专业学位硕士研究生英语Unit 7

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2. temporary adj. lasting for a short time 短暂的 E.g. 1)More than half of the staff are temporary. 有一半的职员是临时的。 2)Students often find temporary jobs during vacation. 学生们通常在假期打零工。
hang out to dry 原义为“挂出去晾干”,在此句中为比喻用 法,指“曝光,让人丢丑”。’em为 them。 E.g. Hang out the washing to dry. 把洗好的衣服挂出去晾干。
2. Catching cheaters shouldn‟t be “a „hang‟ em out to dry‟ process, but an educational one”.
大学的1000名教工的调查发现,“他们中有三分之 一的人意识到学生在过去的两年间曽在他们的课上 作弊,而他们根本没有处理。”换言之,校园里作 弊的学生太多,而像克里斯汀这样负责任的老师太 少。 [5]互联网使剽窃非常诱人。数十家像 schoolsucks. com 这样的网址出售学期论文,而且可以讨价还 价。需要5000字的“前哥伦布时期拉丁美洲女性意 识及性别角色”的论文吗?点下鼠标就行了。 [6]发现作弊也是如此。技术已使发现作弊同作弊一 样容易。数个网址提供软件,自动地把学生的课业 同收录数千学期论文及出版的书籍和发表的文章的 数据库进行比对。如有匹配,即有可能是剽窃。
6. apathy adj. lack of interest 冷淡,无兴趣 E.g. 1) There is widespread apathy among electorate. 选民普遍反应冷淡。 2) He was sunk in apathy after his failure. 他失败后心灰意懒。

抓作弊者不应是“一个‘让其见光,令 其丢丑’这样的过程,而应是教育过程” 。
3. It‟s not your conventional take on cheating
此句中的take是名词,表达 “反应”之义。 E.g. 1) You should have been there to see her take as I announced myself. 你真该在场看一看我告诉她我是谁时她的反应。 2) an old man with a slow take 反应迟钝的老人
5. take one‟s side 站在某人一边
E.g. 1) Whatever happens, I will take your side. 不管发生了什么,我都站在你这边。 2) I am impartial and won’t take anyone’s side. 我很公正,不会站在任何人一边。
4. quit v. to give up 离职,放弃 E.g. 1) I’ve quit working. 我辞职不干了。 2) I’ve quit my job. 我把工作给辞了。
5. routine adj. regular 惯常的;例行的 E.g. 1) It’s just a routine check-up, nothing to get worried about. 这只是例行检查,不必担心。 2) He died of a heart attack during a routine operation. 他在一次普通手术中死于心脏病突发。
9. abhor vt. to hate very much 憎恶,讨厌
E.g. 1) I abhor lying. 我憎恨说谎。 2) I abhor cruelty to animals. 我憎恨虐待动物。
10. hen-pecked adj. continually nagged by one‟s wife 惧内的,妻管严的 E.g. 1) He is a hen-pecked husband. 他是个怕老婆的男人。 2) They are hen-pecked by a serious teacher. 他们处于一位严肃老师的严格管束之下。
That’s Outrageous
About the Topic
Cheating or plagiarism is not a new phenomenon to us all. In such an age of information explosion, what we do need to take some time to familiarize ourselves with are the various new forms of plagiarism occurring with the development of the Internet and the corresponding anti-plagiarism technology to counter them. The due blame and penalty, of course, lie on the plagiarists. But this seems not the entire story. Are teachers tolerant of such behaviors not to blame? And, moreover, isn’t it a right for plagiarists to choose plagiarism?
2. deprive…of 剥夺 E.g. 1) He was imprisoned and deprived of his basic rights. 他被监禁了,基本权利被剥夺。 2) She lived a simple life and deprived herself of basic pleasure. 她生活简朴,就连基本的娱乐也不让自己享受一 下。
6. turn in 上交 E.g. 1) You must turn in your gun when you leave the army. 离开部队时必须把枪交回。 2) You should have turned in your assignment in time. 你该按时交作业。

