环境啊有了新的环境有了新的地方。才能让这次伟大的青奥会办的更好。 支持青奥,创造未来。让我们从小事做起,我与青奥共成长让我们自信大声喊出青奥会的口号来 ‘共享阳光青奥,让激情点燃梦想’ 青奥会陈欣 第2篇:青奥会作文 青奥会 江宁区岔路学校六(1)李世泽 2014,多么普通的几个数字啊,但在南京人的眼中是一个多么辉煌的数字,因为在这一年里我们居住的城市南京将会举行青奥会,六朝古都南京终于到了闪耀的时刻。 在这一年中我们的南京比赛选手会拿出自己的真本事去和对方开战,比赛时会一丝不苟,抓紧时机,发出致命一击,让对方心服口服,但友谊第一,比赛第二,可不能只想着拿第一,这样反而拿不到第一,还会失去信心。


驻马店市第十九中学八年级英语竞赛试题 一、听力理解(20小题,每小题 1 分,共20分) 第一节听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A..B.C 三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。每段对话读两遍。 () 1.What will the man do later? A. Have breakfast. B. Run . C. Watch TV () 2.What does the man advise the woman to do? A. To write an e-mail to Mike. B. To give Mike a present. C. To see a movie with Mike. () 3.Where does the woman want to go? A. To the park. B.To the supermarket. C. To the cinema. () 4.Where did the man go last weekend? A. To the US. B. To Canada. C. To England () 5.What's the matter with Tom? A. He has a stomachache. B. He has a fever. C. He has headache. 第二节听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A.B.C 三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7两个小题. () 6.How does the man go to work now? A. By car B. By subway C. On foot ()7.How long has the man had the car? A .For four years B. For five years C. For six years 听下面一段对话,回答第8 至第10 三个小题。 ()8.What does Mom expect Frank and his sister to do? A. To do housework B.To work hard. C. To take exercise. ()9.What does Frank's sister often do? A.She often sweeps the floor. B. She often folds the clothes. C She often does the dishes.. ()10.How often does Frank clean his room? A.Twice a month. B. Twice a week. C.Once a week 听下面一段独白,回答第11至第12两个小题。 ()11.How long has it rained in the city? A. For two days. B. For three days. C.For four days. ()12.When will the rainstrom come probably? A.On Friday B. On Saturday C. On Sunday 听下面一段对话,回答第13 至第15三个小 题。 ()13.How many pandas are there? A. Two B. Three C.Five ()14. What does the man think of pandas? https://www.360docs.net/doc/c613286408.html,zy B. Cute C.Active ()15.What does the woman want to do? A.To feed the pandas. B. To take photos C. To play with the pandas.


监利县廖池中学 2009-20XX年度(下)八年级英语竞赛试卷满分100分。时间100分钟。请将答案填写到第二卷上,考生只交第二卷。 I、单项填空(15分) 1. There _____ a football match on TV this afternoon. A. is going to have B. will be C. is going to play D. will play 2. Travelling by train is ____ cheaper and _____ enjoyable than by air. A. very, very much B. quite, much too C. more, much more D. much, far more 3. He explained ____ how to get there. A. to me B. for me C. me D. with me 4. It’s great fun ____ a pet dog at home. A. to keep B. to take C. keep D. find 5. How long ____ you both ___ love? A. are, with B. do, fall in C. are, in D. are , fall in 6. It _____ that his father knew about it. A. seems B. seems to C. seemed D. seemed to 7. You forgot ____ the door. Oh, _____ , I’ll go and close it. A. closing, so did I B. to close, so I did C. closing, nor did I D.to close, neither did I 8. He ____ by bike to school, but now he walks. A. used to going B. is used to going C. used to go D. is used to go 9. Look at this photo. Can you ___ her name? A. think over B. think of C. think about D. thinking of 10.All the students were sweeping the floor ___ they head a man ___ “help”. A. when, shouting B. white , to shout C. when, to shout D. while, shouts 11. Jimmy is leaving for a holiday. Really? Where ___ he ____? A. has, gone B. will, go C. did, go D. does, go 12.Would you mind my opening the window? ____. A. Yes, I would B. Sorry, I wouldn’t C. No, not at all D. No, please don’t 13.Why don’t you get him some junk food? ______. A. That’s not healthy enough B. That’s too healthy C. That’s delicious food D. That’s enough healthy 14.What can you catch but can’t throw. A. a girl B. a boy C. a dog D. a cold 15.Fill in the following blanks with only one word. ____ is greater than God. A. Everything B. Nothing C. Something D. Anything II.完形填空(10分) Henry was not good at maths . Even when the teacher explained something a second time, he still could not _16_ it. “Never mind, I’ll sit next to the boy who’s the best at _17_” Henry thought, “and 18 his answers”. The day of the exam came, and Henry sat next to Allan, who was 19 at the top of the class in maths. Henry carefully copied Allan’s answers onto his own exam paper. At he end of the exam, the teacher said, “Well, boys and girls, I’ve decided to give a red star to the students who got the highest grades. It’s 20 for me to decide who to give the star to, however, 21 two students, Henry andAllan, got the 22 grade” After a moment she went on: “But I’ve decided to give the star to 23 this time”. Henry was 24 when he heard this. He stood up and said: “But I got the same grade as Allan, madam”


