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New Light Bulb Offers Energy Efficiency


Paul Malamud


Washington-A newly-invented light bulb could offer significant energy savings -and better light-to future users worldwide, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.


On October 20 the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced it was"inau gurating the use"of the new kind of light bulb in experimental installations at its Forrestal Headquarters Buildingand at the Smithsonian's National Air an d Space Museum in Washington, D.C.


The new lighting technology, DOE said in a written statement, is most likely to take the form of"high quality, high-efficiency illumination for large indo or or outdoor spaces" once it is madecommercially available.


The new kind of artificial light consists of a bulb filled with inert gas and a s mall amount ofsulfur that is bombarded by microwaves to produce luminesce nce The Washingon Postwrote,

".One golf-ball-sized sulfur bulb,when irradiated by the kind of compact micr owave generator found in ordinary kitchen ovens, puts out as much light as hundreds of high-intensity mercury vapor lamps."


A small microwave generator at the base of the bulb bombards the inert g as, heating it. Thehot gas energizes electrons in the sulfur, which then emit a

large amount of visible light. The bulb itself is rotated quickly by a motor to coolit-otherwise it would melt.


Christine Ervin, an official at DOE, called the technology "advanced and pro mising," noting "itcan save large amounts of energy and at the same time de liver more quantity and better quality light." She added the technology could improve lighting of public spaces while benefiting"the economy and the envir onment."


After the new lighting arrays were installed in the Forrestal Building, they red uced energy usage"by more than 60 percent" for that area, Ervin said. DOE e stimates that the cost of lightinglarge areas in the United States is 8,000 milli on a year, so if the new bulb is widely used,sayings could be significant.


According to DOE, the new lighting has attractive optical qualities, "closelysimulating sunlight."


In current test arrays, two small bulbs are put into each end of a 72-meter-l ong reflectiveplastic "light pipe." One of these pipes now lights an area that had been lit by 240

175-watt mercury lamps in the Forrestal Building, producing four times as mu ch light at one third thecost.


Experts note the "new-fangled" bulb emits less ultraviolet light than traditio nal large-arealighting, making it easier to avoid damaging displays or works
