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1.0 目的Purpose


We make the process to protect the lawful rights of employee, to assure the timely and effective communication between staff and top management, to discover and deal with different types of potential issues, to build harmonious, stable and united relationship, and to strengthen the coherence affinity and creative ability of the enterprise.

2.0 适用范围Scope


The policy is applicable to all staff of ××××××××××(Shenzhen) Co., Ltd, including foreigners working for Shenzhen site.


The process covers anonymous complaint and real-name appeal. You may select the rational one. Fill in “Real-Name Appeal Form” factually if you select real-name appeal, which will help executive to deal with it in time.

3.0 定义Definitions

3.1 员工建议和申诉的渠道包括:

Effective channels for complaint and appeal including:



Complaint Box: complaint or appeal for counseling for policies or constructive suggestion, which is not expected to get a feedback to applicant, will be regarded as “anonymous complaint”, such as surrounding of dormitory, discipline of workshop, and work uniform etc.员工意见箱内的信息属于无记名建议,人力资源部会定期开启意见箱(每二周开启一次),


The notes collected from “Complaint Box” will be regarded as “anonymous complaint”. Human resourc es department will open it every 2 weeks and publish the feedback for those are reasonable and may be solved, in bulletin board.



Real-name appeal:the complaint or appeal, which is related to the benefit of applicant closely and expect to get a feedback to applicant, will be regarded as “Real-name appeal”, such as personal salary, leave, and unfair treatment etc. Please use “Real-name appeal” if you have urg ent appeal or complaint.

3.2 申诉原则

Principle of appeal

3.2.1 申诉人应根据事实,按照本制度及流程的规定进行申诉,不得存在欺骗之行为。

Applicant should present appeal according to requirements of policy and process on facts. Cheating will not be permitted.

3.2.2 申诉受理人应在保密的原则下,严肃认真地对待申诉事件,确保员工的正当利益不受侵害。Executive should keep it confidential and treat the appeal seriously to ensure the right benefits of employee are protected.

3.2.3 申诉资料需由申诉人本人如实填写,代理申诉无效。

Applicant should complete “Real-Name Appeal Form” personally. Representative appeal is ineffective.

3.2.4 申诉人应遵守申诉流程。不允许越级申诉,以便于各受理人了解事件真相,及时作出正确判断。Applicant should respect the appeal policy. The action of bypass the immediate leadership and present the appeal or complaint to higher levels will be forbidden. It will influence the executive to learn the facts.

3.2.5 无论是无记名建议或者实名申诉时,都要求使用平实、质朴的语言,讲清事实经过即可;不要使用过多的修饰词汇,避免让受理人作出错误的判断。

Please use the simple, unpretending words to present your appeal or complaint. Just tell the truth and don’t embellish the story by any means.


The behavior of malicious calumniation, untrue appeal or use appeal channel to retaliate against others are forbidden absolutely. One will be punished if violating this discipline.

3.3 申诉事件范围