八年级英语竞赛试卷 I、单项选择(每题1分,共15分) ( ) 1.Ted ___ while he ___ his bicycle and hurt himself. A. fell, was riding B. had fallen, rode C. fell, were riding D. had fallen, was riding ( ) 2. A few months later, John did better ________ drawing than any other student in his class. A. on B. for C. at D. in ( ) 3. TV programs and computers can ________ our eyes to the outside world. A. look up B. turn up C. catch up D. open up ( )4. Mary said she ________ to school the next Friday. A. didn’t go B. wouldn’t go C. isn’t go D. won’t go ( ) 5. –Mom, my shoes are ________. Could you buy me a new pair? --Sure. A. out of style B. the same C. in style D. very popular ( )6. My mother told me ________ anymore when it was late. A. didn’t write B. not write C. don’t write D. not to write ( )7. Could you ________ my little cat while I am away? A. care for B. sell out C. look for D. talk with ( ) 8. The doorbell rang, and mother ________ the door A. stopped open B. stopped opening C. stopped to open D. stopped opened ( ) 9. —Will people live to be 300 years old? —_________. A. No, they aren't B. No, they won't C. No, they don't D. No, they can't ( )10. –I argued with my mother this morning. --________ A. That’s nothing! B. Great! C. You should say sorry to her. D. Let’s play soccer. ( )11. What ________ to your grandfather the day before yesterday? A. was happened B. happened C. happening D. happen ( )12. –What do you think of his speech? --Oh, wonderful. But his voice sounded really _ when he first started speaking. A. aloud B. worry C. nervous D. quiet ( )13. –My English teacher said I was hard-working. --Really? You are ________. A. luckily B. lucked C. lucky D. luck ( )14. –I can’t go shopping with you today. My mother is ill. --________. A. You’re welcome B. Don’t worry C. That’s a good idea D. I’m sorry to hear that ( )15. –I argued with my mother this morning. --________


