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Q1:Give an elaborate account of the evolution of the models of the spoken language structure

KEY: Model 1: language

Form meaning

1)Language is divided into form and meaning.

In the 19th century or earlier, pay greater attention to form, in the late 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, there is a sharp change in focus- meaning oriented.

2)Form is a channel, meaning is expressed, and meaning obviously refers to the thoughts, ideas

that one intend to express.

3)At the earliest period of language study, people deemed form it meaning the most important

things to study.

Model 2: language

pronunciation grammar meaning

(phonology) (syntax) (semantics)

The structure of sentences

Pronunciation: sound image, certainly sounds combine in some different ways.

Grammar: structure of sentences, is always rule- governed by grammatical rules. E.g. A drunken man can say without making grammatical mistakes.

Meaning: ideas, information, messages.

Model 3



medium of transmission grammar meaning(semantics)

Phonetics phonology morphology syntax lexicon discourse

In first level

One end is structure, the other use, and in the middle pragmatics.

Put structure into actual use (daily social activities) you should play the game by the rules (pragmatical rules) not just grammatical correction, but pragmatical perfection.

Meaning intended---- what you want to say

Meaning realized---- what you actually say. If meaning realized matches meaning intended, you succeed in expressing your meaning.

The present model shows the complexity of the language. We can see from the model how many different levels can be set up to explain the way the spoken language structure is organized.

Q2:Define the following terms-terms of all branches of language

1.Pragmatics: is the study of the factors which influence a person‟s choice of language or the

study of meaning in context.

2.phonetics is the science of speech sounds (including vowels, consonants, semi-vowels), esp.

their production, transmission and reception productive sounds manner of articulation, places of articulation

3.phonology is the study of the sound system of language.

Phonetics studies individual sounds while phonology examines the sound system and the interrelationship between sounds. /m/ bilabial, nasal-> nasalization (assimilation) ambiguous, ambiguity

E.g. Flying plane can play dangers

4.morphology: the study of word structure, esp. in terms of morphemes.

A morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit in a language which can‟t be further divided

without losing meaning.

5. syntax: the study of sentence structure

6. semantics: the study of linguistics meaning

7. lexicon: the vocabulary of a language, esp. in dictionary form.

Lexicology: the study of lexicon of a language

8. discourse: a continuous stretch of language(esp. spoken language) larger than a sentence.

9. comparative philology also named as historical and comparative linguistics, comparative

and historical linguistics.通过比较一种语言的前期形式和后期形式,也通过比较不同的语音,现已查明某些语言是有亲属关系的,例如印欧语系中有梵语、希腊语、拉丁语。

王宗炎:the aim of the study is to find out the genetic relationships between them. The 19century comparative philology focuses on written records and showed great Internet in historical analysis and interpretation.

10. structuralism:an approach that analyses a language or any human institution r behavior into

a set of structures.

11. structural linguistic s: the study of a language system of a formal patterning rather than of

the meaning patterns convey. In other words, structural linguistics pays more attention to the form than to the meaning or they give priority to the study of forms/structure.

12. structural semantics: the study of the sense/meaning relations between words as identified

by synonyms, near-synonyms, hyponyms, etc.

13. behaviorism: the study of observable and measurable behavior. Here of linguistics, it refers

to stimulus-response made by the participants in speech situations.

14. lexical item: any single word, phrase or expression used in a language.

15. pragmatic failure: It means saying sth that you didn‟t want to say;the big gap between the

meaning intended and the meaning realized.

16. Tone: pitch variations caused by the differing rates of vibration of the vocal cords.

Or contrastive pitch of syllables in languages where two words may be identical except for such difference in pitch.

17. Intonation: the rise and fall of the voice in speaking, esp. as this affects the meaning of what

is being said.

18. dialect: special forms and features peculiar to region.

19. realism/naturalism: a view(dating from ancient Greek philosophy) that there is a close

natural connection between words and things.

20. nominalism/conventionalism: the view that there is a relationship of arbitrariness between

words and things.

21. empirical study: sth based on direct observation and scientific experiments and future
