

Recycle 2 Read aloud教案


1. 学生能够理解、朗读故事,并努力与同伴一起分角色表演故事。

2. 通过故事的学习,巩固复习四、五、六单元的词汇及句型。如:Have some ... Can I have some ...? How old are you? bread, bird, cat等等。

3. 学生能够在图片情境的帮助下猜测故事情节,输出本册学习的相关语言。

4. 培养学生热爱动物的情感并提高学生保护自己的意识。


1. 学生已经学完本册六个语言单元。他们已经掌握动物、食物饮料、数字等语言知识。

2. 三年级的孩子依然活泼好动,喜爱故事;乐于参与猜测、表演等活动。


1. 重点

(1) 理解、朗读故事。

(2) 通过故事的学习,巩固复习四、五、六单元的词汇及句型。

(3) 学生能够在图片情境的帮助下猜测故事情节,输出本册学习的相关语言。2. 难点

(1) 根据图片情境猜测故事情节。

(2) 表演故事。

(3) “wait a minute”的朗读。


活动1【导入】Warm-up & Revision

1. Brainstorm.

Review the words about food, drinks, animals and numbers by saying, reading and counting.

2. Let’s do


1. Show the question.

“What will ... do / say?”

Tell students: I will ask this question for many times.

2. Show picture 1.

(1) T: What do you see in the picture? Learn the new word: baby.

(2) Guess: What will mother bird/baby bird say? Listen to the tape. Then repeat. Learn “wait a moment”.

(3) Read the sentences after tape.

(4) Act or read the dialogue of picture 1 in pairs.

3. Show picture 3.

(1) Describe the picture and guess what will cat say.

(2) Listen and repeat. Le arn “big boy”.

(3) Read and act the dialogue of picture 3 in pairs.

4. Learn picture 4, 5, 6, 7.

(1) Show picture 4, 5, 6 one by one. Listen and repeat.

(2) Look at Tom and find out: What’s changing?

Guess: What will Tom do? What will Bobby do?

(3) Show picture 7. Listen and repeat. Learn: Go away!

(4) Read and act the dialogue of picture 4, 5, 6, 7 in pairs.


1. Read the whole story.

2. Act out the story in groups.


1. T: What do you learn from the story?

Give them the suggestion: Protect yourself when you talk to strangers.

2. Homework.

Listen and read the story. Then, act it out with partners.