十大少儿英语培训机构特色分析 导语:父母在为孩子选择英语培训机构的时候,经常为选择哪家更适合自己的孩子而苦恼,因为众多的培训机构各有各的特色,家长可以了解之后,根据自家的情况进行选择。现将目前几大少儿英语培训机构的特色罗列如下,内容是综合了各培训机构自身的介绍和用户们的反馈意见,供广大家长参考。 1、 EF英孚青少儿英语 简介:源自欧洲,深耕中国市场20年。自主研发课程。 特色:中外教结合授课,教学环境不错,装修“颇有国际范儿”,整体环境“挺好”。平时小班上课,课程“因人而异”,有“不同级别”的可以选择,课程自己研发。教学模式是外教+中国老师,由“外教和中国助教”相互配合进行“情景模拟”,整堂课“生动有趣”,内容“深入浅出”。 缺陷:因为是洋品牌,所以价格不菲。可能会碰到外教更换的情况,有家长遇到过半年换3—4次外教的情况。销售攻势强,会不停的电话骚扰,有时会夸大宣传。 2、魔奇英语 简介:由鼎盛?彼昂教育集团推出的儿童英语品牌,专注于2——12岁儿童英语教育。 特色:中教外教自己选择,费用不一样,自己研发的课程,按照国外的理念设计。教室像个童话王国。学校还有中英双语故事书屋,满足孩子们休息之时的阅读需求。家长可以透过显示屏查看课堂内同学的活跃程度、老师的教学方式等。 欠缺:1.暑期培训项目收费较贵,外教相对较少 2.魔法学校和魔法学员的教学模式,很容易走向玩得过头、学得不多。3.收费信息不很透明。 3、 Lily英语 简介:1997年创建,提倡自然习得法让孩子在浸在英语环境中,无意识地接触和学习英语。 特色:自己研发的课程。招收学龄前的孩子,原因是这个年龄段的孩子可以建立英语思维。所有分校都是直营。培养出来的孩子语感不错。要求课堂不能说汉语,全英文环境学习。 欠缺:教学内容比较单一,课程体系不完整,孩子不能系统的学习英语学科知识。环境差一点,配套设施不完备。 4、瑞思学科英语 简介:依托霍顿.米夫林哈考特集团教育资源,为3-12岁中国孩子提供原汁原味的美国7个年级全英文完整学科体系教育。 特色:中教老师,全程英文讲课。教学风格偏美式,和中试的应试教育有所不同,如果想出国的,可以从这练起。按照美国公立小学教材,教授核心的课程,分为语言、数学、自然科学、社会科学。力图建立起一个和美国幼儿园、小学接轨的一个国际化教育。 欠缺:学费不便宜。没有外教。比较适合有一定基础的孩子,不太适合用来作为英语启蒙。


做双语小记者为青奥会助跑2014第二届南京夏季青奥会 “双语小记者”系列活动 策 划 书

做双语小记者为青奥会助跑一、活动背景 南京是第二届青年志愿者运会承办授权地,为响应“与青奥共成长”、激发青少年自我创新的意识的2014年青奥会理念口号和目标,迎接2014年青年奥林匹克运会的举办,在广大少年儿童中营造宣传青奥会、支持青奥会、参与青奥会的良好氛围,推动广大少年儿童素质的提升。为吸引广大青少年、体育爱好者和社会各界广泛参与青奥、支持青奥、宣传青奥、推广青奥,由第二届夏季青年奥林匹克运动会组织委员会文化教育部、南京报业传媒集团、江宁区政府共同组织的“双语小记者”系列活动。 二、活动目的 围绕“与青奥会共成长”主题,成立青奥会小记者团和青奥会小记者宣传培训基地。构建青少年媒介教育平台,广泛开展中小学生以“青奥会小记者”的身份和视角参与2010年青奥会志愿服务,对小记者进行专业培训后将组织参与青奥会志愿服务和组织青奥会期间赛场采访,参观采访青奥会赛场、体育官员、体育明星等活动。丰富学生精神生活、提高媒介素养、强化道德养成,落实社会主义核心价值体系具体化和形象化,让学生在参与志愿行动中享受快乐,在实践中增强能力,在活动中体验成功。 三组织单位 主办:第二届夏季青年奥林匹克运动会组织委员会文化教育部、

做双语小记者为青奥会助跑南京市团委 承办:南京报业传媒集团 协办:南京市青少年活动中心(拟) 四、活动时间: 2012年10月——2014年8月。 五、活动形式: 选拔青奥会小记者,颁发“青奥会小记者证”,建立青奥会小记者站,对符合条件的学校颁发“青奥会小记者站”牌。符合条件的参加青奥会小记者活动组委会(秘书处)组织举办的南京集训营活动和参加南京青奥会小记者活动总部在青奥会期间举办的一系列活动。青奥会结束后,青奥组委志愿者部青奥会小记者活动组委会将会对此次活动进行总结表彰。 六、参加条件: 青奥会小记者招募面向全南京各中小学校学生、少先队员,青奥会小记者属于志愿者范畴,具有相关小记者、小主编工作经验及熟悉各项实用技术(含外语)的同学优先录用,并进行注册小记者管理和志愿时登记。 1、对志愿服务活动有热情,吃苦耐劳,有同情心以及服务精神。