[3]不久,28个作弊者的家长向当地的地方教 育董事会投诉,不相信他们的孩子作了弊。 所有作弊学生的家长认为惩罚过重。地方教 育董事会持同样的看法:勒令佩尔顿给作弊 者一半的学分。作弊者大喜。第二天,佩尔 顿告诉堪萨斯城《星》报:“我到了班上给 这些孩子上课。但他们大喊大叫,说‘我们 再也不用听你的了。’” [4]没有了权威,佩尔顿做了她唯一能做的 事:立即辞去教职以示抗议。大多数老师没 有这样做。在许多中学和大学,学生作弊是 常规,老师漠然是准则。罗杰斯大学教授唐 纳德· 麦克凯比所做的系列研究发现,在多数 的校园里,百分之七十的学生作弊。为何不 作弊?根据麦克凯比的研究,1999年对21所

1. There are far more plagiarists on campus than there are Christine Peltons.
此句中的than为连词,后可接词、短语或句子。 E.g. 1) Don’t tell them any more than they need to know. 告诉他们的不要太多,不要超出他们应知道的范围。 2 ) Nothing is more unpleasant than to find insects in your bath. 没有比在浴缸中发现小虫子更令人不快的事情了。
1. identical adj. similar or the same 相同的
E.g. 1) Your voice is identical to hers. 你的嗓音同她的一模一样。 2) The two pictures are similar, though not identical. 这两幅画很相似,尽管不完全相同。
1. There are far more plagiarists on campus than there are Christine Peltons.
译 文
校园里作弊的学生太多,而像克里 斯汀这样负责任的老师太少。
2. Catching cheaters shouldn‟t be “a „hang‟ em out to dry‟ process, but rather an educational one”.
1. come up with 想出,提出
E.g. 1)She came up with a new idea for increasing sales. 她想到了增加销售额的新办法。 2)Have you come up with a solution to the problem? 你想出解决问题的办法了吗?
8. pedagogy n. practice of teaching or study of teaching methods 教学法 E.g. 1) Language pedagogy 语言教学法 2) It is not the students who are wrong, it is the pedagogy. 学生没问题,是教学方法出了问题。
3. thrill v. to have a sudden strong feeling of excitement 激动,兴奋
E.g. 1) We were thrilled to hear about your new job. 听到你得到了新职位,我们非常高兴。 2) What a thrilling game! 多么激动人心的比赛啊!
3. feel obliged to 觉得必须要做
E.g. 1) She felt obliged to leave after the quarrel. 争吵后她觉得有必要离开。 2) I felt obliged to ask them to dinner. 我觉得该请他们吃顿饭。
4. prohibit…from 禁止 E.g. 1) In China, policemen are prohibited from drinking during working hour. 在中国,警察禁止工作时间饮酒。 2) The price prohibited us from buying it. 价钱太高,我们买不起。
3. It‟s not your conventional take on cheating.
译 文
真是太猖狂了 [1]这是一个十年级学生的梦想:被老师抓到作弊, 而家长站在他那边。这个梦想去年十二月在堪萨斯 州派珀尔市的派珀尔中学的一群二年级学生身上应 验了。当时,老师克里斯汀· 佩尔顿给学生安排了持 续一个学期的生物学课题。学生上交论文时,佩尔 顿发现几乎有四分之一的学生——118人中的28人 ——作弊了。不但作了弊,而且作弊的手法很拙劣 。根据佩尔顿的说法,论文整部分整部分的雷同, 是从同一网址抄袭来的。 [2]此前就作弊及其后果她已警告过他们。28个违规 者作业得了零分,此门课成绩为不及格。但惩罚只 持续很短的时间。
7. enlighten vt. to cause to understand deeply and clearly 启蒙;启发
E.g. 1) Peter thought the world was flat until I enlightened him. 我开导以后彼得才认为地球是扁的。 2) She didn’t enlighten him about her background. 她没有向他讲明家庭背景。