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Lesson 95


1) n. 往返 return ticket 往返票(Br)回程票(Am)

round-trip ticket 来回票(Am) return fare 往返票价,来回票价(Br)2) in return 作为回报

--You sent me a postcard; in return, I sent you a postcard too.


Eg:The employees have worked so hard. Their boss is going to increase

their salary in return. 这些职员一直都在非常努力地工作。他们老板打算


3)v. 回到

return from…to…从…回到… return to 回到(先前的状态,话题)

--return sth to sb = return sb sth 把…归还某人


1)n. 火车

We’ll take the 2:00 p.m. train to Shanghai. 我们要搭下午2点的火车去上海。

Take the train to 乘火车去。。。。

An up train 上行列车 an down train 下行列车 an express train 快车2)v. 训练,培养

--He is training the horse for the race. 他为了比赛在训练那匹马。

--I was trained as a nurse. 我接受过护士的训练。

--You should train your children how to respect others. 你应该教导你的孩子如何尊重别人。


1) n. 站台,月台

an arrival platform 到站站台 a departure platform 出发站台

--platform No.2 = platform 2 第二站台

2)n.讲台,讲坛 stand on the platform 站在讲台上


1)n. 大量

--plenty of…


--There is plenty of milk in my cup. 我杯里有许多牛奶。

--There are plenty of students who can speak good English. 有许多学生能说很好的英语。

--plenty of 通常用于肯定句。否定句,疑问句用enough或much, many.

--a lot of/ lots of 即可接可数名词也可接不可数名词。

--many 许多,修饰可数名词,much 许多,修饰不可数名词。


1) n.酒吧 a snack bar便餐部 a sushi bar寿司部


--a bar of chocolate 一块巧克力=a chocolate bar

--a bar of gold 一块金子= a gold bar 金块(金条)

--bar code 条形码


1)n. 车站,火车站

a railway station 火车站 a bus station = a bus stop 公共汽车站eg:Could you tell me the way to the station? 你能告诉我往车站怎么走吗?

Eg:The train will make a 20 minutes’ stop at the next station.本次火车将在下一站停留20分钟。


a police station 警察局 a fire station 消防队

a gas station = a filling station加油站

A power station 电站 a TV station电视台

3) 注意-tion 单词的重音


--regulation 规则/ attention 注意

porter n. 收票员


1) v. 捕捉,逮捕

Eg: We caught a thief on the bus today. 在公共汽车上我们抓住一个小偷。

Eg: I caught five fish today. 我今天钓了五条鱼

Eg: I throw the ball, try and catch it.

2)v. 及时赶上,赶得上,追上

Eg: I ran to catch the last bus.我跑着赶上了最后一班车。

Eg: He caught the front runner just before the finishing line. 他在终点线前追上了领头的跑者。

3)v.染上(疾病),感染 She caught a bad cold. 她得了重感冒。4)v. 听到,听清楚,理解

Eg Sorry, I didn’t catch your words. 对不起,我没听清你说什么。Eg:Did you catch my idea? 你能听懂我的意思吗?

--catch one’s eye = catch one’s attention 引起…注意

--catch oneself 发觉自己讲错而突然住嘴 --catch up with 赶上…Eg: You just go on in front. I’ll catch up with you soon. 你先走,我马上就会赶上你。


1) v. 错过

--He missed the target. 他没打中目标。

--I threw the ball to him but he missed it. 我把球丢给他,但他没接着。(miss 的反义词是catch)

--We missed the bus and we got home very late.

--He had to meet his mother at the airport, so he missed the meeting.