初二英语竞赛试题(3) 初二英语竞赛试题 三)单项选择 1. There is nobody in the room, _____________? A.is there B. isn’t there C. is it D. isn’t it 2. -_______you ever________to Beijing? -No, I haven’t. A. Do, been B. Have, been C. Have, being D. Do, be 3. -How about getting her a CD? -No, that’s not____________. A. specially B. enough specially C. specially enough D. enough 4. Do you often help Wei Fang_________her lessons? A. in B. at C. with D. out 5. Mum is busy on Sunday. She is the________in my family. A. busy B. busier C. busiest D. most busy 6. Is____________in bed good or bad for your health? A.read B. reading C. readed D. reads 7. I hope_______tomorrow. A. you’re better B. you’d better C. your better D. you had


青奥会志愿者常用英语100句 志愿者必备大运关键词 1、组织机构 Organizations International Olympics Committee (IOU) 国际奥林匹克委员会 Nanjing Youth Olympic Games 2014 2014年南京青年奥林匹克运动会 Organizing Committee for the Nanjing Youth Olympic Games 2014 南京青奥会组委会 2、场馆 Venues

3、比赛项目 Games Athletics 田径 Basketball 篮球 Fencing 击剑 Football 足球

Gymnastics 体操 Judo 柔道 Swimming 游泳 Diving 跳水 Water Polo 水球 Table Tennis 乒乓球 Tennis 网球 Volleyball 排球 4、人员 Participants Athlete 运动员 Coach 教练 Team Leader

领队 Technical Delegate 技术代表 Referee 裁判员 Chief Referee 裁判长 Volunteer 志愿者 Spectator 观众 Media / Journalist 媒体/记者 Medical Staff 医疗卫生人员 Security Personnel 安保人员 5、赛中 During the Game Athletes’ Lounge 运动员休息室Doping Control 兴奋剂检测Eligibility 参赛条件Disqualification 取消资格/禁赛


初二英语竞赛试题 (问题卷) 2006.6 注:1.全卷分问题卷和答题卷。满分为100分,答卷时间为90分钟。 2.本卷答案必须做在答题卷相应位置上,做在问卷上无效。 3.请用钢笔或圆珠笔将学校、班级、姓名分别填在答题卷的规定位置上。 I.词汇(10%) (共10小题, 每小题1分) (A)根据下列句子所给汉语注释,在答题卷的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式(每空只写一词)。 1.I spent an hour and a half ____(写) the passage last night. 2.They have a little more ______(信息)about that accident. 3.They went _____(通过)the forest and reached the small village. 4. If you take more ______(锻炼), you will be much healthier than before. 5. ---- Look! What a fine day it is! ---- Yes.It’s the _____(阳光充足的)day of the week. (B)根据句意,写出空缺处的单词,首字母已给出(每空一词)。 6. Time gone n____comes back. 7. At the b___of the class meeting, the students sang an English song. 8. There are a lot of flowers e_____in the park. They are very beautiful. 9.The story took place in 1998. We call it the t____ century. 10. If your mother a____ with us, we'll go to the cinema this evening. II.选择填空(20%) 从A. B. C. D四个选项中选出最佳答案。(共20 小题, 每小题1 分) 11. ----Oh, there isn't enough for us in the lift. ----It doesn't matter. Let's wait for the next. A. ground B. floor C. place D. room 12. ----Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? ----I'm afraid____ _day is possible. A. either B. neither C. some D. any 13. ---- Could I look at your pictures? ----Yes, of course you____. A. could B. can C. will D. might 14. ----Do you know____ Mr. Black's address is? ----He may live at No.18 or No.19 of Green Street. I'm not sure of____. A. what; which B. where; which C. where; what D. what; where 15. ----What do you think of her voice? ----It________very sweet, I should say. A. hears B. sounds C. listens D. sings 16. ----Lucy didn't come to school, did she? ---- . She was ill in bed. A. Yes, she was. B. Yes, she did C. No, she didn't D. No, she wasn’t 17.----What do you think of a war, Lin Tao? ----I’ve no idea. But it's a fact that____people had to leave their hometown during the War on Iraq.


