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时间:2006-07-18 00:00 文字选择:

市场调研(marketing research)

描述性调研(descriptive research)

解释性调研(interpretive research)

预测性调研(predictive research)

市场需求量(market dema nd)

企业需求量( market dema nd pote ntial)

定性预测(qualitative forecasting)

定量预测(quantitative forecasting)

企业战略(enterprise strategy)

企业使命说明书(missi on stateme nt)

战略经营单位(strategic busi ness units , SBU)

波士顿矩阵(Boston matrix )

通用电器公司方法(the General Electric Model , GE )

市场吸弓丨力( marketing attractiveness)

业务实力(bus in ess attractive ness)

密集型增长战略(in te nsive growth strategies)

市场渗透( market penetration strategy)

市场开发( market development strategy)

产品开发(product development strategy)

一体化增长战略(integrative growth strategies )

前向一体化(forward integration )

后向一体化(backward integration )

水平一体化(horizontal integration )

多角化增长战略(diversification growth strategies )

同心多角化(concentric diversification )

水平多角化(horizontal diversification )

复合多角化(conglomeration diversification )

市场营销战略(marketi ng strategy)

市场营销组合( marketing mix )

市场营销组织( marketing organization )

职能型组织(functional organization )

地区型组织(regional organization )

产品管理型组织( man agerial orga ni zati on of product )

市场管理型组织( man agerial orga ni zati on of market)

公司与事业部型组织( organi zati on of corporati on and bus in ess unit ) 市场营销管理(market ing man ageme nt)

市场营销计划( marketing planning )

市场营销方案( marketing program )

市场营销控制(marketing controlling )

市场竞争(market competition )

完全竞争(market leader)

非完全竞争(imprecate competition )

垄断竞争(monopolistic competition )

市场领导者(market leader)

市场挑战者(market challenger)

市场追随者(market follower )

市场补缺者(market niche)

市场纟田分(market segmentation)

目标市场(target market)

市场定位(market positioning )

无差异性市场战略( undifferentiated marketing tactics ) 差异性市场战略(differentiated marketing tactics )

集中性市场策略(concentrated marketing tactics )

产品(product )

服务(service )

核心产品(core product)

形式产品(actual product)

期望产品(expected product )

延伸产品(augmented product )


时间:2006-07-18 00:00 文字选择:大中小以下内容节选自阿里巴巴贸易论坛,参与评论请点击这里


Key words in market ing (市场营销学中的核心词汇)


需求(dema nd)

市场营销(marketi ng )



顾客满意(customer satisfaction)



生产观念(product ion con cept)

产品观念(product concept)

推销观念(selling concept)

市场营销观念(market ing con cept)

社会营销观念(societal co ncept)


顾客让渡价值(customer delivered value)

顾客总价值(total customer value )

顾客总成本(total customer cost)

顾客满意(customer satisfaction)

维系顾客(keep customer )

关系营销(relati on ship market ing ) 全面质量营销(total quality marketing) 市场营销环境(marketing environment) 微观环境(micro environment) 宏观环境(macro environment) 市场机会(market opport uni ty) 愿望竞争者(desired competitors) 属类竞争者(generic competitors) 产品形式竞争者(product competitors) 品牌竞争者(brand competitors) 公众(publics)
