















英国北安普顿大学Dave Burnapp博士对本书稿进行了细致的审阅,并提出了不少中肯的意见。台州学院外语学院王秀萍院长、绍兴文理学院经济管理学院曹冬梅、外国语学院段超英、马嫣、杜一炜、莫小洁、朱超琴、徐红参与了本教材的编写与校对工作。编辑为此书的出版作了大量的辛勤努力和具体工作,借此机会一并表示由衷的感谢。





Chapter 1 Gett ing Ready: Busin ess Communi cati on Fun dame ntals

i. The Defin iti on of Busin ess Communi cati on

ii. The Fun cti on of Busin ess Communi cati on

iii. The Categories of Bus in ess Communi cati on

iv. The Characteristics of Busin ess Communi cati on

v. Homework

Chapter 2 Communi cati on Strategies

i. Peter Hartley Model (Lin ear Model)

ii. Ron ald. B. Adler Model (In teractive Model)

iii. Mary Munter Model (Circular Model)

iv. Homework

Chapter 3 In tercultural Communi catio n

i. Un dersta nding Cultures and Communi cati on

ii. High Co ntext or Low Con text?

iii. Develop ing In tercultural Busin ess Communi cati on Skills

iv. Busin ess An thropogeography: Doi ng Busin ess around the World

v. Homework

Chapter 4 Gen der Differe nee in Communi cati on

i. Gen der Difference

ii. Psychological Differe nee betwee n Men and Wome n

iii. Educati on

iv. Men and Women at Work

v. Wome n in Negotiatio n

vi. How to Sell to Wome n?

vii. Homework

Chapter 5 Persuasive Skills (1)

i. Persuadi ng On eself before Others

ii. Sett ing Pers onal Objective

iii. Develop ing the Relatio nship

iv. Un dersta nding Huma n Motivati on

v. Homework

Chapter 6 Persuasive Skills (2)

i. Ask ing the Right Questi ons

ii. Applyi ng the Power of Person ality

iii. Choos ing the Right Approach

iv. Homework

Chapter 7 Non-verbal Skills

i. The Signi fica nt Role of Non-verbal Communi cati on

ii. Non-Verbal Delivery Skills

iii. Non-Verbal Liste ning Skills

iv. Homework

Chapter 8 Public Speaki ng Skills

i. Fight ing Dow n Your Terror

ii. Prese ntatio n Skills

iii. Debati ng Skills: To Be or Not to Be

iv. Knowing How to Say No

v. Homework

Chapter 9 Teamwork or Conn ecti on Work?

i. What is a Team?

ii. How to Build an Effective Team?

iii. Chin ese Employees: Ready for Teamwork?

iv. Homework

Chapter 10 Busi ness Writi ng

i. Fun dame ntals of Busin ess Writ ing

ii. Busin ess Writi ng Process

iii. Writing Letters, E-Mails, Memos and Reports

iv. Homework

Chapter 11 Busin ess Negotiatio n

i. The Procedures of Busin ess Negotiati on

ii. Preparation for Negotiations

iii. Process of the Negotiation and Negotiation Tactics iv. The Prin ciple: A Win-Wi n Game

v. Homework

Chapter 12 Shining Yourself in Meetings

i. Why Have Meeti ngs?

ii. What Makes Meet ings Effective?

iii. How to Shine Yourself i n Meet in gs?

iv. Homework

Chapter 13 Bei ng an In terviewer Killer

i. An In terview

ii. Job In terview

iii. Qualities Employers Seek

iv. Being an In terviewer Killer

v. Homework

Chapter 14 Bullying at Work

i. What Is Workplace Bullyi ng?

ii. How Does Bullyi ng Affect?

iii. What to Do about Bullyi ng?

iv. Homework

Chapter 15 Start ing Your Own Bus in ess

i. Six Steps to Start Your Own Busin ess

ii. Seve n Habits of Effective People

iii. Win in Chi na

iv. 名家语录

v. 关于创业的17个真实谎言”

vi. Homework

Appe ndices

Appe ndix 1 Exercises for Personal Assessme nt Appe ndix 2世界各国货币名称

Appe ndix 3地方经济统计(绍兴为例)

Chapter 1 Gett ing Ready: Busin ess

Communi cati on Fun dame ntals

Communication is like the air you breathe; its everywhere

Huma n com muni cati on is as old as mankind. Adults spe nd about 70% of their waki ng time com muni cati ng.

Every one knows the importa nee of com muni cati on but we are seldom trained to better our com muni cati on skills. (Carnegie Foun dati on for the Adva nceme nt of Teach ing)

Wife: We will have to go to supermarket tomorrow.

Husba nd: Why?

Wife: Why do you think?

i. The Defin iti on of Busin ess Communi cati on

ii. The Fun cti on of Busin ess Communi cati on

iii. The Categories of Bus in ess Communi cati on

iv. The Characteristics of Busin ess Communi cati on

v. Homework

On Mon day morning, Mr. Li, CEO of Rising Sun In corporated, started to deal with a pile of docume nts which his secretary puts on his desk every work ing day.

On opening the first page, the bell rang. It was Mr. Robinson, C T O of the corporation, who called to notice about his resignation. The rumor came true that a strong rival had headhunted Mr. Robinson, who got a full grip on the firsthand information of the newly developed products. Mr. Rob inson hung up before Mr. Li could make any expla natio n.

Nervously pacing on the floor, Mr. Li lost his mind, when his secretary entered to report that quite a few employees showed their disc ontent on the dow nsiz ing pla n. They compla ined a lot, especially about the case of Lao Liu, who had con tributed almost his whole working life to the company, and three representatives were waiting at the meeting room for some expla nati on from CEO.

Mr. Li was really worried about how to face those fevered laid-off employees because the downsizing plan itself is a discouraging step. He paced o n

Has the rival already got the in formati on?

Is it n ecessary to con tact the rival compa ny?

Is it better to n egotiate with CTO face-to-face?

Shall he report to the board?

How can he explain to the laid-off employees about the actual situation of the corporation?