一、中国青少儿英语教育行业背景简析 1、中国教育行业下的子行业包括,幼儿教育、义务教育、高中教育、高等教育,按照接受教育儿童的年龄阶段。幼儿教育又分早期教育和学前教育。而虽这生活环境的提高,让孩子接受幼儿英语教育渐渐为广大父母所期望。 2、想让孩子学好英语,可中国又不具备英语国家的语言环境,家长的困境逃不过投资者的眼睛。一些来自国外的英语教育机构迅速在中国崛起。但不同机构使用的教材和学习理念不同,到底哪种更好?现在各个英语机构的教学理论、模式五花八门,有的安排集体游戏活动,有的让记单词,有的强调浸入式教学……新概念、剑桥、朗文、洪恩等幼儿英语教材理念多得让人犯晕。 3、独生子女政策也是促成家长不惜血本投入幼儿英语教育的根本问题。现在一个2-6岁的孩子有爸爸、妈妈、爷爷、奶奶、外公、外婆六个人关爱着,现在竞争激烈,6个人的心血全在这一个孩子身上,就这么一个孩子,虽然幼儿英语有点贵,但是为了孩子不输在起跑线上,很多经济条件达不到的家长还是为不能送孩子去昂贵的学校担忧,同时也在观望是否有新的方式方法能弥补这段差距。 4、所以幼儿英语教育的重点是吸引其学习兴趣,强制约束性的学习部可取,花高价把孩子送到语言学校也不是好的选择。我们需要的是一种新的理念、新的设备、新的方式来吸引孩子去学习,并在学习中相互交流,进而掌握知识,最关键的是价格,性价比才是幼儿英语教育市场的关键。 二、品牌营销环境分析 1、大多数家长认为,学外语就要趁早,小时候容易培养语言习惯,就像那些小时候说方言的人长大后口音很难纠正一样。也正是这种心态促使中国少儿英语教育市场风生水起。一些成人语言培训机构也开始开拓幼儿英语教育市场,各种语言培训学校不断涌现。 2、学外语向低龄化发展是大势所趋。家长让孩子早学英语是正常现象,随着东西方社会的不断融合,越来越多的家长意识到熟练掌握外语对孩子未来的重要性,这也是英语教育低龄化的诱因。中国人口众多,公立学校短时间内很难满足需求,今后二三十年,中国的少儿英语教育市场发展空间还会持续扩大。 3、目前中国英语培训市场上很多教材都已经老化,虽然不断翻新出版,但结构理念已经似是而非。一个优秀的语言培训机构,一定要选用母语国家最权威语言出版社出版的教材,好比一本由外国人编写的汉语学习教材不可能比中国人编写的更权威。发达国家权威出版社出版的教材,通常都由最优秀的语言研发机构机构指导。 三、抓住机会!如何去做?



太阳城小学三(6)中队 《我与青奥共成长》主题队会方案 活动目的: 1、通过主题队会,使队员了解青奥,培养队员们的实践能力,激发队员们热爱祖国的情感,并启发他们以实际行动为青奥会作出贡献,增强社会责任感。 2、各队员用丰富的形式展现自己的收获和体会,为队员展示自我搭建起一个平台。 3、主题队会营造气氛,让队员在活动中受到感动,学会感动。 活动准备: 1、以小队的形式收集有关南京青奥会的资料。 2、编排节目。 3、大屏幕上同时出示活动的标题。 活动过程: 1、中队长:起立、集合,各小队报告人数。 2、中队长向辅导员报告人数,请求开展活动。 3、出旗、敬礼、奏乐。唱队歌。 4、中队长宣布活动开始。 主持人甲 : 尊敬的老师们, 主持人乙 : 亲爱的队员们;

