

商务信函用语Expressi ons for Busin ess Letters

1. 如能尽快报你方产品最低价,我方将不胜感激。

We shall be obliged if you will quote us your rock —bottom prices for your

products at your earliest convenience

2. 现报实盘:以我方时间3月21日下午5时前你方复到为准。

We offer you firm subject to your reply here by 5p ____ . m March 21 our time .

3. 兹就你方要求用付款交单方式一事, 现奉告,信用证支付为



With regard to your request for D/P terms, we wish to inform you that payme nt

by L/C is your usual practice, and we are no t in a positi on to make you an excepti on.



4. 烦请贵方注意这一事实:标题货装运短重问题仍未解决。

Wewould like to draw your attention to the fact that the question of short weight on the capti

oned shipme nt rema ins un settled .

汉、英语在各自的语言表达中都有固定的套式,但“draw”这一动词还可用“ call ”

和"invite ”来替换,只是“ invite ”中词更显礼貌一些。

5. 提请卖方注意:我方定单拖欠至今尚未履行。

We brought to the knowledge of the Seller that our order had been outstanding

for con siderable time .


6. 如蒙贵公司向我方提供该公司情况,将不胜感激。

We should be grateful if you should get for US some information about this

compa ny.

英语中除了“ obliged ”,“grateful ”这两个词外,还可用“ thankful ” 一词来替换,


It would be appreciated if ...

We should appreciate it if ...

7. 你方9月8日来函收悉。

We are in receipt of your letter of Sept . 8.


8. 希望保险索赔一事不会给你方造成麻烦。诸多麻烦,容此申谢。

Wehope no difficulty will arise in connection with the in sura nee claim and thank you in adva nee for your trouble on our behalf


“ Please allow mehere to express to you our tha nks for botheri ng you so much',


9. 承蒙合作,容此申谢。

Thank you in adva nee for your cooperati on


10. 随函附寄我方价目单一式两份,请查收。

En closed please find two copies of our price list

这一套语原是英语信函套型其实很简单:"Please find two copies…enclosed ",把


Please find en closed two copies of ...

En closed are two copies of …

We are sending you under cover two copies of ...

当然,最后这一例形式略有不同,“under cover ”表达了随函的意思,若改用“under

separate cover "、“ by separate mail ”或"by sep arate post ” 等套语,则是 "另函”之意了。


11. 现随函附寄我方最新目录和价格表,上有贵方所需行情。

We en c1ose our latest catalogue and a price list givi ng details you ask for.

12. 我方经营多种轻工产品,详见附表。

We deal in a wide range of light in dustrial products as per list enclosed __________________ .

汉语"详见附表”似乎还有另一习惯表达:"For particulars please refer to the list

attached ",尽管这也是固定的套语,但较之"as per ”,在商函却不及后者地道。


Details as per the attached list .

13. 谨告之装船单证正本通过中国银行寄送你方。

Please be advised that the originals of shipping documents are being sent to

you through the Bank of China

“谨告之”不是“ sincerely inform you that …”因为它不大合商函套式。除句中

"advise ”词外,英语还可用“ inform ”代替它,或用“ Please note that…” 和

“Please see to it that …”句型来表达。

14. 请随时告之你方市场形势动态。

P1ease keep us in formed of market situati on at your end.

这与上例形式相近.但意义大不相同(上例是“告之于人”,此处则是“被告之”),不可混用,名中“inform ” 一词还可用“ advise ”和“post”代替。同时,英语“at your end”也是


15. 请告之你方具体要求,以便我方另寄目录和报价表。

Please let us know your specific requirements in order for us to send you by _

separate mail our catalogue and quotation

“请告之”英语不用“ Please tell us” (当然也可这样表达)而是用了更为常用的套语


16. 承蒙中国银行拉哥斯分行告之贵公司名称和

地址, 我方得知贵公司为纺织品和棉布岀口


We owe your name and address to the_Bank of China ,Lagos Branch ,through whom we have learnt you are exporters of Chinese textiles and cotton piece goods .

“承蒙告之”、“得知”也是信函用语,英语“through the courtesy of…”(经由 ........

的好意)“on the recommendation of ”“introduced by …”(由....... 介绍)等都可在这


17. 现冒昧来函,以谋求与贵公司进行贸易。

We take the 1iberty of writi ng to you with a view to doing bus in ess with you .

“冒昧” 一词系初次交往时使用的礼貌用语,可使语气委婉而不显唐突,纯粹出于客套,实际意义不大,但用与不用效果不同。当然,这里也可以用“ take the liberty to write to…”来代替上面的"of ”短语。类似的场合下还可使用“t o take this opportunity

to introduce ourselves as …”(借此机会自我介绍)、“ t o write to introduce

ourselves as …”(现函告)禾口"This is to introduce ourselves as…”(兹介绍)等


18. 盼早复。

We are looking forward to your early reply .


?We are expect ing your

early reply .

? We an ticipate your early reply .

? We are await ing your immediate reply .

?We look forward to heari ng from you soon.

? Let us have your reply soon

?We are look ing

forward to your favorable reply .

?We look forward to

heari ng from you favorably .





19. 请注意,我方现货不多。

Your atte nti on is draw n to the fact that we have not much ready stock on hand. __________



? __________________________________ We can supply the goods

from stock __________________________ .

?We can supply the goods ex stock .

?The goods are in stock for supply

?The goods are available for supply


?The goods are not available for supply

?The stocks are exhausted .

?The goods are out of stock.


?Our stocks are running low .

? We have low(1imited)stock in (of)the goods .

20. 此货需求甚殷,故建议你方尽快惠赐试定单。

Wewould suggest that you sent us your trial order as soon as possible , as there is a brisk dema

nd for this article

汉、英对照,英语既看不出“惠” (favour),也看不出“赐” (grant)的意思,然而英语商函一直就这样说。当然,也有客气一些的说法:

?Would you please send us ...

?Be kind eno ugh to send us ...

? Favor us with ...


需求极大:There is a heavy dema nd for …

接货过多:There is a heavy commitment …

货已接满:一be fully committed with …

定单甚多:have received a large number of ..

定单接踵而至:the rush of order ...


21. 特此奉告,我方经营的电扇品种齐全。

We are pleased to inform you that we han dle a wide range of electric fans

"经营”一词却有多种说法:“deal in "、“ trade in "、“ be in the line of …”


22. 现奉告,我方专营工艺品出口。

We wish to inform you that we are specialized in the export of arts and crafts .


?We deal exclusively in the export of …

? We specialize in the export of ...

?We- are specific in the line of the export of

?We trade specially in the export of …



Weare large dealers in textiles , with our products well-sold at home and abroad .

“畅销” 一词为最常用商业术语,在英语中的说法不下十种,除个别与汉语“畅”字(fast)


?The products are sold well at home and abroad .

?The products are

good sellers at home and abroad .

?The products enjoy

fast sales at home and abroad .

? The products enjoy popular sales at home and abroad .

? The products have commanded a good market at home and abroad .

?There is a promising market for the products at home and abroad .

?There will be good prospects for the products at home and abroad .


?The products are

well received by the customers .

?The products are most popular with the customers