(合)大家好! 主持人甲:2010年2月11日,这是一个让所有中国人骄傲的日子! 主持人乙:因为这一天,国际奥委会决定将2014年的第二届夏季青年奥林匹克运动会的承办权授予中国南京!南京沸腾了,中国沸腾了! 主持人甲: 多少年的梦幻在那一刻实现!多少南京人陶醉在那美妙的一刻! 主持人乙:让我们穿过时空的隧道,回到那个让所有中国人骄傲的日子 (一)再现申报青奥现场 主持人甲:听!耳畔传来那熟悉动人的音乐,让我们把思绪带到2010年2月11日,那个特别的日子吧。(播放茉莉花) 记者甲:大家好,我是太阳城小学广播台的记者吴旭。 记者乙:我是卢淼。 记者甲:现在我们在加拿大温哥华的举行的国际奥委会第22次全会现场,向大家现场直播2014年青奥会主办城市的竞选情况。在今天将投票选出2014年青奥会的东道主。


初中英语竞赛试题及答案(精编) 笔试部分(共七大题,计120分) I. 选择填空(Vocabulary and structure) (共20小题,计20分) 从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. —Jane, what are you doing _________ your computer? —I'm looking for information _________ airlines? A. about; for B. on; with C. in; with D. with; about 2. There are _________ carrots in the fridge. You don't have to buy any. A. few B. a few C. any D. little 3. —Who is Tina? —The girl who is wearing a _________ dress? A. beautiful red B. red and pretty C. red nice D. red but long 4. He _________ up very late in the morning, but now he _________ up very early. A. used to get; is used to get B. used to getting; is used to get C. is used to getting; used to get D. used to get; is used to getting 5. _________, he had studied art in Paris. A. When a boy B. As boy C. As a boy D. As he is a boy 6. —I hate space adventures. —_________. A. Nor do I B. Me neither C. Neither do I D. So do I 7. —Are you going to buy that car? —No, I'm not. It's _________ for me.


2013-2014学年度第一学期八年级英语知识竞赛试卷 满分:100分 一、单项选择(15分) 1、I was bad at English last term, I will try my best to learn it ______. A. from then on B. from last term C. from on D. from now on 2.—I think that China will win the World Cup one day. —I_______. The Chinese team is becoming stronger and stronger. A. agree B. disagree C. don’t agree D. think 3. I will have many different _______. A. kinds of goldfish es B. kind of goldfish es C. kind of goldfish D. kinds of goldfish 4. Every day he makes me_______ early and __________ in the morning. A. to get up; run B.get up; to run C. to get up; to run D. get up; run 5.What_____ you____ when your mother came back? A. are; doing B. were ; doing C. did; do 6 This road is very crowded. You can find cars and buses_____. A. everywhere B. anywhere C. nowhere 7. “If you aren’t here on time tomorrow.” Mr Black said to Jenny, “ I’ll write your parents about this .” Mr Black told Jenny that _______. A. he will write to her parents about this if she isn’t here on time tomorrow. B. he would write to her parents about this if she wasn’t here on time the next day. C. he would write to her parents about that if she wasn’t there on time the next day. D. he was going to write to her parents about that if she wasn’t th ere on time the next day. 8. I _____ for you the whole morning, Where have you been? A. waited B. have waited C. have been waitting D. have been waiting 9. Can you ___ this difficulty? A. get up B. get into C. get over D. get to 10. When he heard the sad news, his face ___ white. A. grew B. became C. got D. turned 11. He prefers ___ to school on foot rather than ___ the bus. A. to go; to take B. going; taking C. to go; take D. go; take 12. “Remember_______ your homework on time, Li Ming”, his mother said. A. to finish B. to finishing C. finishing D. have to finish 13. Be polite ____ others! A. to B. at C. about 14.----Would you mind turning down the music? ----_______. A. Yes, I would B. No, of course C. No, not at all 15.The citizens complained ____ the police __ the noise from the neighbourhood. A. to ,about B. about, to C. to, for D. of , to
